NOV-DEC 2016winterSTYLINGholidayGIFT IDEAS Your Expert Beauty Resource for Products, Service & Education
Dear Friends, SALON SPOTLIGHT: The holiday season is upon us. Retailers salon heavener and shoppers are preparing earlier than laguna hills, CA ever, and so should you. The National Retail Federation is forecasting modest Stylists and clients thrive in the open-air atmosphere at Salon Heavener. growth this holiday season, with expected The three co-owners and stylists, Connie and Mark Heavener (husband sales of $655.8 billion, up 3.6 percent and wife) and Mike Zenker (Connie’s brother) take on different roles at the from 2015. How can you capitalize on salon; yet, each of them remain deeply committed to supporting their salonthat projected growth? Here are a few tips to help you make team with an open door policy.your holiday retail season a success. The trio welcomes a diverse group of individuals, from stylists fresh out of school to seasoned professionals in the industry for over 30 years. ThereBe prepared – Do your homework on the best holiday gifting is a total of 21 team members at the salon, including 3 manicurists. Theiroptions. Sweis, Inc. has some beautiful gift collections this year. philosophy is to all work together and learn from one another. The layoutBring them into your salon sooner rather than later. Clients are at Salon Heavener was designed to do just that. The stations are staggeredshopping early and spreading out their holiday dollars. and spread apart to maximize client privacy, yet allow for an open, airy feel. Clients can see all of the stylists at work as they craft beautiful styles. It’s likeOffer exceptional customer service – Train your staff to act as watching a hair show of sorts, as some stylists create updos, others installpersonal shoppers, helping customers select gifts that would be Babe hair extensions, and others give highlighting services.great for mom, teachers, best friends, etc. Surprise and delight Salon Heavener is closely linked with a local organization called Globalyour clients with complimentary gift wrap. Practice role playing Genes, which works to help patients who suffer from rare diseases. Salonin order to ensure that your staff makes great recommendations. Heavener proudly donates to this organization and partners with Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids to provide wigs for cancer patients.Create a holiday experience – Engage your clients' senses with Connie and Mark recently became platform artists and educators for OYAcolorful decorations, festive music (try something subtle or Beauty. They were part of an OYA hair show in October and also had theinstrumental), seasonal scents (such as pine or cinnamon), and opportunity to serve as part of the Glam Team for Global Genes, styling theholiday refreshments. Think long and hard about merchandising scientists, supporters and those afflicted with rare diseases for their gala.displays and the best way to present your holiday gift offerings. They devour any and all education, using all possible resources. From going to hair shows, attending product knowledge classes from beauty brands, toCreate reminders – Now is the time to put your marketing inviting famous Instagram stylists to come to the salon, the owners use everyexpertise into high gear. If you are offering something special opportunity for education. They also utilize webinars to immerse themselvesfor the holidays, create strategically placed signage (how about in the pro beauty culture. They are frequent attendees of Sweis, Inc. classeson station mirrors?), send email reminders (tie them into client and even admit to picking up great information from Vine, Snapchat andappointment reminders) and maximize your social media (create YouTube.a fun online contest). This may sound simple, but it takes careful Salon Heavener carries OYA, Loma, ColorProof, DS Laboratories, Babe,planning and artistry to create something visually appealing. Moroccanoil, Reuzel and Style Edit. They are located close to the Sweis Lake Forest Profesional Store and enjoy visiting the store 2 to 3 times aUtilize Small Business Saturday – On November 26th, people week to pick up products and talk to the friendly and knowledgeable staff.are encouraged to support small, local businesses. Inform your Connie’s words of wisdom to her fellow salon professionals are, “Be nice, beclients and give them a reason to shop at your salon by hosting courteous and stay humble. Keep learning!”a special event or offering promotions. Last year, 71 percent ofU.S. consumers said they were aware of Small Business Saturday SALON PARTNERand 46 percent supported it by shopping at small businesses. Theresult: $5.7 billion in sales. awarded byThis can be our industry’s busiest time for the year. Many retailstores would love to have the kind of traffic we get in salons.Take this opportunity to help your multi-tasking clients checkholiday shopping off their list. Wishing you happy holidays!Sincerely, EDUCATIONREUZEL scumbag BARBER SHOW In a packed room of 275 stylists, Leen and Bertus entertained the crowd with stories while they cut and styled four models with classic pompadours. Check out our features in American Salon, Modern Salon, and Beauty Launchpad! Thank you to all of our stylists who attended.2 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 |
HOLIDAYEXCLUSIVES MOROCCANOIL ORNAMENT ALL ABOUT Special edition 0.85 oz. bottle of Moroccanoil Treatment. Add to your GIFT SETS holiday decor or share with clients! VIP TREATMENT MOROCCANOIL CANDLE Moroccanoil Treatment 3.4 oz. Crafted in France. Signature argan Intense Hydrating Mask 8.5 oz. fragrance with 50 hours of burn time. FREE Hairspray Strong 10 oz. GREAT HAIR DAY Moisture Repair Shampoo 8.5 oz. Moisture Repair Conditioner 8.5 oz. FREE Smoothing Lotion 2.3 oz. ALL DRESSED UP Hydrating Styling Cream 10.2 oz. Dry Texture Spray 5.4 oz. FREE Dry Shampoo Dark 1.7 oz.BACKBARBLOWOUT20% OFFOFFER VALID FROMOCTOBER - DECEMBERStock your backbar before theyear's end and enjoy 20% savingson Moroccanoil Treatment, Shampoos,Conditioners, and Masks! All productsmarked for professional use only. November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 3
EXCLUSIVE PROMOTIONS The holidays are upon us, which means it’s the busiest time of the year for salons. Make sure your salon is stocked up by taking advantage of incredible savings on your favorite ColorProof products!1 CHOOSE FROM OUR TOP 7 PRODUCTS OF 2016! BUY 4 OF THE SAME, GET A DRYSPELL® + COLORPROOF APRON FREE! FREE SAVE 4UP5T%O CHOOSE FROM: LiftIt® Color Protect Foam Mousse 9 oz. SuperPlump® Volumizing Shampoo 10.1 oz. #80P1016-8 #80P1016-6 FiberBlast® Texture Crème 2.5 oz. SuperPlump® Volumizing Condition 8.5 oz. #80P0816-10 #80P1016-7 TextureCharge™ Color Protect Texture + Finishing Spray 6.7 oz. SuperRich® Moisture Shampoo 10.1 oz. #80P1016-9 #80P1016-4 SuperRich® Moisture Condition 8.5 oz. SAVE #80P1016-5 2UP5T%O2 SAVVY STYLE BAGS!TE XT URE SAVV Y BAG S M O OT H SAV V Y BAGINCLUDES: INCLUDES:CC PrimeGenius™ Anti-Aging Style Extending Primer 6.7 oz. CC PrimeGenius™ Anti-Aging Style Extending Primer 6.7 oz.IronMaster™ Color & Heat Protecting Setting Spray 6.7 oz. CrazySmooth® Extreme Shine Treatment Oil 1.7 oz.PowderFix® Texturizing Powder 0.53 oz. RadicallySmooth® Anti-Frizz Serum 5.1 oz.HardCore® Epic Hold Color Protect Hairspray 9 oz. HumidityRx® Anti-Frizz Weatherproof Spray 5 oz.Reusable ColorProof Luxe Mesh Tote Reusable ColorProof Luxe Mesh Tote#80P1016-2 #80P1016-14 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 |
EXCLUSIVE PROMOTIONS3 CRAZYSMOOTH® SYSTEM INTRO - SAVE 35% PURCHASE 2 CrazySmooth® Anti-Frizz Shampoo 10.1 oz. 2 CrazySmooth® Anti-Frizz Condition 8.5 oz. 2 CrazySmooth® Extreme Shine Treatment Oil 1.7 oz. 2 RadicallySmooth® Anti-Frizz Serum 5.1 oz. 2 PlushLocks® Leave-In Smooth 6.7 oz. RECEIVE FREE 1 CrazySmooth® Anti-Frizz Shampoo 25.4 oz. newportbeach,ca / colorproofhair / colorproofhair / colorproofhair 1 CrazySmooth® Anti-Frizz Condition 25.4 / colorproofhair 1 Merchandising Kit Including: - 12 CrazySmooth® Trio Packettes - 1 Window Cling - 1 Prescription Pad - 1 Product Knowledge Poster - 1 Brand Brochure4 BUY 3, GET 1 FREE + RECEIVE A FREE PACKETTE! SAVE 25% CHOOSE FROM: AllAround® Color Protect Working Hairspray 9 oz. BEST HAIR TREATMENT #60P1016-1 BAOBAB HEAL & REPAIR® UltraMarathon® Strong Hold Color Protect Hairspray 9 oz. #60P1016-2 LEAVE-IN TREATMENT HardCore® Epic Hold Color Protect Hairspray 9 oz. #20P1016-2 SAVE Each hairspray features a FREE Baobab Heal & Repair® 20% Leave-In Treatment packette.5 LOVE IS IN THE HAIR! 20% OFF + FREE DISPLAY PURCHASE 3 SuperRich® Daily Intensive Moisture Treatment 6.7 oz. 3 PureRelease® Instant Detangle 8.5 oz. 3 SignatureBlonde™ Restorative Filler 6.7 oz. 4 SuperRich® Split Ends Mender 3.4 oz. RECEIVE 1 Love is in the Hair Counter/Shelf Display November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 5
The #1 Selling Prestige Dry Shampoo that Actually Cleans Hair* • Absorbs and removes oil, sweat & odor • Hair looks, feels and smells clean between shampoos • Works on all hair colors because it leaves virtually no visible residue or powdery build-up behind • Time-released fragrance delivers a light, clean scent throughout the dayBuy 5, get 1 free free! 17% Perfect hair Day (PhD) Dry Shampoo (4 oz) savings Salon Cost: $55 Total Value: $66 *The NPD Group Skin Care & Hair Beauty Insider Report, March 2016Set, Style & Finish in One Spray free! 17%Buy 5, get 1 free savings Flex Shaping Hairspray, Travel Size (3 oz) Salon Cost: $35 Total Value: $426 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 |
BRBIRGIHGTHETNENYOYOUURRLOLOCCKKSSTTHHISISHHOOLLIDIDAAYYSSEEAASSOONN!! LaLthaetrheurpuwpiwthitohuorudredeepevpivoiloetlesthsahmampopoo,ot,otnone ewwitihthoouurrvvioiolelettrrininssee,,ffiinniisshhwwiitthhoouurr bablaanlacinncginlgealevaev-ien-icnrceraemam, t,htehnenkekeepepyoyuorurfafbaubuloluous s‘d‘dooininpplalacceewwiitthhoouurrBBOONNUUSS alla-dlla-dya(yan(adnndignhigth) th)ohldolidnignhgahiarisrpsrparyayfofrorstsrtornongg, ,shshininyylolocckkssaallllsseeaassoonnlloonngg!! MME RER YR Y& &B RBIRGI HG HT TGGIFIFTTSSEETT 25SSAVE % YoYuoGueGt:et: 1 x1BxriBgrhigtehnteYnoYuo® uS®hSahmapmopooo 1 x1TxonToenYeoYuo® uT®oTnoinginRgiRnisnese 1 x1SxavSeavYeoYuo® uB®aBlaanlacnincginCgrCeraemam PLPULSU: S: 1 x1HxoHldoYldoYuo® uH®aHirasiprsrpayraFyRFEREEE SaSloanloPnrPicreic: e$:5$050 SalSoanloSnavSianvgins:g2s5: %25% ReRtaeitlaPilrPicreic: e$:9$999 RetRaeitlaVilaVluaelu: $e1:3$2132 CoCnsounmsuemr eSravSianvgins:g2s:52%5% as saesesneienn..i.n... Beauty as it should be, naturally...NOURISH COLLECTION TRAVEL SIZE SALE NOURISHING GALLONS1 - 12oz Nourishing Shampoo Enjoy 20% off travel sizes! Must be purchased together to qualify.1 - 12oz Nourishing Conditioner Stock up for the holidays and 1 - Gallon Nourishing Shampoo1 - .5oz Calming Crème save on Shampoo, Conditioner, 1 - Gallon Nourishing Conditioner and Styling products from Loma.#L-NCD-SAMPLE #LNCGL+LNSGLSTYLING SALE | 33% SAVINGS Nourishing Oil SALE!CALMING CRÈME VOLUMIZING FOAM TREATMENT• Quenches thirsty hair • Medium, flexible hold 25 - .5oz Samples FREE• Detangles & softens hair • For fine to normal hair 12 - 4.25oz Counter Display• Tames frizz & soothes over • Builds volume while adding 1 - 33oz Treatment FREE processed, damaged hair texture & shine to the hair Total Retail Value: $240.00• Apricot & Mango scent • Apply 1-3 pumps evenly from• Thermal protectant• Humidity-resistant roots to ends. Blow dry hair for maximum volume. November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 7
2016 STYLIST CHOICE AWARDS WINNERHoliday Smooth: Salon Edition Holiday Smooth: Stylist EditionHERO: NATURAL KERATIN SMOOTHING TREATMENT HERO: NATURAL KERATIN SMOOTHING TREATMENTPURCHASE PURCHASE(1) 32 oz. Natural Keratin Smoothing Treatment (1) 16 oz. Natural Keratin Smoothing TreatmentGET FREE GET FREE(2) In-salon regimen packette POS display (1) In-salon regimen packette POS display(12) Regimen packette envelopes (6 envelopes per display) (6) Regimen packette envelopes Each envelope includes: Each envelope includes: (1) Triple packette (Keratin Color Care Shampoo, Keratin Color (1) Triple packette (Keratin Color Care Shampoo, Keratin Color Care Conditioner, Infusion Keratin Replenisher) and shower cap Care Conditioner, Infusion Keratin Replenisher) and shower cap(1) Sept. – Dec. 2016 collateral envelope includes: (1) Sept. – Dec. 2016 collateral envelope includes: (1) Keratin Complex® Menu of Services (1) Keratin Complex Menu of Services (1) NEW! Smoothing Therapy Quick Guide (1) NEW! Smoothing Therapy Quick GuideEDUCATION SUPPORTVisit to watch the instructional video for our award-winning Signature Smoothing Solution and Frizz-Blockerand Blow-Dry Remedy services, or scan the QR code on each regimen envelope to watch easy how-to videos featuring Infusion!Visit to register for the Look & Learn Certification webinar and to get certified now!Gift of a Sweet Holiday Season ADD ON! With purchase of Gift of a Sweet Holiday Season:PURCHASE (1) Transformer Interchangeable Styling Rod(6) 4 oz. Sweet Definition Texturizing Sugar MistGET 50% OFF(6) 2 oz. Sweet Definition Texturizing Sugar MistGET FREE(1) Social media mirror cling8 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 |
Holiday Hues Color CommanderHERO: KERABRILLIANCE™ DEMI-GLAZE LIQUIGEL COLOR HERO: KERAHOLD® KERATIN-ENHANCED PERMANENT CRÈME HAIR COLORPURCHASE(18) 60 mL/2 oz. KeraBrilliance 0.0/Clear PURCHASE (18) 100 mL/3.5 oz. KeraHold shadesGET FREE(5) 40 mL/1.35 oz. Metamorfix™ Extreme Direct Pigments GET FREE (1) 32 oz. KeraHold Developer (20 volume) .22/VV Extreme Violet (2) Tint bowl .33/GG Extreme Gold (2) Tint brush .44/CC Extreme Copper (1) Measuring cup .62/RV Extreme Red Violet (2) 3-pack tube keys .66/RR Extreme Red (2) Balayage board(1) 32 oz. Demi-Glaze Activator (1) Color Commander collateral envelope:(1) Holiday Hues collateral envelope: (1) 2016 Fall/Winter Dare to Be Different swatch card (2) Technique cards: Solar & Smoky Lavender (1) NEW! Color Therapy™ Product Knowledge Guide (1) NEW! Color Therapy Product Knowledge Guide (2) Color Therapy mirror cling (1) Timeless Color™ brochure (1) Salon ConnexionsSM brochure (1) Salon Connexions brochureEDUCATION SUPPORTLog onto to download how-to techniques including Pomegranate, Blood Orange, Carnival, and more!Log onto to find a Color Therapy class near you!Brighter Holiday BlondeHERO: IT’S A BLONDE THING™KERATIN LIGHTENING SYSTEM®PURCHASE(2) 1 lb. tub It’s a Blonde Thing Keratin Lightening SystemGET FREE(1) 33.8 oz. Blondeshell® Debrass & Brighten Shampoo(1) 33.8 oz. Blondeshell Debrass & Brighten Conditioner(1) Brighter Holiday Blonde collateral envelope: (2) Technique cards: Blonde Beauty & Ice Blonde (1) NEW! Color Therapy Product Knowledge Guide November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 9
HIGHLIGHTING PAPER WRAPS THE DRYER FOR ALL TYPES OF 250 count - available in 4\"x7\" 20% SAVINGS HAIR. FROM THE and 4\"x10\" lengths. Flexible, THICKEST TO THE lightweight alternative to 4\"x7\" #HP-47 MOST DELICATE. traditional foil. Pre-cut sheets fold and adhere easily. Great 4\"x10\" #HP-410 • Quiet, lightweight, & sleek for full or partial highlights. • Features a lifetime warranty • Infinite heat & speed settingsJETBLACK® GLOVES SAVE • Available in Black/Silver, 27% Black/Copper, and Red. • Meant to be used on all 8 #JBLG-12S #JBLG-12M types of known hair #JBLG-12L12 count reusable latex, SMALL powder-free gloves. Hide MEDIUM stains and extend 3\" past LARGE wrist for extra protection. MANUAL TIMER NEW ITEM Keep track of your services with this 60-minute small, round, bell timer. Black, smooth, rubberized finish.10 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 |
HOLIDAY PROMOTIONSGive yourself or someone you lovethe gift of beautiful healthy hairSAVE SAVE33% 32% Give yourself or someone you love the gift of longer, thicker lashesSAVE SAVE33% 33%Available from November 1st to December 31st helpdesk: 888.404.7770 | #dslabs |*Promotions and prices subject to change November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 11*No mix and match
#866203 COLOR CRAVING BAGS LIMITED EDITION BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ICONIC HAIRSPRAY + 20% OFF Purchase (1) Society Extra Forte Choose Vivids (Copper, Red, Hairspray Can, 400 ml at the Fuschia, & Violet) or Pastels 300 ml price, receive one FREE. (Blue, Lilac, Pink, & Peach). Get a FREE Dry Shampoo. Retail Value: $21.90 60% SAVINGS #85620112 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 |
#876101 #876102 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 13
Shop now at Sweis, Inc.INCLUDES• 32 oz Verb Hydrating Shampoo• 32 oz Verb Hydrating Conditioner• Verb Canvas Book Bag• .5 oz Verb Ghost OilRETAIL VALUE $75 | RETAIL COST $56 | #VBPRO1610US Buy 2 Get 1 FreeINCLUDES• 2 Sea Spray 6.3 oz• 1 Sea Spray 2.4 oz RETAIL VALUE $28 Your dryer. Your way. The BaBylissPRO ITALO Luminoso #VBPRO1609US is finely engineered in Italy for superior performance.14 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | Select from 8 different dryers and 8 different filters.
FULL-SIZE HOLIDAY JOYSneuMoisture Shampoo 10.1 oz. & Condition 8.5 oz.reNeu Shampoo 10.1 oz. & Condition 8.5 oz.neuVolume Shampoo 10.1 oz. & Condition 8.5 oz.neuSmooth Shampoo 10.1 oz. & Condition 8.5 oz. NEW platinum collection neuBlonde A BLONDE BREAKTHROUGH • Grape Skin Pigment Extract – utilizes red, blue, and black natural pigments to cool tones and neutralize brassiness. • Extra Gentle, Unpreserved Natural Surfactants – smooth and protect the hair, making it more manageable and easy to detangle PURCHASE PURCHASE 6 - neuBlonde shampoo (8.5 oz) 6 - neuBlonde detangling rinse (8.5 oz) RECEIVE FREE RECEIVE FREE 1 - neuBlonde shampoo (64 oz) 1 - neuBlonde detangling rinse (64 oz) #NM-PLSHAMPDEAL #NM-PLDETANGLEDEALLITTLE HOLIDAY JOYSneuMoisture Shampoo & Condition 2.5 oz.reNeu Shampoo & Condition 2.5 oz.neuVolume Shampoo & Condition 2.5 oz.neuSmooth Shampoo & Condition 2.5 oz. November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 15
BUY 2 + GET 1 FREEBUY 2 Experience extraordinary for conditioning and intensified shine while protecting color$26.00 radiance. OYA Leave-In Conditioner controls fly-aways, detangles, increases the combability and even adds a subtle volume boost. GFER$Tf1Eo13Er.00 PROMOTION RUNS FROM SEPTEMBER 2016 THROUGH DECEMBER 2016 OR UNTIL INVENTORY LASTS16 November P- Dreicceemsbera2n01d6 p| ro8m77.6o3t3i.1o7n17s s| ubwwjew.cswtetisoincc.chomange. Available while supplies last.
L I M I T E D E D I T I O N | Envious Beauty CollectionTHIS LUXURIOUS COLLECTION INCLUDESFull sizes of the award-winning neuLASH ® lash enhancing serum (6 ML) as well as the newest additionto the neuLASH family, neuENVY TM peptide enhanced mascara (9.5 ML), in black. Suggested retail $150.00. November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 17
18 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 |
TM TM TM TM INSTANTLY THICK HAIR INSTANTLY THICK HAIR by by *PROMO PERIOD: NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 31, 2016 *PROMO PERIOD: NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 31, 2016 STT: OCTOBER 1, 2016BUY 7 KERATIN TRIAL SIZE FIBERS, GET 2 FREE WARM UP YOUR SALES THIS SEASONWITH THIS FREE XFUSION KERATIN HAIR FIBERS DISPLAY 17% SAVINGS + FREE DISPLAY PROMO SALON PRICE: $50.00BUY 10 KERATIN TRIAL SIZE FIBERS, GET 2 FREE(SALON VALUE: $60.00)WITH THIS FREE XFUSION KERATIN HAIR FIBERS DISPLAY Help your customers discover their full style potential with 17% SAVINGS RETAIL + FREE DISPLAYPROMO SALON PRICE: $50.00VALUE XFusion Keratin Hair Fibers.(S$1A2L0O.0N0 VALUE: $60.00) • Natural Keratin Protein Fibers blend undetectably with existing hair making it look instantly thick and full. • Fibers are completely natural-looking and resist wind, rain, and perspiration. KIT CONTAINS: • (12) 3g XFusion Keratin Hair Fibers in the top 4 shades Three step display showcases the • (3) Black • (3) Dark Brown colorful array of exclusive electroplated • (3) Medium Brown water droplet holiday design. • (3) Light Brown • FREE XFusion Counter Top Display Help your cuSsatloonmCeorsst: d$6i7s.c4o5vdeisrp.tNheeti:r$7fu.4l9l setay. le potential withRETAIL XFusion Keratin Hair Fibers.VALUE • Natural Keratin Protein Fibers blend$120.00 INCLUDED COLORS greatundetectably with existing hair making itHlooloidkay keychain makes GIFT!instantly thick and full. the perfect stocking stuffer. • Fibers are completely natural-looking anSdalorensCisotst: $49.87 disp. Net: $1.99 ea. wind, rain, and perspiration. BLACK DARK MEDIUM LIGHT BROWN BROWN BROWN *Promotion valid November 1 - December 31, 2016. KIT CONTAINS:SKU: DISKITXF3GPOP • (12) 3g XFusion Keratin Hair Fibers in the top 4 shadesUPC: 667820200968Product Dimensions: 4.5” x 5.5” x 6.5” • (3) Black • (3) Dark Brown • (3) Medium Brown liter SA L E• (3) Light Brown • FREE XFusion Counter Top DisplayLooking for the Reuzel pomade Daily Shampoo & Daily perfect gift? in the red can is a Conditioner Liter Pack. water-based, high shine pomade. Regularly $26.46. It rinses out with easily but holds savings | $8.46 like super glue. #RZPR122 INCLUDED COLORS groom & grow wash & splash BLACK DARK MEDIUM LIGHT Scrub Shampoo 11.38 oz. BROWN BROWN BROWN Daily Shampoo 11.38 oz.SKU: DISKITXF3GPOP Beard Foam 2.36 oz. Aftershave 3.38 oz.UPC: 667820200968 Beard Balm 1.3 oz. MSRP $43.90Product Dimensions: 4.5” x 5.5” x 6.5” MS*RPProm$2o5tio.9n0valid November 1 - December 31, 2016. #RZPR123 20% SAVINGS #RZPR124 November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 | 19
cc holiday sale %% 10 - 70 OFFmonday, december 5th, 2016c call professional stores | 7:30AM - 5:30PM Some restrictions apply for Moroccanoil & Living Proof. REUZEL Torrance Lake Forest Encino San Diego Las Vegas Henderson23760 Hawthorne Blvd. 23784 Mercury Rd. 15605 Ventura Blvd. 1400 Camino De La Reina 2550 S Rainbow Blvd. 8810 S Maryland Pkwy. Torrance, CA 90505 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Encino, CA 91436 San Diego, CA 92108 Las Vegas, NV 89146 Las Vegas, NV 89123 877.633.1717 818.386.0304 619.294.3040 702.754.1235 949.587.1514 702.902.243420 Offers available while supplies last. Prices are subject to change without notice. No sales to dealers. We reserve the right to limit the quantities and correct pricing errors. Some illustrations are for representation only and may not reflect the actual size of the product offered for sale. No reproduction by any means is allowed without written permission from Sweis, Inc. Some items not available in some areas. November - December 2016 | 877.633.1717 |
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