7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedThese three necessities are just as crucial to our minds.For us, I equate water to what you listen to. What kind ofmessages are soaking into your brain through your ears? Oursunlight is what we are exposing our eyes to. What are younormally watching or reading? What kind of images are youfeeding your brain through the windows of your eyes? Thefertile soil for us are the people we spend most of our timewith – are they fertilizers or poison?What you listen to, the programs you watch or books youread and the people you hang around most will determinehow healthy and successful you will ultimately grow andbecome. A healthy tree, plant or flower depends on water,sunlight and fertile soil. Your brain also need the propernutrients for you to become healthy. So you can become yourfull potential as a human being, and as a whole.Do This: For your \"Water\" and \"Sunlight\", begin by listening,watching or reading positive inspirational messages andprograms DAILY. Even the short one minute ones. Or evenjust by reading a short positive saying or phrase. Every littlebit will help. If you just take the time to look you can findgreat materials. There's a lot of resources online and at yourlocal library, for free. Seek and you shall find.Do This: You must inventory, assess, and evaluate yourfamily and your associations. This is important if you want tohave a \"Fertile Soil\" in your life. Do they support you, yourdreams and your goals? Or do they bring you down and keepyou from growing? Do they fertilize your ideas and dreams ordo they poison your thoughts? Your answer will determinehow much time you spend with them. You don't have toalienate or divorce yourself from them. You just have tomanage the amount of time you spend with them.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 49www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed In studying and working with computers for most of my adult life, I learned an important and valuable phrase we can apply into our lives, \"garbage in, garbage out.\" \"Learn to keep garbage out of your mind so your ideas, thoughts and dreams are of value.\"Do This: The night before going to work or taking a trip, goonline and search for \"inspirational videos\" or \"motivationalvideos.\" There are many. Pick out just a few that really grabsyou and email them to yourself. When you are at work and onbreak, open up your email from the night before. You can useyour computer or your smart phone. Be in a quiet place and usean earphone or headphone if needed. Concentrate on themessage as you listen and watch the videos that moves you. Dothis whenever you have nothing to do. You will be surprise howmuch time you waste doing nothing, or doing unproductivethings. For you to change your mindset, you must change yourhabits. You do this by changing the things going into your brain.To have healthy thoughts, you must feed your mind withfertilizers, healthy and positive information.Do This: Go online, to a bookstore or library and search out\"Self Development.\" Browse through and pick out one. Pick abook that you think will help you. Something you are working onat that point in your life. What ever you pick out and buy will bethe right book. Have a highlighter and pen or pencil nearby.When you are reading make sure you highlight or make noteson phrases, ideas, concepts, philosophies, quotes, images andeverything else that touch and inspire you. If it's a book fromthe library or a book you borrowed from someone, have anotepad and pen to write down notes for yourself. You can evenuse your smart phone to photograph a useful tip or tips. Goback to these notes when you need hope, encouragement,motivation and inspiration.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 50www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedDo This: Go online and search out \"famous quotes aboutsuccess.\" When you find the list that you really like and withwords that motivates you, print them out. Carry this list withyou and read them as often as you need to. This will help youthrough the days when life and people are beating you down.Do This: Write down all the people you spend most of your timewith. Include the people you spend most of your time online, onsocial media. For each name, write down how they make yourlife better. This is the best way to determine who the people youneed to spend more time with. The others you can cut backyour precious time so you can spend it with the right people.Do This: Stop spending time looking at other people's lives.Unless you are studying how they became happy, healthy andwealthy, so you too can live the life they are living. Making itproductive and using their success to help you succeed. Find outwhat it is they have done that got them to where they are.Emulate and imitate their success. I assure you, most successfulpeople have copied and mirrored other successful people.Do This: Go online and do a search for \"successful people thatcame from poverty.\" Read the stories of many who against allodds succeeded beyond their imagination. Let their strugglesand success fuel your hopes and dreams. I share this to proveto you, that your mindset is the only thing that is standing inthe way of your own success. Once you establish the right kindof mindset, your perspective in life will shift. When your outlookin life begins to adjust, your actions will also correct itself. Thenyour actions will transform who you are, to become the kind ofperson you have always wanted to be.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 51www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed Be Respectful and live by the \"Law of Life.\" - \"You can do what ever You want, as long as You don't harm Anything or Anyone, especially Yourself!\" Do not go through life at the expense of other people's lives or at the cost of nature. If you believe in Karma, then believe in this. Newton's Law states \"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.\" Thoughts and actions are a form of energy, make them as positive and as powerful as you can. Be A Best Friend - Best Friends Always Treat You Right. This and the \"Law of Life\" are each a volume in themselves. But I feel they both go hand-in-hand to being a better person. As I remember from Sunday school and the sermons I've attended, these two I believe are the closest you can be to being a Christian. Even if you're not religious, use this as an example of how to be a better person. There is no mention of violence, hate, envy, jealousy, greed or any negativity about him. Christ was loving, caring, thoughtful, giving, unselfish, non-judgmental and so much more. He was the most respectful ever to exist. And he was the best friend to all or anyone could ever have, or ever will be. This is how I define Christianity or being Christ-like! This by no means am I preaching or being religious. This to me is basic humanity. Acting the way we should all behave towards each other and to one-self. This should especially apply to how we treat our children. We can and we should be their best friend from the start to the end. And as much as we expect and demand respect from our children, we must first show them and teach them what respect looks like. They have to learn it to know it so let'sby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 52www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed show them to teach them. Where else would you rather have them to learn respect than from you? As I said before \"Let us stop asking and demanding of our children what we have not yet become!\" Let us first be respectful to ourselves, to people around us, to our loved ones and to everything in our environment. Children impersonate and mimic the people they look up to, their parents, guardians and people they love and admire. Be the start. \"Be the person you want your children to be, and treat people as if they are your best friend!\"Do This: Be \"Respectful\" and be a \"Best Friend\" to YOURSELF!You have to first learn to respect YOU. Be your own best friendbefore you can be to others. Be good to yourself. Give yourself apat in the back regularly. Every time you do something good,even just for attempting, no matter how small, tell yourself\"great job!\" This activity will begin to radiate outward, to yourchildren and people around you.Do This: Look in the mirror and ask yourself, \"would I like me ifI was someone else seeing who I am?\" Part of respect and beinga best friend is being honest. If you are not happy with the wayyou look, the way you feel and the way you treat yourself, thenchange it. You don't have to have expensive clothes to lookgood. When you look in the mirror, do you look like you justrolled out of bed? Do you even care? You should! And you don'thave to look like a model, you just have to look healthy and puttogether. Make an effort to look good for yourself. If you don'tknow how, ask someone you can trust to help you.Still true today, and what I found in my travels around the worldis this. It isn't the external look in itself that makes peoplebeautiful, it is their attitude and how they carry themselves.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 53www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedStart looking good for yourself and you will begin to seethe beauty within, and you will feel good about yourself.This applies to men and women. This will help to rebuild yourself-esteem and self confidence. Eventually others will noticeand find you attractive too.Do This: Everyday live your life purposefully like it's your last.According to the CIA's \"The World Factbook\", over 7,000 peopledie each day in the United States alone. So if you are readingthis that is something to smile about. Be happy that you haveanother chance to enjoy life. Make this day better thanyesterday. Smile often. The act of smiling in itself will bringpositive energy into your body. Be happy, enjoy your family andfriends. Really and truly live your life, don't just exist. Here isone of my favorite sayings from my travels around the world.\"It isn't where I am, but WHO I am with that matters!\"Do This: “Treat others the way you want to be treated!” Butyou must extend beyond that. You must also “Think of othersthe way you want to be thought of.” This completes the GoldenRule the way it is meant to be. When your thoughts and actionsare in harmony, you will be at peace within yourself. Oftentimes people's actions and thought patterns are in conflict, solife becomes a battle and a struggle. Think and Act consistently!Do This: Every day, at least once a day for the next thirty days,compliment someone or do something nice for somebody. Atleast thirty different people. Not only will you make someonefeel great, but you will begin to feel really good about yourself.And if someone asks why you are being so nice, respond with\"just because!\" Be truly sincere in this exercise. This activity willchange your life and the people around you, so make dailynotes or journal. I'd like to know the results so please share thiswith me.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 54www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed Have Faith in YOU - Again, I am not preaching. But if you believe and have faith in God, and if you believe \"you are created in the image of God,\" then by default you indirectly believe in yourself. This is a reminder that you already have all the greatness within you. It's time you believe. You just have to practice believing in yourself. Keep in mind what I said earlier. I will repeat this over and over throughout these LifeTips until you truly believe it, and you begin to live it. \"Your greatest skill in life is your ability to learn anything!\" Since you were born, all you know and everything you are now, you have learned. So go out and learn what you want to have in your life. What ever you want to know, someone has probably written about it. Go find it. Read it. Learn it. And Live it!Do This: Recall all of your accomplishments in life. All thethings you can be proud of since you were born. As an infantyou didn't know anything. You were helpless and you had aclear mind, an empty mind. You began by learning tocommunicate with a cry. You learned to open your mouth toeat. You learned to open your eyes and move your fingers, yourarms and legs. You taught yourself to crawl and you learned towalk. You learned to talk. You learned to go potty. You learnedall the letters in the alphabet. You learned to read, write andspeak in what ever language you were born and raised into. Youlearned to sketch and draw. You learned to ride a bike. Youlearned to swim. You learned to play many different games withyour friends and family. You learned to get along with others.You learned when to and when not to cross the street. Youlearned to play different sports. You learned how to operate thetelevision and remote to watch TV. You learned to use thephone to call for emergency and to chat with friends or family.You learned to text, skype, tweet, post and socialize online. Youlearned the little characters called emoticons you use tocommunicate. You learned the rules of the road and you learnedby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 55www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedto drive. You learned to navigate your way to school, backhome, to the mall and to your friend's house. You learned centsand dollars, and you learned how to buy online and at the store.You learned how to use the bank and how to write checks.Freshman year you didn't know your subjects, but by graduationyou have learned Mathematics, Algebra, Trigonometry,Geometry, English, History, Social Science, Biology,Government, Economics, Physics, maybe another Language orMusic, Mechanics, Calculus, Electronics or Wood Shop. If youwork, you learned your job after a few days of training. Youlearned how to use computers and the programs within it. Youlearned how to play video games. You learned how to use asmart phone and all the apps that comes with it. You learned...Need I go on?You can fill this book and many more pages with all the thingsyou have LEARNED since you were born. Things you can beproud of. You can also add what you are learning now as youread this book, and many more things you are going to LEARNin the future. As simple and basic as all this sounds, it is veryimportant to me, for you to really grasp this concept. It took mealmost my entire life to recognize this profound skill we all have.This truly is the most powerful and important aha discovery inall my years.This is unrecognized, untapped and underutilized single mostpowerful skill you have.\"Your Ability To Learn Anything And Everything\" is yourgreatest skill and your best LifeTool! Just give yourself timeand be patient and you can learn anything. Use it to its fullestand use it towards your success!Let me also remind you that all the experts and professionalsdid not just become as good as they are. Lawyers and Doctorsby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 56www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedgo through at least eight to fifteen years of advance learning.Scientists, Engineers, Physicists and the like go through manyyears of learning as well. Even an average worker has to gothrough some learning before starting work. And they continueto learn as they go. The point here is you can learn anything!Use this exercise to help rebuild your confidence and self-esteem.Note: Learning is a choice. When you think you know it all, youdon't know anything, and you will learn nothing. When you openyour mind to learning, knowledge is endless and will begin toflood your head. So open your mind and absorb!Do This: Be proud of yourself! Whether you realize it or notYOU have learned a lot and you have accomplished plenty inyour life. Hopefully what I just mentioned has made you proudof yourself, as I am proud of you!Do This: Let us test your \"greatest skill - your ability to learn.\"Think of something you've been curious about. Anything youmay not know, or even if you already know a little about a topic.Let us search online for the subject you are interested in. Itdoesn't matter what it is. On the search browser type \"selftaught (and your subject).\" What ever it is, most likely someonehas written something on it. We are going to learn somethingabout anything. The point here is you can teach yourself tolearn anything. Find it online or at the library. Read it and Learnit. You may have to re-read it once or a few more times but youcan learn it. Better yet, ask someone who knows what you wantto know. Have him or her mentor you. That would be an evenbetter way to learn, directly from the source.Do This: Go online and search for \"self taught people.\" You willbe surprise of some great names you will see on the list. Thisexercise is to show you that you can learn just as others havelearned on their own. Autodidact are people who are self-taught,by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 57www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedand so can you. You are no different than them and they are nomore special than you. We all started out life in the same place,as infants. The difference between you and them is they learnedand they applied what they learned. And no matter whatobstacles that presented itself and how long it took, they did notstop until they succeeded to get to where they wanted to be.Even when they attained success, they kept on going. And therest is history.Do This: I want to teach you a few simple Windows keyboardcommands. On your computer open up a Notepad, Word or anyword processor. Then open up Chrome, Internet Explorer or anyinternet browser. Go to any site with words and sentences. Clickyour mouse anywhere on the page then press and hold the\"Ctrl\" key as you press the \"A\" key. Then press and hold the\"Ctrl\" key as you press the \"C\" key. Go to your word processoror simply press and hold the \"Alt\" key as you press the \"tab\"key (a few times if necessary) until you get to Notepad or Word.Make sure the cursor is blinking on the blank document thenpress and hold the \"Ctrl\" key as you press the \"V\" key. Lastlypress and hold the \"Ctrl\" key and press the \"P\" key.Congratulations you just learned how to \"Select All\" (Ctrl+A),\"Copy\" (Ctrl+C), \"Paste\" (Ctrl+V), \"Change programs\"(Alt+Tab) and \"Print\" (Ctrl+P) using your keyboard. You can usethese to copy and paste just about anything in your computer. If that was your first time learning those commands, wasn't that simple? Some of you may have already known how to use those shortcuts and many other keystrokes. But the fact is you too learned them from someone else. I want you to recognize and truly accept this great skill you have, your ability to learn anything! Again the key to learning something well is to first learn how to do it right and the best way of doing it. Sometimes there'sby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 58www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed many ways of doing something right, but most of the time there is only one Best way of doing something. Then you just apply what you've learned. Copy and repeat. More Tips; \"Save\" (Ctrl+S), \"Undo\" (Ctrl+Z), \"Cut\" (Ctrl+X), \"Bold\" (Ctrl+B), \"Underline (Ctrl+U), \"Italicize\" (Ctrl+I). Start out slow. Learn little things and be proud of the baby steps. Then move on to bigger things. Always reward yourself even by just saying to yourself \"great job!\" Remember positive reinforcement and encouragement is important, especially when it comes from yourself. NOTE: This is very important! You do not need someone else to recognize you for your accomplishments, unless it is for an evaluation so you can get a promotion. Do not rely on approval from others to feel good about yourself in a job well done. And you do not need to prove anything to anyone. Learn to be proud of yourself and you will never be disappointed. When you do something great and no one is there to witness it, does it become less of value? Is it any less beneficial to the person that benefited from your actions? Value is to the beneficiary only, no one else! NOTE: When you succeed, especially if the accomplishment is huge, do not become over confident. Most importantly, do not stop. Instead, work harder and become even better than you were before. Keep learning and keep growing. You do not want to be a \"One Hit Wonder!\" Apologize & Forgive - This is to get rid of the wasteful blaming and finger pointing. No one is perfect, not even you, so learn to apologize. Apologize for all the wrong and hurt you've caused others, whether you know it or not.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 59www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedLearning to apologize is the first step in learning to trulyforgive. It will be difficult to forgive if you don't even knowhow to apologize. You must learn both sides of this ritual, thetwo sides of the same coin.And you need to forgive your parents and/or the people whoraised you. They did the best they could with the knowledgethey had, the only way they knew how. Forgive the peoplethat have wronged you or hurt you. Everyone, including youat some point in our lives, in the past, present and will in ourfuture hurt or wrong someone unintentionally. Even if the actwas intentional, there was a reason for it that we may neverunderstand completely. Haven't you ever felt a cause or abelief so passionately that you truly believed your actionswere justifiable? Then again, it may just be pure ignorance.We don't know what we don't know. Keep that in mind whenpeople do things they do, including you.Once you learn to apologize and forgive you can begin tomove forward in your life. Then you can leave the pastbehind. Otherwise you will remain stuck in the moment ofhurt and pain until you learn to let it go. Get rid of the blamegame, no one benefits from it. It is a waste of time and awaste of energy. Move on.Note: Pain is temporary, they do not last forever. Younever have a headache that last your whole life. Even painfrom a cut will eventually subside. Every pain will go awayunless you allow it to stay. And no one can hurt you withwords but yourself, by allowing your opinions andbelief system to do so. If someone said something badabout you but you did not hear about it, does it hurt you? Itonly hurts when you hear it because YOU allow it to affect youbased on your beliefs.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 60www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedDo This: Make a list of people you know that you have hurt,and what you did to hurt them. Pay them a visit and personallyapologize for what you did. Even if they don't remember thehurt you caused them. They will feel good about you and yourapology. And you will feel better about it. If you can't face them.Write a letter and mail it. This will actually be more powerfulthan talking to them. Why? Because not many people writeletters anymore. Second, they will have something tangible theycan feel and see. Third, they can read it over and over anytimethey need to. Fourth, it may inspire them to do the same or dosomething better in their life.Do This: Make a list of people that have hurt you, and whatthey did to cause you pain. Again pay a visit or send a handwritten letter. Let them know how you feel. Also let them knowthat you are not angry and don't want them to feel bad orguilty. That would defeat the purpose. You merely want to saythat you are okay. Let them know you are moving on and youforgive them. The goal is to turn the hurt and pain into apositive learning experience.If you don't have a way to communicate with people, write it ina journal. By expressing this you may allow yourself to let it go.Do This: Most importantly, Apologize to and Forgive YOURSELF!What ever it is, it isn't your fault. Often times we say sorry andwe forgive others, but rarely if ever we apologize or forgiveourselves. This is probably more important than any apologyand forgiveness you give to others. We beat ourselves up somuch and too often. We Need To STOP! We've all heard thephrase \"we are our own worst enemy!\" It is so true. I'veactually seen people say very mean things to themselves. Andeven worse, I've seen people physically beat themselves up.I've seen kids and adults hit themselves in the head and otherbody parts, pinch themselves, hit themselves with hard objects,punch and kick solid objects and bang their heads on things.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 61www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedThat is just crazy! Enough is Enough! That's why the \"Law ofLife\" is so important. Decide and Commit to making a change and becoming better. Then actually do change and get better! I think there are three kinds of people when it comes to making a change and making things happen; the wishful, the wanting and the necessaries. - The first say to themselves \"I wish to change! I'll wait and I'll be ready when it happens.\" These people say I wish, I hope and I pray it happens while they sit around waiting for things to happen. Of course nothing happens. I even know people who feels the world owes them. And some even get angry when we don't give them what they want on a silver platter. - The second say to themselves \"I want to change, I'll try it and if it doesn't work out at least I can say I've tried.\" These are the majority, who try but never really achieve. I call these group \"The Quitters.\" The word try creates a way out. It gives you an opportunity to give up anytime, so mentally you will quit before you even begin. That's why I think most people give up the moment it becomes a little challenging or slightly difficult. Their commitment level is not ultimate. When you were learning to crawl, walk or talk, were you trying or did you commit? You were definitely a thousand percent committed! That's the only way to succeed. - This brings me to the third group who says what you should say to yourself. With this attitude you will succeed because there is no quitting and there is no turning back. The attitude is, you either succeed or you die getting there. What ever theby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 62www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedchallenge and whenever you want to accomplish anything,say \"I will succeed because my life depends on it!\"Feel the energy and the passion to that statement. This is thepledge and the responsibility you need to have for a hugechange, if you want more in life, a better life. This is theultimate commitment to success. These group of people arethe small percentage. They own up 100% of theirresponsibilities to make things happen. They want to do morethan just survive, they want to win and thrive, and we doeventually. You too can be a part of this group if you make adecision to commit. Commit to need something so badly, likethe need for air and water to live. To go after what you musthave that you are willing die to get it!But you must make this a lifestyle. Until you truly incorporatethis into your way of life, change and success will be hit andmiss. Mostly misses. Live this lifestyle of commitment andpassion and I promise things will happen the way you wantthings to be. Your Success will be purposeful.Here are the differences between the three groups of people Ijust mentioned. The \"wishful\" made a decision but that's allthey did. They decided but didn't follow through and they didnot put it into action. The \"wanting\" on the other hand madea decision and put it into action. A lot of people do this. Theproblem is they gave up! Most people give up so easily. Whenexpected result doesn't happen right away people simplystop, they quit! The \"necessaries\" not only make a decisionand followed up with actions, they go beyond that. Theymake it a point to need something as bad as they need air tobreath. The attitude is, if they don't succeed they feel death.Have you ever wanted something so bad that if you didn't getit you feel like dying? If you haven't then you really didn'tby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 63www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed want it badly enough! You must have this much passion and desire to really and truly attain success!Do this. Replace the word Try with the word PROMISE!This is the edge you need over your old self and others whomerely just try. Try is a word you need to get rid of as it doesnot and will not guarantee your success. When I hear peoplesay \"I will try\" I know most if not all will eventually quit beforethey succeed! Or they do not show up to an event.From here on, promise to do for yourself and for your lovedones. Don't try anymore. Just Promise and give it your ultimatecommitment as your life depends on it. Keep in mind your lovedones' lives depends on your promise to succeed. So not only areyou putting your life on the line, people you love as well.When you have this sense of commitment then you will stop atnothing until you reach success! This is a toddler state of mind.They stop at nothing, not even death to get what they feel theymust have. Ironically and instinctually this is what makestoddlers unstoppable, they are fearless, now you can be fearlessagain! Remove Failure from your vocabulary! - Failure is defined as \"lack of success.\" If success is your destination and you haven't arrived yet, then failure just means you are in the process and in progress! There's No such thing as failure. This word should be re-defined. Let's say you are taking a trip across the country, like I have many times. From California you plan to drive to North Carolina. Success will be the moment you arrive at your destination. Everything you do between California and North Carolina is the process. As long as you are moving towards your destination, you are on point to attaining success, in dueby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 64www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed time. Even if you decide to go in the opposite direction on a plane or on a boat, through Asia and Europe. As long as you are moving towards your destination you will ultimately reach your goal. You will attain success! You will fail if and ONLY if you stop moving towards your destination. When you stop, it just means you quit. Quitting is not the same as failing. It just means you quit, period!Do This: Say to yourself \"I have NEVER failed at anything inmy life! I have merely quit at some things!\" I've quit many times by choice, but I've never been a failure. I didn't always feel this way. We grow up with so much pressure to succeed. When we don't we are labeled as failures. Even our loved ones will tell us we are. If you've ever tried something and did not reach what you would consider success, I can guarantee you did not fail. You just simply Quit! Thomas Edison did not quit, therefore he succeeded in his invention of the light bulb! It just took him several years to do it.Do This: Give yourself time! Just as you learned to walk, it wasjust a matter of time before you eventually walked. When youwere learning to talk or go potty, over time you did learn to.When you were scribbling to write the letters of the alphabets ittook a little while but you learned to write words and sentences.No matter what the task or the challenge, give yourself enoughtime. Be patient with yourself especially if you are just learning.Remember I barely spoke English when I first came to America.Over time I learned. Now I am writing this book and many moreto follow. If you've ever played an instrument, you gave yourselftime learning it, or you quit at it.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 65www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedSuccess is just a matter of Time! It is not a question of if,it's a question of when! Provided you don't quit.Do this. Embrace making mistakes and failing. Say to yourself\"It's okay to make mistakes\" and \"It's okay to fall and fail.\" Youhave been making mistakes and failing since you began to walk.And you will continue to do so all of your life for the rest of yourlife. Accept this and welcome it. It is part of learning andgrowing. If you don't make mistakes there's nothing to learnfrom and you cannot better yourself. If you have ever driven acar I know you've made wrong turns or did not make a turnwhen you should have. If you've ever written a note or a letteryou've made an honest typo error. And if you've ever done anassignment or a homework, you've had to make a correctionfrom time-to-time. All your mistakes have been okay up to thispoint. So learn to be okay with them now, in the future andalways. When you were a toddler everything you did wasprobably a mistake and you failed plenty, but it did not everphase you or stop you. You kept on. You did not allow anythingor anyone to keep you from what you wanted. You were alwaysgoing for it. So from this point on keep \"Going for it!\" Always gofor what you want.Which leads us to the last and most important part... Get your mind to influence your body to ACT every single day. Without action nothing happens. You can have all the knowledge and resources in the world, but if you do not put it to use, you are like an encyclopedia on a shelf collecting dirt and dust. Use all the previous LifeTips and put them all into Action. This will help you to reconnect with your toddler- youth within. Once you begin to live with a healthy water, sunlight and fertile soil in your life and you make the ultimate commitment, ACTION will become much easier.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 66www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed Your mindset will adjust and your perspective in life will change. So too will your life, through Action! Do something about your wants, needs, dreams and goals. Don't keep them locked in your head. How happy would you and your loved ones be when you are successful? Very happy I'm sure. Action is the key! So let's begin.Do This: Start by making a list of what you want to accomplishin life. For each, write down everything that needs to be done tofulfill that goal. Keep in mind you will probably add to this listand to the tasks. Pick one goal at a time to work on. Start smalland feel good about your accomplishments. GO DO IT! Do thetasks. Very Simple really. Little by little, slowly and one-by-onedo the items on the list. You may have to breakdown the tasksto even smaller activities so they are manageable. Plan it all outso you are working on each item consecutively in order.Eventually over time you will complete the list and accomplishyour goals. Be Consistent and Persistent! That's what establishes good habits and will help you to attain success. Have the attitude of \"I will succeed or I die getting there.\" This will help with success in every part of your life. When I was an Electrician for the Navy and a Computer Technician for UPS I used to tell myself, \"I have to fix this because my career and my life depends on it.\" That's what helped me to become as good as I did.Do This: Start your day positive! When I wake in the morningthe first thing I see is a note to myself \"TODAY IS A GOOD DAY!It's a memo on the wall to remind myself to start my day offright. It is also an alert on my phone in the morning and in themiddle of the day as a reminder. If you wake up unhappy and ina negative mood you will probably have a bad day. Which willby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 67www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedkeep you from doing the important things. So start your dayright.Do This: What ever you do each day, ask yourself, will thisactivity get me closer to my goals? If the answer is no, thenreprioritize the activity for later, after you've accomplished thegoals you've set. The hardest part is knowing what to do eachday, so look at your list of goals and tasks daily!Do this. Use your smart phone to remind you every day whatyou need to do. Everyone has a mobile phone. Most are smartphones with all kinds of apps. I use the calendar on my iPhoneto remind me twice a day of what needs to be done. And if it's aspecific task to be completed at a certain time, then I have analarm set for that time. Every morning I have a \"GO DO IT\"alert to remind me what has to be done for the day or the week.Then at night I have a \"HAVE YOU DONE IT?\" calendar alert toask if I have completed my tasks. Use what ever works for you.Do this. Go online and search for \"wristbands.\" What ever youwant to work on have it printed or embossed. This is anexcellent way to keep important things to remain visible at alltimes, a constant reminder. The glow-in-the-dark works greatall day and all night. For some, like me, out of site out of mind.So I have embossed my LifeTips on glow-in-the-dark wristbandsas to always remind you of the importance of awareness.Do this. Look at your loved ones. Your spouse, your children,your parents, your siblings, other people you love, including theperson in the mirror. Ask yourself, \"Do they deserve more?\" And\"Do they deserve the best?\" If you answer yes then this shouldmotivate you. Let your LOVE for them fuel your drive toACTION.Do this. Think ahead! Five, ten, twenty or thirty years in yourcurrent situation. Where and how do you see yourself then? Areby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 68www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedyou happy and are you where you want to be? Moreimportantly, is your family where you want them to be? If theanswer is NO, then...Do this. Use Anger to help you move into action. Erratic andundisciplined anger behavior is unhealthy and hurts people. ButAnger Energy used in a control, focused and channeled manneris a powerful tool.How do you use anger without hurting people? Next time youget angry, no matter what or who you are angry towards, thinkof a situation you are not happy about. And channel the angerto it. Let anger serve as your burning desire for change to thatsituation.Of all the negative human emotions, I believe anger has thegreatest intensity of useful energy. Enormous energy that canbe potentially harnessed. Hate and Fear are too far out there tomanage or control, and sadness can cripple people. Anger onthe other hand is an extreme passion of emotional energy thatcan be utilized for good. If you re-direct this great power, youcan accomplish many things. Revolutions throughout historyhave been driven by anger. You too can use this same drive foryour transformation.Be angry because you are not where you want to be in life. Beangry because you don't have all the money you need tosupport you and your family. Be angry because you do not havethe comfortable lifestyle you want. Be angry for not working atthe right job or career you really should be doing. Be angry atany situation you are not happy about. Above all, do not beangry at yourself or at anyone else. And please do not be angryat your pets or the material things around you, but rather, justbe angry at your situation! And focus that anger energyinto making your situation better. Always ask “How canI...?\"by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 69www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedKeep in mind, when you are angry it is usually for a short periodof time. I've only met one person in my life who seemed angryevery day I saw her at work. I hope you are not one of thosepeople. If you are, this concept will be very useful in helping youimprove your situation much quicker. Because if you are angry alot then you can use this concept as often as you are angry. Butmost can only stay angry for so long, before their mind is filledwith something else that make them forget about the anger.With this in mind you have a short window of opportunity inutilizing this anger energy. This means you have to act quicklybefore this intense feeling dissipates. So having a list of thingsyou want to accomplish on hand can really make a difference.As soon as you feel anger, instantly shift it towards a goal youwant to accomplish. On the spot right there and then go intoaction to make a situation better.Do not hesitate or delay. Do not waste a moment of intensity.Go Do It! If you don't, the energy will subside and you will losea great opportunity.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 70www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedDo this: Use music to get your body moving. Here is a song Iknow will motivate you into action. It is by Calvin Harrisfeaturing Ne-Yo titled \"Let's Go\" The lyrics are powerful and thebeat is energetic. I play this in the morning when I get up. Ithelps me get my day started. The words are simple and short,but to the point. It's easy to remember but it is powerful andmotivating. Below is the lyrics to the song.Let’s go! There ain’t no better timeMake no excuses now I’m talking here and nowI’m talking here and now I’m talking here and nowI’m talking here and now Let’s go!Let’s go! Right now is where you shineYour time is running out I’m talking here and nowI’m talking here and now I’m talking here and nowI’m talking here and now It’s not about what you’ve doneIt’s not about what you’ve done It’s about what you’re doingIt’s about what you’re doing It’s all about where you’re goingIt’s all about where you’re going No matter where you’ve beenNo matter where you’ve been Let’s go!Let’s go! (5 times)Here is another song you can use for motivation. I use it as analternate alarm in the morning and for other alarms. It's a remixversion of Bruno Mars' \"Billionaire.\" You'll really like this version.You can download it to your smart phone as a ring tone andalarm song.https://soundcloud.com/gkingfifa/travie-mccoy-ft-bruno-mars-billionaire-ken-c-remixThere are many motivating songs. Find the ones you like anduse them to help you get into action.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 71www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedDo This: Make just \"1° of Change!\" One degree is very small atthe start. But if you recall from trigonometry, 1° gets larger as itgoes further out from the source. Life is the same way. BeginNOW! Make small changes. But stay consistent for a long periodof time and you will attain big results at the end.I've driven across America more than a half dozen times. I'veeven done it for an entire month. I never think about thethousands of miles, I just concentrate on driving a few miles ata time. Before long I am in New York, Florida or North Carolina,and back again to California. I've seen people eat a huge plate-size steak or a gigantic hamburger, one bite at a time. I've seenpeople lose a hundred pounds of weight, one pound at a time.Our kids have grown a fraction of an inch at a time. And they'velearned to walk one step at a time. Small Actions and Changescreate Big Results over long periods of time! 1 Degree of Changeby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 72www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedDo This: Become and stay Curious, like the toddler you used tobe! Most adults get up, go to work, come home and rest. Thendo it again the next day for the next 20, 30 or 40 years. Mostpeople are stagnant because they lack curiosity about life, andcuriosity about themselves. Remember what a pond orswimming pool looks like when there is no motion or activity inthe water for a long time? Not a pretty site. Do not be stagnant!Curiosity will help to keep you in motion.How are kids when they are just growing up? They get up earlyand they do not want to go sleep. They are afraid of missing outon life. They want to get into everything and everywherebecause they are curious. Toddlers are not only curious aboutlife, but they are curious about self discovery. As their sensesincrease in sensitivity they become even more inquisitive totheir potential. Reconnect with those curiosity once again. Thebest way to become curious is to...Do This: Always ask yourself \"How Can I...?\" And fill in theblank. When you ask this the universe will open up to you. Ihave been using this concept all my life even before I realized it.Especially as an Electrician for twenty-five years in the Navy, Ialways asked myself this question whenever I was faced with achallenge. Sometimes I just asked when I wanted somethingdifferent or something better. Then out of nowhere a solutioncomes to mind. In our minds like all other computers, when yougive it the right questions the mind will respond and give youthe proper solutions.So going back to relationship issues, ask yourself \"How can Imake my relationships better?\" \"How can I show my spouse orpartner and my kids I love them?\" How can I spend more timewith the people I love?\" Use this for any situation.The same is true with finances. Ask \"How can I get better at myfinances?\" \"How can I save more money?\" \"How can I makeby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 73www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedmore money?\" Just by asking the right question you will besurprised at the ideas and opportunities your mind will come upwith. Just be open-minded to opportunities! You can go onlineand ask the same questions and many options will be displayed.When it comes to relationships or finances nothing happensovernight. You must have patience and do your due diligence.Then apply whatever you learn with the ultimate commitment tothe end, Success!You can use \"How can I... ?\" to apply to any part of your life.Just be willing to wait as sometimes things do not just manifestinstantly. Be patient and open-minded to any ideas that maycome up. Be positive and optimistic. Be hopeful andencouraging.Note: If you are pessimist or negative about this idea your mindwill be closed, and this will not work. Nothing will work for you.You see, if you focus on the negatives you will be blinded. Thepositives will not be visible to you. It's true in reverse. Whenyou focus on the positives and possibilities, you will be blindedas well. The negativity will be blurred or invisible.Think \"I CAN\" and \"YOU WILL!\"Most people complain about what is wrong in their life and thematerial things or status they do not have. This will not makelife any better. On the contrary life will seem to get worse. Andif it does get better it will be temporary. If this is you, you canchange that mindset in a heartbeat. No matter what thesituation or circumstance, ask yourself \"How can I... ?\" And putsome efforts and energy into it.Do This: Be in Action at all times. Be like a \"flowing water.\"A water that is constantly flowing shapes the environment itpasses through. Given enough time it can even split a rock intwo. That's how powerful water in motion can be. The Grandby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 74www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedCanyon was shaped and created by a flowing body ofwater. You can be just as powerful in your life if you Getinto Action and stay in constant motion! Avoid being bored.Always be doing something, even when you are sitting orstanding still. If you constantly ask yourself \"How can I... ?\"your mind will always be deliberate in your thoughts andActions.CHOOSE: You can perceive If you onlya glass as either half empty see theor half full. The same in Life glass halfand both are true. You have empty, soan option to live your life in will your lifethe same premise of half become,empty or half full. The Emptychoice is completely yours.This basic choice will Half Empty or Half Full? Either way you aredetermine the outcome ofyour life. As a child correct. This is true in Life as well.decisions were made foryou. Now you are an adultand I have given youawareness. This is a choiceonly you can make.Do This: Start a \"Gratitude Journal.\" Every day write downeven just one thing you are thankful for. You will be amazed athow much you have. Some you may have taken for granted.Start by being grateful for waking up this morning. Todaythousands of people did not get a chance to wake up, but youdid. Be grateful.Do This: Minimize or eliminate negativity in your life. You cando this by NOT asking negative questions or saying negativestatements to yourself. STOP complaining! Instead askby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 75www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedyourself \"How can I make my life better?\" Just start something,anything to better yourself.Focusing on the negatives will attract more of it. Likewise, if youconcentrate on the good things in your life you will smile more.You will be happier. You will have something to live for. You willbe grateful. You will live your life being blessed instead ofplaying a victim of life or feeling cursed. This is your choice. Andwhich ever way you choose you will become it, negative orpositive. Either way you will prevail.Start with a \"half full\" perspective of life not \"halfempty\", and you will begin to live a full SUCCESSFUL Life!To me... SUCCESS is Being HAPPY, And Being Perfectly AtPEACE And In Harmony Within Yourself, No Matter WhereYou Are, What You Have Become And With As Much Or AsLittle Possession You May Have In LIFE!Success isn't arriving at something from a journey outthere, it's when you have attained harmony from yourexploration within Yourself!by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 76www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedHow To Use The 7 Factors of UNsuccess To SucceedThe \"7 Factors!\" They are a huge part of our lives for all ourlives. How can we use these negatives into positives?The key is Awareness! Always keep in mind the opposites ofthese seven factors. And remember how to use them to helpyou in your daily routines and interactions.With children, the objective is to minimize or eliminate thesenegativity. For yourself, the goal is to turn them to positives.7 Factors of UNsuccess How to use them to SucceedWhenever \"NO\" comes to Say \"YES\" often! Sometimes youmind... miss out on life because you do not act or you hesitate to act. You haveNOTE: This does not apply to been conditioned by \"No\" that \"YES\"drugs and/or criminal behavior may be difficult to say. And so whator negative activities. Do not if you make a mistake or make alet peer pressure affect your wrong decision. You will do that alldecisions. Keep the \"Law of your life. It may even cost us, butLife\" in mind at all times and the cost of saying \"No\" or not doingyou'll be fine. may be far greater. There's no success unless you take risks. You can say YES gradually or at least think about it before just saying No. No is a habit and so easy to say. But it doesn't always give you the best results. Nothing happens by saying \"No\" at life, but you may have more regrets in the end.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 77www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedWhen you hear \"DON'T\", \"DO\" more every day. Massiveeven from within... ACTION is a major key to your success. The more you do the more you accomplish, and the closer you are to success. There's No such thing as failure. You fail when you stop trying and it simply means you quit, and that is not failure. Failure is defined as \"lack of success.\" If success is a destination and you haven't arrived yet, then failure just means you are in the process and in progress! Keep going.When someone says you Say \"How CAN I...\" ALWAYS! Just\"CAN'T\", even your by saying how can I, your mind willsubconscious... begin to figure out how you will. Like a computer, when you give it the right question it will work on figuring out the right solutions. This will help you to start building CONFIDENCE, and you will begin to have FAITH in yourself again. Remember, everything you know and everything that you are, you have learned. There is nothing you cannot learn. Your greatest skill is your ability to learn anything.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 78www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedWhen \"FEAR\" starts to BE \"FEARLESS\" in your dailycreep in... activities. Say \"I CAN and I WILL, my life depends on it!\" Do not let anything or anyone stop you or talk you out of doing what you want to do, or what you must do. You will never know how great you are until you do it. And when you do, give it all you have. Then you can honestly say to yourself, \"I gave it all I have.\" But do not stop there, continue until you feel comfortable. Eventually the fear will subside with repetition and it will no longer bother you.When someone gives you Have \"COURAGE\" in all you do. Ifthat \"GUILT\" trip, even if you feel it is the right thing to do,it is yourself... don't feel bad because of what others may think or say. What matters is how you will truly feel after you've done what you want to do. But what ever you do keep \"The Law of Life\" in mind. This is the law I live by and so should you. \"I can do what ever I want, as long as I don't harm anything or anyone, especially myself.\"by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 79www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedWhen you are made to Be \"PROUD\" of who you are andfeel \"SHAME\"... what you believe in. Don't allow other's opinions to deter you from being who you truly are and what you want to become. \"What matters is not what people think of you, but what you think of yourself, and what you think to yourself!\" And most importantly \"what matters is not what people say to you, but what you say to yourself!\" YOU MATTER!Anytime you feel \"Lack Of Think of ALL your Successes andEncouragement\" or feel Accomplishments, and always\"DISCOURAGED\"... \"ENCOURAGE\" others! Everything you know and all that you are, you have learned. That's what makes you great! Use these to give you the encouragement you need. And not everyone has a positive role model or someone to encourage them. Be that person to spark a little bit of hope and encouragement to those in need - even if you don't know them. Some day you may be in their shoes and may become in need of hope. Sometimes all it takes is a little motivation to get to the next level.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 80www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedThese are basic and simple ideas for you to begin with yourtransformation. The start of progress and change; an ongoingdaily process for the rest of your life, to a better and happierfuture.There are many books out there. They go into great details ofhow to work on specifics in your life. You just have to read itand learn.My initial goal with these LifeTips and LifeTools is to bringawareness. To educate you why most are UNsuccessful. And ifyou are a part of this majority, you now have the opportunity todo something about it. Strive for more out of life, for yourselfand the lives of others you love and respect.by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 81www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedFinal Message...We ALL have a huge responsibility to our Children, theirfuture and for the future of humanity! Let us do our part.Let's begin within...LET US BECOME OUR BEST SO WE CAN DO OUR GREATEST!Remember, being aware is just a small part. ACTION is thegreater task. And you don't have to eliminate the root causes.You just need to have control over them so the \"7 Factors\" donot control you. When you can manage and have control overthem, the true YOU will emerge and you can begin to live yourLife from where you lost yourself, the toddler within. Then it'sjust a matter of Time. Success will slowly and naturally begin tohappen for you in every aspect of your Life.For me, I already feel success just by having the ability to sharewith you these LifeTools and LifeTips, my ideas, philosophies,concepts and wisdom. To help you and your family get to whereyou want to be in Life. I am greatly honored to be able to giveback to society and to humanity. I am grateful every day forbeing blessed!Thank You for taking the time to read my first of a seriesof LifeTips handbooks. I hope you found concepts inthese LifeTips that can help you become your Best, getyou closer to discovering your Why, so you can eventuallyfulfill your purpose in Life. Hopefully you enjoyed thejourney in my writings, the words from my heart. I lookforward to seeing you at the top!by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 82www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeed Title List of the LifeTips Handbook Series (List and titles subject to change)1. 7 Factors Of UNsuccess - And How To Use Them To Succeed2. The Law Of Nature - The Law Of Life3. Your Greatest Skill - Your Ability To Learn4. Understanding The Inner You - Unlock Your Full Potential5. A Human Seed - Can Grow Into A Great Person6. Parenting - The Ultimate Career7. Today Is A Good Day - It's Your Choice8. Becoming Wealthy - A Mindset And Education9. Think Love Help - The Proper Human Behavior10. Sex, Politics and Religion - Can We Talk About It11. Belonging To Groups - Can Alienate You And Others12. Your Connections - Who You Know Can Help You Grow13. Placebo Effect - The Answer Is In Your Head14. Be A Best Friend - Best Friends Always Treat You Right15. Exercise - For Body And Mind16. Healthy Living - It isn't Just About Eating17. Awake & Alert - Driving Across Americaby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 83www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedFor Your Notes:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________by Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 84www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To Succeedby Remegio “Rey” Mellomida 85www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida
7 Factors Of UNsuccess And How To Use Them To SucceedAbout The Author: Remegio “Rey” MellomidaPronounced “Re” “Me” “He” “You” “Mill” “You” “Me” “Da”or “Rey” for short. I was born in the Philippines March 2,1964. At one or two years old I was admitted to thehospital with at least five other children with diphtheria. Ihad to have a surgery just so I could breathe. Out of five children I wasthe only one that survived. The tracheotomy and my father's sacrifice tostay with me throughout that ordeal, saved my life. And after other neardeath experiences, I know I am here for a bigger purpose.At eleven years old my dad sent for the entire family to move to Fairfield,California. On December 6, 1975, my mother, my three brothers, mysister and I arrived at San Francisco International Airport. What a cultureshock. It was freezing. I barely spoke English, if I even spoke English atall. In 7th and 8th grade I had to enroll in ESL (English as a SecondLanguage).I joined the Navy March 15, 1983 before graduating Armijo High in June. Ispent twenty-five years in the Navy, active and reserve. I've beenawarded commendations including sailor of the quarter and sailor of theyear. I loved my travels around the world and looking forward to more ofit.While in the Navy Reserve I worked for United Parcel Service (UPS) forabout fifteen years. I started as a loader/unloader and left as an ITSupervisor in 2003. In 2008 I retired from the Navy. I got my real estatelicense and I also learned to be an entrepreneur, partnering withcompanies that do business around the country and around the world. Iam an author and self-publish my writings. I recently learned to cook anddiscovered I am great at it. I am dedicated to learning and becomingmore, so I can do more, and give back more.My message to you is this... if I can succeed with very little to zero Englishspeaking ability growing up, and coming from a third world country, thenthere is no reason for you or anyone else to not succeed.You can visit and connect with me at www.fb.com/RemegioMellomida. Iwant to help you become the great person you truly are. I look forward toconnecting with you and taking our journey together. Thank You forreading my writing. See you soon. Learn these LifeTips to change your life. SharewbywtRwhe.fmeb.escgoeimoL/“RRiefemeyeT”gMiiopMeslleoalmlonimddiadahelp change people’s lives!86