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Home Explore January-February Magazine for Sweis, Inc.

January-February Magazine for Sweis, Inc.

Published by Sweis, Inc., 2018-12-21 11:01:31

Description: January-February Magazine for Sweis, Inc. Check out our current sale and promotions in the latest edition.


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SHOP BY BRAND Dear Friends,ALOXXI......................................... PG 4 As 2018 comes to a close, I want to take aBABE............................................PG 16 moment to personally thank you for being aBRAZILIAN BLOWOUT................PG 20 valued customer of Sweis, Inc. We appreciateCOLORPROOF ..................... PG 14 - 15 your loyalty to Sweis and the brands we offer.ETHICA......................................... PG 3FRAMAR .....................................PG 20 Our mission is to provide you with the very bestHYDROPEPTIDE ......................... PG 23 in products, service, and education. It is ourIT’S A 10 ...................................... PG 17 goal to contribute to your business by providingKERATIN COMPLEX ............... PG 10 - 11 you with ideas and tools to help you to thriveLIVING PROOF ............................. PG 8 and grow. As we head into the new year theLOMA ........................................... PG 5 idea foremost in our minds is finding new waysMILBON ......................................PG 9 to increase visibility and exposure to ultimatelyMOROCCANOIL .................... PG 6 - 7 gain more business. In today’s digital age theNEUMA ....................................... PG 13 fastest and easiest way to increase recognitionOLIGO ........................................ PG 12 is through the use of social media.PIERRE F ..................................... PG 24PRIVÉ............................................ PG 21 ••Here374.a1%rbeiolslfoiocmnoenpsienuotmeperleerssattirrneugsatsctstaiovtciesitasilocnsceitaotlwmcooernkdssiiadtoeusrg:eurisde them throughREUZEL ...................................... PG 22 purchasing decisionsSAINTS & SINNERS ..................... PG 22 • 92% of consumers trust online recommendations from people theySTYLE EDIT .................................. PG 18 know rather than brand advertisingESSENTIALS & TOOLS.........PG 25 -27THERMAFUSE............................. PG 24 With so much attention on social media, as a small business owner,VERB ...........................................PG 19 it is in your best interest to ensure that you are keeping up with the trend. Gone are the days of expensive print marketing and advertising with limited visibility. By implementing a few quick, easy and FREE strategies into your business you will build brand awareness, increase your customer base and connect with current clients. The use of social media will make it easier for customers to find you. It will aid in customer retention, loyalty and overall satisfaction. Here are a few steps to increase your visibility: 1. Establish or update social media accounts for your business (Facebook and Instagram are the best tools for the beauty industry) 2. Spend a few hours each week to post pictures or videos of your work and to share information about the products you use 3. Engage with your clients by connecting with them, featuring and tagging them As a parting thought, “the amount of influence someone has isn’t based on the size of their following but rather the TRUST they have with the audience”. By connecting with your clients through social media you are establishing a level of transparency that will translate into a high level of trust. Wishing you a successful 2019. Thank you again for your partnership. KSinacrelrelSy, weisOffers available while supplies last. Prices are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to limit the quantities and correct pricing errors. Illustrations may not reflect the actual size of the product for sale. No reproduction is allowed without written permission from Sweis, Inc. © 2019 SWEIS, Inc.2 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

Advanced scalp, anti-aging and hair growth benefitsETH-438001 ETH-438002 ETH-438003 ETH-438004VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 3

Buy 18 Tubes of Chroma SAVE NEW! 10AAGet 1 New Shades Kit FREE 27% 8NAMT CHROMA$117.00 Shades 9AA 7NAMTSalon Value $160.75 $6.50/EACHIncludes: 8AA Choose From: 5NAMT6AA - Truffle of Fun8AA - Notte or Nice CC06AA 6AA - Truffle of Fun 6AA9AA - Whisper in Milan CCO8AA 8AA - Notte or Nice10AA - Steel Me to Italy CCO9AA 9AA - Whisper in Milan5NAMT - Duchess at Dusk CC10AA 10AA - Steel Me to Italy7NAMT - A Latte Colore CC05NAMT 5NAMT - Duchess at Dusk8NAMT - Mambo Italiano CC07NAMT 7NAMT - A Latte ColoreUpdated Chroma Swatch Book Strips CC08NAMT 8NAMT - Mambo ItalianoALO-CHNSK REVAMP YOUR LOOK with these hues that control warmth for a cool & edgy finish.Buy 6 Tubes of Andiamo Buy 6 Tubes of TonesGet ColorPrime Pre-Color Get 1 Freehand 6xTreatment 10.1 oz. FREE 6x Lightener 14.1 oz. FREE$43.50 SAVE $39.00 SAVESalon Value $64.50 33% 33% Salon Value $58.00ALO-AND+CP ALO-TONE+FHSAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE30% 25% 25% 25%ColourLock Post-Color Essential 7 Dry Oil Lightweight WorkingFinisher 16.9 oz. Shine Mist 3.4 oz. Sculpting Wax 6 oz. Hairspray 9.1 oz.$18.38 $9.94 $7.88 $7.13Salon Value $26.25 Salon Value $13.25 Salon Value $10.50 Salon Value $9.50SPCL500 STE7SS100 STLSW179 STWSP3004 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

new look SAVE 25% SAVE 25%Cleanse & Condition Style Stock UpStock Up $125.25$132.75Salon Value $177.00 Salon Value $167.00 SAVEPurchase 2 Each: 25% Purchase 2 Each:Violet Shampoo 12 oz. Buy 9 Get 3 FREE Maximum Volumizing Solution 8 oz.Violet Conditioner 12 oz. Nourishing Oil Treatment 3.4 oz.Moisturizing Shampoo 12 oz. Calming Creme Anti-Frizz Fortifying Repairative Tonic 3.4 oz.Moisturizing Conditioner 12 oz. Leave-In Styling Creme 8.5 oz. Smoothing Creme 8 oz.Nourishing Shampoo 12 oz. Calming Creme 8.45 oz.Nourishing Conditioner 12 oz. $85.50 Curvy Creme 8 oz.Daily Shampoo 12 oz. Fiber Putty 3 oz.Daily Conditioner 12 oz. Salon Value $114.00 Firm Hold Gel 8 oz.Deep Conditioner 8 oz. L-CA8-BUY9 Receive FREEReceive FREE: 3 Easel Cards3 Easel Cards 5 Brochures5 Brochures 1 Window Cling1 Window Cling 1 Mirror Cling1 Mirror Cling L-STYLE-STOCKUPL-CLEANSE-STOCKUPVISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 5

Helping you Keep your New Year's Resolution SAVE NEW YEAR 18% Treatment Promotion GREAT FOR $77.00 RETAIL, BACKBAR Salon Value $94.00 Includes:& SAMPLING! 4 Original Treatment 3.4 oz. 6 Original Treatment 0.34 oz. Choose from: PRO1735US Original PRO1736US Light Start the year off right and save on our award-winning foundation for hairstyling!GYM REFRESH GYM REFRESHDARK LIGHT$12.75 $12.75Includes: Includes:Orignal Treatment .85 oz. Light Treatment .85 oz.Dry Shampoo Dark 1.7 oz. Dry Shampoo Light 1.7 oz.Moroccanoil Water Bottle 20 oz. Moroccanoil Water Bottle 20 oz.PRO1908US PRO1909USThis new year, refresh yourself inside and out! Perfect for on-the-gobeauty, this set pairs our Dry Shampoo with Moroccanoil Treatment and features a beautifully-branded Moroccanoil water bottle.6 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

Hydrate Duo SAVE 20%$32.00Salon Value: $40.50Includes 1 Each:Hydrating Shampoo 16.9 oz.Hydrating Conditioner 16.9 ozPRO1903USSAVE Repair Duo20% $34.00 Salon Value $42.50 SAVE Includes 1 Each: 20% Repair Shampoo 16.9 oz. Repair Conditioner 16.9 oz. PRO1904USColor ContinueDuo$35.50Salon Value $44.50Includes 1 Each:Color Continue 16.9 oz.Color Continue 16.9 oz.PRO1901USSAVE Volume Duo20% $34.00 Salon Value $42.50 SAVE Includes 1 Each: 20% Extra Volume Shampoo 16.9 oz. Extra Volume Conditioner 16.9 oz. PRO1902USSmoothing Duo$39.00Salon Value $49.00Includes 1 Each:Smoothing Shampoo 16.9 oz.Smoothing Conditioner 16.9 oz.PRO1905USVISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 7

NEW! Restore Dry Scalp Treatment* SAVE PhD Triple Detox 36% Shampoo IntroSoothe and hydrate your client’s scalp $168.00$16.00 Salon Value $262.50LP-02393 Purchase 12: SAVE PhD Triple Detox Shampoo 5.4 oz. 41% Receive FREE:Restore Dry ScalpTreatment Intro 1 PhD Triple Detox Shampoo 32 oz. 20 PhD Triple Detox Shampoo Samples 1 oz.$160.00 1 Sample Holder 1 Mirror ClingSalon Value $272.00 12 Hard Water Indicator TestsPurchase 10: LP-02461Restore Dry Scalp Treatment 3.4 oz. BUY 5 GET 1 FREEReceive FREE: PhD Triple Detox Shampoo 5.4 oz.2 Restore Dry Scalp Treatment 3.4 oz.10 Restore Perfecting Spray 1.7 oz. $70.001 Easel SignLP-02462 Salon Value $84.00 SKU LP-TDS5+1BUY 5 GET 1 FREE NEW! Perfect hair DayRestore Dry Scalp Triple Detox Shampoo*Treatment 3.4 oz. Gently removes buildup from product, pollution + hard water$80.00 $14.00Salon Value $96.00 LP-02371SKU LP-RDS5+1 *Promos Available FebruaryRestore Core Promotion 18% Off Liters$174.00 $24.19Salon Value $254.00 SAVE Salon Value $29.50Purchase 6 Each: 31% LP-01308 No Frizz Shampoo LP-01309 No Frizz ConditionerRestore Shampoo 8 oz.Restore Conditioner 8 oz. LP-01306 Full Shampoo LP-01307 Full ConditionerReceive 12 Each FREE: LP-01304 Restore Shampoo LP-01305 Restore ConditionerRestore Mask Treatment 1 oz. LP-01543 Perfect Hair Day Shampoo LP-01544 Perfect Hair Day ConditionerLP-024598 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

PURIFY, HYDRATE AND REPAIR HAIRYOUR WINTER ROUTINE IS IN THE SAVE SAVEBAG WITH THESE CARE DUOS 25% 25%Repair and reconstruct severely damaged hair Purchase: Purchase:with the REPAIR collection. This restorative 1 Restorative Shampoo 6.8 fl. oz. 1 Purifying Gel Shampoo 6.8 fl. oz.shampoo gently cleanses and protects fragile 1 Restorative Treatment 7.1 fl. oz. 1 HydratingTreatment 7.1 fl. oz.strands from friction while the treatment deeply Receive Free: Receive Free:nourishes and safeguards from further damage. 1 Milbon pouch ($40.00 retail value) 1 Milbon pouch ($40.00 retail value) Salon Price: $30.00 Salon Price: $30.00Detox and purify with our SCALP collection. The MLB-RSDUOJF19 MLB-PGDUOJF19unique formula combats five scalp conditionsincluding itchiness, dandruff, dryness, oilinessand odor caused by fatty acid buildup.VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 9

SAVE 10% Addicted to Smooth $170.00 Salon Value $189.00 Purchase 1 Each: Express Blow-Out 16 oz. Receive 1 Each FREE Clarifying Shampoo 16 oz. Smoothing Quick Guide Brochure KCADSMTHNEW SIZE & NEW LOOK! Express Your Color Introducing our brand new look and 16 oz. size $305.00 of Express Blow Out (EBO). Salon Value $338.00This express keratin smoothing service delivers polished, more manageable hair in just 1 hour, with results Purchase 1 Each: that last up to 6 weeks. Express Blowout Liter Receive 1 Each FREE: KeraLuminous Light Copper Golden Blonde 8.43/CG KeraLuminous Dark Mahogany Blonde 6.5/6RV KeraLuminous Intense Copper .44/CC Developer 20 Volume 32 oz. Express Your Color Technique Card KCEXPCLR SAVE 10%10 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

SAVE SAVE 23% 31% Kera-Timeless Vital for Blonde $153.00 $78.00 Salon Value $199.00 Salon Value $112.00 Purchase 18 Each: Purchase 3 Each: Keralumnious Shades (Stylists Choice) It’s A Blonde Thing 1 lb Receive 1 Each FREE: Receive 1 Each FREE: Timeless Color Fade-Defy Shampoo 33.8 oz. Vitalshot 10-Pack Timeless Color Fade-Defy Conditioner 33.8 oz. KCVTBL Color Wall Chart KCKRTMLS SAVE 25%SAVE 13% Klear Brilliance The Mini Smoother $90.00 $127.50 Salon Value $104.00 Salon Value $170.00 Purchase 12 Each: Purchase 3 Each: Kerabrilliance Shades (Stylists Choice) Intense RX 1 oz. Infusion 4 oz. Receive 1 Each FREE: Receive 1 Each FREE Kerabrilliance Clear Activator 6 Volume 32 oz. Intense RX 1 oz. KCKLRBR Infusion 4 oz. KCMNSMTHRVISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 11

LIMITED EDITION Blacklight Lighteners Sampling Kit $21.50 Includes 1 Each: Blacklight Extra Blonde 1.6 oz. Blacklight Cool Toned Blonde 1.6 oz. Blacklight Balayage 0.7 oz. Blacklight Cream 2 oz. Blacklight Smart Developer 8.2 oz. Mini Blacklight Portfolio OGBLSMPKITSAVE SAVE Misael’s16% 19% Favorites Kit Blacklight $30.50 18-in-1 Salon Value $37.80 Hair Beautifier Includes 1 Each: $63.00 Blowout Mist 8.5 oz. Powder Pump Volume 0.32 oz. Salon Value $75.00 Dry Texture Spray 7 oz. Includes: OGMFK 6 18-in-1 Hair Beautifier 8.5 oz. 1 Display Box OGBL18BOXSAVE SAVE 14% 25% Buy 24 Tubes of Colour Funk Hue Shades Get an Oligo Cape FREE Buy 3 Get 1 Free $199.00 $25.50 Salon Value $230.50 Salon Value $34.00 MIX & MATCH MIX & MATCH OGCLRCAPE12 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

NAT U R A L LY A D D I C T I V ECleanse. Condition. Treat$27.50Salon Value $37.00Purchase 1 Each:reNeu Shampoo 10.1 oz.reNeu Condition 8.5 oz.Recieve 1 Each FREE:neuMoisture Intensive Masque 2.5 oz.NM-CCTSAVE26% SAVE 32% SAVE 12%Restyle. Reshape Restore & Repair$25.50 $27.50Salon Value $29.00 Salon Value $40.25 Purchase 1 Each:Purchase 1 Each: neuMoisture Shampoo 10.1 oz.neuStying Texturizer 3.4 oz. neuMoisture Condition 8.5 oz.neuStyling Extender 8.5 oz. Receive 1 Each FREE:Receive 1 Each FREE: neuRepair Argan Oil 2.5 oz.Neuma Detangling Comb NM-RESTREPNM-RRSTYLE JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 13VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717

SAVE 25% SuperRich Transformation Kit $34.13 Salon Value $45.50 Includes 1 Each: SuperRich Moisture Shampoo 8.5 oz. SuperRich Moisture Condition 8.5 oz. Fiberblast Texture Creme 2.5 oz. 80P1218-1 SAVE 8x 25% 25% OFF PlushLocks ActivationPRO SIZES $30.00Shampoo & Conditions 25.4 oz. Salon Value $40.00 Purchase 2 Each: PlushLocks Leave-In Smooth 6.7 oz. Receive 8 Each Free: CrazySmooth Anti-Frizz Trio Packettes 30P1218-314 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

BioRepair-8 System Intro$256.00 SAVE 39%Salon Value $418.00Purchase:3 BioRepair-8 Therapy Kit2 BioRepair-8 Try Me Kit1 BioRepair-8 Stem Cell Scalp SerumReceive FREE:1 BioRepair-8 Anti-Thinning Shampoo 25.4 oz.1 BioRepair-8 Anti-Thinning Condition 25.4 oz.3 BioRepair Sample Trio1 Exfoliation Scalp Brush25BRINTROSuperPlump System Intro ALL FRE$184.50 12xESalon Value $272.50 SAVE ALL FREE 32%Purchase: 20x2 SuperPlump Volumizing Shampoo 8.5 oz. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 152 SuperPlump Volumizing Condition 8.5 oz.1 LiftIt Foam Mousse 9 oz.1 Hardcore Epic Hold Hairspray 9 oz.1 SuperPlump Thickening Blow Dry Spray 5.1 oz.1 PowderFix Instant Volume Texture Powder Spray .40 oz.1 SuperPlump Volumizing Shampoo 25.4 oz.1 SuperPlump Volumizing Shampoo 25.4 oz.Receive FREE:12 Superplump Shampoo/Condition Packette Duo1 ClearItUp Detox Shampoo 8.5 oz.1 Brand Brochure1 Luxe Travel Bag80P1218-3SuperRich System Intro$189.00 SAVESalon Value $290.00Purchase: 35%2 SuperRich Moisture Shampoo 8.5 oz.2 SuperRich Moisture Condition 8.5 oz.1 DeepQuench Moisture Masque 5.2 oz.1 SuperRich Split Ends Mender 3.4 oz.1 SuperRich Daily Intensive Moisture Treatment 6.7 oz.1 SuperRich Moisture Shampoo 25.4 oz.1 SuperRich Moisture Condition 25.4 oz.Receive FREE:1 ClearItUp Detox Shampoo 8.5 oz.20 SuperRich Moisture Packette Trio1 Brand Brochure1 Luxe Travel Bag80P1218-2VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717

ONLINE EDUCATION RELAUNCHGet Certi ed in Hair Extensions Tape-Ins │ I-Tip │ Flat-Tip │ FusionUpdated & Refreshed Instant Certi cationFeaturing brand new videos Join the list as one of Babe’s certified hairUp-to-date Instruction extension artists!Learn everything you need Lash Extensionsto know from Kari Fuller,our Director of Education It’s time to get certified! Become a lash extension artist today!leIt’s ntim&ee ton!16 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS! Visit to learn more

Keratin CollectionStylist Intro$110.00Salon Value $141.00Purchase 3 Each:Miracle Shampoo Plus Keratin 10 oz.Miracle Deep Conditioner Plus Keratin 5 oz.Miracle Leave-In Plus Keratin 4 oz.Receive 1 Each FREE:It’s a 10 Window ClingAcrylic Countertop DisplayIAT-KCBRI SAVE 21%VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 17

The Stylist Starter Collection $50.00 Salon Value $106.00 Collection Sample Box Includes: 1 collection brochure and 9 testers: 2 brunette beauty root concealer (black/dark brown, medium/light brown) 1 brunette beauty root touch-up (lightest brown/medium blonde) 1 blonde perfection root concealer (medium blonde) 2 blonde perfection root touch-up (light blonde, dark blonde) 3 drop red gorgeous root touch-up (light red, medium red, dark red) STE-KIT26 SAVE 47%18 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

volume hydrate VBPRO1901US Volume $14.00 VBPRO1903US Hydrating $14.00sea ghostVBPRO1902US Sea $14.00 VBPRO1904US Ghost $14.00duos include shampoo + conditioner 12 oz. + free bag!VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 19

SAVE 33%b3 Large Salon Intro SAVE b3 Demi Permanent 33% Conditioner Kit$499.00 $165.00Salon Value $750.00Includes: Salon Value $245.501 b3 Brazilian Bond Builder 17 oz. Purchase 1:1 b3 Demi Permanent Conditioner 34 oz.2 b3 Color Care Shampoo 12 oz. b3 Demi Permanent Conditioner 34 Fl. Oz. 2 b3 Color Care Conditioner 12 oz.2 b3 Reconstructor 6 oz. Receive 1 Each FREE:4 b3 Ionic Color Lock 4.75 oz.3 b3 Color Brushes b3 Brazilian Bond Builder 4 Fl. Oz. 3 b3 Color Bowls Dosage Syringe1 b3 Professional Apron b3 Color Applicator Brush3 b3 Color Capes b3 Color Bowl1 b3 Mirror Cling1 b3 Easel Card 3 pk. BB37001 Demi Permanent Conditioner Easel Card 1 Demi Permanent Conditioner Mirror ClingBB355020 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

SAVE 32% zero gravity volume $30.00 Salon Value $44.00 Purchase: amp up shampoo 8 oz. amp up conditioner 8 oz. Receive 1 Each FREE: shining weightless amplifier 6.85 oz. PRV9029VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 21

SAVE SAVE SAVE 13% 12% 24%12x NEW! Super Size It Salon Value Up to $20.50 Choose from: REU056 Grooming Tonic 16.9 oz. $9.00 REU057 Hair Tonic 16.9 oz. $8.50 GET THE SUPER SIZE FOR NEW! Fiber Gel 6.76 oz. THE REGULAR SIZE PRICE! Buy Any 6 Pomades 4 oz. $49.90 12x Get 12 Daily Shampoo Samples FREE Salon Value $65.88 RZPOM+SAMP Purchase 5 Each: Fiber Gel 6.76 oz. Receive FREE: 1 Fiber Gel 6.76 12 Fiber Gel Samples RZFIBERKIT Buy 3 Get 1 Free Velvet Divine Leave-In Conditioner 8.5 oz. $51.00 Salon Value $68.00 Velvet Divine Dry Finish Texture SS-VDLI2503+1 Spray 6.5 oz. $39.75 Salon Value $53.00 SS-VDTS3+122 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

New Items Available at Sweis! AquaBoost Cleansing Gel 6 oz. Oil-Free Hydrator 1 oz. $23.00 $34.00 HPRCG HPRAB This all-in-one anti-aging gentle cleanser Even acneic skin needs hydration, and this effectively removes dirt and excess oil blemish-busting, light-as-air gel moisturizer while toning and lifting away all traces works to absorb excess oil while delivering of makeup without over-drying. just the right amount of moisture to keep skin feeling and looking balanced and clear. Balancing Mask Cranberry Firm.A.Fix Pomegranate .5oz Nectar 1.7 oz. $16.00 $60.00 HPRBAM HPFN A unique anti-aging mask, This luxurious gel-serum tones and providing skin with a protective sculpts the neck and décolleté using a shield that keeps it balanced, calm, revolutionary epigenetic blend of hydrated and youthful looking. anti-gravity, anti-wrinkle and collagen-boosting peptides. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 23VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717

NEW AT SWEIS!21 Minute Miracle Detoxifying Collagen Purify Collagen Clay MaskCollagen & Gold Peel Off Mask Cucumber Turmeric 5.9 oz.Peel Off Mask 5.9 oz. Cucumber Turmeric 5.9 oz. $9.00$9.00 $9.00 1074110631 10641 SAVE 37% HeatSmart Liter Duo $24.00 Salon Value $38.00 TFHSLDShampoo & Conditioner Liter Duos SAVE 32%$22.50 Smooth Balance SAVE Liter DuoSalon Value $36.50 38%Choose From: $30.00 Salon Value $44.00TFCCLD Color CareTFMLD Moisture TFSBLDTFVLD VolumeTFTDLD Thermadan24 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

STYLIST ESSENTIALS & TOOLSFeatherweightCompact Folding Dryer$75.00#88334676851SinglePass X 1.5” Twirl Convertible BodyWaverWide Iron Curling Iron 1.25” White & Rose GoldWhite & Rose Gold Interchangeable Barrel $80.00$115.00 $97.50 8833497359288334973541 88334976577 Whirl Convertible Styling Wand 1.25” Interchangeable Barrel $97.50 88334976581VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 25

STYLIST ESSENTIALS & TOOLSTOUGHNESS. SHARPNESS. PRECISION. StyleCraft Dryer Professional Hair $99.95 Clipper & Trimmer SCTP3000W $127.99 Shmedium Iron ER-GP21-K $29.95 MADE IN JAPAN SKU SCSH58W Professional Hair Clipper $199.99 ER-GP80-K MADE IN JAPAN NEW! Wet Brush Pro Detangler $7.00 Choose From: BWP830PROP Pink BWP830PROB Teal BWP830PROBK Black Pro Paddle Detangler $8.00 Choose From: BWP831PURPNW Purple BWP831BLACKNW BlackTHE HEALTHY WAY TO BRUSH YOUR HAIR Flex Dry Teal OmbreHow you brush your hair is the key to strong and healthy hair and thesingle most overlooked step in hair care. Hair is weakest when wet and $7.00pulling at it can snap it like a rubber band. This is why you should brushwith a tool that gently loosens knots without pulling or breaking hair. BWP800FXTOM26 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 COME VISIT ONE OF OUR 7 STORE LOCATIONS!

STYLIST ESSENTIALS & TOOLSBlack Nitrile Glove 5x11 Pop Up100 Count Silver 500 ct$14.99 $12.99Choose From: PU-500SILBNG-LRG LargeBNG-MED MediumBNG-SML Small Backwards Bib 5x11 Pop Up Rosé All Day $13.99 500 ct. BB-CLR $16.99 PU-500RGFROMM Shear Artistry 8th Sense Dryer + Transform Natures Touch StylerEvergreen Towels $39.99 $300.00$14.99 Salon Value $414.90 S2A8V%E FRO-F1009 FRO-65017 Choose from: REDLIPSTICK+NT Red Lipstick Deal ICYSILVER+NT Icy Silver Deal + COPPER+NT Sunset Copper DealShear Artistry Shear ArtistryDare Invent $69.99 $54.99FRO-F1020 FRO-F1017VISIT US ONLINE AT SWEISINC.COM | 877.633.1717 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2019 27

SWEISINC.COMREGISTER ONLINE TODAY ATTO SHOP 24/7 | ORDER ONLINE | VIEW LATEST PROMOSCHECK FOR UPCOMING SALES, EDUCATIONAL EVENTS, AND GREAT SAVINGS!STORE LOCATIONS /SWEISINCPBS /SWEISINC /SWEISINCENCINO LAKE FOREST RENO SAN DIEGO TORRANCE VEGAS EAST VEGAS WEST15605 Ventura Blvd. 23784 Mercury Rd. 4950 Kietzke Lane 1400 Camino De La Reina 23760 Hawthorne Blvd. 8810 S Maryland Pkwy. 2550 S. Rainbow Blvd.Encino, CA 91436 Lake Forest, CA 92630 #101 #104 Torrance, CA 90505 #100 Ste. E-20 Reno, NV 89509 San Diego, CA 92108 Las Vegas, NV 89123 Las Vegas, NV 89146818.386.0304 949.587.1514 877.633.1717 775.382.1392 619.294.3040 702.754.1235 702.902.2434

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