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Home Explore 2nd Phase English3InOne Razibul Hoq Raz

2nd Phase English3InOne Razibul Hoq Raz

Published by Razibul Hoq Raz, 2022-08-16 13:44:49

Description: সার্চ অপশনে যেকোন চ্যাপ্টারের কিংবা যেকোন টপিক্সের সংক্ষিপ্ত নাম লিখে সার্চ দিন সাথে সাথে সে টপিক্সে যেতে পারবেন। পেইজ বুক মার্ক করে রাখতে পারবেন, কলম দিয়ে দাঁগিয়েও পড়তে পারবেন। হালকা ট্যাপ করে ইবুকের সব অপশনগুলো দেখে নিন। বিনা অনুমতিতে শেয়ার করবেন না। শেয়ার করার অধিকার আপনার নেই। এটি আমার আমনত, আমানত রক্ষা করবেন।


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2nd Phase| Mastering The English Language Razibul Hoq Raz Page | 328 All about Gerund And Gerund Phrases Gerund A gerund is a noun made from a verb root plus ing (a present participle). Gerund Phrase A gerund phrase is a phrase consisting of a gerund and any modifiers or objects associated with it. Gerund Gerund Phrase • Swimming is fun. • Eating biscuits in front of the television is one way to relax. =mvZvi KvUv gRvi/GKwU gRvi/Avb‡›`i welq| =†Uwjwfk‡bi mvg‡b wew¯‹U LvIqv wijv· Kivi GKUv cš’v| (gerund as subject of the sentence) (gerund phrase as subject) • I like swimming. • Do you fancy going out? = Avwg mvZvi KvUv cQ›` Kwi| =Ny†i ‡eov‡bvUv‡K wK Zwz g A‡bK cQ›` K‡iv? (gerund as direct object) (gerund phrase as direct object) • I never gave swimming all • On being elected president, he that much effort. moved with his family to the capital. =AZ‡ewk cÖ‡Póv Avwg mvZvi KvUvq =‡cÖwm‡W›U wbe©vwPZ nIqvi mey v‡a †m cwievi KL‡bv †`Bwb| mn ivRavbx‡Z P‡j †Mj| (gerund phrase (gerund as indirect object) as complement of a preposition) • Being deceived can make someone feel angry. (passive) =‡avKu v LvIqv(i e¨vcviUv) gvbly ‡K ivMvwšZ^ K‡i Zzj‡Z cv‡i| • Having read the book once before makes me more prepared. (perfect) =Av‡M †_‡KB eBwU c‡o †djv(i e¨vcviUv) Avgv‡K Av‡iv †ewk cÖ¯Z‘ K‡i Zz‡j| • He is ashamed of having been gambling all night. (perfect progressive aspect) =mvivivZ a‡i Ryqv †Ljvi Kvi‡Y †m jw¾Z| Facebook: Razibul Hoq Raz YouTube: Today’s Just Now Contact: 01628540803

2nd Phase| Mastering The English Language Razibul Hoq Raz Page | 329 Position Of Gerund and Gerund Phrases Role Example A Subject Eating cakes is pleasant. =wcVv LvIqv mLy Ki/mywcÖq/fvj jvMvi| B Extraposed It can be pleasant eating cakes. subject ==wcVv LvIqv-GUv mLy Ki/mwy cÖq/fvj jvMvi| C Subject What I'm looking forward to is eating cakes. Complement =Avwg †hUvi w`‡K nv K‡i ZvwK‡q AvwQ †mUv nj wcVv LvIqv| D Direct object I can't stop eating cakes. E Prepositional =Avwg wcVv LvIqv _vgv‡Z cviwQbv/bv †L‡q _vK‡Z object cviwQbv| I dreamt of eating cakes. =Avwg wcVv LvIqvi ¯^cœ †`Ljvg| F Adverbial He walks the streets eating cakes. =‡m wcVv †L‡q †L‡q Avivg‡Q/w`j‡Q/¯^vaxbfv‡e nvUvnvwU G Part of noun K‡i| A_ev †m wcVv †L‡Z †L‡Z nv‡U/wcVv Lvq Avi nv‡U| phrase It's a picture of a man eating cakes. =GB QweUv Ggb GKUv gvby‡li †h wcVv Lv‡”Q/wcVv LvIqv GKRb gvb‡y li GB Qwe| H Part of adjective They are all busy eating cakes. phrase =Zvuiv mevB wcVv LvIqvে e¨v¯Í| I Complement of She takes pleasure in eating cakes. preposition =‡m wcVv LvIqvi gv‡SB myL/Avb›` cvq| In traditional grammars the term gerund is not used for roles F, G, and H. Facebook: Razibul Hoq Raz YouTube: Today’s Just Now Contact: 01628540803

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