The Center forChristian Coachingoffers the mostpersonal coachtraining available.Our program is themost comprehensivetraining available inthe shortest amountof time and we are100% committed toyour success. Weprovide lifelongsupport as well asextensive support LIFE COACH CERTIFICATEwith your personalMarketing Strategy.
LIFE COACH CERTIFICATIONChristian Coaching isthe art and practice ofenablingindividuals and groupsto move from wherethey are to where Godwants them tobe.” Gary Collins,Christian Coaching,NavPress. TheChristian Coach helpsothers to unlock thepower of God in theirlives to resolve lifechallenges and createamazing results.
LIFE PURPOSE INSTITUTEThe Center for Christian Coaching is an affiliate of Life Purpose Institute AtCCC we provide all the skills training, resources and tools necessary to builda thriving coaching practice - all in a Christian training environment.
CHRISTIAN COACHINGWe even offer aguarantee thatyou will makeback the cost ofthe training.You will receiveindividual timewith yourinstructor as wellas customizableforms,worksheets, assessmentstools andmethodology touse in your ownpractice.
LIFE COACH CERTIFICATEFor further information:visit our website : LIFE COACH CERTIFICATE
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