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SB Resume

Published by stevenborik, 2015-09-06 04:16:08

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STEVEN JAMES BORIK972-834-0320 | [email protected] | 2017The University of Texas at Dallas – Richardson, TX Major: 3.5Bachelor of Science in Management Information SystemsWORK EXPERIENCEGolden Frog – Austin, Texas 2015Systems Engineering Intern Demonstrated proficiency in monitoring and troubleshooting issues on over 3000 vital Linux systems. Installed and configured over 15 individual Linux servers for overseas site. Researched, implemented, and presented 4 full network monitoring software solutions for summer internship project.Enversa Companies, LLC – Dallas, Texas 2014Marketing Intern Utilized SEO to boost site ratings and improve web page visibility of over 30 clientele sites using marketing software such as Scribe.  Worked with developers to create and optimize Enversa’s conference call application “TinyDial”.  Wrote over 80 articles for 15 different companies as a component of Enversa’s website marketing package.Jesuit College Preparatory School – Dallas, TexasWork Grant Recipient 2009-2013 Worked in student administrative role for all four years of high school as part of financial grant program, logging over 400 total hours of both work and community service. Served campus community as event supervisor, development office assistant, athletics assistant, and front desk receptionist.Skyview Elementary – Dallas, Texas 2012-2013Teacher’s Assistant Tutored and assisted over 20 special needs children both in small groups and individually to help them master assignments and reinforce learning concepts presented by teachers.LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONSUT Dallas Ultimate Frisbee Team 2013-PresentCaptain and President Organized and handled logistics for UT Dallas’ annual “Ultimate 101” Tournament, where over 600 athletes from Texas and other southern states came to compete. Managed club expenditures account of over $5000 to ensure sufficient funds were available for annual in state and cross-country trips. Created club-specific events that helped boost overall organization membership to over 30 committed athletes.Hearthstone Club 2014-2015Treasurer Maintained accurate financial records throughout the year, prepared club’s budget, and ensured that all club activates adhered to the budget goals.MIS Club 2013-PresentMember Attended annual MIS Club Networking Mixer and connected with representatives from various companies across Texas.HONORS AND AWARDS 2014JSOM Business Idea CompetitionFinalist  Placed as one of the top 4 teams over 200 students in school-wide business competition.TECHNICAL SKILLSProgramming: Bash Shell Scripting, HTML, CSS, SQL Server, JavaScript, PHPOther: Linux System Administration, CentOS, Ubuntu, Zenoss, LibreNMS, Zabbix, Nagios, Chef, Excel, Access

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