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Home Explore Everyday expressions in English

Everyday expressions in English

Published by Gülizar ŞAHİN, 2021-05-05 20:14:05

Description: Everyday expressions in English

Keywords: everdayexpressions,daily,speaking


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İngilizce Tanışma Soru Cümleleri What is your name? : Adın ne • How are you? : Nasılsınız • How old are you? : Kaç yaşındasın • Where are you from? : Nerelisin • What is your nationality? : Milliyetin ne • Do you have any brothers or sisters? : Kız kardeşin ya da erkek kardeşin var mı • What are your hobbies? : Hobilerin nelerdir • Are you ‘’student’’ ? : Öğrenci misin • What do you study? : Ne okuyorsun • Do you study or work? : Okuyor musun yoksa çalışıyor musun • Where do you reside? : Nerede oturuyorsun • Where do you live? : Nerede yaşıyorsun • What do you do? : Ne (iş) yapıyorsun • How is it going? : Nasıl gidiyor • Are you single or married? : Evli misin yoksa bekar mısın? • Can you tell me … ? : … ‘ı söyler misiniz İNGİLİZCE TANIŞMA CEVAP CÜMLELERİ İlk kez tanıştığınız biriyle konuşmalarınızda size sunulan sorulara cevap vermeniz gerekir. Bu cevaplar ise kendinizi karşı tarafa en iyi şekilde tanıtmanızı sağlayacaktır. Aşağıda, yukarıda verilen örnek soruların cevaplarına ve türkçe çevirilerine sırasıyla ulaşabilirsiniz. • My name is Burcu : Benim adım Burcu • I am fine, thank you : İyiyim, teşekkürler. • I am 24 years old – I am 24 : Ben 24 yaşındayım. • I am from Mersin : Mersinliyim. • I am Turkish : Türküm. • I have a brother and a sister : Benim bir erkek ve bir kız kardeşim var. • I like going shopping with my friends. : Arkadaşlarımla alışverişe çıkmayı seviyorum. • Yes, I am a student at Istanbul University. : Evet, İstanbul Üniversitesinde öğrenciyim. • I study economics. : Ekonomi okuyorum. • I work : Çalışıyorum. • I reside in Kadıköy : Kadıköy’de yaşıyorum. • I live in Kadıköy : Kadıköy’de yaşıyorum. • I am an Architect : Ben mimarım. • It’s fine : İyi • I am single : Bekarım

İngilizce Tanışma Kalıp Cümleler • Hello : Merhaba • Hi : Selam • Good bye : Güle güle • Have a good day : İyi günler • Nice to meet you : Tanıştığıma memnun oldum. • Allow me to introduce myself : Kendimi tanıtmama izin verin • Excuse me : Afedersiniz • Excuse me for bothering you : Rahatsız ettiğim için özür dilerim. • Thanks : Teşekkürler • Gladly : Seve seve • With pleasure : Memnuniyetle • What did you say? : Ne dediniz • I don’t know : Bilmiyorum • Me too : Ben de • I don’t care : Umursamıyorum • You’re welcome : Rica ederim • Leave me alone : Beni yalnız bırakın • In my opinion : Bence • What’s wrong? : Sorun nedir? • Congratulations : Tebrikler İngilizce Kendini Tanıtma Örnekleri • Hello, my name is Beril and my surname is Yılmaz. I am 18 years old. I was born in 1999 in İstanbul. My father is a doctor and my mother is lawyer. I have a brother. I am a student at the university. I like going out with my friends. I don’t like eating meat. I have green eyes and blonde hair. I am not very tall. • Merhaba, benim adım Beril ve soyadım Yılmaz. Ben 18 yaşındayım. 1999 yılında İstanbul’da doğdum. Babam doktor ve annem avukat. Bir erkek kardeşim var. Üniversitede öğrenciyim. Arkadaşlarımla dışarı çıkmayı seviyorum. Et yemeyi sevmiyorum. Benim yeşil gözlerim ve sarı saçlarım var. Ben çok uzun boylu değil. İngilizce Tanışma Diyalog Örnekleri Seçil : Hello, my name is Seçil. What is your name? Olcay : Hi, my name is Olcay Seçil : Nice to meet you, Olcay Seçil : Where are you from? Olcay : I am from İstanbul. Seçil : How old are you? Olcay : I am 22 years old. Olcay : Do you study or work? Seçil : I work. Olcay : What do you do? Seçil : I am a doctor. And you? Olcay : I am a lawyer. Seçil : I am pleased to know you. I must go now. Olcay : Ok Seçil, hope to meet you again. Seçil : I hope so. Take care, bye. Olcay : You too, bye.

AT THE HOSPITAL Doctor-Doktor Patient-Hasta Nurse-Hemşire Dentist-Dişçi Lab technician-Laboratuvar teknisyeni Obstetrician-Doğum uzmanı Gynaecologist-Jinekolog/kadın doğum uzmanı Paediatrician-Pediatrist/Çocuk doktoru Psychiatrist-Psikiyatrist EMT-Acil durum teknisyeni X-ray technician-Röntgenci Cardiologist-Kardiyolog Optometrist-Göz hastalıkları uzmanı Surgeon-Cerrah Operation-Ameliyat Thermometer-Termometre Blood pressure gauge-Tansiyon ölçme aleti

Alcohol-Alkol Bandages-Bandaj Needle-Şırınga Appointment-Randevu ENGLISH DIALOGUES AT THE HOSPITAL Good morning, I have at 9 o’clock appointment-Günaydın, saat 9’da randevum var Did the doctor come?-Doktor geldi mi? Yes, the doctor will see you in ten minutes-Evet, doktor sizi 10 dakika içinde kabul edecek/görecek DOCTOR-PATIENT DIALOGUES IN ENGLISH Raise your head-Başınızı kaldırın I’d like something for a cold-Soğuk algınlığı için bir şeyler istiyorum I feel weak-Kendimi kötü hissediyorum I don’t feel well-Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum Where does it hurt?-Nereniz ağrıyor? What is troubling you?-Şikayetiniz nedir? I have a fever-Ateşim var I have a headache-Başım ağrıyor I have a sore back-Sırtım ağrıyor I have a stomach-Karnım ağrıyor I can not sleeping well-İyi uyuyamıyorum Does it hurt here?-Burada ağrı var mı? What kind of pain?-Nasıl bir ağrı? How long have you had this pain?-Ne zamandır ağrınız var? For a long while-Uzun zamandır

I need to examine you-Sizi muayene etmem gerek He down here please-Şuraya uzanın lütfen Take a deep breath-Derin nefes alın Cough please-Öksürün lütfen I will take your beat-Nabzınızı ölçeceğim I will take your temperature-Ateşinizi ölçeceğim I will give you a prescripiton-Size bir reçete yazacağım You must take the pills one time a day-Günde bir kere bu hapı almalısınız I should see you again in a week-Bir hafta sonra tekrar sizi görmeliyim Come in again to see me in a week-Bir hafta sonra beni görmek için tekrar gelin. PATIENT-DOCTOR DIALOGUES DIALOGUE ABOUT HEADACHE -Patient: Doctor, I’ve headache since yesterday evening. -Doctor: Have you taken any medicine? -Patient: Yes, but the headache hasn’t disappeared. -Doctor: You’ve a running nose. Looks like your headache is a result of sinus infection, I’ll prescribe an antibiotic to clear the infection and a pain reliever to relieve the pain. -Patient: Thank you, doctor. DIALOG ABOUT STOMACHACHE -Patient: I’ve stomachache and diarrhea since last night. I also vomited few times in the night. -Doctor: What did you eat yesterday? -Patient: I ate some snacks on the roadside eatery. It’s likely a result of that. .-Doctor: Likely you ate contaminated food. You’ve lost plenty of body fluids. Drink water regularly. Fruit juice is fine too. Avoid caffeine, dairy products, and solid foods at least till evening. And get plenty of rest.

-Patient: Any medicines? -Doctor: Yes, I’m prescribing a few to control diarrhea. -Patient: Thank you, doctor. Patient Record Dialogue Sample:Hasta Kayıt Diyalog Örneği -Nurse Black: Good morning. Welcome to hospital. I am Nurse Black. How can I help you? -Mrs. Anne: Good morning. I want to have a medical check-up. -Nurse Black: What is your name? -Mrs. Anne: My name is Anne. -Nurse Black: Please sit down, Mrs. Anne. What is your problem? -Mrs. Anne: I think I have no serious problem but, I want to know my condition exactly. -Nurse Black: I appreciate the awareness of the health you have. Have you come here before? -Mrs. Anne: It is the first time I come to this hospital. -Nurse Black: Alright. We always provide the best service to our patients. Which day is better for you, Wednesday or Thursday? -Mrs. Anne: Thursday is better. -Nurse Black: Please choose your appointment time. Twelve o’clock, half-past twelve or ten past three? -Mrs. Anne: Twelve o’clock is fine. -Nurse Black: Okay, Mrs. Anne. See you on Thursday at twelve o’clock. Have a nice day! Vocabularies  Pain – Acı, yaralandığınızdaki hissi ve hasta oluşunuzu tanımlarken kullanılır.  Ache – Ağrı, devam eden acı.  ill – Hasta, bir hastalıkla boğuşan.

 Sick – Hasta, aynı zamanda mide bulantısında bu kelime kullanılır.  Sore – Ağrı, acılı ve çoğunlukla kızaran kas ağrıları.  illness – Hastalık, fiziksel veyahut zihinsel rahatsızlık.  Disease – Hastalık, ciddi ve genelde enfeksiyondan kaynaklanan rahatsızlık.  Heal – İyileşmek, tekrar sağlıklı olmak.  Cure – Tedavi, bir kişiyi tekrardan iyileştirmek/ hastalıktan kurtarmak.  Cure – İlaç, tedaviyi sağlayan ilaç ve iyileşme aşaması.  Treat – Tedavi, bir kişiyi hastalıktan kurtarmak için atılan tıbbi adım.  Treatment – Tedavi etmek, bir kişiyi hastalıktan kurtarmak için atılan tıbbi adım.  Diagnose – Teşhis koymak, sorunu bulmak ve açıklamak.  Diagnosis – Teşhis, hastalığın tıbbi karşılığı.  Injury – Hasar, örneğin bir kazayla oluşmuş zarar.  Wound – Yara, vücudun bir kısmında derinin üzerindeki delik.  Cut – Kesik, keskin bir şeyle oluşan yara.  Bruise – Morluk, bir yere çarpma ya da bir şeyin düşmesi sonucu oluşan rengi maviden kahverengiye dönen iz.  Scratch – Çizik, tırnakla kaşırken teni çizmek gibi oluşan bir yara izi.  Infection – Enfeksiyon, bir bakteri veya virüs ile bulaşan ve hastalıkla sonuçlanan bir durum.  Temperature – Sıcaklık, vücut sıcaklığı.  Fever – Ateş, hastanın vücut ısısının normalden fazla olması.  Cold – Nezle, burnun ve boğazın etkilenerek öksürmeye ve hapşırmaya sebep olmasını içeren bir hastalık.  Flu – Grip, ateş çıkmasına; ağrıya ve güçten düşmeye sebep olan oldukça kötü bir hastalık.  Vomit – Kusmak, midede birikenlerin ağız yoluyla çıkması.  Medicine – İlaç, hastalığı hafifletmek ya da sona erdirmek için doktor tarafından verilen yutularak içilen madde.  Antibiotics – Antibiyotik, bakteriyi öldürüp enfeksiyonu geçiren bir çeşit ilaç  Pain killer – Ağrı kesici, ağrıyı sona erdirmek için kullanılan bir çeşit ilaç.  Patient – Hasta, hastanede kalan veya hizmet alan kişi.  Surgery – Ameliyathane, doktor ya da dişçinin hastasına müdahale etmek üzere - ameliyat/ operasyon gibi- bulunduğu alan.  Operation – Ameliyat, hastalığın tedavi edilmesi için bir kişinin bedenin bir kısmının açılması ya da çıkarılması.  Chemist’s – Eczane, ilaçların satıldığı dükkan.

 feel ill, sick – hasta hissetmek  have a temperature – ateşi olmak  have a pain in your back, chest, waist, arm, shoulder – sırtta, göğüste, belde, kolda, omuzda ağrı olması  have a headache – baş ağrısı  feel weak – güçsüz/ hâlsiz hissetmek  feel dizzy – baş dönmesi/ sersem hissetmek  suffer from stomach cramps – karında kramp ağrısı çekmek  have a black eye – gözün morarması  have a swollen, sprained ankle, wrist, foot – şişmiş, burkulmuş, bilek; ayak  have a lump – şişkinlik olması  have a broken leg – bacağın kırılması  have a fracture – kırık olması  burn, cut a finger – parmağı yakmak, kesmek  sprain an ankle – ayak bileğini burkmak  be allergic to antibiotics – antibiyotik alerjisi olması  produce an allergic reaction – alerjik reaksiyon göstermek  come down with a cold – nezle olmak  be in bed with a cold – nezleden yatağa düşmek  have a heart attack, stroke – kalp krizi, inme geçirmek  suffer from asthma, malnutrition, diabetes – astım, kötü beslenme, diyabetle uğraşmak  fight cancer, depression, addiction, alcoholism – kanser, depresyon, bağımlılık, alkolizm ile mücadele etmek  (go to) see a doctor – doktora gitmek  examine a patient – hastayı muayene etmek  take, feel your pulse – nabız ölçmek  take, measure your temperature – ateş ölçmek  diagnose an illness, disease – bir hastalığı tedavi etmek  diagnose a condition, disorder – bir durumu, rahatsızlığı tedavi etmek  prescribe medicine – reçete yazmak/ ilaç yazmak  make up a prescription – reçete hazırlamak  take someone to hospital – birini hastaneye götürmek  undergo an examination, operation – bir ameliyat geçirmek

 dress a wound – pansuman yapmak  a bandaged arm, leg – sargılı kol, bacak  put on a plaster – alçıya almak  give an injection – iğne yapmak  have a blood test – kan testi yapmak  prevent the spread of disease – hastalığın yayılmasını engelleme  enhance, build immunity to a disease – hastalığa karşı bağışıklığı güçlendirmek ya da oluşturmak AT THE SHOPPING SHOPPING VOCABULARY People: Customer  Cashier / clerk  Attendant / assistant  Manager Shopping:  Wallet (male)  Purse (female)  Scale  Till / Counter  Barcode

 Receipt  Gift receipt  Aisle  Shelf / shelves  Trolley / s  Basket / s  Lift / s  Escalator / s  Bag / s Fitting rooms / changing rooms Ways to Pay:  Cheques  Cash  Notes  Coins  Card machine  Chop and pin machine  Credit cards / debit cards  Loyalty card Where to Buy:  convenience store / general store / newsagents / department store / shop / store  chemist / pharmacy  toy shop / toy store  book shop  ladies clothing shop / boutique  men’s clothing shop / tailor  shoe shop / cobbler’s  jeweller’s / jewellery store  opticians / optometrists

 electrical store  record shop  ironmonger’s / ironmongery  charity shop / second hand shop  haberdasher’s / haberdashery  shopping centre  shopping mall / mall  market  florist / botanist  butcher’s  fishmonger’s / seafood store  greengrocers / grocery store  baker’s / bakery  delicatessen  grocer’s  DIY store / home supply store  hardware store  off-licence  post office  supermarket  gardening store / gardening centre USEFUL PHRASES THAT A CLERK OR CUSTOMER MIGHT USE 1. Finding the right store / shop Questions:  Can you recommend a good toy shop/store?  Is there a chemist / pharmacy in this area?  Where can I get pet food from?  Where is the nearest shopping centre?  Could you direct me to the nearest post office please?  Do you know where the nearest hardware store is? Responses:

 There is a really good book shop just around the corner.  You can buy that here in the hotel.  The nearest one is a few mile away.  The best toy shop is in the shopping centre.  The post office isn’t open on Sundays.  The convenience store on the corner might sell that. 2. Opening times Questions:  What time are you open until?  What time do you close today?  Are you open on the weekends?  Are you open all day?  What are your opening hours?  Are you open on Sundays?  Are you open every day during the week?  What time do you open tomorrow? Responses:  We’re open from 9am to 6pm.  We’re open on weekdays only (Monday to Friday).  We’re open from 10am to 8pm.  We’re open 7 days a week.  We’re open 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).  We’re closed at lunchtime, between 12pm and 2pm.  We’re closed on Bank Holidays (national holidays). Clerk’s / Assistant’s Questions:  Can / May I help you?  Can I help you find something?  What colour would you like?  What size would you like?  Is there anything else I can help you with?

 Would you like to try it on?  Is that any good?  What can I do for you?  How does it fit?  How about this one?  Anything else?  Would you like anything else? Customer’s Questions:  Excuse me, do you work here?  Could you help me please?  I’m looking for a ….  I’m trying to find a ….  Could you tell me where the …. is, please?  How much is this?  How much are these?  How much does this cost?  How much is that …. in the window?  Where can I find the …. ?  Do you sell …. ?  Do you have any … ?  Would you have this in another colour?  Have you got anything cheaper?  Do you have something less pricey (expensive)?  Do you have this item in stock?  Do you have a smaller/bigger/larger size?  Do you know where else I could try?  Does it come with a guarantee/warranty?  Where is the changing/fitting room?  Is there somewhere I can try it/this/them on, please?  Where can I weigh my groceries?  Do/Can you deliver?

 Do you have a refund policy?  Is this in the sale? Clerk’s / Assistant’s Responses:  I’m afraid that’s the only colour we have.  Sorry, we don’t have any more in stock.  Sorry, we don’t sell those / them here.  I’m afraid we don’t have any more left.  I have exactly what you’re looking for.  This one is on sale right now!  It comes with a manufacturer’s warranty.  It comes with a 1-year guarantee.  The changing / fitting rooms are that way.  The scales are by the counter over there. That’s where you can weigh your groceries.  That one is ….(price).  They’re ….(price) each.  You can get a refund if you keep the receipt safe, and bring it back within 2 weeks. Customer’s Responses:  I don’t need any help. I’m just browsing, thanks.  No, I’m just looking, thanks.  Wow, that’s cheap!  That’s good value.  Oh, that’s expensive.  That’s quite reasonable.  That’s a little over my budget.  That’s not exactly what I’m looking for.  I’ll take it.  I’ll take this, please.  It’s too long / too short.  It’s too tight / too loose. 4. Making payment Cashier’s / Clerk’s Questions:

 Are you in the queue?  Are you being served?  Who’s next?  Next, please!  How would you like to pay?  Will that be cash or credit?  Do you have a loyalty card?  Would you like a bag?  Can I help you with anything else?  Will that be all?  Would you like a gift receipt for that?  Would you like me to gift wrap it for you?  Would you like that gift wrapped?  Would you like any cashback?  Put your card into the machine, please.  Enter your PIN, please.  That comes to ….(price), please.  The total is ….(price).  That’s ….(price), please. Customer’s Questions:  Do you take credit cards?  Can I pay by cheque, please?  Could I have a receipt, please?  Could I have a gift receipt, please?  Could you gift wrap that for me please?  Can I put one item back, please? I’ve changed my mind about this one.  Could I leave my bags here, and pick them up later, please?  Do you offer a cash discount?  Does it have a warranty / guarantee? Cashier’s / Clerk’s Responses:  We take / accept all major credit cards.  Sorry, we don’t accept cheques.

 I’m afraid we take cash only.  We’re offering 6 months credit, with no deposit, if you’re interested. Customer’s Responses:  I’ll pay in cash  I’ll pay by card  Here’s ….(money), keep the change!  That’s it for today.  That’s all, thanks.  Thank you. Have a good day! 5. Returns and complaints Questions:  Who can I speak to about making a complaint?  Could I have a refund please?  Can I speak to the manager please?  I’d like to return this please.  I’d like to make a complaint.  I’d like to change this for a different size please.  Do you have the original receipt?  Did you buy it from one of our other stores?  Can I ask why you’re returning it please?  Can I ask why you’ve changed your mind please? Responses:  It doesn’t work.  It doesn’t fit.  It was a gift, but I don’t like it.  It was a gift, but the person I bought it for doesn’t like it. THINGS WRITTEN ON SIGNS THAT YOU MIGHT SEE  OPEN  CLOSED  Open 24HRS (HOURS) a day

 Special offer  SALE  Clearance sale  Closing down sale  Everything must go!  Liquidation sale  Great value products  Good value  Bargains  BUY 1 GET 1 FREE  Buy one get one half price  Half price sale  70% OFF EVERYTHING  Reduced to clear  Out for lunch  Back in 15 minutes  Back at 2PM  Shoplifters will be prosecuted  CCTV in operation USING A CREDIT CARD  enter your pin  please wait  remove your card  signature  £5.99 = “Five, ninety-nine” (short way)  $12.75 = “Twelve dollars and seventy-five cents” (long way)  $12.75 = “Twelve seventy-five” (short way)  €3.20 = “Three euros and twenty cents” (long way)  €3.20 = “Three twenty” (short way) MAKING COMPARISONS Example Conversation 1:

A: Which sofa should we buy? I can’t decide! B: This one is larger, but it’s more expensive. I prefer the smaller one. Example Conversation 2: A: I need a new watch, but I don’t know which one to get. Can you give me any suggestions? B: Rolex watches are better than Sekonda, but they’re not as affordable. Sekonda watches are better value for money. Example Conversation 3: A: I like the red sweater. What do you think? B: I like the red one too, but I think the blue one is better, and the green one is best. The green colour really suits you. Example Conversation 4: A: What do you think of this dress? Does it suit me? B: It suits you well, but the floral print one is my favourite, and it’s more suitable for this season. A: Hi there, can I help you with anything? B: Yes please, I’m looking for a T-shirt. A: What size are you? B: I’m a medium. A: What colour would you like? B: Maybe a blue or green one. A: Here you are. How about these? B: Thank you. Can I try them on anywhere? A: Certainly, the changing room is over there. B: Thank you. A: How do they fit? B: They’re both fantastic. I really like them. A: Yes, the blue looks nice on you, it really brings out your eye colour. B: Thank you. I’ll buy both of them! A: Great! Please go to the tills, and pay over there. B: Alright, thank you for your help. C: Who’s next please! B: Hi there, I’d like to buy these please. C: OK, how would you like to pay? B: Do you take credit cards? C: Yes, we do. B: Okay, here’s my credit card. C: Enter your pin number into the machine please.

B: Okay, done. C: Thank you. Shall I put your receipt in the bag? B: Yes please. C: Here you go. Have a nice day! B: Thank you, goodbye! EXAMPLE CONVERSATION BETWEEN A CASHIER (A), AND CUSTOMER (B) A: Are you next in the queue sir? B: Yes, I’d like to buy this watch as a gift for my wife please. A: Okay, would you like me to gift wrap it for you? B: Yes please, that would be great! A: Are you sure this is the right size for your wife? B I’m not sure, it’s just a guess! A: I can print a gift receipt so she doesn’t see the price, but can bring it back to change the size if she needs to. Would you like me to do that? B: Yes please, that would be amazing! A: Okay, that’ll be sixty-five dollars and ninety-five cents for the watch please. B: Can I pay by cheque please? A: No, I’m afraid we don’t accept cheques. B: Okay no problem, I’ll pay by debit card then. A: Please insert your card into the machine, and then enter your PIN. B: Okay, done. A: Would you like me to put the gift receipt in the box with the watch? B: Yes please, that’ll be perfect. A: Here you go sir. Enjoy the rest of your day. B: Thank you very much!

AT THE AIRPORT WORDS:VOCABULARIES Passport: Pasaport Trip: Seyahat, yolculuk A carry on bag: Küçük el çantası Check Bags: Çantaları kontrol etmek Scale: Ölçü/Tartı Flight: Uçuş Requirement: İhtiyaç Boarding pass: Biniş kartı Window seat: Pencere yanı koltuk You are all set: Artık hazırsınız Depart from…:…dan ayrılmak Terminal: Terminal Gate: Kapı Departure: Ayrılış Clear security: Güvenlikten geçmek Enjoy your flight: İyi uçuşlar Conveyor belt: Taşıma bandı Stretch out :Uzatmak

Step to the side: Kenara geçmek Trigger alarm: Alarmı tetiklemek/alarmı çalmak Board a flight :Uçağa binmek Pick up: Toplamak İtems: Eşyalar Head to: Belirli bir yöne gitmek Switch seats: Koltuğu değiştirmek Here you go: Al bakalım, buyrun Purpose: Amaç Enjoy your stay! : İyi tatiller, kaldığın sürenin tadını çıkar A DIALOGUE AT THE AIRPORT A: Hello! May I see your passport, please? B: Here you go. A: Thank you. And where are you flying with us today? B: I’m going to London. I’ll be studying there for a year. A: How fun! That sounds like a great trip. I see your information right here. Are you checking any bags today? B: Yes. Just one. A: Perfect. If you could place it on the scale for me, that would be great. B: Here you go. A: Thank you. Hmmm... it appears your bag is just a bit too heavy. It is over our weight requirement. Perhaps you could take something out of your bag and put it in your carry-on bag? B: Yes! I’ll take this big book out of the bag. No problem. A: Great! Now your bag is ready to be checked. And I see you’ve chosen a window seat, is that still okay for you? B: I think so. B: I’ve never flown before so I thought it would be nice to look out at the clouds. B: Do you think it will be a good seat for me?

A: This is your first flight? Well,that’s fantastic! You’re going to love it. And yes, I think the window seat is an excellent choice for you then. Let me print your boarding pass, and you’ll be ready to go. B: Okay. A: Here it is. You are all set. You’re going to depart from Terminal C Gate 54. B: When do I need to be there? A: You should get to your gate about one hour before departure. B: And how do I get to the gate? A: You will turn left at the coffee shop. Security will be directly in front of you. Once you are finished clearing security, follow the signs to Gate 54. I will be on your right. B: Thank you so much for your help. A: You’re welcome! Enjoy your flight! Security Check: Passport and boarding pass, please. B: Here you go. Security Check: Thank you. You can go on through. Security Check2: Sir, you need to remove your coat. And your belt. B: My coat and my belt. Security Check2: Yes. And your shoes. B: My shoes too? Security Check: Yes, please. You can place them in this bin. You need to empty your pockets and put those items in the bin as well. Do you have any liquids in your bag? B: I do. I have water bottle and some hand lotion. Security Check2: You’ll need to take those out. The water is too big. You can either drink it right now or throw it away. B: I’ll just throw it out. Security Check: The hand lotion is fine because it is a small container. You need to put in a plastic bag, though. B: Do you have a bag that I could use? I have never flown before, and I didn’t bring one.

Security Check2: Sure. We have extra bags right here. B: Thank you. Security Check2: Do you have a laptop in your bag? B: I do. Security Check2: I’ll need you to remove it as well and place it in a bin. B: Okay. Security Check2: Please put your bag on the conveyor belt. Now please step through the scanner. B: What’s wrong? Security Check2: Please step to the side. Stretch out your arms. I’m going to scan your body. Are you wearing any jewelry? B: Oh, yeah. I think my necklace triggered the alarm. Sorry about that. Security Check2: All right.You’re all clear. You can pick up your items from the scanner, and you can head to your gate. Have a great flight! B: Thanks. C: United Airlines flight 803 to London is now boarding. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready for boarding. B: Excuse me, miss? Hostess: Yes. B: My window shade is broken, and I cannot open it to see out the window. Would it be possible to switch seats so I can have a window with a view? This is my first flight, and I want to be able to see everything. Hostess: Of course! Let’s move you to Row 38 Seat B. You will be able to see out of from that window. B: Thank you. Could you tell me how long this flight will take? Hostess: We should be in the air for about six hours. B: Okay. Thank you. Hostess: You’re very welcome.

Hostess: Would you like something to drink? B:What do you have? Hostess: We serve coffee, tea and soda B: I’ll have coffee with cream please. Hostess: Here you go. And would you like something yo eat? B: That would be great! What do you have? Hostess: We have a turkey sandwich, a chicken salad or a vegetarian pasta. B: I think I’ll have the turkey sandwich. Thank you. B: Excuse me. Can you please tell me where I pick up my bag? I checked one bag one my flight here. D: Yes. What was your flight number? B: I was on Flight 803. D: I see. It looks like your bag will be arriving on Carousel 4. B: And how do I get there? D: It’s right around the corner. You’ll see the number 4 on top , and it should list your flight number as well. Your bag should be arriving soon. B: Great! Thank you! D: You’re welcome. Passport Control: Passport please. B: Here you go. Passport Control: Thank you. And what is the purpose of your visit? B: I’m going to be studying here at the local university. Passport Control: And how long will you be stay? B: I’ll be here one year, until May 26 of next year. Passport Control: And where will you be staying?

B: My address will be 473 East Town Street, Apartment 3C. It’s in London. Passport Control: Do you have anything to declare B: No, I don’t. Passport Control: You’re all set. Enjoy your stay! B: Thank you. MAKING A HOTEL RESERVATION Receptionist: Good morning.Welcome to the Grand Hotel ? Client: Hi,good morning. I’d like to make a reservation for the second week in June .Do you have any vacancies? Receptionist: Yes sir,we have several rooms available for that particular weekend. And what is the exact date of your arrival ? Client: The 10th. Receptionist: How long will you stay? Client: I’ll stay for two nights. Receptionist: How many people is the reservation for? Client: There will be two of us. Receptionist: And would you like a room with twin beds or a double bed? Client: A double bed please. Receptionist: Great.And would you prefer to have a room with a view of the sea? Client: If that type of room is available,I would love to have a sea view. How much is the room?

Receptionist: Your room is two hundred and fifty dollars per night. Would you like to make a reservation now? Client: Yes,please. Receptionist: Could you tell me your name ,please? Client: Charles Hannighan Receptionist: Could you spell your last name,please? Client: H-A-N-N-I-G-H-A-N Receptionist: Is there a phone number where you can be contacted? Client: yes,my cell phone number is 555-26386 Receptionist: Great.Now I’ll need your credit card information to reserve the room for you.What type of card is it? Client: Visa.The number is 987654321 Receptionist: And what is the name of the cardholder? Client: Charles Hannighan Receptionist: Alright,Mr Hannighan ,your reservation has been made for the tenth of June,a double-bed and view of the sea.Cchck-in is at 2 o’clock.If you have any other questions ,please don’t hesitate to call us. Client: Great,thank you so much. Receptionist: My pleasure.We’ll see you in June,Mr Hannighan. Have a nice day. CLOTHES  Blouse: Bluz  Bra: Sütyen  Cardigan: Hırka  Dress: Elbise  Dressing gown: Sabahlık  Evening gown: Gece elbisesi  Jacket: Ceket

 Nightgown: Gecelik  Night dress: Gece elbisesi  Panties: Külot  Scarf: Eşarp, atkı  Skirt: Etek  Slip: İç gömlek  Socks: Çorap  Sweats: Eşofman  Sweater: Süveter  Sweatshirt: Kazak  Swimming suit: Mayo  Tights: Tayt  Trousers: Pantolon  Underwear: İç çamaşırı  Weddin gown: Gelinlik  Wrap: Şal  İngilizce erkek elbise ve giysileri  Belt: Kemer  Jackets: Ceket  Men’s clothing: Erkek giyim  Pants: Pantolon  Shirt: Gömlek  Shots: Şort  Suit: Takım elbise  Sweater: Süveter  Tie: Kravat  Tuxedo: Smokin  Undershirt: Atlet  Vest: Yelek  Bathrobe: Bornoz  Beret: Bere  Coat: Kaban, manto, palto  Hat: Şapka  Jeans: Kot pantolon  Raincoat: Yağmurluk  Pyjamas: Pijama  Slippers: Terlik  Sneakres: Spor ayakkabı  Summer clothing: Yaz giyimi  Sunglasses: Güneş gözlüğü  T-shirt: Tişört  Truck suit: Eşofman  Underpants: İç çamaşırı  Winter clothing: Kış giyimi  İngilizce elbise özellikleri  Checked: Kareli  Colored: Renkli  Cotton: Pamuklu  Denim: Kot kumaşı  Fasion: Moda

 Flowered: Çiçekli  Leather: Deri  Patterned: Desenli  Seasonal: Sezonluk  Showy: Gösterişli  Simple: Sade  Spotted: Puantiyeli  Striped: Çizgili  Stylish: Şık  Woolly: Yünlü  Wear: Giymek  Put on: Giyinmek  Try on: Üstünde denemek  Get dressed: Giyinmek  Get undressed: Soyunmak  Take off: Çıkarmak SAMPLE SENTENCES  What will you wearing at the party?: Partide ne giyeceksin?  I will wear white dress: Beyaz elbise giyeceğim.  How much many did you shirt?: Gömleğini ne kadara aldın?  Your skirt is very nice: Eteğin çok hoş  Take off your dress, put on your truck suit: Elbiseni çıkart, eşofmanını giy. DIALOGUES Conversation 1 Situation: Lucy, Tui and Jane are out shopping for a new dress. Lucy: Come over here Jane and have a look at this dress. Jane: Oh, yes! It looks lovely. Why don’t you try it on in the fitting room? Tui: It looks like it will fit you. Lucy: I better try it on. Last time I bought a dress it was baggy and did not fit properly. Tui: Let me hold the hanger while you try it on. Lucy: Thanks, Tui. Jane: If you need a different size just ask and I will get it for you. Lucy: What do you think, does it look good? Tui: Perfect! It fits you and you look very pretty in it. Jane: I agree, it really suits you, Lucy! Tui: Why do you want to buy a dress anyway, Lucy? Lucy: I’m going to my brother’s 30th birthday party and I want to look my best! Jane: There are some designer dresses over there that look nice as well. Lucy: I think I will buy this one. Is this dress in the sale? Tui: Yes, the label says it is 30% off. Lucy: Great. Let’s go to pay for it, come on.

Conversation 2 Situation: Bob and Andrew are getting ready for a wedding. Andrew: Are you going to wear a suit, Bob? Bob: Yes, I am. Why? Andrew: I’m thinking what outfit I should wear to the wedding ceremony. Bob: I think a waistcoat looks very smart for attending a wedding. Do you have one? Andrew: Yes, I do. I also have a matching tie. Look, here it is. Bob: That looks very smart. I think you should wear that outfit. Andrew: This shirt needs cufflinks. Do you have some I can borrow? Bob: Yes I do. Here you go. Andrew: Thanks Bob. Bob: No problem. Don’t forget to wear a coat as it’s supposed to rain today. Andrew: Yes I know. I will probably take a jumper as well. It is quite cold. Bob: Are you taking a change of clothes for the party on the evening? Andrew: Yes, I’ve packed some smart casual clothes for the evening. Bob: Me, too. Are you ready to go? Andrew: Just about ready. Thanks for your help. Let’s go to the church. Bob: You’re welcome, Andrew. Let’s go. BusEnglish Conversation: Station Where is the bus station? How do I get to the bus station? Where is the bus timetable? Where can I find out departure and arrival times? Is this bus scheduled still in effect? Is this the current bus schedule? Is this schedule still valid? Has this schedule been modified? Has this schedule been changed? Are the times on this schedule correct?

What bus will take me to…? Which route goest to…? What route do I take to get to …? What bus do I take to get to…? Where can I buy a ticket? Where is the ticket office? Where do I get in line to buy a ticket? Where can I purchase a ticket? How much does this ticket cost? I need a one-way ticket to… One-way ticket to…, please. How much is a round-trip ticket? How much does it cost both ways? I need a return ticket. I’d like a return ticket. How long is a round-trip ticket good for? When does this ticket expire? When is the last day I can use my return ticket? By what day do I have to return? Is there a group rate? Are there any discounts for groups? Can I sit anywere I want? Does this tichet designate a specific seat? I want to cancel this ticket. Can I get my money back?

Can I get a refound? Is this bus to Main Street? How often this bus come? What time does this bus arrive in…? AT THE RESTAURANT Vocabulary Menu: menü Dish: yemek Book: rezervasyon yapmak Dessert: tatlı Waiter: erkek garson Waitress: bayan garson Napkin: peçete Starter: başlangıç Main course: ana yemek Tip: bahşiş Chef: şef Fork: çatal Knife: bıçak Spoon: kaşık

Delicious: lezzetli Salt :tuz Dialogue A - May I take your order? B - Yes. I'd like the chicken and a side order of corn. A - And what would you like to drink? B - I'd like a cup of coffee, please. A - And what would you like to order? C - I'll take the spaghetti and a salad. A - What would you like to drink? C - Just water, please. (after the meal) A - Would you like something for dessert? B - Yes, I'll have the cake, please. Would you like something? C - No thanks. I'm full. (after dessert) B - Could we have the bill, please? A - Yes, here it is. B - Hmmm. $23.55. Here you are. A - Thank you. Come again.

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