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Home Explore Fabrication Malaysia

Fabrication Malaysia

Published by, 2016-03-21 01:07:18

Leading nameplates / decals manufacturer in Asia and its current export markets include Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Korean, Hong Kong, Japan,United Kingdom, USA, Mexico and China.

Keywords: Fabrication Malaysia


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Screen Printed Nameplates Screen printing is also a stencil method of print making in which a design is imposed on a screen of polyester or other fine mesh, with blank areas coated with an impermeable substance. Ink is forced into the mesh openings by the fill blade or squeegee and onto the printing surface during the squeegee stroke. as the screen rebounds away from the substrate the inkremains on the substrate. It is also known as silkscreen, serigraphy, and serigraphprinting. In-Mold Labelling (IML)A pre-decorating technique used worldwide for injection molded parts. In the in-moldlabelling process, a label or applique is placed in the open mold and held in thedesired position by vacuum ports, electrostatic attraction or other appropriate means.The mold closes and plastic resin is extruded or injected into the mold where it conformsto the shape of the object. The hot plastic envelopes the label, making it an integralpart of the molded object.

CNC FabricationWith CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining, the computer can control exactpositioning and velocity. The process is more precise than manual machining, and canbe repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again. Because of theprecision possible with CNC Machining, this process can produce complex shapes thatwould be almost impossible to achieve with manual machining. CNC Machining is usedin the production of many complex three-dimensional shapes. It is because of thesequalities that CNC Machining is used in jobs that need a high level of precision or veryrepetitive tasks. Light Guide PlateLGP is a clear acrylic panel (PMMA) printed with Dot Matrix. The light source will beinstalled on its edge to distribute the light evenly thusmaximising the uniformity of light. The LGP is a form ofillumination used in Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs). As LCDsdo not produce light, it need illumination to produce avisible image.====================================================================== [email protected] | Call now: 603-6276 6366

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