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Home Explore Chinese Medicine For Breast Health

Chinese Medicine For Breast Health

Published by cherry, 2015-01-03 20:33:09

Description: So many women these days face challenges with numerous breast problems, the most serious of
which is breast cancer. It is estimated that as many as one in seven American women will have
breast cancer in their lifetime. In addition to certain nutritional and lifestyle modifications, there
are numerous Chinese herbs which can improve the health of the breast and which may help to
prevent the development of breast cancer.

Keywords: fibrocystic,breast,cancer,vitex,carcinogen,dandelion,women,abscess,lactation


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Title:Chinese Medicine For Breast HealthWord Count:620Summary:So many women these days face challenges with numerous breast problems, the most serious ofwhich is breast cancer. It is estimated that as many as one in seven American women will havebreast cancer in their lifetime. In addition to certain nutritional and lifestyle modifications, thereare numerous Chinese herbs which can improve the health of the breast and which may help toprevent the development of breast cancer.Keywords:fibrocystic,breast,cancer,vitex,carcinogen,dandelion,women,abscess,lactationArticle Body:So many women these days face challenges with numerous breast problems, the most serious ofwhich is breast cancer. It is estimated that as many as one in seven American women will havebreast cancer in their lifetime. In addition to certain nutritional and lifestyle modifications, thereare numerous Chinese herbs which can improve the health of the breast and which may help toprevent the development of breast cancer.抯First of all, let talk about some basic lifestyle suggestions for maintaining breast health.Deodorants and anti-perspirants that are used in the area of the armpit need to be free ofaluminum based ingredients. There are a large number of lymph nodes in the area of the armpit

that branch out towards the breast. Many potential toxins, including aluminum, may beabsorbed into this region through the skin. It is also important to wear bras that are not too tight,because this can inhibit the flow of lymph as well as blood circulation in this area. Underwirebras may be particularly bad for this reason. Sports bras and other bras that are made of moreflexible material can be much better for allowing proper circulation in the area of the breasts.In Chinese medicine, the functioning of the Liver has a great deal of influence over the healthof the breasts. The Liver is adversely influenced by stress and abuse, and by nutritional andenvironmental toxins. Therefore, in order to maintain proper breast health, it is important toreduce or to manage stress in a healthy way. It is also important to avoid emotionally toxic andabusive situations. It is also important to reduce contact with toxic substances in our personalenvironment. Drinking purified water or spring water, eating pesticide free fruits and vegetables,eating hormone free meat, and avoiding harsh chemicals, dyes and perfumes can all help bypreventing carcinogenic substances from entering the body in the first place. Having a lot ofindoor plants can also help to significantly reduce indoor air pollution. The breasts arepredominantly composed of fatty tissue which can easily store all sorts of toxins which caneventually become carcinogenic over time.One herb which can be useful for maintaining breast health is dandelion, or pugongying.Dandelion is an excellent herb for detoxifying the breasts. It is also useful for breast abscesses.Fresh dandelion greens can be mashed and applied topically as a poultice up to three times dailyfor breast abscesses. This herb is also good taken internally for detoxifying the liver.For fibrocystic breasts, the herb, vitex agnus castus, or manjingzi, can be very helpful over time.Taken regularly over four to six months it may eliminate fibrocystic breast problems. TheChinese herbal formula, Free and Easy Wanderer, or Xiao Yao Wan, can also be used forfibrocystic breast conditions.Some Chinese herbs which have been shown to have anti-cancer effects in the area of thebreasts are Chinese rhubarb, or dahuang, and oldenlandia, or baihuasheshecao. Chinese rhubarbis a strong laxative, and should only be used under the supervision of a skilled practitioner.Oldenlandia has been shown in recent Chinese research to have anti-tumor effects on manydifferent types of cancers, including breast cancer.Chinese herbs can be used to promote lactation for breastfeeding or to stop lactation after achild is weaned.Acupuncture can also be used in the treatment of fibrocystic breasts and chronic mastitis.In order to prevent serious issues from arising, it is important for every woman to get examinedregularly and to give themselves regular self-examinations. It is important to always get aproper diagnosis for any breast problems from your physician. Nevertheless, Chinese herbs andacupuncture can both be useful for maintaining breast health.Title:Herbal Supplements Help Optimize Your Health - NaturallyWord Count:

480Summary:Herbal supplements utilize nature's gift to help sustain our health and well-being.Keywords:herbal supplements, optimally organic, wild crafted, naturalArticle Body:Few would argue that we're a nation that's enslaved to the pharmaceutical industry. Although\"Big Pharm\" has discovered life-saving drugs, we've been conditioned to depend upon syntheticpharmaceuticals to maintain our health - without always fully understanding the long-termrepercussions of putting these chemicals into our bodies.In contrast, herbal supplements utilize nature's gift to help sustain our health and well-being.While herbal supplements can't replace some of the Big Pharm drugs, with the proper regimen,they may help alleviate the need for them.Something for EveryoneWhen it comes to herbal supplements, virtually everyone can reap health benefits. For example,optimally organic calcium formulas are great for pre- and post-menopausal women, since theyhelp prevent bone loss while providing up to 75 trace minerals that can help fortify our bodiesto fight off degenerative diseases. Similarly, a wide variety of natural herbal supplements canhelp support the immune system, protecting you from allergic reactions, colds, flu, and myriadinfections. For centuries, ingredients in these supplements, such as goldenseal root, Echinaceaangustifolia root, ginger root, and licorice root, have been recognized for their ability topromote healingThe natural ingredients in herbal supplements can also work to help prevent disease or promoterecovery. For example, bilberry, eyebright, goldenseal root, cayenne, and raspberry leaves canhelp the eyes and sinuses, while pure green stevia can help stabilize blood sugar levels.Likewise, ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, fo-ti, ginseng, mung bean, and rosemary can help improvememory and brain function, while milk thistle, barberry root, wild yam root, cramp bark, fennelseed, catnip, and peppermint leaf can help keep the liver functioning optimally, so that it canmore effectively cleanse your blood.There are many other types of herbal supplements available on the market, including those thathelp cleanse your body of impurities, those that help balance your hormones, those that assistyou in your weight loss efforts, and those that will help increase your energy level.What to Look ForAs with virtually all products, the quality of herbal supplements differs greatly from onesupplier to the next. When you're ready to purchase supplements, look for those that are allnatural and 100 percent vegan-friendly. The herbs used should be wild crafted, and the supplieryou choose should be conscious of every step of the production and distribution process. Forexample, make sure that the supplements you buy are never heated or denatured, and that theyuse a shipping carrier that does not irradiate or x-ray parcels. Doing so could denature the

product, which is something you want to avoid.Most of all, work with a company that understands your concerns and is as passionate aboutyour health and well-being as you are. Their commitment to their herbal supplements will beunsurpassed, and you'll truly achieve the sense of harmony that comes from knowing that youare an active, involved participant in your wellness.Title:Subliminal Messages and your healthWord Count:332Summary:Subliminal Messages have been used for over 30 years for weight loss, love, sex and more.Keywords:subliminal messages, subliminal message, subliminal self-helpArticle Body:Subliminal Messages have been used for over 30 years for weight loss, love, sex and manyother self-help issues.The term \"subliminal\" is derived from two Latin words, \"sub\", meaning under, and \"limen\"meaning threshold . Subliminal programming is the act of conveying a message directly to thesubconscious mind. Below the thresholdof conscious awareness. You will not actually hear the affirmations contained in the audio asthey are hidden in the ocean sound below the threshold of you conscious. This is called soundmasking. Subliminal Programming is a method used to place pre-arranged thoughts or ideas into thesubconscious mind and reinforcing pre-existing informationstored in the subconscious or to increase a person's selective attention. With subliminal self helpaudio, you can start changing your life today and probably see results around a month later.Subliminal programming is quite different than responding without awareness. Subliminalprogramming involves reacting to stimuli that are above your physiological thresholds butbelow your perceptual thresholds. Subliminal audio can change all areas of you life and here area few examples of the many applications that subliminal messages can be helpful. Weight loss,over coming fears, attraction, sex, love, relationships as well as in sports. Subliminal Messageshave stood the test of time and have proven to be extremely effective in helping people of allages reach their goals.Where can you buy subliminal programs? - The answer is quite simple. Search the internet.

Where can you get subliminal messages for free? - There is only one place that I have foundand this was brought to my attention by an editorial at Yahoo. The site is a site that doesn't sell subliminal programs but offers around a hundred subliminal titles forfree.Subliminal Encoders are currently the only real way to produce subliminal messages that reachthe subconscious mind effectively. While Subliminal encoders can cost thousands to purchase,Subliminal encoders are currently the only way to record or produce professional subliminalrecordings without any distortions.

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