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Home Explore Urban complete sets catalogue

Urban complete sets catalogue

Published by astroluzz, 2016-11-22 05:42:54

Description: Urban complete sets catalogue


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Public lighting Inspiration for urban complete sets Complete lighting point solutions to enhance your city

Inspiration for urban complete sets

A vibrant futureWe believe strongly in the development ofcreating livable cities by realizing warm andinviting places with a clear own identitywhere people enjoy living in and want to visit.Lighting plays a central role in how people perceived as functional lighting points,feel about their city or village. That’s but also as urban furniture part of the citywhy the lighting in cities and villages has landscape. Lighting points must participateevolved from purely functional lighting into to the beauty of the city: enhancing thea more demanding and creative discipline. architecture and creating the ambience.Urban development and regeneration The aesthetics of the luminaires become asprograms of outdated and impoverished important as the technical performances.areas has helped to support this demand Luminaires, poles and brackets must form afor urbanization. Lighting should not only coherent system with consistent design andprovide safety and orientation for people perfect integration.that drive, cycle or walk, but must bepleasing and inviting as well. It should Feel free to designpromote communication and well- Because every city has a specific heritagebeing, encouraging night-time socializing and culture landscape architects, urbanand complementing the city’s night life. planners, local authorities, lighting designersLuminaires, poles and brackets for urban and city contractors need to choose thearea, street and road lighting also have most suitable complete lighting set. As aan architectural role. During the day they lighting partner we created this cataloguebecome an integral part of the street and with the objective to offer ideas andduring the night they create ambience and inspiration that will help in making the rightinspiring environments. choices for an urban project, by presenting a selection of our dedicated complete lightingFeel proud of your city sets solutions.There is a clear wish of citizens and localpoliticians to return the city to citizens andbring back the quality of city life. With thatrespect, lighting products are not only5 Introduction > A vibrant future

ApplicationsArea & Architectural & City center Residential area Traffic routesTransportation Landscape City center

IndexUrban InspirationUrbanStylingCitySoul gen2 LED Ocean LED19 47Ambience lighting Metronomis LED 69CitySphere CityCharm ParkView LED UrbanStar Thema T2 LED61 65 77 81 85 CristalCity ClassicStreet Micenas gen2 LED89 93 97 Jargeau 400 gen2 UrbanScene LED 101 105Urban street & road lighting MileWide2 LED Harmony LED CitySwan LED Copenhagen LED Harmony Classique UrbanSky113 123 137 145 LED 155 161 FreeStreet1657 Introduction > Index

Urban FunctionalUrban area & street lighting Stela+ gen2 TownGuide177 Performer 187Urban road lighting Luma Iridium gen3 LED Libra LED193 201 209Technical informationLuminaires 217Brackets 253Dedicated brackets 256Standard brackets 268Poles 283Dedicated poles 286Standard poles 314 Introduction > Index 8

Setrovoicless andOur customers often have a professional view on theintegration of lighting in the design for the project.At Philips we offer tools and services to explore variouspossibilities fitting the identity and context of the project.So that you can decide what works best for your project,both during day and night time.Services1. Advice & technical feasibility for 3. C ustomer project presentationcomplete lighting point solutions Next to standard light technical advice weLooking for possibilities in complete sets? can support you with complete customerWe can present and advice complete set project presentations either by our ownoptions fitting your needs. All complete dedicated teams or by a preferred landscapesets of Philips comply to the EN40 norms. architect or urban planner.Service provided is the mechanical strength A complete customer project presentationcalculation. consists of different modules that can be selected by you. Modules are light technical2. Tailor-made solutions advice, more detailed information about suitable complete lighting set solutions,Apart from the complete sets we show in this quotation, TCO calculation, 2D complete setcatalogue we also have expertise in creating configuration, 2D or 3D simulations of thetailor-made complete lighting set solutions lighting project to even complete Masterplanif your project demands a special shape or studies. This can help you to get a real lookappearance. We can realize your imagination and feel about the final result of the lightingwith our know-how! Drawing on expertise, project and will help to make a well-thoughtour project team will work closely with you and balanced help you find the solutions that are bestsuited to the characteristics and constraintsof the urban spaces you want to light. Fromcreation, product design, up to developmentand manufacturing, we will support you atevery stage, with only one objective - helpmake your project succeed in line with gooddesign and workmanship principles.9 Introduction > Services and tools

Tools 2. LightSet Creator1. RenderTool With our LightSet Creator tool you can make your own 2D complete lighting pointIn an urban environment, complete composition by selecting the shape ofintegrated sets of luminaire, bracket and pole your pole, select the luminaire and add theare not only considered as just a functional compatible bracket and pole to point, but perceived as part of the After the configuration you can customizeurban furniture that contribute to shape the the configuration further by choosing colorsurban landscape. Therefore, their impact and playing with different installation heightson the day-time appearance is a crucial or different backgrounds. The final result willdecision factor. But on paper it is difficult to give you a good impression of the completeimagine how the complete sets will look like lighting set for your your project when installed.To give more sense to the decision makingprocess and to help our customers, we havedeveloped the RenderTool. The tool is a freeand easy-to-use software that helps youmaking visualizations of our completeset solutions in your project. RenderTool issimple to use: take a picture of your projectwith your mobile or camera, upload thepicture in the RenderTool, erase the existinglighting installation in the picture, select yourfavorite solution in our database. Put thesolution in your picture and save it.It is now very easy to simulate the day-timeappearance of your project when you planto install new lighting installations or replacethem. All complete set configurations data in the LightSet Creator are thoroughly tested and meet all technical and mechanical requirements that you need. All complete set configurations data in the Introduction > Services and tools 10 RenderTool are thoroughly tested and meet all technical and mechanical requirements that you need.

11 Urban Inspiration

UrIbnasnpiration Cities want to create an identity, branding themselves as unique, beautiful, inspiring and secure places. Our Urban Inspiration complete lighting set solutions can transform the night scene, enhance urban architecture and create an inviting pleasant, vibrant and dynamic ambience for citizens as well as for visitors. Urban Inspiration 12

Our Urban Inspiration lighting solutions are incorporating all necessary functionalprimarly aspects of lighting, but with strong focus on the emotional values of lightingto create the right ambience, enhance areas, well-being, promote tourism and cultureand increase the liveability and city branding. For every application in the city wedo have several solutions to really inspire and enhance your city, while meeting yourdemands and beyond.Area & Architectural City center Residential area Traffic routesTransportation & LandscapeIndustrial area Bridge Boulevard & Avenue Residential street Urban main/access roadPetrol station Landmark & Monument Side street Cycle path & Footpath Pedestrian crossingAirport Pedestrian crossing Square, park & playground Boulevard & AvenueHarbor Square, park & playground Parking area Cycle pathWaterway Cycle path & Footpath Pedestrian crossing Parking areaRail yard Shopping & Pedestrian area Roundabout Roundabout Public transport area Roundabout Parking area City center

Urban Inspiration UrbanStyling 17 The face of a city changes with planning projects, replacements or recovering programs and new uses of public spaces. Different social practices are emerging and every city or village is looking to be more attractive, welcoming, convenient and safe. That is why we have created the UrbanStyling concept to enhance the city and village image and give them a consistent identity to better serve their citizens. These complementary and modular solutions act as practical “tool box” for urban planners, specifiers and decision makers within municipalities. UrbanStyling is designed for a diversity of uses, focused on contemporary creations, materials and structure, light scenarios, innovation and environmental protection. Quality of life in the city, well-being, conviviality, atmosphere… UrbanStyling is a complete revolution in the lighting and planning of communities, that allows you to shape coherency between several places in the urban landscape. Ambience lighting 59 In the heart of each city are the people that live there or visit it. Getting together, socializing outside, building a community within an inspiring and safe environment are the cornerstones of city center life. Our ambience complete lighting set solutions, with strong focus on enhancing and well-being functions up to 6 meters, including modern and classical ranges, show people what light can do for squares, parks, playgrounds, shopping and pedestrian areas as well as for residential areas to make them feel proud of their city. Urban street & road lighting 111 Addressing the environmental, economic, aesthetic and safety concerns of communities is a challenge that we enter every day. That is why we develop a wide range of efficient, comfortable and cost-effective luminaires that perfectly suit in a cityscape and meet all street and road lighting needs in the urban community. We market our lighting solutions differently by offering modular concepts, flexible configurations and the freedom to personalize a lighting solution. Our urban street and road complete lighting set solutions, with strong focus on enhancing and well-being functions in combination with traffic functions from 6 meters up to 12 meters, including modern and classical ranges, show people what light can do for urban main roads, boulevards and avenues, side streets, cycle and footpaths, pedestrian crossings, residential streets, roundabouts and parking areas to make them feel proud of their city. Urban Inspiration 14

Urban Inspirationcomplete lighting set solutionsArchitectural enhancement can only be fully realized when boththe luminaires, brackets and poles are designed in one integratedconcept. In the chapter of Urban Inspiration you will find a varietyof our complete lighting set solutions that bring you inspiration,ideas and creativity to realise your own unique project. Here youcan already find an impression of our solutions. UrbanStyling15 Urban Inspiration

Ambience lighting Urban street & road lighting Urban Inspiration 16

UrbanStylingThe face of a city changes with planning projects, replacements or recovering programs and new usesof public spaces. Different social practices are emerging and every city or village is looking to be moreattractive, welcoming, convenient and safe. That is why we have created the UrbanStyling concept toenhance the city and village image and give them a consistent identity to better serve their citizens.These complementary and modular solutions act as practical “tool box” for urban developmentplanners, specifiers and decision makers within municipalities. UrbanStyling is designed for a diversityof uses, focused on contemporary creations, materials and structure, light scenarios, innovation andenvironmental protection. Quality of life in the city, well-being, conviviality, atmosphere… UrbanStylingis a complete revolution in the lighting and planning of communities, that allows you to shape coherencybetween several places in the urban landscape17 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling

UrbanStyling CitySoul gen2 LED 19 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED + Post-top 25 + Accent 27 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Lyre 23 CitySoul gen2 LED + Graphic 31 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED + Curved 29 + East 33 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED + Right Curve 35 + UrbanWave 37 CitySoul gen2 LED + Azur 39 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED + Nuance 41 + Catenary 45 CitySoul gen2 LED + Heritage 43 Ocean LED 47 Ocean Ambiance Ocean bollard LED 55 LED 57 Ocean Road LED 49 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling 18

CitySoul gen2 LEDCitySoul gen2 LED is one of the most versatile and inspirational urban streetlighting families designed by Philips to date. This highly efficient range deliversexcellent lighting levels whilst also providing the right ambiance for all urbanapplication areas, from the outskirts of the city right through to the city center.By evolving the modularity of the CitySoul family and adding new innovationslike the Lyre and the Accent bracket, Philips has made this range the idealtoolbox for every urban context. The design is flatter, completely round, andthe transitions with the spigot and bracket entirely flush, thereby giving yourcityscape a coherent, elegant and discreet identity. Designed around its LEDengine, CitySoul gen2 LED is highly efficient and easy to maintain. It comesin two sizes and is suitable for side-entry, post-top, catenary and suspendedmounting.19 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED 20

CitySoul gen2 LEDcomplete lighting point solutionsCitySoul gen2 LED comes with a wide choice of spigots, poles andbrackets to fit different installation heights and application contexts.From catenary to Post-top, from suspended to side-entry, CitySoulgen2 LED can provide it all. The range is equally suited for newinstallations and renovations, at any architectural scale.Post-top Accent Lyre East Right Curve Double post-top Accent Graphic Curved pole UrbanWave21 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED

CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED + Post-top 25 + Accent 27 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Lyre 23 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED + Graphic 31 + East 33 CitySoul gen2 LED + Curved 29 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED + UrbanWave 37 + Azur 39 CitySoul gen2 LED + Right Curve 35 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED + Nuance 41 + Heritage 43 + Catenary 45Azur Nuance Heritage Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED 22

CitySoul gen2 LED + Lyre Any location were ambience lighting is needed to create a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere is the ideal setting for the Lyre bracket, the Lyre dedicated pole and the CitySoul gen2 LED luminaire. • Installation height 3.5 to 6 m • Easy urban integration • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-in-class performance 540 630 585 675 215 220 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large Measurements in mm 540 630 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED Mini 570 660 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED LargeComplete sets 645 7351-2-3-4-5. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Lyre bracket + Lyre pole 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 630 720 165 170 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 585 680 200 2006m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large5m 705 795 115 1154m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large3m2m1m 45 1 2323 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Lyre

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Lyre 24

CitySoul gen2 LED + Post-top 540 630 585 Th21i5s compact and straig22h0tforward design is the perfect solution for uCrbityaSnoucl goenn2teLExDtsMiinni whichCiptyeSorufol gremn2aLnEDceLalriggehting is the primary requisite 675 • Dedic5a4t0ed cast aluminum bra63c0ket 95• Installation height10u0p to 6 m (CitySoul gen2 LED Mini), uCpitytSoou1l2gemn2 L(CEDitMyiSnioul geCnity2SoLuEl gDenL2aLErgDeLa)rge CitySoul gen2 LED • Easy urban integration • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-in5-70class performance 660 95• Compatible with Al1o00a/Accante conical pole in steel (tCoitpySoØul 6ge0n2, L6E2D oMrin7i 6 mmC)itySoul gen2 LED Large 645 735 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 630 720 165 170 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large Measurem5e8n5ts in mm 680 200 200 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED LargeComplete sets 705 7951. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Post-top bracket + Aloa/Accante pole + CitySo115ul gen2 LED Mini + MBA spigot 2. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Post-top 115bracket + Stepped pole 3. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Post-top bracket + Aloa/Accante pole 4. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Post-top bracket +Aloa/Accante pole 5-6. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Post-top bracket + BotuaCpityoSloeul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large8m7m6m5m4m3m2m1m 1 23 4 5625 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Post-top

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Post-top 26

CitySoul gen2 LED540 + Accent630 585 215 220 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 675 540 630 A9v5 ersatile and stylish1s00olution that can feature up to 4 luminaires mouCnittyeSdoulingean2nLEaDttMrainci tive spCiitryaSlouclogennf2igLuEDraLtairogen. The optionCaityl SLoEulDgen2 LED top point will highlight your environment’s design signature at night. 570 660 • Dedicated cast alu1m00inum bracket 95 • Installation height 3,5 to 8 m • MCiutylStoipullegens2pLiEraDlMcinoi nfigurCaittyiSoonulsge1nt2oLE5DlLuamrgeinaires (spiral) • Top ligh64t5point in option 735 95• Easy urban integrat10io0 n • CCoitymSofoulrgtena2nLdEDaMminbi ienceCitlyigSohutlignegn2 LED Large • Best-in-class performance • Compatible with Accante conical pole in steel (top Ø 60, 62 or 76 m63m0 ) 720 165 170 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 585 680 200 200 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large Measuremen70ts5 in mm 795 115 115 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED LargeComplete sets1. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Accent bracket + Ocean Straight pole + CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Accent bracket 2. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini +Accent bracket + Ocean Straight pole 3. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Accent bracket + Ocean Straight pole + Top light point 4-6. CitySoul gen2LED Large + Accent bracket + Ocean Straight pole 5. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Accent bracket + Ocean Straight pole + Top light point7. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Accent bracket + Ocean Straight pole8m7m6m5m4m3m2m1m 1 23 4 5 6727 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Accent

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Accent 28

540 630 585 215 220 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED LargeCitySoul gen2 LED540 675 95 + Curved630 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED 570 660 A9n5 elegant curved sha1p00e with an articulated interface dedicated to thCeitylSuomul ginena2irLeEDaMnidni an opCtitioySnouallgLenE2DLEtDoLpargpeoint to further highlight a major street’s design signature. • Dedica6t4e5 d cast aluminum bra7c3k5 et 95• Installation height 1u00p to 6 m (CitySoul gen2 LED Mini), uCpityStooul1g2enm2 L(ECDitMyinSi oul geCnity2SoLuEl gDen2LLaErDgLea)rge • Top light point in option • Easy u6r3b0 an integration 720 • Comfort and ambience lighting 165 170 • Best-in-class performance CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 585 680 200 200 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 705 795 115 115 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large Measurements in mmComplete sets1-2-4. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + MBA spigot + Ocean Curved pole 3-5. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + MBA spigot + Ocean Curved pole + Toplight point 6. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + MBA spigot + Ocean Curved pole + CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + MBA spigot8m7m6m5m4m3m2m1m 1 23 45 629 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Curved

Urban Inspiration >UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Curved 30

CitySoul gen2 LED + Graphic Designed to reference traditional architectural steel frame structures, the Graphic bracket and CitySoul gen2 LED luminaire offer a modernized look of a typically industrial form factor. • Dedicated extruded steel bracket • Installation height 6 to 10 m • Compatible with Accante conical pole in steel (top Ø 60 or 62 mm) • Sets w54i0th one or two luminai6r3e0s, single or double, rear 585 215 bracket and wall m2o20unted in different lengths and several pole heights • ECaitysSyouul grebna2nLEiDnMteingi rationCitySoul gen2 LED Large 675 • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-5i4n0-class performance 630 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED 570 660 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large Measurem6e4n5ts in mm 735 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED LargeComplete sets 630 7201-3. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Graphic L1800 bracket + Aloa/Accante 1p65ole 2-4. CitySoul gen217L0ED Mini + Graphic L1400 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole 5. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Graphic L1800 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole + CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Graphic L500 rear CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Largebracket 6. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Graphic L500 wall bracket 7. + CitySoul gen2 LED Large Graphic L1000 wall bracket 585 680 200 200 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large8m 705 7959m 115 115 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 78m 67m6m5m4m3m2m1m 23 4 5 131 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Graphic

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Graphic 32

CitySoul gen2 LED + East For modern areas and streets, the East bracket is a perfect fit. With its pure and lean shape, it combines seamlessly with the pole and the CitySoul gen2 LED luminaire to give neighborhoods a sophisticated and contemporary feel. • Dedicated extruded cast aluminum bracket • Installation height 6 to 10 m • Compatible with Accante conical pole in steel (top Ø 60 or 62 mm540) 630 585 21•5 Sets with one or tw2o20 luminaires, single or double, rear bracket and wall mounted in different lengths and several pCoitylSeouhl egeing2hLtEsD Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 675 • Easy urban integration • Comf5o40rt and ambience lighti6n30g 95• Best-in-class per1f0o0rmance CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED 570 660 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large Measurem6e4n5ts in mm 735 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED LargeComplete sets 630 7201-4. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + East L1400 bracket + Aloa/Accante pol1e65 2. CitySoul gen2 LED 1M70ini + East L1000 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole+ CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Accent rear bracket 3-5. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + East L1000 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole 6. CitySoul gen2 LEDLarge + East L1400 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole + CitySoul gen2 LED MiniC+ityESoausltgLen520L0EDreMainribrackeCtity7S.oCuiltgyeSno2 uLElDgeLanrg2eLED Mini + East L500wall bracket 8. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + East L1000 wall bracket 585 680 200 200 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large8m 705 795 115 1157m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 86m 75m4m3m2m1m 12 34 5 633 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + East

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + East 34

CitySoul gen2 LED + Right Curve With its slender shapes and silhouettes, the Right Curve bracket has an attractive aerial feeling that will integrate perfectly into classical environments • Dedicated extruded steel bracket • Installation height 6 to 8 m • Compatible with Accante conical pole in steel (top Ø 60 or 62 mm) • Sets with one or two luminaires, single or double, rear bracket and wall mounted in different lengths and several pole heights • Easy urban integration • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-5in40-class performance 630 585 215 220 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 675 540 630 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED Mini Measurements in mm 660 570 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED LargeComplete sets 645 7351-3. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Right Curve S1400 bracket + Aloa/Acca9n5te pole 2-4. CitySoul 1g0e0n2 LED Mini + Right Curve S1100 bracket +Aloa/Accante pole 5. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Right Curve S1400 brackCeitty+SoAullogean/2ALcEcDaMnitnei pole +CiCtyiStoyuSlogeunl2gLeEnD2LaLrEgeD Mini + Right CurveS500 rear bracket 6. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + East S1000 wall bracket 630 720 165 170 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large8m 585 680 200 2007m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 66m 705 795 115 1155m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large4m3m2m1m 1 23 4 535 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Right Curve

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Right Curve 36

CitySoul gen2 LED + UrbanWave A tubular curved shape that looks like a wave and will fit perfectly with CitySoul gen2 LED luminaires in contemporary urban settings. • Stand5a40rd extruded steel bra6c3k0et 585 21•5 Installation height 6220to 8 m • Compatible with Accante conical pole in steel (top Ø 60 or 6C2itySmouml g)en2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 675 • Sets with one or two luminaires, single or double, rear brack5e40t and wall mounted in63d0 ifferent lengths and several 95 pole heights 100 • ECaitysSyouul grebna2nLEiDnMteingi rationCitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-in-class performance 570 660 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 645 735 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large Measurem6e3n0ts in mm 720 165 170 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED LargeComplete sets 585 6801-3-5. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + UrbanWave L1200 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole 2-4. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + UrbanWave L750 bracket 200 200+ Aloa/Accante pole 6. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + UrbanWave L1200 + Aloa/Accante + CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + UrbanWave bracket poleL750 rear bracket 7. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + UrbanWave L750 wall brackCeittySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 705 795 115 115 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large8m7m 76m5m4m3m2m1m 56 1 2 3437 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + UrbanWave

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + UrbanWave 38

CitySoul gen2 LED + Azur Combining modern aesthetics and classical inspiration this curved bracket easily fits elegantly and soberly in both city centers or residential areas where varied urban identities exist. • Standard cast aluminum bracket • Installation height 5 to 8 m • Compatible with Accante conical pole in steel (top Ø 60 or 62 mm) • Sets with one or two luminaires, single or double, rear bracket and wall mounted in different lengths and several pole heights • Easy urban integration • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-in-class performance 540 630 585 215 220 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 675 Measurem54e0nts in mm 630 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED MiniComplete sets 570 6601-4. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Azur S1100 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole 2-3. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Azur S1000 bracket + Aloa/Accantepole 5. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Azur S1100 bracket + Aloa/Accante 9p5ole + CitySoul gen2 LE10D0 Mini + Azur S1000 rear bracket 6. CitySoulgen2 LED Mini + Azur S1000 wall bracket CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 645 735 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large8m 630 720 165 1707m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 585 6806m 200 200 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large5m 6 705 7954m 115 115 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large3m2m1m 12 34 539 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Azur

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Azur 40

CitySoul gen2 LED + Nuance This stylish, curved bracket easily feels at home in a 21st-century city, while respecting and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of neighborhoods that have a rich history. • Standard cast aluminum bracket • Installation height 5 to 8 m • Compatible with Accante conical pole in steel (top Ø 60 or 62 mm) • Sets with one or two luminaires, single or double, rear bracket and wall mounted in different lengths and several pole heights • Easy urban integration • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-in-class performance 540 630 585 215 220 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 675 Measurem54e0nts in mm 630 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED MiniComplete sets 570 6601-4. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Nuance S1100 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole 2-3. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Nuance S900 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole 5. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Nuance S1100 bracket + Al9o5a/Accante pole + CityS10o0ul gen2 LED Mini + Nuance S900 rearbracket 6. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Nuance S900 wall bracket CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 645 735 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large8m 630 720 165 1707m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 585 6806m 200 2005m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 705 795 64m 115 115 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large3m2m1m 12 34 541 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Nuance

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Nuance 42

CitySoul gen2 LED + Heritage Areas that have a classical, historic ambiance are complemented seamlessly by the Heritage bracket. This stylish, curved bracket easily feels at home in a 21st-century city, while respecting and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of neighborhoods that date back to a bygone era. • Standard extruded steel bracket • Installation height 6 to 8 m • Compatible with Accante conical pole in steel (top Ø 60 or 62 mm) • Sets with one or two luminaires, single or double, rear bracket and wall mounted in different lengths and several pole heights • Easy urban integration • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-in-class performance 540 630 585 215 220 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 675 Measurem54e0nts in mm 630 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED MiniComplete sets 570 6601-4-6. CitySoul gen2 LED Large + Heritage S1200 bracket + Aloa/Accante pole 2-3-5. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Heritage S1200 bracket +Aloa/Accante pole 7. CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Heritage S1200 wall br9a5cket 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 645 735 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large8m 630 720 165 1707m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large6m 585 680 7 200 2005m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 705 7954m 115 115 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large3m2m1m 12 34 5643 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Heritage

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Heritage 44

CitySoul gen2 LED + Catenary The Catenary bracket allows the CitySoul gen2 LED luminaire to fit into streets and on paths where decluttering is a necessity - like shopping districts and car-free zones. • Installation height 5 to 10 m • Easy urban integration • Comfort and ambience lighting • Best-in-class performance 540 630 585 675 215 220 CitySoul gen2 LED CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large Measurem54e0nts in mm 630 95 100 CitySoul gen2 LED Large CitySoul gen2 LED MiniComplete sets 570 660CitySoul gen2 LED Mini + Catenary 95 1008m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large7m6m 645 7355m4m 95 1003m2m CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large1m 630 720 165 170 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 585 680 200 200 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large 705 795 115 115 CitySoul gen2 LED Mini CitySoul gen2 LED Large45 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Catenary

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > CitySoul gen2 LED + Catenary 46

Ocean LEDThe lightweight, delicate and sophisticated Ocean LED range integratesinto contemporary cityscapes with extreme fluency and elegant discretion.This innovative range meets the most stringent requirements of both ambiencelighting and urban street and road lighting. Allowing use in all situations, OceanLED is available for various planning solutions, from the simplest to the mostcomplex situation, making it the perfect lighting solution for personalizing yoururban spaces.47 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > Ocean LED

Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > Ocean LED 48

Ocean LEDComplete lighting point solutionsOne of the main characteristics of the Ocean LED range is the totalsolution that it offers to municipalities, landscape architects, urbanplanners and lighting designers. Architectural enhancement canonly be fully realised when both the luminaires and their supportsare part of an integrated concept. To this end, Ocean LED includesa range of dedicated poles and brackets which are consistent withthe visual style of the luminaires.Ocean Road Ocean Ocean Ocean LED Ocean Road LED FD bracket Ocean Road LEDLED CD wooden Ambiance bollards straight poles FR bracketbracket wall poles LED inclined polesmounting49 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > Ocean LED

Ocean Road LED + CD 53 Ocean Road LED + FD/FR 51 Ocean LED bollard 57 Ocean Ambiance LED 55 Ocean Road Ocean Road LED FR bracket CD bracket curved poles Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > Ocean LED 50

Ocean Road LED + FD/FR The graceful and fluid lines of Ocean Road LED will harmonize discretely with all types of urban environment. This modular luminaire can be combined with different dedicated sets, such as straight, curved and inclined poles, brackets and wall mounted luminaires. Designed for heights of 4 to 9 m, Ocean Road LED combines compactness, finesse and efficiency. With different optics, it is suited for several lighting applications, main roads and side streets, pedestrian areas, squares, paths and boulevards and avenues. • Energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions • Optimized pole spacing • Controlled light pollution • Tool-less maintenance • White light with excellent color rendering 365 365 Measurements in mm 530FD mounting FR mounting Complete sets 1-2-3. Ocean Road LED + Ocean FD bracket + Ocean straight steel pole with top point 4. Ocean LED Road LED + Ocean FD bracket + Ocean wooden pole with top point 5. Ocean Road LED + Ocean FD bracket + Ocean stepped pole 6. Ocean Road LED + Ocean FR bracket + Ocean 2° inclined steel pole with luminous top point 7. Ocean Road LED + Ocean FR bracket + Ocean 2° inclined steel pole with top point 8-9. Ocean Road LED + Ocean FR bracket + Ocean curved steel pole with top point.9m8m7m6m5m4m3m2m1m 12 34 56 7 8951 Urban Inspiration > UrbanStyling > Ocean Road LED + FD/FR