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Home Explore font_research_examples


Published by rpiland, 2018-10-18 13:07:59

Description: font_research_examples


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AVANT GARDE Background Avant Garde is a sans-serif font family based off of the logo used in the Avant Garde magazine. It consists of five weights with complementary obliques for widest width fonts. Designers It was designed by Herb Lubalin and Tom Carnase and released between 1970-1977. UsesIt is used maInly for headlines and short texts and is seen in popular logos.

Characteristics Berlin“The original sans-serif” 1896forerunner of HelveticaClean and modern lookFolded-up appearanceNarrow apertures and strokesTail of Q does not cross the circleJ does not descend below baselineInvented by Günter Gerhard Lange, BertholdTranslation ‘Akzidenz’ = CommercialUses Publicity materials, advertising, tickets NOT for decorationFirst Appearance H Berthold Berlin & Bauer & Co. Stuggart

News Gothic History News Gothic was created in 1908 by Morris Morris Fuller Benton Fuller Benton. It was realeased by the Amer- ican Type Founders. It consists of two light text weights, one medium weight, and one similar light weights (Lightline Gothic). In 1958, two new bold face fonts were added to the font family. Typically used in newspapers and maga- zines in the 20th century. Similar Fonts: Franklin Gothic (also designed by Benton) Follows the NEO-GROTESQUE model: tail distinctly located outside bowl blunt terminus at apexQ ga t two story lowercase

Mrs Eaves is a transitional serif typeface designed by Zuzana Licko in Mrs1 9 9 6. It is licensed by Emigre, aEaves typefoundry run byLicko and husband RudymceaorrstoreeTyeudphlneoetefthdrrtageeeecardexin.s-ttiThhhac.aehestioesgiefrhstrentqis,feuusasilsanttneadibdsiwnovtietuederrtneymtnthaiietoentdnraMatalchslr,t.esilLvEoleoiwa,cwvk-eeosr VanderLans. AAA

SABON• Originally designed by a German-born typographer Jan Tschichold• The font was realeased jointly by the Linotype, Monotype, and Stempel type foundries in 1967• Old-style Serif typeface• The design of the font was largely based on types by Konrad Berner, who had married the widow of a fellow printer Jacques Sabon• Developed for a group of German printers who were complaining about the lack of uniform or harmony in a font that would look the same whether set by hand or on a Montype of Linotype machine• The italic and bold face renditions were to take up exactly as much space as the roman, a feature that simplified the process of planning lines when printing a book• An early use of the Sabon typeface were for biblical texts, specifically the Washburn College Bible in 1973 and the Episcopal Church 1979 Book of Common Prayer• Sabon was used in the 200s as the offical logo typeface of Stanford University until 2012• Vogue and Esquire use a slightly modified version in their publications• Original purpose was for the body text of business publications

What Can Rotis Be Used for?You can use rotis for books, magazines,newspapers, poster or advertisements.and as a corporate typeface.HistoryOtl Aicher designed rotis in 1989. It isnamed the German village in which helived. Because of the blending of sand withserif, rotis became a success in Europe.

History of TheFRUTIGER FONTTHEN 1975The Frutiger font, a simple and san serif font, was invented by AdrianFrutiger in Switzerland in 1975. Frutiger was originally asked to createthis font for the signs at the Charles de Gaulle International Airportin Roissey, France. He had to make sure the font could be easily readwhen people passed by the signs.NOW 2017Today, the Frutiger Font is used by many organizations such asthe British Royal Navy, Conservative Party of Canada, and the Lon-don School of Economics and Political Science. The Frutiger fontcan also be seen on road signs in Switzerland, where the font wascreated.

Where did Bembo start? Bembo is an “old-style” of serif fonts with its regular style based on a design cut around 1495 by Francesco Griffo. The serif typface was created by the british branch of the Monotype Corportation. DATE: 1495 Monotype Originated 1929 Serif Typface Created Characteristics: • The capital Q tail starts from the glyph’s center •The uppercase J has a slight hook •The sides of the M go outwards slightly •Lower case letters show subtle and sinuous curves •Both the r and the e flare out slightly upward and outward • Lowercase c and e push slightly forward• Features include: “serifs fine slab, fine-bracketed amd I.c. prolonged to right along baseline • Bembo is mainly used as a body text font for its simplistic style

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST UV W XY ZAABBCCOptimaD DEEF Optima is one of the most popular Sans-Serif fonts. It was designed FG by Hermann Zapf and released between 1952–1955. Optima is GH made up of humanist lines and its strokes are variable in width. H Optima was the chosen font for the National September 11 Me- II morial and Museum for the names of those who lost their lives inJ the bronze parapets. Optima is the offical typeface for Estee Lauder JK Companies, the University of Calgary, Aston Martin, and Desjar- KL dins. LMMNNOOPPQQRRSSTTUUVVWWXXYYZZA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST UV W XY Z