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Home Explore 2018 Capital Campaign

2018 Capital Campaign

Published by lgraves, 2018-05-04 17:06:09

Description: Samaritas 2018 Capital Campaign


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Giving HOPE A SAMARITAS CAMPAIGN Be the Rock That Starts the Ripple Hope… the scriptures define hope not as wishful thinking but a place of confident expectationFor I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. — JEREMIAH 29:11 Connect. Empower. Transform.

Campaign Message from Dave & Linda MorinLeadership GIVING HOPE: Campaign ChairsCampaign Chairs “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who areDave & Linda Morin members of my family, you did it to me.”Southeast Michigan We are honored and privileged to serve as Chairpersons of GIVING HOPE:Region Chairs Be the Rock That Starts the Ripple Campaign. This campaign is designed toRev. Dr. Lou & Barbara Prues enable Samaritas to become the ripple of transformation that will bless peopleRev. David & Margie Steele that God has placed in our care, to walk with them on their journey to hope, health and wholeness.Mid-Michigan Region ChairsRev. John & Phylis Schleicher Resources secured in support of this campaign will connect, empower and transformRev. Jim & Jean Kocher communities across Michigan, enabling this ministry to meet the following goals:West Michigan Region Chairs • Increase our service capacity throughout our continuum of care, to connect peopleDan & Dawn Carter with the services and support they need, ensuring the ripple effect is widespread andDr. Bill & Deb Granger sustainableMark & LaRae OdlandTony & Mary Anne Jones • Create operational and infrastructure efficiencies, allowing us to redirect the savings gained into providing additional services, so that we can empower many others andNorth Michigan Region Chairs exponentially increasing the ripple effect for those most vulnerableJohn DeMarshRev. Rosanne Anderson • Enable Samaritas to leverage $10 million dollars in private support to meet these goals, and to secure $50 million in public support and $40 million in privateBay Area Region Chairs investor partnerships to significantly expand affordable housing and seniorJohn Nelson care servicesRev. Gerald & Suzanne Ferguson • Increase support for the Samaritas Foundation that in turn will help ensure the further development of innovative services that transform lives, and sustain the ripple effect for years to come When you skip a rock into the still surface of a lake, you see the ripples that flow from that impact. In the same way, we look to the future and see endless ripples of potential. We are personally delighted to be a part of this campaign. It allows us to demonstrate our faith, share resources entrusted to us and enhance a continuum of services that is unparalleled in Michigan. It is exciting to help ensure that the calling that helped launch this ministry more than 84 years ago will now be expanded to serve many more. Through a gift to the GIVING HOPE Campaign, you can be that rock that starts the ripple of transformation, ensuring that Samaritas can fulfill its mission of Serving People as an Expression of the Love of Christ. Grace & Peace, Dave & Linda Morin Campaign ChairpersonsGiving Hope a Samaritas Campaign 2

In total, the Giving Hope Campaign is a $100,000,000 Giving HOPEcampaign. This includes $10,000,000 in privatesupport to enable us to meet the increased service A SAMARITAS CAMPAIGNgoals detailed in this brochure, $50,000,000 in publicsupport to enable us to increase our affordable housing Your Giftsservices, and $40,000,000 in private investment Public Supportpartnerships to increase our senior living services. Private Investment PartnershipsThese resources will enable Samaritas to make the We meet people in the center of their need, serving the wholemost positive impact possible for our neighbors of all person and empowering them to realize their potential. Itages and backgrounds around the state; strengthen is in these communities that we seek to connect, empowerour families; build communities for refugees; make and transform lives, launching an unending ripple effect ofaffordable housing available for many more seniors, transformation.families and those with disabilities; grow and Join the movement and Be the Rock That Starts the Ripple!consolidate our services to change even more lives andincrease our operational efficiencies; and improve the Today, our list of servicesquality of life and the best of care for our seniors. has grown to include: • child adoption, fosterSamaritas - History and Impact care and familySamaritas began in the early 1900s when devoted pastors and preservationvolunteers sought to bring justice, grace and mercy to those in • behavioral healthdesperate circumstances. In 1919, an urban missionary, The • senior livingRev. Martin Luther Fredrick, arrived in Detroit to provide communitiesservices to those whom the economic boom had left behind. • affordable living for seniors, low incomeIn 1934 his ministry was organized into the faith-based non- families and persons with disabilitiesprofit Lutheran Social Services of Michigan which has since • home health care, enabling people to stay inexpanded its continuum of services to persons of every age their homes as long as possibleand background throughout the state. In 2016, we rebranded • adult foster care homes for persons withto become Samaritas, an identity that was more true to our developmental and intellectual disabilitiesinclusive and ecumenical work, and provided even more • homeless family services and programs foropportunities to serve a greater number of people. refugeesSamaritas By The Numbers• Is one of the largest faith-based, nonprofit health and human services organizations in Michigan• Serves nearly 16,000 people annually with 1700 dedicated staff• Offers more than 70 program sites in 40 cities• Largest provider of adoption, foster care and refugee services in Michigan• One of Michigan's largest faith-based providers of affordable housing, disability and senior living services• Resettles more refugees than any other non-profit in Michigan and are the fourth largest in the countryFor over 80 years, the mission of Samaritas has stayed thesame: Serving people as an expression of the love of Christ.Regardless of faith or belief system, we open our hearts anddoors to all populations. 3 Giving Hope a Samaritas Campaign

West Michigan Impact• Affordable Living Housing Development• Senior Living Campus Expansion and Innovative Memory Care Community• Office Consolidation into a Campus Environment, Bringing Together our Foster Care, Adoption, Family Preservation and Refugee Programming with New Affordable Living Housing• Disability Services – Memory Care Gardens and State-of-the-Art EquipmentSenior Living Campus Expansions Affordable Living Michigan has a shortage ofOur senior communities provide senior living options Almost 30 percent of renters in Michigan pay nearly 2.7 millionincluding independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing more than half their income on housing. The affordable rentaland memory care services. Giving Hope Campaign will help us expand homes. our affordable living communities for lowDementia diagnoses are expected to double over the next income families and seniors, which are so30 years. Samaritas provides cutting edge, robust memory important to maintaining healthy familiescare services, and seeks to expand these services through the and communities around Michigan.Giving Hope campaign to support our critical and growingsenior living services in the following ways: SAMARITAS AFFORDABLE LIVING• Develop Memory Care Gardens and state-of-the-art assistive technology• Remodel our memory care living space at Senior Living Grand Rapids to mirror the most contemporary research• Establish senior adult day care services at our 5 senior living campuses America is aging! 10,000 people are turning 65 years old every day.Over 5,000,000 people in the U.S. havebeen diagnosed with dementia; most livefive to eight years after diagnosis.Giving Hope a Samaritas Campaign 4

Southeast Michigan Impact• Affordable Living Housing Campuses• Samaritas Home and Community Campus Westland - Emergency Shelter Renovation• Samaritas House Heartline – Women’s Re-entry Program Home Renovation and Program Expansion to Serve Human Trafficking Victims• New Americans Refugee Services – New Neighborhood Development• Senior Living Campus Expansion and Innovative Memory Care Community• Disability Services – Memory Care Gardens and State-of-the-Art Equipment• Office ConsolidationSamaritas Family Center Westland Recent State of Michigan government statistics show:Every day in communities all over Michigan, there are thousandsof families living in crisis, only one paycheck, illness, or • More than 26,000 people in metro Detroit areunexpected emergency away from homelessness. homeless.There are very few shelters that provide private rooms for • 37 percent of the State’s homeless population ishomeless families, but we’re proud to say the Samaritas Family composed of families with children.Center Westland is one of them. The facility can accommodateup to 25 families at once and serves up to 120 families every year. \"Five months ago, my family and ISince 1994, this collaboration with Wayne County has helped to entered the doors of this centerprovide emergency shelter, resources and support for homeless – disappointed, broke and notfamilies, and the need is growing. knowing what to expect. Five months later I can truly say GodWe will remodel the existing building to create greater capacity has used you to help my family inand provide permanent supportive housing opportunities for many ways. On behalf of my wifethose served. and children, we say, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.\"Samaritas Village in Hamtramck – A Samaritas Family Center Westland clientSamaritas is meeting the needs of individuals and families whohave been forced to flee their home country due to persecution, Samaritas House Detroit - Heartlinewar or violence. Virtually 100% of those we serve are victims oftrauma; 60% are victims of torture. At Samaritas, refugees are Samaritas House Detroit is one of the few centers of its kindwelcomed as New Americans. We work with them to ensure they in Michigan and the Heartline program has helped transitionare no longer defined by what has happened to them, but by who women from prison into the community for over 50 years. It alsothey are, and all that they have the potential to be. is a residence program for women who are victims of human trafficking; homeless; leaving a drug rehabilitation program;We will partner with Wayne County to help build a secure and escaping a home broken by addiction and domestic abuse;integrative neighborhood, allowing refugee families to transition or are on probation for a criminal offense. All desire to gaintoward their permanent homes. Each partner organization the skills and self-confidence needed to become self-sufficient,recognizes the contributions that refugees bring to the vitality of productive citizens.the community-new families, businesses and civic institutionswhich accentuate economic strength, diversity and cultural The Giving Hope campaign seeks to remodel and expand thedynamism. facility for this program for the first time in several decades in an effort to serve more women and increase our services to human trafficking victims. 5 Giving Hope a Samaritas Campaign

Mid-Michigan Impact• Affordable Living Housing Development• Samaritas’ Nussdorfer Center Expansion to Accommodate Program Growth• Disability Services – Memory Care Gardens and State-of-the-Art EquipmentSamaritas’ Nussdorfer Center Disability ServicesTo accommodate the growing needs to expand our adoption, We connect families with the resources they need to help theirfoster care and refugee services, Samaritas will expand our loved ones lead lives full of purpose and self-determination.Nussdorfer Center in Lansing. This construction will also allow We empower people with disabilities to have a voice in theirus the capacity to provide Autism services in the future, and to own care and become involved members of their communities.provide the space needed for the Nussdorfer Center to become We transform lives through person centered care, individualizedthe centralized location for Samaritas staff training support and deep, meaningful connections with caregivers.and conferences in the state. Our community-basedThe newly developed training and conference room area residential programs are tailoredwill additionally serve as a meeting space for local churches, to fit the needs of each personbusinesses and service organizations as needed. who calls them home — from those requiring 24/7 care or to individuals who are more independent. The Giving Hope campaign 12.6% of the US will provide vitally needed population has a enhancements to our services for adults with severe disability development disabilities by upgrading information technology capabilities for care, state-of-the-art medical equipment, furniture and wellness activity equipment for the residents of our group homes.Giving Hope a Samaritas Campaign 6

Northern Michigan Impact Bay Area Tri-Cities Impact• Senior Living Campus Expansion and • Senior Living Campus Expansion and Innovative Memory Care Community Innovative Memory Care Community• Affordable Living Housing Development • Saginaw Community Center Facilities and Services Expansion - Adding an Enriching• Disability Services – Memory Care Gardens Charter School Experience for At Risk Youth and State-of-the-Art Equipment • Affordable Living Housing Development • Disability Services – Memory Care Gardens and State-of-the-Art EquipmentOffice Consolidation and Infrastructure Samaritas Community Center SaginawEnhancement Community Center Saginaw provides a safe haven for childrenIn order to increase our capacity to provide additionaladoption, foster care, home based counseling and refugee in challenging neighborhoods. For generations, and today,services we will expand our office spaces for these services.Samaritas’ reputation for being careful stewards of resources children are welcomed after school to focus on homework andentrusted to us will be enhanced in the following ways by theGiving hope campaign: safe extracurricular activities. Families are• Consolidate our offices into affordable housing facilities we welcomed in the evenings for a hot meal. plan to open with the help of tax credit financing Adolescents and young adults find safety 28% of children• Redirect the resulting lease savings into providing additional in Community Center Saginaw during in Saginaw services, furthering our goal of serving more people the day, along with guidance toward education and job placement, as well as live below the Foundation building the courage to stay away from poverty level The Samaritas Foundation is one of the primary the lure of local gangs. financial pillars of this ministry, ensuring that Samaritas will be there tomorrow for the growing The Giving Hope Campaign will provide funding and service number of people we serve each year. Samaritas partnerships to interrupt the cycle of poverty by helping recognizes the critical nature of supporting ongoing children stay safe, engaged and growing with services before services and/or operational innovations through the and after school - taking our Community Center to a new level Foundation. It is necessary to ensure the long term of community development with an educational component. sustainability of this ministry by seeking to increase Samaritas is taking a leadership role in developing a year-round, the assets of the Foundation through the Giving Pre-K - 8th grade charter school in South Saginaw, in one of its Hope Campaign. most impoverished neighborhoods with schools that are ranked among the lowest academic achievement scores in Michigan. With your help, we can provide a high-quality education, enriched by our Community Center afterschool wraparound services that promote academic success and job readiness. 7 Giving Hope a Samaritas Campaign

Giving HOPE A SAMARITAS CAMPAIGN Be The Rock That Starts The RippleTo help make the most positive impact possible in someone’s life in your community, please take a moment to prayerfully consider your gift to this critical Giving Hope Campaign.Donations can be made as a one-time gift, on a monthly or annual basis, or over the course of three to five years. NAMING OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE.Please contact Sam Beals WEST, MID AND NORTHERN MICHIGAN: CONGREGATIONS:- Chief Executive Officer, Contact Joel Lautenbach, Contact The Rev. Dr. Niklausat (616) 204-4330 or Kelli CFRE at (616) 916-0575 or email him at Schillack, at (248) 660-7708 orDobner - Chief Advancement [email protected]. email him at [email protected], at (313) 580-7387 formore details on this legacy SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN AND BAY AREA:opportunity or to receive Contact DeeDee McVety at (248) 953-1944more information. or email her at [email protected]. CHECKS CAN BE MADE PAYABLE TO: Samaritas, 8131 E Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48214 Samaritas, 207 Fulton St. SE #4, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503Samaritas is a qualified 501(c )3 non-profit organization. Your charitable gift is tax deductible to the full extent of state and federal law. In the unlikely event that we raise more funds than needed for a specific capital project, we will use the funds where the need is the greatest.Private Support in Michigan Board of Foundation Trustees Directors Tracy Teich, Chair Northern Michigan Board Chairman David Wohleen, Vice Chair $500K Matt Pedersen Bonnie Reyes, Secretary Mark Odland, Treasurer Vice Chairman Rev. Rosanne Anderson Dale Gerard Ellen Batkie Sheilda Braddock Secretary Rev. Terry Daly Michelle Gaggini Rev. Can. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr. Lloyd Fell Treasurer Rev. Gerald M. Ferguson Dan Carter Rev. Fred Fritz Jack GreinerWest Michigan Bay Area Tri-Cities Directors Rev. Rod Hill$3.55M $1.7M Randy Asmus Rev. Erick Johnson Mid-Michigan Sarah Prues Hecker Kent Johnson $1.2M Mary Anne Jones Rev. William Lindholm Michael Kneale David Lochner Bishop Donald P. Kreiss John Mayes David Morin John McLaughlin Jason Paulateer Rev. William Moldwin Todd Perkins Linda Morin Mark Stanko Rev. Dr. Colleen Nieman Brett VanderKamp Michael Nussdorfer Judy Pifferello Southeast Michigan Tom Post $3.05M Jean Schluckebier Rev. Dr. Tom Seppo Harold Sollenberger Pat Thomas Judy Zehnder-Keller Sam Beals, ex-officio Our Mission Connect. Empower. Transform.Serving people as an expression of the love of Christ

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