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Body systems flip book merged document

Published by hunter.anderson.906, 2016-11-01 10:22:29

Description: Body Systems Flip Book


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Hunter AndersonFunction-​ The overall functions of the integumentary system are, protection fromultraviolet rays and pathogens, sensory perception such as pain, temperature andtouch, regulation of body temp, storage of fats, sugars, water, vitamins and salt,absorption of medications, excretion of alt, excess water and heat, and the production ofvitamins.Key terms-derm/o, dermat/o- skinkerat/o- horny tissuexer/o- dryxanth/o- yellowerythr/o- redpedicu/o- louseonych/o- fingernail, toenailmcy/o- funguspil/o- hairlip/o- fatrhytid/o- wrinklealbin/o- whiteVocabulary-Sweat glands-​ help regulate body temperature and content by secreting sweatsTactile-​ pertaining to touchPerception-​ ability to recognize sensory stimulusHeparin-​ released in response to injuryCuticle​- narrow band of epidermis attached to surface of the nail just in front of the rootCellulite-​ deposit of fatMast cells​- found in connective tissue of dermis, respond to inquiry or infectionNail bed​- joins nail body to the underlying connective tissue, nourishes nailHair follicle​- sacs that hold root of hair fibersPlaque​- solid, raised area of skin that is different from area around it and greater than .5cm in diameter

Diseases-Vulgaris​- is an inflammation of the sebaceous glandsVerrucae- warts caused caused by a viral infectionDermatitis​- is an inflammation of the skin caused by an irritantEczema-​ is a noncontagious inflammatory skin conditionAthlete's foot-​ is a contagious fungal infectionRingworm​- highly contagious fungal infection of the skin or scalpHealth Careers-Dermatologist​- treats skin disorders such as cancer, acne, or moles. The science isconcerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, hair and nails.Cosmetologists-​ work in the health and beauty field, taking care (maintaining the health)of skin,hair and nails.

Hunter AndersonFunction- ​Supports the body structure, movement, and protection of vital organs. Madeup of skeleton, muscles, cartilage, tendons, joints, and connective tissue to keep bodytissue and organs together. All allow the body to function everyday.key terms-my/o- musclemyel/o- spinal cord, bone marrowoste/o- bonecost/o- ribcrani/o- skull-pexy- fixation, usually surgicalchondr/o- cartilagearthr/o- joint-plegia- paralysiskinesi/o- motion, movementVocabulary-Suture-​ jagged line where bones join and form a jointProcess- normal projection on the surface of a bone for attaching muscles and tendonsForamen-​ opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments passDistal epiphysi​s- the end of the bone that is located farthest away from the midline ofbodyProximal epiphysis-​ end of the bone located nearest the midline of bodyInvoluntary muscles​- smooth muscles, under control of autonomic nervous system anddo tasks by themselvesAdductor-​ muscle that moves a part toward the midlineFlexor-​ muscle is a muscle that bends a limb at a jointAbductor​- muscle is a muscle that moves a part away from midlinePectoralis major​- important muscle of chestRotation-​ circular movement around an axisExtensor​- muscle that straightens a limb at a jointElevation-​ act of raising or lifting a body part, (ribs raising when breathing in)

Diseases-Rheumatism​- A condition found in disorders characterized by inflammation,degeneration or metabolic derangement of the connective tissue, soreness, jointpain, and stiffness of muscles.Osteoarthritis​- A chronic disease that primarily involves the weight bearing joints.OA causes a degeneration of articular cartilage. Subsequent deformity andthickening of subchondral bone occurs with an outcome of impaired functionalstatus. Mainly men are affected.Rheumatoid Arthritis-​ A systemic autoimmune disorder. The disease presents with achronic inflammatory reaction in the synovial tissues of a join that results in erosionof cartilage and supporting structures within the capsule. Women are affected 3xmore than men.Myositis Ossificans-​ A condition of heterotopic bone formation that occurs three tofour weeks after a contusion or trauma within the soft tissue.Health Careers-Chiropractor- T​ reat the pain and problems linked to the muscular and nervous system.These doctors use manipulations concentrated along the spinal, and vertebral column.The practice of alleviating stress affected by tension in muscles and areas around thebody.Physical Therapist- ​treats all ages of people that have difficulty moving the way youwere made to. Therapist help restore you to your full capacity of movement after astroke or accident. They also help get people back to performing simple tasks ineveryday life and help build your strength up back to normal, usually takes 2-6 weeks.

Hunter AndersonFunction- C​ oordinates and controls all of the bodily activities. Without the brain, thebody is functionless. Nervous system helps you respond to the environment you are inand what to do in certain eventsKey terms-neur/o- nerveencephal/o- brainmyel/o- spinal cord, bone marrowambu/o- walk-esthesia- nervous sensationmening/o- brain coveringpsych/o- mindconcuss/o- shaken togetherVocab-Tract- ​bundle or group of nerve fibers located within brain or spinal cordCentral nervous system-​ brain and spinal cordPeripheral nervous system-​ 12 pairs of cranial nerves; 31 pairs of spinal nervesAutonomic nervous system-​ peripheral nerves and ganglia on either side of spinal cordDendrites​- receive impulses and conduct to cell of bodyAxon​- conducts the impulse away from cellSynapse-​ space between two neurons or between and neuron and a receptor organWhite matter​- gives nerve fibers a white colorSubdural space​- below the dura membranePons​- means bridge, base of the brain, nerveMigraine headache-​ sudden, severe, sharp headacheDiseases-Alzheimer's disease-​ group of disorders associated with degenerative changes in thebrain structure that lead to characteristic symptoms including progressive memory loss,impaired cognition, and personality changesParkinson’s disease-​ chronic, slowly progressive, degenerative Central nervous systemdisorderEncephalocele​- tumor or hernia on base of skullTetanus-​ p​ rolonged contraction of skeletal muscle bers(spastic paralysis)

Autistic disorder-​ young children cannot develop normal social relationshipsHealth Careers-Anesthesiologist-​ administers medications to cause a loss of feeling during surgeryNeurologist​- diagnoses and treats diseases of the brain and nervous system, helpspeople with problems with their senses and usually people with terrible and frequentheadaches

Hunter AndersonFunction- ​The eyes and the ears are sensory receptor organs. The ears receive soundimpulses and transmit them to the brain. The inner ear helps maintain balance. Theeyes receive images and transmit them to the brain.Key terms-irid/o- iris-cusis- hearing-iopia- vision conditionot/o- eartympan/o- eardrum, middle of earopthalm/o- eye, vision-metry- process of measuringVocab-Lacrimal​- tear sacStrabismus​- both eyes can't move the sameLacrimal Canaliculi​- tear duct passage waysPupil-​ back opening in center of irisLens​- focus light onto retinaUvea-​ vascular layer of eyesRefraction​- the ability of the lens to bend the light rays to help them focusMyopia-​ nearsightednessHyperopia​- farsightednessCerumen-​ earwaxOval window-​ separates inner ear and middle earAuditory nerve​- homeostasis, transmits sound to brainDiseases-Anisocoria-​ pupils are unequal or not same sizeCorneal abrasion-​ scratch on corneaCorneal ulcer-​ an ulcer on the cornea that leaves a cloudy scar

Serous otitis media​- fluid behind eardrumVertigo-​ severe sense of dizzinessTinnitus-​ ringing of the earImpacted cerumen-​ clogged canalHealth careers-Optometrist​- Gives eye exams to people who have blurry vision and the diagnosis of theproblem, usually solved with prescription lenses.Otolaryngologist (ENT)​- diagnosis and manage diseases of the ears, nose, sinuses,larynx, mouth and throat. Most problems are treatable with medical attention for sometime, but some cases need the assistance of surgery to repair the issue.-metry

Hunter AndersonFunctions- t​ o circulate the blood throughout the body. The arteries carry blood awayfrom the heart to organs through oxygenated blood, while the veins carry blood back tothe heart by deoxygenated blood. The heart pumps blood around body by vessels.Key terms-cardi/o- heartangi/o- blood, lymph vesselshem/o, hemat/o- blood, relating to bloodBrady- slowTachy- fast, rapidthromb/o- clot-emia- blood, blood conditionleuk/o- Whiteerythr/o- redarteri/o- arteryVocabulary-Pericardium​- a sac filled with a fluid that prevents friction when heart beatsEpicardium- o​ uter layer of heartAtria- u​ pper chambers that receive and hold bloodVentricles- l​ ower chambers that pump blood outValves- ​the flow of blood through each area of the heart is controlled by the openingand shutting of valvesAtrioventricular node- l​ ocated at bottom of right atriumArterioles- b​ ranches of arteriesAorta- l​ argest artery in bodyThrombocytes- ​platelets used for clotting with sticky proteinsAnemia- ​blood condition having low levels of red blood cells

EKG- ​electrocardiogramDiseases-Atherosclerosis​- hardening and narrowing of coronary arteriesAngina pectoris​- severe chest painsMyocardial infarction​ (MI)- heart attackCarditis-​ inflammation of the heartMitral valve prolapse​- protrusion of the mitral valve does not allow it to close entirelyHeart murmur-​ sound the heart makes when backflow occurs in the heartHealth Careers-Cardiovascular technologist-​ assist with cardiac catheterization procedures andangioplasty (a procedure to remove blockages in blood vessels), monitors patientsduring open-heart surgery and the implantation of pacemakers, and perform tests tocheck circulation in blood vessels.Perfusionists- a​ lso called extracorporeal circulation technologists, are members ofopen-heart surgical teams and operate the heart-lung machines used in coronarybypass surgery.

Function-​ deliver oxygen to body, remove waste(CO2), help us talk. Breath in oxygen,exhale carbon dioxide.Key terms-bronch/o- bronchial tube, bronchuscyan/o- bluelaryng/o- larynx, throat-oxia- oxygenOxy- oxygenpleur/o- pleura, side of bodypneum/o- lung, airpulmon/o- lungthorac/ot- thorax: chesttrache/o- trachea, windpipeVocabulary-Nasal cavity-​ where air enters the bodySeptum​- wall of cartilage that separates the nostrilsMucus​- helps to moisten, warm, and filter airBronchi​- the lower, two divisions of the windpipe; inserts into lungAlveoli-​ Air sacs that are surrounded by capillaries to receive gasses like oxygenMediastinum​- referred to as space between lungsRespiration​- the exchange of gasses that are essential to lifeCilia​- thin hair inside nostrilsOlfactory receptors​- receptors for sense of smellLarynx​- voice box, contains vocal cords, which vibrate against one another to producesoundTrachea​- windpipe, where air passes into lungsDiseases-Asthma​- I​ nflammatory disease of the bronchial tubes due to hypersensitivity to foreignproteins (allergy) resulting in narrowing of airway as the result of bronchial constrictionBronchiectasis​- enlargement of bronchial airwayPneumonia​- inflammation of lungs where air sacs fill with pusPleuralgia-​ pain in the pleura or sideAsphyxiation-​ suffocation

Health Careers-Allergist- ​a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies.Also issues medical allergy shots that help prevent allergies in everyday life.Pulmonologist- P​ hysicians who practice in the medical specialty of pulmonology.Respiratory Therapist- Allied health professionals who perform pulmonary functiontests and administer respiratory therapy.

Hunter AndersonFunction- ​to intake and digest food, to absorb nutrients from food for the body. Toprepare and eliminate waste from body.Key terms-cholecyst/o- gallbladderenter/o- small intestinecol/o, colon/o- colonhepat/o- livergastr/o- stomachor/o- mouth, oral cavity-pepsia- digest, digestionchol/e- bile, gallproct/o- anus and rectumVocabulary-Hard palate-​ body anterior portion of roof of the mouthTongue​- very strong and flexible: aids in speech and moves food during chewing andswallowingCrown​- portion of tooth that is visibleEpiglottis​- prevents food and liquid from entering the respiratory system uponswallowingDentin-​ makes up the bulk of the toothGallbladder-​ located under the liver, stores bile for later usePancreas-​ synthesizes and secretes juices that aid digestionPylorus-​ narrow passage connecting the stomach with the small intestineEnzymes-​ responsible for chemical changes that break foods into simpler forms ofnutrients.Borborygmus-​ rumbling noiseFlatulence or flatus-​ gas out of bodyPeristalsis​- moves the food downwardDiseases-Herpes labialis​- cold sore/fever blisterBruxism-​ the grinding of teeth

Anorexia-​ lack or loss of appetite for foodObesity-​ excessive accumulation of fat in bodyHalitosis​- bad breathCirrhosis-​ overtime degrading liverHealth Careers-Dental Hygienist-​ works under supervision of a dentist to remove stains anddeposits from the teeth and expose and develop x-raysGastroenterologist-​ a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinaltractProctologist​- a doctor specializing in diseases of the rectum and anusDietitian- ​Professional trained to assess nutrition status and recommend appropriatediet therapy.

Hunter AndersonFunction- ​Maintain fluids by excretion and reabsorption, filter blood within the kidneys,and excrete waste through urine.Key terms--cele- hernia-lysis- breakdown, separation, loosening, destructioncyst/o- bladdernephr/o- kidneyren/o- kidney-uria- urination, condition of urine-pexy- fixation, to put in place-ectasis- dilation, wideningpyel/o- renal pelvisVocabulary-Glomerulus​- inside each nephron. A cluster of capillariesBowman's capsule-​ membrane that surrounds each glomerulus(capillary cluster)Renal artery and vein​- blood flows into kidney through renal artery and leaves throughthe renal pelvisUreter​- narrow tubes that carry urine from kidney to bladderBladder​- hollow muscular reservoir for urineUrea- ​major waste product from proteins in bloodUrethra-​ tube extending from bladder to the outside of the bodyCalculus​- abnormal mineral deposit in the bodyMeatus-​ external opening of the urethraPolyuria-​ large output of urineUrinary retention​- the inability to empty the bladderDiseases-Kidney failure-​ inability of the kidneys to function because too many nephrons havebeen damagedAnuria-​ stopping of urine formation by the kidneyEdema-​ excessive fluid in bloody tissue

Urethralgia​- burning sensation you feel when peeingNocturia​- excessive urination during the nightIncontinence-​ the inability to control excretory functionsHealth Careers-Urologist- ​Diagnose and treats diseases of the kidney, bladder, or urinary system.Nephrologist-​ physician who studies and deals with nephrology. Nephrology is the adultand pediatric study of the kidneys and its diseases. The nephrologist deals with thediagnosis and management of kidney disease. The kidneys are vital for maintainingnormal fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.Dialysis technicians​- responsible for operating the machines that physically removingwaste from body and fluids due to some sort of kidney disease, and monitoring thepatients undergoing treatment.

Hunter AndersonFunction- ​Male: produce millions of sperm and deliver them to unite with a single eggto create new life.Female: ovaries produce eggs to be fertilized by the sperm. The uterus provides theenvironment and developing child. When birth occurs, the breasts produce milk to feedthe child.Key terms-cervic/o- neck, cervix (neck of uterus)salping/o- uterine (fallopian tube), auditory (eustachian) tubeov/o- egg, ovumorchid/o- testicles, testis, testesoophor/o- ovarymen/o- menstruation, mensesmamm/o- breastgynec/o- woman, femalecolp/o- vaginaprostat/o- prostate glandVocabulary-Scrotum-​ encloses, protects, and supports the testiclesVans deferens-​ leads from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct in the prostateProstate gland-​ lies under bladder and surrounds the upper end of of the urethra in theregion where vas deferens enters the urethraGlans penis​- soft sensitive region located at the tip of penisAnorchism​- congenital absence of one or both testiclesPerineum-​ region between scrotum and anusVasectomy-​ male sterilization procedure where portions of vas deferens are surgicallyremovedFollicle​- fluid filled sac containing a single orumHymen-​ membrane fold of tissue that partly or completely comes the external vaginalorificeMenarche-​ beginning of the menstrual function; begins at pubertyCervix-​ lower narrow portion that extend into the vagina

Menopause-​ normal stopping of monthly menstrual periodsDiseases-Phimosis-​ narrowing of opening of foreskin so it cannot be retracted to expose the glanspenisAnovulation​- failure to ovulate, menstruation may continue but ovulation does not occurOophoritis-​ inflammation of an ovaryPelvic inflammatory disease (PID)-​ inflammation of the female reproductive organs;frequently occur as a complication of STDs and can lead to infertility, tubal pregnancy orother serious disordersFibroid/ leiomyoma-​ benign tumor composed of muscle and fibrous tissue that occurs inthe wall of the uterusHealth Careers-Gynecologist-​ specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of thefemale reproductive systemObstetrician-​ ​ ​provides medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, andimmediately thereafter; specialty is referred to obstetricsUrologist-​ doctor of urinary system

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