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Home Explore Crazy


Published by magasinetmorsk, 2020-01-24 10:18:34

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WE ARE MORSK EDITOR IN CHIEF MORSK Student Magazine Tonje W. A. Fiskvik The Morsk student magazine aims to publish feature material for Graphic Design students at NTNU as well as being part of the student welfare offers at NTNU in Gjøvik. We offer an educational arena where anyone GUEST EDITOR interested can develop their skills in writing, design, photography, Astrid Elliot Børmark concept work and working in teams. Working with Morsk give Nursing students working with us something to show for after the study days are over, and until then provides food for thought for their COPY EDITOR fellow student readers. Gunhild Vike Nerås Web Developement Writers: Elras Sabre, Computer Science GRAPHIC DESIGNER Chian Huoy Low, Interaction Design Espen M. Benoni Amici Nybråten, Programming (Games / Applications) Graphic Design Illustrators: PROOFREADER Yvon Gankema, Computer Science Martin L. Lilleslåtten Rebekka Sofie Bardal Johannessen, Graphic Design NTNU Alumni Cover Illustration: Rebekka Sofie Bardal Johannessen Design: Espen Benoni Print by Kobolt Printshop Run: 200 pcs Paper: 240g cover, 150g Typography: Calluna 9,5/13,5pt, Niveau Grotesk & Butler Want to write for MORSK? Something on your mind? Ideas keeping you up at night? Desperately want the students of NTNU in Gjøvik to know something? Reach out to us at [email protected]. Anything sent to us will be given feedback regardless of whether or not it gets published. Contact Teknologiveien 22, 2815 Gjøvik A-bygget, A259 E-post: [email protected]

I TEACH THAT ALL MEN ARE MAD (Horace, Satires, II. 3. 81) THE WORD “CRAZY” is one of those who rely heavily on insane. Was it a bad experience, or a good one? Did oth- context. It’s often used either to describe something (or ers around you experience it the same way, or was it a someone) that is unusually thrilling, fun, spectacular, private thing? Would you share it with others, or do you or absurd. On the darker side, it is thrown about when prefer to keep it to yourself? we don’t understand the behavior of those around us (crazy exes is the easiest example to go to here), or when That’s all we did while working with this theme. We we ourselves feel completely at odds with the world we asked: what is crazy to you? We chose that theme be- fare in. cause the duality is interesting, because we’ve all had that feeling of something being completely wrong or weird In Morsk, we’re drawn to the duality of the term or exactly, crazy. Madness is, after all, an unavoidable “crazy”. Insanity is both interesting and scary, drawing part of the human experience, whether it is the kind us in and estranging us at the same time, and most of that only exists in the eyes of bystanders, or the very real us prefer to meet it from behind some layer of fiction kind that’ll occupy your brain during certain stretches or time. We don’t want to stand face to face with it, but of your life. In the words of author Emilie Autumn (The we’ll listen to songs about it, read about it in books, see Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls): “Some are born mad, it in a painting, or hear about it from a friend of a friend. some achieve madness, and some have madness thrust upon ‘em.” The only certainty here is that we’ll all have There’s a big paradox in how we all seem to want to our share of it—so it’ll probably benefit us to explore experience “something crazy” in our lives without ever the concept. having to understand those who actually have grappled with some form of true insanity. Gunhild Vike Nerås Copy Editor I’m not sitting here glorifying mental illnesses and tell- ing you that getting one is how you live life to the full- est. All we hope for with this edition is that you maybe think back to when you last experienced something truly crazy, something that could only and rightfully be called I TEACH THAT ALL MEN ARE MAD 03

INNHOLD 03 I Teach that All Men Are Mad 05 Booming Artificial Intelligence 09 Female Hysteria 12 What Do You See? 26 Despair! 28 Party In the Mouth 04 STUDENTMAGASINET MORSK, UTG. 3, 2017

BOOMING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE By: Sabri Bolkar HOW CRAZY CAN THE AI BOOM GET? Is it really just For interested readers who desire to delve into the a hype, or worse: a threat for the future of mankind? topic, these two review articles would be a great starting Considering the fact AI is already embedded in almost all point as they explain how deep neural networks or deep devices where they recognize your voice or help you find learning—the core of modern AI—actually work [4][5]. your next favorite music, it is certainly a reality. With $12.5 billion worldwide revenue in 2017, an increase of How does it work and how deep is too deep? 59.3% over 2016 [1] and with 2000 papers published just Revolutionary deep neural networks are the key ele- in March 2017 [2], AI is no longer merely a trend or gim- ments behind the great success of AI. They are not ac- mick. An artificial neural network beat its opponent with tually real neurons that can learn, but rather simulators a huge gap in a visual object detection challenge for the that behave in a similar manner as the computing cells first time in 2012, where algorithms competed to detect in our nervous system. The idea of using artificial neural common objects in images [3]. But the concept of AI is a network dates back to 1960s when perceptron, the sim- lot older than that. In this article, rather than giving you plest of all neural networks, was proposed. At that time, a historical overview, I will try to show you some of the computational power only allowed training single layer mind-blowing stuff AI algorithms can actually do, we networks (i.e. a network with only one stack of artificial will also take a stab at guessing what the next big thing neurons). Nowadays, state of the art processing units can be and what it might bring to us. allow us to train millions of neurons at the same time. BOOMING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 05

Images generated by an AI. You may ask what I actually mean by “training an artificial neuron”. Did they really put a brain cell in a computer and teach it? Well, no. And yes. It’s complicated. In modern systems, neurons are not living cells, but rather computing units that work in a similar way as the living neurons do. The reason they are called deep neural networks is that they include many layers—up to 1000 [6]. They actually grew cells in a computer chip too, but that’s a bit outside our scope. If you want to read more about that, check out Vini Gautam and her team on how they engineered highly interconnected neuronal networks on nanowire scaffolds [7]. What is real? Above you can see four images that I captured last year using my amateur camera. As you can see, I am quite fond of birds. Except they’re not real pic- tures, but instead images generated by an AI transforming textual description into photorealistic images. Yes, that’s possible. A recent AI algorithm called Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is behind this miracle [8]. For the first image, the input to the system is just “a white bird with a black crown and yellow beak”. AI as good as Edvard Munch How would Edvard Munch paint the Golden Gate Bridge? Guess what, a recent neural network is capable of figuring that out for you [9]. At the mo- ment you do not even need to paint. Life might get too boring in the future... 06 STUDENTMAGASINET MORSK, UTG. 3, 2017

How would Edvard Munch paint the Golden Gate Bridge? An AI has that figured out. Did they really put a brain cell in a computer and teach it? Well, no. And yes. It’s complicated. AIs are the best video-gamers The AI itself utilises machine learning to discover better AI takes the fun out of video games too, as a specific methods of machine learning [12]. In short: the AIs are type of learning algorithm called deep reinforcement now capable of producing and improving themselves learning is capable of beating you in an atari game, or without relying on human input. If we were to speculate recently also in a FPS game. You may also have heard the which technologies would ultimately destroy the world, computer that beat the World Go champion in 2016. AutoML might just be one of them. That was most definitely an AI, called AlphaGo, designed by a team of developers in Google DeepMind [10]. The road onward Today, almost all artificial intelligence technologies still AI designing AI depend on data, and whether deep or shallow we can Not shocked yet? Here’s a very recent piece of news that still classify them as “machine learning systems”, where might just get to you. In a recently published article (20th computer algorithms utilise the ever increasing data to of October this year), Futurism claimed that Google’s learn internal representations. AI has learned to replicate itself [11]. Google’s AutoML is a newly created project that was revealed last spring. Now we are on the verge of the next big thing. What the next boom entails, we still don’t know. What if in the BOOMING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 07

What happens if we eliminate the only dependency AI has—ourselves? future computers don’t need any more data to recognize We’re already at this stage. This is ongoing. We’re really images or voices, identify pedestrians, create paintings trying to make AIs work on their own, and completely and play video games. What if we eliminate the only separate from humans. dependency it has—ourselves? But are we actually prepared for what happens if Be ready, here is the technology that will definitely we lose control? eradicate the world as we know it: neuroevolution. Neuroevolution basically tries to trigger an evolution- ary process in a computing environment; to make AIs evolve on their own. There are already some successful works in this field where researchers use evolutionary tricks to improve machine learning algorithms [13]. Sources [1] Retrieved from [2] Retrieved from [3] Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I. & Hinton, G. ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. In Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 1090–1098 (2012). [4] Y. LeCun, Y. Bengio, and G. Hinton. Deep learning. Nature, 521:436–444, May 2015. [5] Haohan Wang and Bhiksha Raj, “On the origin of deep learning,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07800, 2017. [6] K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun, “Deep residual learning for image recognition,” arXiv:1512.03385, 2015. [7]Retrieved from [8] Zhang, H., Xu, T., Li, H., Zhang, S., Huang, X., Wang, X., and Metaxas,D. (2016). Stackgan: Text to photo-realistic image synthesis with stacked generative adversarial networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03242 . [9] Gatys, L.A., Ecker, A.S., Bethge, M.: A neural algorithm of artistic style. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.06576 (2015) [10] Silver, David et al. Mastering the game of go with deep neural networks and tree search. Nature, 529(7587):484–489, Jan 2016. Article [11] Retrieved from [12] Retrieved from [13] Retrieved from 08 STUDENTMAGASINET MORSK, UTG. 3, 2017

FEMALE HYSTERIA By: Gunhild Vike Nerås Feeling faint or nervous? Having trouble sleeping? In the old days, there’s a good chance you’d be diagnosed with hysteria—a disorder no longer recognized by medical authorities that used to put women in asylums. THERE’S ALWAYS BEEN SOME CONSENSUS on what the woman’s body, “blocking passages, obstructing breath- truly insane looks like. The image of artist Van Gogh ing, and causing disease”. cutting off his own ear comes to mind, or perhaps Lady Caroline Lamb, who after breaking up with the English It sounds bonkers, but remember: medicine has al- poet Lord Byron sent him a bloody clump of her own ways been a developing field full of theories and ideas pubic hair (and perhaps even more extraordinary, the that in hindsight seem completely disconnected from fact that Byron cherished this keepsake until his death, all reason, but which at the time probably made some allegedly carrying it with him always). There has always sense. Remember lobotomy? While it’s generally agreed been some consensus worldwide and regardless of cul- upon today that scraping away most of the connections tures, on what crazy is and does. to and from the prefrontal cortex in the brain is bad for us, this was once a mainstream procedure in treating But certain historical periods has also come up with psychiatric conditions. Although controversial from the their own takes on what is considered “crazy”. One of start, lobotomy remained a standard procedure which these is the “female hysteria”, a condition that was first from the 1940s to 1951 saw almost 20,000 lobotomies recognized back in ancient Greece. The name, hysteria, performed in the United States alone. is Greek for “uterus”, chosen because the greeks thought the disorder was caused by a woman’s uterus, which they The concept of the pathological wandering womb, assumed was a living creature that wandered through a hysteria, survived from ancient Greece and well into the 19th century. In 1859, a physician named George FEMALE HYSTERIA 09

In extreme cases, the woman may have been forced to enter an insane asylum or to have undergone surgical hysterectomy—removal of the uterus. Taylor allegedly claimed that a quarter of all women obviously couldn’t handle that kind of responsibility suffered from it. There was a wide array of symptoms, themselves. The professionals applied vegetable oil to including faintness, nervousness, sexual desire, insom- women’s genitals and then massaged them with one nia, fluid retention, heaviness in the abdomen, shortness or two fingers inside and the heel of the hand pressing of breath, irritability, loss of appetite for food or sex, and against the clitoris. With this type of massage, women a “tendency to cause trouble”. had orgasms and experienced sudden, dramatic relief In extreme cases, the woman may have been forced to from hysteria. But doctors didn’t call women’s climaxes enter an insane asylum or to have undergone surgical orgasms. They called them “paroxysms” because every- hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Although, if the one knew that women were incapable of sexual feelings, uterus is moving—wouldn’t it be kind of hard to find? so they could not possibly experience orgasm. For less severe cases, there was fortunately a reliable, socially accepted treatment: masturbation. During the early 20th century, the number of women Before the 19th century, doctors understood women diagnosed with female hysteria sharply declined. As had libidos and told them to use dildos to relieve their diagnostic techniques improved, the number of ambig- sexual frustration (which didn’t help much, because as uous cases that earlier would’ve been caught under the you all hopefully know, regular intercourse does not catchall diagnosis hysteria went down. Epilepsy, for in- bring the average woman to orgasm). By the 19th century stance, was frequently confused with hysteria before the however, arbiters of decency had succeeded in demoniz- introduction of electroencephalography (EEG). Many ing masturbation as «self-abuse», largely removing the cases that had previously been labeled hysteria were also option. The only exception was when it was adminis- reclassified as anxiety neuroses. And last, but not least: tered by doctors or midwives, because untrained women a lot of woman diagnosed with hysteria would probably 10 STUDENTMAGASINET MORSK, UTG. 3, 2017

For less severe cases, there was fortunately a reliable, socially accepted treatment: masturbation. not be diagnosed with anything at all in today’s society. Today, female hysteria is no longer a recognized illness, but different manifes- tations of hysteria are recognized in other conditions such as schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, conversion disorder, and anxiety attacks. To sum it up, hysteria is one of those conditions that turned out to not be conditions, but rather an aspect of other mental illnesses. Hysterics, as such, might still be crazy—but certainly less so than the history surrounding the term. Sources Maines, Rachel P. (1998). The Technology of Orgasm: “Hysteria”, the Vibrator, and Women’s Sexual Satisfaction. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-6646-4. King, Helen (1993). “Once upon a text: Hysteria from Hippocrates”. In Gilman, Sander; King; Porter, Helen; Rousseau, G.S.; Showalter, Elaine. Hysteria beyond Freud. University of California Press. pp. 3–90. ISBN 0-520-08064-5. Hall, Lesley. “Doctors masturbating women as a cure for hysteria/’Victorian vibrators’”. Retrieved October 29th 2016. FEMALE HYSTERIA 11

DSWEOHE?YATOU An illustration series by Yvon Gankema and Rebekka Sofie Bardal Johannessen 12 STUDENTMAGASINET MORSK, UTG. 3, 2017

Psychologists have been quarreling over the Rorschach Inkblot Test for half a century. Since its birth in the early nineties, scientists have argued that the test is well-nigh worthless—a pseudoscientific modern variant on tea leaf reading and Tarot cards. Introduced in 1921 by the Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach, the Ror- schach test bears a charming resemblance to a party game.The ambiguous inkblots tell a different story to every person who looks at them, and when scored and interpreted by an expert, people’s responses to the blots are said to provide a full and penetrating portrait of their personalities. But the scientific evidence for the Rorschach has always been feeble. By 1965, research psychologists had concluded that the test was useless for most purposes for which it was used. The biggest problem: Rorschach tends to mislabel most normal people as “sick”. In addition, the test cannot detect most psychological disorders, or do an adequate job of detecting most per- sonality traits (Lilienfeld 1999; Lilienfeld, Wood, and Garb 2000). When the supposedly extraordinary insight of Rorschach experts has been tested in rigorously controlled studies, results have been disappointing. Even so there are still many clinicians in almost religious awe of the test, more or less ignoring its tattered scientific status. WHAT DO YOU SEE? 13













DESPAIR! By: Amici Nybråten A white bedroom A table and a chair A window with bars In the prison of care Fist-marks on the walls It’s me against the people I do not despise them I just don’t want the sequel The sequel to my emptiness To all of my confusion Instead I want the world So what’s with my exclusion? Well I can’t get myself How couldn’t I be happy? A world of opportunities So why was I so crappy? I wanna know that body That body of knowledge That’ll bring me out of cycles And set sail to my voyage! 26 STUDENTMAGASINET MORSK, UTG. 3, 2017

Do you know that, reader? That picture and that map That compass to your bliss To make you not snap? If you do I will find you And I’ll crack it all open! Your magnificent mind Maybe I’ll be unbroken But you probably don’t know People never seem to do And I’ll go on freaking out Like a petty little corkscrew But really who knows it? Who carries that secret? That key to our calm Or did we all just forget it? Is happiness all an accident? Like a DNA roulette? Or is there a recipe So this corkscrew can forget… DESPAIR! 27

PARTY IN THE MOUTH? By: Chian Huoy Low For most of us, food quickly becomes this mundane routine thing we do everyday in order to stay alive. However, especially in the world of delicacies and national food treasures, food can be great. And horrible. A circus of colorful, smelly, tasty things which are sometimes downright disturbing. We’ve picked out our top six weird dishes for this month’s theme. Be honest— would you try them? Balut – South East Asia Sannakji – South Korea Balut is fertilised duck egg, meaning there’s a partly de- Love raw salmon sushi and sashimi? Alright, but would veloped embryo inside. That’s right—the beginning of you dare to eat a live octopus if it appeared on your plate? a baby duck lies inside the egg as it is boiled and then Sannakji is one of the raw delicacies in South Korea. It eaten from the shell with salt, chilli, and vinegar. Think consists of an octopus cut into small pieces while still that’s gross? The party actually starts before that, since alive before being seasoned with sesame oil, salt, pepper, you’re supposed to tap a hole in the top of the shell, and sesame seeds. Interestingly, the nerve activity in the suck out the savoury liquid within and then crunch octopus’ tentacles makes the detached limbs continue down the rest of what’s inside—feathers, bones and all. to move and grip even after being cut off and soaked in The locals claims that men eating balut will increase oil. So while swallowing, the suction cups on the arm their sexual performance. Look out for this treat when pieces are still active and can stick to your mouth and travelling through Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, throat. It can actually be a choking hazard for some peo- Philippines, and Cambodia. ple, particularly if intoxicated. Mom’s advice about not talking so much while you’re eating suddenly rings true... 28 STUDENTMAGASINET MORSK, UTG. 3, 2017

Kopi Luwak – Indonesia Kopi luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, and if you’re a coffee lover you might know already how this particular type of coffee bean is pro- cessed. Also known as “civet coffee”, the raw, red coffee beans are eaten by the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus), a member of the cat family which then digest the outer soft part of the bean while passing the inner beans whole through its excretions. The bean-poops are then hand-picked by the locals and roasted. It is claimed that the digestion process of the little animals adds a different flavour to the beans, removing their bitterness. Therefore Kopi Luwak is considered as “the smoothest coffee that is known to mankind”. If you’re wondering about the price for this literally shitty coffee, Kopi Luwak can cost you between $100 and $600 a pound, and $50 per cup. If you can afford it and want to try, pack your bags and head for Sumatra, Bali, Java, and Sulawesi across Indonesia. They’ll have you covered. Bird’s nest soup – China Bird’s nest soup is an Asian delicacy that food lovers must pay top dollar to procure. Bird’s nest soup is, indeed, the edible nests made from the saliva of cave-dwelling swifts. The nests are formed along cave walls and are extremely difficult to obtain even by experienced climbers. Bird’s nest is known for it’s high protein and collagen, and have been served to royalty and higher-ups for centuries, renowned for their ability to stimulate the libido. The soup is one of the most expensive animal-based dishes in the world; save it for a special anniversary occasion! Haggis – Scotland The Scottish national dish contains sheep’s heart, liver, and lungs, mixed with oatmeal, onion, spices, and stock. Traditionally stuffed into a sheep’s stomach and simmered, this hearty dish dates back to the 1400s and is today served as the main course of a Burns supper on Robert Burns Day. A great source of iron and fibre, it is typically eaten with “tatties and neeps” (mashed potatoes and turnips), it is often served with a dram of Scotch whisky to get it all down. Today, Haggis is conveniently available ready-made straight from the grocery store. Tuna eyeball – Japan In Tsukiji fish market (築地市場 Tsukiji shijō), the biggest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world, you might see fishmongers carving out fresh tuna eyeballs directly from their huge heads. There are boiled and then seasoned to taste. The taste is apparently similar to squid, and as a bonus the eyeball comes surrounded by fish fat and severed muscles that are also supposedly quite tasty. Beside buying this well-cooked delicacy in the street stalls, you also get this in most Japanese stores—for just 1 USD! PARTY IN THE MOUTH! 29

LITT MORSK? Irriterer du deg når folk vet smertefullt lite om noe du bryr deg om? Blir du noen ganger forbauset over hvor mange rare tanker du har i omløp? Har du noen gang blitt beskyldt for å være altfor nerd, altfor flink, eller altfor kranglete...eller kanskje litt streng? Studentmagasinet Morsk er en nylig opprettet forening som tar sikte på å publisere featurestoff for studenter på ntnu Gjøvik. Vi har plass til alle, men særlig deg som tør og vil litt mer. Med utgangspunkt i to temabaserte utgaver per semester, håper vi å fungere som faglig arena hvor engasjerte studenter kan utvikle egne evner innenfor tekst, design, konsept og arbeid i team. Tema bestemmer vi selv. Vi er ikke noe nyhetsmagasin – i alle fall ikke ennå. Kanskje vi blir det. Kanskje du blir den som tar initiativ til å utvikle en nettplattform hvor vi publiserer dagsaktuelt stoff. Eller kanskje du bare vil stå på fotograflista og ta et oppdrag i ny og ne. Eller bli skribent, fast eller som en engangsgreie. I Morsk får du selv velge hva du vil jobbe med, og om du vil være med på det lange løpet har du en reell påvirkningskraft både når det gjelder valg av tema og veien videre for magasinet. Vi vil gi rom til å tenke både inni og utenfor boksen, og enten du vil skrive, ta bilder, jobbe med design eller bare lese korrektur, er målet vårt å gi deg noe å vise til etter endt studietid – aller helst noe du kan være skikkelig stolt av.


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