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Published by Columbia Daily Tribune, 2015-02-13 11:10:35



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2A COLUMBIA DAILY TRIBUNE Wednesday, April 9, 2014LIFE DURING WARTIME: Prognosticators make their picksG150 YEARS AGO TODAY | april 9, 1864 The overwhelming choice of LASGOW — Rebels Times. those entering the Dr. Mike as wild card winner. In the Nation- with the Red Sox the wild card. In and Southern sympa- Curry was responding to Perry Award contest have al League, the group picked the the National League, the division thizers were becoming picked the Los Angeles Dodgers to Cardinals, Senators and Dodgers, winners were St. Louis, Washing- bolder as martial law efforts by officials in Washing- win the 2014 World Series, usually with the Cards the only unanimous ton and the Dodgers with the Reds ton and local officials in Mis- at the expense of the Detroit choice of the seven-man group. the wild card.eased, causing worry that guer- souri.William Switzler of Colum- Tigers. The Giants were the wild cardrillas and bushwhackers would bia, provost marshal for con- pick. The national publications alsotarget the relatively untouched scription in the Ninth Congres- Two fans have picked the St. picked individual awards — MostCentral Missouri counties, six sional District and editor of the Louis Cardinals and the Kansas That seven-man group was split Valuable Player, Cy Young and theleading Unionists wrote to Brig. Columbia Missouri Statesman, City Royals to meet in a rematch of on the series winner. Three voted Rookie of the Year.Gen. Clinton Fisk. was campaigning in his news- the 1985 series won by the Royals ers in the wild card playoff. I saw for the Rangers, two for the Dodg-“Our immediate section is paper for an accurate count. in seven games. One fan picked the the Angels losing the American ers and one each for the Cardinals All three publications pickedmuch troubled with maraud- Hundreds of slaves from Cards to get even for the umpire’s League ALCS to Detroit. and Giants. Mike Trout of the Angels as MVPers,” they wrote, adding that “a Boone, Howard and Callaway obvious error that allowed the Roy- and Xander Bogaerts of Boston aslarge number” of people were counties — three of the top five als to win that 1985 matchup. The In the National League, the divi- Baseball America had the Rays, the Rookie of the Year. Two publi-intimidated into silence. Others slaveholding counties in 1860 other saw the Royals once again sion winners will be Washington, Tigers and Rangers win the Ameri- cations named the Rangers’ Yu— “far too many” — regarded — had enlisted at Jefferson City, winning in seven games. St. Louis and the Dodgers with can League division with the Red Darvish as the Cy Young winner,“these outlaws as aid- Mexico, Macon and Pittsburgh beating the Braves in Sox and Oakland the wild card but Baseball America went withers of the Southern MISSOURI IN Boonville. They had Only two fans to date picked the the wildcard playoff. The Dodgers teams (no winner named). In the Chris Sale of the White Sox. THE CIVIL WAR: Cardinals to win it all. One picked will beat Pittsburgh for a spot in National League, the picks werecause, and of course 150 YEARS LATER initially been credited the Cards over the Tigers in Game 7 the series, which will be another Washington, St. Louis and the In the National League, Baseballopponents of the Fed- to the counties where when Adam Wainwright outduels Dodger victory in six games. Dodgers, with Atlanta and Pitts- America chose Paul Goldsmith oferal Government,” they they enlisted rather Max Scherzer. burgh the wild cards. The series the Diamondbacks as the MVPwrote. than the counties John Kelly, who has been doing winner — The Dodgers over the while the two others picked BryceGlasgow Mayor F.W. where they lived as One of the more unusual picks this contest since it began, sees the Rays in seven. Harper of the Senators. ClaytonDigges signed the let- slaves, an important was an all-Los Angeles series with Giants taking the series from Kershaw of the Dodgers was ater, as did Provost Mar- issue with a draft likely. the Angels, who qualified in this Tampa Bay in five games. Sports Illustrated had a huge unanimous choice for the Cyshal Clark Green. They “Boone County has fan’s picks by winning the wild breakdown of all 30 teams and Young, and Billy Hamilton of thereported that large made the discovery card playoff, beating the Dodgers We went next to those who print came up with Tampa and the Reds was Rookie of the Year.LIFEnumbers of refugees, that some 200 of her in seven games. their choices in the national media Dodgers as the two best teams in negroes were enlisted and came up with the following: the game, then picked Washington Be sure to keep this list handyincluding an unusual here, and this county Ol’ Clark’s picks in the American to beat Oakland in theWorld Series. and return to it on Nov. 1. Just don’tnumber of women, League were Tampa Bay, Detroit USA Today’s Sports Weekly used Go figure. SI had seen the Ameri- bet on any of it.DURINGchildren and old men, has been credited with and the Angels as division winners a seven-man committee that can League division winners as them … and all we have and the Red Sox beating the Rang- picked the Rays, Tigers and Rang- Tampa Bay, Detroit and Oakland Bill Clark’s columns appearwere moving across the ers to win the American League Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-WARless the families of men division crowns, with the Red Sox days. Reach him at 474-4510.river. “They are doubt- to say is, we hope Boone County willTIMEern Army, who have BEST BETS: THURSDAY’S EVENTS TribuneColumbia Dailywho are in the South- never receive credit for a single one of them,”found the south side, the editorial said.“Theywhere Federal troops are abun- were so very Conservative that it The War on Drugs To subscribe, to reportdant and active, too hot for was necessary for their negroes delivery problems or to reachthem, and hence their migra- to run away in order to get into What: Music circulation customer service:tion,” the petitioners wrote. “It is the service; and we hope to see Where: Mojo’s, 1013 Park Ave.believed not a few of the men of old Boone drafted to supply the When: 9 p.m. 573-815-1600these families are now on the credit which she has not received How much: $12 to $14north side of the river.” for her runaway negroes.” About: Led by singer-songwriter Adam Granduciel, this Philadelphia 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.They asked for a company of outfit has crafted one of the best albums of the young year. White Monday-Friday n Laces shares the bill. 6:30 to 10 a.m. Saturdaymen, “commanded by active JEFFERSON CITY — The Also tomorrow: 6:30 to 10 a.m. Sundayand efficient officers,” to be sta- Alleghanians, a group of famoustioned at Glasgow. singers who had performed The Stone Sugar Shakedown, Columbia Entertainment Com- Want to place a n since 1846, announced they We Live in Public 9 p.m. at The More calendar listings: pany, 1800 Nelwood Drive, classified ad?JEFFERSON CITY — Three would do one show in four days Blue Note, 17 N. Ninth St., 573- presents “Moonlight andwomen arrested at the home of at the Cole County Courthouse. 874-1944; $5. presents “Desdemona: A Play Magnolias” at 7:30 p.m. Tickets Call 573-815-1855.their mother willingly cooked The performance was set to About a Handkerchief” at 7:30 range from $8 to $10. www. 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.for bushwhackers and openly begin at 7:45 p.m. The Late Night Benedictions, p.m. in the Warehouse Theatre, Busted String Band 8 p.m. at 104 Willis Ave. Tickets are $8, Monday-Friday The Bridge, 1020 E. Walnut St., $6 for students and seniors. Déjà Vu Comedy Club, 405declared their support for the Adult admission would be 50 573-442-9627; $5. Cherry St., presents Greg To contact theConfederacy, four witnesses tes- cents, and children would be garts. Warren and Keith Cissell at newsroom:tified in proceedings against admitted for 25 cents. The The Warehouse Theatre 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $8. www. Company at Stephens College News 573-815-1700Mary, Mariah and Cilicia Davis, Alleghanians, “Vocalists and editor@columbiatribune.comall of Cooper County. Swiss Bell Ringers,” advertised Business 573-815-1735Two of the main witnesses in the Missouri State Times that Budget bill includes aid Photo 573-815-1770were Lt. William LeFever and they had “lately returned from a for failing school district photo@columbiatribune.comSgt. James Chambers, leaders of four-year world tour.”a squad of soldiers who arrested The tour had taken them Sports 573-815-1780 sports@columbiatribune.comthe women after allowing five through Europe, Asia and the Web 573-815-1712 bushwhackers to escape from Pacific. On Raratonga, an island Fax webmaster@columbiatribune.comthe surrounded house. The sol- 1,900 miles northeast of New 573-815-1701diers raided the house in late Zealand and 2,900 miles south Call Trib Talk at 815-1776 with yourMarch. comments about the issues of the of Hawaii, they sold tickets for day.“On entering the house I pigs, chickens, coconuts and JEFFERSON CITY (AP) — Missouri lawmakers being cut by more than half after an arbitration panel If you have a correction for anfound the table set and eatables other local produce. authorized as much as $2 million of state aid yester- decided that Missouri officials in 2003 failed to dili- article, call 573-815-1700.on it,” LeFever testified. “The In an article promoting the day to help a financially strapped, unaccredited St. gently enforce the terms of the multi-state tobacco To find an article that has appearedaccused said the bushwhackers concert, Times Editor William Louis-area school system remain open through the settlement. in the Columbia Daily Tribune sincehad come there and they had Curry quoted a reviewer from remainder of the school year. The supplemental spending bill also includes an 1993, search our online archive atgotten supper for them. They the group’s press packet. “Dr. additional $3 million to help low-income people pay me that they were Rebels Scott” praised the sound of the The state rescue for the Normandy School District their utility bills. For research services, call theand did not claim to be any 62 Swiss bells, “from a lady’s was included in a $327 million budget bill given final Other sections use state and federal funds to make Tribune library at 573-815-1703.thing else.” thimble up to the size of a large approval by the House and Senate that covers unan- up for shortfalls in school funding and child welfare For photo reprints, call 573-815- ticipated state expenses for the fiscal year that ends 1600. June 30. It now needs only the signature of Gov. Jay n water pail,” as “truly beautiful, Nixon. programs and to pay overtime for state mental health For permission to reuse TribuneJEFFERSON CITY — The and the skill of their perfor- care workers. stories or photos, call 573-815-1700state’s effort to obtain credit for mance wonderful.” Lawmakers approved the additional spending for Legislators approved the 2014 supplemental bud- or email editor@columbiatribune.blacks enlisted in Kansas regi- The name Alleghanians the 2014 budget on the same day that the Senate get bill with little discussion yesterday. The Senate com.ments and the effort by slave- was not a reference to the group’s Appropriations Committee worked on a separate Appropriations Committee spent considerably more The Tribune is at 101 N. Fourth St.holding counties to obtain cred- origins. The group was created budget plan for the 2015 fiscal year that starts this time discussing its version of the proposed 2015 bud- in downtown for blacks enlisted outside by professional New York- July. get. This newspaper is sold in differenttheir borders should be denied, based performers who chose Among other things, the Senate committee decided locations with varying sales taxWilliam Curry wrote in an edito- the name to invoke American It’s typical for the Missouri General Assembly to to boost the Division of Tourism’s budget from slightly rates. (USPS 123-960) Publishedrial for the Missouri State themes. approve annual supplemental spending bills. But the less than $15 million now to nearly $25 million in the daily (seven days) at Tribune legislature has not typically had to come to the finan- next fiscal year. Nixon had recommended the $10 mil- Publishing Co. (Except certain cial aid of an individual school system to ensure it lion bump. The House had approved a $5 million holidays.) Periodicals postage paidCompiled by Rudi Keller,, 815-1709 doesn’t shut its doors before the end of the school increase in its version of the budget. at Columbia, Mo., 65201. year. Negotiators from the two chambers will have to Postmaster: Send address changes SOURCES: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion; to Columbia Daily Tribune, P.O. Box Missouri State Archives; State Historical Society of Missouri The Normandy School District is financially 798, Columbia, Mo., 65205-0798. strained, in part, because of a state law that requires The Columbia Daily Tribune is unaccredited school districts to pay for the costs of work out a final version of next year’s budget by May printed with rub-resistant ink on students who chose to transfer to other nearby school 9. recycled newsprint. districts. The Senate committee also decided to add $5 mil-House endorses criminal code overhaul lion to the next year’s budget to help cover expenses if The state Department of Elementary and Second- Kansas City is chosen to host the 2016 Republican JEFFERSON CITY (AP) — An The House bill would keep the ary Education has projected that Normandy could National Convention, $1.5 million to renovate a cen-overhaul of Missouri’s criminal current punishment of as long as a finish the year with about $63,000, which wouldn’t tury-old building at the Missouri State Fairgrounds Read and feed.code the state House endorsed year in jail and a maximum $1,000 leave much room for unexpected costs.yesterday would allow prosecutors fine for people convicted of pos- and $1.3 million for the state to take over the crime labto continue seeking jail time for sessing 35 grams or less of mari- The supplemental budget bill provides $2 million to now run by the city of Independence.first-time marijuana crimes, a key juana for the first time. the state education department to be distributed to Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Kurtdifference from a more lenient ver- Normandy if needed to complete the current school Schaefer proposed to add $37,500 to equip state watersion senators approved a day ear- The Senate measure would year. patrol boats at the Lake of the Ozarks with portablelier. eliminate the possibility of jail time defibrillators to aid people with heart problems. Other and levy a fine between $250 and Other provisions in the supplemental spending bill committee members liked the idea so much that they The House vote came one day $1,000. would shift $69 million of general revenue to the state expanded it to $160,000 to place portable defibrilla-after senators gave first-round Medicaid program to make up for a shortfall in Mis- tors on boats patrolling every lake in theapproval to their version of the bill. The criminal code overhaul leg- souri’s annual settlement payments from state.Both measures now need one more islation creates new classes of felo- tobacco companies.favorable vote before moving to nies and misdemeanors and re-the other chamber. organizes various crimes to fit the The state had expected to receive new penalty structure. about $130 million in tobacco settle- ment payments this year. But that is and Hot Air Balloon Event FREE Admission - Fri., April 11 • 4-8 pm Sat., April 12 • 10am-6pm & Sun., April 13 • Noon-4pm Boone County Fairgrounds 5212 N. Oakland Gravel Road, Columbia, MOHOME BUILDERS Find innovative products, new ideas, practical advice and great deals with hundreds of local experts all under one roof!association Shop, compare and save! HOME 11971 association