Performing Teams Handbook 2022-23 A Guide for Students and Parents We are so excited that you are ready for Studio 56 COMPANY! Being in a performing company takes a lot of dedication and hard work. We will do our part in providing a positive atmosphere and the training needed to become the best dancer you can be, and we only ask that you bring with you a positive attitude. This is crucial to develop a deep devotion and strong commitment to dancing. STUDIO MOTTO “Where Everyone Shines” STUDIO 56 DANCE CENTER VALUES Family Confidence Exceed Expectations Honesty Excellence Community MISSION Our mission is to create talented dancers while simultaneously encouraging the development of important values and life skills, such as teamwork, dedication, responsibility, leadership, respect, and self-esteem. Table of Contents: 3 4 FOR THE PARENTS: “WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER” 6 FOR ALL PARENTS AND STUDENTS 7 STAYING INFORMED 8 TUITION AND OTHER EXPENSES 9 IMAGE AND ATTIRE 14 STUDIO POLICIES AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION 14 ADDITIONAL COMPANY ACTIVITIES 15 ADDITIONAL COMPANY INFORMATION AND ACTIVITIES 16 FALL, HOLIDAY, AND CONCERT 17 THE COMPETITION EXPERIENCE 18 THE CONVENTION and WORKSHOP EXPERIENCE HEALTHY SNACKS FOR DANCERS ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Studio addresses: West Murray @ 170 W Winchester St Murray UT 84107 East Murray @ 700 E 5600 S Murray UT 84107 Studio Phone Number: 801-261-3182 Studio email: (billing, scheduling, portal) (TAP Team, Specialty, Company Business) Website: Owner Amy Moore Owner email:
For Our Dancers Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Company Dancer Program. The first step to becoming a successful dancer is making a solid commitment to your team, classes, rehearsals, and performances. Strong technique is a key ingredient and class is where you develop that technique. Come to each class prepared to learn and without personal distractions. Class time is your chance to focus on yourself, so try to leave your concerns or worries at the studio door. True progress is made when you look at each class, rehearsal, or performance as an opportunity to become better at what you love to do. Dance full-out, stretch a little further, become more aware of your technique, and make the most of every class. Being a member of the company program is a privilege that dancers and their parents must appreciate and respect. Participation in the program is restricted to dancers who are ready to make achieving their personal best a priority. There will be times when classes, rehearsals, or performances will be scheduled when your non-dance friends or family may be headed to the mall or the movies. We encourage dancers to be as dedicated to their academic studies as they are to their dance training. If your participation in this program affects your grades or the expectations and goals set by your parents, we cannot allow you to continue in the program. Program Benefits Our program focuses on educating young people to strive for their personal best in anything they want to accomplish. We achieve our goals for the program by offering young people the chance to: • Gain a sense of balance in life by managing their commitments to both dance and academics; • Participate in a physical activity that enhances understanding of the value of a healthy body; • Develop a sense of confidence when speaking or making a presentation in a public setting, which is also a great benefit in college or job interviews; • Work with mentors who are focused on the student's success inside and outside of the classroom; • Enjoy friendships that could last a lifetime and a sense of belonging to an extended family of fellow dancers, teachers, and parents; • Discover the results of hard work and determination; and • Develop a lifelong appreciation for the performing arts. In addition, committing to the policies outlined in this handbook teaches our young people that there are boundaries that must be respected to succeed in the program. FOR THE PARENTS: “WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER” We believe that children’s success depends on the support of their parents or guardians. Because your commitment to the process makes an enormous difference, we encourage you to be a part of your child’s dance education. Our programs rely on a positive atmosphere and educational experience for our faculty and students and their parents. Cooperation between all parents is expected. Showing respect—for other parents, the students, and the faculty—makes an important impression on the children. You are a role model for your child about how to interact with others in a professional setting. Your child’s presence in all classes is imperative. The spirit of teamwork and the lesson of dedication is a big part of our school’s educational process. Your child’s presence in all classes is imperative. The spirit of teamwork and the lesson of dedication is a big part of our school’s educational process. Parents and teachers may look at a child’s learning from different perspectives. However, we believe they share a common goal: to ensure that every child receives the best possible training, both physically and mentally. Mutual respect among our faculty and our students’ parents provides the children with the ultimate care and education.
Understanding Dance Education As a parent, you play an important role in supporting your child financially, but your emotional support is of equal—and perhaps even greater—value. Encourage your child to be the best that he or she can be regardless of what others may achieve. Dance is an individual art form and children need to be allowed to achieve at a comfortable pace. No two students will progress at the same rate, even if they experience the same training. It’s important to encourage children to focus on themselves, give their all, and be satisfied with their accomplishments. Dance education encompasses far more than technique and the steps your children learn. We believe the discipline of dance training gives young people a better understanding of commitment through learning, experiencing the spirit of teamwork, and discovering what they can accomplish through hard work. Our goal is to educate the minds, bodies, and souls of our students, teaching them the skills needed for a successful life, whether or not they stay involved in dance. Ø You play an important role in supporting your child financially, but your emotional support is of equal— and perhaps even greater—value. FOR ALL PARENTS AND STUDENTS Class Placement The school faculty meets regularly to discuss the student's progress and/or placement. It is our policy to offer appropriate opportunities to every child. Placement decisions are derived from many years of teaching experience. Often a child is placed in a particular group or class where he or she will feel confident, to promote the development of self-esteem. Some dancers who are placed at a higher level become discouraged, only to lose their passion for dance. Others respond to the challenge of being in a class with dancers who are more proficient by pushing themselves to work harder. Placement is highly individual and the factors that go into the decision are complex. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s dance education (such as progress or class placement), please discuss them with your child’s teacher or the director. Talking only to other parents can lead to misinformation and confusion. Please contact the school office to set up an appointment. It is our policy to meet with each student and his or her parents at the same time unless otherwise specified. Do not approach your child’s teacher or the director between or during classes or make contact outside of the school. If you do request a conference, please listen carefully to what your child’s teachers have to say. They spend a significant amount of time with your child and offer expertise in the field of dance education. Ø Class placement of students is highly individual and the factors that go into the decision are complex. Dos and Don’ts Some parents may compare their child’s progress or class placement to another child’s. Watch for this behavior in your children as well and encourage them to focus instead on their accomplishments. Looking to other students for inspiration is good; however, making negative comparisons distracts children from focusing on becoming stronger dancers. In addition, speaking negatively about your child’s teachers, fellow students, or other parents in front of your child––or other students––could result in problems far beyond your original concerns. Often children will imitate a parent’s behavior with other adults or authority figures. Children learn important lessons from their teachers and parents, acquiring behavior patterns through their example. Our school’s faculty takes that responsibility seriously. It’s our philosophy to encourage our students to feel, think, and act respectfully toward their peers, the adults in their lives, and themselves. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s dance education (such as progress or class placement), please discuss them with your child’s teacher or the director. Talking only to other parents can
lead to misinformation and confusion. Please contact the school office to set up an appointment; do not approach your child’s teacher or the director between or during classes or make contact outside of the school. If you do request a conference, please listen carefully to what your child’s teachers have to say. They spend a significant amount of time with your child and offer expertise in the field of dance education. Medical Information Parents must notify the director/and or teachers regarding children who use an inhaler or who may require medications during their time at Studio 56 Dance Center. It is also important to inform the director and/or teachers about your child’s existing medical conditions or learning disabilities at the time of registration and throughout the school year. Our teachers are trained professionals who are anxious to work with all children and personalities, and the more we know about your child, the better the dance experience will be for all involved. All information about our students is confidential. Rehearsals Rehearsals are dedicated to choreography or “cleaning” the choreography. A dancer who misses a rehearsal holds back the progress of the entire group. Repeating the choreography from a previous session for those who were absent takes up valuable rehearsal time, which could result in a performance that is not up to par. When we clean choreography, we may also change it. Dancers who miss a cleaning session may not be properly prepared for an upcoming performance and could end up disappointing themselves, their team, or the school. An important lesson taught through our Performing Company program is the value of teamwork. Dancers who miss a rehearsal because of a non-emergency circumstance are letting their fellow dancers down in many ways. We expect parents to nurture the values that dance education teaches; therefore, you should never encourage your child to let the group down. If parents have a conflict that prevents them from taking their children to a scheduled rehearsal, we will be more than happy to help arrange transportation with other parents from the same group. Our goal is to help all children make their commitments. If you miss your choreography class the week of a performance you will be pulled from the performance unless you make arrangements to pay for a makeup lesson with the teacher. This must be done through the director. Ø Dancers: True progress is made when you look at each class, rehearsal, or performance as an opportunity to become better at what you love to do. Additional rehearsals may be scheduled at the discretion of the teacher/choreographer. All dancers are required to participate. If needed, we will have extra rehearsals on Saturday during the months of January, February, and March. Missing Performances, Competitions, and Other Important Events We inform families of important company calendar dates such as competitions, concerts, and team pictures months in advance. These events are the biggest part of our year and are not optional. Committing to the team is expected of all families in our performing company. There is nothing more frustrating as a parent than feeling like the level of commitment is not equally important to other dancers/families when you are making the effort that you expected everyone to have when you’re involved in a competitive sport. Our company families choose to be part of our teams because they want to see their children progress and succeed, which requires all dancers to be held to the same level of commitment. More importantly, your team is counting on you. When a dancer misses a performance it is a huge letdown for her team. Dances have multiple formation changes, which means dancers will have to retrain, from memory, the habits learned over the last several months. They have partner parts that will now no longer work and will have to be majorly adjusted. This is not a small project for us to be able to accomplish in such little time. We CAN'T completely adjust dances in one week because someone can't be there.
If arrangements cannot be made for a dancer to be at the competition, Company Showcase, Concert, or equally important event with his/her team, you will be subject to a $150 re-space fee for the extra rehearsals we will need to have for us to give our dancers the best experience possible. Respect Respect for the school, its teachers, and its choreographers are essential. All dancers must show respect for their teachers at all times. Inappropriate behavior could result in dismissal from the program. Classroom Behavior Expectations: • Leave any personal negativity at the door when entering the studio. • Choreography must never be questioned. • Finish every class or choreography session with a thank-you to the teacher or choreographer. • Dancers that arrive after class has started should wait at the doorway to be invited in by the teacher. Do not interrupt the class or walk in during a combination. • Never sit down during class. • Never ask what time it is, how much longer, how long are we doing this, etc. • Accept criticism gracefully. • Clap when another student is complimented in front of the class or asked to demonstrate. Or if the teacher demonstrates something. • Whispering in class is not allowed. • Studio 56 Dance Center has a “NO CELL PHONE ZONE!” Dancers must put phones away while at Studio 56 Dance Center Center. • Proper dancewear, shoes, and hairstyle are a must in every class and rehearsal. o Beginning October 1st, if a student is not in proper dress for ballet, they will be asked to observe class. o Wear ballet tights to ALL classes. It takes up too much time to change before and after class. Appreciate the Critique Listen to each correction given, whether it’s directed to you or another dancer. A correction is an honor; it shows you how much a teacher cares about your progress as a dancer. Always say thank you when a teacher or choreographer offers you constructive criticism. Nothing can stop those students who apply themselves in every class and appreciate their teachers’ knowledge and experience. STAYING INFORMED Company Website Page You can find the “Performing Company” tab in the portal Links to the calendar, dropbox, excuse absence form, etc. can be found there. Inside your Parent Portal, you will find a link called “Account Documents” with the footnotes, performance details, and more. This is a great resource for you! The company page is password protected: riseandthrive We work hard to make the dance experience organized and fun. Keeping you informed is one of our primary goals. Please read all newsletters and other school information. Our preferred method of contact is email. We can give the fastest response if you email the studio at (billing) or (company matters) Facebook Page: Instagram Page: Pinterest: Company Facebook Group: Please do not post questions on the school’s social media page. Instead, please email them directly to the office at Pirouette our Facebook bot is amazing, but she doesn’t know all of your answers!
Team Dropbox Folder We have a team Dropbox folder where we will place music and practice videos. The link will be sent out after boot camp. We invite you to use this! This is a great resource for our families. Reminder 101: Receive text reminders and updates Send a text message to 385-282-4747 with the code for your class: GroupMe We are using GroupMe this year for team communication. (This will replace Team Snap.) We'd like everyone to use this rather than other group message threads when communicating with each other so we can avoid anyone accidentally being left out. Please change your Avatar to be a headshot of your dancer, this will help parents to get to know who belongs to what dancer! Weather Cancellations School closures due to severe weather conditions will be announced by noon on that day. Notifications of weather cancellations will be emailed, texted, and added to the FB group. TUITION AND OTHER EXPENSES Registration Fee An annual registration fee of $45 per person and $70 per family covers the cost of administrative fees, insurance, handbooks, and so on. Registration fees are not refundable except for preschool students who are determined to be unready for dance and may receive a credit for the following season. Tuition Our dance season runs from July-June. Full monthly tuition is due by the 1st of each month. Tuition is paid through automatic withdrawal from your credit or debit card account on file. We do not accept checks. We will accept cash for tuition payment if received five days before the 1st of the month. A receipt will be emailed for all transactions. A $25 late fee will automatically be added on the 2nd of each month to those accounts with an inactive or declined card. Accounts not paid within terms are subject to an accruing 5% monthly finance charge until paid. Accounts more than 60 days past due may be submitted to collection services and dismissed from the studio. Please note: Tuition is based on the season regardless of how many weeks are in a given month. In the event payment under this agreement is not made at the time and in the manner required, the undersigned agrees to pay all costs of collection, including court costs, attorney fees, including charges, and collection agency fee which would be 35% of the balance assigned, with or without suit. Ø Please see individual team details for monthly tuition rates. Company Commitment Deposit At auditions, dancers paid a non-refundable $100 commitment deposit that will be applied to the final month of the season or can be rolled over towards next year’s commitment deposit. Dancers who miss a competition, Company Showcase, or do not finish the entire year by performing at the concert will forfeit their $100 commitment deposit. Company Payment Plan Each \"company\" has its entire year's expenses organized into a payment plan. This payment plan includes all costumes, camps, entry fees, concert fees, etc. It does not include monthly tuition, the first of the year order, team pictures, hip-hop shoes, tights, or dance shoes. The payment plan will be divided into 10 installments during the months of September through June. It will be debited on the 16th of the month with
tuition. If the card is declined a $25 late fee will be added. You can opt to pay company fees in one lump sum (by Sept 1st). Please note that all entry fees include an additional surcharge to cover expenses associated with the school’s participation in competitions, including entry processing, office staff, expenses for teachers to attend all events, music editing, etc. Additional Company Expenses Team Pictures: We will be having Company Team Pictures in October. Additional information will be available in September. A basic package and attendance are required for all Company members. Hip-hop shoes: We will announce the hip-hop shoe style for each team in the fall and where to purchase them. The minimum price will not exceed $90. Additional Workshops and Convention Opportunities Dancers that want to accelerate their progress can participate in extra classes and additional opportunities outside the studio. The program will be customized to each eligible dancer and includes local conventions, workshops, and in-studio Master Classes. This is a great opportunity for our dancers to learn from master teachers and choreographers from all over the country. Conventions help our dancers by challenging them to pick up choreography faster, adapt to new styles of dance, and push dancers to be the best they can be. We highly recommend all dancers age 8 and older attend. If your Performing Company dancer attends class 3x/week they should add on at least one convention. Collective Dancers attend 1-2 two conventions, with the option to add on additional. Select Collective routines will also perform at the convention. IMAGE AND ATTIRE Dress Code Requirements All Company program dancers must attend class in proper dance attire, wear appropriate shoes, and have hair in a ballet bun. See the attire section below for expected attire for each class. Studio 56 Dance Center maintains a dress code to encourage concentration and a sense of inclusiveness (variations in attire can be distracting and contribute to feelings of inequality). Uniformity in dancewear allows the teachers to assess how well the students are implementing the technique being taught, problems with alignment, and other important aspects of dance training. We also believe an important part of ballet is to dress appropriately to demonstrate a certain level of respect for the tradition and history of the art form. • No jewelry is to be worn. • All shoes must be in excellent condition for performances. • Due to limited restroom space, changing is not allowed. Please plan accordingly and wear ballet attire under jazz attire for class. • No crop tops or sports bras are allowed at the studio. • Freestyle week is the last week of the month! Team attire is not required, but appropriate attire must still be worn. • We recommend that each dancer have two pairs of each kind of shoe, one for class and one for performances. • Hip Hop shoes for classes should be separate from their performance shoes. Please send young dancers with shoes that have no laces and that they can put on quickly on their own! Dress Code Violations • Proper dancewear, shoes, and hairstyle are a must in every class and rehearsal. • Beginning October 1st, if a student is not in proper dress for class, they will be given one warning and then the next time they will call home and observe class until their missing attire arrives for them. • Wear ballet tights to ALL classes if you have ballet that day • If we’ve reminded your dancer of dress code standards and they still are not in correct attire the teacher will send a text to the parent. Ø PLEASE SEE CLASS ATTIRE DESCRIPTIONS FOR YOUR TEAM IN YOUR COMPANY PACKET!
Tights Stirrup tan-colored tights will be required for all performances. They must be purchased from the studio so styles and colors match. Pink tights are required for class and all ballet dances at concert and Holiday performances. Makeup A company makeup kit is required for all dancers and must be purchased with the first of year order. Instructions for application are available on the company webpage. Company makeup is required at all performances. Studio Store Studio 56 Dance Center offers basic dancewear and shoes for purchase at any time during the school year. STUDIO POLICIES AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION Studio Image • We never speak negatively about teachers, dancers, or parents from other schools. • We never create conflict with the directors or judges of events in which we participate. • The school director handles all communication with the directors of our outside activities. • No parent or dancer may call or question the directors of any event. If you have a concern, please contact the director of our school. • Dancers and parents should be properly dressed for all events. Do not arrive at or leave any event in your dancewear; always wear a cover-up. • All students must show respect for their teachers at all times. Inappropriate behavior could result in dismissal from the school. • All branded team wear is considered a company trademark and cannot be altered or added to without the permission of the business. Logo and elements of the logo cannot be used for personal items or sold on merchandise outside the company store. Food/Drink and Clean Air Policies • Only water is allowed in the dance studios. No food, drinks, or gum. • LEAVE FOOD AT HOME! EAT YOUR HEALTHY SNACK ON THE WAY TO DANCE! • Dancers that attend class for over 3 hours are allowed to pack healthy, mess-free snacks that can be quickly eaten during the 5-minute break between classes. These items are banned from the studio: chips, crackers, goldfish, and other messy snacks. Non-nutritious food does not contribute to a healthy learning environment. Please see the list of approved snacks in your company folder. • WE ARE A NUT-FREE ZONE! Please don’t ever bring anything that contains nuts to the school. We have too many allergies and want to keep everyone safe! • Scent Free Zone- Help us keep the air we share healthy and fragrance-free. Scented products can make some people very sick, especially those with fragrance sensitivities, asthma, allergies, and other medical conditions. DO NOT wear perfume, cologne, and other fragrances. DANCER CONDUCT: • Treat ALL DANCERS as teammates in rehearsals, hallways, dressing rooms, competitions, etc. • Agree to practice and perform with a positive attitude. I will leave my problems at home! I have a responsibility to conduct myself on and off the floor in a manner that will bring credit to our team, our sport, and myself. • Will only make positive comments on any dancer’s technique in performance or photographs. • Agree to check my bag BEFORE & AFTER EVERY CLASS! • Agree to check my costumes BEFORE & AFTER EVERY COMPETITION! • Agree to put my name on EVERY COSTUME PIECE, SHOES & TIGHTS! • As a Studio 56 Dance Center Company Dancer, I will not make changes to costumes, hair, or makeup. • I understand that it is expected that I will have performance hair done by a parent (or another parent) unless it is approved by the Director. • I will behave appropriately at all times. This includes no horseplay when at the studio, an event, a performance, etc.
• I know that gossip has no home at Studio 56 Dance Center! • Studio 56 Dance Center is a “NO CELL PHONE ZONE!” I will put my phone away while at Studio 56 Dance Center and all participating events! I will live in the moment and if I have a break, I will converse with my teammates! • I will recognize that training as a dancer requires committing to: o Being on time and being prepared. o Being properly dressed with my hair in the required style. o Having no hanging jewelry, underwear under my leo, or extras on. o Attending my required schedule. o Respect myself by being clean and healthy for rehearsal. o Eating ONLY healthy snacks and water at the studio. o Accept criticism gracefully. Parent Code of Conduct • Never speak negatively about teachers, students, or parents. This is especially important around your very impressionable dancers. The door is always open if you have concerns. If your child hears you speaking negatively about someone they look up to it creates confusion that leads to trust and respect problems. Please be very cautious of this! • We appreciate parent support and involvement but want to remind you that the studio is for your children to learn to dance. We are not in business to provide a social outlet for parents. The best gift you can give your child is to let dance be their activity, not yours. We have seen it become a problem in the past and want to remind you to be aware of how involved you are with other studio parents. • Parents should never interrupt a class in session. • Babies and young children must be supervised at all times and are not free to run around in the office or classroom areas. • Promote team spirit and set a good example for all Studio 56 Dance Center dancers. • Keep comments positive about performances, photographs, awards, other dancers, etc. • Help organize your dancer’s costumes, accessories, shoes, tights, etc. for every competition. Costumes are to be hung neatly, threads trimmed, and proper straps per the Director’s instructions. • Make all Studio 56 Dance Center payments on time to avoid risking your child being placed on probation, spaced out of routines, and potentially dismissed from the team. • Do not call or approach any competition director directly. Ask Studio 56 Dance Center Directors your questions. This is a rule for many competitions, not just a studio rule. • Refrain from gossiping about any dancer on any team. • If you happen to watch dancers run through a routine, do not make corrections or suggest changes of any kind. • Know that only assigned parents will go backstage with dancers if directed by their teacher. • You must supervise your child at competitions or have a designated guardian for the day. No child under the age of 16 may be left without adult supervision. • Parents may not suggest that everyone go without something because their child forgot part of their costume. If a child is missing something, THEY DO NOT DANCE! Extracurricular Activities for Performing Company • Any lessons outside the studio staff must be approved by the director. This includes: tumbling, solo rehearsal, gymnastics, etc. • Any extracurricular team activity that you will be participating in must be disclosed to the director. This includes anything that could conflict with your commitment to the company: soccer, cheer, drill team, etc. Parking Safety The school is home to children of all ages. Please enter and exit with extreme caution. Never park your vehicle in any area that is not a designated parking space. If attending class at Studio 3 please note the cemetery is OFF limits to Studio parking. Please do not allow siblings to play on the main road or parking lot. Please no parking in the pull-through circle.
Dropping off and picking up • Please be sure to talk to your child about the safety of staying inside until their ride comes in to get them. • Small children need to be picked up inside the lobby after class unless it is a class that we walk out at the end of the class. • West Murray Studio: o Please drop students at the East door and keep traffic moving. o If you are in the pickup circle please pull forward to the west side of the building to allow growth in the line o The parking lot is not for gathering and playing, we have a lot of traffic coming through. Please hold little’s hands or keep them in the car. • East Murray Studio: o DO NOT park in the driveway. It stops traffic on the main road. o Please wait for your child on the south curb only. o NO STUDENTS should be crossing the street. o Due to liability please do not let your little play in the backyard. Class Visitors Safety issues and legal responsibilities make it impossible for us to allow students to bring visitors into the classroom. Students should not invite siblings, other relatives, or friends to their classes except for special events such as “Bring a Friend Week” and in-school performances. Lost and Found Please mark all dancewear, shoes, and personal items with your child's name. We will make every effort to locate and return lost items; however, we cannot be responsible for any items that your child brings to class. Attendance and Excusing Absences All students are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes. Each class offers a step forward in the educational process. Missing even just one class can set you behind your teammates. It is important for children to feel completely confident with the choreography for performances. The missing class can result in frustration for the students and their teachers and classmates. If you are absent you need to be sure to know the material worked on before the next class. To excuse an absence you must complete the absence form on our website before class begins! A link to the form will be is posted on the company portal page. This is the ONLY way to excuse absences. Tardiness Dance is a physical activity that requires the body to be warmed up to execute movement safely. Late students miss the proper warm-up and/or barre and therefore may sustain injury. Students who arrive more than 10 minutes late may be asked to observe class for reasons of personal safety. Attendance Policy Company dancers are expected to have at least 90% attendance at all classes and rehearsals. If a dancer is below 75% attendance, they will be removed from performances until their attendance returns to over 75%. The attendance policy is set to help you to plan, be responsible for managing your time wisely, and be a dependable member of your company. The policy holds everyone to the same commitment level that is expected of you by the studio and the other families on your team. All dancers are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes in addition to all rehearsals and performances. Dancers should be on time for all classes, rehearsals, conventions, competitions, and performances. Dancers need to be responsible for checking in each day with their cards to ensure accurate attendance is taken. ATTENDANCE REPORTING: The company director will run attendance reports every month for the previous month. Families will receive an email notification if a dancer’s attendance for the season has fallen under
80%. MISSING CLASS: 1. Absences must be excused. To excuse an absence, you must complete the absence form on the website before class begins. This is the ONLY way to excuse absences. 2. If you are absent, you need to be sure to know the material worked on before the next class. 3. If you miss your choreography class the week of a performance, you will be pulled from the performance unless you have prior approval from the director. You may be required to schedule a makeup lesson with the teacher. Missing Classes The Week of a Performance If you miss your choreography class the week of a performance you will be pulled from the performance unless you make arrangements to pay for a makeup lesson with the teacher. This must be done through the director. Sitting Out During Class Policy If a student has an injury or a non-contagious illness they may need to sit out and observe class. It is hard to decipher when this is necessary. As teachers, we always encourage them to participate by trying their best in class to work through it. Sometimes that isn’t possible and the student needs to observe. If parents are aware of the situation before classes, please send your dancer to dance with an explanation note or email the office ( so we know you have been informed. If your dancer does not have a note from a parent and requests to sit out of class they will be sent to the office to call home. We don’t want your dancer sitting out on their valuable training without you knowing about it. They will have to log their observation time in the company binder that will be reviewed by parents and the company director. Dancers 10 years and older that sit out of classes will be asked to fill out an observation form so that they are still benefitting from attending the class by watching their peers. If a dancer sits out of one class they will not be allowed to dance for the rest of their classes that night. If your dancer does not have a note from a parent and requests to sit out of class, the teacher will send a text message to the parent to inform you they are not participating. Illness Colds, flu, and other contagious diseases occur frequently and spread easily among children. To help protect your own child’s health and to minimize the possibility of contagious illness at school, please keep your child at home if you observe any of the following symptoms: • Nasal discharge that is green or yellow • Consistent cough • Severe sore throat • Eyes that are pink, burning, itching, or producing discharge • Diarrhea or vomiting • Fever If these symptoms or other conditions deemed contagious are observed in your child during a class, you will be called to pick up your child immediately. When your child has a fever, please keep him/her at home until the temperature returns to normal. If there are any lingering signs of illness, such as glassy or watery eyes, or drowsiness, please keep your child at home. This will help to ensure that the illness has passed and that your child will be well enough to resume class activities the following week. Social Media Policies • No phones or internet may be used before, during, between, or after class. • Parents and students 12 years and older are expected to follow the Social Media Code of Conduct included in your first-of-year packet. • Students that use their phones for inappropriate internet use, texting, or bullying will be called into a parent meeting with Amy. Discipline measures taken can be probation or even dismissal.
• Students and parents are restricted from contacting teachers by phone, email, text messages, social media, etc. All communication with teachers must be made through the office. Student and Parent Use of Social Media Use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogging, and other online social media vehicles is commonplace. This policy is intended to provide Studio 56 Dance Center students and parents with guidelines to eliminate any confusion concerning the use of social media. • You DO NOT have permission to reveal any information that compromises Studio 56 Dance Center. By that we mean you are forbidden to share personal information about the director, other students or their families, or anything proprietary and/or confidential to them or Studio 56 Dance Center. • Students and parents should neither claim nor imply that they are speaking on behalf of Studio 56 Dance Center. • Never post anything that could compromise the self-esteem of students who attend Studio 56 Dance Center. • If you post videos of class or rehearsals, don’t post any choreography in its entirety; Studio 56 Dance Center owns the copyright to all choreography taught at the school. • Respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, and copyright and fair use. As stated in this handbook, parents, and students should never post negative comments about other schools or teachers. Also, please do not post negative comments about school activities such as competitions, conventions, and performances or about the directors of those events. • Ensure that your social networking conduct is consistent with all of the policies contained in this handbook. Studio Discipline Policy- “Three Strikes and You’re Out” To maintain a happy, healthy, professional environment, students are taught the importance of being a part of the group. Our staff and faculty are trained to use constructive techniques of discipline to maintain class control and handle individual misbehavior. The Studio Discipline Policy provides a consistent and predictable way for teachers to manage the behavior of dancers who do not follow classroom rules. This policy allows teachers to be committed to creating a classroom that is conducive to learning. Studio Classroom Rules: 1. Listen and follow directions the first time. 2. Always do my best. 3. Be on time and prepared. 4. Respect, respect, respect! Myself, my teachers, my class, and my studio. 5. Remember the “Thumper Rule” – if you can’t say anything or something nice, don’t say anything at all. Classroom rules and discipline policy will be reviewed at the beginning of each class all year long. Discipline Policy: 1. Strike One: Dancers who do not adhere to the classroom rules will receive ONE VERBAL WARNING to correct their behavior. 2. Strike Two: After the verbal warning, if the dancer continues to not adhere to the classroom rules, they will be ASKED TO SIT DOWN AND THINK ABOUT THEIR BEHAVIOR. If the dancer sits quietly and thoughtfully in their “thinking spot,” the teacher should invite them to join the class, as long as they follow the classroom rules. 3. Strike Three: If the child does not quietly remain in their “thinking spot” or they continue to not follow classroom rules after reuniting with the class; they should be ASKED TO LEAVE THE CLASSROOM and escorted out to their parent. Further Guidelines: 1. If a child has continual behavior issues and receives a strike two in class, the teacher will discuss the behavior with the parent and work together as a team to resolve the issue.
2. Once a dancer is sent out of the classroom, they are not allowed to come back in and participate that day for the rest of class. 3. If a dancer is asked to leave the classroom twice, contact Amy to hold a meeting with the dancer and the dancer’s parents. 4. If a dancer is asked to leave the classroom three times, they will be withdrawn from the class. 5. By following these guidelines with exactness, parents and dancers know behavior expectations and management are the same in every class and among all teachers. The structure and consistency of this policy allow us to support one another as a unified front. 6. This policy ensures that Studio 56 Dance Center will provide an environment that is conducive to learning. We hire teachers to teach dance, not to babysit dancers who cannot manage their behavior. Termination of Enrollment In certain circumstances, when it is in the best interest of one or more students, it may be necessary for the director to terminate a student’s enrollment. Every effort will be made to correct a problematic situation before terminating enrollment. Reasons for termination of enrollment include the following: • Disruptive or dangerous behavior by students or their parents • Abuse of other children, staff, or property • Inability to keep an account at the studio current Image Release Studio 56 Dance Center Center has the right to indefinitely use all photos taken at the studio in regards to advertisement and publication of the studio. If you prefer to NOT have your child participate in such activities please contact the office in writing. Class pictures may be posted on social media, on our website, etc. ADDITIONAL COMPANY ACTIVITIES Dancer Sisters/Brothers and \"Good Lucks:\" Dance sisters/brothers will be assigned in November at the “Fall Company Party” at Winter Dance Challenge. You are usually paired with a dancer on a different company than you are. We do this to create more friendship and unity as a studio. You are in charge of giving your sister/brother “good luck” at the following events: 1. Competition Kick-Off Party 2. (1) Competition in the season 3. Company Showcase. Be creative! They should not be extravagant or expensive. Some good examples: lip gloss with a note that says, “Smile big onstage! Good Luck!” Or a cute pair of socks, “Knock their socks off out there!” The limit for each gift exchange is $10. Parent Committee (PALS) and Event Volunteer Duties: A parent of every dancer is required to sign up for a PALS (Parents Are Life Savers) committee at the first of year meeting. Some of the committees are Party Planners, Costume Moms, Lucky Ducks, Fundraiser Team, etc. Assignments will be minimal and we appreciate everyone taking a turn to help us in our extra events throughout the year. Thank you! We appreciate the help of our experienced dance parents so much. All dance families are required to fulfill a two-hour volunteer assignment at both our Fall and Spring events. You will have the opportunity to sign up for a specific date at the first of the year meeting, and then we will send the final assignment details and times after that. Any family that does not fulfill their volunteer assignment will be subject to a $20 fee. Company Parties: We will have a few studio company parties already planned and on the calendar! Refer to the company calendar and add them to yours now! ADDITIONAL COMPANY INFORMATION AND ACTIVITIES Summer Program and Camps Each summer Studio 56 Dance Center offers summer programs and camps for both current and new students. Summer activities are for children ages 3 to 16. A complete brochure of all summer programs will be distributed in January. We suggest early registration as these programs do sell out, especially the camps
Studio Rental The studio is available for rental for meetings, rehearsals, and other activities. Tables, chairs, sound systems, and microphones are available. Whether you’re planning a one-time, weekly, or monthly event, give us a call to determine whether we can accommodate your group or activity. Birthday Parties We offer several birthday party options for both boys and girls. Parties are themed and can be dance related or not. Most birthday parties are scheduled for Friday or Saturday afternoons or on Sundays; however, limited space is available during the week. Please contact the office for a complete brochure or visit our website. Community Performances Company Dancers perform many routines at numerous outside performances, studio concerts, and competitions. All performances are important steps to becoming the Company Dancer that we are aspiring to be. Extra performances at community events are just as important as competitions. We expect all dancers to be there. We will give you as much notice as we can for these. Studio Sponsorship We offer the option to bring in a studio sponsor. If you bring in a studio sponsor you get 40% of their sponsorship towards your dance account. There are different levels of sponsorships available. Please inquire with the office to receive a sponsorship flyer and let Amy know if you have any questions. Great exposure to local businesses and an easy way to make some money towards your studio account! We understand that schedules are busy and there may be conflicts, but if there is any way to rearrange schedules to attend all extra performances we would appreciate it! These types of performances are what get us ready for our season. We put in a LOT of work to try to get extra performance opportunities for our teams. They are a lot of fun for our dancers and it teaches them that there is more to dancing than just \"competing.\" The experience they gain from a community performance matters to us just as much as the competition experience. Please make them a priority. We try to give you as much notice as we can when chances like these come up. The benefits we see in our kids from doing community appearances are worth the trouble of scheduling and arranging around them. FALL, HOLIDAY, AND CONCERT All studio performance costumes and fees have been included in the company payment plan. FALL SHOWS Our first performance for the year is held just before Halloween. Our performing company and academic preschool students will provide the entertainment in the gym at the South Davis Recreation Center's \"Spooktacular\" Carnival. This is a great start to build our year on and provides us with low-key first performances. HOLIDAY SHOWS Company members will be performing a few times each Holiday season. More details on admission and routines to be performed will be in the monthly footnotes. COMPANY SHOWCASE After the competition season has concluded we will host our benefit concert where all our competition dances for the year will be showcased. ANNUAL CONCERT The concert offers our students a professionally directed performance. Company dancers will perform the show opener and a ballet routine. This is an exciting time for our company dancers to shine as seasoned performers in front of our studios. Concert Handbook
In February of each year, we distribute a handbook with all the information parents and students need to know to make the concert experience enjoyable for all. Concert Package The concert package is part of the company payment plan and includes one new costume, concert fee, digital video download of showcase and concert, concert shirt and shorts, accessories, concert participation award, digital class pictures in all competition costumes, and more. THE COMPETITION EXPERIENCE For dedicated dancers, the satisfaction of an excellent performance is all the motivation they need to work harder to continue improving. Don’t judge how you feel about your performance by the size of the trophy or the color of the medal. The Focus Is Not Simply on Competition It is our goal to instill in our students a passion for performing rather than merely the desire to win awards. Company dancers have performance opportunities other than competitions. They perform within the community as well. We believe the lessons learned through concert performances are as valuable as the competition experience. Our solid reputation for quality reflects our attitude toward competition and our goal to develop in each student genuine respect for dance as an art form. We consider students’ participation in competitions not merely part of their dance training; it’s also an important part of how we influence their growth as people. With the right focus, the experience gained in competition can be an excellent source of self-confidence. If the dancers feel good about their performance and understand that they become better each time they go onstage, they are truly growing through the competition experience. Hitting that stage and doing the best they can is what it’s all about; whether they win––or which award they win––is secondary. Through participation in competitions, we hope to instill in our students an appreciation for other dancers and schools. We are not out to beat anyone; instead, we hope to motivate both students and faculty by exposing them to the highest caliber of talent available. Only then can we produce the best dancers and teachers possible. For us, competition is an education! Ø We believe the lessons learned through concert performances are just as valuable as the competition experience. General Performance and Competition Policies Performances and competitions are your opportunity to show the world the results of your dedication and hard work. Here’s what you can do to make the most of this opportunity. • Arrive at performances at least one hour before the scheduled time unless otherwise advised by your teachers. • Be sure you are properly warmed up. • Professionally present yourself, with costumes pressed, shoes cleaned, and all accessories accounted for. • Treat competitors and teachers from other schools with respect. • Treat the directors and staff of the competition with respect. • Keep your area of the dressing rooms clean and never bring food or drink where it is prohibited. • Wear your school uniform to all competition events and during the award presentations. Competition Scheduling When planning a competition weekend, be prepared for performances on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (possibly Sunday if we travel out of state). Once a schedule is prepared you may find that you do not have to attend the entire weekend, but you must be prepared to do so. There are no exceptions.
Approximately two weeks before the event, the competition company will supply our office with an itinerary. Schedules will be emailed to all dancers and their parents as soon as they are received. In many circumstances, the schedule will not be shared with you until the Monday before the event. We pride ourselves on being an organized, professional school and we do not request changes to the dance competition schedule (except in the case of emergencies). Competition Critiques At many of the competition events, the schools receive performance critiques from the judges. These critiques are the property of the school and will be played for the dancers during rehearsal or class time. Specialty routines will hear their critiques during their rehearsal sessions. Award Presentations When presented with an award, always show professionalism by thanking the person who presents you with the award. Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated. Studio 56 Spirit Studio 56 Dance Center Center members ALWAYS show their studio spirit by attending award ceremonies wearing their studio sweats. Parents get involved too. Nothing like looking out into the audience when you are a little nervous to see a sea of support. Audience Etiquette Enthusiastic applause is encouraged; however, it is never appropriate to scream or yell out names at a competition event or in any other performance venue. When in an auditorium, remain seated whenever dancers are performing onstage. PLEASE discuss this with your family and friends that may attend and event. Independent Entries No dancer may compete in any competition as an independent entry without the permission of the school director. Cash Scholarships Soloists will receive school credit for the amount of any cash scholarship awarded. It will be applied to lessons, costumes, entry fees, or other expenses related to dance training. Cash scholarships awarded to dancers who perform duos, trios, or ensemble pieces will be deposited in the Company Dancer program treasury to be utilized for master classes, guest choreographers, and other activities. Solo/Duet/Trio/Special Group Routines Dancers that would like to be considered for an extra routine must fill out the application in June. This does not guarantee that you will be chosen for a specialty routine. Dancers are not eligible to apply for a solo until they have completed at least two years of performing company. Any dancer wishing to compete in a solo/duo/trio with Studio 56 Dance Center must use a choreographer approved by Studio 56 Dance Center. No exceptions. THE CONVENTION and WORKSHOP EXPERIENCE Conventions and workshops are great ways to help your dancer do a little more. Dancers need to never stop learning and growing. Trying something new and being exposed to more will help your dancer to strive to be the best dancer they can be. Winter Dance Challenge Dancers are required to participate in Winter Dance Challenge where new techniques and styles from guest choreographers will be taught. This workshop is included in the company payment plan.
Spring Dance Challenge Dancers are encouraged to participate in Spring Dance Challenge where new techniques and styles from guest choreographers will be taught. This workshop is NOT included in the company payment plan. Conventions Conventions are a great opportunity for our dancers to learn from master teachers and choreographers from all over the country. Conventions help our dancers by challenging them to pick up choreography faster, adapt to new styles of dance, and to push dancers to be the best they can be. We highly recommend all dancers age 8 and older to attend. Dancers that attend classes 4 days per week are required to attend two additional conventions during the season. Dancers that attend classes 3 days per week are required to attend one additional convention during the season. HEALTHY SNACKS FOR DANCERS BEST BRAIN FOOD • Almonds • Limes • Apples • Oats • Asparagus • Olives • Avocados • Oranges • Bananas • Peaches • Beans (black, pinto, garbanzo) • Peas • Bell Peppers • Plums • Beets • Pomegranates • Blackberries • Raspberries • Blueberries • Red Grapes • Broccoli • Soybeans • Brussel sprouts • Spinach • Carrots • Strawberries • Cheese • Tofu • Cherries • Tomatoes • Chicken • Tuna • Eggs • Turkey • Grapefruit • Walnuts • Herring • Water • Honeydew • Whole Wheat foods • Kiwi • Wild Salmon • Lemons • Yam & sweet potatoes • Lentils • Yogurt Studio Snack Policy: LEAVE FOOD AT HOME! EAT YOUR HEALTHY SNACK ON THE WAY TO DANCE! Dancers that attend class for over 3 hours are allowed to pack healthy, mess-free snacks that can be quickly eaten during the five-minute break between classes. Non-nutritious food does not contribute to a healthy learning environment. Please use this list of ideas to help us teach healthy habits to our dancers! An example would be instead of grabbing a bag of chips, pack a string cheese and some trail mix!
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