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Home Explore nanoICT Strategic Research Agenda

nanoICT Strategic Research Agenda

Published by Phantoms Foundation, 2019-12-10 11:21:10

Description: This updated version of the research agenda is an open document to comments and/or suggestions and covers a very wide range of interdisciplinary areas of research and development, such as BioICT, NEMS, Graphene, Modelling,
Nanophotonics, Nanophononics, etc. providing insights in these areas, currently very active worldwide.

Keywords: BioICT,NEMS,Graphene, Modelling, Nanophotonics, Nanophononics


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Annex 3 National & regional funding schemes study general overview of the enterprises working The short-term challenge is to continue the in this field. Since the year of 2000 until 2010, investement, despite being in an economic were created 36 companies mainly in crisis, and improve coordination of all players nanomaterials, nanocomposites, nanobio and involved in the R+D+I. The next decade will nanoparticles. So far 60 companies confirm whether efforts have been sufficient performing R&D in nanoscience and to be amongst the most advanced economies, nanotechnology are listed and is predicted a fulfilling the expectations for nanotechnology significant increase in the upcoming years. as an engine of Spanish industry in 2020. Everything achieved so far has required a In terms of outreach efforts we can mention great effort, but still we have a R&D system several initiatives. On one hand the edition of relatively weak compared with those the first book in N&N issued by the Spanish countries which we want to look like. Any Foundation for Science and Technology change in the sustained investment policies in (FECYT), designed to spread among teachers our R&D system can take us back several in secondary and high school education along years, as budget cuts are announced to with books devoted to N&N dissemination overcome this period of crisis they can also be that have been recently issued. On the other very harmful in an emerging issue as hand, events as “Atom by Atom” or “Passion nanotechnology. We hope these cuts are for Knowledge” disclose the progresses, punctual and that soon will regain the road of challenges and implications of various “nano- support R+D+I. areas” to a broad and general audience. Furthermore, initiatives as the SPMAGE In the meantime, before recovering the international contest19 of SPM (Scanning previous momentum, we need to implement Probe Microscopy) images or the exhibition new strategies intended to keep the path we “A walk around the nanowold” are succesful started ten years ago under a more restrictive initiatives to disseminate N&N. Recently, an economic scenario. These strategies must be Iberoamerican Network for Dissemination based in few ingredients, including among and Training in N&N (NANODYF20) has been others: (i) the stimulus of the dialogue funded by the Iberoamerican Programme for between Spain Ministries and Regional Science and Technology (CYTED) in order to Goverments, on one side, and scientific promote formal and non-formal education of community using existing networks that must N&N in Iberoamerican countries where more be suitably funded on the other; (ii) the than 460 million people communicate in increasing coordination of research centres Spanish. and large scale infrastrutures in order to optimize the access to scientific services of One could say that in this last decade we have public and private groups; (iii) to enhace seen an explosion of initiatives in the field of public-private cooperation through nanotechnology. All initiatives represent a Technology Platforms, Industry Networks and clear commitment that Spain is situated in the Science and Technology Parks; (iv) an actual medium term between the group of countries support to small N&N spin-offs emerging from that can lead the change towards a research centres, (v) the formation of a new knowledge-based society. However, it is generation of PhD students and technicians necessary to maintain a constant tension to highly skilled for multidisciplinary research strengthen the settlement of all initiatives. through specific training programs (Master and PhD courses); and (vi) the involvement of 19 society through well designed dissemination 20 nanoICT Strategic Research Agenda 199

Annex 3 National & regional funding schemes study activities using emerging communication Switzerland technologies. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Sweden Despite not having a formal nanotechnology United Kingdom programme, Sweden has directed public funding to the sector. Interest in The United Kingdom lays claim to one of the nanotechnology began in the 1980s with the earliest nanotechnology programmes, the Micronics programme, followed by materials LINK Nanotechnology Programme (LNP) research consortia in the 1990s. During this National Initiative on Nanotechnology (NION). decade, Sweden has directing funding from a This was an initiative of the then Department number of sources, including five national of Trade and Industry (DTI) which began in agencies and three foundations: 1988, and which directed around GBP 11.5 • The Swedish Research Council; million over its lifetime. A contemporary • VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental assessment judged that the project had been relatively successful. After a lengthy interlude, Agency for Innovation System) in 2003 the former Science Minister Lord • The Swedish Research Council for Sainsbury announced that GBP 90 million would be directed to funding nanotechnology Environment, Agricultural Sciences and commercialisation over the following six Spatial Planning (Formas) years. GBP 40 million was allocated to capital • The Swedish Energy Agency projects, which formed the basis for the • The Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) current MNT Facilities Network. The intention of this project was to create a distributed Foundations: network of facilities, which were intended to form a coherent national portfolio of • SSF, Foundation for Strategic Research capabilities – rather than being primarily • KK-stiftelsen, The Knowledge Foundation intended for national development. The • MISTRA, the Foundation for strategic remaining GBP 50 million was allocated to collaborative research and development environmental Research projects by the DTI. Together with the European Commission and In 2007 the Nanotechnology Knowledge the Nordic Innovation Centre, these Transfer Network (KTN) was established to organizations have committed approximately continue these activities by facilitating € 50 million in 2007. This has resulted in a interactions between organisations in the UK, structure in which there are 100 industrial as well as to provide input to future policy actors and 15 universities engaged in decisions. The Nanotechnology KTN is now nanotechnology-related activities. There is a under the auspices of the Technology Strategy debate in the country about the about to Board, which is responsible for all 24 KTNs. which the lack of an identified national The Technology Strategy Board was programme has hampered development; established in 2007 as an executive non- whilst it has resulted in ‘under-labelling’ of departmental public body, sponsored by the nanotechnology activities, research and Department for Innovation, Universities and industrial activities is still relative. Skills. The Technology Strategy Board Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) 200 nanoICT Strategic Research Agenda

Annex 3 National & regional funding schemes study published its Nanoscale Technologies Strategy The bulk of the financial commitment; 3.28 2009-12 in October 2009. The strategy directs billion USD is directed to Nanoproduct funding to nanotechnologies which address fabrication, with 0.54bn for education and one of three specific challenges; Living with 0.82bn for infrastructure, foresight, Environmental Change, Living with an Ageing certification and standardisation. Investments and Growing Population, and Living in an are being ramped up to reach a level of 1.05 Intelligence, Connected Modern World. billion USD by 2012. Applications for projects are submitted to RUSNANO and assessed on Key Organisations: their investment and scientific potential. Technology Strategy Board Applications are reviewed by an external Technical and Scientific Board, and an Engineering and Physical Science Research Industrial Policy Committee, with final Council (EPSRC) decisions being made by RUSNANO’s Supervisory Board. Funding decisions which Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) involve sums in excess of 1.3 billion roubles (1% of the organisation’s funding) are made Biotechnology and Biological Science by the Advisory Board. The organisation Research Council (BBSRC) essentially operates like a large venture fund, taking equity stakes (of less than 50%) in the projects to which it invests. Funding support Key Documents: is long term – over 10 years. The organisation Nanoscale Technologies Strategy 2009-12 states that when exiting it plans to sell to offset investment costs, rather than seeking Publications/NanoscaleTechnologiesStrategy. to maximise profit. pdf By end 2009, RUSNANO had approved 61 Slovenian Science Foundation (SZF) projects, committing to investment of €2.4 billion (92.4 billion roubles). The organisation predicts that by 2015 the volume of 2. Profiles of Other World Regions nanotechnology production will reach 900 billion rubles per year (19,8BEUR), from a Russia current volume of 4-5 billion rubles annually (88MEUR). The Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) was established in 2007 with a Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) commitment of 130 billion roubles from the Russian government. The organisation has an explicit focus on the commercialisation of United States nanotechnology, though it takes a fairly broad view of this mission, funding projects in three The National Nanotechnology Initiative was areas: established in 2000 and links 25 Federal Agencies whose work relates to nanoscience • ‘Nanoproduct’ fabrication and nanotechnology. Overall authority for • Scientific forecasting and roadmaps, management of the NNI lies with the White House’s Office of Science and Technology standardisation, certification and safety Policy. The NSET subcommittee coordinates • Education and popularization nanoICT Strategic Research Agenda 201

Annex 3 National & regional funding schemes study the development of the NNI strategic plan, community. The NNI has also directed an and the National Nanotechnology increasing share of budget to Environment Coordination Office (NNCO) provides Health and Safety research. US$ 34.8 million technical and administrative support, was directed to EHS in 2005, rising to US$ produces reports, and is a point of contact for 76.4 million in 2009. the public. NNI investment in the period 2001-2009 totals almost $10 billion, with an The recent stimulus package also contains annual budget that has increased from US$ elements which may assist the development 464 million in 2001 to US$ 1,527 billion in of nanotechnology, placing an emphasis on 2009 (requested). Funding is allocated to the clean energy sources and infrastructure Federal Agencies responsible for this project, upgrades. The newly confirmed director of with the largest recipients in 2009 being: the Office of the Science and Technology Policy, John P. Holdren, commented that:4 • Department of Defence, US$ 431 billion …he was gratified that the stimulus bill passed • Department of Education, US$ 311 billion by Congress recognized the importance of • National Science Foundation, US$ 397 ongoing investments in innovation by including crucially needed funding for an billion array of science and engineering efforts with • National Institutes of Health, US$ 226 large potential payoffs for society – biotechnology, nanotechnology, information billion technology, renewable energy, and more • National Institute of Standards and efficient cars and buildings, among others. Also important, he noted, is that a portion of Technology, US$ 110 billion the recovery package is designated explicitly • Other Organisations, US$ 52 billion for high risk/high-reward research - “the kind that, when successful, proves truly Funding can also be broken down by Program transformative.” Component Area (PCA) which gives some indication of the target of each funding For 2011, the National Nanotechnology element: Initiative has requested $1,8 billion, mainly to DOE, NSF, HHS/NIH and DOD. $511 million for 1. Fundamental Nanoscale Phenomena and nanotechnology was included in the Recovery Processes US$550.8 billion Act stimulus Package 2. Nanomaterials, US$227,2 billion Japan 3. Nanoscale Devices and Systems, The main bodies in Japan’s innovation system US$327,0 billion are the Minister of State for Science and 4. Instrumentation Research, Metrology, Technology Policy, and the Council for Science and Technology Policy in the Cabinet Office, and Standards, US $81,5 billion inaddition to seven Ministries with S&T 5. Nanomanufacturing, US $62,1 billion responsibilities. These include the Ministry of 6. Major Research Facilities and Instrument Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) under which falls the large New Energy and Acquisition, US$161,3 billion Industrial Technology Development 7. EHS, US$76,4 billion Organization (NEDO). The Ministry of 8. Education and Societal Issues, US$40,7 billion One of the effects of the NNI has been the creation of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), which involves 13 universities and houses 700 tools which are accessible for the wider research 202 nanoICT Strategic Research Agenda

Annex 3 National & regional funding schemes study Education Culture, Sports, S&T (MEXT) efficiency of the technology transfer process oversees the Japan Science and Technology could be enhanced, with the International Agency (JST) and the Japan Society for the Advisory Committee for the evaluation of JST Promotion of Science (JSPS). Japan is currently Basic Research Program reporting that Japan nearing the end of its 3rd Basic S&T Plan, has seen “excellent scientific outcome, but which runs from 2006-2010. This plan has a some frustration in tech-transfer to total budget target of 25 trillion Yen (€162 innovation”. billion), equivalent to 1% of Japan’s GDP. One of the four priority areas of this plan is One of the efforts to investigate EHS issues Nanotechnology and Materials; a priority has been the NEDO project “Risk Assessment originally introduced during the 2nd Basic & Management of Manufactured Plan. Spending on nanotechnology research Nanomaterials”, which runs from 2006-2010. has been: 3. References • 76.2 billion Yen (~ €494M) in Financial Year 2006 [1] Introduction to Nanotechnology, • 78.6 billion Yen (~ €510M) in Financial html Year 2007 [2] • 86.5 billion Yen (~ €562M) in Financial ation-statistics/evaluation- Year 2008 reports/page10795.html This level of funding is projected to be [3] maintained until 2010. The nanotechnology rosnano-budet-prinosit-900-mlrd-rublej-k- and materials priority areas have been further 2015-godu.html broken down into ten strategic priorities: [4] • Materials for reducing costs of clean oldren_confirmation_release_3-20-09.pdf Energy [5] Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Spain, • Materials for replacing rare or deficit 2010/2011, Introduction. materials doc.php?project=1 • Nanotech and Materials supporting security and safety • Materials for innovation • Electronics for Break-through Devices • Nano-biotechnology and Nano-medical Technology for very early diagnosis • R & D for the Social Acceptance of Nanotechnology • Advanced R & D at Innovation COE’s for commercialization of Nanotechnology • Nano-measurement and Nano-Processing technology • X-ray Free Electron Lasers Japan has seen high industrial investment in comparison to Europe – US$ 4.7 billion in 2005. However, concerns remain that the nanoICT Strategic Research Agenda 203

Edited by Alfonso Gomez 17 28037 Madrid - Spain [email protected] Deposito legal / Spanish Legal Deposit:

Funded by Edited by Phantoms Foundation Alfonso Gomez 17 28037 Madrid - Spain [email protected]

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