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Home Explore 7th grade Body Systems flip book

7th grade Body Systems flip book

Published by hunter.anderson.906, 2016-11-06 19:31:18

Description: 7th grade Body Systems flip book


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Body Systemsof the Human Body

Integumentary SystemFunction- The overall functions of the integumentary system are, protection from harmful rays and viruses, and 5 sensesperception, such as pain. Also temperature and touch, regulation of body temperature, storage of fats, sugars, water, vitaminsand salt, absorption of medications, excretion of salt, excess water and heat, and the production of vitamins.Structures- Epidermis- gives the skin its color contrast and skin toneDermis- gives the skin flexibility and strengthSweat gland- controls body temperatureHair- protection from outside world, regulation of body temp., holds the evaporation of sweat, and senses for the bodyOil Gland- secretes oily, waxy substances called sebum. The sebum creates the “waterproof barrier”.Health Careers- Dermatologist- treats skin disorders such as cancer, acne, or moles. This profession is concerned with thediagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, hair and nails.Cosmetologists- work in the health and beauty field, taking care (maintaining the health) of skin,hair and nails.Common Diseases- Eczema- is a noncontagious inflammatory skin condition common in children, dries out skin and causessevere irritation.Athlete's foot- is a contagious fungal infection, most common to contract in a locker room because of its wet/ moistenvironment.

Musculoskeletal SystemFunction- Supports the body structure, movement, and protection of vital organs. Made up of skeleton, muscles, cartilage, tendons, joints, andconnective tissue to keep body tissue and organs together. All allow the body to function with ease and freely participate in daily activities.Structures- Bones- type of connective tissue and is one of hardest tissues in bodyCartilage- smooth rubbery white tissue; acts a shock absorber between bones and makes up flexible parts of the skeleton.Ligaments- group of fibrous tissues which connects bone to boneJoints- joins bones together in a way so that motion can occurBursae- acts as a cushion to ease movement in areas that are subject to frictionFascia- cover, support, and separate musclesTendons- attach muscles to bonesHealth Careers-Chiropractor- Treat the pain and problems linked to the muscular and nervous system. These doctors use manipulations concentrated alongthe spinal, and vertebral column. The practice of alleviating stress affected by tension in muscles and areas around the body.Physical Therapist- Treats all ages of people that have difficulty moving the way you were made to. Therapist help restore you to your fullcapacity of movement after a stroke or accident. They also help get people back to performing simple tasks in everyday life and help build yourstrength up back to normal, usually takes 2-6 weeks for complete recovery.Common Diseases- Scoliosis- abnormal lateral curvature of the spineHerniated disk- a rupture to the intervertebral disk that results in pressure of the spinal nerve roots

Nervous SystemFunction- Coordinates and controls all of the bodily activities. Without the brain, the body is functionless. Nervous systemhelps you respond to the environment you are in and what to do in certain eventsStructures- Central Nervous System- brain and spinal cordPeripheral Nervous System- 12 pairs of cranial nerves; 31 pairs of spinal nervesAutonomic Nervous System- peripheral nerves and ganglia on either side of spinal cordNerves- connect brain and spinal cord with other parts of bodyBrain- main functioning body of nervous system, allows you to do everything in daily activitiesHealth Careers- Anesthesiologist- administers medications to cause a loss of feeling during surgeryNeurologist- diagnoses and treats diseases of the brain and nervous system, helps people with problems with their sensesand usually people with terrible and frequent headachesCommon Diseases- Autistic disorder- young children cannot develop normal social relationshipsParkinson’s disease- chronic, slowly progressive, degenerative Central nervous system disorder

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Special SensesFunction- The eyes and the ears are sensory receptor organs. The ears receive sound impulses and transmit them to thebrain to allow you to make sense of the noises. The inner ear helps maintain balance. The eyes receive images andtransmit them to the brain for you to figure out the images being brought in front of you.Structures- Orbit- eye socket Eyelid- protects eye directly Pupil- back opening in center of iris Cornea- transparentportion that provides most of optical power Retina- converts light images into electrical impulses to brain Middle Ear-transmits sound waves to the inner ear Tympanic membrane- clear, vibrates Auditory nerve- homeostasis, transmitssound to brainHealth Careers- Optometrist- Gives eye exams to people who have blurry vision and the diagnosis of the problem, usuallysolved with prescription lenses.Otolaryngologist (ENT)- diagnosis and manage diseases of the ears, nose, sinuses, larynx, mouth and throat. Mostproblems are treatable with medical attention for some time, but some cases need the assistance of surgery to repair theissue.Common Diseases- Vertigo- severe sense of dizzinessAnisocoria- pupils are unequal or not same size

Cardiovascular SystemFunction- to circulate the blood throughout the body. The arteries carry blood away from the heart to organs throughoxygenated blood, while the veins carry blood back to the heart by deoxygenated blood. The heart pumps blood aroundbody by vessels.Structures- Heart- involuntary muscle that pumps blood to every part of bodyAtria- upper chambers that receive and hold blood Ventricles- lower chambers that pump blood out Arteries- take bloodaway from the heart to the muscles and organs Veins- takes blood back to heartHealth Careers- Cardiovascular technologist- assist with cardiac catheterization procedures and removal of blood fixation(a procedure to remove blockages in blood vessels), monitors patients during open-heart surgery and the implantation ofpacemakers, and perform tests to check circulation in blood vessels.Perfusionists- also called extracorporeal circulation technologists, are members of open-heart surgical teams and operatethe heart-lung machines used in coronary bypass surgery.Diseases- Heart murmur- sound the heart makes when backflow occurs in the heartMyocardial infarction (MI)- heart attack

Respiratory SystemFunction- deliver oxygen to body, remove waste(CO2), help us talk. Breath in oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide.Structures- Nose- where air enters the body Tonsils- protects the body from invading organisms Pharynx- throatLarynx- voice box Trachea- windpipe Alveoli- air sacs that are surrounded by capillaries to receive gasses like oxygenLungs- helps oxygen breathed in enter the red blood cells, they lungs also help the body get rid of CO2 gas as we breathout Diaphragm- muscle that make breathing possible, contracts and relaxesHealth Careers- Allergist- a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies. Also issuesmedical allergy shots that help prevent allergies in everyday life.Respiratory Therapist- Allied health professionals who perform pulmonary function tests and administer respiratory therapy.Diseases- Asthma- Inflammatory disease of the bronchial tubes due to hypersensitivity to foreign proteins (allergy) resultingin narrowing of airway as the result of bronchial constrictionBronchiectasis- enlargement of bronchial airway

Digestive SystemFunction- to intake and digest food, to absorb nutrients from food for the body. To prepare and eliminate waste from body.Structures- Gastrointestinal Tract- esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, rectum and anus. Oral Cavity- wherefood enters body and is chewed up Tongue- aids in speech and moving food during chewing and swallowing Stomach-hollow organ which contain enzymes that break down food into a substance capable of being absorbed into body Smallintestine- where nutrients from food are absorbed into the bloodstream, coiled up into a 20 foot lengthHealth Careers- Dental Hygienist- works under supervision of a dentist to remove stains and deposits from the teeth andexpose and develop x-raysDietitian- Professional trained to assess nutrition status and recommend appropriate diet therapy.Diseases- Herpes labialis- cold sore/fever blisterBruxism- the grinding of teethHalitosis- bad breath

Urinary SystemFunction- Maintain fluids by excretion and reabsorption, filter blood within the kidneys, and excrete waste through urine.Structures- Kidneys- filters blood to remove waste and excess water Ureter- narrow tubes that carry urine from kidney tobladder Urethra- tube extending from bladder to the outside of the body Bladder- hollow muscular reservoir for urineHealth Careers- Urologist- Diagnose and treats diseases of the kidney, bladder, or urinary system.Nephrologist- physician who studies and deals with nephrology. Nephrology is the adult and pediatric study of the kidneysand its diseases. The nephrologist deals with the diagnosis and management of kidney disease. The kidneys are vital formaintaining normal fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.Diseases- Kidney failure- inability of the kidneys to function because too many nephrons have been damagedNocturia- excessive urination during the nightUrethralgia- burning sensation you feel when peeing

Reproductive SystemFunction- Male: produce millions of sperm and deliver them to unite with a single egg to create new life.Female: ovaries produce eggs to be fertilized by the sperm. The uterus provides the environment and developing child.When birth occurs, the breasts produce milk to feed the child.Health Careers- Gynecologist- specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the female reproductivesystemObstetrician- provides medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and immediately thereafter; specialty is referredto obstetricsUrologist- doctor of urinary system

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