ทําเนยี บแพทยป์ ระจาํ บา้ น noveber 16 2020
01 02 พนั ธกิจ/วสิ ยั ทัศน์ ศัลยศาสตร์ ศัลยศาสตรท์ รวงอก วสิ ยั ทัศน์ - เปนภาควชิ าศัลยศาสตรช์ นั 04 03 นาํ ของประเทศและมคี ณุ ภาพ ในระดบั สากล กมุ ารศัลยศาสตร์ ศัลยศาสตรห์ ลอดเลือด ปณธิ าน - ศัลยศาสตรร์ ามา เพอื ประชาอุ่นใจ ศัลยศาสตรก์ ้าว ไกล เปนหนงึ ในสากล พนั ธกิจ 1.ใหก้ ารศึกษาอบรมนกั ศึกษา แพทย์ แพทยป์ ระจาํ บา้ น ใหม้ ี ความรคู้ วามสามารถทางดา้ น ศัลยศาสตรอ์ ยา่ งมคี ณุ ภาพ และมจี รยิ ธรรม 2. ใหก้ ารดแู ลรกั ษาผปู้ วย ทางศัลยกรรมอยา่ งถกู ต้อง ตามเกณฑ์มาตราฐานสากล 3. ทําการวจิ ยั และเสนอผล งานทางวชิ าการทางการ แพทยใ์ นระดบั สากล และเปน ประโยชนต์ ่อการสารธารณสขุ ของประเทศ 4. ทํานบุ าํ รงุ วฒั นธรรมและ ขนบธรรมเนยี มประเพณอี ันดี งานของไทย 05 06 ประสาทศัลยศาสตร์ ศัลยศาสตรร์ ะบบปสสาวะ inside TALK TO US (04) 298 1984 1092 +76 298 4095 1092 [email protected]
ALUMNI HOUSE INSIDE THE SACRED ศัลยศาสตร์ A magazine is a publication, usually a A magazine is a publication, usually a periodical publication, which is printed or periodical publication, which is printed or electronically published (sometimes electronically published (sometimes referred to as an online magazine). referred to as an online magazine). Magazines are generally published on a Magazines are generally published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of regular schedule and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by advertising, by a purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of the three. At its root, the word of the three. At its root, the word \"magazine\" refers to a collection or \"magazine\" refers to a collection or storage location. In the case of written storage location. In the case of written publication, it is a collection of written publication, it is a collection of written articles. This explains why magazine articles. This explains why magazine publications share the word root. publications share the word root.
TRAVEL MAGAZINE EXPLORING THE thai land A magazine is a publication, usually a periodical publication, which is printed or electronically published (sometimes referred to as an online magazine). Magazines are generally published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of the three. At its root, the word \"magazine\" refers to a collection or storage location. In the case of written publication, it is a collection of written articles. This explains why magazine publications share the word root. A magazine is a publication, usually a periodical publication, which is printed or electronically published (sometimes referred to as an online magazine). Magazines are generally published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of the three. At its root, the word \"magazine\" refers to a collection or storage location. In the case of written publication, it is a collection of written articles. This explains why magazine publications share the word root. A magazine is a publication, usually a periodical publication, which is printed or electronically published (sometimes referred to as an online magazine). Magazines are generally published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of the three. At its root, the word \"magazine\" refers to a collection or storage location. In the case of written publication, it is a collection of written articles. This explains why magazine publications share the word root.
TRAVEL MAGAZINE INSIDE A CULTURE: moroccan ruins A magazine is a publication, A magazine is a publication, usually a periodical publication, usually a periodical publication, which is printed or electronically which is printed or electronically published (sometimes referred published (sometimes referred to as an online magazine). to as an online magazine). Magazines are generally Magazines are generally published on a regular schedule published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of and contain a variety of content. They are generally content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by prepaid purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination subscriptions, or a combination of the three. At its root, the of the three. At its root, the word \"magazine\" refers to a word \"magazine\" refers to a collection or storage location. In collection or storage location. In the case of written publication, the case of written publication, it is a collection of written it is a collection of written articles. This explains why articles. This explains why magazine publications share magazine publications share the word root. the word root.
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