July2022 Newsletter
Contents 1. New rates 2. New policy for unused lesson credits 3. July's 5th week lessons 4. In-person social event 5. End-of-year recital 6. Performances & competitions 7. FAQs WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
1.2 New Rates ... I have raised my rates since Mar 2022. However, as a token of appreciation for those of you who have been with me since the COVID days, I have maintained your rates and will continue to do so for at least 2-3 more months. BEFORE MARCH 2022 Single Lessons: $110/hr 2 Lessons a Month (package): $90/hr ($180/mth) Weekly Lessons (package): $85/hr ($340/mth) AFTER MARCH 2022 Single Lessons: $120/hr 2 Lessons a Month (package): $100/hr ($200/mth) Weekly Lessons (package): $90/hr ($360/mth) *This does not affect those of you who have been with me since before March 2022 as of now WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
2. Unused Lesson Credits PREVIOUSLY Unused lesson credits expire at the end of each month Lessons cannot be brought over to the next month if no make-up lessons are arranged for within the month (except for emergencies or sickness) NOW Unused lesson credits will be valid for an additional month, and can be claimed as long as there is an existing package of the same type or of a higher tier Make-up lessons have to be booked as soon as possible upon cancellation to avoid cases of unavailability In case of unavailability, I will use the time of the previously booked lesson to work on something for you (e.g. a recorded set of customised vocalises, personalised song analysis, creating an activity for you). \"Why can't the packaged lessons I paid for be claimed at a later date?\" (refer to the FAQ page at the end) WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
3. 5th Week Lessons If you are on the 'Weekly 1 Lessons' package, and 2 your lesson is on a Friday 3 or Saturday this month, 4 you will be billed for an additional lesson as there are 5 of them in July. \"Why can't I just have 4 lessons?\" (refer to the FAQ page at the end) 5 WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
4. In-Person Social Event If you're a new student and you think that having 1-to-1 singing lessons with me is all there is, here's me telling you that it is merely part of the complete Vocal Evolution experience! Over the pandemic, we've had social singing events online, and we're now gonna do them in-person! I'm looking at a having a karaoke session in end- August, as long as the COVID cases don't get much worse. More details will be released soon. WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
5. End-of-Year Recital As live music and concerts are once again part of our lives... It's time to get back onto the stage! We will be having our recital in November 2022 (exact date tbc), which leaves us about 3-4 months to prepare for that. I know that not all of you are interested in performing, but for those of you who are, we will start working towards that soon, and you can look forward to a lot more work in the area of artistry, like stylistic interpretation, showmanship, and also personal styling. I want you guys to all be sounding AND looking your best! If you're a non-student and you want to be a part of this, please reach out early as performing spots are limited. WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
6. Performances & Competitions 1. THE NON-ESSENTIAL SHOW Remember the production team It's Like Depth who we worked with for our recital in 2020? They are currently doing a regular livestream for music performers and they have reached out to ask if any of you would be interested. For those of you feel like you're ready to perform, all you need to do is to have a set of 3-4 songs, and it will be done as a livestream at their beautiful studio. You may do it solo or in a small group. WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
6. Performances & Competitions 2. B-DAZZLED! 2022 MUSIC, DANCE & SHOW CHOIR FESTIVAL B-dazzled! is an annual Music & Dance festival organised by the Singapore Show Choir Academy. The festival serves as a platform for young talents to share their passion in performing, through Vocal, Dance & Show Choir categories. There will be four age categories: Under-9, Under-13, Under-21 and the open age category that many of you in Vocal Evolution will be able to join! WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
8. FAQ 1. \"Why can't the packaged lessons I paid for be claimed at a later date?\" If you were to cancel lessons with the intention to use them later, you would realise that it makes sense to accumulate a few of them, and when you have enough, pause your package and use those lessons to replace it. This would technically mean that you reserved lessons for two months but only paid for and attended one month worth of lessons. As coaches, we set aside slots in our schedules each week and month for each student on a package. Students booking lessons for the month but only claiming them a long time later would eventually result in a loss of income for the coach and also a waste of the slots as they could have been given to someone else. 2. \"Why can't I just have 4 lessons for months with 5 lesson weeks?\" For each student on a weekly lesson package, a fixed time on a specific day is set aside for each student on a weekly lesson package. In return for your commitment, there is a huge discount given on the lesson fees (packaged vs ala carte). Not billing students for 5 lessons on months with 5 lesson weeks would lead to days with no bookings, resulting in a loss of hundreds of dollars in revenue each month. WWW.VOCALEVOLUTION.STUDIO
INTERESTED TO JOIN ANY At Mediacorp OF THE PERFORMANCES, supporting Simran at the Sheng Siong Show COMPETITIONS OR competition EVENTS MENTIONED? Jian Hong Kenogi Tap to send me a message and let me know! Simran Dilys Shannon
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