Dictators for Dummies By: Emma Clark
So You Wanna Be A Dictator? Dictator- A ruler with total power over a country. Historic Example: Adolf Hitler- Germany (1933-1945) Modern Example: Vladimir Putin-Russia (2000-Present)
Tips And Tricks To Getting Your Power Manipulation is a type of social influence adopted to know about the psychological vulnerabilities of your opponent. This helps dictators rise to power because they are controlling everyone Joseph Stalin- USSR (1922-1952) Kim Jong un- North Korea (2011-Present) Stalin controlled the media and had massive Kim Jong Un controlled the media and brainwashed killing of his opponents. his people.
Tips and Tricks to Getting Power! Kim Jong-un - North Korea (2011-Present) Benito Mussolini - Italy (1922-1943) Propaganda: Used to influence public opinion in favor of the dictator & make people think the government is working for them.
How to Keep your Power-Step 1 The government controls and censors the information people receive. Dictators use this to keep their power because people can say bad things about them on the internet that the dictators don’t want their people to see. Adolf Hitler - Germany (1933-1945) Xi Jinping - China (2012-Present) Germans would burn books to hide away Xi Jinping censors Internet information about Hitler that says he is censorship and surveillance has wrong. tightly implemented in China that block social websites like Gmail, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and others
How to Keep your Power-Step 2 Hitler would have students learn Censoring and students are learning Kim Jong Un would take away about guns and nazi education about guns and Nazi education. social media such as facebook. Children start to think that this is normal and that these dictators are doing the right thing.
How to Keep Your Power- Step 3 Repress Opposition means to kill off your opponents. This helps dictators keep their power and have more control as a single leader. The Great Purge, included such actions as the mass murders of political prisoners by the Soviet Union and Stalin. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul Joseph Stalin - USSR King Salman, and his son, the Crown (1922-1952) Prince Muhammad bin Salman - Saudi Arabia (2015-Present)
How to Keep Your Power-Step 4 Hitler used gas chambers to torture enemies or sometimes he would have his policeman kill them. Putin, who has ruled Russia since 2000, has created a regime under which his opponents are murdered; political prisoners are sent to Siberia for decades behind bars. If the person that is getting tortured is saying things bad about the dictators then they get rid of them. So then they can keep their power. Adolf Hitler - Germany (1933-1945) Vladimir Putin - Russia (2000-Present)
How to Keep Your Power-Step 5 Police were used to kill people or send them to jail if they weren't following the rules or they are against the dictator. Mussolini had a secret police of the Kingdom of Italy, founded in 1927 under the regime of Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini and during the reign of King Victor Emmanuel III. Ruthless secret police are so intertwined that it is now impossible to separate the Assad government from the security establishment. Bashar al-Assad - Syria (2000-Present) Benito Mussolini - Italy (1922-1943)
How to Keep Your Power- Step 6 Propaganda- Used to influence public opinion in favor of the dictator & make people think the government is working for them. Propaganda encourages people to join the war or what the propaganda is advertising. Adolf Hitler - Xi Jinping - China Germany (2012-Present) (1933-1945)
How to Keep Your Power- Step 7 Dictators can control the media by setting cell phones to block out any foreign content. This helps dictators keep their power because the internet can say bad things about them that they don’t want their people believing. Kim Jong-un - North Korea (2011-Present) North Korean authorities “more modern forms of control” as they step up efforts to stop foreign content creeping in.
How to Keep Your Power- Step 8 Nationalism - Loyalty for a nation. Genocide-the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Ethnic conflict- a conflict between two or more contending ethnic groups DIctators can get rid of people who are against them. Hitler killed jews because he thought they were the devil. Russian president Vladimir Putin has killed his own people Adolf Hitler - Germany (1933-1945) Vladimir Putin - Russia (2000-Present)
How to Keep Your Power- Step 9 Dictators used different methods to manipulate laws. One way they did that was by Brainwashing people and massive killings. Dictators can have more power and more control over the country. Stalin had massive killings of people and Kim Jong Un brainwashes his people the believe everything he says is good. They have more power and more control over the country Joseph Stalin - Kim Jong-un - North Korea USSR (2011-Present) (1922-1952)
Works Cited https://primolevicenter.org https://www.apnews.com www.warhistoryonline.com www.nytimes.com www.globalsecurity.org https://www.merriam-webster.com www.history.com www.historylearningsite.co.uk
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