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Home Explore Newsletter FFWS 01/2021 ENG

Newsletter FFWS 01/2021 ENG

Published by fldczu, 2021-03-31 09:48:23

Description: Newsletter FFWS 01/2021


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Introductory word Dear Colleagues, dear Friends, We keep on publishing our newsletter to tell hold it in some way this year. I  would really you what has happened at the Faculty, what like to meet you and discuss your views and is planned, or what we have been part of. suggestions for operating the Faculty. Most activities have been significantly affec‑ ted by the covid pandemic. However, what I wish you good health and positive thinking! we want to point out in the Newsletter is mainly the fact that life at our Faculty has Róbert Marušák not stopped in either of the important areas. Last year was very different in many ways; however, it did not negatively affect Facul‑ ty results. Although we cannot fully evaluate 2020 because some data are still being pro‑ cessed, we can say that, with increased fi‑ nancial support and motivation, we had a po‑ sitive balance. This allows us to keep support such as increasing funding for scholarships, internal support for excellent publications and teams including new postdocs and exce‑ llent researchers, increasing incentive com‑ ponents of salaries, etc. Together with the heads of departments, we need to critically evaluate results and outputs in the pedago‑ gical and scientific activities of all employees and also optimize the workload of technical and administrative staff of departments and Faculty. In 2021, there are investment pro‑ jects planned as well. The first one, Faculty warehouse construction, is already under‑ way. The second one, our main building ex‑ tension and reconstruction, is undergoing a  complicated tender. This year also sees preparation and launch of the Strategic Plan for 2021+, the main points of which we will present in a future newsletter. It was not possible to hold a Faculty manage‑ ment and staff meeting in 2020. We hope to NEWSLETTER –1– INTRODUCTORY WORD

What happened at our Faculty Adoption of a European elk from the Prague Zoo The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all sectors. Due to government measures, zoos have lost in‑ come from admission, which is used for animal care. That is why our Faculty decided to help and adopt an animal for one year. Four species that are in some way associated with the Czech Republic were pre­‑selected: the Eurasian wolf, the European elk, the black stork, and the European bison. Voting on the FFWS Facebook profile decided which ani‑ mal our Faculty would eventually adopt. The vote was in November last year and almost 900 fans took part. The clear winner was the elk with a total of 459 votes, 157 more votes than the wolf in se‑ cond place. In 2021, the elk will become the animal symbol of the Faculty. We thank all the voters for their help with the selection and we hope that visi‑ tors can return soon to Prague Zoo. Online trade fairs for applicants at the Faculty. From 25 January to 7 February, (Gaudeamus online, Congroo) FFWS also participated in the first year of the online Fair Congroo. Those interested in studying Our Faculty participated in two online fairs of listened to an information lecture on FFWS stu‑ post­‑secondary and lifelong learning – Gaudea‑ dy programmes and during the entire fair they mus and Fair Congroo. At the Gaudeamus trade could chat with individual FFWS students from fair, FFWS had an informative lecture on its stu‑ specific study programmes. dies and also the possibilities of leisure activities NEWSLETTER –2– W H AT H A P P E N E D AT O U R FAC U LT Y

Open Days online From 23 January to 19 March, our Faculty or‑ ganized Open Days online for new applicants. Unfortunately, due to bad epidemiological si‑ tuation, the applicants could not physically vi‑ sit the premises, so FFWS decided to organize a tour of the Faculty and the entire campus on‑ line. Students could watch videos of individu‑ al study programmes, an information lecture with the Vice‑­dean for Education, videos about student associations, and also participate in a chats with students. A prize competition was also prepared for the applicants. We hope that in October, at the beginning of the new acade‑ mic year, we will welcome most students phys‑ ically on campus in the pleasant and modern environment of our Faculty. Meeting the Dean online mitting final theses, the Vice­‑dean for Education, Markéta Kalábová, was also ready to answer. In On the first day of the summer semester, Mon‑ addition to studies and non­‑contact teaching, day 8 February 2021 from 6:00 pm, an online the participants were also interested in state fi‑ meeting took place with the Dean, Professor Ró‑ nal exams, internships, scholarship programmes, bert Marušák, and students of our Faculty via the a study credit system, development of Faculty in‑ MS Teams platform. The meeting was attended frastructure, graduation ceremonies and, last but by more than 80 students who asked about 50 not least, the Dean’s  activities. The reactions to questions through an anonymous questionnaire. the meeting were very positive and the Dean pro‑ Due to the large number of questions concerning mised that similar meetings will continue. non­‑contact teaching and the schedule for sub‑ NEWSLETTER –3– W H AT H A P P E N E D AT O U R FAC U LT Y

Rector’s Awards for the best awarded, of which 8 were from FFWS. The great publication outputs were result is that first place in this competition was presented at the Dean’s Board won by Jessika Margaretha Pettit from the De‑ partment of Forest Ecology and a total of seven At the December Dean’s  Board, the Faculty students from FFWS were among the top ten. Dean presented the annual Rector’s Awards for The Dean also presented the Rector’s  Award, the best publication outputs of research work which is awarded annually for the publication to our employees and PhD students. output of CZU employees listed in Nature Index. A  total of 64 outputs were submitted to the This year, 11 FFWS employees were awarded out Rector’s Award for the best publication outputs of a total of 26. You can find a complete list in of PhD students‘ research work, from 49 CZU the last issue of the FFWS Newsletter. PhD students. Of this number, 21 students were NEWSLETTER –4– W H AT H A P P E N E D AT O U R FAC U LT Y

Start of the FFWS warehouse During construction, the entrance to garages, and transformer station greenhouses and, exceptionally, to the FFWS construction side entrance may be temporarily restricted. As part of this construction project, following In mid‑­February, construction of the FFWS mutual consultations with the Rector’s  Office warehouse and transformer station began. and after considering the further development In the first phase, excavation work is being of the Pavilion of Wood Sciences, it was deci‑ carried out for the relocation of engineering ded to build a data multi­‑channel also for the networks. During March, excavation work will Pavilion. The connection of the Pavilion with begin on the foundations for the warehouse. the CZU backbone network will increase capa‑ Construction is proceeding according to plan city for IT technologies, back­‑up data from la‑ and the cooperation of all affected faculties, boratories, and the possibility of creating local workplaces, and components is problem­‑free – storage with quick access. thank you! port consisted of contributions from Vltava Support of the Jedlička Run runners, Faculty management, and other Institute in Prague Sports Club Faculty staff. The Faculty has been providing this financial support for several years. In mid­‑December, a check for CZK 25,000 was handed over to a representative of the Jedlička Institute in Prague Sports Club. Financial sup‑ NEWSLETTER –5– W H AT H A P P E N E D AT O U R FAC U LT Y

Who you may not know at our Faculty Kateřina Veronika Puchmertlová Hajná (Quality) (Development) What brought you to FFWS? What brought you to FFWS? When I left the Faculty of Physical Education and I  have been working in various areas of pro‑ Sport of Charles University after 12 years, where, jects financed by EU Structural Funds for about among other things, I  was preparing accreditati‑ 15 years. When an offer came after parental ons for study programmes, I  vowed that I  never leave, which also allowed me to combine mo‑ wanted to see another accreditation form in my ther and work life, I did not hesitate to accept life. However, after two job experiences – as a pri‑ it. Personally, I  see the combination of mater‑ mary school teacher (English, Physical Education), nal duties and work as one of the most diffi‑ where I  lasted exactly one school year, then as cult challenges I have ever faced. While working a methodologist of youth at the field hockey asso‑ at FFWS, I  am most grateful for the kind and ciation (which I mistakenly thought was my dream helpful team, from heads to colleagues. I  see job) – I accepted the offer at the FFWS. I have been FFWS as a place where I like to „escape“ from here for four years now and I do not regret it. my children. Tell us something about yourself. Tell us something about yourself. I grew up in a family of field hockey players, which I am a mother of two very active young children, affected me for a  large part of my life. I  spent my so I spend most of my free time with them. I like whole childhood, youth, and part of my adolescence to spend time outdoors, where I  recharge my on the playground, in the gym, on tours, at training batteries and relax from the hustle and bustle camps. Sport was not just my hobby for a  while. of the normal daily routine. In the summer I like I played sports all the time not only in the club, but to spend time in our cottage garden, where we also at school. As a  graduate of FPES CU, I  threw grow various vegetables and fruits and I  take myself headlong into every sport. As the years go by, care of the greenery and ornamental plants. I am starting to appreciate peace, my family, the sun, When we have a babysitter, my husband and I go forests, water. So it seems I am in the right place here. on motorcycle trips around the Czech Republic. NEWSLETTER –6– WHO YOU MAY NOT KNOW

Jiří Ježek (Department of Forestry Technologies and Construction) What brought you to FFWS? I  am married, I  have two beautiful daughters It was a  phone call from doc.  Zlatuška, who of‑ with my incredibly patient wife. I  am an acti‑ fered me a job other than designing buildings to ve hunter, I am a hunting manager, since 1996 fulfil the function of a forest, namely the position I have been playing the French horn, I am eng‑ of his assistant. Probably just because he offered aged in cynology, beekeeping. In my residence something different, more interesting for me than in Hořice, I  lead a  section of Sokol and at the what I had created in the previous fifteen years, same time I am the mayor and chief of our local I agreed. I was attracted by the change, the po‑ Sokol. I am interested in history. ssibility of working in a  team again after some years, teaching, and especially science and rese‑ arch, in which, I admit, I am a complete beginner. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their patience with me. On the other hand, I believe that I will be able to apply my practical experience in both. Tell us something about yourself. I am a graduate of the Czech Forestry Academy in Trutnov and Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences. I worked for Forest of the Czech Republic, state enterprise; subsequent‑ ly, as a self­‑employed person, I started a company that deals with the design of buildings to fulfil the function of a forest. In the previous academic year, I started PhD studies at our Faculty. NEWSLETTER –7– WHO YOU MAY NOT KNOW

Interview with a new associate professor and its northern part is surrounded by various mountain massifs. I  spent a  lot of time in the woods and trips with my parents or friends crea‑ ted a desire to work in this environment. What do you like to remember from your studies? Practical exercises that were led by leading ex‑ perts in the field, the team, parties and trips, but also the professional side of study. I  even had some exercises with our current Dean, who wor‑ ked in Zvolen then as an assistant professor. doc. Peter Surový What is your position at FFWS? I am, or trying to be, Head of the Department Department of Forest of Forest Management. It is a department that Management teaches and researches methods and tech‑ niques that focus on topics ranging from forest Tell us something about yourself measurement, its predicted development, and I  come from Slovakia, Horní Nitra, the town of planning and decision­‑making processes. Of Prievidza. I studied forestry at the Technical Uni‑ course, this department is closely connected to versity in Zvolen and after school I worked at a fo‑ all other departments. rest plant in Prievidza for some time. Subsequent‑ ly, my steps took me to Portugal, Universidade What brought you to FFWS? de Evora, where I worked in research for several There is a  dynamic team of people who know years and worked on my doctorate in cooperation what they want and go for it. Even before I jo‑ with my alma mater in Zvolen. Both of my chil‑ ined, we used to come here with colleagues dren were born in Portugal. After my doctorate, from both Portugal and Japan, mainly in coope‑ I worked at the Institute of Statistical Mathema‑ ration with the Dean, who then was the Head of tics in Tokyo for two years and at the University Department of Forest Management. And even of Göttingen in Germany, where I  also obtained when I  worked as a  postdoc in Germany, Pro‑ a habilitation. In 2014, I was given the opportunity fessor Kouba, who was the Head of Department to join the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, before Professor Marušák, often went there. The CZU in Prague, where I work to this day. world is big, but there are few people who are engaged in forest measurement, and so (like How did you get into forestry? in other specializations) we more or less know Since my childhood, I have been attracted to na‑ each other. The advantage of Prague has al‑ ture – Horní Nitra is densely covered with forests ways been a good geocentric position and thus NEWSLETTER –8– INTERVIEW

a good start to foreign cooperation, and the cu‑ te occasional issues, the team is still very positive rrent staff has a real interest in advancement. and willing, and pulling in the same direction. As for the negatives (but it is such a classic, as both What do you see as the biggest advantage of Czechs and Slovaks are of a conservative nature), working at FFWS? many new ideas and improvements meet with I  think that everyone at the Faculty today, from rejection and negativism mainly among colleagu‑ students to teachers, has an opportunity – an op‑ es from practice, but sometimes I  feel like it is portunity to prove what they know, to do what a ritual and who does not hate does not exist. Of they enjoy, to research what they want, and to course I’m exaggerating a bit, everything comes study what they want. The academic world ge‑ to some conclusion in the end. nerally offers people freedom, but this may be conditioned, for example, by the reluctance of What is your hobby? What can’t you be without the administration, complicated bureaucracy or, in your free time? classically, lack of funding. Many of my colleagu‑ It may sound weird, but cooking and food. When es are employed in the private sector, where they I  no longer work in science, I’ll probably start usually do not know the last problem (finances), a  restaurant and be a  chef. Ideally a  restaurant and administrative procedures are simpler. Inte‑ where I will cook as well as serve food – I have restingly, however, it is precisely for commercial often seen such places on my foreign travels. In reasons that the scientific process must be more each country that I  visited, I  tried various origi‑ standardized and that academic freedom is often nal dishes, and I have to admit that in Dejvice, for limited here. I think that the Faculty, as it is set up example, it is possible to find really good sushi, today, combines the benefits of both academia pho, yakitori, but also a pork knuckle or „svíčková“. and private sector, and I hope that the manage‑ ment will be able to maintain this system. What symbolizes you in forestry and why? Trees. I generally like trees as a form of life, I think Is there anything that surprised you when you they are fascinating by how many years they have started working here? been here, or how differently they adapted and ma‑ I did not experience big surprises, I knew the si‑ naged to survive in such extremely different condi‑ tuation at the Faculty; in any case, the willingness tions, just as we humans try. I think that measuring to deal with things and cooperation between co‑ trees, for example, helps us to understand them lleagues was one of the positive surprises. Despi‑ more and bring them into harmony with people. NEWSLETTER –9– INTERVIEW

News from Faculty management Central project teachers took place and subsequently training administration on MS Teams was organized. The new features Based on the growing number of of the application include, for example, the so­ projects, both from national and international ‑called Breakout rooms, i.e. the possibility to providers, FFWS has decided to administer pro‑ divide students into groups and provide them jects from one department. with space for group discussions. The current situation, i.e. projects administered At the CZU level, new Rector’s  Directives were in individual departments, is not suitable with re‑ discussed and subsequently issued – Guidelines gard to the need for unified communication with for the assessment of foreign secondary and providers and with the Rector’s Office. Therefore, higher education at the Czech University of Life for newly acquired projects, project administrati‑ Sciences in Prague within the admission proce‑ on will be provided centrally by the Department dure and Support for talented applicants to stu‑ of Development. A similar model will be applied dy at the CZU. as in the administration of projects from opera‑ Examiners and chairmen of the state final exa‑ tional programmes. mination committees for SFE 2021 were appoin‑ The aim is also to reduce the administrative bur‑ ted and approved by the FFWS Scientific Council. den on researchers, to reduce the risk of possi‑ In mid‑­February, a selection procedure was held ble errors, i.e. occurrence of ineligible costs, and for Erasmus+ study stays and practical intern‑ to ensure uniformity of communication at the ships. Nine students were selected for the trip. international level in foreign projects. ProjeAct ad‑ Due to the p1a9n%demic situation, the interest was very small. 24% ministrators – project and financial managBers – will be paid from project resources. C If31mi51n%%palrothviensgesthe quality of Since January 2021, 10 projects (8 ntoatcioennatrlDa, 2l aind‑‑ F1in1a%l theses are a key part of pro‑ ternational) have been transferred ministration by the Department of DevelopEment. Study department and ving the achievement of the profile of gradua‑ education tes of all study programmes, and increasing From 4 January to 7 February 2021 (or until 25 February 2021 for combined form their quality is therefore an important aspect students), an examination period took place. Online testing predominated. Unfortunately, of the FFWS educational activities. the epidemiological situation did not develop well even at the beginning of 2021, so the su‑ In the past period, intensive work has been mmer semester was also started online. Before the beginning of the semester, a meeting with done on the preparation of new Dean’s  Re‑ gulations concerning the elaboration of final bachelor’s, diploma, and dissertation theses. These regulations take into account not only the new Rector’s Directive and other changes in legislation, but also the expanding portfo‑ NEWSLETTER – 10 – N EWS F R O M FAC U LT Y M A N AG E M E N T

lio of FFWS study programmes and different The IGA Committee set conclusions on interim requirements and options regarding the form and final reports on projects in 2020. Five pro‑ of final theses. jects were assessed as not fulfilled. This report Simultaneously with these Regulations, re‑ was handed over to the Faculty Dean and the commended methodological guidelines for heads of the relevant departments. A  call has the creation of final theses were issued, the been announced for the submission of IGA pro‑ aim of which is to facilitate the writing of ba‑ jects starting from 2021. An evaluation of the chelor’s, diploma, or dissertation theses for submitted applications is currently underway. students, as well as the supervision of these In February, rules were announced for rewards theses by academic staff of the Faculty. The‑ for excellent research activities at the FFWS in se guidelines contain detailed instructions on 2021 and a call for support of excellent teams at what the final thesis should look like at all st‑ the FFWS in 2021 and 2022. The evaluation of the ages of the study. submitted applications of FFWS teams takes pla‑ ce during March and supported teams can start Science and research using this support during April. Once again, FFWS published more Economic and operatio­ than 200 outputs on WoS in 2020 nal management (214 articles as of 31 March 2021). From the point of view of the quality of outputs, it is First of all, we should thank all the significant that there was a slight increase in heads of departments and workplaces, their assi‑ outputs in the 1st decile according to AIS in stants, and the Department of Development for individual Fords and 74 % of outputs were pu‑ the successful closing of the year 2020. We can blished in the 1st and 2nd quartiles according say that all rules for drawing funds were observed to AIS. Four articles were published in journals and a positive balance on operating activities was registered in the Nature Index database. reached, which will be used to cover repairs and maintenance of technical equipment and to cover Caption: FFWS outputs in 2020 in the renewal and acquisition of the new FFWS in‑ individual quartiles according to AIS frastructure. A slightly surplus budget is also planned for 2021, 4.Q TOP 10 with an increase in scholarships in 2021 and inter‑ nal support for excellent publication outputs and 11 % 1.Q teams. In 2021, we are also planning to strengthen the motivational components of wages, such as 3.Q 43 % extraordinary bonuses and personal bonuses. Li‑ kewise, funds will be prepared to cover all parti‑ 15 % cipations, print new study materials, and support the commercialization of scientific outputs. And all 2.Q this in a situation where the FFWS budget remains the same as in 2020. 31 % In the operational area, the cleaning services supplier was changed on 1 March 2021 on the ba‑ sis of a  university‑­wide procurement. Improving the air conditioning for electron microscopes NEWSLETTER – 11 – N EWS F R O M FAC U LT Y M A N AG E M E N T

and ventilation of the rough sample preparation All­‑day streams, where the applicants could ask room in the High­‑tech Pavilion were completed. anything, a lecture about studying, and a website To ensure the protection of devices from dam‑ full of information and audio­‑visual materials were age by flowing water from accidents, we plan to prepared. Study possibilities were promoted in the place sensors with connection to mobile phones magazines Vesmír, Lesnická práce, and in Dřevař‑ in selected laboratories to reduce damage in the ský magazín. case of flooding, etc. The reason is the negative Communication with students and applicants experience from last year when similar accidents is on­‑going via social networks and the website. occurred twice and the amount of damage was Students also have the opportunity to use the 100,000 CZK for each event. Although everything anonymous mailbox on our website. In Facebook is handled by the insurance company, the costs voting, the European elk was adopted from Prague are primarily covered by the FFWS. Zoo for the year; you can read more in the section Finally, we have been quite successful in finding What happened at our Faculty. In February, a mee‑ suitable technicians to ensure the activities of ting of students with the Dean took place, which FFWS laboratories and technical equipment. In was attended by more than 80 students from our 2020, we managed to find a  technician for CT Faculty and even several study applicants. and X‑­ray devices, a new technician was hired at The Silva Regina trade fair, which was moved from the Department of Wood Processing and Bioma‑ 2020 to 2021, was cancelled again this year due to terials, and within the position of property man‑ the deteriorating epidemiological situation. ager at the Dean’s  office, permanent warranty The Rector’s Office supplied the faculties with new and post­‑warranty service of devices, their repairs logo visuals and headed papers. Information about and maintenance is provided. At the beginning these changes was sent to all employees via email. of this year, in cooperation with the Head of the However, you can also find them here. Department of Forest Protection and Entomology, we managed to fill the position of technician for Development electron microscopy in the High­‑tech Pavilion. The new year brought a lot of news in Marketing the project area at FFWS At the beginning of the new year, financial and The promotion of studies at our Fa‑ project management of national projects was culty continues in the online envi‑ transferred to the Department of Development. ronment. Trade fairs, which were once crowded The transition applies to all projects whose start to capacity, take place online and schools try to of implementation was planned for 1 January 2021 target students using online tools. Our Faculty par‑ or later, and for older projects, if the researcher so ticipated in the traditional Gaudeamus online fair requests. Recently, the Department of Develop‑ and also in the new online Congroo Fair. Our aim ment has become involved in 8 national projects is to show applicants the Faculty environment and and 2 international projects which are, however, to introduce them to student life here, all of which financed through national grant agencies. For this we succeed mainly thanks to videos. Guarantors of purpose, the department hired a  new colleague, study programmes and students made short int‑ Mgr.  Zuzana Hůlová, who you can contact about roductory videos, which were added to the Faculty these projects from now on. website for each study programme, and applica‑ We have also achieved great success in the field nts find them very useful. The traditional Open of international projects. FFWS acquired its first Day in January and March was also held online. ever Horizon 2020 project called RESONATE. The NEWSLETTER – 12 – N EWS F R O M FAC U LT Y M A N AG E M E N T

aim of this project is to generate knowledge and Department of Forestry Technologies and Con‑ develop procedures for increasing the resilience of struction, and colleagues from other departments European forests to climate change and societal will also take part in the implementation. needs. The project will be implemented under the Several other international projects will be laun‑ auspices of the European Forestry Institute, with ched this year, in particular the LIFE PROGNOSES FFWS responsible for conducting a case study on project from the Life programme acquired by the biotic pest management and its impacts. Together Department of Forest Ecology, and a  project on with the University of Graz, it will manage the work mapping forest health, tree species, and forest package Resilient forest value chains in a situati‑ risks using innovative ICT data and approaches on of changing societal requirements. However, from the CHIST‑­ERA programme by doc. Surový. during the project implementation, FFWS will also manage the tasks related to the introduction of International relations new tools and materials for teaching the options of increasing forest resilience for university and From January 2021, we have a new co‑ postgraduate degree programmes and contribute lleague, Adéla Česenková, in the area to several other tasks and work packages, especia‑ of international relations. At present, it is difficult lly in forest operation, logging and logistics, silvicul‑ to support and implement internationalization ture, natural disturbance management, ecosystem outside the Czech Republic. The task of the new modelling, etc. On behalf of FFWS, the project will colleague will therefore be to prepare all the condi‑ be coordinated by doc. Martin Jankovský from the tions for starting intensive activities as soon as the global situation allows. NEWSLETTER – 13 – N EWS F R O M FAC U LT Y M A N AG E M E N T

What happened in 2020 The year 2020 was exceptional for our Faculty a professor in the fields of Silviculture and as well as for society as a whole. The COVID-19 Economics and Management of Forestry pandemic affected all aspects of the Faculty’s ac‑ and Wood Processing were prepared. tivities and was reflected in the fulfilment of the Faculty’s  tasks throughout the year. Below is an Development evaluation of 2020 for individual areas: At the beginning of 2020, a guideline Education was prepared for project preparation at FFWS. Accreditations of ZDTLH, EMLD, LI and Myslivost a  péče o  ŽP zvěře study pro‑ Throughout the year, we were success‑ grammes were prepared. ful in university-wide projects ESF 2 and ERDF 2 OP VVV. There was an increase in quality of DT and BT – opponent reviews were done externally. There was significant support in the pre‑ paration of international project appli‑ As part of innovation in teaching, new cations, some of which were supported study materials were created. (e.g. RESONATE project). Since the beginning of 2020, electronic The list of technical equipment was up‑ study materials have been created. dated and a system of technicians was designed to operate individual groups of These have been continuously evaluated devices. in cooperation with the guarantors of study programmes. We have taken steps to support the commercialization of FFWS outputs. Science and research Internationalization Summary material of Module 3 „Soci‑ al relevance“ has been created for FFWS Anew colleague, Adéla Česenková, joined (Methodology 2017+)  – FFWS rated as an the team at the end of 2021. excellent workplace. We participated in the international MI‑ New DSP students were admitted and the CHE evaluation. scholarship was increased for active DSP students. We have established close relations with international groups FOREX and INNOVA‑ More than 200 outputs on WoS have been WOOD. published (75 % of them in 1st and 2nd Q). Internal management: A Newsletter for practice was prepared in cooperation with Lesnická práce magazine All necessary steps were taken for the in order to improve the transfer of the Fa‑ reconstruction and extension of the „old“ culty’s application outputs into practice. FFWS building. There was increased support for the popu‑ A contractor for the Faculty Warehouse larization of scientific outputs. construction was selected. Acreditations for the habilitation proce‑ Aplan for further development of FFWS dure and the procedure for appointment infrastructure was created. NEWSLETTER – 14 – WHAT HAPPENED IN 2020

Adecision was made about further use Communication with FLD staff has been re‑ of the premises at the chateau in Koste‑ inforced – publishing of the Faculty News‑ lec n. Černými lesy. Most of these premi‑ letter was started at regular intervals. ses were left to the use of SFE. To a significant extent, communication Marketing with all our target groups has been shif‑ ted to the online environment. Popularization and promotional videos have been prepared – FFWS YouTube channel. Trade fairs and many events took place online. We managed to organize a FFWS Family Day. NEWSLETTER – 15 – WHAT HAPPENED IN 2020

Quality Department Not many people at the Faculty know about the tion would not be possible; however, without the Department of Quality Assurance and Process firm and permanent support of the Department, Evaluation. This department is one of the smallest the whole process of obtaining accreditation wou‑ at the Faculty, yet it is very important for FFWS ld not be as easy and problem­‑free. operation. At present, the whole department is In the following period, when no further prepara‑ one member, and that is Mrs Puchmertlová. Since tions for accreditation of new study programmes its founding, the Department of Quality Assuran‑ are planned, it is important that the Department ce and Process Evaluation has been preparing the provides support to all study programme guaran‑ necessary documents to obtain the institutional tors in annual evaluation reports, including control accreditation that the University has finally recei‑ reports for the CZU Internal Evaluation Council. ved for the area of Forestry and Wood Sciences. In addition to accreditation of new study program‑ Since 2018, the Department has been gradually mes and evaluation of their current educational preparing documents to obtain accreditations activities, the Department works to continuously for all FFWS study programmes. Since its foun‑ improve the quality of FFWS educational activities. ding, all existing study programmes have been re­ A  new Dean’s  Regulation on elaboration of final ‑accredited according to the new rules, and some theses has been created, including an extensi‑ new ones have been added to them. Of course, ve methodological instruction for the creation of great responsibility for new programmes lies with a bachelor or diploma theses. In addition, the De‑ all the academics who are guarantors of subjects partment provides and supports the Faculty’s pub‑ or programmes, and without whom the accredita‑ lishing activities. NEWSLETTER – 16 – QUALITY DEPARTMENT

Videos The first video of our Faculty was added on its departments the opportunity to make a  video YouTube profile nine years ago. Now, you can about their research, which would be of interest find 85 videos there. In the last four years, our to the general public, as part of the Night of Sci‑ priority has been the high quality of videos and entists Online project. their English versions. We create videos on many The videos were very successful and had the topics – especially promoting the possibilities of highest number of views within the entire CZU. study, technical equipment, modern facilities, The video of our wood scientists entitled Modern scientific outputs, and past events such as the technological ways of producing wood‑­based Christmas Concert, Introductory Course, or Fre‑ products was watched by almost 500 people in shers’ Ceremony. As the events cannot currently 10 days. We would like to thank the cooperating take place in person, we had decided to offer the departments within this project once again. SEE SOME OF OUR VIDEOS HERE: Modern technological ways of producing wood­ Silviculture – from seed to tree, from tree ‑based products to forest ecosystem Click HERE Click HERE Drones for measuring Video tour of the CZU campus forests with our mascot: Click HERE Click HERE You can watch all public videos on our YouTube profile Fakulta lesnická a dřevařská NEWSLETTER – 17 – VIDEOS

What is awaiting us? Submitting applications to study From 7 to 18 June 2021, a  forestry and wood science programmes for the academic year 2021/22 summer school called From plant from 20. 11. 2020 to 31. 3. 2021. to plank will take place. The summer school State final exams will be professionally provided by two departments  – the Department of Silviculture 31. 5.–4. 6. 2021 for bachelor’s study fields and and the Department of Wood Processing and programmes and 24.  – 28.  5.  2021 for mas‑ Biomaterials. ter’s study fields and programmes. NEWSLETTER – 18 – WHAT IS AWAITING US?

New web­‑map application of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences CZU The Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences CZU has wind damage in the Czech Republic. In addition to prepared a web­‑map app map outputs, general information on the effect of making available many interesting information wind on forest stands and the proposal of opera‑ about the forests of the Czech Republic. In an in‑ ting procedures for minimizing wind damage are teractive way, you can learn about changes in fo‑ made available in a very clear way. Another inte‑ rest production due to climate change, forest fires, resting functionality determines the critical wind bark beetle outbreaks, or wind damage to forests. speed at which damage occurs on the basis of The app’s  purpose is primarily to popularize and various vegetation parameters. make available the results of forestry research, but At present, the most topical thematic category it can also be used in education or creation of va‑ is probably Bark beetle, which makes accessible rious strategic documents. information about the course of the outbreak in The app provides access to several hundred maps previous years, as well as about the prediction of in various thematic categories, such as Production, forest damage in the following period. Bark beetle, Gypsy moth, Wind, Fires, and Hunting. Individual parts of the application are continuo‑ In addition to basic map browsing, the app also usly updated – new data and new functionalities contains various interactive elements, which ena‑ are added. Registered users are continuously in‑ ble a lot of additional information to be obtained. formed about these changes. In the Fires section, it is possible to click on the in‑ teractive map to obtain graphs with the develop‑ Click HERE ment of forest fires in individual districts between 2006-2015. The Interactive overview of fire water sources section, after clicking on the map, will provide information on various parameters of the pond, reservoir, or other object in question, inclu‑ ding photo documentation. In Wind, it is possible to learn about the results of modelling the susceptibiity of forest stands to NEWSLETTER – 19 – N E W W E B ­‑ M A P A P P L I C AT I O N

Did you know that… 1 ...the FFWS popularization section presents 2 scientific results of our employees and PhD students to the general public. This student 2020, FFWS spent 2.055 initiative was established at the Faculty in 2014 million CZK on repairs and the founder was our then PhD student Jiří Lehejček. Currently, the editor­‑in­‑chief of the and maintenance; repairs section is PhD student Ing. Lucie Hambálková. and maintenance of devices There are currently four students working in this increased by 46 % section and an average of three articles compared to 2019. are published per month. Thanks to the section, our science is becoming more accessible to both students and the general public. 3 ...the same percentage of first‑­year students advanced to the summer semester as last year. Thus, the pandemic did not affect permeability between semesters. NEWSLETTER – 20 – DID YOU KNOW THAT…

4 part of the study programme Conservation of Natural Resources and Taxidermy, a skeletal specimen of the rhinoceros Sudan was lent to FFWS. This rhino was captured in Africa, spent some time in Dvůr Králové Zoo and returned to Kenya in 2009, where it unfortunately died in 2018 due to old age and a limb infection. The skeletal specimen has been lent to the Faculty for several months and then it will probably be exhibited in the National Museum. At FFWS, it will be used for scientific purposes. So far, the skull has been CT‑­scanned in the High­‑tech Pavilion. A 3D model of this unique skeleton will also be created. The media also showed interest in the exhibit. Czech Television filmed footage at the Faculty for a documentary film about Sudan and broadcast a report in the main news programme Události. 5 total, over 6 600 final thesis topics were offered for FLD ...fees for studying in a foreign language at FFWS for the students academic year 2020/2021 were 7 changed to 25,000 CZK per of 30 March year of bachelor’s English study 2021, 1 740 study programme, 15,000 CZK per year of applications were master’s English study programme, submitted. and 5,000 CZK per year of PhD English study programme. NEWSLETTER – 21 – DID YOU KNOW THAT…

Víte, že…? 8 9 you know all the ...a total of 282 teams terms used for the form in MS Teams were of teaching – distance, online, full­‑time, combined, created for the summer semester at FFWS. contact, non­‑contact, remote, hybrid? 10 ...during spring, the new EU Horizon Europe framework programme will be starting. During March, so­‑called ERC Starting Grants will be announced for researchers­ ‑beginners, and in April also regular calls for established scientific teams, specifically in the 6th cluster Food, Bio­ ‑economics, Natural Resources, Agriculture and the Environment. The Department of Development is preparing detailed information for you. NEWSLETTER – 22 – DID YOU KNOW THAT…

11 ...the Grant Agency of the Czech 12 Republic (GAČR) has announced calls for proposals for standard projects, JUNIOR STAR projects, in the new POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP competition and international bilateral projects based on the „Lead agency“ principle. Contact the Department of Development for more information. 13 ...Faculty Management is working on preparation of the FFWS Strategic Plan 2021+, which will follow up on the FFWS Long­‑term Plan for 2016-2020, or its annual update. October 2021, we plan to 14 organize an annual conference of the European Forest Institute …despite the current situation, the in Prague. Despite the pandemic academic staff can take part in the situation, we believe that this Erasmus programme, which enables them to use the so-called virtual mobility meeting will take place – i. e. attending online teaching and in person. internship in the partner institutions. In case of interest, we kindly ask you to contact Mrs Kateřina Navrátilová. NEWSLETTER – 23 – DID YOU KNOW THAT…

V dubnu April FFWS s FLD sportuj sporting challenge  pro dobrou věc – move to help Pořádáme sportovní výzvu. We have organized a sporting challenge. Kolik toho uběhneš? Kolik nachodíš, How far can you run? How often do you walk or exercise? Everything counts! nacvičíš? Vše se počítá! If we manage to do 10,000 km and Pokud se nám podaří dohromady 1,000 hours of sport together, we will nasportovat 10 000 km a 1 000 hodin, adopt a Kaffir buffalo from Dvůr Králové adoptujeme na rok buvola kaferského ze Zoo for a year for CZK 10,000. Zoo Dvůr Králové v hodnotě 10 000 Kč. How to participate? Jak se zúčastnit? The sporting challenge runs from 1st to 30th Výzva běží od 1. 4 do 30. 4. 2021. April. After any sports activity just write Po jakékoliv sportovní aktivitě napiš do on the exercise record form what you did and the distance or time taken. formuláře, co jsi dělal/a k tomu čas nebo kilometry. Let’s do it together. Pojď do toho s námi!

Published by Marketing Department FFWS CZU March 2021, Prague