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Home Explore ABL Partnership Proposal Review

ABL Partnership Proposal Review

Published by antoinette, 2016-08-23 10:40:33

Description: ABL Partnership Proposal Review


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African Basketball League 2016/2017 Season Partnership Proposal 1

Please note that some slides in thispresentation has audio and video content and must be viewed in presentation mode for the audio and video content to play automatically 2

Ø  Why Support SportsØ  Aims and ObjectivesØ  ABL VisionØ  ABL 2016 Season RecapØ  Why ABLØ  Value PropositionØ  Proposed ROIØ  Brand ActivationsØ  Media PartnersØ  InfluencersØ  ABL CSRØ  Partnership Packages 3


Aims & ObjectivesThe aim of this presentation is to present the benefitsof joining in a partnership with the African BasketballLeague (ABL) during the 2016 – 2017 season.The objectives of this presentation include:•  Initiate partnership discussions for 2016-2017 season•  Detail the value in supporting the ABL•  Communicate ABL plans for 2016-2017 season•  Discuss branding opportunities 5

ABL Vision 6

•  Privately-owned league modelled after the National Basketball Association (NBA)•  Commercialize basketball as an entertainment and lifestyle platform, to create wealth, employment, intra- Africa tourism / integration and inclusive growth and development•  Develop an ecosystem that will allow for the creation of viable and valuable basketball franchises•  Leverage our experience in sports and entertainment management to achieve our vision and mission 7

•  Privately structured to ensure profitability of all franchises who will have access to partnership resources and ABL line of credit•  The business model will promote sports as an entertainment / lifestyle platform with state of the art arenas will attract high value fans•  Engage media partners like DSTV, Trace TV, Canal +, Channels TV and a variety of TV channels all over Africa•  Develop the ABL Junior League which is tailored to serve as a grassroots development programme which will create a talent pool for league sustainability 8


ActivityDiscipline Sports DevelopmentEducation Teamwork Nutrition FitnessAll ABL teams will incorporate the ABL junior league program – this willinvolve training programs through basketball camps and league for boys and girls from 9 to 15 years old 10

ABL 2016 Season Recap 11

The Franchises Abidjan Dakar LagosRamblers Rapids Islanders Lagos Libreville StallionsWarriors Izobe 12

2016 Season Attendance•  Over 120,000 fans in 30+ games across Africa•  Over 3,000 fans and spectators for each game•  Over 10,000 fans and spectators during All Star Weekend•  Average Attendance – 3,150 including fans and spectators with an average growth rate of 7% 13

Fan DemographicsGender Demography for ABL Games 45% Age Demography for ABL Games 55% 5% Male Female 25% 25% 45% 2 - 16 17 - 25 26 - 40 41+ 14

Fan Demographics Income Class for ABL Games AGendance Below 1m 1m - 9m 10m - 24m 25m + 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 15

Why ABL? 16


High Quality Brand of Basketball 18

High Quality Brand of Basketball 19

ABL – Promoting Sportsmanship & Respect 20

ABL Slam Dunk Contest 2016 ABL All Star Weekend Slam Dunk Contest 21

ABL All Star Game 2016 ABL All Star Game 22

2016 Regular Season Partners 23

A Pan African League 24

2016 Abidjan Basketball Challenge 25

#MORETHANAGAME ABL Halftime Show Performance by Kaffy & Imagneto Dance Company 26


#MORETHANAGAME Pope Skales Korra Superstar Artists Korra May D Thrill Fans at ABLSound Games AcrossSultan Africa Sexy Steel MoEazy 28

Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire Partners 29

Value Proposition 30

Proposed Return On Investment (ROI) 31

Proposed Return On Investment (ROI)•  Onsite Brand Visibility - Arena Exterior Branding - Arena Interior Branding•  Offsite Brand Visibility•  Brand Activation•  Brand Influencers•  Economic Impact•  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 32

Onsite Brand Visibility Arena Exterior Branding 33

Arena Exterior Branding 34

Arena Exterior Branding 35

Arena Exterior Branding 36

Onsite Brand Visibility Arena Interior Branding 37

Arena Interior Branding 38

Arena Interior Branding 39

Arena Interior Branding 40

Offsite Brand Visibility Online and Traditional Publications 41

Online Publications Online Readers Per Day•  Punch Online – 353,340• – 231,696•  Guardian – 67,280•  Business Day – 23,342 42

Traditional PublicationsNewspapers Circulated Per Day•  Punch Online – 120,000•  Guardian – 107,280•  Business Day – 67,242 43

Traditional Publications 44

ABL on Metro FM Radio StationMetro FM – Over 185,000 Daily Listeners 45

ABL on TVC News 46

Media Partners 47

Media Partners 48

Brand Activation 49

Centre Court Brand Activation 50

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