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Published by Jay Vee Padilla Ignacio, 2021-04-30 07:20:02



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IMPORTANT KEY POINTS • FOR THE CHAIR: Try your best to RECOGNIZE the allies first. State the questions properly if a motion needs to be voted on. • FOR THE OFFICERS: Make sure to get the floor IMMEDIATELY AND BE RECOGNIZED TO PRESENT YOUR MOTION. Keep your composure and state CATEGORICAL STATEMENTS to be clear and short. • STICK TO THE AGENDA! • Be Ready with your copies of ROBERT’s RULES • BEST OF LUCK, TEAM!

3RD USTFU BOARD MEETING CALL TO ORDER CHAIR APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOTION TO APPROVE “Mr. Chair, I move that the agenda for tonight’s meeting “I second the Motion.” 2ND THE MOTION be approved” “ANY OBJECTION?” YES, DISCUSSION CHAIR NONE. AGENDA APPROVED “Are you ready for the question? Does the Board Approve the Agenda for the April 30 USTFU Board Meeting? CHAIR VOTATION YES ABSTAIN NO “Mr. Chair, I move that the Agenda Hear & reading and approval of the approved vote on , move to motions Minutes of the April 23 the next for the meeting be dispensed until items of item the actual minutes have the been prepared and the DISPENSATION OF THE agenda Board granted access to the READING AND APPROVAL OF until an video recording of the agenda is THE PREVIOUS MEETING formed meeting for review.” MOTION TO DISPENSE The proceedings will NONE. MOTION CARRIED depend on the new agenda formed 2ND THE MOTION “I second the Motion.” “ANY OBJECTION?” CHAIR YES, DISCUSSION “Are you ready for the question? Does the Board Approve the dispensation of the reading and approval of the April 23 USTFU Board Meeting until the actual minutes have been prepared & the Board granted access to the video recording of the meeting for review? CHAIR

NONE. MOTION CARRIED “Are you ready for the question? Does the Board Approve the dispensation of the reading and approval of the April 23 USTFU Board Meeting until the actual minutes have been prepared & the Board granted access to the video recording of the meeting for review? CHAIR VOTATION YES ABSTAIN NO Motion Hear & vote on motions approved on how to handle the , move to minutes of the April 23 the next meeting item FOR INFORMATION ONLY. QUALIFICATIONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE MEMBERSHIP IN THE USTFU STANDING COMMITTEES ENTERTAINED. “Mr. Chair, I move that the USTFU ACCEPTANCE OF THE “I Second the Motion.” accept the Contractual, Fixed- CONTRACTUAL, FIXED-TERM, Term, Part-Time, & Substitute YES, DISCUSSION Teaching & Non-Teaching Faculty PART-TIME, & SUBSTITUTE Members as members of the TEACHING & NON-TEACHING Union.” FACULTY MEMBERS AS NONE. MOTION CARRIED MEMBERS OF THE USTFU MOTION FOR ACCEPTANCE 2ND THE MOTION “ANY OBJECTION?” CHAIR “Are you ready for the question? Does the Board Approve the acceptance of the Contractual, Fixed-Term, & Substitute Teaching & Non- Teaching Faculty Members as members of USTFU? CHAIR VOTATION YES ABSTAIN NO MOTION FOR THE METHOD TO Report to Motion ENFORCE THE PREVIOUS the faculty lost. Next MOTION the votes Item.

“Mr. Chair, I move that the USTFU MOTION FOR THE METHOD TO “I second the Motion.” Board accept the Contractual, ENFORCE THE PREVIOUS YES, DISCUSSION Fixed-Term, Part-Time, & Substitute MOTION Teaching & Non-Teaching Faculty Members as members of the Union 2ND THE MOTION through a Board Resolution.” “ANY OBJECTION?” NONE. MOTION CARRIED CHAIR MOTION TO APPROVE THE “Are you ready for the DRAFT OF THE BOARD question? Does the Board RESOLUTION Approve that the method to accept the Contractual, “Mr. Chair, I move that the USTFU Fixed-term, Part-time, & Board approve the Board Resolution Substitute Teaching & Non- to accept the Contractual, Fixed- Teaching Faculty Members term, Part-time, & Substitute as members of USTFU through Teaching & Non-Teaching Faculty Members as members of the a Board Resolution? USTFU.” CHAIR 2ND THE MOTION VOTATION “I second the Motion.” YES ABSTAIN NO “ANY OBJECTION?” Motion Motion CHAIR Carried Lost NONE. YES, DISCUSSION MOTION FOR THE METHOD TO MOTION ENFORCE THE PREVIOUS CARRIED “Are you ready for the MOTION (Enforce the question? Does the Board acceptance of the contractuals…) Approve the Board Resolution to accept “Mr. Chair, I move that the USTFU Contractual, Fixed-term, Board accept the Contractual, Part-time, & Substitute Fixed-Term, Part-Time, & Teaching & Non-Teaching Substitute Teaching & Non- Faculty Members as Teaching Faculty Members as members of the USTFU? members of the Union through a Referendum.” CHAIR 2ND THE MOTION VOTATION “I second the Motion.” YES ABSTAIN NO “ANY OBJECTION?” CHAIR Board Motion NONE. YES, Resolution lost. Hear MOTION DISCUSSION Approved CARRIED other Next Item in NEXT ITEM IN THE AGENDA motions to Details to be discussed Agenda revise the in BUSINESS ARISING in the next Board Meeting Board Resolution

NEXT ITEM IN THE AGENDA Details to be discussed YES, in BUSINESS ARISING in DISCUSSION the next Board Meeting “Are you ready for the question? Does the Board Approve that the method to accept the Contractual, Fixed-term, Part-time, & Substitute Teaching & Non- Teaching Faculty Members as members of USTFU through a Referendum? CHAIR VOTATION YES ABSTAIN NO Motion Motion Lost. Hear Carried other motions to Details to be discussed address the in BUSINESS ARISING in enforcement to the next Board Meeting accept the contractual, fixed- term… until resolved “Mr. Chair, I move that the QUALIFICATIONS FOR USTFU Qualifications for USTFU Legal LEGAL COUNSEL Counsel be approved by the USTFU Board. MOTION TO APPROVE THE DRAFT OF THE BOARD “I second the Motion.” RESOLUTION 2ND THE MOTION “ANY OBJECTION?” CHAIR Details to be NONE. YES, discussed in the MOTION DISCUSSION CARRIED next Board “Are you ready for the question? Does the Meeting as NEXT ITEM IN Board Approve the Qualifications for USTFU BUSINESS ARISING THE AGENDA Legal Counsel? CHAIR VOTATION YES ABSTAIN NO Hear motions until the issue has been resolved

“Mr. Chair, I move that USTFU host a LABOR DAY SEMINAR Labor Education Webinar in celebration of Labor Day.” MOTION TO APPROVE THE LABOR DAY SEMINAR “I second the Motion.” 2ND THE MOTION “ANY OBJECTION?” CHAIR YES. DISCUSSION. NONE. MOTION CARRIED “Are you ready for the question? Should USTFU host a Webinar to MOTION TO ENFORCE THE PREVIOUS MOTION celebrate Labor Day?” CHAIR “Mr. Chair, I move the Labor Day VOTATION Seminar as presented to be approved.” YES ABSTAIN NO 2ND THE MOTION Hear motions until the issue has been resolved “I second the Motion.” “ANY OBJECTION?” CHAIR NONE. MOTION CARRIED YES. DISCUSSION. MOTION TO ENFORCE THE VOTATION PREVIOUS MOTION YES ABSTAIN NO “Mr. Chair, I move the Labor Day Seminar be lead by the USTFU Hear motions until the Committee on Labor & Education to issue has been resolved resolve other details of the project.” 2ND THE MOTION “I second the Motion.” “ANY OBJECTION?” CHAIR NONE. MOTION CARRIED YES. DISCUSSION. NEXT ITEM IN THE “Are you ready for the question? AGENDA Should USTFU Committee on Labor Education lead the Labor Day Seminar to resolve other details of the project?” CHAIR

NEXT ITEM IN THE YES VOTATION NO AGENDA ABSTAIN Motion FOR INFORMATION ONLY. Carried Hear motions until the NOT DEBATABLE issue has been resolved UPDATE ON THE MEETING “Mr. Chair, I move to adjourn the WITH VICE-RECTOR & OVRAA meeting.” ADJOURNMENT “I second the motion.” MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING 2ND THE MOTION “A motion to adjourn has been made and seconded. All in favor say “AYE”, All against say “NO” CHAIR VOTATION YES ABSTAIN NO Motion Carried. “The negative votes have it. Meeting But since there are no other items in the agenda, what is Adjourned the intention of the Board?” CHAIR Since the agenda has been approved before the start of the meeting. Any item that they wish to include through a motion will be an IMPROPER MOTION. (RONR, 11th Ed., p. 343, ll. 17-17) The motion will be against procedures as approved in the agenda MOVE TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AGAIN

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