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Published by Canadian Life Science, 2020-08-27 15:27:18

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® Strength in Technology Fortis Phase Chemistry Guide

Other Product Guides Available Fortis SpeedCore - Modern Core-Shell technology - High speed separations Strength in Technology 1.7µ Fortis UHPLC columns 1.7 FortisNew Core-Shell Technology - High Efficiency UHPLC particles µm - 8 Stationary phases for high resolution UHPLC Columns PImerUypforHoourPvrLmeCance Ultra High Pressure Strength in Technology Chromatography 8 Chemistry Choices FortisBIO Increase Efficiency Increase Speed - Peptide and Protein columns (300Å pore size) Improve Resolution Greater Sensitivity - 1.7µ for ultra high resolution separations Lower Backpressure FortisBIO® Peptide & Protein Columns 1.7Inµ cCFUoloHurldPtuLiemsCsBnIsO ® HPLC/UHPLC Columns Strength in Technology Fortis BIO 2012 16 page 2013.indd 1 07/10/2013 11:35:42 UniverSil - Economical alternative to older type ‘B’ silicas - Excellent reproducibility 2 Tel: +44P1ro5d1uc3t G3u6ide2266

Fortis Phase Chemistry Selectivity Fortis C18 Acids Bases – General UHPLC use Neutrals – Method Development from pH 1-12 Fortis H2o Hydrophilic analytes Organic acids – Polar endcapped Catecholamines – Increased polar retention Fortis Diphenyl Metabolites Positional Isomers – Unique di-phenyl structure Hydrophilic / Hydrophobic analytes – Metabolite profiling – Separate positional isomers Fortis C8 Lipids Steroids – General UHPLC use Highly Hydrophobic analytes – Method Development Fortis HILIC Carboxylic acids Nucleotides – High polar retention Vitamins – Homogenous silanol concentration – Improve MS sensitivity Steroids Proteins Fortis HILIC Diol Metabolites – Alternate selectivity to bare silica – Stable bonding – HILIC or Normal phase mode Fortis Cyano Explosives Pesticides – Cyano functionality Steroids – Reversed phase or Normal phase Fortis Amino Saccarides Oligonucleotides – Reproducible, Robust bonding – Reversed phase, Normal phase or Steroids Ion exchange mode 3 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis Method Development Options – Choice of Stationary phase functionality – Based on Ultra pure silica – Reversed Phase (RP) and Normal Phase (NP) options Method Dev Fortis® H2o Fortis® Diphenyl - Polar endcapped C18 - Unique di-phenyl structure - Increased polar retention - Separate Positional Isomers - Organic acids - Catecholamines - Metabolite profiling CN Si Si CN O O OH Si OH Si OH O OH Si Si O O Si O OH OO Si O OO O Si O Si OH Si O O Si O OO Si O O P Si O O P Si Si Si OO O O Si Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O O OO O O Si O Si O Si O OO O Si Fortis® HILIC iS O iS O iS O iS O iS O iS O iS O iS O Fortis® C18 O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si O Si OH O OH - High Polar Retention OO OO - General HPLC use OO OO - Highly Pure Silica iS - Method dev. from pH 1-12 Si O OH - Carboxylic acids OH - Nucleotides O O - Acids, Bases and Neutral O O Fortis® HILIC DIOL Si O Si O Si O O OO O O - High Polar Retention Si O O Si O Si - Highly Pure Silica O O - Nucleotides Si Si Si O Si O O Si O OO O Si O Si O O O OO Si Si O Si O Si Si Si O Si O Si O Si O Si OO O O Si O Si O Si O OO O Si Fortis® Cyano NH2 NH2 Fortis® C8 - Cyano functionality NH2 - RP or NP use - Reduced Hydrophobicity - Explosives CN - Lipids - Pesticides - Steroids Fortis® Amino - High Polar Retention - Highly Pure Silica - Carbohydrates 4 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Getting Started : Method development typically starts with a C18 or C8 column, both provide Hydrophobic retention with good peak shapes for neutral, acidic and basic analytes. Generally if retention of polar molecules is also needed then a polar endcapped stationary phase such as Fortis H2o is a good starting choice. If selectivity is insufficient then Diphenyl or Cyano stationary phases are a good alternative, they will change selectivity and even elution order since they work on dipole characteristics as opposed to just hydrophobicity. Fortis Cyano is good in normal phase (NP) conditions for polar analytes with COOH, NH2, NHR2 or NR2 groups. If small polar molecules still do not retain then HILIC chromatography is a suitable alternative. Fortis H2o®250 250 250 Fortis® Diphenyl 250mAU mAU 3. 40 2 1. 03 7 69 94 200 Extra Polar 200 Change200 200 Method Dev 150 Retention 150 150 Selectivity 150 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 00 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M inu tes M inu tes 250 250 200 Fortis® C18 mAU mAU 200 0. 88 8 1. 26 2 33 37 1. 97 5 1 .12 63 330 4 .3 37 1 .0 1 80 26 8 1. 59 7 1. 12 5 76 34 1 .08 3 1 .26 30 14 5 2.4 60 1. 06 6 34 04 4 .1 45 1 .0 2 80 57 1 0 .04 3 1 .07 49 9 6. 238 1. 01 8 36 30 2.5 27 1. 14 5 85 31 150 150 mAU 4.9 80 0. 96 7 62 11 mAU 6. 53 3 1. 27 1 36 62 7 .49 8 0 .97 74 04 7 100 100 1. 85 8 1. 04 6 98 67 0.9 60 1. 32 3 19 01 50 50 0. 04 2 0 .00 0 2. 78 8 0. 98 6 90 56 0 .1 98 1.0 5 1 97 L 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M inu tes 250 Fortis® Cyano 250 250 Fortis® C8 250 200 200 200 200 150 Extra 150 150 Lower 150 100 Selectivity 100 100 Hydrophobicity 50 mAU 50 mAU 50 4.3 88 1.0 8 8 88 78 mAU 100 1 .8 70 1 .1 9 69 02 5 0 .96 3 1 .33 24 88 5 6 .1 17 1 .0 5 89 07 9 50 2. 70 5 1. 14 7 36 34 00 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M inu tes Minutes Polar acidic molecules Acidic, Neutral & basic analytes - Fortis H2o - Fortis C18 - Fortis HILIC - Fortis C8 - Fortis Cyano in NP mode - Fortis Diphenyl Alternate Selectivity Polar basic molecules - Fortis Diphenyl - Fortis C18 operated at high pH - Fortis Cyano - Fortis Diphenyl - Fortis H2o 5 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® C18 – Superior Peak Shapes 31μ.75μμ 21.05μμ C18 – pH Range 1-12 – Based on Ultra Pure Silica L1 380m2/g – Fully Scalable - UHPLC to Prep Fortis vs Luna Fortis C18 is a pure silica based stationary phase with unique high and low pH performance. Whether carrying out simple compound screens or complex metabolite identification Fortis C18 will provide the best in peak shape, resolution and extended pH range for method development flexibility. 17% 80 Fortis C18 Optimised Peak Shape Whatever the compound functionality the Column: Fortis™ C18 150x4.6mm 5μ Fortis™ C18 optimised hydrophobic bonding of Fortis Luna® C18(2) 150x4.6mm 5μ Luna® C18(2) C18 leads to peak symmetries being near perfect whatever the analyte type. Mobile Phase: A - H2O + 0.1% Formic acid B - ACN + 0.1% Formic acid Basic, Acidic and Neutral analyte performance is first class across the pH spectrum. Gradient: 25 - 40% in 10min – Superior Peak Shapes Flow: 1ml/min - Higher Efficiencies – Excellent Reproducibility Temp: 20°C Wavelength: 254nm 1. Protriptyline 2. Nortriptyline 3. Amitriptyline 4. Trimipramine Extreme pH range 0 1 2 3 44 5 66 7 88 9 1100 Time [min.] Fortis C18 has the ability to not only operate at low pH like other silica based phases, but also High pH ComparisonStrength in Technology to operate at high pH like hybrid phases to aid with basic analyte retention and performance. Fortis® C18 Lidocaine 350 Asy - 0.97 300 pH 10.6 N - 112,225 250 Rs - 2.28 200 The ability to quickly equilibrate from formic Gemini® C18 Lidocaine 150 acid or TFA into ammonia or bicarbonate Asy - 1.22 100 aids in method development. Mass transfer, pH 10.6 N- 71,865 50 loadability and precision of a silica matrix are Rs - 1.51 350 all maintained. 300 250 – Higher Efficiency than Hybrids 200 - Excellent Reproducibility 150 – Retain Polar Basic Analytes 100 50 Colum0ns: 150x4.6mm2 3μ Mobile P4hase: 50:50 0.61% NMHin3u:teMseCN8 Flow: 1.0m1l/0min Temp: 2152°C Wavelen1g4th: 230nm Both Columns are 150x4.6mm 3um 6 Tel: +44 151 336 5202:6560 0.1% NH3 : MeCN 1ml/min 230nm *Gemini is trademark of Phenomenex

Extended operating pH range Column: Fortis C18 100x4.6mm 3μ Inflammation and Infection 0.06 p/n: F18-050503 0.04 pH 1 0.02 pH 6 Mobile Phase: A - H2O + 0.1% Formic acid 0.00 B - ACN + 0.1% Formic acid Gradient: 10 - 50% in 10min Flow: 1ml/min Temp: 20°C Wavelength: 254nm 1. Dexamethasone Volts 2. Neomycin Sulphate 7.61 3. Acetic acid Volts Fortis C18 -0.02 Column: Fortis C18 50x4.6mm 5μ 00 22 44 66 88 1100 1122 1144 p/n: F18-050305 MinMuteinsutes Antipsychotic Mobile Phase: A - 50mM NH4OAc B - ACN Gradient: 10 - 40% in 10min Flow: 1ml/min Temp: 20°C Wavelength: 254nm 1. Quetiapine 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 MinMutiensutes Selective Estrogen Modulator Column: Fortis C18 50x3.0mm 3μ p/n: F18-030303 Mobile Phase: 30:70 H2O + 10mM ammonium bicarbonate : MeOH Flow: 0.4ml/min Temp: 25°C Wavelength: MS Detection Raloxifene Glucuronides Data Courtesy of : Pharmaceutical company, USA 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 pH 12 Minutes 7 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® C18 High pH Stability Fortis C18 The unique bonding of Fortis C18 enables 120 stability at extremes of pH to be maintained. 100 Run continuously in 0.1% ammonia Fortis C18 shows no deterioration in efficiency over a 90 80 day period. % of original Efficiency 60 40 20 0 Day 10 Day 20 Day 30 Day 40 Day 50 Day 60 Day 70 Day 80 Day 90 Day 0 Day’s running at pH 10.6 Advantages of Hydrophobicity Fortis C18 high surface area combined with Fortis™ C18 the optimised C18 ligand bonding provides Sunfire™ C18 high retention for compounds. Luna® C18(2) This is advantageous in a number of ways: Zorbax™ - Higher retention of analytes, more organic Eclipse XDB-18 modifier can be used to elute, therefore Synergi® Max-RP greater MS sensitivity. Gemini® C18 - Higher retention of analytes, more organic Ace® 5C18 leads to shorter ‘dry-down’ in fraction collection. - Higher retention of analytes, more chance of resolution Xterra™MS C18 012345678 k‘ pentylbenzene 8 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® C18 Optimised Resolution XICof +MRM (135 pairs): 184.0/143.0 amufrom Sample 17(Coltest_017) of DataColtest.wiff (TurboSpray) Max. 9.2e4 cps. Only by optimising all factors of stationary 6.0e5 135 Pesticide Transitions phase design can the analyst be assured of 5.5e5 the best possible chromatography. 5.0e5 Column: Fortis® C18 150x2.1mm 3μ Fortis C18’s unique bonded character ensures 4.5e5 Fortis C18 that not only is reproducibility and robustness 4.0e5 assured, but also that resolution is of the 3.5e5 highest level. Only by obtaining sharp peak 3.0e5 shapes for many analyte types both polar 2.5e5 and non polar can this sort of resolution be achieved. 2.0e5 Analysed here are 135 transitions of pesticide 1.5e5 residue from an apple matrix. Good LC resolution leads to excellent sensitivity in MS 1.0e5 3.16 detection. Polar organophosphates such as Acephate 5.0e4 and Methamidophos are retained well due to 7.69 the high surface area of the Fortis C18 phase. 2.85 4.82 6.06 Thiabendazole can be bound on the column 0.0 from one gradient cycle to the next, the XIC0o f +MR1 M (135 2pairs): 1384.0/1443.0 amu55f rom Sa6mple 2(7Run395858_0029) of Data110309 558.1w1iff (TurT1bM2iominSeup,trmea1isyn3) 14 115 16 17 18 19 220 21 22 23Max. 12.44e5 cp2s5. optimised hydrophobicity of Fortis C18 means that carryover on column is greatly reduced 4.8e5 since there is no secondary silanol activity to 4.6e5 bind with analytes. 4.4e5 Column: Atlantis® dC18 C18 150x2.1mm 3μ Data Courtesy of : Central Science Laboratories, UK 4.2e5 4.0e5 3.8e5 3.6e5 3.4e5 3.2e5 3.0e5 Column2.8e5 carryover of thiabendazole XICof +MRM (135 pairs): 202.0/175.0 amufrom Sample 6(Run39558_006) of Data39558.wiff (TurboSpray), Smoothed, Smoothed 2.6e5 3.3e5 13.23 2.4e5 2.2e5 Max. 4.2e5 cps. 3.2e5 3.0e5 XICof +MRM (135 pairs): 202.0/175.0 amufrom Sample 1(Job13672_2_004) of DataTBZ_carryover2.wiff (Turbo Spray), Smoothed, Smoothed 2.8e5 2.6e5 2.0e5 13.25 2.4e5 2.2e5 4.2e5 2.0e5 1.8e5 4.01e5.8e5 1.6e5 1.4e5 3.8e5 1.2e5 3.61e5.6e5 3.4e5 3.32 1.4e5 3.2e5 3.01e5.2e5 2.8e5 2.61e5.0e5 2.48e5.0e4 2.2e5 2.06e5.0e4 1.8e5 1.0e5 1.64e5.0e4 8.0e4 1.42e5.0e4 7.74 6.0e4 8 1.2e5 5 6 10 10 12 TMimineu,tme1isn4 1615 18 20 42.00e422 24 26 25 1.0e5 0.0 2.0e4 8.0e4 0 2 4 6.0e4 4.0e4 0.0 15.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 2.0e4 Time, min Thiabendazole0.0 Thiabendazole 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 1.9% Column Carryover Time, min 0.9% Column Carryover Atlantis® dC18 Fortis® C18 13.23 13.20 5500 3800 3600 5000 3400 3200 4500 3000 2800 4000 2600 3500 2400 Intensity, cps Intensity, cps 2200 3000 2000 1800 2500 1600 1400 2000 1200 1000 1500 800 1000 13.52 500 600 400 13.58 11.79 200 0 0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 Time, min Time, min Tel: +44 151 336 2266 9 Fortis column 0.9%

Fortis® C18 Analyte Loading Based on a silica template Fortis C18 has high Fortis® C18 3µm loading capability for those wishing either scale up to preparative separation or needing 98 bar to load in order to correctly identity low level components. Loss in N = 30% Loss in N = 4% Fortis C18 Having a 380m2/g surface area means that Loss in N = 2% the phase chemistry will not overload causing poor peak shapes. This can be especially Kinetix® C18 2.6µm important in biological work where a high concentration of matrix interference is also 173 bar often present Loss in N = 64% Smaller surface area phases and solid- Loss in N = 45% core-shell particles can suffer from lower Loss in N = 22% loading capability and potentially higher backpressure. Loss in efficiency figures are in relation to 0.02mg/ml injection (Blue Trace). Overload can be viewed as loss of efficiency and/or peak shape. Column: 50x3.0mm Mobile Phase: H2O + 0.01% formic acid : ACN Flow: 0.6ml/min Temp: 30°C Diphenhydramine 0.02, 0.2, 0.5 & 1mg/ml Selectivity of C18 - Plant Hormones All C18 chemistries are capable of providing Fortis® C18 3µm BA IAA different selectivity. Selectivity can be just GA3 ABA as important as efficiency, here we see KI radically different peak shapes and resolution regardless of C18 particle size for some plant hormones. Column: 50x2.1mm Mobile Phase: A - H2O + 0.01% formic acid B - MeOH + 0.1% formic acid Gradient: 10-40% in 30min Flow: Zorbax® SB-C18 1.8µm IAA BA Temp: 30°C KI Wavelength: MS Detection GA3 ABA KI = Kinetin BA = Benzyladenine IAA = Indol-3-yl acetate ABA = Abscisic acid GA3 = Gibberellin acid Data Courtesy of : Kings College, UK 10 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® C18 Fortis MRMSelectivity and Peak Shape Comparison x10 6 + TIC MRM (** -> **) 001pst_FA_Fortis.d Column: 100x2.1mm 3μ 1.4 Fortis® C18 3µm 1.2 Asy - 1.05 Mobile Phase: A - H2O + 0.1% formic acid 1 Asy - 0.97 B - ACN 0.8 0.6 Asy - 1.09 Gradient: 20-35%B in 2min 0.4 0.2 35-40% in 5min Fortis C18 + MRM_FA_Fortis.d 40-50% in 3min 50-90% in 1min Flow: Temp: 30°C Wavelength: MS Detection Inertsil ODS-4 MRM1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. Zopiclone Counts vs. Acquisition Time (min) 2. Diazepam 3. 7-Aminoflunitrazepam x10 6 + TIC MRM (** -> **) 001pst_FA_Inertsil.d Inertsil® ODS-4 3µm 4. Nitrazepam 1.2 5. Desmethyldiazepam 6. 7-Aminonitrazepam 1 7. 1-Hydroxy-midazolam 8. Midazolam 0.8 Asy - 1.23 9. Clonazepam Asy - 1.03 10. Flunitrazepam 0.6 11. Alprazolam Asy - 1.22 12. Zolpidem 0.4 13.Oxazepam 14. 7-Aminoclonazepam 0.2 + MRM_FA_Inertsil.d 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Counts vs. Acquisition Time (min) Data Courtesy of : Major Pharmaceutical, Norway Fortis C18 Column Length Fortis C18 Guards Length 50 100 150 250 10 2.1 F18-0203xx - F18-0205xx F18-0207xx - Column Diameter 2.1 DC18-0200xxG Column Diameter 3.0 F18-0303xx F18-0305xx F18-0307xx F18-0509xx 4.6 DC18-0500xxG 4.6 F18-0503xx F18-0505xx F18-0507xx Replace xx -01 for 1.7µm - 02 for 2.5µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - 10 for 10µm Tel: +44 151 336 2266 11

Fortis® Diphenyl – Unique Selectivity Diphenyl1.7μ 2.5μ 3μ 5μ – Separate Positional Isomers – No “MS bleed”, Stable Hydrophobic Ligand L11 380m2/g – Enhanced Polar Retention π-π Fortis Diphenyl is designed to provide characteristics which will enhance selectivity. It provides the analyst with extra retention of compounds containing aromatic functionality. Extra selectivity and retention can (phenyl rings) be found for polar substrates, along with metabolite profiling. Fortis Diphenyl is now available in 1.7µm particle size for UHPLC. Hydrophobicity 13% (alkyl chain) Fortis Diphenyl Unique Functionality Fortis Diphenyl is based upon a unique Steric Selectivity di-phenyl functionality. Three controlled mechanisms of interaction can occur. (diphenyl arrangement) This allows for unique resolution of closely related species, and metabolites. No complex mobile phases are necessary simplifying method development. – π-π High Selectivity – Resolution Enhanced – Sharp Peak Shapes - Highly Stable Diphenyl Ligand Diphenyl vs C18 Selectivity Selectivity 150 125 Selectivity of the Fortis Diphenyl is radically Fortis® Diphenyl different to that of a C18 stationary phase. In this pharmaceutical mixture we can see an 100 increase in retention of the parent drug, whilst 75 the degradents are all eluted quickly, removing them from co-elution with the parent. Selectivity such as this can be extremely Fortis® C18 50 useful, combined with the ability to separate 200 closely related species such as metabolites 180 and positional isomers. 160 140 Data Courtesy of : Major Pharmaceutical company, USA 120 100 0 1 2 3 45 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 1144 80 Minutes 60 Tel: +44 151 3B3o6t2h2C66olumns0150x14.6m2m 5u3 m 4 56789 10 11 12 13 20:80 20mm NH4OAc : MeOH 12 1ml/min 210nm

Metabolite Profiling Fortis Diphenyl’s extended selectivity leads to its ability to discriminate between very closely related species, such as those often associated as metabolites or excipiants. The stationary phase’s three modes of interaction allow subtle changes in positional spacing, loss or gain of an atom or functional group to be differentiated and separation to be achieved. Positional Isome Separate Positional Isomers Steriods Selectivity of compounds normally difficult Column: Fortis Diphenyl 150x4.6mm 5μ ¾ Column : F to resolve on a hydrophobic alkyl chain ¾ p/n : F stationary phase is simplified by the p/n: FPH-050705 OH 200 ¾ Mobile Ph π-π interactions provided by the phenyl CH3 functionality. H 40 : 6 HH In this application two hydroxyestradiol 175 steroids exhibit resolution from each other, Mobile Phase: 40:60 H2O : MeOH mAU 200 HO which is not achievable on alkyl chain phases. mAU175 HO No complex mobile phases are necessary. Flow: 1ml/min Fortis Diphenyl – Isomer Selectivity – Metabolite Resolution Temp: 20°C – Alternate Selectivity Wavelength: 210nm ¾ Flow : 150 150 ¾ Temp : OH ¾ λ: 2 CH3 1. 4-Hydroxyestradiol (mw=288.38) 125 125 2. 2-Hydroxyestradiol (mw=288.38) H 1. 4-Hydr 100 2. 2-Hydr 100 H H 75 HO OH 75 50 50 0 1 22 3 44 5 66 7 88 9 1100 11 1122 13 1144 15 MinuMtineutess PET TracPerK- 1PK111191955 – PET Tracer Antiarrhythmic Quinidine 335533..0000 ((11..0000)) 1. Dechlorinated PK11195 1. Quinidine 331199..0000 ((11..0000)) •2. PCK1o1l1u9m5n : Fortis Phenyl 150x4.6mm 5μ • p/n : FPH-050705 180 2•. DihCydorolquuminnidin: eFortis Phenyl 150x4.6mm 5μ • Mobile Phase: • p/n : FPH-050705 60: 40 ACN : H2O •160 Mobile Phase: • Flow : 1ml/min 70:30 H2O + 0.1% Formic acid : 140 MeOH • Temp : • λ: MS Detection •120 Flow : 1ml/min • Temp : 25oC 1. De-chlorinated PK11195 λ: 235nm 2. PK11195 •100 80 1. Quinidine 2. Dihydroquinidine 60 00.0 22.5. 5 55.0.0 Minu77t.e5.s5 1100.0 1122.5.5 1155.0 Data Courtesy of : Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre StrCeonlugmthn:i n TechFnorotilsoDgipyhenyl 150x4.6mm 5μ 00 22 44 66 88 Minu11t0e0s 1122 1144 1166 1188 2200 Minutes Column: Fortis Diphenyl 150x4.6mm 5μ p/n: FPH-050705 p/n: FPH-050705 Mobile Phase: 40 : 60 H2O : ACN StrenMgotbhileinPhTaesec:h n7o0l:o3g0 yH2O + 0.1% formic acid MeOH Flow: 1ml/min Flow: 1ml/min Temp: 25°C Temp: 25°C Wavelength: MS Detection Wavelength: 235nm Tel: +44 151 336 2266 13

Fortis® Diphenyl Effect of Mobile phase choice Fortis Diphenyl Choice of mobile phase can be very important 7 7 .0 0 Fortis® C18 7 6 .0 0 MeOH in a running a phenyl column. Whilst many 7 5 .0 0 mV mV 7 4 .0 0 Rs - 1.21 people have standardised upon ACN as the 7 3 .0 0 7 2 .0 0 organic modifier of choice, MeOH is a better 7 1 .0 0 choice in order to let the π-π interactions 7 0 .0 0 occur on the phenyl rings. 6 9 .0 0 6 8 .0 0 Using ACN can not only suppress retention 6 7 .0 0 6 6 .0 0 but also selectivity. 6 5 .0 0 It can be seen how maximum retention and 6 4 .0 0 6 3 .0 0 resolution is obtained on Fortis Diphenyl in 6 2 .0 0 MeOH mobile phase, even greater than C18. 6 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 2 .0 0 3 .0 0 4 .0 0 5.00 6 .0 0 7 .0 0 8 .0 0 9 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 1 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 1 3 .0 0 1 4 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 M in u t e s Once the organic modifier is substituted for 73.00 ACN not only is resolution reduced but also a 7 2 .0 0 Fortis® Diphenyl large amount of retention is lost in relation to 7 1 .0 0 MeOH that lost on a C18. 7 0 .0 0 6 9 .0 0 6 8 .0 0 6 7 .0 0 Rs - 1.786 6 .0 0 6 5 .0 0 6 4 .0 0 6 3 .0 0 6 2 .0 0 6 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 2 .0 0 3 .0 0 4 .0 0 5 .0 0 6 .0 0 7 .0 0 8 .0 0 9 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 1 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 1 3 .0 0 1 4 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 8 6 .0 0 M in u t e s 8 4 .0 0 8 2 .0 0 Fortis® C18 8 0 .0 0 ACN 7 8 .0 0 mV 7 6 .0 0 7 4 .0 0 7 2 .0 0 1 .0 0 2 .0 0 3 .0 0 4 .0 0 5 .0 0 6 .0 0 7 .0 0 8 .0 0 9 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 1 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 1 3 .0 0 1 4 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 7 0 .0 0 6 8 .0 0 M in u t e s 6 6 .0 0 6 4 .0 0 Fortis® Diphenyl 6 2 .0 0 ACN 6 0 .0 0 mV 5 8 .0 0 5 6 .0 0 5 4 .0 0 5 2 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 4 8 .0 0 9 2 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 8 8 .0 0 8 6 .0 0 8 4 .0 0 8 2 .0 0 8 0 .0 0 7 8 .0 0 7 6 .0 0 7 4 .0 0 7 2 .0 0 7 0 .0 0 6 8 .0 0 6 6 .0 0 6 4 .0 0 6 2 .0 0 6 0 .0 0 5 8 .0 0 5 6 .0 0 5 4 .0 0 5 2 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 4 8 .0 0 1 .0 0 2 .0 0 3 .0 0 4 .0 0 5 .0 0 6 .0 0 7 .0 0 8 .0 0 9 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 1 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 1 3 .0 0 1 4 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 M in u t e s 14 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® Diphenyl Phenyl phase “bleed” Fortis® Diphenyl Fortis Diphenyl Due to the chemical nature of the charge on Commercial Phenyl a phenyl ring, when placed in close proximity to a silica surface it does not tend to be a very Phase Bleed stable bond. As the phenyl ring contains a chromaphore, UV baselines could be seriously affected if the bonding is not stable. Fortis Diphenyl is a more stable bonding process since the alkyl chain ligand removes the dipolar phenol/silica interactions. – No observable “MS-bleed” – Clean baselines – No sample contamination Data Courtesy of : Major Pharmaceutical company, UK Fortis Diphenyl Column Length Fortis Diphenyl Guards Length 50 100 150 250 10 2.1 FPH-0203xx - FPH-0205xx FPH-0207xx - Column Diameter 2.1 DCPH-0200xxG Column Diameter 3.0 FPH-0303xx FPH-0305xx FPH-0307xx FPH-0509xx 4.6 DCPH-0500xxG 4.6 FPH-0503xx FPH-0505xx FPH-0507xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 02 for 2.5µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - 10 for 10µm Tel: +44 151 336 2266 15

Fortis® H2o – Retention of Polars by Polar Endcapping Group 1.7μ 3μ 5μ 10μ Polar Endcapping – Enhanced Resolution L1 380m2/g – 100% Aqueous Compatible – Fully Scalable Fortis H2o is designed to aid in the separation and retention of polar analytes. Complex mobile phase systems can be bypassed if sufficient retention can be provided by the stationary phase chemistry. Fortis H2o is designed to supply additional interaction with polar molecules which allows their successful retention. 18% Fortis H2o Retention of Polar analytes - Amino Acids Column : Fortis H2o 150x2.1mm 5μ Amino Acids p/n : FHO-020705 1. L-Aspartic acid 12. L-Valine 2. L-Glutamic acid 13. L-Methionine 3. Asparagine 14. L-Norvalin 4. L-Serine 15. L-Tryptophan 5. L-Histidine 16. L-Phenylalanine 6. Glycine 17. L-Isoleucine 7. L-Threonine 18. L-Ornithine 8. L-Alanine 19. L-Leucine 9. L-Arginine 20. L-Lysine 10. L-Gly-Tyr 21. Sarcosin 11. L-Tyrosin 22. L-Proline Data Courtesy of : Major Pharmaceutical Company, Austria 0 2 4 6 8 10 Minutes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Alternative Selectivity - Steroids Fortis H2o’s unique bonded character ensures DAD1 C, Sig=250,6 Ref=360,20 (TESTOST\\TESTO021.D) Fortis® H2o that not only is reproducibility and robustness assured, but also that resolution is of the 11.043 highest level. Different selectivity can also be 12.194 achieved from that of our Fortis C18 stationary 12.791 phase. 14.600 15.950 17.286 17.832 20.755 22.517 120 Column: Fortis H2o 150x2.1mm 3μ 100 20 25 30 20 p/n: FHO-020703 80 Fortis® C18 60 40 25 30 20 -20 10 15 DAD1 C, Sig=250,6 Ref=360,20 (TESTOST\\TESTO027.D) Mobile Phase: 13.358 14.393 120 100 15.229 Flow: 0.2ml/min 16.800 80 Temp: 25°C 60 18.178 40 19.867 20 20.348 -20 23.109 24.877 10 Wavelength: DAD 250 Data Courtesy of : AstraZeneca, UK 15 16 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® C8 – Reduced Hydrophobicity over C18 C8 – Excellent Peak Shapes – Fully Scalable 1.7μ 3μ 5μ 10μ 13% Fortis C8 is designed to provide characteristics similar to Fortis C18 but specifically for situations where Fortis C8 less hydrophobicity is required. The same gains in peak shape, efficiency, resolution and scaleability L7 380m2/g are available providing increased productivity to the analyst. Optimised Peak Shape Lamictal Fortis C8 is optimised to provide the best Column: Fortis C8 150x4.6mm 5μ Bipolar disorders possible peak shapes and efficiency. Basic, Acidic and Neutral analyte performance p/n: F08-050705 •1000 Column : F is first class. • p/n : F – Higher Efficiencies Mobile Phase: A - H2O + 0.1% Formic acid Mobile Ph – Greater Reproducibility B - MeOH + 0.1% Formic acid • – Symmetrical peak shapes A - H2O - Lower Hydrophobicity Gradient: 10 - 90% in 10min 800 B – MeO Anticonvulsant Flow: 1ml/min Temp: 25°C Wavelength: 254nm 600 • Gradient: 1 1. Lamotrigine • Flow : 1 Temp : 2 400 λ: • • 200 1. Lamotr 00 11 22 33 44MinutMe5s5i nutes66 77 88 99 1100 DepakoteAntiplateletStrength in Technology Plavix Column: Fortis C8 150x4.6mm 5μ •300 pC/oCnl:uo mlunm: n : ForFFo0tr8its-is0C5C0878105510x540.6xm4m.65μmm 5μ •160 Column • Mpo/bnile: PhaseF: 0825-0: 7550H72O0:5ACN • p/n : p/n: F08-050705 Mobile •140 Mobile Phase: 40 : 60 H2O + 0.1% formic acid • FlMowo: b ile Phase1:ml/min ACN 250 Flow: 1ml/min Temp: 40:2650°CWater : ACN Temp: 25°C Wavelength: + 0.215%4nmformic acid •120 Flow : Wavelength: 220nm • Temp : λ: 3 •200 Flow : 1ml/min •100 1. Valproate Semisodium • 1.TCleopmidpog:rel 25oC • λ: 220nm 150 1. Clop 1. Valproate Semisodium 80 100 1.398 0.78 2951 60 2.662 1.21 58942 6.088 1.16 86411 35 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 1111 1122 17 MinuMteisnutes MinMutiensutes www.fortis-technoloSgtrieesn.gctohminTTeel:c+h4n4ol1o5g1y336 2266 Strength in Technology

For tis® Cyano – Retention of Polars Cyano – Alternative Selectivity – Normal Phase or Reverse Phase system 1.7μ 3μ 5μ – Rapid Equilibration 7% Fortis Cyano Fortis Cyano allows the use of aqueous reversed phase conditions to provide less retention for compounds too heavily retained on C18 functionality. However, it can also be used in normal phase L10 380m2 /g solvent systems to retain and separate polar analyte species. Cyano columns are particularly useful for polar species. Fortis Cyano is now also available in 1.7µm particle size for UHPLC work. Pesticides - Cyano Herbicides Fortis Cyano is optimised not only to help Column : Fortis Cyano 50x2.1mm 3μ Herbicides retain and resolve polar analytes, but also to be complimentary in resolution to other Fortis p/n : FCN-020303 phases. Mobile Phase: 80:20 H2O : ACN + 0.2% Acetic acid 350 350 – Normal phase as well as 300 300 Reversed phase use Flow : 0.2ml/min 3 . 0 1 3 1 . 0 2 2 18 2 9 8 250 – Alternative Selectivity – Rapid Equilibration Temp : 20°C Wavelength: 280nm 250 1. Banvel mAU 200 4.628 0.85 193671 200 mAU 2. Internal Std 150 5.858 0.91 260620 150 3. 2,4-D 100 100 4. MCPA 50 6.210 1.09 272054 50 5. PCOC 0 6. 2,4-DCP 0 1.470 0.74 33024 5 .2 4 2 0 .9 1 2 2 8 9 5 2 7. 2,4-DP 6.753 0.93 233999 8. CMPP 7 .5 3 5 0 .9 4 2 5 0 1 8 3 9. 2,4-DB 10. MCPB 12.980 0.00 212995 13.563 0.00 233489 3 .2 1 7 1 .2 4 3 3 6 5 0 4 0.677 1.20 37444 1 . 7 7 0 1 . 3 4 1 61 0 6 4 2.000 1.58 0 0 1 22 3 44 5 66 7 88 9 1100 11 1122 13 1144 15 MinMuintuetess Fortis Cyano Column Length Fortis Cyano Guards Length 50 100 150 250 10 2.1 FCN-0203xx - FCN-0205xx FCN-0207xx - Column Diameter 2.1 DCCN-0200xxG Column Diameter 3.0 FCN-0303xx FCN-0305xx FCN-0307xx FCN-0509xx 4.6 DCCN-0500xxG 4.6 FCN-0503xx FCN-0505xx FCN-0507xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm 18 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® HILIC – Retention of Polar Compounds 1.7μ ,3μ, 5μ HILIC na – Increased MS Sensitivity L3 380m2/g – Alternate Selectivity Fortis HILIC – Reduced Extraction (SPE) and Dry Down Times. Fortis HILIC (Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography) is designed to aid in the separation and retention of very polar analytes. Extended retention is afforded by the partitioning, ion-exchange and hydrogen bonding that can occur on a HILIC stationary phase. Fortis HILIC can increase sensitivity in MS analysis and provide alternate selectivity to that achieved with reversed phase C18. Fortis HILIC is now also available in 1.7µm particle size for UHPLC work. Polar retention in HILIC mode Fortis HILIC is optimised to help retain Nucleosides and resolve polar analytes. By use of high concentrations of organic solvent polar 10 Adenine analytes partition with the stationary phase. 8 Theobromine k’ 6 – Polar Retention Uracil – Alternative Selectivity Toluene – Rapid Equilibration 4 2 60 70 % organic 80 90 Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography 80 80:20 ACN: Water 80 (HILIC) works in a similar way to normal phase 60 60 chromatography. A polar surface combined 40 with a non-polar mobile phase, typically ACN, 20 40 allows for partition of the polar analytes and hence retention and separation. Water is used 0 20 in low concentration as the strong solvent in 80 order to elute the compounds. 60 90:10 ACN: Water 0 Usually no more than 20%-30% water is 40 80 needed in order to elute most analyte species. 20 60 Tel: +44 151 336 2266 0 40 80 60 20 40 20 95:5 ACN: Water 0 80 0 60 0 0 .0 40 20 1 1 .0 2 2.0 MinMuteinsutes 33 .0 44.0 0 5 5.0 19

Melamine Contamination Milk Blank Fortis HILIC Melamine has been adulterated into many products, but most importantly into baby milk in order to increase the apparent protein content. Due to its highly polar organic nature, 1,3,5-Triazine structure, it can be very difficult to retain in HPLC. HILIC provides a simple method in order to quickly quantitate melamine. Column : Fortis HILIC 100x2.1mm 3μ Spiked Milk p/n : FHI-020503 Mobile Phase: 90:10 ACN : 20mM NH3OAc Flow : 0.2ml/min Temp : 20°C Wavelength: 210nm Nueros - HILIC0.000 .5 01 .0 01 .5 02 .0 02 .5 03 .0 03 .5 04 .0 04 .5 0 5 .0 0 5 .5 0 6 .0 0 6 .5 0 7 .0 0 7 .5 0 8 .0 0 8 .5 0 9 .0 0 9 .5 0 1 0 .0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5M in u t e s 6 7 8 9 10 Minutes Nucleosides Column : Fortis HILIC 50x4.6mm 5μ Nucleosides Nucleosides are typically difficult to retain due p/n : FHI-050305 0 . 6 1 0 .8 5 1 4 0 0 to the ribose or deoxyribose sugar that forms part of their structure. Fortis HILIC provides a Mobile Phase: 95:5 ACN : 100mM NH3OAc good tool to retain and separate these polar analytes in simple mobile phase conditions. Flow : 1ml/min 40 40 30 30 Temp : 20°C 20 20 Wavelength: 254nm 1. Uracil mAU mAU 2. Uridine 1.21 0.85 2217 3. Cytosine 4. Guanosine 4.89 1.14 2627 6 .8 4 1 .1 8 2 9 8 5 10 10 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 MinMuintuetess Fortis HILIC Column Length Fortis HILIC Guards Length 50 100 150 250 10 2.1 FHI-0203xx - FHI-0205xx FHI-0207xx - Column Diameter 2.1 DCHI-0200xxG Column Diameter 3.0 FHI-0303xx FHI-0305xx FHI-0307xx FHI-0509xx 4.6 DCHI-0500xxG 4.6 FHI-0503xx FHI-0505xx FHI-0507xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - 10 for 10µm 20 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® HILIC DIOL – Retention of Polar Compounds HILIC DIOL1.7μ ,3μ, 5μ 4% – Increased MS Sensitivity L20 380m2/g – Alternate Selectivity Fortis HILIC DIOL – Reduced Extraction (SPE) and Dry Down Times. Uracils Fortis HILIC DIOL (Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography) is designed to aid in the separation and retention of very polar analytes. Extended retention is afforded by the partitioning, ion-exchange and hydrogen bonding that can occur on a HILIC stationary phase. Fortis HILIC DIOL can increase sensitivity in MS analysis and provide alternate selectivity to that achieved with reversed phase chemistries. Fortis HILIC DIOL is also available in 1.7µm particle size for UHPLC work. 5-Fluorouracil / Uracil Fortis HILIC DIOL is optimised not only to help Column : Fortis HILIC DIOL 100x2.1mm 5μ retain and resolve polar analytes, but also to be complimentary in resolution to other Fortis p/n : FDI-020505 phases. Mobile Phase: 99:1 ACN : H2O – Hydrophilic Interaction Mode – Strong Polar retention Flow : 0.2ml/min – Rapid Equilibration Temp : 20°C Wavelength: 254nm 1. 5-Fluorouracil 2. Uracil 00 11 22 33 Minutes 44 55 66 77 Time Fortis HILIC DIOL Column Length Fortis Amino Guards Length 50 100 150 250 10 2.1 FDI-0203xx - FDI-0205xx FDI-0207xx - Column Diameter 2.1 DCDI-0200xxG Column Diameter 3.0 FDI-0303xx FDI-0305xx FDI-0307xx FDI-0509xx 4.6 DCDI-0500xxG 4.6 FDI-0503xx FDI-0505xx FDI-0507xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm Tel: +44 151 336 2266 21

For tis® Amino – Retention of Polars 1.7μ 3μ 5μ Amino – Alternative Selectivity L8 380m2/g – Highly stable ligand density – Rapid Equilibration Fortis Amino allows the separation of compounds with reversed phase, normal phase or ion-exchange mechanisms. The Amino bonding is extremely rugged and reproducible to give stable baselines, retention times and selectivity. Amino columns are particularly suited for carbohydrate species. Fortis Amino is now also available in 1.7µm particle size for UHPLC work. Carbohydrates 5% Fortis Amino Fortis Amino is optimised not only to help retain Column : Fortis Amino 150x4.6mm 5μ 5 and resolve hydrogen bonding compounds, 3 but to also be complimentary in resolution to p/n : FNH-050705 other Fortis phases. Mobile Phase: 75 : 25 ACN : H2O – Exceptional for Carbohydrate – Alternative Selectivity Flow : 1.0ml/min – Rapid Equilibration Temp : 30°C Wavelength: RI 1. Ribose 2 6 2. Xylose 4 7 3. Fructose 4. Glucose 1 5. Sucrose 6. Maltose 7. Lactose Minutes00.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 55.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 1100.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 115.500 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 2200.00 Minutes Fortis Amino Column Length Fortis Amino Guards Length 50 100 150 250 10 2.1 FNH-0203xx - FNH-0205xx FNH-0207xx - Column Diameter 2.1 DCNH-0200xxG Column Diameter 3.0 FNH-0303xx FNH-0305xx FNH-0307xx FNH-0509xx 4.6 DCNH-0500xxG 4.6 FNH-0503xx FNH-0505xx FNH-0507xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm 22 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Column Reproducibility – Robust Column Bondings QA Test – Assured Peak Shapes – 20% Lower Asymmetry Specification – 10% Higher Efficiency Each Fortis HPLC column is tested using the industries most rigorous QC test, utilising basic analyte probes as well as neutral efficiency markers ensures that the column reproducibility is first class. Fortis columns are also subject to a 20% lower peak shape specification than other manufacturers columns. QC Test Fortis stationary phases have been proven to Column: Fortis C18 100x4.6mm 5μ 0.5 QC HP1050 0.5 ¾ Colum exhibit excellent peak shapes and efficiency 0.4 ¾ p/n : for the full range of analyte species. p/n: F18-050505 0.3 0.4 ¾ Mobile By employing a QC mix that accurately probes Mobile Phase: 60:40 ACN:H2O silanol activity (the measure of good peak ¾ Flow : shape) the analyst can be assured of quality Flow: 1.0ml/min 0.3 ¾ Temp : time and time again. Temp: 25°C ¾ λ: Gains are also made in: - Sample carry over Wavelength: 254nm - Increased Resolution - Increased Sensitivity 1. Uracil Volts 1. Urac 2. Phenol 0.848 13618 1.10 2. Phe Column Reproducibility 3. 4-Ethylaniline 3. 4-Et 4. N,N-Dimethylaniline 1.678 78110 1.20 4. N,N- 5. Napthalene 2.545 91605 1.11 5. Nap 4.630 107875 1.04 7.002 104571 1.03 Volts 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1100 MinMutiensutes Fortis columns are subject to tight specification 1.4 Asymmetry 4-Ethylaniline using basic analytes in an unbuffered mobile 1.2 500+ columns N,N-Dimethylaniline phase system. 1.0 Napthalene If there were residual uncovered hydroxyl 0.8 groups present then these basic probes would 0.6 highlight this fact. 0.4 0.2 Fortis Technologies unique bondings combined 0.0 with the ultra pure silica matrix ensure that peak shapes and lifetime achieved are first class. Tel: +44 151 336 2266 23

Fortis® Capillaries Capillaries Fortis capillaries are available in 75µm and 200µm i.d. with any phase chemistry and any particle size from the Fortis range. To find out more about the phase chemistry characteristics please refer to the full Product brochure: Fortis C18 Column Length Column Diameter 50 100 150 250 C075-050-xx-F18 C075-250-xx-F18 75µm C075-100-xx-F18 C075-150-xx-F18 200µm C200-050-xx-F18 C200-250-xx-F18 C200-100-xx-F18 C200-150-xx-F18 Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm BSA testing capillary Fortis stationary phases have been proven 100 11.09 NL: to provide sharp peaks shapes, critical for 7.32E9 high resolution separations in small low dose 15.25 formats. TIC MS 90 12.68 BSAtest01_ 10 fmol/microlitre BSA 12.72 1304230129 3µ Fortis C18 75µm x 150mm 80 24 40min gradient 300nl/min 70 Improvements are made in: Relative Abundance 60 12.57 13.16 18.65 18.68 - Reduced sample carry over 17.45 - Increased Resolution - Increased Sensitivity 50 10.56 40 9.69 30 6.48 12.01 13.56 16.73 6.77 11.96 14.97 9.76 20 5.37 7.80 8.67 8.78 9.83 11 12 14.32 16.44 3.35 4.01 5.06 5.25 5.41 7.58 7.85 13.99 16.28 10 7.13 8.62 13 14 15 17.62 19.53 19 0.35 0.96 1.97 2.54 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 16 17 18 0 Time (min) 100 10.95 NL: 6.38E9 90 12.55 TIC MS 80 BSAtest02_ 1304230218 42 70 15.03 Relative Abundance 60 10.42 12.40 17.19 13.00 50 18.40 40 6.44 9.55 9.58 11.89 13.40 14.77 16.55 16.23 30 6.72 9.67 14.12 15.87 13.83 20 5.37 7.74 9.24 9.21 9.77 11.25 7.52 9.80 11 12 4.29 4.94 5.28 10 45 8.53 9.07 17.35 19.32 0.28 0.92 1.48 1.91 2.56 3.21 6.31 7.16 0 1 23 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 Time (min) 24 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis® Prep – 5µm and 10µm particles – High Loadability – Optimised Packing Efficiency – Narrow peak profile, High Efficiency and Resolution Fortis Prep columns are designed for high sample loading, high throughput applications. The optimised packed bed (OPB) process ensures excellent peak shapes and efficiency, whilst the lifetime of the column is increased. Fortis Prep Columns & Bulk 25 Fortis Prep columns come in sizes from 30mm to 250mm in length and from 10mm in diameter all the way up to 50mm (2” i.d.). Pre-packed columns are advised for < 2” i.d. after this Bulk material can be supplied for those wishing to pack DAC (Dynamic Axial Compression) columns. If preparative columns are packed with the identical media to their analytical counterpart then the ability to scale up with the theoretical calculations will be accurate. - 10mm, 21.2mm and 30mm i.d. - 5µm and 10µm particles - 100g to multi Kg bulk available Contact us for more information on availability of prep options/bulk packings, or to discuss your application and the ability to scale up. Our technical experts will be happy to discuss your needs with you. Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Filter & Guard Options – Guard system for all 3µm, 5µm and 10µm phases – Low volume in-line filters for LC and UHPLC – Maintain chromatographic integrity Fortis Guards and filters are designed to ensure that erroneous materials do not find there way onto the more important and expensive analytical column. Guards are available in sizes to match all analytical and preparative column dimensions. Filters are particularly suitable for short fast LC/MS (Pace™) columns and UHPLC columns. – Direct connect guard system for all 3µm, 5µm and 10µm phases – Quick replacement cartridges - Highly Cost Effective 5µm Fortis Guard Cartridges 3µm Fortis Guard Cartridges DCGUA-1 Guard Cartridge Holder DCGUA-1 Guard Cartridge Holder DCxx-040005G/2 10x4mm Fortis 5µm Guard pk 2 DCxx-040003G/2 10x4mm Fortis 3µm Guard pk 2 DCxx-040005G/4 10x4mm Fortis 5µm Guard pk 4 DCxx-040003G/4 10x4mm Fortis 3µm Guard pk 4 DCxx-020005G/2 10x2mm Fortis 5µm Guard pk 2 DCxx-020003G/2 10x2mm Fortis 3µm Guard pk 2 DCxx-020005G/4 10x2mm Fortis 5µm Guard pk 4 DCxx-020003G/4 10x2mm Fortis 3µm Guard pk 4 Replace xx 18 for Fortis C18 PH for Fortis Diphenyl HO for Fortis H2o 08 for Fortis C8 CN for Fortis Cyano HI for Fortis HILIC – Preparative guard system 10mm & 21.2mm – Quick replacement cartridges - Highly Cost Effective - Reduced volume coupler available – In-line Filter for all LC columns – Low volume in-line filters – Change over time is seconds not minutes Fortis in-line filters are fingertight direct connect design, fitting in between the column and the conventional peek fitting to filter out particulate matter, it contains low dead volume and pressure. In-line filters are ideal for very short fast columns such as Fortis Pace™ LC/MS columns where extra packed bed from a guard would be detrimental. In-line filters are also available in UHPLC format, capable of withstanding the elevated pressures involved. – Filter for all UHPLC columns – No backpressure increase – Increase lifetime of UHPLC columns – Low volume in-line filter – Change over time is seconds not minutes Analytical In-line Filters UHPLC In-line Filters 2-SAV5 2µm In-line filter pk 5 UHPSAV2 UHPLC In-line filter pk 2 2-SAV10 2µm In-line filter pk 10 UHPSAV4 UHPLC In-line filter pk 4 26 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Part number tables Fortis C18 Column Length 20 30 50 100 150 250 2.1 F18-0201xx F18-0202xx F18-0207xx - F18-0203xx F18-0205xx F18-0307xx - F18-0507xx Column Diameter 3.0 - F18-0302xx F18-0303xx F18-0305xx F18-0509xx 4.6 - F18-0502xx F18-0503xx F18-0505xx 150 FPH-0207xx 250 Replace xx -01 for 1.7µm - 02 for 2.5µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - 10 for 10µm FPH-0307xx - FPH-0507xx - Fortis Diphenyl Column Length Column Diameter 150 FPH-0509xx 20 30 50 100 FHO-0207xx 2.1 FPH-0201xx FPH-0202xx FHO-0307xx 250 3.0 - FPH-0302xx FPH-0203xx FPH-0205xx FHO-0507xx - 4.6 - FPH-0502xx - FPH-0303xx FPH-0305xx 150 F08-0207xx FHO-0509xx FPH-0503xx FPH-0505xx F08-0307xx F08-0507xx 250 Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 02 for 2.5µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - 10 for 10µm - 150 - Fortis H2o Column Length FCN-0207xx FCN-0307xx F08-0509xx 20 30 50 100 FCN-0507xx 2.1 FHO-0201xx FHO-0202xx 250 FHO-0302xx FHO-0203xx FHO-0205xx 150 - FHO-0502xx FHI-0207xx - Column Diameter 3.0 - FHO-0303xx FHO-0305xx FHI-0307xx 4.6 - FHI-0507xx FCN-0509xx FHO-0503xx FHO-0505xx 150 250 Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm FDI-0207xx - FDI-0307xx - Fortis C8 Column Length FDI-0507xx FHI-0509xx 20 30 50 100 150 2.1 F08-0201xx F08-0202xx FNH-0207xx 250 F08-0302xx F08-0203xx F08-0205xx FNH-0307xx - F08-0502xx FNH-0507xx - Column Diameter 3.0 - F08-0303xx F08-0305xx 4.6 - FDI-0509xx F08-0503xx F08-0505xx 250 Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - - Fortis Cyano Column Length FNH-0509xx 20 30 50 100 2.1 FCN-0201xx FCN-0202xx FCN-0302xx FCN-0203xx FCN-0205xx FCN-0502xx Column Diameter 3.0 - FCN-0303xx FCN-0305xx 4.6 - FCN-0503xx FCN-0505xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm Fortis HILIC Column Length 20 30 50 100 2.1 FHI-0201xx FHI-0202xx FHI-0203xx FHI-0205xx Column Diameter 3.0 FHI-0302xx FHI-0303xx FHI-0305xx 4.6 FHI-0502xx FHI-0503xx FHI-0505xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - 10 for 10µm Fortis HILIC DIOL Column Length 20 30 50 100 2.1 FDI-0201xx FDI-0202xx FDI-0203xx FDI-0205xx Column Diameter 3.0 FDI-0302xx FDI-0303xx FDI-0305xx 4.6 FDI-0502xx FDI-0503xx FDI-0505xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - 10 for 10µm Fortis Amino Column Length 20 30 50 100 2.1 FNH-0201xx FNH-0202xx FNH-0203xx FNH-0205xx Column Diameter 3.0 FNH-0302xx FNH-0303xx FNH-0305xx 4.6 FNH-0502xx FNH-0503xx FNH-0505xx Replace xx - 01 for 1.7µm - 03 for 3µm - 05 for 5µm - 10 for 10µm Tel: +44 151 336 2266 27

Applications Compound Use Column Anabsin Sesquiterpene Lactones Fortis C18 Anabsinthin Sesquiterpene Lactones Fortis C18 1,3-Dimethyluric acid SpeedCore Diphenyl Angiotensin I Peptide FortisBIO C4 Angiotensin II Peptide FortisBIO C18 11a Hydroxyprogesterone Steroid Fortis H2o Apigenin Natural Dyes Fortis C18 Apomyoglobin Protein FortisBIO C18 11a-Hydroxyprogesterone Steroid Fortis Cyano ARG Amino Acids Fortis C18 Artemisetin Sesquiterpene Lactones Fortis C18 17 a Hydroxyprogesterone Steroid Fortis H2o Ascisic acid Plant Hormone Fortis C18 Ascorbic acid Vitamins Fortis HILIC 17-Hydroxyprogesterone Hormone Fortis C18 ASP Amino Acids Fortis C18 Atazanavir HIV Drugs Fortis C18 1-Hydroxy-midazolam Anxiolytic Fortis C18 Atenolol Beta Blocker Fortis H2o Atorvastatin Statins Fortis C18 2,4-D Herbicide Fortis Cyano Azithromycin Antibiotic Fortis C18 Banvel Herbicide Fortis C18 2,4-DB Herbicide Fortis Cyano Bendroflumethiazide Thiazide Diuretic Fortis H2o Benoquinone acetic acid Fortis H2o 2,4-DCP Herbicide Fortis C18 Benzene Alkyl Benzenes Fortis C18 Benzoylecgonine Drugs of Abuse Fortis C18 2,4-DP Herbicide Fortis Cyano Benzyladenine Plant Hormone Fortis C18 Bromazepam Benzodiazepines Fortis C18 2,6-Dimethylphenol SpeedCore C18 Butylbenzene Alkyl Benzenes Fortis C18 Caffeine Alkaloid SpeedCore Diphenyl 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Explosives Fortis Cyano Campher Fragrance Fortis C18 candesartan cilexetil Hypertension Fortis C18 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid Positional Isomers Fortis Diphenyl Casein Protein FortisBIO C18 Casein Tryptic Digest FortisBIO C18 2-Hydroxyestradiol Positional Isomers Fortis Diphenyl Catechol Antibiotic SpeedCore C18 Cefachlor Antibiotic Fortis C18 2-Nitroaniline Explosives Fortis Cyano Cefadroxil Antibiotic Fortis C18 Cefalexin Antibiotic Fortis C18 3,4-Dimethylphenol SpeedCore C18 Cefradine Antibiotic Fortis C18 Chloramphenicol Fragrance Fortis H2o 3,5-Dimethylphenol SpeedCore C18 Cineol Antibiotic Fortis C18 Ciprofloxacin Antidepressant Fortis Diphenyl 3-hydroxyanabsinthin Sesquiterpene Lactones Fortis C18 Citalopram Hypnotic Fortis C18 Clonaepam Antiplatelet Fortis C18 3-Hydroxybenzoic acid Positional Isomers Fortis Diphenyl Clopidogrel Hydrogen SO4 Drugs of Abuse Fortis C8 Clozapine Herbicide Fortis C18 3-Methoxytyramine catecholamine Fortis HILIC CMPP Antibiotic Fortis Cyano co-amoxiclav Pain Relief Fortis C18 3-Nitrobenzoic acid Fortis C18 co-codamol Anti-Inflammatory Fortis C18 Cortisone Amino Acids Fortis C18 3-Octanon Fragrence Fortis C18 CYS-CYS Protein Fortis C18 Cytochrome C Nuclosides FortisBIO C18 4-Ethylaniline Fortis C18 Cytosine Fortis HILIC 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid Positional Isomers Fortis Diphenyl 4-Hydroxyestradiol Positional Isomers Fortis Diphenyl 4-Nitroaniline Explosives Fortis Cyano 5-Fluorouracil anticarcinogen SpeedCore HILIC 5-HIAA Catecholamines Fortis H2o 6-monacetylmorphine Drugs of Abuse Fortis C18 7-Aminoclonazepam Hypnotic Fortis C18 7-Aminoflunitrazepam Benzodiazepines Fortis C18 7-Aminonitrazepam Anxiolytic Fortis C18 Absinthin Sesquiterpene Lactones Fortis C18 Acetaminophen Flu Relief Fortis C18 Acetic acid Ear Infections Fortis C18 Adenine Polars Fortis HILIC ALA Amino Acids Fortis C18 Aldehydes Aldehydes Fortis C18 Aliskiren Renin Inhibitor SpeedCore C18 Terpineol Plant Hormone Fortis C18 Alprazolam Anxiolytic Fortis C18 Amiloride Diuretic Fortis C18 Amitriptyline Antidepressant Fortis C18 Amoxicillin Antibiotic Fortis C18 Amphetamine Drugs of Abuse Fortis C18 Amprenavir HIV Drugs Fortis C18 28 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Applications D3-Digitoxin Cardiac glycosides Fortis C18 Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid Steroid Fortis H2o Dalbavancin Antibiotic Fortis Diphenyl Hydroxytisone-21-acetate Painkiller Fortis H2o Demoxepam Benzodiazepines Fortis C18 Ibuprofen Amino Acids Fortis C18 Desmethyldiazepam Anxiolytic Fortis C18 ILE Plant Hormone Fortis C18 Dexamethasone Ear Infections Fortis C18 Indol-3-yl-acetate Peptide Fortis C18 Diamorphine opioid analgesic Fortis H2o Insulin Angiotensin II antagonist FortisBIO C4 Dianette Alkaloid Fortis C18 Irbesartan Vitamins Fortis C18 Diazepam Anti Anxiety Fortis C18 Isoascorbic acid Positional Isomers Fortis HILIC Diclofenac Sodium Painkiller Fortis C18 Isonicatinamide Sesquiterpene Lactones Fortis Diphenyl Diethylaniline Fortis C18 Ketopelenolide Plant Hormone Fortis C18 Digitoxin Cardiac glycosides Fortis C18 Kinetin disaccharide Fortis C18 Dihydroquinidine antiarrhythmic Fortis Diphenyl Lactose Epilepsy Fortis Amino Diltiazem High Blood Pressure Fortis H2o Lamotrigine Fragrance Fortis C8 Dimethylaniline Fortis C18 Lanalool Fortis C18 Diphenhydramine Antihistamine Fortis C18 Lanandulyl acetate Stomach Ulcers Fortis C18 d-metafetamine Drugs of Abuse Fortis C18 Lansoprazole Fortis C18 DOPAC Catecholamines Fortis H2o Lavandulol Amino Acids Fortis C18 Dopamine catecholamine Fortis HILIC LEU Peptide Fortis C18 Doxazosin alpha-blocker Fortis Diphenyl LEU-Enkephalin Antihistamine FortisBIO C18 Entecavir Antiviral Fortis Diphenyl Levocetirizine Irregular Heartbeats Fortis H2o Epinephrine catecholamine Fortis HILIC Lidocaine Fragrance Fortis C18 Epiyangambin Sesquiterpene Lactones Fortis C18 Limonen Fragrance Fortis C18 Erythromycin Erythromycin Fortis HILIC Linalyl Acetate HIV Drugs Fortis C18 Estradiol Valerate SpeedCore Diphenyl Lopinavir Antihistamine Fortis C18 Estradiols Estradiols Fortis C18 Loratadine Anti Anxiety Fortis C18 Fenuron Fortis C18 Lorazepam Drugs of Abuse Fortis Diphenyl Flucloxacillin Antibiotic Fortis C18 LSD Natural Dyes Fortis C18 Flunitrazepam Anxiolytic Fortis C18 Luteolin Amino Acids Fortis C18 Fluoruracil Polars Fortis HILIC LYS disaccharide Fortis C18 Fluoxetine Antidepressant Fortis C18 Maltose Agrochemicals Fortis Amino Folic Acid Vitamin Fortis H2o MCPA Weed Control Fortis C18 Fructose monosaccharide Fortis Amino MCPB Fortis Cyano Gabapentin Epilepsy Fortis C18 m-Cresol Drugs of Abuse SpeedCore C18 Gibberellin acid Plant Hormone Fortis C18 MDA Drugs of Abuse Fortis C18 Gliclazide Diabetes Fortis C18 MDEA Drugs of Abuse Fortis C18 GLU Amino Acids Fortis C18 MDMA (Ecstasy) Fortis C18 Glucose monosaccharide Fortis Amino Melamine Amino Acids Fortis HILIC GLY Amino Acids Fortis C18 MET catecholamine Fortis C18 GLY-TYR Peptide FortisBIO C18 Metanephrine Peptide Fortis HILIC Guanosine Nuclosides Fortis HILIC MET-Enkephalin Drugs of Abuse FortisBIO C18 Haloperidol Antipsychotic Fortis C18 Methamphetamine Organic acids Fortis C18 Heptylbenzene Alkyl Benzenes Fortis C18 Methyl Melonic acid Fortis H2o Hexylbenzene Alkyl Benzenes Fortis C18 Methylbenzoate Anxiolytic Fortis C18 HIS Amino Acids Fortis C18 Midazolam Antidepressant Fortis C18 Holo-Transferrin Protein FortisBIO C18 Mirtazapine Drugs of Abuse Fortis C18 Homogentisic acid Fortis H2o Morphine QC Test Fortis C18 Human Growth Hormone Peptide Hormone FortisBIO C18 N,N-Dimethylaniline QC Test Fortis C18 Hydroxy-21-acetate Steroid Fortis Cyano Naphthalene HIV Drugs Fortis C18 Hydroxyphenylacetic acid Fortis H2o Nelfinavir Fortis C18 Tel: +44 151 336 2266 29

Applications Neomycin Sulphate Ear Infections Fortis C18 Raloxifene Glucoronides treat osteoporosis Fortis C18 Nicotinamide Positional Isomers Fortis Diphenyl Rasagiline Parkinsons SpeedCore C18 Nicotinic acid Vitamins Fortis HILIC Resorcinol SpeedCore C18 Nitosininone Fortis H2o Riboflavin Vitamins Fortis HILIC Nitrazepam Anxiolytic Fortis C18 Ribonuclease A Protein FortisBIO C18 Nitrobenzene Explosives Fortis Cyano Ribose monosaccharide Fortis Amino Nogestrel SpeedCore Diphenyl Ritonavir HIV Drugs Fortis C18 Nordiazepam Drugs of Abuse Fortis C18 Rosuvastatin Statins Fortis C18 Normetanephrine catecholamine Fortis HILIC Sequinavir HIV Drugs Fortis C18 Norpinephrine catecholamine Fortis HILIC SER Amino Acids Fortis C18 Nortriptyline Tricyclic Antidepressants Fortis C18 Serotonin Catecholamines Fortis H2o o-Cresol SpeedCore C18 Sesartemin Sesquiterpene Lactones Fortis C18 OH-Dalbavancin Antibiotic Fortis Diphenyl Simvastatin High Blood Pressure Fortis H2o Olanzapine antipsychotic SpeedCore C18 Sotalol Beta Blocker Fortis C18 Omeprazole Stomach Ulcers Fortis C18 Succinic acid Organic acids Fortis H2o Oseltamivir Antiviral Fortis C18 Sucrose disaccharide Fortis Amino Oxazepam Hypnotic Fortis C18 Sulfamerazine Sulfa Drugs Fortis C18 PAH 16 PAH EPA Fortis C18 Sulfamethoxazole Sulfa Drugs Fortis C18 Paracetamol Flu Relief Fortis C18 Sulfathiazole Sulfa Drugs Fortis C18 Paroxetine Antidepressant Fortis H2o Sumatriptan UniverSil HS C18 PCOC Weed Control Fortis Cyano Telmisartan Hypertension Fortis C8 p-Cresol SpeedCore C18 Temazepam Anti Anxiety Fortis C18 Pentylbenzene Alkyl Benzenes Fortis C18 Tenofovir HIV Drugs Fortis H2o Pesticides KFDA83 - 59 Pesticides Fortis C18 Terpinen 4 ol Fragrance Fortis C18 PHE Amino Acids Fortis C18 Testosterone Hormone Fortis C18 Phenol SpeedCore C18 Theobromine SpeedCore Diphenyl Phenoxymethylpenicillin Antibiotic Fortis C18 Theophylline Alkaloid Fortis C18 Phenylephrine Flu Relief Fortis C18 THR Amino Acids Fortis C18 Pheophorbide Fortis C18 Thymidine (IS) HIV Drugs Fortis H2o Pheophytin PET Tracer Fortis C18 Tiotropium bromide bronchodilator Fortis C18 PK11195 PET Tracer Fortis Diphenyl Toluene Polars Fortis HILIC PK11195 Dechlorinated Steroid Fortis Diphenyl Tramadol Opioid Painkiller Fortis C18 Prednisolone Steroid Fortis H2o Trimipramine Antidepressant Fortis C18 Prednisone Estrogens Fortis H2o TYR Amino Acids Fortis C18 Premarin Amino Acids SpeedCore HILIC Tyrosine Amino Acids Fortis H2o PRO Anestetic Fortis C18 Uracil Nuclosides Fortis HILIC Procaine phenothiazine antipsychotics Fortis C18 Uridine Nuclosides Fortis HILIC Prochlorperazine Maleate Steroid Fortis Diphenyl VAL Amino Acids Fortis C18 Progesterone Anti Malarial Fortis H2o Valproate Semisodium Manic Depression Fortis C8 Proguanil Nausea Fortis Diphenyl VAL-TYR-VAL Peptide FortisBIO C18 Promethazine theoclate Alkyl Benzenes Fortis C18 Verapamil Irregular Heartbeats Fortis C18 Propylbenzene Antidepressant Fortis C18 Vitamin C Vitamins Fortis HILIC Protriptyline Fortis C18 Warfarin anticoagulant Fortis H2o Pyrazoline Polars Fortis C18 Xylose monosaccharide Fortis Amino Pyridine Fortis C18 Zolpidem Hypnotic Fortis C18 Pyridoxine antipsychotic Fortis HILIC Zopiclone Hypnotic Fortis C18 Pyropheophytin antiarrhythmic Fortis C18 Quetiapine SpeedCore C18 Quinidine Fortis Diphenyl 30 Tel: +44 151 336 2266

Fortis Phase Characteristics Particle Size Surface %C Pore Size pH range USP Area (m2/g) 17 100 1-12 L1 18 100 2-10 L1 Fortis C18 1.7µ 3µ 5µ 10µ 380 13 100 2-9 L11 Fortis H2o 13 100 2-10 L7 Fortis Diphenyl 1.7µ 3µ 5µ 380 N/A 100 2-8 L3 Fortis C8 4 100 2-8 L20 Fortis HILIC 1.7µ 3µ 5µ 10µ 380 7 100 2-7 L10 Fortis HILIC Diol 5 100 2-8 L8 Fortis Cyano 1.7µ 3µ 5µ 10µ 380 Fortis Amino USP 1.7µ 3µ 5µ 10µ 380 L1 L26 1.7µ 3µ 5µ 380 USP 1.7µ 3µ 5µ 380 L1 L11 1.7µ 3µ 5µ 380 L43 L3 Particle Size Surface %C Pore Size pH range Area (m2/g) 11 300 1-10 5 300 1-10 FortisBIO C18 1.7µ 5µ 150 FortisBIO C4 1.7µ 5µ 150 Particle Size Surface %C Pore Size pH range Area (m2/g) 10 80 2-9 7 80 2-9 SpeedCore C18 2.6µ 140 6 N/A SpeedCore Diphenyl 2.6µ 140 80 2-9 2.6µ 140 SpeedCore PFP (PentaFluoroPhenyl) SpeedCore HILIC 2.6µ 140 80 2-9 Tel: +44 151 336 2266 31

WORLDWIDE AVAILABILITY ® Fortis products are available worldwide. For the distributor in your country, contact Fortis international Sales Office, UK by telephone, fax or email: [email protected] 45 Coalbrookdale Road t: +44 151 336 2266 • Austria • Hong Kong • Poland Clayhill Industrial Park f: +44 151 336 2669 • Bangladesh • Hungary • Portugal Neston • Brazil • India • Romania Cheshire, UK e: [email protected] • Canada • Ireland • Russia CH64 3UG • China • Israel • Singapore • Columbia • Italy • South Africa • Czech Republic • Japan • Spain • Ecuador • Korea • Sweden • Egypt • Malaysia • Switzerland • France • Mexico • Taiwan • Germany • Netherlands • Thailand • Greece • Norway • Turkey • Holland • Puerto Rico • USA For technical support or applications contact : [email protected] For more information VISIT : Fortis C18®, Fortis Diphenyl®, Fortis H2o®, Fortis C8®, Fortis Cyano®, Fortis HILIC®, Fortis Pace® are registered trademarks of Fortis® Technologies Ltd. Sunfire®, Xbridge®, Acquity BEH®, UPLC®, Atlantis® and Xterra® are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation. Luna®, Gemini®,Kinetex® and Synergi® are registered trademarks of Phenomenex. Zorbax® Eclipse XDB® and Zorbax® SB-C18 are registered trademarks of Agilent Technologies. Inertsil® is a registered trademark of GL Sciences. ACE® is a registered trademark of ACT Fortis is not associated with these companies. Comparative separations may not be representative of all applications. All columns are original manufac- turers own. ©2014 Fortis Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.

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