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Expert- Job English (E-Book) pdf-1-400

Published by Razibul Hoq Raz, 2022-11-12 06:37:13

Description: Expert- Job English (E-Book) pdf-1-400


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304.Education is enlightening. (wkÿvB Av‡jv) 307.The astounded man stared at his Here “enlightening” is: [37th BCS 16, KvwiMwi wkÿv winning lottery ticket. Here ‘winning’ is- Awa. (wewfbœ c`) 20 AvM÷ 21] [et‡ktgty it wetctÖ wet (G) 16-17] A A gerund B A participle A verb B gerund C An infinitive D A finite verb Ans:b C participle D infinitive Ans:c e¨vL¨v: Verb + ing hw` noun Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i 308. I found the boy reading a book. Here Zv‡K Gerund e‡j| GLv‡b enlightening kãwU “reading” is- [evsjv‡`k †ijIiqi Dc-mn. c‡Ö KŠkjx †gKvwbK¨vj)-06] noun Gi cwRk‡b e‡m‡Q| A present participle B noun 305.Opening the file, the detective took out a C gerund D verb Ans:a newspaper cutting. Here ‘opening’ is e¨vL¨v: See, hear, found, like BZ¨vw`i ci a/an Object + present participle e‡m| A Gerund B Noun 309.I helped a drowning man. Here C Present participle D Adjective Ans:c “Drowning” is a- [ivtwet (A-‡Rvo) 13-14] 306.Going there he found his friend absent. 310. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Here Here ‘going’ is - [ GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb ckÖ :œ ms¯‹…wZ “rolling” is a/an [ivt wet (A) †Rvo 15-16] Ans:b welqK gšY¿ vj‡qi Dc-mnKvix c‡Ö KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2019] A gerund B verbal adjective A gerund B present participle C verbal noun D perfect participle C noun D past participle Ans:b Topic-33: Verbal Preposition wK? GKwU D`vniY w`b| িভিডও েদখেত QR েকােড ি�ক ক�ন Verbal Preposition: ‡Kvb participle hw` preposition Gi b¨vq KvR K‡i Zv‡K verbal preposition ev Participle preposition e‡j| MVb: ----noun/Pronoun + Present Participle + ----noun/Pronoun [GLv‡b gv‡Si Present Participle †K Verbal preposition ev Participle preposition/ Preposition ejv hvq] ‡hgb: There was a small reception following the weeding. [39 Zg wewmGm] 311. There was a small reception following e¨vL¨v: regard-kãwU verb hvi A_© we‡ePbv Kiv; the weeding. [39 Zg wewmGm] regarding- kãwU preposition hvi A_© wel‡q/ A Adjective B Adverb mg‡Ü/ about| C Preposition D Noun Ans:c 313. I know nothing regarding this matter. 312. What part of speech is the word Here ‘regarding’ is a- [ivtwet (G) 16-17] “Regarding”? [cwÖ Ziÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi wmwfwjqvb ÷vd Awdmvi-16] A Gerund B Preposition A Adverb B preposition C Apposition D Conjunction Ans:b C Verb D Noun Ans:b e¨vL¨v: Avwg GB wel‡q wKQzB Rvwbbv| regarding- kãwU preposition hvi A_© wel‡q/ mg‡Ü/about| Topic-34: Past Participle wK? Present participle Ges Past participle Gi cv_©K¨ Kiæb| 2) Past Participle- ‡Kvb verb Gi KvR passive iƒc eSy v‡Z/ KvRwU †Kvb KZv© i Amwµq KvR eSy v‡Z/ KvRwU m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q BZ¨vw` eSy v‡Z H verb wUi Past Participle nq| Z‡e Past Participle Ges Present Participle DfqB Adjective wKš‘ G‡`i g‡a¨ A‡bK cv_K© ¨ we`¨gvb wb‡P Zv D‡jLø Kiv n‡jv- [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 143 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Go to Index Present Participle Ges Past Participle Gi g‡a¨ cv_K© ¨- Present Participle (Pr. P.) Past Participle (P.P.) 1. Pr. P. ‡`L‡Z- verb+ ing (‡hgb: writing) 1. Past Participle ‡`L‡Z- verb3 (‡hgb: written) 2. Bnv ev‡K¨ adjective Gi KvR K‡i; 2. BnvI ev‡K¨ adjective Gi KvR K‡i; 3. ‡Kvb verb Gi KvR active iƒc eySv‡Z/KvRwU 3. ‡Kvb verb Gi KvR passive iƒc eSy v‡Z/ KvRwU †Kvb †Kvb KZv© i mwµq KvR eSy v‡Z H verb wU Pr.P. KZv© i Amwµq KvR eSy v‡Z J verb wU P. P. nq| nq| ‡hgb: The film is really ‡hgb: I am quite satisfied/ satisfying with his boring/bored. GLv‡b ev‡K¨i KZv© the film- (QvqvQwewU) hv wb‡RB KvD‡K wei³ Ki‡Q| ZvB progress. GLv‡b ev‡K¨i KZv© I-Avwg hv wb‡R GwU active eSy v‡”Q weavq GLv‡b present KvD‡K Lwy k K‡iwb eis Ab¨ wKQz Øviv mšóÍ n‡q‡Q, participle (boring) n‡e| ZvB GwU passive eySv‡”Q weavq GLv‡b satisfied 4. ‡Kvb Kv‡Ri PjgvbZv/ continuous eSy v‡Z H n‡e| verb wU Pr. P. nq| ‡hgb: Boiling rice spreads an unknown 4. ‡Kvb verb Øviv Zvi KvR m¤úvw`Z n‡q‡Q/ perfect/ smell. Mig n‡”Q Ggb fvZ ARvbv NªvY Qovq| KvRwU m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q eSy v‡Z H verb wU P.P. nq| 5. †Kvb noun Gi ci -iZ eSy v‡Z- Pr. P. nq; ‡hgb: A train, running on time- h_vmg‡q ‡hgb: Boiled rice was served to the guests. PjgvbiZ GKwU †Uªb-; a very embarrassing wm× n‡q †M‡Q Giƒc fvZ AwZw_‡`i †`Iqv nq| situation. weeZª PjgvbiZ cwiw¯’wZ- 5. †Kvb noun Gi ci -KZ… eSy v‡Z- P. P. nq; ‡hgb: Smoke created by factory- d¨v±wi Øviv ‰ZwiKZ… †auvqv; a book published in march- gv‡P© cÖKvwkZ GKwU eB- Ggb Av‡iv A‡bK cv_K© ¨ †`Lv‡Z cvi‡eb hw` Avcwb active voice I passive voice m¤ú©‡K we¯vÍ wiZ e‡y Sb| ZvB voice change Aa¨vqwU fvjfv‡e c‡o Avmvi Ab‡y iva iBj| 314. ‘A lost opportunity never returns.’ Here A verb B adverb ‘lost’ is a- [ GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb ckÖ :œ 40th BCS -19] C conjunction D adjective Ans:d A gerund B verbal noun 317. Betrayed by his friends, he started living C gerundial infinitive D participle Ans:d alone. Here “betrayed” is-[ivtwet(A-we‡Rvo)16-17] 315. A retired officer lives next door. Here 318. Overwhelmed by the menu choices, I the underlined word is- [38Zg wewmGm wcÖwj] just closed my eyes and pointed with my A Gerund B adverb finger. Here ‘overwhelmed’ is used as [ C preposition D participle Ans:d GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb ckÖ œ: Btwet (we) †mU-K, 19-20] 316. An elected member can take the A a participle B a gerund Ans:a decision. The underlined word is- [ GB C an infinitive D an affirmative wbq‡g ûeû Kgb ckÖ :œ Xvtwet we, BDwbU 19-20] Our Facebook Page: h³y n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb| Usage of Present Participle & Past Participle: Advanced Learning: Dc‡ii cv_©‡K¨i †Uwej Abmy v‡i, present participle Ges Past Participle ¸‡jv ïay wPb‡jB n‡e bv eis ev‡K¨I e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| Avi G Ask †_‡KB †ewk ckÖ œ nq| ZvB wKQz †Mvcb mÎy w`‡q Dc‡ii cv_‡© K¨i mgš^‡q GB c‡Ö kiœ evwK Ask wb‡P †`Lby - [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 144 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Be Alert: mKj wbq‡g Present Participle ev Past Participle emv‡bvi wPšÍv Ki‡j, 1g KvR wb‡`©wkZ Noun/ Pronoun ‡K mv‡_ m¤úK© Ki‡eb| ev‡K¨ Ab¨ †h main verb _vK‡e †mUv †`Lvi `iKvi †bB| [we¯ÍvwiZ wb‡P co‡jB eyS‡eb] ‡Mvcb myÎ-1: (Active Subject): Situation, Movie, It, Film, TV Program, Class, Hamlet, wewfbœ Mí, Dcb¨vm BZ¨vw` e¨w³ bv n‡qI gvbly ‡K Avb›`/ `ytL w`‡Z cv‡i| ZvB G‡`i‡K subject wn‡m‡e active/mwµq we‡ePbv Kiv hvq| Giƒc Subject ¸‡jv‡K Personification e‡j| Giƒc Subject ‡K wb‡`k© Ki‡Z kb~ ¨¯v’ ‡b present participle e‡m| MVb: Active Subject + Verb--- + Present Participle nq| ‡hgb: The film is really boring. wm‡bgvwU mwZ¨B weiw³Ki| “The film” GLv‡b Active ZvB boring e‡m‡Q| Avi boring GLv‡b Adj./Pre. Participle| Attention: Gme †ÿ‡Î main verb wU mvaviYZ be verb/Linking verb nq; Tips: KZv© wb‡RB hw` KvRwU Ki‡Z cv‡i n‡e Pre. P, ‡hgb: wm‡bgv gvbyl‡K wei³ Ki‡Z cv‡i DËi boring 319. The movie is a --- one to watch in the 321. The Canterbury tales, written in about cinema hall. [et‡ktgty itwetctÖ wet (E) 17-18] 1386, is as alive and --- as it was nearly A bored B bore 600 years ago. [cvtwetctÖ wet (C) 15-16, Rtwet (I) 17-18] C boring D none Ans:c A appealed B appeal 320.Shakespeare’s plays are as alive and --- C appealing D the appeal of Ans:c today as these were in his lifetime. 322.The TV program was so ---- that I fell -/Hamlet, written in early 17th century, is asleep. [Ptwet (wW) 13-14] as alive and --- today as it was nearly A bore B boring 400 years ago. [Rbkw³ Kgm© s¯’vb I cÖwkÿY e¨y ‡ivi Dc- C bored D very bored Ans:b A appealing B appeal cwiPvjK -07] 323.It was a very --- situation.[(GwU Ley weeªZKi C appealed D the appeal of Ans:a cwiw¯’wZ wQj; (PjgvbiZ)] [Ptwet (D) 13-14, Xvtwet (C) 18-19] e¨vL¨v: ‡k·wcqv‡ii bvUK¸‡jv AvRI gvby‡li Kv‡Q RxešÍ A embarrassing B embarrass Ans:a ZvB Pjgvb A‡_© present participle(appealing) DËi| C embarrassed D embarrassment ‡Mvcb myÎ-2: (Passive Subject): ‡Kv‡bv ev‡K¨ †Kv‡bv verb Gi KvR passive/wbw®Œq iƒc eSy v‡Z verb wU Past participle nq| ‡hgb: I am quite satisfied/ satisfying with his progress. GLv‡b ev‡K¨i KZv© I- Avwg hv wb‡R KvD‡K Lwy k K‡iwb eis Ab¨ wKQz Øviv mšóÍ n‡q‡Q, ZvB GwU passive eySv‡”Q weavq GLv‡b satisfied n‡e| MVb: Subject + main verb + past participle nq| †hgb: She was bored in the class. 324.He is quite --- with my progress. (wZwb 327.She seemed --- and ill at ease, and bent Avgvi AMÖMwZ‡Z m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c mš‘ó) [Ptwet (D) 13-14] her head. [Rtwet (B) 13-14] A satisfy B satisfied A embarrass B embarrassing C satisfaction D satisfactory Ans:b C embarrassed 325.Which one is correct? [etwet (D) 15-16] D had been embarrassed Ans:c A She was boring in the class. 328.The movie was ---- (bore) as soon he became ----- (bore). [htwetctÖ wet (F) 16-17] B She was bored in the class. A boring, boring B bored, boring C She fell boring in the class. Ans:b C bored, bored D boring, boredAns:d D She was feeling boring in the class. 329.Please remain --- for a few minutes. (`qv 326.She always makes fun. She is never ---- K‡i K‡qK wgwbU e‡m _vKbz [gvtfvtwetctÖ wet (A) 14-15] with anyone. [etwet (D) 15-16] A depressing B depressed A staying B seated C depressingly D depression Ans:b C seat D seating Ans:b [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 145 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

r ‡Mvcb myÎ-3: (Active Noun): Man, People, Bird, Crow BZ¨vw` Noun Gi wVK c‡i Present Participle em‡e hw` D³ noun GB KvRwU wb‡R Ki‡Z cv‡i/K‡iQ/K‡i Giƒc eySvq| MVb-1: Noun + Present Participle ---- main verb --- ‡hgb: The man (open) the gate has not yet come. GLv‡b opening n‡e KviY †jvKwU wb‡RB †MBU †Lv‡j| ev‡K¨i evsjv: ‡MBU †Lvjvi e¨w³wU GLbI Av‡mwb| 330.The tall gentleman --- by the door is the 333.The man --- the gate has not yet come. bank manager.[ GB wbq‡g Kgb cÖk:œ Xvtwet (C) 19-20] (‡MBU †Lvjvi e¨w³wU GLbI Av‡mwb [RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (A) 13-14] A who standing B is standing A opening B to open Ans:a C Stands D standing Ans:d C opened D having opened 331. There is man ---- next door to me. (Avgvi 334.People ---- in villages do not get many evmvi cv‡k evm Kiv †jvKwU) [Ptwet (E) 06-07] urban facilities. [Lty wet (A) 09-10] A living B who live A live B are living C who lived D is living Ans:a C living D to live Ans:c e¨vL¨v: c mwVK nZ hw` evK¨wU There was man Øviv Help: MÖv‡g evm Kiv †jvKRb A‡bK kn‡ii mwy eav _vK‡Zv| cvq bv| ‡jvKRb wb‡RivB evm K‡i ZvB DËi-c; 332.Which one of the following is a correct 335.If you clap your hands, the crow --- on sentence? [Dc‡Rjv/ _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-04] the tree branch, will fly. [ GB wbq‡g Kgb: Kzt wet A The old man is there happy sitting. A is sitting B sitting (B) 19-20] B The old man happy there is sitting. C sat D be sitting. Ans:b C The old man there sitting is happy. Help: hw` nvZ Zvwj †`Iqv nq Z‡e Wv‡j e‡m _vKv D The old man sitting there is happy.Ans:d cvwL D‡o hv‡e| KvK wb‡RB Wv‡j e‡m ZvB DËi- b; Help: ‡mLv‡b e‡m _vKv †jvKwU mwy L| A_©vr †jvKwU wb‡RB em‡Z cv‡i ZvB man + sitting Øviv DËi d; ‡Mvcb mÎy -4: (Passive Noun): Man, Bridge, Fabric, Materials BZ¨vw` Noun Gi wVK c‡i Past Participle em‡e hw` D³ Noun GB KvRwU wb‡R bv Ki‡Z cv‡i| MVb-1: Noun + Past Participle---- + main verb--- ‡hgb: The bridge (construct) recently for the railroad has been found faulty. GLv‡b constructed n‡e KviY weRª wU wb‡R wb‡R ‰Zix n‡Z cv‡i bv| 336.The man --- in the accident was taken to Clue: Abyôv‡b wbgwš¿Z Avgv‡`i wKQz †jvKRb AvR hospital. [RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (K) 15-16, ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡q Avm‡e bv| GLv‡b †jvKRb wb‡R wb‡R‡K `vIqvZ K‡iwb ckÖ vmwbK KgK© Zv©-01] -The passenger --- in the eis Zv‡`i `vIqvZ Kiv n‡q‡Q weavq Passive wn‡m‡e accident is now in hospital. [Lty wet (A) 08- 09] past participle (Invited) Kiv n‡q‡Q| A injured B had injured 338.Natural resources provide the raw C being injured D who injured Ans:a materials --- to produce finished goods. e¨vL¨v: `yN©Ubvq AvnZ †jvKwU‡K nvmcvZv‡j †bIqv n‡jv| [Rvtwet (A7) 13-14] GLv‡b †jvKwU wb‡R wb‡R AvnZ nqwb ZvB DËi- a; A needed B are needed 337.Some of our persons --- to the party will C which need D needing Ans:a not come tonight. [Lty wet (gvbweK ¯‹jz ) 08-09] Hints: cvÖ K…wZK cwi‡ek cY¨`ªe¨ ˆZwi‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq A inviting B invited Ans:b KuvPvgvj mieivn K‡i| KvPvgvj A‡b¨i Øviv cÖ‡qvRb C who invited D they were invited nq ZvB passive a‡i needed DËi| [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 146 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

339.Muslin was a fabric --- by the famed 340.The bridge --- recently for the railroad weavers of Bangladesh. [Xvtwet (B) 04-05] has been found faulty. [etwet (A) 15-16] A woven B weave A was constructed C wove D had woved Ans:a B constructed Clue: evsjv‡`‡ki weL¨vZ eby b wkíx‡`i Øviv †evbv C has been constructed †cvkvKB n‡jv gmwjb| †cvkvK wb‡R wb‡R eyb‡Z cv‡i bv| D has constructed Ans:b ‡Mvcb myÎ-5: (Article --- Noun): c‡ii Noun-wU wb‡R H KvR K‡i/ KvRwU Pjgvb Giƒc eSy v‡j present participle e‡m| Noun-wU wb‡R H KvR Ki‡Z bv cvi‡j Past Participle nq| D`vniY wb‡Pi MCQ ‡`Lby - 341. Write an essay on the (give) topic. The 342.He passed a (write) order. (‡m GKwU wjwLZ right form of verb is- [Btwet (D) 17-18] Av‡`k cvk Ki‡jv) [Btwet 10-11] A gave B give A to write B wrote C giving D given Ans:d C writing D written Ans:d e¨vL¨v: ‡`Lyb topic wb‡RB wb‡R‡K give Ki‡Z cv‡i e¨vL¨v: ‡`Lyb order(noun) wb‡RB wb‡R‡K wjL‡Z bv| A‡b¨i Øviv cÖ`Ë nq| ZvB (given) DËi| cv‡i bv| ZvB Past Participle(written) DËi| ‡Mvcb myÎ-6: (Comma Øviv wef³ Simple Sentence G Phrase Ask): hw` Phrase As‡ki non- finite verb Gi Dci wbfi© K‡i, comma-i cieZx© main verb Ask A_© †`q| ev‡K¨ evsjvq “wµqv + Bqv/G” cÖZ¨q‡hv‡M A_© w`‡Z non finite verb wU present participle nq| Avi evsjvq “wµqv + BZ” cZÖ ¨q‡hv‡M A_© w`‡Z non finite verb wU Past Participle nq| D`vniY wn‡m‡e wb‡Pi MCQ I A_¸© ‡jv †`Lby Ñ 343.----- thrice, he did not want to try again. 344.--- the letter tonight, Rahim will post it [‡hvMv‡hvM gšY¿ vj‡qi Aaxb cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZv-© 06] tomorrow. [ GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb cÖk:œ cvª _wgK I MYwkÿv A Failed B Failing gšY¿ vj‡qi cÖv_wgK wkÿv Awa`ßi, wcwUAvB BÝUvª ±i (mvavi(B)-19] C After failing D Have failed Ans:b A Finishing B Finished evsjv: wZbevi e¨_© nBqv, †m Avi †Póv Ki‡Z PvB‡jv bv| C To finish D Finish Ans:a [1g As‡ki Dci wbfi© K‡i ciewZ© Ask A_© w`‡”Q] e¨vL¨v: AvR iv‡Z wPwV wjLv †kl K‡i/Kwiqv, iwng Kvj †cv÷ Ki‡e| [1g As‡ki Dci wbf©i K‡i A_© w`‡”Q] ‡Mvcb mÎy -7: (c‡y iv ev‡K¨i A_© w`‡q): GZÿY hZ¸‡jv wbqg cojvg †m¸‡jv c‡y iv ev‡K¨i A_© bv †`L‡jI DËi Kiv m¤¢e wQ‡jv wKšÍ Ggb wKQz e¨envi i‡q‡Q †hLv‡b cy‡iv ev‡K¨ A_© ‡`L‡ZB nq| bZzev fzj n‡q hv‡e| ‡hgb: Boiled rice is served at hotel. (wm×KZ„ fvZ †nv‡U‡j cwi‡ekb Kiv nq)| Boiling rice spreads an unknown smell. (wm×Pjgvb Ggb fvZ GKUv ARvbv Nvª Y Qovq)| myZivs A‡_i© wfbZœ vq DËi evQvB Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡Kvb KvR ‡kl n‡q †M‡Q Giƒc eySv‡Z Past Participle Avi †Kvb KvR Pjgvb Giƒc eSy v‡Z Pre. Participle nq; 345.--- eggs were served to the players. [ms¯‹w… Z 346.The license of ---- drivers should be welqK gš¿Yv Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-19, evsjv‡`k ‡Kv÷ MvW© I banned. [eb I cwi‡ek gš¿Yvj‡qi wimvP© Awdmvi-06] K…wl cwÖ kÿY GKv‡Wgxi bvm© Ges dvqvi mvwf©m A¨vÛ wmwfj wW‡dÝ-Gi †dvig¨vb-19, wmwb. ÷vd bvm-© 16, Avg`vwb ißvbx Awa. wbev©nx Awd.-07] A drinking B drank A Boiled B Boil C drunk D drunked Ans:c C To boil D Boiling Ans:a e¨vL¨v: g`¨ cvb K‡i‡Q Ggb Pvj‡Ki jvB‡mÝ wbwl× Help: wm× wWg †L‡jvqvi‡`i g‡a¨ cwi‡ekb Kiv n‡qwQj| Kiv DwPZ| wm× n‡q †M‡Q Ggb ZvB Past Participle; [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 147 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

 Advanced Learning: KL‡bv KL‡bv Present Participle ev‡K¨ Adverb Gi KvR K‡i| †hgb He িভিডও েদখেত QR েকােড ি�ক ক�ন came dancing. GLv‡b dancing kãwU GKw`‡K Present Participle Avi Ab¨w`‡K main verb(came) ‡K modify K‡i‡Q ZvB GwU GKwU Adverb| Giƒc I went running. ================  Dc‡i Av‡jvwPZ mKj wbqg¸‡jv GKwU Ab¨wUi mv‡_ RwoZ| ZvB PvB‡j GKB cÖk,œ A‡bK wbq‡gB e¨vL¨v K‡i DËi Kiv hv‡e|  ================ Topic-35: Perfect Participle wK? GKwU D`vniY w`b| 3) Perfect participle: Having Gi c‡i Verb Gi past participle nq| Avi G‡KB perfect participle e‡j| †Kvb KvR A‡bK Av‡M †_‡KB m¤úvw`Z n‡q‡Q Giƒc eSy v‡Z- having + V3 nq| Z‡e passive KZ©v eySv‡Z having been + V3 e‡m| †bvU: fwel¨‡Z †Kvb KvR †kl K‡i ivLv eSy v‡Z to have + V3 e‡m| -BCS, e¨vsK, PSC, I fvwm©wU MCQ mgn~ 347.After --- suspended for misbehavior, the Advanced Learner ‡`i Rb¨ Ab¨vb¨ wKQz MCQ: student requested reconsideration. (QvÎwU `e~ ©¨env‡ii Rb¨ mvgwqKfv‡e eiLv¯Í n‡q, cb~ we©‡ePbvi 350.There were --- reactions after the Bill Rb¨ Aby‡iva Ki‡jv) [Sonali Bank Ltd. Officer (Cash) 18] was passed. [Xvtwet (D) 04-05, ivtwet (D) 13-14] A having been B having A a mix B mix C have D was Ans:a C mixed D missed Ans:c e¨vL¨v: QvÎ wb‡R wb‡R eiLv¯Í nq bvB eis Zv‡K e¨vL¨v: wejwU cvk nIqvi ci wgkÖ cwZwµqv n‡qwQ‡jv eiLv¯Í Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB passive AvKv‡i having Giƒc wgkÖ Gi A_© wn‡m‡e mixed DËi n‡q‡Q| been + suspended(v3) n‡q‡Q| 351. An inflation rate is only 4 percent --- a 348.They are said --- a dynamic new play. big difference to export. [RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (N) 15-16] [WvK, †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM I Z_¨chÖ yw³ gšY¿ vj‡qi mnKvix †cÖvMvÖ gvi-17] A make B making A to have wrote B to have written C are making D makes Ans:b C to have writing D have written Ans:b e¨vL¨v: gvÎ 4% gy`vª ùxwZB ißvwb †ÿ‡Î eo cv_K© ¨ Ki‡Q| G Tips: Simple ev‡K¨ 2wU main verb nq bv weavq ev‡K¨ only 4 percent n‡jv subject Avi is Aux. verb ZvB d fjz | Avi to have + V3 e‡m weavq DËi- B| is Gi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L making n‡q‡Q| “is” subject Gi Av‡M e‡m ev‡K¨i A_©MZ †Rvo cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| 349.I went out having forgotten him. The 352.The Harvest moon is the full moon underlined part is a- [ GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb cÖkœ: nearest the equinox --- a period of htwetctÖ wet BDwbU- wm, 19-20] several days when the moon rises after A gerund B verbal noun Ans:c sunset: [kvnRvjvj Bmjvgx e¨vsK (TSO) -16] C perfect participle D present participle A It brings B bringing C for bringing D brings Ans:b Our Youtube Channel: h³y n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 148 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Model Test/Chapter Review (On Total Verb) 353.The Principal had his teachers --- their 12,  Kgb ckÖ œ: we`y¨r, Rv¦ jvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gšY¿ v. wbivcËv KgK© Z©v - 19] lessons in advance. [Ptwet (C3) 12-13] A to listen B listen A planned B being planned C listened D listening Ans:b C plan D was planning Ans:c 360.Put the correct form of verb given in 354.Bs‡iwR‡Z Abyev` Kit †m †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z bracket. He got his work (to do) on cvi‡Zv| [IU (B) Set-A, Written, 19-20] payment. [Btwet (C) 12-13] Ans: He could have helped you. A He got his work done on payment. 355.A rolling stone gathers no moss. here B He got his work doing on payment. ‘rolling’ is used as a/an: [ivtwet (A1) 17-18] C He got his work to do on payment. A noun B adjective D none Ans:a C adverb D gerund Ans:b 361. My friend --- yesterday. (Avgvi eÜy MZKvj Zvi 356.Mary had John ---- the car. (‡gix Rb‡K Øviv MvoxwU †givgZ Kij) [‡ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡Û›U-07] MvoxwU †avIqv‡jv) [Ptwet (C) 06-07, (B) 09-10, (D) 18-19] A got his car repaired A wash B would wash B gets his car repaired C washed D to be washed Ans:a C got his car repair (‡givgZ Kiv) 357.My mother had me --- milk every day. D have got his car repaired Ans:a [mvBdvi Awdmvi wb‡qvM cix¶v-99 (cwÖ Zi¶v gš¿Yvjq)] 362.The film is really ----------. (QvqvQwewU mwZ¨B A to drink B drinking weiw³ Ki) [etwet (A) 13-14] C drink D drank Ans:c A bore B boring 358.How did you make the machine -----? C bored D very bored Ans:b (‡gwkb w`‡q Zwy g wKfv‡e KvR Kiv‡e) [Ptwet (E) 10-11,  363.The customer grew tired of waiting. [cwi‡ek ûeû Kgb ckÖ :œ ciivóª gšY¿ vj‡qi ckÖ vmwbK Kg©KZ©v - 19] Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-07] A for working B to work A verb B gerund Ans:b,c C work D worked Ans:c 359.The speaker failed to make the audience C noun D present participle --- to him patiently. [15th BCS, Avevmb Awa`߇ii Our Facebook Page: hy³ n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb| mn. cwi-06, ivtwet (wnmveweÁv (B) 07-08, Lty wet (gvbweK ¯‹zj) 11-  covi ci KZUzKy g‡b Av‡Q Zv Study Partner Gi mv‡_ ckÖ œ- DËi K‡i hvPvB K‡i Our Youtube Channel: h³y n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 149 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Basic Sentence Structure Go to Index ♦ Aa¨vqwfwËK Question Analysis Ges Suggestion িভিডও েদখেত QR েকােড ি�ক ক�ন cixÿvmg~n ckÖ œ msL¨v +- ‡h cwiÿvq ‡h Topic ¸‡jv ‡ewk co‡Z n‡e-  BCS Preliminary ‡Z 0wU+- Basic strong Kivi Rb¨ co‡Z n‡e  All Bank Job Exams 0wU+- c‡y iv Aa¨vq co‡Z n‡e  Primary Job Exams 0wU+- cy‡iv Aa¨vq co‡Z n‡e  PSC & Other Jobs 2wU+- c‡y iv Aa¨vq co‡Z n‡e GB Aa¨vq †_‡K hv Rvb‡Z cvie Zv n‡jv GKwU ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ e¨eüZ wewfbœ k㸇jv‡K wK wK bv‡g WvKv hvq| GKwU ev‡K¨i wewfbœ As‡ki we¯ÍvwiZ Av‡jvPbv ce~ e© Zx© Aa¨vq¸‡jv‡Z †R‡b‡Qb| ZeyI GKcj‡K Av‡iKevi msÁv ¸‡jv †R‡b †bIqv hvK: S= subject; ev‡K¨i gj~ verb †K, “‡K/ Kv‡K/ wK” Øviv ckÖ œ K‡i †h DËi D³ verb Gi c‡~ e© cvIqv hvq Zv‡K subject e‡j| N: B: verb Gi Subject n‡Z cv‡i ïay noun/pronoun | V=verb; ev‡K¨ †h kã Øviv ‡Kvb KvR eySvq Zv‡K verb e‡j| O=object; ev‡K¨i Main verb †K what/whom (wK/Kv‡K) Øviv ckÖ œ Ki‡j †h DËi D³ verb Gi c‡i cvIqv hvq †mB DËiwU‡KB object e‡j| N:B: verb Gi object n‡Z cv‡i Vt=transitive verb ïay noun/pronoun| ‡bvU: what Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j direct object Ges whom Øviv V int=Intra. verb cÖkœ Ki‡j indirect object cvIqv hvq| LV= linking verb ‡h verb Gi object cvIqv hvq †mB verb †K transitive verb e‡j| Complement ‡h verb Gi object cvIqv hvq bv †mB verb †K intransitive verb e‡j| ‡h verb Zvi subject Ges object Gi g‡a¨ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i Zv‡K linking verb e‡j| verb Gi cieZx© adjective/noun hw` H verb Gi subject/object †K wb‡`k© K‡i Z‡e D³ adjective/noun †K complement e‡j| 1. You must keep quiet. follows the 2. The structure- They made Karim the structure-(Zwy g Aek¨B kvšÍ _vK‡e) [Btwet 05-06] captain. [ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-14] A subject+ linking verb+ adjective A Subject+ verb+ object B subject+ auxiliary verb+ main verb+ object B Subject+ verb+ object+ complement C subject+ linking verb+ noun C Subject+ verb+ object+ object Ans:b D subject+ verb+ object Ans:a D Subject+ verb+ complement+ adverb e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨ keep verb wU subject you Ges 3. Identify the structure of the sentence: complement quiet Gi mv‡_ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i ‘She left her luggage behind’ [Btwet (B)15-16] weavq GwU linking verb| option ¸‡jv‡Z must A S+ VT+ O+ Preposition Gi e¨envi Dn¨ ivLv Av‡Q| B S+ VT+ C+ N complement Our Youtube Channel: h³y n‡Z wKK¬ Kiæb C S+ VT+ O+ Adj. Complement D S+ V+ O+ Adverbial Ans:d [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 150 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

4. Subject-Linking verb-Complement can D S+ Vt+ O+ N-clause Ans:b be in- [Kytwet ÔweÕ BDwbU 2018-19] Hints: e¨w³evPK object = direct object Avi A They do not seem nervous. e¯e‘ vPK object = indirect object ZvB DËi- b; 9. What is the structure of the sentence ‘I B The telephone rang. was walking in the morning’? [Btwet (B) 16-17] C She does not laugh. A S+ VI+ Adverbial B S+ VT+ Adverbial D She will buy Anindita gift. Ans:a C S+ LV+ Adjective D S+ LV+ Prepositional phrase Ans:a 5. “The milk got bad” the structure of the 10. Be+ verb+ ing Form. Which is matched sentence- [Btwet (B) 09-10] to this structure? [gva¨wgK mnKvix wkÿK-01] A sub+ verb+ object A Rana is having a birthday. B I am to go to send a letter. B sub+ intransitive verb+ noun phrase C Rahima has gone to the city. Ans:a C sub+ intransitive verb+ adj. D Rana having a party went to the zoo. e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b be gv‡b be verb(is) Avi verb D sub+ linking verb+ adj. Ans:d +ing gv‡b n‡jv have + ing = having 11. “Elena became a doctor.” The sentence e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨ got verb wU subject milk Ges follows the structure- [Btwet (L) 05-06, 08-09] A subject+ verb+ object complement bad Gi mv‡_ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i weavq B subject+ linking verb+ noun phrase C subject+ transitive verb+ object Ans:b GwU linking verb| D subject+ intransitive verb+ adjective 6. “He writes a book.” Pattern of this 12. Sub+ Verb+ Indirect object+ Direct sentence is- [ivtwet 09-10] object. [Btwet 05-06] A Karim sent me a flower. A S+ Vt + Direct object B S+ vi+ Direct object C S+L-v+ indirect object D S+L-v+ S. complement Ans:a Tips: Write GLv‡b transitive verb Avi a book n‡jv direct object| †Kb Avgiv Rvwb- verb ‡K what Øviv c‡Ö kœi DËi/ e¯e‘ vPK Kg©‡K Direct Object e‡j| 7. Identify the structure: “They elected him their leader.” [Btwet (B) 10-11] B Flower is sent to me by karim. A S+V+O+ Objective Complement C I sent a flower to him. B S+V+O+N+ Adj.-complement D Karim was sent a flower by me. Ans:a 13. “Motin has broken the glass” the C S+V+O+ Complement sentence matches following- [Btwet (B) 09-10] D S+V+O+ Direct Object Ans:a A sub+ LV+ Noun B sub+ Aux. V.+ Obj. Clue: him object Gi aviYv m¤úbœ Kivi Rb¨ leader e‡m‡Q| gyjZ him-B n‡”Q their leader; C sub+ verb+ obj. D sub+ LV+ adj. Ans:c GKB e¨w³| ZvB Giƒc object- ‡K object complement e‡j| 14. “I have been teaching you grammar.” 8. Identify the structure of the sentence: “Shanzi presented me a flower” [Btwet 10-11] The structure of the sentence is- [Lty wet 08-09] A S+ Vt+ obj. + C. noun B S+ Vt+ obj. Indirect +Direct A subject+ verb+ complement Ans:b B Subject+ verb+ indirect object+ direct object. C Subject+ verb+ prepositional phrase D Subject+ verb+ direct object+ indirect object C S+ Vt+ O+ Adj. Complement [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 151 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Strong & Weak Verb Go to Index ♦ Aa¨vqwfwËK Question Analysis Ges Suggestion cixÿvmg~n cÖkœ msL¨v +- ‡h cwiÿvi ‡h Topic ¸‡jv ‡ewk co‡Z n‡e-  BCS Preliminary ‡Z 0wU+- Basic strong Kivi Rb¨ co‡Z n‡e  All Bank Job Exams 9wU+- c‡y iv Aa¨vq co‡Z n‡e  Primary Job Exams 4wU+- cy‡iv Aa¨vq co‡Z n‡e  PSC & Other Jobs 35wU+- c‡y iv Aa¨vq co‡Z n‡e Topic-: Conjugation of Verb ej‡Z wK eySvq? Strong and weak verb Gi cv_K© ¨ Kiæb| Conjugation of Verb (wµqvi iæc/avZziƒc): wewfbœ cKÖ vi gj~ verb †_‡K verb Gi past form Ges past participle G cwieZ©b‡K conjugation of verb e‡j| iƒcMZ cwieZ©b Abymv‡i Bnv `yB cKÖ vi, h_v: 1) Strong verb ev Irregular verb; 2) Weak verb ev Regular verb; Avmby Avgiv cÖ_‡g strong Ges weak verb Gi cv_©K¨ ey‡S wbB; Strong/Irregular verb: Weak/Regular verb: িভিডও েদখেত QR েকােড ি�ক ক�ন hLb †Kvb verb word Gi Aš©MÍ Z vowel eY©¸‡jv hLb ‡Kvb verb word Gi †k‡l d, cwieZ‡© bi gva¨‡g A_ev Verb Gi †k‡l (n, en, ne) ed, t BZ¨vw` †hvM K‡i Verb wU‡K BZ¨vw` †hvM K‡i Verb wU‡K past form(V2) Ges past form(V2) Ges past past participle(V3) MVb Kiv hvq ZLb Zv‡K participle(V3) MVb Kiv hvq ZLb Strong ev Irregular verb e‡j| Zv‡K Weak ev Regular verb e‡j| ‡Pbvi Dcvq: ‡Pbvi Dcvq: 1. word Gi AšÍ©MZ vowel eY¸© ‡jv cwieZb© nq; 1. word Gi Aš©MÍ Z vowel eY¸© ‡jv cwieZb© nq bv; 2. Verb Gi †k‡l n, en, ne BZ¨vw` †hvM nq; 2. verb word Gi †k‡l d, ed, t BZ¨vw` †hvM nq; †hgb: Grow(Rb¥v‡bv) -Grew -Grown, †hgb: Blend (wgkv‡bv) -Blended -Blended Befall(NUv) -befell -befallen; BZ¨vw`; Smell(NªvY †bIqv) -smelt -smelt BZ¨vw`; g‡b ivLvi †Mvcb †KŠkj: Strong ev kw³kvjx verb g‡b ivLvi †Mvcb †KŠkj: Weak verb ¸‡jv kw³i Kg ¸‡jv kw³i Kvi‡Y gvbly wbqwgZ cwieZb© Ki‡Z cv‡i _vKvi Kvi‡Y Avgiv wbqwgZ cwieZb© Kwi| ZvB G‡`i‡K bv| ZvB G‡`i‡K Irregular verb e‡j| vowel A_ev Regular verb e‡j| d A_ev t Øviv cwieZb© Kwi; n Øviv cwieZ©b Kwi; ms‡ÿ‡c: SI-vn ms‡ÿ‡c: WR-dt 1. Which is an example of strong verb? 3. Which one is not weak verb- [ivtwet 08-09] [wbevP© b Kwgkb mwPevjq (D”Pgvb mnKvix)-18] A chide B creep A sleep B fill C cleave D cling Ans:d C believe D forget Ans:d e¨vL¨v: Chide- wZi¯‹vi Kiv; Chided-Chided Ges Creep (nvgv¸wo w`‡q nvuUv)- Crept-Crept, 2. Which one of the following is a regular Cleave (wef³/UKz iv Kiv)- Cleaved- Cleaved; verb? [Lty wet (RxeweÁvb ¯‹jz ) 16-17] Avi Cling (‡j‡M _vKv)- Clung- Clung; GwU A Began B Knew C Taken D Wanted Ans:d strong verb; [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 152 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

¸iæZc¡ Y~ © wKQz verb Gi wµqv iæc¸‡jv fvjfv‡e AvqZ¡ K‡i wbB; (Strong- Weak wgwkZÖ ) cÖ_‡g mvaviY mnR k㸇jv †`Iqv n‡jv; Avi Aa¨vq †k‡l Confusing ¸‡jv Av‡Q| Present form(V1) Past Past participle Present form (V1) Past Past participle form (V2) form (v3) Abide-‡g‡b Pjv Awake- RvMv‡bv form (V2) form (v3) Arise-IVv Abode Abode Arose Arisen Awoke Awoken V1 V2 v3 Act-KvR Kiv Acted Acted Bear-enb Kiv Bear-cÖme Kiv Bore Borne V1 V2 v3 Beat-cnÖ vi Kiv /Born Befall-NUv Beat Bid- Av‡`k Kiv Bade Bidden Blend-wgkv‡bv Befell Beaten Bless-Avwkev©` Kiv Blended Befallen Bind-euvav Bound Bound Begin-kyiæ Kiv Blessed Blended Behold-‡`Lv Began Blessed Bite- Kvgov‡bv Bit Bitten, bit Believe-wek¦vm Kiv Beheld Begun Bend-evuKv‡bv Believed Beheld Bleed-i³ †ei nIqv Bled Bled Bent Believed Bent Blow-evZvm env Blew Blown Breed-Rb¥ †`qv Bred Bred Build-‰Zix Kiv Built Built Bury-Kei †`qv Buried Buried Buy-µq Kiv Bought Bought Beseech- wgbwZ Kiv besought- besought Bring-e‡q wb‡q Avmv Brought Brought V1 V2 v3 V1 V2 v3 Clap-nvZZvwj †`qv Clapped Clapped Clung Clung Catch-aiv Caught Caught Cling-‡j‡M _vKv Came Come Chide-wZi¯‹vi Kiv Chid Chidden Come-Avmv Choose-cQ›` Kiv Chose Chosen 4. ‘Bear’ kãwUi past participle n‡”Q- [cvÖ _wgK 8. What is the past form of “beat”? (cÖnvi Kiv) mnKvix wkÿK (W¨v‡dwWj)-12] A beat B bitted [Btwet 04-05] A Bore B Bear C beaten D none Ans:a C Born D Beard Ans:c 9. The past participle of “bleed” is (i³ †ei 5. The thief who broke into our house was nIqv) [ivtwet (ivówª eÁvb) 07-08, (E-Even) 15-16] ---- by our pet dog. [Xvtwet 06-07] A bled B bleded A bited B bitten C bleeded D bledened Ans:a C biten D bitted Ans:b Clue: bleed ‡_‡K GKUv e D‡V wM‡q bled- bled n‡e| evsjv: Avgv‡`i evox †f‡½ †h †PviwU Xz‡KwQ‡jv †m KzK‡z ii 10. Which is the past form of “buy”? [cwievi Kvgo †L‡qwQ‡jv| ZvB passive AvKv‡i DËi-b Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv cÖwkÿYv_x-© 10] 6. What is the past participle form of the A Boght B Buyed verb “Choose”? [cvwb Dbqœ b †ev‡Wi© Awdm mnvqK-15] C Brought D Bought Ans:d A Chosed B Chosen mZK©Zv: buy ‡_‡K bought-bought (eU) nq| C Choosing D Chase Ans:b Avi Bring ‡_‡K Brought- Brought (eUª ) nq| 7. Act Gi past form †KvbwU? (KvR Kiv) 11. The past participle of ‘come’? [mnKvix Dc- [cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi wnmveiÿK/¸`vgiÿK †Kvlva¨ÿ-11] A came B come Lv`¨ cwi`kK© -12] C comed A enact B acted D camed Ans:b C action D activity Ans:b [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 153 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Present form(V1) Past form Past participle Present form (V1) Past form Past participle (V2) (V2) form (v3) Dare-mvnm Kiv form (v3) Do- ‡Kvb KvR Kiv Die(WvB)-gviv hvIqv Dared Dwell-evm Kiv Did Done Dye(WvB)-is Kiv Died Dared Deliberate- Dwelt Drink- cvb Kiv Dyed Died we‡ePbv Kiv Dwelt Deliberated Dream-¯c^ œ †`Lv Dyed Drive- Pvjv‡bv Drunk Draw-A¼b Kiv Delibera Dreamt Drunk Eat-LvIqv ted V1 Drove Dreamt Driven V1 Drew Drawn Fall(dj)-c‡o hvIqv V2 Ate Eaten Flee- cjvqb Kiv v3 Fling-wb‡ÿc Kiv Feed-LvIqv‡bv Fell Forbear-mn¨ Kiv V2 v3 Feel(dxj)-Abfy e Kiv Fled Fallen Forgive-ÿgv Kiv Fell(‡dBj)-cZb Kiv Fed Fled Forsake-Z¨vM Kiv Flung Flung Fight-h×y Kiv Felt Fed Found-¯’vcb Kiv Forbore Forborne Find-‡LvuR Kiv Felled Felt Freeze-R‡g hvIqv Forgave Forgiven Fling-wb‡ÿc Kiv Fought Felled Grow-Drcbœ Kiv Forsook Forsaken Found Fought Founded Founded V1 Flung Found Froze Frozen Flung Grew Grown Hide-jwy K‡q ivLv V2 Kneel-nvuUz †c‡Z emv v3 V1 V2 v3 Knock-Kov bvov Hid Know-Rvbv/‡Pbv Knelt Hidden Learn-‡kLv Learned Learned Lead-‡bZZ… ¡ †`qv Knelt Leave-Z¨vM Kiv Left Left Laud- ckÖ smv Kiv Knocked Knocked Lend-avi †`qv Lent Lent Known Light-Av‡jv Rv¡ jv‡bv Lighted Lighted Knew Led Loose-wX‡j Kiv Loosed Loosed Led lauded Lose-nvwi‡q †djv Lost Lost lauded -BCS, e¨vsK, PSC, I fvwm©wU MCQ mgn~ 12. What is the past participle of the word 15. Choose the correct past participle form ‘do’? [GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb ckÖ œ: moK I †mZz cwienb of ‘Drink’? [NSI Gi Awdm A¨vwmm‡U›U-17,  ûeû Kgb gš¿vYj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (hvwš¿K)-19] cÖkœ: cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (4_© avc) 19, †mU b¤^i: 5124] A did B done A Drank B Drunk C undone D undo Ans:b C Drunken D Dronk Ans:b 13. The past participle form of the word 16. The river has --- its banks. [wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi ‘fell’ cZb Kiv; is- [GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb ckÖ :œ Z_¨ mnKvix †gBb‡Ub¨vÝ BwÄwbqvi-17, mÂq cwi`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-07] gš¿bvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cKÖ vkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019] A overflown B overflowed A felt B fallen C overflew D overloaded Ans:b C felled D fled Ans:c e¨vL¨v: Have/has –Gi ci verb- Gi past participle from nq| overflow- Dci w`‡q 14. ‘People lauded Mandela's humanity, cÖevwnZ nIqv| overflowed verb-Gi past participle nIqvq (B)- B mwVK DËi| kindness and dignity, The present form of lauded is- (ckÖ smv Kiv) [Xvtwet (L) 19-20] A laude B led C lead D laud Ans:d [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 154 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

17. “Fed” is the past form of the verb – [mnKvix 19. Which of the following is a form of ‘die’ Dc‡Rjv/_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-15, Dc‡Rjv gwnjv welqK KgK© Zv-© 16] [mycvwib‡Ub‡W›U Ae mv‡f-© 05, Xvtwet (B) 15-16] A food B find A dryad B dye C feed D fight Ans:c C dying D dieing Ans:c 18. Eat Gi past form †KvbwU? [cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi Advanced Learning: die + ing = dying(gZ„ ¨z ); wnmveiÿK/¸`vgiÿK †Kvlva¨ÿ-11] Avi dye+ing =dyeing(iÄbwe`¨v); g‡b ivL‡eb A ate B eated †hfv‡e: dye A_© iO Kiv; Gi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM Ki‡j †Kvb C eaten D none Ans:a cwieZb© bvB| 3 + 3 = 6 eY© (dye+ing = dyeing) Our Youtube Channel: hy³ n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb Avi die A_© gviv hvIqv hvi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM n‡j ie ‡_‡K y nq| die + ing = dying = 5 eY©| Present form(V1) Past form Past participle Present form (V1) Past form Past participle form (v3) form (v3) Ride-Pov (V2) Smell-NªvY †bqv (V2) Rise-Dw`Z nIqv Ridden Sow-ecY Kiv Smelt Seek-‡LvRu Kiv Rode Risen Speed-`æª Z Kiv Smelt Sowed Sew-‡mjvB Kiv Rose Sought Spell-evbvb Kiv Sowed Sped Send-cvVv‡bv Sought Spin-mZy v KvUv Sped Spelt Shake-bvov †`qv Sewed Sewed, sewn Spring-jvd †`qv Spelt Spun Shave-`vwu o KvUv Sent Steal-Pwy i Kiv Spun Sprung Shear-wef³ Kiv Shook Sent Sting-ûj †dvUv‡bv Sprang Stolen Shine-wKiY †`qv Shaved Shaken Stink- `yM©Ü Qov‡bv Stole Stung Shoot-¸wj Kiv Shaved Strike- AvNvZ Kiv Stung Stunk Sink-Wz‡e hvIqv Sheared Sweep -cwi¯‹vi Kiv Stank Struck Sit-emv Shorn/sheared Swim-mvZu vi KvUv Struck Swept Slay-nZ¨v Kiv Shone Swing-‡`vj LvIqv Swept Swum Slide-wcQ‡j hvIqv Shot Shone Swear-kc_ †bqv Swam Swung Sling-wb‡ÿc Kiv Sank Shot Sweep-Suvo– †`Iqv Swung Sworn Slip-cv wcQjv‡bv Sat Sunk Sing- Mvb Kiv Swore Swept Spit- _Zy z †djv Slew Sat String – wdZv evav Swept Sung Slid Slain Sang Stung Slung Slid Strung Slung Slipped Slipped Spit Spit 20. The past tense of the word ‘Spring’ is--- 22. The past participle of ‘Spit’ is (_yZz †djv) [ûeû Kgb ckÖ :œ ¯v^ ¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vY gšYÍ vj‡qi Dc-mnKvix c‡Ö KŠkjix - 19] [Southeast Bank Trainee Officer-18, Btwet (H) 14-15,  A spring B sprang ûeû Kgb ckÖ :œ evsjv‡`k ˆZj, M¨vm I LwbR m¤ú` Ki‡cv‡ikb C sprung D springed Ans:b (†c‡Uvªvevsjv)Õi wnmve mnKvix- 19] e¨vL¨v: spring (nVvr jvwd‡q IVv) Gi past form A Spite B Spite ten sprang Ges past participle form n‡jv sprung. C Spit D Spate Ans:c 21. Which one is the past tense of ‘steal’? 23. The past participle of the word ‘seek’ A stolen B stole [NSI Gi Awdm A¨vwmm‡U›U-17] is-[WvK I †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM wefv‡Mi Aax‡b WvK Awa`߇ii wewìs Ifviwkqvi- 18] C stoled D none of these Ans:b A sought B sek C saught D seeked Ans:a [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 155 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

24. The past form of “swing”? (‡`vj LvIqv) C smeld D smelded Ans:b [ GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb ckÖ :œ ms¯‹…Z welqK gš¿bvj‡qi cÖZœZË¡ 26. Choose the correct verb form. [mgvRKj¨vY Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi-19, Btwet 03-04] gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii mgvRKj¨vY msMVb-05] A swang B swung A stink, stinked, stinked C swinged D swunged Ans:b B stink, stanked, stanked 25. The correct past participle of “smell”? C stink, stancked, stancked A smell B smelt[ivtwet (`k©b) 09-10, 10-11] D stink, stank, stunk(`My Ü© Qov‡bv) Ans:d Present form Past Past parti. Present form Past form Past partici. (V1) form(V2) form (v3) (V1) (V2) form (v3) Tear- wQ‡u o †djv Tore Torn Understand- eyS‡Z cviv Understood Understood Thrive-mg„× n‡q IVv Throve Thriven Undertake-`vwqZ¡ MÖnY Kiv Undertook Undertaken Throw- wb‡ÿc Kiv Threw Thrown Uphold- Zz‡j aiv Upheld Upheld Tread- cv‡q gvov‡bv Trod Trodden Underlie-`vqx nIqv underlain underlain Weave-‡evbv Wove Wove Welcome-¯v^ MZ Rvbv‡bv Welcomed Welcomed Wake-‡R‡M I‡V Woke Waken Weep-Kuv`v Wept Wept Wind- MyUv‡bv Wound Wound Withhold- cZÖ ¨vnvi Kiv Withheld withheld Wear-cwiavb Kiv Wore Worn Wring- ‡gvPov‡bv Wrung Wrung Win- wR‡Z hvIqv Won Won 27. The past participle of “tear” is(wQ‡u o †djv) 30. The past participle form of the word [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b Kviv ZËv¡ eavqK-05, cvtwetcÖtwet ‘underlie’ is- [Xvtwet (E), Rtwet (B) 15-16] A teared B tore (B-weÁvb 16-17] A underlain B underlay C tored D torn Ans:d C underlaid D underlaided Ans:a 28. Past form of “Wear” is-[GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb ckÖ œ: 31. The past form of the verb ‘Tear’ is: evsjv‡`k cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kwgk‡bi wewfbœ c` 2019] BSE Senior Officer (IT/ICT) 2018] A Weared B Wore A teared B Torn C Worn D Worned Ans:b C Tore D Tears Ans:c 29. Past participle of 'Wear' is- [‡emvg. 32.wegvb KZ©…. (dvqvi wjWvi) 11 †m‡Þ. 21] The past form of “wring”? [6ô †emiKvix cÖfvlK A weared B weard wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv-10] C wore D worn Ans:d A wrong B wrag C wrung D wringed Ans:c Rule:- KZMy‡jv verb Gi past form Ges past participle G †Kvbiƒc cwieZ©b nq bv| Present form(V1) Past form(V2) Past part.(v3) Present form (V1) Past formV2 Past part.(v3) Bid-wbjvg WvKv Bid Bid Rid-gy³ Kiv Rid Rid Burst-‡d‡U cov Burst Burst Set-¯v’ cb Kiv Set Set Cast-wb‡ÿc Kiv Cast Cast Shed-Sov‡bv Shed Shed Cost-`vg jvMv Cost Cost Shut-eÜ Kiv Shut Shut Cut-KvUv Cut Cut Spread-Qwo‡q cov Spread Spread Hit-AvNvZ Kiv Hit Hit Thrust Thrust Hurt-AvNvZ Kiv Hurt Hurt Thrust-‡Rvi K‡i Pvcv‡bv Broadcast Broadcast-m¤úPª vi Kiv Broadcast [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 156 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Let-AbygwZ †`Iqv Let Let Telecast-wUwf‡Z cÖPvi Kiv Telecast Telecast Put-ivLv Put Put Beset-‡NivI Kiv Beset Beset Quit-‡Q‡o †`Iqv Quit Quit Split- UKz ‡iv nIqv Split Split 33. What is the past participle form of past form Ges past participle form Ki‡Z ‘put’? [cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Rbkw³, iƒ‡ci cwie©Zb Ki‡Z nq bv| Kgm© s¯v’ b I cwÖ kÿY e¨y ‡ivi Bb÷vª ±i (B‡jKwUªK¨vj, Kw¤úDUvi, wmwfj I Related Question for Advanced Learner- A putted B putter B‡j±ªwb·) wUwUwm - 18] 35. Which one of the following is the “ing” C had putter D put Ans:d form of the verb ‘singe’? [ GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb e¨vL¨v: put Gi past Ges past participle form ckÖ œ: ms¯‹w… Z welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix c‡Ö KŠkjx (wmwfj)-19] n‡jv put 34. The past participle form of ‘Split’? [wewfbœ A singing B singeing gšY¿ vj‡qi/wefv‡Mi/Awa`߇ii e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v-18] C singging D singeing Ans:d A spoilt B spoiled Hints: singe A_© cy‡o Kv‡jv nIqv; GB verb Gi C split D splitted Ans:c mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡j †Kvb cwieZb© QvovB mivmwi ing e¨vL¨v: Split (UKz ‡iv nIqv) Gi past form ev n‡e| past participle GKB A_©vr Split- Split kãwU‡K Our Facebook Page: hy³ n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb| Confusing Part:  GLv‡b ms‡ÿ‡c ïay iƒc¸‡jv †`Lv‡bv n‡jv| A‡bK gRvi gRvi- g‡b ivLvi †KŠkj w`‡q Common mistake Aa¨v‡q G¸‡jv me MCQ mn Kiv Av‡jvPbv Av‡Q| ZvB GLv‡b repeat Kiv n‡jv bv| GÿwY H Common mistake Aa¨v‡q wM‡q c‡y iv Aa¨vqwU co–b| A‡bK bZzb bZbz wKQz wkL‡Z cvi‡eb| 100% wbwðZ Avcbvi fv‡jv jvM‡e| ab¨ev`| Verb Gi base form (V1) Past form (V2) P. P.(V3) Rise(ivBR)& - e„w× cvIqv Rose Risen Arise(G¨vivBR&)-DVv, D™zZ¢ nIqv Arose Arisen Rouse(ivDR&)-RvMZÖ Kiv Rouse Rouse Raise(‡iBR&)-DVv‡bv, ew„ × Kiv Raised Raised Drown (e¨w³- W‡z e giv ev Wzwe‡q gviv) drowned drowned Sink (e¯‘ Wz‡e hvIqv) sank Sunk Flee(dx¬ )-cjvqb Kiv Fled Fled Flow(d¬)-ceÖ vwnZ nIqv Flowed Flowed Follow(d‡jv)-AbymiY Kiv Followed Followed Fly(dv¬ B)-Dov Flew Flown Hang-dvuwm †`qv Hanged Hanged Hang-e¯‘ Szjv‡bv Hung Hung Lie-wg‡_¨ ejv Lied Lied Lie-(wb‡R) ï‡q _vKv, wKQy c‡o _vKv Lay Lain Lay- wKQy ivLv/ (KvD‡K) ‡kvqv‡bv/ wWg cvov Laid Laid Loose(jRy ): AvjMv Kiv, Ly‡j †`Iqv/‡djv) Loosed(V2) Loosed(V3) Lose- (jm): nviv‡bv, civwRZ nIqv Lost(V2) Lost(V3) GB As‡ki me MCQ Av‡Q Common Mistakes/ Confusing Pair Words Aa¨v‡q- ZvB GLv‡b repeat Kiv n‡jv bv| [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 157 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Group Verbs / Phrasal Verb Go to Index Z_¨ m~Ît GB Aa¨vqwU ‰Zix Ki‡Z †h eB¸‡jvi mnvqZv wb‡qwQ; Pocket Oxford Dictionary (POD); Concise িভিডও েদখেত QR েকােড ি�ক করুন Oxford dictionary(COD); Applied English Grammar & composition- P. C. DAS, Ges Higher English Grammar & Composition – P. K. D. Sarkar; MæÖ c Verb g‡b ivLvi `y`©všÍ †KŠkj Rvb‡Z cv‡ki QR ‡KvWwU ¯‹¨vb K‡i wfwWI †`Lby | ♦ Aa¨vqwfwËK Question Analysis Ges Suggestion cixÿvmgn~ ckÖ œ msL¨v +- ‡h cwiÿvi ‡h Topic ¸‡jv ‡ewk co‡Z n‡e-  BCS Preliminary ‡Z 33wU+- Act, Blow, Break, Cast, Call, Cut, Die, Do, Get, Give, Look, Make, Pass, Put, See, Turn 61wU+- All  All Bank Job Exams 5wU+- BCS-Gi ¸‡jv co‡jB n‡e  Primary Job Exams  PSC & Other Jobs 300wU+- All GKbR‡i Aa¨vqwfwËK BCS cÖkmœ g~n- GB Aa¨vq †_‡K GLb ch©šÍ †gvU ckÖ œ n‡q‡Q 33 wU| Break †_‡K 3 wU ckª œ Synonymous Group Verbs †_‡K 2 wU ckª œ 5. He was driving in a busy street when 1. ‘Hand out’ Gi ï× evsjv cwifvlv- [39th BCS -18] his car broke ---. [18th BCS (written)] A n¯ÍcÎ B ÁvcbcÎ A out B off C Z_¨cÎ D cPÖ vicÎ Ans:b C in D down Ans:d 2. Your shoes --- before entering the evsjv: †m GKwU e¨¯Í iv¯vÍ q Mvwo Pvjvw”Q‡jv ZLb mosque. [26th BCS I Ab¨vb¨] Zvi Mvox †f‡½ co‡jv| A put out B put off 6. As he was talking, he suddenly broke -- -, saying ‘That’s a lie!’ (hLb †m K_v C put away D put on Ans:b ejwQ‡jv †m nVvr e‡j DVj Bnv wg_¨v!) [40th BCS -19] Blow †_‡K 2 wU ckª œ A off B in 3. The tree has been blown --- by the C down D into Ans:b storm. [26th BCS, I Ab¨vb¨] 7. The Second World War broke --- in A away B up September, 1939. [24th BCS I Ab¨vb¨] C off D out Ans:a A thorough B away e¨vL¨v: DËi n‡e g~jZ down wKš‘ Zvi option C out D in Ans:c †bB, ZvB DËi (a) Cast †_‡K 1 wU ckª œ 4. The lights have been blown --- by the 8. Trees have --- off their leaves. strong wind. [21st BCS I Ab¨vb¨] A out A thrown B fallen [23rd BCS I Ab¨vb¨] C up B away C cast D put Ans:c D off Ans:a [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 158 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Call †_‡K 1 wU cªkœ 17. The rich should not look down --- the 9. They had to call --- the match as the poor. [27th BCS, I Ab¨vb¨] ground was wet. (gvV †fRv _vKvi Kvi‡Y-g¨vP A at B for evwZj) [29th BCS-(written) I Ab¨vb¨] C towards D upon Ans:d A on B off 18. Can you look --- a word in your dictionary. C in D up Ans:b A on B up [5th BCS (Written)] Cut †_‡K 1 wU cªkœ C to D for Ans:b 10. Luna has cut --- her budget. (jby v Zvi Make †_‡K 2 wU ckª œ ev‡RU Kwg‡q‡Q) [25th BCS (Written)] 19. Which one a correct sentence? (KvV n‡Z A at B with KvMR ˆZwi nq) [36th BCS] C down D out Die †_‡K 1 wU cªkœ Ans:c A Paper is made from wood. B Paper is made of wood. 11. The man died --- overeating. (‡m AwZwi³ C Paper is made by wood. †L‡q gviv †Mj) [27th BCS] D Paper is made on wood. Ans:a 20. The team is --- eleven players. [24th BCS] A by B for A made of B made up of C of D from Do Away †_‡K 1 wU ckª œ Ans:d C made up D made Ans:b e¨vL¨v: msL¨vevPK †Kvb wKQiz mgš^‡q †Kvb `j MVb 12. “To do away with” means- [36th BCS, I Ab¨vb¨] Kiv eySv‡Z make up of e‡m ZvB DËi- b A to repeat B to start Pass †_‡K 1 wU cªkœ C to get rid of D to drive off Ans:c 21. “Pass away” means- [33th BCS, I Ab¨vb¨] Get †_‡K 1 wU ckª œ Ans:b A disappear B die 13. Bashir gets --- well with his colleagues. C erase D fall [13th BCS (written) I Ab¨vb¨] Put †_‡K 5 wU cªkœ A on B upon 22. While living in poverty, the poet had to C for D at Ans:a --- a great deal of sufferings. [31st BCS I Ab¨vb¨] evsjv: Kwig Zvi mnKgx©‡`i mv‡_ AskMnÖ Y K‡i| Give †_‡K 2 wU cªkœ A see through B put up with 14. The government gave --- the demands C pass by D fall back Ans:b of the people. [24th BCS] 23. It is too difficult to “tolerate” bad A in to B in temper for long. Here tolerate means- C to D over to Ans:a [13th BCS, 14th BCS] 15. In spite of my requests, he did not ---. A cope up with B put up with [22nd BCS I Ab¨vb¨] C stand up for D pull on with Ans:b 24. When they had their first child, they A give in B fall in put --- large sum for his education. C get off D give forth Ans:a A on B into [28th BCS] Look †_‡K 3 wU ckª œ 16. The police is looking --- the case. [26th BCS] C aside D up Ans:c A after B on Our Facebook Page: h³y n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb| C up D into Ans:d [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 159 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

25. The idiom ‘put up with’ means- 28. He went to the airport to see --- her A stay together B tolerate [33rd BCS I Ab¨vb¨] uncle. [17th BCS (Written)] C keep trust D protect Ans:b A away B off 26. ---your shoes before entering the C fly D ride Ans:b mosque. [26th BCS I Ab¨vb¨] 29. He took her --- a spy. (‡m Zv‡K ¸ßPi/ A put out B put off ‡Mv‡q›`v g‡b K‡iwQj) [29th BCS (written)] C put away D put on Ans:b A with B like See †_‡K 1 wU cªkœ C for D about Ans:c 27. The English took them for Egyptians- Turn †_‡K 1 wU cªkœ means [21st BCS I Ab¨vb¨] 30. The captain left the boat, because it ----. A The English considered them to be [23rd BCS I Ab¨vb¨] Egyptians. A turned down B turned up B The English took them to Egyptians. C turned over D turned bottomAns:c C The English were take in by the evsjv Abey v`: K¨v‡Þb ‡bŠKv †_‡K jvd w`‡jv KviY Egyptians. GUv D‡ë wM‡qwQ‡jv| D The English brought them as far to Tell ‡_‡K 1 wU cªkœ Egyptians. Ans:a 31. Alcohol tells --- your health. (g` †Zvgvi e¨vL¨v: Bs‡iRiv Zv‡`i †K wgkixq e‡j cwiPq †`q/ ¯^v‡¯’¨i ÿwZ Ki‡Q) [29th BCS (written) I Ab¨vb¨] we‡ePbv K‡i| Clue: take for – MY¨ Kiv/ we‡ePbv Kiv A upon B at C of D of Ans:a Group verb/Phrasal verb: ‡h mKj verb Gi mv‡_ preposition Gi wfbœZvq A_© Avjv`v n‡q hvq Zv‡`i‡K Group verb/Phrasal verb ejv nq| ‡hgb: put out A_© wbwf‡q †djv; Avevi Put off- A_© Ly‡j †djv BZ¨vw`|  Advanced Learning: ïay preposition Øviv phrase AvKv‡i verb Gi KvR Ki‡j G‡K phrasal prepositional verb ejv nq| ‡hgb: away with hvi A_© e‡q wb‡q hvIqv| 1. Which one is a phrasal prepositional 2. Put out the lamp. Here “Put out” is a- verb? [cÖwZiÿv gš¿Yvt wmwfwjqvb ÷vd Awdmvi Ges mnt cwit-16] [Btwet (we) 13-14] B participle verb A Be up B put on A group verb D gerund Ans:a C preposition C look at D away with Ans:d e¨vL¨v: away with- e‡q wb‡q hvIqv| িভিডও েদখেত QR েকােড ি�ক করুন Group verb/ Phrasal verb g‡b ivLvi †Mvcb †KŠkj: AwaKvs‡ki Kv‡Q gyL¯’ Aa¨vq¸‡jvi g‡a¨ group verb n‡jv me‡P‡q KwVb Ges weiw³Ki g‡b nq| wKš‘ G¸‡jvI g‡b ivLvi we‡kl †KŠkj Av‡Q| GB †KŠkj w`‡q Avwg wb‡RI g‡b ivwL| wb‡R‡K 10 w`‡bi KwgU‡g›U w`‡q ïiæ K‡ib| ‡KŠkj¸‡jv Abmy iY K‡ib| djvdj fv‡jv bv Avm‡j Avgv‡K hv Lwy k ZvB e‡jb| [GB †bb Avgvi †gvevBj bv¤^vi: 01740-073569] wb‡P ‡KŠkj¸‡jv c‡o wbb| 1. A_© Ges D`vniYmn e‡y S e‡y S cov/ cvi‡j evK¨wUB gyL¯’ Kiv; 2. gv‡S gv‡SB ev¯‡Í e K_vevZv© q e¨envimn study partner Gi mv‡_ cÖk-œ DËi Kiv; GUvB ¸iæZc¡ Y~ ;© 3. KvM‡R wj‡L †Pv‡Li mvg‡b `k„ ¨gvb RvqMvq Swz j‡q ivLv; †hgb: covi †Uwe‡ji cv‡ki †`Iqv‡j Szwj‡q †i‡L gv‡S gv‡S †PvL ejy v‡bv; we‡kl K‡i- N‡y gi Av‡M ev Ngy †_‡K D‡V evievi co–b| [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 160 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

4. cvi‡j mgRvZxq/cv_K© ¨gj~ K group verb ¸‡jv wb‡Ri g‡Zv K‡i LvZvq wj‡L wj‡L PP©v Kiv; 5. PzovšfÍ v‡e g‡b ivL‡Z evievi MCQ practice Kiv BZ¨vw`; hvB‡nvK Avmyb gj~ Av‡jvPbvq wd‡i Avwm---  ïiæ‡ZB GKbR‡i wb‡Pi †UwejwU ‡PvL eywj‡q wbb| Zv‡Z A‡bK confusion/ mgRvZxq Group verbs ¸‡jv g‡b ivLvi Rb¨ mnR n‡e| GLv‡b 3 N›Uv mgq w`b cieZx‡© Z co‡Z †M‡j me cvwbi gZ mnR n‡q hv‡e|  hviv e‡jb Group verb g‡b _v‡K bv| GB †UwejwU Zv‡`i Rb¨- Synonymous Group Verbs (evsjv A_©) 1. Ask for/ call for/pray for: PvIqv/`vwe Kiv Act upon/tell upon: ÿwZ Kiv 2. Bear with/put up with: mn¨ Kiv Call out/cry out: wPrKvi Kiv 3. Cast of /cast aside: S‡o cov/mwi‡q ivLv Draw out/ lay out: bKkv Kiv 4. Carry off/bear off/get through: Rq jvf Kiv Come at/get at: bvMvj cvIqv 5. Come round/ bring through: m¯y ’ nIqv/ Go on/ work on/ pass on/ Carry on/ run on/ Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv get on: Pvwj‡q hvIqv 6. Get out/ turn out/ drive away: weZvwiZ Kiv/ Draw away/ hold off/ keep off: Ab¨w`‡K Zvwo‡q †`Iqv mwi‡q †bIqv 7. Do with/ deal with: e¨envi Kiv Count on/ bank on/depend on: wbf©i Kiv 8. Get along/ go along/ get by: Pjv /Pvjv‡bv Get out/ come out/ give out: cKÖ vk Kiv/cvIqv 9. Go about/ hang about/ cast bout: Nwy o‡q Pass for/ take for/ look on: MY¨ Kiv/Avg‡j ‡eov‡bv ‡bIqv 10. Go off/ blow up: weùwiZ nIqv/ Dwo‡q †`Iqv Keep in/ hold in: mshZ ivLv 11. Hang back/ fall back/ draw back: wcQ‡b Look up/ look for/ look upon/find out: ‡Lvu R wd‡i Avmv Kiv 12. Hang up/ hold up: ‡`wi Kiv Look into/ see through: Z`šÍ Kiv 13. Put up/ hang up: Dc‡i †Zvjv/Swz j‡q ivLv Make over/ give over/ hand over: n¯vÍ šÍi Kiv 14. Put off/ stand over/ lay off: ¯’wMZ Kiv Set about/ set in: ïiƒ Kiv 15. Keep down/ hang down/ Die down/ bear Run away/ get away/ break away/ Make down: wbqšY¿ Kiv off/ get off: wcQ‡b Zvov Kiv Set aside/turn down: AMvÖ n¨ Kiv 16. Put off/ take over/ do off: L‡y j †djv 17. Put out/ blow out: wbwf‡q †djv Set by/ put by/ lay by: mÂq Kiv 18. Set forth/ set out/ bound for: hvÎv Kiv 3. I need to find some chemical that will -- 5. The meaning of “turn down” is- [cwi‡ek -- the weeds in the garden. [Ptwet (D) 17-18] Awa`߇ii mn. cwiPvjK-11, cwi`k©K (gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`ßi)-13] A keep off B keep out A expel B throw away Ans:d C keep down D keep on Ans:c C deny D refuse to consider e¨vL¨v: Avgvi wKQz Jl` `iKvi hv evMv‡bi AvMvQv 6. Your shoes --- before entering the `wg‡q ivL‡Z cv‡i| mosque. [26th BCS. kvtwetcªtwet 10-11] 4. ‘Hand out’ Gi ï× evsjv cwifvlv n‡”Q: [39th BCS A put out B put off A n¯cÍ Î B ÁvcbcÎ 2018] C put away D put on Ans:b C Z_¨cÎ D cÖPvicÎ Ans:b Our Youtube Channel: h³y n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 161 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Gevi GLvb †_‡K avivevwnKfv‡e co‡Z _vKzb- g‡b ivLvi †KŠkj wn‡m‡e Practice Kjv‡g ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e| Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 1 Act for The vice principal acts --- the principal in tell on behalf of someone his absence. 2 Act on/upon Such hard work will act --- my health. 3 Act on/upon Kv‡iv c‡ÿ K_v ejv The man act --- on my rules. 4 Act under He acted --- the orders of the principal. affect, ¶wZ Kiv, tell upon 5 Act up to wbfi© Kiv, depend on I acted --- your suggestion. 6 Act up act in obedience to, Av‡`k Sometimes kids act up because they just Abymv‡i KvR Kiv want attention. civgk© Abmy v‡i KvR Kiv Lvivc AvPiY K‡i g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y Kiv 7. I acted --- your suggestion. (Avwg †Zvgvi Attention: Act on g‡b 2Uv: ÿwZ Kiv/ wbfi© civgk© Abmy v‡i KvR Kijvg) [Lytwet (Bio-School) 10-11] Kiv| ZvB cÖ‡kœi Ackb ‡`‡L DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| A with B up to GLv‡b DËi- b C to D by Ans:b 10. “On behalf of” means- (Kv‡iv c‡ÿ K_v 8. You should --- your teacher’s advice. ejv) [cvm‡cvU© I Bvg‡Mkª b Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-07, bvwm©s (wkÿ‡Ki Dc‡`‡ki Dci wbfi© Kiv DwPZ) [Rtwet (D5) †mev Awa`߇ii wgWIqvBd-17] A act as B act upon 13-14] A Act for B Act upon C act on D act for Ans:c C Act to D Act on Ans:a 9. What does the group verb “Act on” 11. The lawyer acts --- the clients. (AvBbRxexiv means- [Btwet (G) 05-06] Zvi g‡°‡ji c‡ÿ K_v e‡j) [ivtwet 09-10] A tell over B tell upon A of B for C tell of D turn up Ans:b C against D on Ans:b Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 7 Bear away/off Rq K‡i †bqv/ Win He bore--two prizes in the annual sports. 8 Bear down Crushed by force, He bore --- all opposition. 9 Bear on 10 Bear out wKQy ‡V‡j †d‡j Rq Kiv 11 Bear up 12 Bear with m¤úwK©Z/ relate to His remark does not bear --- this subject mg_b© Kiv/Support/ confirm His evidence does not bear-- the charge. Sustain, g‡bi †Rvi eRvq ivLv His patience bore him --- in that crisis. mn¨ Kiv/ tolerate I cannot bear --- such insult. 12. Instead of “tolerate” we can say- [High 13. Instead of “Confirm” we can say- [WvK I school supervisor -04] †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM gš¿Yv. wnmveiÿK KgK© Zv-© 04, Kztwet (A) 15-16] A Bear up B Bear on Ans:d A Bear out B Bear on C Bear in D Bear with (mn¨ Kiv) C Bear to D Bear off Ans:a [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 162 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

14. You report bears out his history. (‡Zvgvi A cancels B disregards cÖwZ‡e`b Zvi weeiY‡K mg_b© K‡i) [ivtwet (F) 13-14] C confirms D consolidates Ans:c Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 13 Blow off emit, wbM©Z Kiv The engine blows --- carbon dioxide. 14 Blow out extinguish, wbfv‡bv Blow --- the lamp. (Put out) 15 Blow up destroy by explosion, The Soldier blew --- the bridge. we‡ùvi‡bi mvnv‡h¨ Dwo‡q †`Iqv 16 Blow away removed, Dwo‡q wb‡q hvIqv The wind blew --- the dry leaves. 17 Blow down fw~ gm¨vr Kiv The storm blew --- many trees. 18 Blow over e‡q hvIqv The storm blew --- the city. 15. The tree has been blown-- by the storm. 19. Terrorist often use bombs to --- [26th BCS, ivtwet (Social Work) 09-10, ‡et‡ivtwet(A)10-11] building and other king of property. [ A away B up GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb cÖk:œ cÖwZiÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi caÖ vb ckÖ vmwbK KgK© Zvi© Kvhvj© ‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK -19] C off D out Ans:a A blow-in B blow up e¨vL¨v: DËi n‡e gj~ Z down wKš‘ Zvi option C push D fall over Ans:b †bB, ZvB DËi (A) e¨vL¨v: Blow up something A_© we‡ùviK 16. The storm blew --- many trees during e¨envi †Kvb wKQz aŸsm Kiv ev Dwo‡q †`Iqv| Sidr. [Lytwet (Rxe weÁvb ¯‹zj) 16-17, Btwet (B) 16-17] 20. The lights have been blown --- by the A down B up strong wind. [21st BCS, mnKvix f~-ZË¡we`-06, ‡ij gš¿Yvjq C out D off Ans:a (Kw¤ú. Acv‡iUi) 12 Ryb 21] 17. He blew out the match. (‡m w`qvkjvBwU A out B away wbwf‡q †djj) [‡c‡Uªvevsjvi D”Pgvb mnKvix-17] C up D off Ans:a A caught up B ignore e¨vL¨v: Blow out – evqy cÖev‡ni d‡j wb‡f hvIqv C kicked D extinguished Ans:d eSy vq| blow up – we‡ùviK `eª ¨ e¨env‡ii gva‡g 18. The engine blows --- carbon dioxide. †Kv‡bv wKQz Dwo‡q †`Iqv| blow off – ‡Kv‡bv wKQz (BwÄbwU Kve©b-WvB-AKªvBW †avqv wbMZ© K‡i) [wcGmwmi †_‡K ‡Kv‡bv wKQz wbMZ© nIqv| blow away – Dwo‡q †bIqv A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| mnKvix cwiPvjK-04, ivtwet 10-11] Our Facebook Page: hy³ n‡Z wKK¬ Kiæb| A away B off C out D up Ans:b  Remind: ev‡K¨i A_© e‡y S ey‡S co‡Z n‡e, hw` mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©B group verb g‡b ivL‡Z Pvb| Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 19 Break away get away, †f‡½ †ei n‡q Avmv The thief broke --- from the prison. decline, †f‡½ cov 20 Break down interrupt, evav †`Iqv, K_vi g‡a¨ Your health broke --- for hard work. in, on K_v ejv 21 Break enter by force, †f‡½ cÖ‡ek Kiv Any one should not break --- our stop suddenly, nVvr †_‡g hvIqv conversation. 22 Break into 23 Break off The thief broke--the house at midnight. The teacher broke -- in the middle of his speech. [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 163 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

24 Break out spread suddenly, nVvr Qwo‡q cov Diarrhea broke --- in the village. 25 Break The police broke --- the enemy’s line. through get through by force, 26 Break †Rvi K‡i mwi‡q †`Iqv Our college breaks --- at 4 pm. 27 Break up eÜ nIqv/ close/ stop He has broken --- his friend. 28 Break with quarrel, SMov Kiv The tiger broke --- from the bush. forth nVvr c‡Ö ek Kiv -BCS, e¨vsK, PSC, I fvwm©wU MCQ mgn~ 21. Hard labour has --- him. evK¨wUi kb~ ¨¯v’ ‡b 27. Rahim broke off in the middle of the †KvbwU em‡e? [cvÖ _wgK mnKvix wkÿK-95, ivtwet (I) 16-17] story. Here “broke off” means- [Rupali A broken down B broken on A fell down B got angry Bank-10] C broken out D broken up Ans:a C left the place D suddenly stopped 22. He was driving in a busy street when Ans:d Source: Applied English Grammar: his car broke ---. [18th BCS (written)] P.C.Das-chapter-19, page-332 A out B off 28. World War II broke out in 1939. C in D down Ans:d Choose the synonym for the underlined evsjv: †m GKwU e¨¯Í iv¯Ívq Mvwo Pvjvw”Q‡jv ZLb Zvi words. [Lv`¨ I `‡y h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv gšY¿ vj‡qi Aax‡b cKÖ í ev¯eÍ vqb Mvox †f‡½ co‡jv| A became worse B started Kg©KZ©v-04] 23. The old man was very week. His health C finished D was cancelledAns:b broke --- under the pressure of work. 29. It’s impolite to break --- when someone [GB wbq‡g Kgb cÖkœ: 15 Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv (¯‹zjchv© q-2)-19] else is talking. (KviI K_vi gv‡S K_v ejv n‡”Q A down B upon Af`ªZv) [kgÖ cwi`߇i kÖg cwiPvjK-06] C trough D away Ans:a A in B on C into D off 24. Fill in the blank: As he was talking, he Ans:a suddenly broke ---, saying ‘That’s a 30. Which one gives the meaning “outbreak”? lie!’ (hLb †m K_v ejwQ‡jv †m nVvr e‡j DVj Bnv [gva¨wgK I D”P wkÿv Awa`߇ii D”Pgvb mnKvix-13, moK I Rbc_ wg_¨v) [ GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb cÖkœ: 40th BCS-19] Awa`߇ii Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx-10] {outbreak/break out- cvÖ `fy ©ve Qwo‡q cov} A off B in A Break out B Break into C down D into Ans:b C Break up D Break down Ans:a 25. His health has --- because of hard 31. The --- of swine Flu is not so threatening labour. (K‡Vvi cwikÖ‡gi Kvi‡Y Zvi ¯^v¯¨’ †f‡½ in Bangladesh. [evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb Gwm‡÷›U Awd.-14] c‡o‡Q)[cvÖ _wgK mnKvix wkÿK-95, Xvtwet (C) 14-15, ivtwet (AvBb) A break up B outbreak A broken up B broken into 03-04] C up breaking D break out Ans:b C broken out D broken down Ans:d evsjv A_:© ‡mvqvBb-d-z¬ i cÖv`fy v© e evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ 26. The Second World War broke --- in GZ LZibvK bq| September, 1939. [24th BCS, 14Zg wkÿK wbeÜb-17] 32. The phrasal verb ‘break into’ means- A thorough B away [wewfbœ gšY¿ vj‡qi ckÖ vmwbK Kg©KZ©v (gyw³‡hv×v †KvUv)-18] Ans:c C out D in Ans:c A stop suddenly B move very fast C enter by force D attack violently [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 164 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 29 Bring about He tried to bring---a quarrel between us. 30 Bring down cause to happen, NUv‡bv 31 Bring forth The good harvest brought---the price of commodities. 32 Bring out reduce, Kgv‡bv 33 Bring off produce, Drcv`b Kiv The timely rain brings---good rice. 34 Bring up publish, cÖKvk Kiv The publisher has brought---a new novel. 35 Bring rescue, i¶v Kiv He brought--the passenger of the wrecked ship. through rear, cÖwZcvjb Kiv He was brought---by her elder sister. cure, Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv The new medicine has brought the patient--. 33. “Bring through” means- (Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv)  Advanced Learning: KvD‡K jvjb cvjK Kiv [RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (D) 2018-19] A‡_© bring somebody up e‡m| A_v© r up c‡i e‡m| A cure B publish 36. He brought --- a new edition of his C rare D reduce Ans:a book. (‡m Zvi eB‡qi bZbz ms¯‹iY cKÖ vk Kij) [ivtwet 34. His aunt brought him --- when his A on B up 08-09] parents died. [Xvtwet (D) 99-00, 08-09, Ptwet (C) 07-08] C out D to Ans:c A grown B up 37. The timely rain --- good crops. (mgqgZ e„wó C over D off Ans:b fvj dmj Drcbœ K‡i) [cjøx mÂq e¨vsK (K¨vk Awdmvi) -18, 35. Working in the slums brought her in Ptwet (E) 10-11, Ktz wet (E-Unit): 10-11] against the realities of poverty. [`by x©wZ `gb A brings upon B brings forth Kwgk‡bi mnKvix cwiPvjK-13] Ans:b C brings off D brings about Ans:b A Brought forward B Brought her up 38. ‘Publish’ can be stated as- [ivtwet (MY‡hvMv‡hvM) C Brought her on D Brought her to A bring about B bring forth 05-06] Ans:c C bring out D bring up  Remind: ev‡K¨i A_© ey‡S ey‡S co‡Z n‡e, hw` mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©B group verb g‡b ivL‡Z Pvb| Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 36 Burst into Kvbœvq †f‡½ cov; Express emotion Jibon burst --- tears to see his dead wife. Alim burst --- laughing. 37 Burst out suddenly begin laughing (nVvr nvwm‡Z †d‡U cov) 39. They burst then --- tears at the sad news. 40. The widow then burst --- tears at the A into toB [Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-08] sad news. [Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-08] C over D for Ans:a A into B to C over D for Ans:a Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 38 Cast about Move about- †Kvb He is casting --- for an opportunity. wKQiz mÜv‡b †Nviv 39 Cast aside, away, off cZÖ ¨vL¨vb Kiv/ mwi‡q Rihan cast --- his old wife. ivLv Through off- 40 Cast out Don’t cast --- your target. 41 Cast for Reject (ev` †`Iqv) He cast his vote --- you. KvD‡K †fvU †`Iqv [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 165 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

41. Trees have --- off their leaves. [23rd BCS, e¨vL¨v: †fvU †`Iqv A‡_© cast for e‡m Avi cast Gi Btwet (L) 02-03, ‡et‡ivtwet (F) 14-15] wZbwU form GKB: cast- cast- cast A thrown B fallen 44. She has cast her old friend ---. [wbev© Pb Kwgkb C cast D put Ans:c mwPevjq cÖkvmwbK KgK© Zv© -04] 42. Trees have ---- their leaves. [Lty wet (weÁvb c‡Ö KŠkjx A inside B aside I cÖhyw³we`¨v ¯‹jz ) 11-12] C outside D away Ans:b A cast off B cast with 45. As soon as he became rich, he cast --- C cast over D cast on Ans:a his old friends. (‡m awb nIqv gvÎ Zvi ciy vZb 43. Find the correct sentence. [Xvtwet (C) 14-15] eÜz‡`i `y‡i mwi‡q ivL‡jv) [KvwiMix wkÿv Awa`ßi(wPd A He casted his vote for you. B݇c±i)-03, Xvtwet (D) 06-07] B He cast his vote for you. †m Zvi †fvUUv †Zvgvi A off B aside C He caste his vote for you. Rb¨ w`j| C down D along Ans:b D He cost his vote for you. Ans:b Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 42 Call at visit, †Kvb RvqMvq wM‡q †`Lv Kiv He called --- my office yesterday. 43 Call for demand, PvIqv The teacher called --- an explanation. 44 Call remember, ¯§iY Kiv I cannot call --- his name. 45 Call Up/upon send for, †W‡K cvVv‡bv Please call --- a doctor. 46 Call withdraw, cancel/Zz‡j †bIqv The workers called --- their strike. 47 Call in or upon, Kv‡iv mwnZ †`Lv Kiv He called --- me in my office. 48 Call off shout, wPrKvi Kiv He called --- for help. 49 Call on read out, bvg WvKv, ‡ivj WvKv The lecturer called--the names of his pupils. out over 46. If the rain continues we shall have to 49. He called --- me yesterday. (‡m MZKvj Avgvi call of the game. Here ‘call off’ mean- mv‡_ †`Lv K‡iwQ‡jv) [kÖg I Kgm© s¯v’ b gš.¿ mn. cÖavb cwi`kK© -09] (e„wó n‡Z _vK‡j Avgv‡`i‡K †LjvwU evwZj Ki‡Z n‡e) A at B on [AvBb wePvi I msm` welqK gšY¿ vj‡qi mve-‡iwR÷ªvi-12] C with D to Ans:b A Enjoy B Watch Ans:d 50. I want to call ---- you ---- your office. C Continue D Postpone or Cancel (Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ ‡Zvgvi Awd‡m †`Lv Ki‡Z Pvb) 47. They had to call --- the match as the A for, to B in, of [Lytwe (B) 18-19] ground was wet. (gvV †fRv _vKvi Kvi‡Y-g¨vP C on, at D on, of Ans:c evwZj) [29th BCS-(written) Rbkw³, Kgm© s¯’vb I cÖwkÿY e¨y ‡ivi 51. I called for his explanation. Here ‘call for’ means: (Avwg Zvi e¨vL¨v PvBjvg) [mnKvix A on B off Dc-cwiPvjK-07] C in D up Ans:b cwiKíbv Awdmvi-12, RvZxq ivR¯^ †ev‡Wi© mnKvix ivR¯^ Kg©KZv© -12] 48. The ambassador called -------- the A summoned B draw forth president. (ivó`Z~ ivócwÖ Zi mv‡_ mvÿvr/‡`Lv Kij) C demanded D asked Ans:c [Xvtwet (B) 02-03, ivtwet (e¨e¯’vcbv) 06-07, (dvBb¨vÝ e¨swKs- 52. The garments workers called --- the A at B upon BBA 11-12] strike. (‡cvkvK kwÖ g‡Kiv ag©NU Zz‡j wbj) [ivtwet 02-03] C back D out Ans:b A out B in C on D off Ans:d [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 166 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

53. I called --- his address on the computer. 54. He was asked to --- a doctor. (Zv‡K Wv³vi (Avwg Kw¤úDUvi n‡Z Zvi wVKvbvwU ¯i^ Y Kijvg/ †W‡K cvVv‡Z ejv n‡jv) [cwievi Kj¨vb cvi`wkK© v cwÖ kÿYv_x-© 15] †`‡L wbjvg) [wbevP© b Kwgkb mwPevj‡q cÖkvmwbK KgK© Zv© I e¨w³MZ 55. We asked him to --- a doctor. (Avgiv Zv‡K Awdmvi-04, Btwet 10-11] Wv³vi †W‡K cvVv‡Z ejjvg) [ GB wbq‡g ûeû Kgb cÖkœ: A on B after htwetctÖ wet 19-20, Btwet (B) 10-11] C up D for Ans:c A call out B call for C call in D call on Ans:c  Remind: ev‡K¨i A_© e‡y S ey‡S co‡Z n‡e, hw` mwZ¨Kvi A‡_B© group verb g‡b ivL‡Z Pvb| Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 50 Carry away remove, ¯v’ bvšwÍ iZ Kiv The wounded man was carried--to hospital. 51 Carry away cause death to, gZ„ ¨z NUv‡bv He was carried --- by the current. 52 Carry off win, wR‡Z †bqv / g„Z¨z NUv‡bv He carried --- all the prizes. 53 Carry on continue, Pvwj‡q hvIqv He will carry --- the order. 54 Carry out obey, †g‡b Pjv  You must carry --- my order. 55 Carry with cause to agree, m¤§Z Kiv He carried the audience --- him. 56 Carry through bring success, mdjZv e‡q Avbv His hard labor will carry him ---. 56. I must --- the plan to complete the 58. He wants to carry --- the wishes of his project by December 2018. [Ptwet (D-weKvj) parents. [‡mvk¨vj Bmjvgx e¨vsK wj. (Awdmvi)-04] A Carry out B catty through 2018-19] A away B on C rule out D work out Ans:a C through D out Ans:d 57. Instead of “Continue” which word may 59. Your plan looks good; it’s time to carry be used- [mnKvix cwiPvjK (cvm‡cvU© A¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖkb)-03, it out. What does ‘carry out’ mean here? [‡Zvgvi cwiKíbv fv‡jv g‡b n‡”Q/nq| (ZvB mnKvix RR-07, mnKvix ivR¯^ Kg©KZv-© 15, cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv GLbB GUv ev¯Íevq‡bi mgq] [Lytwet (L) 16-17] cwÖ kÿYv_©x-15, ivtwet (G) 13-14] A carry on B carry out A apply B design C carry off D carry away Ans:a C implement D instrument Ans:c Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 57 Catch up ‡cQb †_‡K a‡i †djv/bvMvj cvIqv She's staying late at the office to catch --- with/on some reports. 58 Catch on RbwcÖq ev d¨vkbm¤úbœ nIqv, `xN© mgq The Hero catches --- in the cinema. c‡i eSy ‡Z cviv| 60. They were all walking too fast and I with the rest of the class. [Ptwet (E) 03-04, (D) found it difficult to ---. [Ptwet (D) 12-13] 12-13, (E) 13-14] A catch up B catch on A about B on C hold on D hold up Ans:a C out D up Ans:d 61. You have missed a lot of lessons and e¨vL¨v: Catch up (with somebody)- wcQ‡b †_‡K you may find it difficult to catch --- GwM‡q G‡m mnMvgxi bvMvj aiv| Our Youtube Channel: hy³ n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 167 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Sl. Come Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 59 Come about happen, NUv I cannot understand how it came ---. 60 Come across meet, ‡`L‡Z cvIqv/ †`Lv‡bv I came --- the lame man on the way. 61 Come along follow, Abmy iY Kiv 62 Come at The night guard came--the thief with a big stick. come up within the 63 Come by reach of, bvMvj cvIqv The fox tried to come --- the grapes but 64 Come down get, cvIqv failed. 65 Come down on decrease, K‡g hvIqv How did you come --- this picture? 66 Come of AwaK mgv‡jvPbv Kiv The price of rice has come ---. 67 Come off The bad man came --- my house. 68 Come out to be born, Rb¥MÖnY Kiv He comes --- a respectable Muslim family. 69 Come out take place, m¤úbœ nIqv Our annual sports came --- last Monday. 70 Come round be known, cKÖ vwkZ nIqv The result will come --- soon. 71 Come to cÖKvk cvIqv When did the book come ---? 72 Come under The patient will come --- soon. recover, Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv His income comes ---Tk. 5000/- a month. amount to, cwigvY nIqv The company came --- strong criticism from Aaxb nIqv ev wkKvi nIqv the public. 73 Come up nvwRi nIqv/Rb¥MÖnb Kiv/ When the sun or moon comes --- , it rises. 74 Come up with Dw`Z nIqv wPšÍv Kiv I came --- a thought to help the old man out. 62. My nephew ------------- chicken pox this 65. How did you come by that cheque? weekend. [Xvtwet (L) 16-17] Ans:a [evsjv‡`k K…wl Dbqœ b K‡c©v‡ik‡bi mn. cÖkv. KgK© Zv©-17, wZZvm M¨vm UªvÝwgkb A¨vÛ wWwóªweDkb ‡Kv¤úvwb wj. Gi mn. e¨e¯v’ cK (A¨vKvD›Um)- 18] A came round with B came along with A collect B obtain C came down with D came over with e¨vL¨v: Avgvi åvZz®úÎy GB mßv‡n Rj emšÍ †ivM C steal D show Ans:b †_‡K Av‡ivM¨ jvf Ki‡jv| e¨vL¨v: come by A_© ARb© Kiv; cvIqv A_v© r obtain| 63. First impressions are important come by A_ev obtain ‡hv‡M evK¨¸‡jvi A_©: my›`i because / how you --- initially can be as †KvUwU/H †PKwU/ `vgx NwowU Zzwg Kxfv‡e †c‡j? important as what you say. [ GB wbq‡g Kgb 66. How did the accident--? (`yN©UbvwU wKfv‡e cÖk:œ cÖwZiÿv gš¿Yv cÖavb cÖkvmwbK KgK© Zvi© Kvhv©j‡qi mn. cwi. 19] NU‡jv?) [nvt`vtwetcÖtwet (E) 14-15, RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (K) 15-16] A come by B come back A come across B come down C come out D come across Ans:d C come to D come about Ans:d e¨vL¨v: come across- ‡`L‡Z cvIqv/ †`Lv ‡`Iqv; 67. The patient will come --- soon. [ ûeû Kgb ZvQvov come by- bvMvj cvIqv, come back- ckÖ œ: ms¯‹…wZ welqK gš¿bvj‡qi cÖZZœ Ë¡ Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi-19] wd‡i Avmv, come out- cKÖ vwkZ nIqv| A in B off C round D by Ans:c 64. His new book will come --- next week. 68. The patient will --- soon. [RvZxq msm` mwPevj‡q [kÖg cwi`߇ii mnKvix kgÖ cwiPvjK-06] mnKvix cwi.-06, 10g wkÿK wbeÜb-14, RvtKtKvtbtBtwet C 18-19] A in B after A come in B come off C out D on Ans:c C come round D come by Ans:c [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 168 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

69. Which one bears the meaning ‘happen 72. ‘To come out’ means- [Kviv ZËv¡ eavqK (¯^ivóª to meet (mvÿvZ NUv)’? [Dc‡Rjv cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v-10] gš¿Yvjq)-05] A Come across B Come round A to become visible (`„k¨gvb nIqv) C Come up D Come out Ans:a B to walk into the stage 70. Several new diseases --- in the recent C to move towards years. [Xvtwet (B) 14-15] Ans:b D to return to one’s normal state Ans:a A grown up B have come up 73. I expect that Selim will come round in a C have found D have discovered week. here ‘come round’ means [Rupali e¨vL¨v: come up/ appear, Dcw¯’Z nIqv, †`Lv Bank (Officer)-10] B complete the tour hvq; ev‡K¨i A_:© mv¤úªwZK eQi¸‡jv‡Z KwZcq bZbz A come back †ivM †`Lv w`‡q‡Q| C recover D get married Ans:c 71. The company came --- strong criticism 74. How did you come by your lost watch? from the public. [NU (gvbweK) 03-04] Here ‘come by’ means- [14Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨vqb cixÿv (¯‹zj/mgchvq© )-17] A under B from A quicken B get C into D onto Ans:a C mend D lose Ans:b e¨vL¨v: came under- Aaxb nIqv/wkKvi nIqv| e¨vL¨v: come by A_©- cvIqv, Abyiƒcfv‡e get ev‡K¨i A_:© †Kv¤úvwbwU RbM‡Yi Kov mgv‡jvPbvi A_-© cvIqv| wkKvi n‡jv Sl. Cut Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 75 Cut down †K‡U †djv He cut --- the tree with an axe. 76 Cut down ‡Kvb wKQzi Dci e¨q Cut --- on drinking/ smoking/traffic noise. on Kgv‡bv/ wKQz Kgv‡bv I am trying to cut --- caffeine/coffee/tea/salt. 77 Cut down The doctor advised me to cut --- my working hours. 78 Cut in Reduce, Kgv‡bv He kept cut --- on our conversation. 79 Cut off K_vi gv‡S K_v ejv He was cut --- in the prime of life. 80 Cut off It was a remote village, cut -- from the rest of the world. 81 Cut up Die, gviv hvIqv Separate, wew”Qbœ He was cut --- by your criticism. gg©vnZ nIqv  Remind: ev‡K¨i A_© e‡y S e‡y S co‡Z n‡e, hw` mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©B group verb g‡b ivL‡Z Pvb| 75. The farmer cut --- the tree with an axe. A at B with [wbev© Pb Kwgkb mwPevjq (D”Pgvb mnKvix)-18] C down D out Ans:c A down B off 78. Luna has cut --- her budget. (jby v Zvi C out D at Ans:a ev‡RU Kwg‡q‡Q) [25th BCS (Written)] 76. He was --- in the prime of his life. [RbmsL¨v A at B with I cwievi Kj¨vY KgK© Zv© -04] C down D out Ans:c A cut out B cut down 79. We should never cut --- relationship C cut off D cut down Ans:c with our friends. [cÖevmx Kj¨vY e¨vsK Gw·wKDwUf 77. You must cut --- your expenditure. A down B of Awdmvi-18] (‡Zvgv‡K Aek¨B e¨q Kgv‡Z n‡e) [Jamuna Bank-11] C up D off Ans:d [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 169 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 82 Die of ÿzav/‡ivM/Zò… vq gviv hvIqv He died --- diarrhea/ illness/ hunger/ cancer/ 83 Die for famine (`~wf©ÿ)/ heart failure. 84 Die from ‡`‡ki Rb¨ gviv hvIqv He died --- his country. [fv‡jv Kv‡Ri Rb¨ g„Zz¨] 85 Die by AwaK †L‡q/ AwaK KvR K‡i/ AvNvZ/ ÿZ/ e¨v_vq gviv hvIqv: He died --- over eating/ 86 Die out 87 Die in his wounds/ injuries/ over work/ tiredness/ fatigue. 88 Die off `yN©Ubvq gviv hvIqv He died --- suicide/ poison/ accident/ knife/ 89 Die down 90 Die away wejßy ev A`„k¨ nIqv hanging (dvu wm‡Z Sz‡j)/ pestilence(gnvgvix/ violence. Dinosaurs died --- millions of year ago. h‡y ×/kvwš‡Í Z/ Kgi© Z Ae¯v’ q My uncle died --- harness(Kgi© Z)/ sleep/ peach /Ny‡gi g‡a¨ gviv hvIqv (kvwšÍ‡Z)/ poverty/ battle. G‡Ki ci GK gviv hvIqv People died --- in the village. `~e©jZi nIqv The storm/fire/ finally died ---. myi wgwj‡q hvIqv /kã wejxb nIqv The sound died --- in the distance.[ivtwet 08-09] 80. The man died --- overeating. (‡m AwZwi³ 84. She/ He died --- her/his country. (‡m Zv †L‡q gviv †Mj) [27th BCS, Kg©ms¯’vb e¨vsK-11, cÖvK-cvÖ _wgK †`‡ki Rb¨ gviv †Mj) [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK-12, Bmjvgx e¨vsK mnKvix wkÿK (wSjvg)-13, NSI Gi Awdm A¨vwmm‡U›U-17] (wdì Awdmvi)-16, ivtwet (AvBb) 07-08] A by B for A in B on C of D from Ans:d C to D for Ans:d 81. He died --- suicide/ poison. (‡m AvZ¥nZ¨v K‡i 85. He died --- an accident. [ ûeû Kgb ckÖ œ: gviv †Mj/ ‡m AvZ¥nZ¨v Kij) [ivtwet 07-08, 11-12 (D- RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (wW), (‡mU:1), 19-20] Business), 38th BCS (gvbwmK `ÿZv)] A of B by A with B to C for D from Ans:b C on D by Ans:d 86. He died --- hunger. (‡m ÿay vq/Abvnv‡i gviv 82. Cattle --- in the village. [ GB ‡Uwe‡j ûeû Kgb †Mj) [cey vjx e¨vsK Awdmvi)-00, ivtwet 10-11, htwetctÖ wet (B) 15-16] ckÖ :œ et†ktgytitwetcÖtwet (wW) †mU-G/wm, 19-20] A from B of A died off B died away C in D at Ans:b C died down D died out Ans:a 87. He died --- over exercise/ overwork/ 83. Choose the correct sentence. injury. [RvZxq msm` mwPevjq mnKvix cwiPvjK-06, Rvtwet A He died of poison. [‡gwW‡Kj fwZ© cixÿv 16-17] (D)12-13, caÖ vbgš¿xi Kvhv© j‡q cvi‡mvbvj Awdmvi-04] B He died by over eating. A by B for C He died from cholera. C from D over Ans:c D He died for his country. Ans:d 88. The old man/ boy/ patient/ he died ----- e¨vL¨v: A †Kvb welwµqv †_‡K gviv †M‡j- from, B cancer/ heart attack/ fever/ illness/ AwZwi³ †L‡q gviv †M‡j- from, C †iv‡M gviv malaria/ diarrhea. [ ûeû Kgb cÖk:œ ms¯‹…wZ welqK †M‡j- of, D ‡`‡ki Rb¨ gviv †M‡j-for e‡m, ZvB gš¿bvj‡qi cÖZœZË¡ Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi-19, Z_¨ gšY¿ vj‡qi Aax‡b †Uwjwfkb c‡Ö KŠkjx (‡MÖW-2)-04, cvÖ _wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK mwVK DËi-d| (ivRkvnx wefvM)-05, cÖv_wgK wkÿv Awa`߇ii wnmve mnKvix-13] Our Facebook Page: hy³ n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb| A for B from C of D by Ans:c [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 170 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

89. The noise of the car died --- in the 90. The man died --- over work. [WvK Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi 2018] distance. [kÖg cwi`߇ii cÖfvlK-05] A from B out Ans:a A away B down C of D in C off D for Ans:a Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 91 Do Away with gy³ Kiv ev nIqv Computerization has enabled us to do 92 Do Away away --- a lot of paper work. 93 Do with AvBb evwZj Kiv, we‡jvc Kiv, The old law of tax has been done away †Kvb wKQzi mgvwß NUv‡bv with. up evox/ feb †givgZ Kiv People feel inclined to do --- their houses.  Remind: ev‡K¨i A_© ey‡S ey‡S co‡Z n‡e, hw` 93. We should do away with our bad mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©B group verb g‡b ivL‡Z Pvb| habits. (Avgv‡`i Lvivc Af¨vm †Q‡o †`qv DwPZ) [‡et‡ivtwet 91. “To do away with” means- [36th BCS, †mvbvjx (A) 08-09] e¨vsK-14, NSI (AD)-17, RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (D) 18-19, NU A become weaker B inherit Ans:d (e¨emvq kvLv) 12-13] C delete D get rid of or kill A to repeat B to start 94. When spring comes, people often feel C to get rid of D to drive off Ans:c inclined to---their houses. [et‡ktgytitwetctÖ wet 92. The old law of tax has been done ---. [Ptwet A do over B do through (E) 15-16] A away B with (D) 10-11, (B1) 13-14] C do up D do in Ans:c C away with D off Ans:c e¨vL¨v: do up = repair or decorate a building = evsjv Abyev`: K‡ii cyivZb AvBb evwZj Kiv (evwo, feb BZ¨vw`) †givgZ Kiv ev mvRv‡bv hv‡Z m›y `i n‡q‡Q| †`Lvq- Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 94 Eat out ‡i÷‡z i‡›U LvIqv The boss simply eats --- all the time. 95 Eat up me †L‡q mvevo Kiv/ †kl Kiv Be a good boy and eat up your vegetables. 96 End She ended --- teaching English as a foreign up mgvß Kiv/ Ae‡k‡l we‡kl language. †Kv‡bv ¯’vb ev cwiw¯’wZ‡Z _vKv 95. Instead of eating at home, we decided 96. I couldn’t find a hotel and ---- sleeping to ---. [etwet (B) 14-15] on the bench at the station. [‡et‡ivtwet (A) 12-13] A eat up B launch out A ended up B blew up C eat out D meal out Ans:c C cleaned up D broke up Ans:a Sl. Wor Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) at His face fell --- the news. d show disappointment, He fell --- the thieves. 97 Fall nZvkv fve †`Lv‡bv Having lost his job he fell--agriculture. happen to come among, 98 Fall among g‡a¨ G‡m cov †kl Aej¤b^ iƒ‡c MÖnY Kiv 99 Fall back upon [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 171 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

100 Fall in with agree with, GK gZ nIqv Monir cannot fall --- my views. 101 Fall from come out, †ei nIqv Not a word fell --- her lips. 102 Fall off The quality of goods has fallen ---. 103 Fall off decline, K‡g hvIqv He fell --- the roof of his house. 104 Fall on The robbers fell --- the passer by. 105 Fall out (Qv`/Mvox) ‡_‡K c‡o hvIqv Do not fall --- with your friend. 106 Fall through All his plans fell ---. 107 Fall away attack, AvµgY Kiv My friend fell --- in my danger. 108 Fall down quarrel, SMov 109 Fall in/into fail, cwiKíbv/Kv‡R e¨_© nIqv The baby bird has fallen ---. K‡g hvIqv, L‡m/S‡o cov gvwU‡Z c‡o hvIqv He has fallen in/into danger. wec‡` cov 97. They fell --- retreating army and routed 100. He fell --- the roof of his house and has them. [mgvR Kj¨vY gšY¿ vj‡q DcmnKvix cwiPvjK-05] been in bed --- the last two weeks. [Rtwet A on B down (C) 12-13] (‡m Zvi evmvi Qv` †_‡K c‡o ‡M‡Q Ges C off D out Ans:a MZ `yB mßvn a‡i weQvbvq Av‡Q) ev‡K¨i A_:© Zviv cðv`c`vmiY Kiv †mbv`j‡K A of, from B for, from AvµgY Kij Ges Zvwo‡q w`j| C off, for D of, since Ans:c 98. Not a word fell --- his lips. (Zvi gLy †_‡K 101. He fell --- his bike. (‡m Zvi evBK n‡Z nVvr c‡o GKwU K_vI †ei n‡jv bv) [wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK-04] ‡Mj) [cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii wdì Bb‡fw÷‡MUi-06] A at B of A upon B from C through D from Ans:d C of D off Ans:d 99. The opposition failed to --- the ruling 102. Instead of “deteriorate” (nv« m cvIqv) we party’s philosophy. [gva¨wgK mnKvix wkÿK-01] can say- [ivtwet (‡jvK cÖkvmb) 09-10] A fall in with B fall down Ans:a A Fall off B Fall away C carry down D fall flat on agree C Fall back D Fall under Ans:a Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 110 Get 111 Get at reach, nv‡Zi Kv‡Q cvIqv I cannot get --- the books. 112 Get away escape, cjvqb Kiv The thief could not get--with the necklace. 113 Get 114 Get away mvRv/kvw¯Í Gov‡Z mÿg No one can get ---- of his bad work. 115 Get with nIqv 116 Get 117 Get by pass, cvk w`‡q hvIqv Please let me get ---. 118 Get 119 Get down descend, bvgv He got --- from the train. 120 Get back c‡~ e©i RvqMvq wd‡i Avmv I will be able to recover my stolen laptop. into/in ascend, DVv I got --- the train. through succeed, DËxY© nIqv He got --- the examination. over overcome, AwZµg Kiv He will soon get --- the difficulties. out go out, evB‡i hvIqv Get --- of the class. up rise, Ngy n‡Z IVv He gets --- at 5 a.m. every day. [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 172 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

121 Get in with wgkyK cKÖ „wZi nIqv He does not get --- anyone. 122 Get on AskMÖnY Kiv/hvbevn‡b DVv Bashir gets --- well with his colleagues. 123 Get on with GK‡Î KvR Kiv Our teacher told us to get -- our work. 103. Bashir gets --- well with his colleagues. 107. Our teacher told us to --- our work [13th BCS (written), etwet (B) 15-16] quietly. [Ptwet (B) 17-18] A on B upon A come up with B put up with C for D at Ans:a C run out of D get on with Ans:d evsjv: Kwig Zvi mnKgx‡© `i mv‡_ AskMnÖ Y K‡i| evsjv A_:© Avgv‡`i wkÿK ej‡jb kvšfÍ v‡e GK‡Î 104. ‘Get over’ means- (AwZµg Kiv) [ciivóª gšY¿ vj‡qi Avgv‡`i KvR Ki‡Z| mnKvix mvBdvi Kg©KZv© -2017] 108. He got --- his illness in two seeks. [evsjv‡`k A proceed B overcome WvK wefvM †g‡UªvcwjUb mv‡Kj© ) cwi`k©K-16] C disclose D send Ans:b A on B by e¨vL¨v: Get over GKwU group verb-Gi A_© KvwU‡q C with D over Ans:d IVv| overcome A_©I KvwU‡q IVv| mZy ivs D: (B) 109. The bus came and I got ---. (evm Avmj Ges 105. He was shattered but after some time he Avwg ev‡m DVjvg) [kvtwetctÖ wet (A) 11-12] thought that he must --- the shock. [ivtwet (law) A on B in 10-11] C inside D over Ans:a A get over B jump over 110. We’ll be getting --- the train in ten C live over D leave over Ans:a minutes. (Avgiv `k wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ †Uª‡b DV‡ZwQ) [ivt wet e¨vL¨v: †m †f‡½ PYz w© ePYz © n‡qwQ‡jv wKš‘ wKQz mgq ci A in B off (D) AevwYR¨ 15-16] ‡m wPšvÍ Ki‡jv †h Aek¨B mgm¨ KvwU‡q DV‡e| C up D down Ans:a 106. He is a very difficult person to get ---. 111. She was very ill but now she’s got --- it. (wgïK nIqvi †ÿ‡Î †m Ley KwVb e¨w³)[Ptwet (C3) 16-17, (‡m Lye Amy¯’ wQj wKš‘ GLb my¯’ n‡q‡Q) [Ptwet (D) 11-12] PÆMÖvg ‡f‡U‡ibvwi GÛ G¨wbg¨vj mvBÝ wek¦we`¨vjq 13-14] A off B over A on with B in with C out of D away with Ans:b C up with D out with Ans:b Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 124 Go after I went after my dream. 125 Go against cðv`aveb Kiv/ AbymiY Kiv 126 Go away (sb) Police go --- the crime. 127 Go back on Oppose/Kv‡iv we‡ivwaZv Kiv Binoy has gone- with all his belongings. 128 Go down You must not go --- on your promise. 129 Go in for leave/cÖ¯’vb Kiv/ P‡j hvIqv 130 Go on The bad boy went --- at last. 131 Go out Z‡z j †bIqv He is going --- the B.C.S. 132 Go over Go --- with your studies. 133 Go through bvgv/a‡m hvIqv/AacZb nIqv The light has gone ---. 134 Go through 135 Go through sit for, cwÖ Z‡hvwMZv Kiv Sir, Please go --- my file. continue, Pvwj‡q hvIqv He has gone --- the book. extinguish, wb‡f hvIqv You should not go --- terrorism. cybwe©‡ePbv Kiv, Review Go --- your proposal. read, cov tolerate, mn¨ Kiv review, cby we©‡ePbv Kiv [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 173 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

136 Go up increase, ew„ × cvIqv The cost of living has gone ---. I will go --- you. 137 Go with agree, m¤§Z nIqv 112. Which word below can replace the 116. Instead of “read” we can say- [MYgva¨g following phrase “went down”? [‡et‡ivtwet BbwówUDwUi mnKvix cwiPvjK †eZvi cÖ‡KŠkj cwÖ kÿY)-03] (weR‡bm ÷¨vwWR Ably `) 11-12, kÖg Awa`߇i Rbkw³, Kg©mAs¯v’ b I A go aside B go through cÖwkÿY ey¨‡iv Dc-mnKvix cwiPvjK-01] C go upon D go about Ans:b A Broke B Collapsed 117. When you make a promise, you must C Shattered D Splintered Ans:b not go --- on it. (hLb Zwz g †Kvb cÖwZÁv Ki, Aek¨B Zv Zz‡j wb‡e bv/ ms‡ÿ‡c: cÖwZÁv Ki‡j wcQcv Hints: Go down/ Collapsed- bvgv, awmqv cov; Shattered- PYz w© ePzY;© Splintered- ‡QvU †QvU n‡e bv) [kÖg cwi`߇ii mnKvix kgÖ cwiPvjK-06, 13Zg cÖfvlK `‡j wef³; A by B around wbeÜb-16] 113. I went --- great sufferings. (Avwg Pig `ty L C along D back Ans:d Kó †fvM Kijvg/mn¨ Kijvg) [8g cÖfvlK wbeÜb-12] 118. As a sinner (cvcx), I must go --- the A on B for whole trial --- suffering. [_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-10] C through D with Ans:c A through, of B on, of 114. Hardly had he entered the room than C by, in D with, at Ans:a the electricity----. [8g †emiKvix cÖfvlK wbeÜb-12] 119. Instead of “experience” we can say- (go through- cov/ AwfÁZv ARb© ) [United Bank-08] A went off B went of C went away D went out Ans:d A go through B go aside evsjv A_:© ‡m N‡i c‡Ö ek Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB we`¨y r P‡j C go upon D go about Ans:a †Mj/ Av‡jv wb‡f †Mj| Z‡e e¨w³i †ÿ‡Î P‡j hvIqv 120. He went back on me to vote for me. (‡m eySv‡Z go away e¨envi nq, †hgb: Firoz went Avgv‡K †fvU †`qvi K_v wdwi‡q wbj)- [Basic Bank-12] away with all his books. (wd‡ivR Zvi me eB A withdrew B forgot wb‡q P‡j †Mj) C reinforced D supported Ans:a 115. I shall --- the letter soon. (Avwg kxNªB wPwVwU 121. His friend --- his word much to his coe) [cwi. cwiKí. Awa. Awdm mn. Kvg Kw¤ú. Acv.-11, ivtwet 15-16] despair. [evsjv‡`k e¨vsK (Awdmvi)-18] A go over B go out A went back on B went with Ans:a C go through D go on Ans:c C went in D went away from Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 138 Give away weZiY Kiv, `vb Kiv He gave --- all his property in charity 139 Give in 140 Give in ivwR nIqv In spite of my requests, he did not give --. 141 Give over bwZ-¯^xKvi Kiv/ wbtkZ© At last the enemies gave ---. 142 Give over AvZ¥mgc©Y Kiv/ civRq ¯^xKvi The government cannot be seen to give ---to 143 Give up Kiv, yield, surrender terrorists’ demands 144 Give off ‡Q‡o †`qv, cwiZ¨vM Kiv Give --- complaining. n¯ÍvšiÍ Kiv, hand over He will give --- charge tomorrow. cwiZ¨vM Kiv, abandon Try to give --- your bad habits/smoking emanate/emit/exude/ ‡Kvb This water is given --- the lake. Drm n‡Z wbM©Z nIqv [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 174 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

122. The government gave --- the demands C Give in D Give forth Ans:a of the people. [24th BCS] 128.Withdraw means- [cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv cwÖ kÿYv_x-© 10] A in to B in A give out B give from C to D over to Ans:a C give up D give away Ans:c 123. In spite of my requests, he did not ---. 129. I have --- him to give --- smoking. (Avwg [22nd BCS, Rtwet (B) 07-08, iƒcvjx e¨vsK (SO)-10, evsjv‡`k cjøx Zv‡K agy cvb †Q‡o w`‡Z ejjvg) [¯v^ ¯’¨ I cwievi Kj¨vb Dbœqb I mgevq wefvM gvV KgK© Zv-© 13, Btwet (C) 15-16] gšY¿ vj‡qi †nj_ †Kqvi †cvª fvBWvi-18, Xvtwet (A) 12-13] A give in B fall in A said, up B talked, for C get off D give forth Ans:a C told, up D told, in Ans:c 124. The rebel were forced to give in. 130. People found reluctant to give --- the (we`vª nx‡`i‡K civRq ¯x^ Kvi Ki‡Z eva¨ Kiv n‡jv) [ivtwet habit of using poly bag. [Xvtwet MBA- 05] (F1) 11-12] A by B against A retreat B admit defeat Ans:b C away D up Ans:d C withdraw D move forward 131. The enemies gave in at last. here “ gave 125. What does the phrase ‘give in’ mean? in’’ means-- [Xvtwet (B) 17-18] [MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-18] A complete B surrender A yielded B wielded C give away D distribute Ans:b C infiltrated D fainted Ans:a 126. Instead of “distribute” we can say -. [cjxø 132. At last the soldiers gave in. The we`¨y Zvqb †evW© mnKvix mwPe/mnKvix cwiPvjK-13] underlined words ‘gave in’ mean-[mvaviY A Give out B Give up cy‡ji AvIZvq wewfbœ gšY¿ vj‡qi mnKvix †cvÖ MvÖ gvi, DcmnKvix c‡Ö KŠkjx, C Give away D Give over Ans:c ckª vmwbK Kg©KZ©v I e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ-© 16] 127. Instead of “abandon” we can say -. [cjxø A won B surrendered Ans:b we`y¨Zvqb †evW© mnKvix mwPe/mnKvix cwiPvjK-13] C cheered up D started fighting A Give up B Give away Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 145 Hanker after jvjvwqZ/‡Kvb wKQz‡Z †jvf _vKv A saint does not hanker --- riches. 146 Hit upon Hunters have hit upon a good plane to get Lyu‡R †ei Kiv/Avwe®‹vi rid of the man. 147 Hold out Kiv/‡Kvb wKQz nVvr g‡b D`q nIqv The project didn’t appear to hold --- ¯’vqx nIqv/ ‡av‡c wUKv/ offer 148 Hold up ‡Mvc‡b ivLv/AvU‡K cov bright prospects. 149 Hold over iwnZ Kiv/ ¯w’ MZ Kiv What's the hold ---? 150 Hold off on Zw¡ iZ bv Kiv, Gwo‡q hvIqv Today the meeting has been held ---. I wish the boss would --- off on his demands. 133. I wish the boss would --- off on his 134.The greedy people hanker --- money. demands. (em hw` Zvi `vwe Gwo‡q †hZ) [gv`vª mv wkÿv Awa. (‡÷vi wKcvi) 19 Rby 21] A climb B hold [ivtwet (D) 12-13] A for B after C hit D blow Ans:b C with D at Ans:b [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 175 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

135. The case was held over due to the great 136. Try to hold --- from bad companions. opposition to it. [et‡ktgytitwetcÖtwet (G)15-16, ivtwet (D) 15-16] (Lvivc m½ Gwo‡j Pjvi †Póv Ki) [et‡ktgty itwetcÖtwet (F) 16-17] A cancelled B dropped A on B back C postponed D stopped Ans:c C over D off Ans:d e¨vL¨v: cancelled/stopped- GKev‡iB evwZj ev 137. The idiom ‘hit upon’ means (ewy × L‡yu R †ei eÜ Kiv| Avi postponed- mvgwqK eÜ/ ¯’wMZ Kiv) [Rupali Bank (Officer)-10] Kiv| Our Facebook Page: h³y n‡Z wKK¬ Kiæb| A suddenly meet B fall down C find D get injured Ans:c  Tips: ev‡K¨i A_© ey‡S ey‡S co‡Z n‡e, wewfbœ mg‡q evi evi co‡Z n‡e| cwÖ Zw`b wKQz wKQz co‡Z n‡e; Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 151 Keep on ‡Kvb Kv‡R iZ _vKv He keeps --- doing the same mistake. 152 Keep back bv ejv/bv Rvbv‡bv/jywK‡q ivLv I suspect she's keeping something ---. 153 Keep up MwZ ev Dbwœ Zi ¯iÍ eRvq ivLv Keep --- the present rate of production. 154 Keep up with Zvj ivLv You walk so fast that I can’t --- you. 155 Keep in ‡Kvb ¯’v‡b ivLv The culprit was kept --- custody. 138. Zakia kept on talking. Here ‘kept on’ 141. Would you please slow down a bit? I can’t --- you. (Zwz g wK `qv K‡i GKUz MwZ means: [Rb¯^v¯¨’ c‡Ö KŠkj Awa`ßi (Gw÷‡gUi)-18] Kgv‡e? Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ Zvj ivL‡Z cviwQ bv) A maintain B continued C carried D take away Ans:b [ivtwet (A, we‡Rvo) 16-17] 139.Well done! --- the good work. [Rvtwet (gvbweK) A keep up with B put up with A kept at B keep on 04-05] C make up to D hold on to Ans:a C keep up D keep out Ans:c 142. The culprit was kept --- custody. (‡`vlx‡K/Acivax‡K KvivMv‡i ivLv n‡jv) 140. Instead of ‘conceal- KbwmBj-jwy K‡q ivLv’ we can say- [ivtwet (mvgvwRK weÁvb) 10-11] A on B to [Ptwet (B) 08-09] A keep back B keep out C with D in Ans:d C keep on D keep with Ans:a Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 156 Look at gaze, ZvKv‡bv, glance He is looking --- the picture. 157 Look after take care of, ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv Mother looks --- her child. 158 Look for search, †Lvu Rv/ †LvuR Kiv, Maksud is looking --- a good job. 159 Look into examine, Z`šÍ Kiv The police looked --- the matter. 160 Look over examine, cixÿv Kiv I have looked --- your documents. 161 Look up find out, kã L‡uy R †ei Kiv Look --- the word in the dictionary. 162 Look out mZ©K nIqv, watch out Look ---! A car is coming. [Btwet (law) 11-12] 163 Look through cov, Read quickly 164 Look down [on/upon] -NY„ v Kiv/ hate I've looked --- some catalogues. 165 Look up to k×Ö v Kiv/ respect We should not look down --- the poor. He had always looked --- his uncle. [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 176 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

166 Look on/upon wel‡q, g‡b Kiv, regard We looked --- her as a daughter. 167 Look like ‡`L‡Z mv`„k¨/GKB iKg Some sponges look --- plants.  Tips: ev‡K¨i A_© ey‡S e‡y S co‡Z n‡e, wewfbœ mg‡q evi evi co‡Z n‡e| cÖwZw`b wKQz wKQz co‡Z n‡e; 143. The police is looking --- the case. [26th 151. “Look over” means- (cixÿv Kiv/ Mfxifv‡e BCS, mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii wdì mcy vifvBRvi-17, ivRkvnx Kw… l Dbqœ b Z`šÍ Kiv) [ ûeû Kgb cÖkœ: cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix w©kÿK (4_-© e¨vsK (†Kvlva¨ÿ)-15, cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi Rywbqi cwimsL¨vb mnKvix-16] avc -19, †mU b¤^i:3697, mnKvix RR-11] A after B on A ignore B choose Ans:d C up D into Ans:d C neglect D examine closely 144. The rich should not look down --- the 152. Everybody should --- their old parents? poor. [27th BCS, N.U. 07-08] [evsjv‡`k cjxø we`y¨Zvqb †ev‡W© mn. Gb‡dvm‡© g›U †Kv-AwW©‡bUi -2017, A at B for Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Field Officer, RDS - 13] C towards D upon Ans:d A look after B Look up 145. He quickly looked at his watch. Replace C Look of D Look into Ans:a the underlined word. [Mercantile Bank-08, e¨vL¨v: Look after- ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv| Look up- Southeast bank-08, ivtwet (D-evwYR¨) 12-13] Awfav‡b kã †LvRu v| Look of –MY¨ Kiv| Look A searched B screamed into-Z`šÍ Kiv| mZy ivs Sentence-Gi A_© Abmy v‡i mwVK DËi A| C examined D glanced Ans:d 153. The principal will --- the answer 146.The boy looked --- his sick pet bird. scripts. [cwi‡ek Awa`ßi wdì Bb‡fw÷‡MUiGes wimvP© A¨vwmm‡U›U A up B over [Xvtwet (M) 11-12] -06, IFIC Bank Ltd. (To) - 12] C into D after Ans:d evsjv: evjKwU Zvi Am¯y ’ †cvlv cvwLwUi †`Lv‡kvbv A look at B look into K‡i| [Look after- ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv] C look over D look for Ans:c 147. The police is looking ? the case. [mgvR‡mev 154.The university professors will --- the A after B for Awa. wdì mycvifv. -2017] answer scripts of the admission test. C up D into Ans:d [ivtwet (wR) K„wl Abyl` 12-13] 148. Some sponges resemble plants. (wKQz mvgyw`ªK A look after B look at cvÖ Yx †`L‡Z ¸j¥jZvi gZ) [ivRkvnx Kw… l Dbœqb e¨vsK (Awdmvi)-11] C look over D look out Ans:c A look like B look up 155. If you do not know the meaning of a C see like D looks after Ans:a word, look it --- in a dictionary. [evLivev` 149. Everybody should --- his or her old M¨vm wW÷ªweDkvb †Kv¤úvbx (mnKvix g¨v‡bRvi, †Rbv‡ij)-17, etwet parents. (cÖ‡Z¨‡K Zvi eq¯‹ wcZv gvZvi †`Lv‡kvbv A on B up (M,N) 12-13] Kiv DwPZ) [Lv`¨ Awa`ßi-09, cjxø Dbqœ b †ev‡W©i mnKvix C to D for Ans:b Gb‡dvm©‡g›U ‡Kv-AwW‡© bUi-17, 10g wkÿK wbeÜb-14] 156. Can you look --- a word in your A look after B look up dictionary. [15th BCS (Written)] C look of D look into Ans:a A on B up 150. We must look --- our animals. ev‡K¨i C to D for Ans:b k~b¨¯v’ ‡b †KvbwU em‡e? [miKvix gva¨. we`¨vjq caÖ vb wkÿK-00] 157. Please look --- the matter seriously. A into B over [‡mvk¨vj Bmjvgx e¨vsK wj. (Awdmvi)-04] C after D at Ans:c A into B on C in D over Ans:a [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 177 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

158. The manager looked into the matter. 161. The chairman looked --- the matter. [City Bank-11, K…wl KgK© Z©v-11] [ivRkvnx K„wl Dbœqb e¨vsK (wmwbqi Awdmvi)-15] A take decision B investigate A up B to C neglect D taking care Ans:b C in D into Ans:d 159. A leader must be one whom the people 162. The manager looks into the can ---. (GKRb †bZv Ggb nIqv `iKvi hv‡K matter.(e¨ve¯v’ cK welqwU Z`šÍ K‡ib) [City Bank-11, †jvKRb k×Ö v Ki‡Z cv‡i) [wewUwfÕi AwW‡qÝ wimvP© Awdmvi- Kw… l KgK© Z©v-11] 06, kvtwetctÖ wet 07-08] A take decision B investigate A look up B look down C neglect D taking care Ans:b C look on D look up to Ans:d 163. The expression ‘look down on’ means 160. The boy is looking --- his lost book. [ GB [NU (gvbweK) 07-08, ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK(‡Kvlva¨ÿ)-15] wbq‡g Kgb ckÖ œ: ms¯‹…wZ welqK gš¿bv. cÖZœZË¡ Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi - A to love B to hate 19] C consider D to be kind Ans:b A of B for C at D on Ans:b Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 168 Make after chase, wcQy avIqv Kiv The police made --- the thief. 169 Make away kill, nZ¨v Kiv He made --- with himself. 170 Make for move towards, †Kvb w`‡K hvIqv The ship made --- Landon. 171 Make of compose of, ‰Zix Kiv This ring is made --- gold. 172 Make from compose of, ‰Zix nIqv Paper is made --- bamboo. Make of Ges make from Gi cv_K© ¨: ‰ZixK„Z/ MVbK„Z/Drcvw`Z e¯,‘ welq, ev subject wU g~j Dcv`vb n‡Z iƒc cwieZb© n‡q †M‡j make from e‡m| †hgb, Paper is made from bamboo. (evu k †_‡K †ccvi ‰Zix nq) GLv‡b euvk Ges †ccvi iƒc wfb;œ Avevi subject wU gj~ Dcv`vb n‡Z iƒc cwieZ©b bv n‡j make of e‡m| †hgb, This ring is made of gold. (¯^Y© †_‡K AvswU ˆZwi Kiv nq) GLv‡b Gold ‡_‡K ring ‰Zix n‡jI Df‡qi iƒc GKB Av‡Q| 173 Make off escape, cvwj‡q hvIqv The thief made --- with luggage. 174 Make out eSy ‡Z cviv, discern I can’t make --- his words. 175 Make over transfer, n¯ÍvšiÍ Kiv He has made-- the charge to the secretary. 176 Make up complete, cwic~Y© Kiv/ MwVZ I still need taka one thousand to make --- nIqv/ mgšq^ nIqv the loss. 177 Make up for compensate, ¶wZc~iY Kiv I must make --- the lost time. 178 Make up of msL¨vi mgš^‡q wKQz MwVZ nIqv The team is made --- eleven players. 179 Make up one’s mind resolve, gbw¯i’ Kiv He made --- his mind. 164. The building is made --- bricks. [ GB wbq‡g 165. Fill in the blank: I could not --- the Kgb cÖk:œ Xvtwet (C) 19-20] meaning of the passage. [Rt wet (D) 15-16] A with B of A make of B make out C on D from Ans:b C make up D make in Ans:b [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 178 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

166. The team is --- eleven players. [24th BCS, 170. I cannot quite --- out what the sign says. Rb¯’v¯¨’ c‡Ö KŠkj Awa`߇ii Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-15, iƒcvjx (wPýwU wK cÖKvk K‡i Avwg Zv c‡y ivcwy i eyS‡Z cvwi bv) e¨vsK (wmwbqi Awdmvi)-13, evsjv‡`k cigvby k³ Kwgkb (GKvD›Um Gwmm‡U÷)-18] [gv‡K›© UvBj e¨vsK-09, Xvtwet (A) 09-10, 15-16, Rvtwet (C) 11-12, A made of B made up of A make B read NU (gvbweK)] C made up D made Ans:b C get D carry out Ans:a e¨vL¨v: msL¨vevPK †Kvb wKQiz mgš‡^ q †Kvb `j MVb 171. I cannot --- what you say. (Zzwg wK ej, Avwg Kiv eSy v‡Z make up of e‡m ZvB DËi- b eSy ‡Z cvwi bv) [Z_¨ gšY¿ vj‡qi Z_¨ Awdmvi-05, Lv`¨ Awa`ßi-09, 167.“Make for” means- [‡emvgwiK wegvb I ch©Ub gšY¿ vj‡qi A make over B take over EXIM Bank-09] AaxY ckÖ vmwbK Kg©KZv©-05] C make out D carry out Ans:c A make something for somebody 172. Which one a correct sentence? (KvV n‡Z B go somewhere Ans:d KvMR ˆZwi nq) [36th BCS] C decide to go a place A Paper is made from wood. D stare quickly to a particular direction B Paper is made of wood. Hints: Make for gv‡b †Kvb w`‡K PU K‡i hvIqv C Paper is made by wood. ev Awfgy‡L Mgb Kiv| D Paper is made on wood. Ans:a 168. I could barely make out the traffic signs 173. Bees have compound eyes --- almost through the rain. The meaning of the 6,000 tiny lenses. [Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj)-15] underlined phrase is: [Rxebexgv K‡cv© ‡ikb (Rwy bqi A made of B made in Awdmvi)-09, Lytwet (mgvRweÁvb ¯‹jz ) 09-10] C made on D made up Ans:d A discern B violate 174. We need to do more --- the poor flood C wait for D knock at Ans:a victims. [Xvtwet (A) 14-15, RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (L) 16-17] e¨vL¨v: Avwg e„wói g‡a¨ `i~ †_‡K Uvª wdK wb‡`©kbv A reach out to B live up to eyS‡Z cviZvg bv ej‡jB P‡j| myZivs GLv‡b make C put up with D make up for Ans:d out/ discern Gi A_© `i~ †_‡K eSy ‡Z cviv| evsjv A_©: eb¨v KewjZ Mwie‡`i Rb¨ Avgv‡`i Av‡iv 169. Glass is made --- bottles. ev‡K¨i kb~ ¨¯’v‡b ÿwZc~iY Kiv `iKvi| mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK wkÿK (†nvqvs‡nv)-13] 175. Glass is made --- sand. (evwj †_‡K KuvP ˆZix A by B with nq) [cwiKíbv gš¿Yvjq wb‡qvM-16] C of D off Ans:c A from B by C through D of Ans:a  Remind: ev‡K¨i A_© e‡y S e‡y S co‡Z n‡e, hw` mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©B group verb g‡b ivL‡Z Pvb| Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 180 Pass away die, gviv hvIqv, Z¨vM/D‡cÿv Kiv The patient passed---yesterday. 181 Pass by pay no attention to, mwi‡q ivLv He passed--these mistakes. 182 Pass by go along side, cvk w`‡q P‡j hvIqv He passed---our house. 183 Pass for be regarded as, cwiMwYZ nIqv He passed---a scholar in the country. 184 Pass off to be over, †kl nIqv The ceremony passed--smoothly. 185 Pass on proceed, AMmÖ i nIqv/ n¯vÍ šiÍ Kiv He passed --- form this to that. 186 Pass over over look, Gwo‡q Pjv We may pass-the unnecessary details. 187 Pass through AwfÁZv ARb© He had to pass---many difficulties. [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 179 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

176. “Pass away” means- [33th BCS, Pubali Bank A went away B passed away Ans:b (Senior Officer)-13, ivtwet (E-Odd) 14-15] C left D disappeared away A disappear B die 179. He passed himself off as a noble man. C erase D fall Ans:b (‡m wb‡R‡K GKRb weL¨vZ gvbyl wn‡m‡e ‡`Lvq) [wkÿv 177. A man has to pass --- many difficulties gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb wewmAvBwmÕi mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK (ckÖ vmb)-11,] Ans:b in life. [ ûeû Kgb ckÖ œ: et†ktgty itwetcÖtwet (wR) †mU-wm, 19-20] A was looked upon B pretended to be A away B for C was regarded as D was thought to be 180. The synonym of ‘die’ is- [WvK Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi-18] C on D through Ans:d 178. Pandit Ramkanai Das --- at the age of A pass for B pass out 79. [etwet (A) 14-15] C pass off D pass away Ans:d Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 188 Put aside m‡qi D‡Ï‡k¨ Rgv ivLv We should put --- some money for future. 189 Put away He put --- all ideas of being a doctor. 190 Put by leave, Z¨vM Kiv Put --- something for your future. 191 Put down lay by, mwi‡q/mÂq ivLv The king put --- the revolt. 192 Put in suppress, `wg‡q ivLv 193 Put off ‡`Lv †`Iqv She---a brief appearance at the end of party. 194 Put off 195 Put off get rid of, gy³ ivLv You must put --- your doubts. 196 Put on postpone, ¯w’ MZ Kiv The meeting was put ---. 197 Put on take off, Ly‡j †djv Put --- your shirt. 198 Put out wear, cwiavb Kiv Put --- your dress. 199 Put up with pretend, fvb Kiv He put --- an air of innocence. 200 Put above extinguish, wbwf‡q †`Iqv He put --- he lamp. 201 Put tolerate, mn¨ Kiv I cannot put --- with such an insult. together Dc‡i ivLv R‡ov Kiv I put the camera --- a tripod. We put --- the bookcase.  Tips: ev‡K¨i A_© ey‡S e‡y S co‡Z n‡e, wewfbœ mg‡q evi evi co‡Z n‡e| cÖwZw`b wKQz wKQz co‡Z n‡e; 181. The doctor asked me to --- my shirt. (Wv. A put on B put in Avgvi kvU© Ljy ‡Z ej‡jv) [Ptwet (D) 18-19, (C) 09-10] C put across D put up Ans:b A put off B take out 184. While living in poverty, the poet had to C take off D fell out Ans:a --- a great deal of sufferings. [31st BCS, 14 Zg 182. We should --- for a rainy day. (--ew„ ói ‡emiKvwi wkÿK wbeÜb I cZÖ ¨qb cixÿv (¯‹jz ch©vq-2)-17, cwi`k©K w`‡bi Rb¨ mÂq Kiv DwPZ) [Sonali Bank Ltd. senior Offi. 18] (¯i^ vóª gš¿Yvjq gv`K`eª ¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`ßi)-13] A put down B put into A see through B put up with C put something by D put things off Ans:c C pass by D fall back Ans:b 183. She --- a brief appearance at the end of 185. Father put --- some amount of money party. (‡m cvwUi© †k‡l mswÿß cwim‡i †`Lv w`‡jv) for the education of his daughter. [Standard Bank Ltd. Trainee Assistant Officer (TAO)-18, A on B into [mnKvix RR-10] ‡et‡ivtwet (A), et‡ktgty itwetcÖtwet (E) 17-18] C aside D up Ans:c [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 180 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

186. I don’t know how you ---with such noisy 191. The idiom ‘put up with’ means- [33rd BCS, brothers. It would drive me crazy. cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †ev‡W©i mnKvix cwiPvjK-17] A clear up B put away [Ptwet(B 17-18] A stay together B tolerate C put up D bring up Ans:c C keep trust D protect Ans:b evsjv A_©: Avwg Rvwbbv Zzwg wKfv‡e Giƒc DËvj 192. The meeting was adjourned till the next fvB‡`i‡K mn¨ K‡iv| [Clue: Put up with- mn¨ Kiv] Saturday. [‡mvk¨vj Bmjvgx e¨vsK wj. (Awdmvi)-04] 187. “Put out” kãwUi evsjv A_© wK? [cvÖ _wgK mn. wkÿK-95] A put off B put out A evB‡i ivLv B wbwf‡q †djv C put down D put by Ans:a C †d‡j †`Iqv D `‡~ i ivLv Ans:b ║║║ mgRvZxq Av‡iv MCQ ║║║ 188. “Put something off” (Hints: ‡Kvb Abyôvb/ 193. Please --- the light. (`qv K‡i evwZwU wbfvI) [wc mfv evwZj ev ¯’wMZ Kiv) [Xvtwet (A) 08-09] Gm wm, mnKvix mwPe-05] A tolerate something A put off B put out B throw something away Ans:c C put on D put into Ans:b C postpone or cancel a meeting or an 194. “Put up with” means- [Z_¨ gšY¿ vj‡qi Mb‡hvMv‡hvM engagement D hide something Awa`߇ii Z_¨ Awdmvi-05, Xvtwet (A) 04-05, Rtwet (D) 11-12, 189. Don’t put --- until tomorrow what you Btwet (L) 12-13, (G) 14-15, NU (e¨emvq) 10-11] can do today. (ev‡K¨i evsjv: hv Zwz g AvR Ki‡Z A be patient B complain cvi‡e Zv AvMvwg Kv‡ji Rb¨ †i‡L w`‡qv bv) [evsjv‡`k C tolerate D hate Ans:c Kw„ l e¨vsK-11, Ptwet (D) 11-12, (D1,D2) 16-17] 195. --- your shoes before entering a shrine. A down B up (gw›`i) [kÖg cwi`߇ii cfÖ vlK-05] C out D off Ans:d A put out B put off 190. As this is his first job he will have to C put away D put on Ans:b put up with the inconvenience. (‡h‡nZz GwU 196. Do not --- what you can do today. Zvi c_Ö g PvKwi ZvB Zv‡K G Amwy eav mn¨ Ki‡Z n‡e) [RvtKtKvtbtBtwet (K) 15-16, ivtwet (E-‡Rvo) 16-17] [Dc‡Rjv †cv÷gv÷vi-10, wmwU e¨vsK-11] A put on B put to A endure B adapt C put left D put off Ans:d C overcome D avoid Ans:a Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 202 Run across met by chance, I ran --- my old friend in the street after a nVvr mv¶vr nIqv, lapse of five years. 203 Run after e‡q hvIqv/ we¯…ÍZ The road runs --- hill and plain. 204 Run against cðv`avcb Kiv/ wcQz †QvUv 205 Run at People run --- the theft. 206 Run away fighting, hy× Kiv He was running --- heavy odds. 207 Run away with attacked, AvµgY Kiv The dog ran --- the hare. 208 Run down flee, cvwj‡q hvIqv The boys ran---on seeing the magician. 209 Run down steal, Pzwi K‡i cvjv‡bv The thief ran---with the entire valuable. 210 Run into disparage, wb›`v Kiv/ welbœ& He always runs --- his rivals. A‡K‡Rv ev bó nIqv Your watch has run ----. He ran --- heavy debts. to be involved-RwoZ nIqv [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 181 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

211 Run into fall into, cwZZ nIqv He run --- danger. 212 Run into m‡Rv‡o av°v jvMv 213 Run off to flee, †`Š‡o cvjv‡bv The car ran --- the wall. 214 Run on continue, Pj‡Z _vKv The thief saw me and ran ---. 215 Run out (of) The troubles will run -- for a few days. 216 Run over become exhausted, †kl nIqv His patient is running ---. The man was run --- by a car. knocked down, Mvox Pvcv cov 197. Bad luck! She was --- a car. (`fy v©M¨! †m A caught up B passed Mvwo Pvcv coj) [ivt wet (H) 16-17, Btwet (H) 16-17] C met D collided Ans:d A hit over B run over e¨vL¨v: Run into A_© av°v LvIqv; msNl© jvMv A_v© r C ran at D ran across Ans:b collide, evK¨wUi ÔU¨vw·wU ev‡mi wcQ‡bi As‡k av°v †Lj 198. Your watch has run ---. [14 Zg ‡emiKvwi wkÿK 202. The road runs --- hill and plain. [evsjv‡`k wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv (¯‹zj ch©vq-2)-17] cjxø we`y¨Zvqb †ev‡W© mnKvix Gb‡dvm©‡g›U †Kv-AwW©‡bUi-17] A down B short A by B to C good D up Ans:a C across D over Ans:c 199.Do not run ---- debt. (F& ‡Y RR©wiZ nBIbv) [9g 203. Complete the sentence- Why are you cfÖ vlK wbeÜb I cZª ¨qb-13, cvÖ _wgK we`¨vjq mn. wkÿK-09] looking so much----? [‡gwW‡Kj fwZ© cixÿv 16-17] A to B with A run down B run across C from D into Ans:d C run into D run off Ans:a 200. We’ve run -- sugar. Could you please e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨i A‡_©i m½wZi Rb¨- DËi- a, [ev‡K¨i buy some more? [Ptwet (B) 17-18] A_:© †Zvgv‡K †Kb GZ `ey ©j/welbœ ‡`Lv‡”Q?] A down on B away from 204. The man/ boy was run --- by a car. [cÖv_wgK C out of D on with Ans:c mnKvix wkÿK-90, gva¨wgK mnKvix wkÿK-04, `‡y hv© M e¨e¯’vcbv e¨y ‡iv A_© c‡o g‡b ivLby : Avgv‡`i wPwb dzwi‡q †M‡Q| mnKvix cwiPvjK-01] AbMy Ön K‡i wKQz cwigvY wK‡b Avb‡Z cvi‡eb| A down B over 201. A taxi ran into the back of a bus. [evsjv‡`k C into D upon Ans:b RUy wgj Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi Awdmvi-2017] Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 217 See off 218 See through To give good bye/we`vq Rvbv‡bv I went to the station to see my mother ---. through 219 See(sth) eSy ‡Z cviv I have seen --- his plan. ‡kl ch©šÍ †`Lv/ Pvwj‡q hvIqv He has promised to see the project---. 205. His father came to see him ---. (Zvi evev e¨vL¨v: See sth through- ‡kl bv nIqv ch©šÍ Pvwj‡q Zv‡K we`vq w`‡Z Avmj) [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi e¨w³MZ KgK© Zv© -06] hvIqv; e¨e¯’vcK cÖKíwU †kl ch©šÍ Pvwj‡q hvIqvi A of B after A½xKvi K‡i‡Qb C off D away Ans:c 207. He went to the airport to see --- her. [17th 206. The manager has promised to see the BCS (Written), Ptwet (B) 08-09, ‡emvg. wegvb KZ©… (mn. wbiv. Kg©.) 18 project ----. [Premier Bank-03, ‡et‡ivtwet (B) 13-14, †m‡Þ. 21] (Avgiv wegvbe›`‡i Zv‡K we`vq w`‡Z †Mjvg) A over B of (C) 14-15] A away B off C through D off Ans:c C fly D ride Ans:b [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 182 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 220 Set by Lay by, mÂq Kiv Set --- for old age. 221 Set down wj‡L ivLv The judge set --- my objection. 222 Set forth/ off hvÎv Kiv Selim set --- London. 223 Set in/about The rains have set ---. 224 Set out Begin, ïiæ nIqv 225 Set up we¯vÍ wiZ Dc¯’vcb Kiv She has not --- her points clearly. 226 Set up Alim will set--a school in his village. 227 Set upon/on establish, cÖwZôv Kiv Form, MVb Kiv He set --- two groups of student. AvµgY Kiv/ D‡ËwRZ Kiv He has been set --- the gang.  Tips: ev‡K¨i A_© ey‡S ey‡S co‡Z n‡e, wewfbœ mg‡q evi evi co‡Z n‡e| cwÖ Zw`b wKQz wKQz co‡Z n‡e; 208. We shall establish a college very soon. 211. The winter has set --- very early this Which indicates the word “establish”? year/last this year. [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi ckÖ vmwbK Kg©KZ©v- [cÖv_wgK mn. wkÿK-03, RvZxq ivR¯^ †ev‡Wi© mnKvix ivR¯^ Kg©KZv-© 15] 01, evsjv‡`k †gwib GKv‡Wwg (52 e¨vP) 15-16] A put up B set out A out B off C put down D set up Ans:d C up D in Ans:d 209. He set up two groups of student. Here 212.They started for Chittagong. GB ev‡K¨i Set Up- means [etwet (Unit-A): 13-14] †iLvw¼Z k‡ãi cwie‡Z© †KvbwU e¨envi Kiv hvq? A Formed B Established [Mn„ vqY I MYc~Z gšY¿ vj‡q mnKvix c‡Ö KŠkjx-99] C Called D Found Ans:a A set about B set forth mZK©Zv: gvb‡y li †Kvb `j MVb Kiv eySv‡Z set- C set out D set in Ans:b up/form e‡m| Avi ‡Kvb cÖwZôvb cÖwZôv Kiv 213. I --- for Chittagong by train. [wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi eySv‡Z set up/establish e‡m| A set away B set up cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZv© -18] 210. Which of the following phrase means, C set down D set off Ans:d “to attack”? [mnKvix _vbv/Dc‡Rjv wkÿv Awdmvi-09, 214. We shall “establish” a school soon. [cÖv_wgK gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK Awa`߇ii D”Pgvb mnKvix -13] we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK-03] A set in B set off A put up B set up C set upon D set up Ans:c C set out D put down Ans:b Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 228 Stand against weiæ‡× `vuov‡bv, oppose They stood --- their common enemy. 229 Stand by Always stand --- your friends. 230 Stand mvnvh¨ Kiv, mg_b© Kiv 231 Stand 232 Stand for cÖv_xi© ƒ‡c `vuov‡bv He stood --- president ship in the last election 233 Stand 234 Stand for cZÖ xK iƒ‡c MY¨ nIqv P.O. stands --- post office. 235 Stand 236 Stand up for c‡ÿ `vou v‡bv The strong should stand --- the weak. out wewkó nIqv His word stands --- form that of the others. over ¯w’ MZ _vKv Let this matter stand --- till the next meeting. to jvwMqv _vKv, He stands --- his promise. to ‡g‡b Pjv; It stands --- reason that the best boy will get the hyw³m½Z nIqv best prize [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 183 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

215. Everybody stood --- him. (cÖ‡Z¨‡K Zv‡K 217. Your argument does not stand --- mg_©b Kij) [ivtwet (mgvRKg)© 02-03] reason. [Xvtwet (A) 02-03, ivtwet 02-03] A on B by A to B on C to D in Ans:b C over D upon Ans:a 216. I promise to--- you in all circumstances. evsjv: †Zvgvi hwy ³‡Z m½Z †Kvb KviY †bB| [BSC Senior Officer-18] 218. Don not stand--- the force of time. [wcGmwmi A Stand up to B Stand with mnKvix cwiPvjK-06, ‡et‡ivtwet (D) 12-13] C Stand off D Stand by Ans:d A against of B against C against to D against off Ans:b Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 237 Take after m`„k/GKB nIqv 238 Take away wKQz mwi‡q †bIqv She takes --- her mother. 239 Take back Take --- the dirty dishes. †bvsiv Mvgjv¸‡jv mwi‡q bvI 240 Take by wdivBqv jIqv, withdraw She will not take --- her words. 241 Take for She took me --- the hand and led me to the dais. 242 Take in ‡P‡c aiv MY¨ Kiv/we‡ePbv Kiv I took him --- (to be) my friend/an honest person. 243 Take off cZÖ vwiZ Kiv/ nIqv I had no idea that he was lying to me. I was DÇq‡bi Rb¨ f~wg completely taken ---. Z¨vM Kiv The plane couldn’t take ---. 244 Take off †cvkvK/RZy v †Lvjv Get into the mosque after taking your shoes ---. 245 Take over `vwqZ¡ †bIqv The new teacher took --- the English course. 246 Take to Avm³/ Af¨¯Í nIqv He has taken --- drinking in his youth. 247 Take up mgq e¨vß Kiv This work will take --- much time. 248 Take up MnÖ Y Kiv/ ï‡l †bIqv He will take --- the problem and try to solve it. 219. Complete the sentence- The plane will 222. She/ The boy takes after her/his take --- at 7 pm. [WvK Awa`߇ii wewìs Ifviwkqvi 2018] mother. Her “takes after” means- [e¨w³MZ A on B over KgK© Zv© (AvBb, wePvi I msm` mwPevjq)-12, KvQvKvwQ Ackb: gnvwnmve wbixÿ‡Ki Kvhv©i‡q Rwy bqi AwWUi-14] C at D off Ans:d A near B close ev‡K¨i A_©: wegvbwU mܨv 7 Uvq DÇq‡bi Rb¨ fwz g C resemble D same Ans:c Z¨vM Ki‡e ev †Q‡o hv‡e| 223. He waited until the plane ----. [14Zg cfÖ vlK 220. Choose the right meaning of: Take off wbeÜb (K‡jR/mgchv©q)-17] [BSC Senior Officer (IT/ICT) 2018] A did not take off B took off A stop sleeping B Leave the world C had not taken off D had taken off Ans:b C Leave the ground D Stop driving Ans:c 224. She took me --- the hand and led me --- 221. The waiter took the plates --- after we the dais. [Xvtwet (B) 12-13, ivKve (mcy vifvBRvi)-15] had finished eating. [evsjv‡`k Kw… l e¨vsK-11] A at, over B in, on A off B up C on, from D by, to Ans:d C away D out Ans:c 225O. TurheYoEuntgulbisehCthoaonkntehl:ehmy³ fno‡Zr wEKK¬gyKpitæibans- httpsm://ewanwsw[2.1ystoBuCtSu, AbTeE.cOo-1m0,/†cet/‡Eivtxwept (eBr)t1E4-n15g] lishA [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 184 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

A The English considered them to be A on B over Egyptians. C at D off Ans:d B The English took them to Egyptians. 230. What is the meaning of ‘take over for’? C The English were take in by the (GKR‡bi cwie‡Z© Av‡iKRb `vwqZ¡ MÖnY) [Btwet (H) 17-18] Egyptians. A substitute for B appear for D The English brought them as far to C leisure D close Ans:a Egyptians. Ans:a 231. Complete the sentence: I had no idea e¨vL¨v: Bs‡iRiv Zv‡`i †K wgkixq e‡j cwiPq †`q/we‡ePbv that he was laying to me. I was K‡i| Clue: take for – MY¨ Kiv/ we‡ePbv Kiv completely --- [Avgvi †Kvb aviYvB wQj bv †h †m 226. He took her --- a spy. (‡m Zv‡K ¸ßPi/ Avgv‡K wg_¨v ej‡Q| Avgv‡K m¤úY~ © VvKv‡bv n‡qwQj] ‡Mv‡q›`v g‡b K‡iwQj) [29th BCS (written)] [kvtwetctÖ wet (A-e¨emvq) 11-12] A with B like A taken over B taken off C for D about Ans:c C taken down D taken in Ans:d 227. The child was easily taken --- by a cock ║║║ mgRvZxq Av‡iv MCQ Practice Kiæb ║║║ and bull story told by his father. 232. The plane couldn’t --- because of the A in B up [etwet (M) 14-15] dense fog. [kgÖ cwi`߇i RbmsL¨v I cwieviKj¨vY KgK© Zv-© 06] C for D after Ans:a A start B fly evsjv A_©: wkï‡K Ley mn‡RB Zvi evev AvR¸we Mí C take off D take of Ans:c e‡j gvwb‡q wb‡qwQ‡jv/ †evKv evbv‡jv| 233. The boy takes --- his grandfather. 228. Organizing some extra-curricula [mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-10, ivtwet (A5) 12-13] activities has occupied a lot of time A for B after recently. [mgwšZ^ I e¨vsK (wmwbqi Awdmvi)-18] C like D away Ans:b A taken in B taken up 234. When an aero plane leaves the ground, C taken over D taken after Ans:b it ---. [Btwet (L) 05-06] 229. The plane will take --- at 7 pm. [WvK I A takes off B lifts off †Uwj‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi Aaxb Awa`߇ii wewìs Ifviwkqvi-18] C jumps off D flies off Ans:a Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯’v‡b wK em‡e wPšÍv K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 249 Turn 250 Turn against kÎæ n‡q DVv They soon turned --- us. 251 Turn 252 Turn aside weP~¨Z nIqv We should not turn --- from the path of virtue. 253 Turn away Ab¨w`‡K P‡jq hvIqv He turned --- in disguise. 254 Turn down cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv/†Q‡o †`Iqv He turned --- our proposal. 255 Turn 256 Turn down Volume/ Av‡jv/ Please turn --- the sound because the boy is 257 Turn 258 Turn Zv‡ci cwigvY Kgv‡bv sleeping. in ‡diZ †`qv You must turn --- your pass when you leave the into cwieZb© Kiv building. Turn this passage --- English. off eÜ Kiv Turn the switch ---, the milk is boiled. on Pvjy Kiv Turn --- the machine. out wbh³y nIqv I advised him to turn --- the study of medicine [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 185 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

259 Turn out cgÖ vY Kiv He --- to be right. 260 Turn out weZvwoZ Kiv He was turned --- from the school. 261 Turn over Dëv‡bv, D‡ë †`qv, The boat turned --- suddenly. D‡ë hvIqv 262 Turn up (nVvr) Dcw¯’Z nIqv His brother has not turned --- yet. 235. Due to some internal conflict the C by D in Ans:a Director --- the proposal submitted by 239. The phrasal verb ‘Turn down’ goes the marketing Manager. [`by xw© Z `gb Kwgkb well with-. [Ptwet (I) 15-16] (mnKvix KgK© Zv)© -10] A volume B page A turned away B turned down C health D work Ans:a C turned off D turned out Ans:b 240. He turned in his paperwork to the main e¨vL¨v: Af¨šiÍ xY wKQz `‡Ûi Kvi‡Y cwiPvjK gv‡Kw© Us office. [‡c‡Uªvevsjvi D”Pgvb mnKvix-17] g¨v‡bRvi KZ…©K Dc¯v’ wcZ cÖ¯ÍvewU cZÖ ¨vLvb Ki‡jv| A submit B showed 236. The captain left the boat, because it ---- C left D saw Ans:a - [23rd BCS, Rvtwet (E) 14-15, BSMRSTU (D) 16-17] 241. She turned --- the kitchen tap to get A turned down B turned up Ans:c some water. [NU (e¨emvq wkÿv) 13-14] C turned over D turned bottom A out B on evsjv Abyev`: K¨v‡Þb ‡bŠKv †_‡K jvd w`‡jv KviY C up D to Ans:b GUv D‡ë wM‡qwQ‡jv| 242. I can think of no reason why he turned 237. He turned --- today when we thought he --- my offer. [Xvtwet (D) 96-97] had died. [Rvtwet (E) 10-11] A down B over A in B off C out D after Ans:a C up D for Ans:c evsjv Abey v`: Avwg †Kvb KviY Luy‡R cvB bv †Kb †m 238. “Will you turn --- the switch for me”? Avgvi cÖ¯vÍ ewU cÖZ¨vLvb Ki‡jv| [Dc‡Rjv gwnjv welqK KgK© Zv-© 06] A on B down  Advance Learner-‡`i Rb¨ Sl. Word Pre. Meaning Practice (ïb¨¯v’ ‡b wK em‡e wPšvÍ K‡i K‡i co‡Z n‡e) 263 Lay off Kg© †_‡K weiwZ ‡`Iqv/ †bIqv He adviced me to lay --- for a few days. He deals --- writing documents. 264 Deal in Kvievi/‡jb‡`b/e¨emv Kiv It difficult to ---the loss of her job. 265 Deal with cope with/ gvwb‡q Pjv I wonder what you’ll think --- next. At last the son let his father --- about the 266 Think up bZzb †Kvb D™¢veb Kiv future. It lived --- all our expectations. 267 Let down AvkvnZ/wbivk nIqv Hard working tells --- one’s health. (sb) up to ‡kl ch©šÍ hvIqv Avgv‡K nZvk K‡iv bv| Avwg †Zvgvi Dci A‡bK ‡ewk 268 Live wbfi© Kwi) 269 Tell upon ¯v^ ‡¯¨’ i ÿwZ Kiv, harms A put me away B put me off 243. ‘Please do not disappoint me. I count so much on you.’ [‡Rjv `by x© wZ `gb Awdmvi-94] (`qv K‡i [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 186 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

C let me down D let me away Ans:c C indicates D strengthens Ans:b e¨vL¨v: Let (sb) down-AvkvnZ Kiv, Wez v‡bv, nZvk Kiv (hLb Kv‡iv Kv‡Q †Kv‡bv wKQiz cÖZ¨vkv _v‡K)| 245. Alcohol tells --- your health.(g` †Zvgvi ¯^v‡¯’¨i ÿwZ Ki‡Q) [29th BCS (written), NSTU (D) 13-14] 244. Smoking tells upon our body. Here ‘tell A upon B at Ans:a upon’ means. [10g wkÿK wbeÜb (¯‹zj/mgchv© q)-14] C of D of A benefits B harms Appropriate Preposition Aa¨v‡qi mv‡_ wgj Av‡Q Ggb wKQz Group verb- Blurt out (sth) (‡Mvcb K_v) e‡j †djv; Draw out g‡bv‡hvM Noy v‡bv Book Up m¤úY~ © ewy Ks Kiv Draw up wjLv ev Lmov Kiv/ Øvo Kiv Back up mg_©b Kiv Drink in Bounce back wdwi‡q Avbv Dwell on/upon Think deeply Come true mZ¨ nIqv; Fall off ‡Kvb wKQz wb‡q ‡ewk wPšÍv Kiv Consists of Give off- emit c‡o hvIqv Grovel at the feet Composed of Hand in wbM©Z Kiv of (sb) Kv‡iv cv‡q cov Hang up KvMRcÎ `vwLj Kiv ‡dv‡b K_v nVvr eÜ nIqv 246. The term ‘bounces back’ means. [wdwi‡q 250. I called the hotel, but they said they Avbv] [hye Dbœqb Awa`߇ii K¨vwkqvi-18] were booked ---. [Ptwet (D) 07-08] A flaunt B recover A full B out C please D topple Ans:b C up D peacked Ans:c evsjv Abyev`: Avwg †nv‡Uj Kg©x‡`i †W‡KwQjvg wKš‘ 247. He blurted ---- the secret. (‡m †Mvcb K_vwU Zviv ej‡jv Zv‡`i me (iæg) ewy Ks n‡q †M‡Q| †evKvi gZ e‡j †djj) [Trust Bank-09] 251. Let us not --- your past mistake. [Xvtwet (D) A out B in 03-04, (C evwYR¨) 13-14, cvtwetctÖ wet (B) 13-14, (C) 17-18] C with D up Ans:a A dwell on B dwell 248. The peasant refused to grovel --- the C dwell at D dwell about Ans:a feet of his master. [Pubali Bank-09] Clue: ‡Kvb wKQz wb‡q †ewk †ewk wPšvÍ / `ty wPšÍv Kiv A on B about A‡_© dwell on e‡m| C upon D at Ans:d 252. “Back up” means (mg_b© Kiv) [AvBb wePvi I msm` e¨vL¨v: Kl… K Zvi gvwj‡Ki cv‡q co‡Z A¯x^ Kvi welqK gšY¿ vj‡qi mve-‡iwR÷ªvi-12] Ki‡jv| refused to grovel at the feet of (sb)- A stop B support Kv‡iv cv‡q co‡Z A¯^xKvi Kiv C explode D continue Ans:b 249. The phrasal verb ‘hang up’ goes best 253. The book fell --- the desk. (eBwU †W‡¯‹i Dci with ---. [Ptwet (G) 13-14] ‡_‡K c‡o †Mj) [Btwet (B) 15-16] A death sentences B friend A out B by C telephone D calendar Ans:c C off D into Ans:c Hints: ‡dv‡b K_v ejvi mgq nVvr eÜ nIqv/eÜ Hints: c‡o hvIqv A‡_© fall- fell- fallen Gi Kiv A‡_© Hang up e‡m ZvB DËi c Kiv n‡q‡Q| mv‡_ off e‡m| [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 187 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Kick off dzUej †Ljv ïiæ nIqv Pulled down †f‡½ ¸wo‡q †`Iqv Nail down- me©‡k‡l m¤§wZ‡Z Round off (sth) with (sth) ‡Kvb KvR wKQz w`‡q †kl †cŠuQv‡bv Kiv/ cwic~Y© Kiv Pull through Remanded in custody KvivMv‡i cvVv‡bv/ ivLv wec` KvwU‡q IVv; 254. The accused men have been --- custody 256. All the parties seem anxious to nail --- a to await trial. [Ptwet I 12-13] ceasefire. [‡et‡ivtwet I 15-16] A delivered into B handed into A down B off C put into D remanded in Ans:d C with D against Ans:a e¨vL¨v: Awfh³y †jvKRb‡K cieZx© ïbvwb chš© Í Hints: nail down- A‡bK wKQzi ci m¤§wZ‡Z KvivMv‡i ivLv n‡q‡Q| †cŠQu v‡bv| a ceasefire = mxm& dvqvi-h×y weiwZ; 255. We round --- the meal with sweets. (Avgiv 257. The patient is still seriously ill but I am wgwó w`‡q LvIqv †kl Kijvg) [ivtwet (A, we‡Rvo) 13-14] sure he will --- . [AB Bank (A.O)-14, EXIM Ltd. A off B out Officer (Cash) - 13] C up D down Ans:a A pull into B pull through Clue: Round off (sth) with (sth)- ‡Kvb KvR C came round D pull up Ans:b wKQz w`‡q †kl Kiv/ cwicY~ © Kiv Help: Pull through- wec` KvwU‡q Ivv; ‡ivMx Ley gvivZK¡ Ae¯v’ wKš‘ Avwg wbwðZ †m m¯y ’ n‡q DV‡e| Spring into action c`‡ÿc wb‡Z ïiæ Kiv Switch off eÜ Kiv Start up with wKQz w`‡q ïiæ Kiv Tide over/ overcome wec` KuvwU‡q DVv, Step down- ¸iæZ¡c~Y© c` †_‡K KvD‡K Watch out mZK© nIqv/ ch‡© eÿY Kiv wb‡Pi w`‡K bvgv‡bv Work out KvR m¤úv`b Kiv Strike off bvg KvUv hvIqv Write off FY evwZj e‡j MY¨ Kiv, 258. Which of the following phrasal verbs 260. He sprang quickly --- action. (‡h `ªZy means ‘to submit a document’? c`‡ÿc wb‡Z ïiæ Ki‡jv) [Exim Bank-09] A hand in B put in [ivtwet (B) 11-12] A for B on C bring in D set in Ans:a C at D into Ans:d e¨vL¨v: KvMRcÎ `vwLj Kiv, Rgv †`Iqv A‡_© hand in Clue: spring into action- ‡Kvb Kv‡Ri e¨e¯’v Kiv ev c`‡ÿc wb‡Z ïiæ Kiv e‡m| Avi put in- we‡ePbvi Rb¨ cÖ`vb Kiv; bring in- bZbz wKQz Pvjy Kiv, set in- ïiæ/Avi¤¢ nIqv| 261. The phrase ‘Tide over’ means: [mnKvix 259. Which one is correct? [Kviv ZË¡veavqK-06, mn: cwiKíbv Kg©KZ©v-12] cwievi cwiKíbv Awdmvi-16, gvtfvtwetctÖ wet (D) 14-15] A overcome B pass over A His name has been cut off. C cross over D carry over Ans:a B His name has been stroke off. Help: Tide over/overcome, wec` Kvu wU‡q DVv, C His name has been struck off. pass over- D‡cÿv Kiv; cross over- iv¯Ív cvi D His name is cut off. Ans:c nIqv; carry over- wnmv‡ei †Ri Uvbv; e¨vL¨v: †Kvb ZvwjKv ‡_‡K bvg KvUv hvIqv A‡_© 262. Before leaving the room, --- the lights strike off e¨eüZ nq| Avi strike Gi V2/ V3 and fans. [Kztwet I 16-17] n‡”Q struck A put on B cut out C switch off D put from Ans:c [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 188 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

263. “Step down” means- [Rvtwet (e¨emvq wkÿv) 09-10] C increasing money A Bend low and keep down. D reducing rates Ans:a B skip the steps. Clue: write off/cancelling a debt, FY evwZj C Resign from an important position. e‡j MY¨ Kiv, cwi‡kva Ki‡Z n‡e bv e‡j †g‡b †bqv| D climb down the stairs. Ans:c 265. Please --- the instruction carefully. Fill e¨vL¨v: Step down- ¸iæZc¡ ~Y© c` †_‡K KvD‡K in the gap-. [etwet (K) 15-16] wb‡Pi w`‡K bvgv‡bv A watch out B look up 264. The phrasal verb ‘write off’ means C let down D go over Ans:a [¯v^ ¯¨’ gšY¿ vj‡qi DcmnKvix c‡Ö KŠkjx (wmwfj)-16, cwÖ Ziÿv gšY¿ v. Hint: mZK© nIqv/ ch‡© eÿY Kiv A‡_© watch out ckÖ vmwbK Kg©KZ©v-13] e‡m| evsjv: `qv K‡i wb‡`©kbv¸‡jv mZKf© v‡e †`Lby | A cancelling a debt B writing a letter Our Facebook Page: h³y n‡Z wK¬K Kiæb| Model Test/Chhtatppst:e/r/ (on Group Verb) 1. We shall “establish” a school soon. [cvÖ _wgK e¨vL¨v: bounce back- wd‡i Avmv; ev‡K¨i evsjv A_©: we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK-03] evsjv‡`k wµ‡KU `j Bsj¨v‡Ûi weiæ‡× Rq wb‡q wd‡i Avmj| A put up B set up 7. I could not --- the reason for this delay. C set out D put down Ans:b The phrasal verb is- [ivtwet (A ,we‡Rvo) 16-17] 2. It is too difficult to “tolerate” bad A drop out B figure out temper for long. Here tolerate means C look out D shake away Ans:b [13th BCS, 14th BCS] e¨vL¨v: figure out-eSy ‡Z cviv/make out/wPšÍv Kiv; A cope up with B put up with ev‡K¨i evsjv A_:© GB †`wii KviY Avwg eyS‡Z cviZvg bv| C stand up for D pull on with Ans:b 8. My grandfather cannot remember the 3. Look out Gi A_© wK? [mnKvix cwiPvjK (evsjv‡`k wUGbwU name of my friend. -The word A evB‡i ZvKvI B †ei K‡i `vI †evW)© -14] “remember” can be replaced with – C mZK© nI D †mŠRb¨ †`LvI Ans:c [et‡ktgytitwetctÖ wet (E) 16-17] 4. I was advised to turn --- the money A call on B call over which I had found hidden behind the C call in D call up Ans:d bushes. [cjøx Dbœqb †evW-© 10] 9. You need to --- your essay for spell- A in B aside Ans:a check before you hand in your exam C away D out paper. (‡Zvgvi cixÿvi LvZv Rgv †`qvi c~‡e© †Zvgvi ceÖ ‡Üi evbvb hvPvB Kiv `iKvi) [Ptwet (B/E) 5. Fill in the blank: Turjo --- the tree with an axe. [RbckÖ vmb gšY¿ vj‡qi cÖkvmwbK KgK© Zv-© 16] 16-17, htwetwetctÖ (D) 14-15] A cut down B cut off A hang out B point out C cut out D cut in Ans:a C cut off D go over Ans:d 6. The Bangladesh Cricket team --with a 10. We should look --- our old parents. victory against England. [Xvtwet(D)12-13, Rtwet [mnKvix Kw… l KgK© Zv©-16, cwimsL¨vb e¨y ‡ivi †WUv Gw›Uª Acv‡iUi-16] A bounced up B turned up (B) 16-17] A upon B into C bounced back D sprang up Ans:c C over D after Ans:d =======0000====== [Expert- Job English] --- Page no. ~ 189 ~ Mobile: 01740-073569

Adjective (we‡klY) Go to Index ♦ Aa¨vqwfwËK Question Analysis Ges Suggestion cixÿvmgn~ cÖkœ msL¨v +- ‡h cwiÿvq ‡h Topic ¸‡jv ‡ewk co‡Z n‡e-  BCS Preliminary ‡Z 5wU+- 2, 7, 9, 10  All Bank Job Exams 12wU+- 1-3, 5, 7, 10  Primary Job Exams 8wU+- 1-4, 6, 8, 10  PSC & Other Jobs wU+- All GKbR‡i Aa¨vqwfwËK BCS cÖkmœ gn~ - GB Aa¨vq †_‡K GLb ch©šÍ †gvU cÖkœ n‡q‡Q 5 wU| e¨vL¨v: mvaviYZ Linking verb+ Adverb + wb‡¤œ G¸‡jvi wbw`©ó wbqgmn †`Iqv n‡jv| adjective nq| GLv‡b “is” linking verb Gici 1. “Please write to me at the above address.” “often” Adverb Ges Zvi c‡ii kãwU Here “above” is- [40th BCS- 19] Adjective A noun B adverb 4. All the people at the NAM conference C preposition D adjective Ans:d are ---. [18th BCS] e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b article(the) Ges noun(address) Gi A mathematic teachers gv‡Si above kãwU adjective Gi b¨vq e‡m‡Q| B mathematics teachers 2. A rolling stone gathers no moss. What C mathematics teacher “rolling” is-(N~Y©vqgvb cv_‡i †Kvb ˆkevj R‡g bv) [11th D mathematic’s teachers Ans:b BCS I Ab¨vb¨] e¨vL¨v: Mathematics k‡ãi mv‡_ Ggwb‡ZB s A gerund B verbal noun _v‡K| Avi ïiæ‡Z all the People Av‡Q ZvB C participle D adjective Ans:d/c teachers n‡e| e¨vL¨v: ckÖ œwU‡Z option-c ‡Z participle ej‡Z Zv 5. \"Give somebody a piece of your mind' present participle bvwK past participle wbw`ó© means to- [41st BCS] Kiv †bB| Avi GLv‡b mwVK DËi n‡jv- present A tell someone that you are very angry participle hv adjective Gi KvR K‡i ZvB mwVK with them. DËi- d; Z‡e c ‡KI DËi Kiv hv‡e| B say exactly what you feel or think. 3. Depression is often hereditary. The C return or to help somebody return to a underlined word is a/an- [35th BCS] normal situation Ans:a A adverb B noun D give somebody mental peace. C adjective D verb Ans:c  Adjective Gi we¯ÍvwiZ aviYv _vK‡j article, degree, noun BZ¨vw` Aa¨v‡qi mv‡_ mn‡R †hvMm~Î ¯v’ cb Kiv hv‡e| ZvB Chapter wU fvjfv‡e co‡Z n‡e| Pjyb Av‡jvPbv ïiæ Kwi- Our Youtube Channel: h³y n‡Z wKK¬ Kiæb  Mobile: 01740-073569 Expert- Job English, Page no. 190

GLvb †_‡K ïiæ Topic-01: Adjective Kv‡K e‡j? Bnv g~jZ †Kvb †Kvb Parts of Speech Gi mv‡_ RwoZ? িভিডও েদখেত QR েকােড ি�ক করুন Adjective (we‡klY): J. C. Nesfield Gi g‡Z, An adjective is a word that is used to qualify a noun or a pronoun, A_v© r hLb †Kvb word, noun ev pronoun Gi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯v’ , msL¨v, cwigvY BZ¨vw` wb‡`k© K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Adjective e‡j| mZy ivs Adjective g~jZ noun Ges pronoun Gi mv‡_ RwoZ| Adjective ‡K qualifying/Modifying word e‡j| 1. An adjective is a– [Lv`¨ cwi`k©K-00, MYc~Z© Awa߇ii 3. The function of an adjective is to Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUi-16] Ans:c,b A naming word B modifying word modify a- [Kztwet (B) 08-09] C qualifying wordD substituting word A noun B pronoun e¨vL¨v: gjy Z adjective ‡K qualifying e‡j wKš‘ C noun phrase D noun or anything Ack‡b GUv bv _vK‡j G‡K modifying word equivalent (mvgÄm¨)to a noun Ans:d ejv hv‡e| 4. An adjective qualifies a - [htwetcÖtwet (F) 15-16] 2. An adjective modifies- [Rvtwet (e¨vemvq wkÿv) 14-15] A Verb B Adjective A Noun B Adverb C Pronoun D Noun Ans:c,d C Verb D Preposition Ans:a Topic-02: Word Gi †k‡l †Kvb †Kvb Suffix _vK‡j Adjective nq? D`vniY `vI| Identification of Adjective: mvaviYZ Word এর েশেষ [tive, sive, ous, ful, ish, less, able, ible, some, like, ic, ant, ent, ing, al, ary, ed] BZ¨vw` suffix ¸‡jv _vK‡j word wU Adjective nq| †hgb: Cleaver (PvjvK), Legal (‰ea), Unparalleled (AmgvšÍivj), Beautiful (my›`i), hopeful (Avkvev`x), Platonic (wkÿvwelqK), Contemporaneous (mgKvjxb), organic(‡`n hš¿ msµvš)Í , Creative (m„wókxj), Comprehensive(cY~ ©v½), Prolific (Drcv`bkxj), alive (RxešÍ, cvÖ YešÍ), plutonic (Av‡MœqwMwi msµvšÍ), Historical (HwZnvwmK), Compliant (GKgZ), Propitious (ïf jÿYh³y ), Miserable (AZ¨šÍ `ytLx), ‘timid’ (fxiæ/ jvRyK/ gyL‡Pviv), magnificent (¸iæZ¡c~Y©), Exciting-(D‡ËRbvKi), savoury (gmjv`vi ev m¯y v^ `y), Live/Living (Rxeš)Í , BZ¨vw`| GQvovI noun+ ly, noun+ al, noun+ y BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Giv adjective| †hgb: fatherly, miserly, kingly, lonely BZ¨vw`| Avmj K_v n‡jv: k㸇jvi A_© gLy ¯’ _vK‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡jB me‡P‡q fv‡jvfv‡e DËi Kiv hv‡e| 5. Which from of the word is adjective? 7. The adjective ‘savoury’ is connected [cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK (KvwiMwi) -11] with: (gmjv`vi ev m¯y ^v`)y [GB wbq‡g Kgb: ivtwet (K) A defy B defiant A colour B dress (MÖæc-2) 19-20] C defiance D none Ans:b C iiloney D food Ans:d Help: defy(v)- A¯^xKvi Kiv; defiant(adj.)- 8. Choose the adjective from the following ‡ec‡ivqv; defiance(n)- Aeva¨Zv; words: [mve-wiwR÷vª i -12] 6. Which one is an adjective? [gv`ªvmv wkÿv Awa. (‡÷vi A Excite B Exciting wKcvi) 19 Ryb 21] C Excitement D Excitingly Ans:b A sweet B cow C smile D stop Ans:a Expert- Job English, Page no. 191 Mobile: 01740-073569

9. Which one is adjective among the 14. Which word is an adjective? [ ûeû Kgb ckÖ œ: following words? [Kviv Awa`߇ii Kviv ZËv¡ eavqK -13, Z_¨ gš.¿ Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cKÖ vkbv Awa. K¨v‡givg¨vb -19] ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK -11, cjøx Dbœqb I A organic B orgam mgevq wefv‡Mi 1wU evwo 1wU Lvgvi cÖK‡í Dc‡Rjv mgšq^ Kvix- 17] C organise D organically Ans:a A Diploma B Diplomacy 15. Which one is an adjective? [ ûeû Kgb cÖkœ: C Diplomatic D Diplomat Ans:c moK I †mZz cwienb gš¿vYvj‡qi Dc-mn. c‡Ö KŠ. (hvwšK¿ ) -19] e¨vL¨v: Option ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ adjective word n‡jv A clever B briefly Diplomatic (K~U‰bwZK)| k‡ãi †k‡l “icÓ suffix C simplicity D importance Ans:a _vK‡j †m word wU mvaviYZ adjective nq| 16. Which is adjective- [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK-90, cvÖ K- Diploma (wkÿvMZ †hvM¨Zvi ¯^xKw… ZcÎ), cvÖ _wgK mnKvix wkÿK (‡dbx)-15] Diplomacy (KU~ bxwZ) Ges Diplomat (K~UbxwZwe`) A special B laugh kã wZbwU n‡jv noun| C crime D miser Ans:a 10. ‘Compulsive’ kãwU GKwU- [mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii wdì e¨vL¨v: special(adj.) laugh(v), crime(n), A Heartful B Hearten mycvifvBRvi-17] Miser(n) 17. Which one is not an adjective? [kgÖ I Kgm© s¯v’ b C Heartening D Heart Ans:c gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cÖavb cwi`kK© (mvaviY) -09] e¨vL¨v: Compulsive (eva¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i Ggb kãwU A cute B acute GKwU adjective Avi option ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ C lute D mute Ans:c heartening (Drmvngj~ K) n‡jv adjective| ZvB e¨vL¨v: cute- my›`i; acute- my²; mute- kvš;Í G¸‡jv DËi- c; Ab¨w`‡K heartful- kãwU †`L‡Z adjective me adjective; lute(n)-exYvRvZxq ev`¨hšw¿ e‡kl; g‡b n‡jI GwU GKwU fzj kã| Hearten(verb); 18. Which one is an adjective? [Kviv Awa`߇ii Kviv Heart(noun) ZËv¡ eavqK-13, PSC Gi mn. mwPe-05, Btwet (B) 09-10] 11. Which one is an adjective? [SAU. 10-11] A pain B break A badly B quickly C mortal D hour Ans:c C lonely (GKvKx) D wholly Ans:c Clue: pain(noun)- e¨v_¨v; break (verb)- fv½v; 12. Which one of the following is not an mortal(adj.)- giYkxj; hour(noun)- N›Uv; 19. The word “prolific” (Drcv`bkxj) is a- [ivtwet adjective? [wcÖwgqvi e¨vsK-03, Kg©ms¯’vb e¨vsK (mnKvix (BwZnvm) 09-10, 10-11, (MY‡hvMv‡hvM) 07-08, AvBb I wePvi Awdmvi, mvaviY, K¨vk)-12, ivRkvnx Kw… l Dbqœ b e¨vsK (K¨wkqvi)-10, gš¿Yvj‡qi mve ‡iwRóvª i-12] Rvtwet (C) 14-15] A humble B humane A verb B adjective C humid D humour Ans:d C noun D none Ans:b e¨vL¨v: humble-b¤ª/f`;ª humane-`qvjy; humid- 20. Write down the adjective form of the Av`©ª/ ‡fRv; humour-‡gRvR/Av‡gv`-c‡Ö gv`; GLv‡b word ‘cartoon’ --- [mnKvix Dc‡Rjv /_vbv wkÿv KgK© Z©v- 16] 1g wZbwUB adjective Avi †klwU- noun; A cartoonist B cartoonic 13. The word “diabetic” is- (eûgÎ~ ‡ivMx/‡ivM C cartoonier D cartoon boy Ans:d msµvš)Í [NSI Gi mnKvix cwiPvjK-15, cwievi Kj¨vY gš¿Yvjq e¨vL¨v: Ackb d ‡Z cartoon kãwU noun Gi mvg‡b (cwi`wkK© v cwÖ kÿYv_©x)-13, ivtwet 07-08, Btwet (B) 17-18] e‡m adjective Gi b¨vq KvR K‡i‡Q weavq d DËi| A a noun 21. Which of the following words is an B an adjective adjective? [Medical- 09-10] C both a noun and an adjective A hogwash B hokum Ans:d D a noun adjective Ans:c C hooky D hoity-toity(‡Mvjgvj) Expert- Job English, Page no. 192 Mobile: 01740-073569

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