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Home Explore Name of shape

Name of shape

Published by kindergarten printable, 2022-08-11 14:15:53

Description: Name of shape
A funny UKG worksheet for children including
- Addition
-Counting up to ten
- Identifying shape

Keywords: UKg,worksheets,early education,count to 10,kids,educative,addition,subtraction,objet,tree,funny cat,presshool,back to schoo,september


Read the Text Version

Name:...................... Date:...................... Score...................... What shape is it? triangle square rectangle cirle triangle square star diamond rectangle trianle circle diamond which shape is circle? which shape is square?

Name:...................... Date:...................... Score...................... How many square are How many star are there? there? How many rectangle are How many diamond are there? there?

Name:...................... Date:...................... Score...................... How many triangle are in the frame? 15 3 75 9 How many circle are in the frame? 23 8 4 5 10 tick image which show 10

Name:...................... Date:...................... Score...................... Which two are exactly the same? Which is different?

Name:...................... Date:...................... Score...................... Copy the pattern square triangle

To cut

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