$1,050,000 YEAR $950,000 $850,000 $750,000 $650,000 $550,000 $450,000 $350,000 1234 2016 Annual Report
Care and concern at the heart of all we do Relationships mean everything Committed with our whole heartEverything with excellence and integrity One team, one heart, one mission
The year 2016 marks a significant milestone for Youth Home as David Napier - Chief Executive Ofϔicerwe celebrate our fiftieth anniversary. In addition our outpatientclinic, Behavioral Health Services of Arkansas, marks its twentieth Table of Contentsyear of service to the community. Neither of these milestonescould have been achieved without the thousands of supporters Mission, Vision, and Values 4over the years that have both shared and been willing to investin our mission. Without them we would not be here today. We Milestones 5are grateful for each of them. Live S gma Free 6We also recognize the significance of beginning our next fiftyyears. As we take a look back and simultaneously gaze into the Programs and Services 8future, we realize one of the most important things we can do isto help fight the stigma against mental illness. For too long those Economic Impact 12who struggle with mental illness have been viewed as lesserhuman beings. They are labeled with the illness they suffer rather Financial Report 12than being seen as people struggling with a disease that can behelped. Those who fight cancer are not cancer, they are people Events, Fundraising, andwith a disease. The same is true of those who are fighting mentalillness, they are people struggling with a disease. Until this Volunteers 13disparity is eliminated there will never be parity in health carefor those with behavioral health issues. Donors 14In these pages you’ll find some significant accomplishments fromthis past year. While we take pride in what we’ve done, I’m evenmore excited about the days to come. Our expandedprogramming will give us an opportunity to touch and help evenmore individuals from around our state while helping build asolid foundation for our agency. Thank you for your continuedinvolvement as we work to equip and empower those impactedby mental illness with the tools to find the path to their potentialand the confidence to follow it. Youth Home 2016 Annual Report | 3
The MISSION of Youth Home, Inc. is to equip and empower youth, adults, and families to become healthier, contribu ng members of the community by providing compassionate emo onal and behavioral care. Our VISION is to be recognized as a premier treatment and professional training center by offering an array of individual and specialized treatment programs led by an extraordinary team. We VALUE Compassion, Trust, Dedica on, Professionalism, and Teamwork4 | Youth Home 2016 Annual Report
2015 - 2016 Milestones Youth Home Clients helping with the planting of four raised garden boxes• Celebrated 50 years as an agency• Youth Home’s outpatient clinic, Behavioral Health Services of Arkansas, celebrated 20 years• Eggshibition celebrated 25 years• Youth Home Garden Project implemented for each client house on campus• Girls Circle® and Boys Council® programming began for clients• Cartwright Mentor Program was started with The CALL• RealCare Babies® were purchased with funding for Siebert Education Center• Received funding for new adventure low ropes course to be completed fall 2016Youth Home Team Members with new Art work from one of the art shows at RealCare Babies® the Art Connection. Clients received a total of 768 hours of various art classes. Youth Home 2016 Annual Report | 5
#LiveS gmaFree Mental Health Facts For the past 50 years, Youth Home has helped countless teens IN AMERICA and families throughout their struggles with emotional and behavioral problems. In honor of this milestone and to help Fact: 43.8 million adults experience mental illness in a given year. bring awareness to Mental Health Month during May, Youth Home is asking for your support. Join their cause and help them 1 in 5 adults in America experience a mental illness. end the stigma surrounding mental illness in the community and beyond. Nearly 1 in 25 (10 m) adults in America live with a serious mental illness. Of Arkansas’s approximately 2.9 million residents, close to 116,000 adults live with serious mental illness and about 31,000 One-half of all chronic mental illness begins by the age of 14; children live with serious mental health conditions. Too often, three-quarters by the age of 24. the stigma associated with mental illness prevents those in need from opening-up and seeking help. It’s time to break the Prevalence of Mental Illness by Diagnosis silence and open up. Help Youth Home cultivate a community that supports recovery 1.1% 2.6% 6.9% 18.1% and social inclusion, and reduces discrimination. Join the cause and help end the stigma, one conversation at a time. To follow 1 in 100 (2.4 m) 2.6% (6.1 m) 6.9% (16 m) 18.1% (42 m) along in the conversation surrounding mental illness stigma American adults American adults visit: American adults American adults live with live with www.Facebook.com/LiveStigmaFree schizophrenia.1 bipolar disorder.1 live with live with major depression.1 anxiety disorders.1 and use the hashtag #LiveStigmaFree. Treatment in America W hites6 | Youth Home 2016 Annual Report African 60% A me ricans H is p a nic Nearly 60% of adults with a A me ricans mental illness didn’t receive mental Asian health services in the previous year.4 Americans 50% African American & Hispanic Americans used mental health Nearly 50% of youth aged 8-15 didn’t services at about 1/2 the rate receive mental health services in the of whites in the past year and And Asian Americans at about previous year.1 1/3 the rate.1
Mental illness is Three out of four people with a mental illness report thatnothing to be ashamed of, they have experienced s gma. S gma is a mark of disgrace that sets a person apart. When a person is but s gma and bias labelled by their illness they are seen as part of a shame us all. stereotyped group. Nega ve a tudes create prejudice -Bill Clinton which leads to nega ve ac ons and discrimina on.5 Consequences ImpactWhat You Can Do 10.2 m 1st Approximately 10.2 m Remember, educa ng yourself about s gma could Mental Addiction adults have co-occuring Depression is the leading help save a life. Here are some ways you or some- Illness cause of disability worldwide, one you love can deal with s gma: mental health and addic on disorders.1 and is a major contributor • Get treatment to the global burden of • Don't let s gma create self-doubt and shame 26% disease.1 • Don't isolate yourself • Don't equate yourself with your illness Approximately 26% of -$193 b • Join a support group homeless adults staying • Get help at school Serious mental illness • Speak out against s gma in shelters live with costs America $193.2 serious mental illness.1 billion in lost earning 24% every year.3 Approximately 24% of 90% prisoners have “a recent history of a 90% of those who die by suicide have an mental health condi on”.2 underlying mental illness.1Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.3Ways to Get Help Talk with Connect with other Learn more about Visityour doctor individuals and families mental illness NAMI.org ww w.nami.org1 This document cites sta s cs provided by the Na onal Ins tute of Mental Health. www.nimh.nih.gov2 Sta s cs provided by the Department of Jus ce.3 American Journal of Psychiatry and U.S. Surgeon General’s Report, 1999.4 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra on.5 h p://www.mentalhealth.wa.gov.au/mental_illness_and_health/mh_s gma.aspx Youth Home 2016 Annual Report | 7
Campus Based ProgramsDay Treatment Cartwright HouseYouth Home’s Siebert Youth Home's Community Residen alEduca onal Center offers Treatment Program provides a homelikeday treatment services se ng on our Colonel Glenn campus foryear-round in the Charles adolescent girls in DCFS custody. PublicA. Frueauff wing for teens high school, community service, andwho live at home, yet need independent living skill developmentspecialized academic and allow pa ents to be ac ve members ofpsychiatric services. “The best part of the program was that it opened my eyes to life their community while receivingOur staff psychologist and helped me cope in a good way.” - Youth Home PaƟent excellent behavioral health care.performs educa onal andpsychological tes ng for Seibert students. All Seibert 81% 15Censusteachers are special educa on cer fied. The staff to Clients servedstudent ra o in the classroom is 1:5, which promotes aposi ve, safe, and successful learning environment forchildren who have previously never experiencedsuccess in school. 36 Summer Program Day Treatment Summer months can be challenging for families without the clients served structure and support of the school se ng. Youth Home’s summer program provides structured, therapeu c, and fun ac vi es including volunteering for other organiza ons to keep kids on track and families engaged. “I liked that I could open up FY 16 Sta s cs without ge ng in trouble.” 60 Clients Served -Youth Home PaƟent 640.47 Program Hours Provided8|
Intensive Psychiatric Residen al TreatmentYouth Home's intensive psychiatric residen al treatment facility specializes in the treatment of emo onally andbehaviorally troubled adolescents who require inpa ent therapy in a 24 hour care se ng. This 70 bed program providescompassionate and evidence-based care for adolescents and their families. Educa onal services are provided on campusat the Siebert Educa onal Center.Youth Home offers specialized services including treatment for Reac ve A achment Disorder (RAD) and the Safe Solu onsprogram for sexually reac ve behavior. The RAD track features mul -family group sessions and RAD specific treatmentapproaches. The Safe Solu ons track features specialized group sessions and safety planning for families.FY 16 Sta s cs 93% 185 Census 124 Admissions Clients served 6.4 Months – Average Length of Stay 93 Mobile assessments Youth Home’s intensive psychiatric residen al treatment services are located on our 52 acre campus in Pulaski County on Colonel Glenn Road. Youth Home 2016 Annual Report | 9
Off-Campus ProgramsBehavioral Health Services of Arkansas Behavioral Health Services of Arkansas, formerly Youth Home’s Family Therapy Services, has 20 years of emo onal and behavioral therapy experience. We are the only substance abuse program in Arkansas cer fied in The Seven Challenges®. We provide therapy for children, adolescents, families, adults, and seniors in a comfortable environ- ment. Our treatment focuses on a wide range of emo onal and behavioral issues and contemporary work, school, or family problems.FY 16 Sta s cs 731 The Seven Challenges® Program was introduced 405 Admissions Clients served to the public in May of 2015 at our outpa ent $373,514 Charity Care clinic, Behavioral Health Services of Arkansas. This evidence-based, comprehensive counseling program for youth and young adults focuses on BHSA Revenue problems related to drugs and alcohol to$1,700,000 mo vate decisions and commitments$1,600,000 to change. The program seeks$1,500,000 $1,508,604 to get underneath the use 29 of drugs and alcohol to iden fy, address and resolve past$1,400,000 and/or present issues that might have led to substance use Clients Served in the first place. It does so through journaling and individual,$1,300,000 group and family therapy.$1,200,000 $1,205,473$1,100,000 School-Based Therapy Services$1,000,000 School-based mental health services are designed to help children$900,000 $888,659 with behavioral, emo onal, and social problems that 133$800,000 2014 affect their academic performance. Clients Served 2015 2016 The program offers on-site therapists to students 79 and their families in local schools. Services are*Includes Outpatient, Seven Challenges® and School-Based Services provided in conjunc on with the approval of the Admissions local school district.10 | Youth Home 2016 Annual Report
BENTON CARROLL BOONE BAXTER FULTON RANDOLPH CLAY WASHINGTON434 MADISON NEWTON MARION IZARD SHARP GREENE Referrals SEARCY LAWRENCE CRAIGHEAD for on campus MISSISSIPPI 1,189 STONE programs Total clients served INDEPENDENCE in all programs 46 CRAWFORD FRANKLIN JOHNSON VAN BUREN CLEBURNE JACKSON POINSETT 1,900 CROSS CRITTENDEN Coun es Hours volunteered POPE ST. FRANCIS served by clients in all programs LEE SEBASTIAN LOGAN CONWAY WHITE WOODRUFF PHILLIPS FAULKNER YELL PERRY PRAIRIE SCOTT LONOKE PULASKI SALINE MONROE POLK MONTGOMERY GARLAND HOT SPRING GRANT JEFFERSON ARKANSAS DESHA PIKE CLARK DALLAS Admissions by County SEVIER HOWARD for All Programs LINCOLN LITTLE CLEVELAND 1-5 RIVER HEMPSTEAD NEVADA OUACHITA BRADLEY DREW 6-10 CALHOUN MILLER CHICOT 11-20 21 or More COLUMBIA UNION ASHLEY LAFAYETTEProgram Satisfaction 5 4.38 4.8 “Youth Home felt like a family4.5 4.27 and everyone really sincerely On-Campus Outpa ent cared. There was never a me I 4 Parent Client worried about my son.3.5 Awesome staff and care.” Sa sfac on Sa sfac on 3 - Youth Home parent2.5 Youth Home 2016 Annual Report | 11 21.5 10.5 0 On-campus Pa ent Sa sfac on
Economic Impact / Financials Financial Position $8,216,923 $2,907,030Youth Home has an annual budget of $12.4 million. We provide 6/30/2016 $2,186,699252 jobs and equip our team members with valuable training Assets $13,310,652and prepara on for the behavioral health field. Youth Home Youth Home Foundationsupports local businesses whenever possible and is proud to Restricted Assetshave a posi ve economic impact in our state. TOTAL ASSETS 252$1,263,048 Employees Total Liabilities $412,887 Paid to AR vendors 67% $8mil NET ASSETS $12,897,765for goods and services Compensa on of Youth Home Team Statement of Activity Members have a Bachelor’s 6/30/2016 Degree or higher Revenue$438,636 8,148 Contributions $369,520 Training hoursIn charity care provided completed Grants $66,000 to the community Services $11,619,851 Gain/Loss on Investments -$204,060 Other $258,135 “At Youth Home, I get to see a child and a family take a very Total $12,109,446 stressful situation, like a trauma, a major loss, something where there whole world is turned upside-down, and Expenses $12,632,661 through therapy, we’re able to put the pieces back together and help them reclaim their family.” Darren Reeves -Outpatient and Community Services Director12 | Youth Home 2016 Annual Report
Events, Fundraising, and Volunteers SPECIAL EVENTS Donors provided “I worked for many Volunteers and board school supplies for years as a deputy members make gyros Casino Night & Texas the kids in residential prosecu ng a orney for the 32nd annual Hold’em Tournament and day treatment. and saw with great Greek Food Festival. frequency kids who Back to School Steak & Volunteers had slipped through Eggs Breakfast helped build the cracks and found raised garden themselves in the The BancorpSouth beds for the criminal jus ceInsurance Services Charity kids of Youth system many of them Home. facing long prison Golf Classic terms. The first me I visited Youth Home, I realized that here was a place that could The Next Course actually save some of those kids by offering them a safe place to get back on the right Dove Tree Campaign track and learn how important it is to have Christmas Celebrity respect for yourself and others. I Karaoke immediately knew I would become invested 25th Anniversary of in this great organiza on. ” EggshibiƟon - Melody Piazza, The Greek Food FesƟval Youth Home Board Member & EggshibiƟon 2016Volunteer Interac ons In-Kind Dona ons 10252200 Donors in 2,136 $100,000 $99,951 FY2016 Keller Williams employees again volunteered for 423 campus beautiϔication on their “Red Day”.2000 $95,000 $94,854 New Donors in FY2016 To make an impact, donations1800 1,621 $90,000 can be made by cash, check,1600 1,419 credit card - in person, over1400 $85,000 the phone, or online. Visit1200 $80,000 $77,181 www.YouthHome.org1000 $75,000 $75,315 for more information.800 708 $70,000600 510 $65,000400 406 $60,000200 $55,0000 NUMBER OF TOTAL HOURS $50,000 VOLUNTEERS 2015 2016 2013 2014 2015 2016 2014 Youth Home 2016 Annual Report | 13
Donors 2016 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2015 - June 31, 2016)Community Partners Corporate Donors Drive Clean Carwash Operations PDC Companies US Bank Beth Petlak Melanie Baden Steve Downey Robert Johns Jill and John Johnson103.7 The BUZZ Arkansas Community Foundation Dugan's Pub Petit Jean Meats Verizon Chester Phillips Kristi Bailey Pam Dunaway and Jim Rasco Ceasar Johnson Stephanie JonassonAlice 107.7 Arkansas Farm Bureau Edward Jones Investments Petro Plus, LLC Walters & Mason Retail, Inc Melody and Chris Piazza Joan, Claire and John Baker Tiffany and Robert Edwards Tom Jones Lou JoyceAnnunciation Greek Orthodox Arkansas Federal Credit EGP, PLLC. Pippen Foundation Watts, Donovan & Tilley, P.A. Martha and Carl Rosenbaum Kerry and Clay Baldwin Susan Elder Chris Kane Rebecca and Tom KaneChurch Union Estate of Cynthia L. Bost Portilla Living Trust White Water Tavern Sonny Royce George and Connie Balogh Phillip and Karen Ellis Laura Kehler-Shue David Kelley and BrockArkansas BlueCross BlueShield Arkansas Festival Ballet Fast Enterprises Pro-Kids Therapy Whole Hog Cafe Dorothy and Richard Toll Emily Barnett Jane English StromanArkansas Casino Games Arkansas' Flag and Banner First Security Bank Pulaski County Prosecuting Wilkes & McHugh, P.A. Stacy Wilson Michael, Suzie and Sydney Barns Carla and Joseph Farmer Beckie Kennedy Lisa and Robert KennedyArkansas Democrat-Gazette Arkansas Game and Fish Fleet Feet Sports / Easy Runner Attorney Willy D's Piano Bar Evelyn and Porter Barron Corey Farris Jacqueline and John King Kyle KleinArkansas Ostomy Inc. Commission Forked Up Art, LLC. Quality Trucking Wilson Engstrom Corum-Coulter Advocates ($500-$999) Thomas Bartole Emily Ferrill Lauren Krigbaum Andrew KumpurisArkansas Times Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum Forty Two Rasco Winter Abston Moore Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP Star and Richard Akel Ian Beard Karen and Jerold Fetzer Volkan Kurtbogan Robbie and ChristopherBancorpSouth Insurance Arkansas Psychiatric Services PLLC Game Goblins and Associates, LLP YaYa's Euro Bistro Julie and Wally Allen Jennifer Beck Linda and Dickson Flake LagroneServices Arkansas Sheriff's Youth Ranch Geyer Springs United Methodist RE/MAX YourCause, LLC Elizabeth and James Anderson Becca and Ken Bennett Dewey and Cheri Fore Grant Laisure Janet LambBar Louie Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Women Rebecca Rice Insurance Company Individual Donors Amber and Alan Bagley Vada Berger and Robert Dudley Tina Fouse Anita and Tim LaMonica Regions Insurance Sara and Jim Batcheller Bobette LeggettBen E. Keith Foods Art Threads Hanover Insurance Company Laurie Berry Dorothy and Frank Funk Kim and Mark Leverett Sandra LevyButcher Shop Prime Steak AT&T Pioneers Hatley Family Dentistry Rich Smith Companies Stakeholders ($5,000+) Tracy and Wallace Caldwell Barbi and Larry Betz Jill and Stephen Fussell Mary Jane and MichaelHouse Ava Bella Spa Healthcare Pharmacy Robert C. and Anne A. Hickman Jandie and Ken Estes Mark Cambiano Brenda and Curtis Blankinship Pam and Jay Gadberry Long Dawn and Nicki LovellRebecca carey Bank of Little Rock Hillcrest Artisan Meats Foundation Frank Fletcher Kathy and Spence Churchill Charles Bolin Charlotte and Jim Gadberry Brenda and Bobby Lynn Mara and Mark MalcolmCentennial Bank Barbara Jean Ltd. Horace Mann Arts and Sciences Ross Family Revocable Trust Barbara Graves and Barry McDaniel Julie Dilworth Lisa and John Boone Liz and Chris Garbett Clark Manasco Anne and Michael MancinoCentral Arkansas Chapter Harley Bella Vita Jewelry & Gifts Magnet Middle School Schickel's Cleaners Bonnie and Ed Harvey Edna and Fred Edick Karen Bosher Jerry Garrett Angela and Brian Mann Erin and Jeff MarcussenOwners Association Belle & Blush Horseshoe Canyon Ranch Sei Bella Med Spa Helen Porter Mark Fortenbery Marvin Boyd Molly and Ken Gathright Susannah and WilksCITGO Big Rock Yoga Hugo's Smith Capital Management Margaret and Charles Robbins Anne Foster Kirk Bradshaw Shelley and Brooks Gentry Marshall Joann and Garth MartinCranford Co. BKD, LLP - CPAs & Advisors Individual and Family Counseling Southwest Airlines Company Kandi and Lance West Barbara and Howard Hawes Christin and Jarod Bridges Julie Gerush Melanie Martin Becky and Steve MasonCross, Gunter, Witherspoon Blackmon Auctions Interstate Tire Southwest Power Pool Ashley and Chris Haynes Cheryl Brooks H. Martin Gipson Shay Matthews John and Sam Mauldin& Galchus, P.C. Blue & You Foundation Arkansas John and Robyn Horn Stilo Salon Sustainer ($2,500-$4,999) Katherine and Michael Hogye Kim and Jeff Brown Jennifer and George Goree Philip Mayeux Stone's Throw Brewery Diana and Mike Howard John and Penny Burkhalter Rhonda and Rusty Gosvener Cindi and Patrick McCroryDon’s Restaurant Supply Blue Canoe Holding Foundation, Inc. Summit Consulting LLC Christie and Steve Bardwell Janie and Mike Kelley Judy Burns Richard Gottschalk John McGrail Sunshine Acres Ranch Beth and Mike Coulson Whit Knapple Wade Burnside Paula Graham Kristen and JonathonElliott Charitable Foundation Boulevard Wine & Spirits Journey's Sunday School Class T K Nails Jeff Freeman Judy and Tad Krug Beth Butler Paulette Graham Tanglewood Drugstore Chad Rodgers and Eric McDaniel Mara and Mark Malcolm Diana and Rocky Byrne Priscilla Green McGrewEntergy Briggs Equipment KARK-TV4 Terry's Finer Foods Michael Moore and Mark Rowe Shelly and Chase Maroney Mary Calhoun Joe Greesan Clint McGue The Benedicts Michael Reichert Susan and Kenneth Martin Sybil Carroll Rita and Wayne Gruber Donald McHanFamily Leisure, Inc. Buffalo Outdoor Center Knapp, Craig, & Rugg, P.A. The Benevity Community Impact Kenny Thrasher Sara and Brendan Monaghan Dawne and Brian Carroll Jesse Hallmon Maxine McIntosh Pat and Lynn Wright John Morton Jamie and Blake Carter Harry and Tifany Hamlin Marty McNallyFox 16 Cache Landers Harley-Davidson Fund Chris and Anna Zink Donnette and David Napier Erin and Casey Cathey William Harrison Barbara Miles and Hank The Capital HotelGlazer’s Distributers of Arkansas Cajun's Wharf Legacy Capital Group, Arkansas Bates Phoebe MillerInviting Arkansas Cameron Levy Baptist Women on Mission Joanne and Thomas Miller Bernard MorganKATV 7 Capital Properties, LLC Little Rock Climbing Center Sonya and Mark Murphy John Doyle NalleyKeller Williams Realty CBM Construction Little Rock Racquet ClubKKPT 94.1 CDI Contractors, Inc. Little Rock Regional ChamberKnaack Real Estate Inc. Cecil's Fine Jewelry of Commerce The Drug Store Partner ($1,000-$2,499) Mary Catherine Person Robbi Chambers Michael HarrisonKraftco Building Supply, Inc. Chris Automotive Repair Svc. Little Rock Zoo The First Tee of Central Arkansas Barbi and Larry Betz Kenneth Roberts Selma Chandler Jay HartmanKroger Christian Women's Fellowship Little, Shaneyfelt, Marshall & Co. The Good Earth Garden Center Paige and Brian Bratcher Carol Smelley Thomas and Dawn Chastant Stan HastingsKTHV 11 Clarence E. Anthony Charitable Lost Forty Brewing The Health in Aging Institute Susan and Nick Brown Jo Smith Jill and Joe Childers Emily and Ryan HelmLittle Rock Soiree Trust Malvern National Bank The James Law Firm Doug and Kathy Cahill Angela Smith Jean and John Churchill Mike HennesseyNext Level Events, Inc. Clark Contractors, L.L.C. Marion and Miriam Rose Trust The National Christian Foundation Janet Cathey Robert Stephens Roberta Clark Wayne HerbertNorthrop Grumman ClearPointe Technology Group Massage Envy The P. Gregory Banks Trust Chrissy and Jeremy Chatham Mary Ross Taylor Ashley Coleman Nancy and David HicksOrthotics at Home, Inc. Clown with Attitude McMath Woods P.A. The Philip R. Jonsson Foundation Nancy and Bob Childress Ellis Walton Ann Cooper Martha and Larry HiettQualChoice of Arkansas Cobb and Suskie, LTD Meadors, Adams & Lee The Root Café Derek Clifton Julie and Darin Wewers Teresa and Dan Copley Beverly HillRegions Bank Community Bakery Meredith Melody Photography The Roy & Christine Sturgis Kelly and Robert DeStefano Jennifer and Shawn Wheeler Debbie and Joe Craig Jennifer HobbsRemington Colleges COTHAM'S In The City Middleton Heat & Air Charitable & Educational Trust Peggy DuVall Mary Woodruff Hugh Crisp Ed HoffmanRiggs Benevolent Fund Coulson Oil Company Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates The Shot Clinic Beverly and Stephen Foti Kyle Crist Missy HolleySignal Media of Arkansas, Inc. Cousin Eddie's Chili & Woodyard, PLLC The Wonder Place Fred Harrison Good Neighbor ($100-$499) Sarah and Tim Cullen John HollmanSimmons First National Bank Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon Morgan Stanley - The Harper Third Street Merchants Carolyn Henslee Dorothy Aldridge Bryan Dabous Donnie HoltSouthwest Power Pool & Galchus, P.C. Group Timex Corporation Deanna and Jeff Hildebrand Mary Allen Mike Davis Julie and Michael HoneycuttThe Coulson Foundation Dances by Marie Murry's Dinner Playhouse Todd Mikael Smith Photography Christy and Stuart Jackson Brian Alley and Amanda Glover C. and George Davis Gayle and Markham HoweThe Voice Delta Nu Chapter of ESA Muskie Harris Rehabilitation Touchstone Physical Therapy Clinic David Jones Amanda and Jason Alley Suzann de Shazo-Waggoner Mike HughesTownship Builders, Inc. Diamond Bear Brewery Service Tropical Smoothie Cafe Peggy Kelly Julio Alvarez Amanda and Jonathan Dismang Jennifer HutchinsonTrammell Piazza Law Dillard's Nabholz Construction Tulips Jim and Mandy Knaack Karen and Mark Andersen Susan and Michael Dobbs James HydenFirm, P.L.L.C. Dixie Restaurants, Inc. Corporation Tupperware Phillis and Mickey Lavender Chuck and Ruth Anderson Suzanne Donlon Elizabeth IburgVCC Dizzy's Gypsy Bistro Natural Stone Concepts United Way of Greater Philadelphia Mary McDonnell Margie and Levi Ashcraft Ronnie Doss Kristi and Raymond ImbroVestcom Doug Reynolds Suzuki of Nicholson Agency and Southern New Jersey Johna and Patrick McNally Shannon and David Aston Andrea Doss Victor Jacuzzi Little Rock Niswanger Law Firm PLC University of Arkansas for Medical Donnette and David Napier Bridget and Allen Atkins Jerry Stevenson and Steve Angela and Larry Jegley Downstream Casino Resort O'Looney's Wine and Liquor Sciences UAMS Kathy and Steve Nicholson Kristen and Brent Baber Douglas Tim Jernigan
Jaclyn Napier Sean Smith Timo Anderson Phillip Daniel Leslie Godwin Cheryl Kirk Carl Murray Jeff Rooker Jordan TylerEvan Newbolt Shannon and Kent Smith Dena Andrews Giessmann Jeff Darling Liza Godwin Cindy and David Kolb Caitlin Naile Josh Ross Kimberly and HughLeigh Ann Newton Rita and Gary Speas Matt Darling Katie Gordon Nick Kresey Evelyn Ndege Hope RucksMary Ann and Michael Melanie and Paul Stapleton and John Giessmann Brianna Davis Erin and Adam Goyne Jalisa Larry Nancy Neel Dana and Rodger Rusher VanBrimer Alice Stewart Gay Anthony Debora Davis Larry Graddy Bobby Legends Leesa Oaks Katie Russell Dawne Vandiver Newton Sheila Stockstill Janet Armstrong Edna Davis Jason Grayham Stephen Lemley Susana O'Daniel Rosa Ruvalcaba Serna Kelli Vang and Tim SleddJamie and Mike Newton Stephen Stockstill Darlene Bagley Faye Davis Amber and Nicholas Greb Peggy Lewandowsk Michael Odem Erika Ryder Christopher and RobynSusan Nichols Michael Storey Ellen and James Bailey Gary Davis Tony Green Olivia Lieblong Lisa Oexman Bryan SalernoJune and William Noell Jennie Stortroen Darrick Ball Mary Dawes Michael Greenwood Michael Linn Nathan Olson Sydney Sample VanoverDan Oberste Connie and Shane Straw Terry and Earl Ball Don Deaton Ann and Daly Greiman Juan Loaiza Tamara O'Neal Lauren and Matt Satterfield Emre and Zeynep VuralJacque Olsin Joe Stricklin David Barnes Terri and Rex Deloney Brenda Griffin Lindsey and Rick Lorence Adam Overton Carol Schafer Erin WalkerMartha and Ron Owens Mica Strother and Greg Hale Tim Barnes Nicole and Jeffery DeWitt Danny Griffith Nikki Loring Margaret Overton Karla Scott Joseph WalkerJennifer Owens Rosemary and David Studer Craig Barnette Nancy Dickens Kent Griffiths Stephen Lynn Margaret and Myles Overton Kayla Scott Kelsie WalkerMildred Paden Claude Sutton Vance Baronowski Genelda Dickerson Kiara Gulley Lynda Mace Alicen and Timothy Paladino Shannon Scroggins Kent WalkerZachary Lewis and Nicole Clay Sutton Katie and James Battreal Shenna Diggins Jarrod Hale Kelley Mack Francheska Parker Stephanie Sharp Spencer Watson David Swindle Vikki and John Beatty Gloria Dixon Veletta and Thomas Hall Amy Mahan Nick Parker Kimberly Ann Shaw John Webber Paladino Julie Tabor LaTanya Bennett Ileana Dobbins Dax Haltom Ben Malone Louis Parsons Stephanie Sheets Ginny WebsterTerry and Pepper Paulson Viki and Warfield Teague Julie and Matthew Bittle Adam Dodd Angela Hamilton Chase Mangiapane Leigh Patterson Amber and Tarek Shehadeh Shynethia WhitleyBrad Peoples Sue and John Theus Lauren and Joel Blansett Kenneth Donald John Hamilton Louise Mangum Sebrina Patton Don and Joan Shipley Jennifer WigleyLinda and Travis Porter Jeff Tinsley Rose and James Bobo Dorothy and Glenn Downie Sherry Hamilton Scott and Tracy Maple Bradley Peterson Joey Simmons Joseph WildLeah and Cliff Porter Chris Turnage Cynthia and Raymond Edward Downie Janice and Tom Hanlon Tessa Maroney Hope Phillips Adam Simon Lisa Ann and William WileyKellie and Jeffery Powell Edwin Turney and Kristi Edwin Katherine Downie Jennifer and Jeff Harrison Alicia Martin Rick Phillips Mary and Larry Sims Christine WillemsPaul Pronia Matthew Twyford Bowden Nina DuBois Mary Harsh Justin Martin Alyssa Pickett Michael Sims Alecia WilliamsPayton Pronia Laura and Mark Tyler Barbara Brandon Cora Duffy Grace Hartmann Denise and Lance Martin Christi Pinkerton Leslie Sink BreYunna WilliamsWendy and Roger Quaid Jim Tyree Elizabeth and Joe Bresnahan Sheri and Garland Dunn M.S. and C.D. Harward Sarah Mashburn Clinton Pitman Julia and Matthew Sites Christopher WilliamsKara and Mark Rago Mallory Van Dover and Brian Deleisha Brown Jessica Dyer Barbara Haynes Megan Masone Katelyn Pohlkamp Kent Skiles Lucinda WilliamsDavid Reynolds Cato Jason Brown Dorothy and Larry Eagle Melissa Hendricks Brent Massengale Susan Polk Kelli Vang and Tim Sledd Monica and Jamie WilliamsAlyssa Rice Shelia and Larry Vaught Mary Brown Allyson Eason Molly and Mickey Cleve Mathews Curtis Poole and Stephanie Mo Sliger Margaret WillisKeith Richardson Joan Vickers Whitney Brown Nikki Edge Melody Maxey Morris Sliger Barbara WinchellCharles and Emily Richesin Marlene and Thomas Walker Jennifer and Keith Broyles Dee Edmonson Hennessey Sherri Maxey Schmitt Darryle Small Mary and James WohllebAdria Riley Gloria and Gary Ward Shari Bryan Gwendolyn and Eugene Caitlin Henthorne Shirley Maxwell Ann Portis Alex and Cody Smith Jimmy WomackDebbie and Gary Riordan Tasha and Violet Ward Beverly Buchanan Latoya Hicks Susan and Ronald May Jon and Leann Poteet Elizabeth Solano Paula WoodJ. and Catherine Roach Nancy and Field Wasson Kate and Mitchell Bueche Efird Karen Higgins Michael McClain Michael Proveaux Dara Solomon Jamia WoodardGail and Fred Roberson Ginny Watson Barry Bull Janie Elliott Heather High Veronica and Nick McClane Valerie Pruitt Cindy Sorrells Theresa Wrape-Lee andPat and Dean Roberts Kresha Webb Jason Bullock Tiffany and Daniel Epperson Shane and Lisa Hill Marsha McClung Britni Pugh Bob SpectorMary Ann and Thomas William and Carolyn Wellons Jeff Butterfield Jennifer and John Farley Kristen Hillard LaSandra McCollough Jonathon Pulliam Justin and Laurie Spencer Dennis Lee Gail Wells Mary Cancers Teresa Fears Shannon and Edward Hoey Sam McDonald Kareemah Rainey Margaret and Todd Srygley Kevin Wright Robinson Mike Welsh Joshua Carroll Jason Files Michael Hogue Nicholas McGrew LaShonta Ramey Garlene and Billy Steelman Tamra YearganLerinezo Robinson Linda West Brandy and Timothy Jason Finney Annette Holbert Todd McIntyre Brock Ratton Aaron Stewart Carol YoungMiki and Alan Rogers Teresa and John White Gabriel Fisher Dion Holladay Wesley McKinney Michael and Jessica Ray Stephanie and David Stiles Mary Carol YoungMelissa Ross Dale Wilcox Carroll Keith Flanigan Shana Hopper A.T. and Dean McMillin Donna Reahard Cheryl Stinchcomb Shelly and Mark ZellnerAngela Rouse Stephanie and Kevin Wilcox Amy and Mitchell Casavechia Elizabeth Floyd Ruthie Horton Kelley Melhorn Virgil Reed Rachel StonePrecious Rousseau Pratima and Scott Wilkins Mallory Van Dover and Brian Angela and Wesley Folds Beth and David Hume Kelley and David Metheny William Reinhart Veronica Stone-SmithLyndon Ruble Veronica Williams Alan Forst Molly and Kerry Ingram Shannon Mickens Laurie Ann Reynolds David StotelmyerRobin and Justin Rudkins Patti and Jim Womble Cato Christopher Foster Ashlee Jackson Joy Midman Paul and Wendy Reynolds Luke StovallRebecca and Bryan Rupar Robyn Wood Michael Chaffin Lindsey Frames Sherry Jaggers Phillilp and Rachelle Miller Tammy Rhyne Kelly StrackSonya Russ Gary and Gina Woodiel Hannah Chambers Joseph Franzetti Anton Janik Jo Anne and John Mills Jill Ricciardone Ashley and Dan StringerKaren and Bo Ryall Dean and Tina Worley Mollee Chappell Gayle and K. Freier Jason Johns Lena Minton Tracy and Jim Rice Lynn SudderthClint Saxton Bradley Charbonneau Brenda and John Fricano Brittany Johnson Anita and Robin Mitchell Mary Ellen Richards Becky SullivanLenore and Lou Schickel Friends($1-$99) Meg Chase Jacqueline and Cary Jamie Johnson Terina and Dusty Mitchell LaKenya Ridgell Darrell TaylorShaun Scott Marisa and Tyler Choate Julie Johnson Terina Mitchell Melissa and Jason Rinehart Andrew TeagueJustin and Krystal Scott Dedrick Adams Rebecca Clark Frizzell Karen Mille Johnson Geoffrey Mobarak Tanisha Roberson Matt and Anna TerAvestBetty and Irving Seager Maggie and Jacob Adams Dawn Marie and Jason Russ and Maria Furcron Laura and Jeff Johnson Patsy and Donald Mike Robey Karen and Philip ThomasMoe Shahriar Nicholas Adams Candace Garcia Ryan Jones Joshua Robinson Tiffany ThomasKaren and Mike Shepherd Susanna Aich Coggins Christy Garrett Jeaneau and Brad Julian Montgomery Kelvin Robinson Georgina TowardTerri and Creston Shrum Amanda and Jason Allen Moody Colin Owen Gazette Dee Justice Catherine Mooney Dorothy and Vernon Matt TravisAngela Shy Shannon Allen Laura Connor Elizabeth and Trent Gephardt Jeannette and Michael Jack Moore Donald and Donnita BellBeth Sigler Travis Allen Karen Cornwell Terri Gilbert Dominique Morehead RodgersMelissa Sims Betty Anderson Sheree Cox Bill Givens Keener Etoyle Mouser Charnetta Rogers TubbsBrad Sims Stephanie Cox Susan Glaze Bonnie Kelley Tonja RogersTherese Skinner Nicole and Charles Crone Pam Culwell Marcus Daily
YOUTH HOME, INC.BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 2015/2016Lance R. West PresidentValerie J. Pruitt Vice PresidentJeff L. Hildebrand TreasurerChris Haynes SecretarySam K. Alley* Youth Home, Inc.Elizabeth Anderson 20400 Colonel Glenn RoadChristie Bardwell* Little Rock, Arkansas 72210Kathy ChurchillBeth Gladden Coulson* Phone: 501.821.5500Ken Estes Toll Free: 1.800.728.6452Mandy KnaackTad Krug* Fax: 501.821.5580Mark S. Murphy www.YouthHome.orgMelody PiazzaCarl S. Rosenbaum* Behavioral Health Services of ArkansasJo Smith 10 Corporate Hill Drive, Ste. 330Mica Strother Little Rock, Arkansas 72205Laura H. Tyler Phone: 501.954.7470 Fax: 501.954.7420* Life Board Member www.BHSArkansas.org
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