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EFS WB Project - Draft

Published by Center for Scientific and Technical Information, 2023-02-24 12:30:03

Description: EFS WB Project


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Assignment title: Company Quotations Offer Reference number: English Language Program for Embassy Locally Prepared by: Employed Staff 19UZ8023Q0007 The FANUR Group LLC 3 | Page

Company Quotations Offer Cover Letter February 25, 2023 To: The Embassy of the United States of America 3, Mayqorghon Street, 5th block, Yunusobod District, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 100093 Attention: Contracting Officer Subject Reference No.: 19UZ8023Q0007 Dear Sir, We are pleased to submit our Company Quotations Offer to express our interest in organizing English language training classes for Embassy employees in accordance with your Request for Quotations notice dated January 26, 2023. The document is structured in accordance with SF-1449 form, including Sections 1 and 2, which highlight the major expertise and qualifications of the team, as well as the detailed portfolio of the company (offerer) assigned for this program. Kind regards, Director Nurullo Nazrullaev 4 | Page

Contents About the Company...................................................................................................6 Experience ................................................................................................................8 Portfolio Summary..................................................................................................8 Outline of the Projects..........................................................................................10 Media coverage: ..................................................................................................15 The Team................................................................................................................17 Proposed team Resumes .....................................................................................18 The Facilities ...........................................................................................................20 A work Plan.............................................................................................................21 Quality assurance....................................................................................................22 The eligibility statements ..........................................................................................23 Annexes .................................................................................................................. 24 Annex A. Proposed team resumes........................................................................25 Annex B. Company certificate ..............................................................................43 Annex C. Financial resources ...............................................................................44 Annex D. Our classes ..........................................................................................45 5 | Page


About the Company The FANUR Group is a dynamic organization that provides world-class learning solutions for individuals and organizations. We specialize in developing and conducting training programs for all levels of groups, by utilizing interactive methodologies and engaging classes. We also offer comprehensive training programs for government organizations, scientists and researchers to develop research designs, write academic papers and grants applications for international projects. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to delivering the best learning solutions available makes the FANUR Group the perfect partner for demanding learning needs. Moreover, as an international organization we focus on promoting collaboration and staying ahead of the curve in education, research, and innovation. We understand that interdisciplinary, cross-national, and worldwide collaboration is necessary for continued success in today's globalized world. We help bridge the gap between academia, government, and business communities through our learning programs and research. Our experts strive to foster collaboration between these groups by connecting government bodies, research institutes, universities, national and international development organizations, and other stakeholders around the world. We believe that collaboration is essential for continued growth and development. Through our projects, policy documents, roundtable discussions, and trainings, we work to ensure that our clients get the best of both in terms quality and service. We are passionate about making sure collaboration is a cornerstone of success. We strive to remain ahead of the curve in the fields of education, research and innovation and to promote collaboration in all areas of society. 6 | Page

Since its inception, our company has been running training programs in research excellence and foreign languages, targeting both academia and the wider public. Currently the Company partners with major institutions and government bodies of the Republic, including the Agency for Promoting Foreign Languages under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Center for Scientific -technical Information under the Ministry of Innovative Development, Tashkent State Technical University and INNO Techno park. We are passionate about finding new and innovative ways to help our clients achieve their goals and ensure their success. Our mission is to excel in education and science with the ultimate goal of producing world-class professionals. 7 | Page

Experience To date, FANUR Group has implemented several projects of which most notable was the “English for Science” project. During 2020-2022, our team of experts took the challenge to train and develop English language academic writing and communicative skills among scientists and researchers of Uzbekistan covering 400 selected participants in two seasons. More detailed information about our learning programs is summarized in the table below. Portfolio Summary # Duration Assignment title Client Funding Role Partner October “Academic English Ministry of organization skills development Innovative Partner 1. 2020 Development FANUR Group & January for Uzbek the Ministry of Sole researchers” Uzbek State Innovative Consultant 2021 University of Development “General English Partner August skills for teachers” Physical FANUR Group & Culture and the Uzbek State 2. 2021 teacher training September program Sport University of Physical Culture 2021 “General English Academy of language Sciences of and Sport November the Republic development” for of Uzbekistan Academy of 3. 2021 employees Sciences of the January Ministry of “English for Innovative Republic of 2022 Science” training Development Uzbekistan April program for Center for Scientific researcher- and technical 4. 2021 December scientists information under the Ministry of 2021 “General English Innovative language Development September development” for Tashkent FANUR Group & employees and 5. 2021 State Tashkent State Partner May students Technical Technical 2022 “English for University University Science” training June Ministry of program for Innovative 6. 2022 researcher- The World Bank Sole January Development MUNIS project Consultant scientists 2023 8 | Page

9 | Page

Outline of the Projects 1. Project Title “English for Science” training program for researcher- scientists Country / Region Uzbekistan Start Date October, 2020 Completion Date January, 2021 Continuous / Intermittent Intermittent Client Ministry of Innovative Development Funding Source FANUR Group & the Ministry of Innovative Development Description The “English for Science” program was initiated by the Ministry of Innovative Development in partnership with FANUR Group in October 2020. During initial pilot period lasting from October 2020 through January 2021, 24 scientists took part in the project, divided into two groups equal in the number of participants: a group of senior researchers and junior researchers. The program curricula was developed accordingly for elementary levels and more advanced participants. As a result, number of participants managed to develop their academic speaking skills and discuss their research works in English in front of large audience. 2. Project Title “General English skills for teachers” teacher training program Country / Region Uzbekistan Start Date November 2021 Completion Date January 2022 Continuous / Intermittent Intermittent Client Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan 10 | Page

Funding Source Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Description Our team of experts conducted 30-hour training course for language teachers of the University. Since participants’ language proficiencies were different, our team managed to develop custom-made program tailored for their needs. The classes took place three times a week lasting for 80min per session. The instructor used pre-printed handouts and audio and video materials while teaching. Towards the end of the program participants asked to take mock tests to identify their level of language acquisition. 3. Project Title “General English language development” for employees Country / Region Uzbekistan Start Date August, 2021 Completion Date September, 2021 Continuous / Intermittent Intermittent Client Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport Funding Source FANUR Group & the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sport Description Group of employees of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan attended “General English language development” course in our premises. Majority of participants had elementary level of English language proficiencies. By the end of the program, they managed to develop it to pre-intermediate after successfully passing necessary progress tests. 4. Project Title “English for Science” training program for researcher- scientists Country / Region Start Date Uzbekistan April, 2021 11 | Page

Completion Date December, 2021 Continuous / Intermittent Continuous Client Ministry of Innovative Development Funding Source Center for Scientific and technical information under the Ministry of Innovative Development Description The “English for Science” program was initiated by the Ministry of Innovative Development in partnership with FANUR Group in October 2020. In the insuing years, it was supported by the MUNIS Project to improve its quality and scale. The following essential metrics were determined in terms of the anticipated outcomes: improving the quality of scientific publications of Uzbek researchers, as well as the preparation of project applications for international competitions on the example of the Research Excellence Program of MUNIS Project. The program was designed for 6 months of continuous full-time study and covered 200 thoroughly selected trainees from the city of Tashkent, including PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. It is noteworthy that 1436 individuals from every region of Uzbekistan applied for the program. Moreover, the program received extensive media coverage. During the implementation of the project, there were seven broadcast reports on local television and four articles in major publishing houses. Thus, successfully managed to complete the first phase of the program accomplishing the following tasks: Conduct lectures, seminars, workshops and subject- specific trainings; Submit and publish articles in Scopus/Web of Science listed peer-reviewed journals; Prepare and submit grant applications within the framework of MUNIS projects. By the end of the program, participants managed to submit and publish over 180 high-quality manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, and over 80 applications were prepared to international grant programs. 12 | Page

5. Project Title “General English language development” for employees and students Country / Region Uzbekistan Start Date September, 2021 Completion Date May, 2022 Continuous / Intermittent Intermittent Client Tashkent State Technical University Funding Source FANUR Group & Tashkent State Technical University Description Soon after beginning of the “English for Science” program Tashkent State Technical University management proposed to organise “General English language development” training course for its teachers and selected students with the aim of encouraging their employees to join the program organized for the academia. Participants in the program were split into two groups based on their proficiency levels: elementary and pre-intermediate. While elementary group advanced to intermediate level, participants from the pre-intermediate group were required to complete their final exams at the end of the 9-month program and continue their studies in the English for Science program in 2022. Nearly all participants were eligible for the program, and this aim was achieved with a success rate of over 80%. Many of the students from this cohort later transferred to our academic training for trainers program to pursue their studies and were successful in landing international internships. 6. Project Title “English for Science” training program for researcher- scientists Country / Region Uzbekistan Start Date June, 2022 Completion Date January, 2023 Continuous / Intermittent Continuous 13 | Page

Client Ministry of Innovative Development Funding Source The World Bank MUNIS project Description The program lasted from April 2021 to December 2021 with 200 selected scientists developing their academic English proficiencies. Of these, 68 candidates in the field of humanities, 53 in the field of medicine and physics, 33 in mathematics and information technology, 32 in biology, geology, 14 in chemistry. The Program had been developed considering the level of the scientists’ language proficiencies and ensuring specific aims are achieved. These included developing core grammar, syntax, vocabulary related issues in academic writing and communication. At the last stage participants were asked to prepare their final draft of their manuscript and submit to an international journal. Moreover, with the help of their instructors, they managed to prepare international grant applications with further submission. Throughout the project local as well as foreign researchers with extensive experience in publishing scientific articles in highly rated journals were invited to participate in the implementation of the Program. By the end of the project a total of 229 high-quality manuscripts were submitted and published, out of which 120 were in Scopus and Web of Science listed journals, participation in over 180 international conferences, and over 100 applications to international grant programs out which 20% of applications were submitted for MUNIS projects. 14 | Page

Media coverage: The major developments and the training program results are covered in multiple mass media channels and social networks, which are highlighted in the table below. TV broadcasts, news, interviews & telegram channels “Ренессанс” 12101 kQ0 ar_Official/22406 “Ассалом Ўзбекистон” 11768 y/399 (14:00-32:00) 8693 /watch/live/?ref=notif&v=7 08344373662817&notif_id 6983 =1641546279465240&not if_t=live_video 6676 ar_Official/22402 6253 “Mening Yurtim” /watch/live/?ref=watch_per 8 malink&v=708344373662 817 “Ўзбекистон 24” 5458 73383 “Ўзбекистон 24” 4899 57362 4013 “Ўзбекистон 24” 50435 “Янги Ўзбекистон” 968 “Ўзбекистон 24” 104234 15 | Page

“Янги Ўзбекистон” 3599 hi/13441 /news/3005 Publications & Other “Янги Ўзбекистон” newspaper LPA Chet tillari agentligi 402 \"Замонавий устоз\" newspaper “Нұрлы жол” newspaper 766 “Янги Ўзбекистон” official website “Higher education in Uzbekistan” journal olim-oz-goyasiga-ega-bolishi-kerak =104 16 | Page

The Team Passionate team of professionals dedicated to helping students develop their language, communication, writing, and critical thinking skills. Despite its brief history, the company has quickly grown to become a top provider of interactive English language classes, training programs and grant-writing services. Led by a team of experienced language, communication and grant-writing scholar-experts, we believe in the power of language to bridge gaps between cultures, nations and generations. With a client-centric approach, the company is committed to providing innovative and engaging solutions tailored to the needs of its customers. Our team has worked with government organisations and scientists to develop grant applications for international projects, as well as providing English instruction for students of all levels from beginner up to advanced classes. With custom-designed curricula and interactive methodologies, our classes not only teach English, and research excellence but also instill life-long skills in our learners. We employ people with diverse backgrounds mostly focusing on expertise and academic achievements. Currently our team is made of professionals with degrees in Medicine, Environmental Sciences, and Social Sciences who hold DSc, PhD and MSc degrees in these fields. Moreover, we employ PR manager and Marketing managers to promote our services to the wider public. Our culture within the organization is focused on supporting every team member to synergies our efforts and achieves ultimate results via helping and educating our customers opening new opportunities in their careers. For more information, please visit our website at where more detailed information can be found. 17 | Page

Our team brings the best practices in learning both in online and offline format. By offering professional and supportive services, The FANUR Group is committed to helping students, businesses and organizations alike to reach their goals. Proposed team of professionals for this assignment: 1. Nasrullo Madazimov 2. Abror Tulaev 3. Mike Nikson 4. Gulchexra Ganieva 5. Kamola Khasanova Proposed team Resumes Depending on the English proficiency level of participants, their requirements and the class schedule, we will allocate appropriate teachers to conduct the trainings. We have also attached (see Annex A) the full resumes of proposed team members to this document. 18 | Page

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The Facilities Currently company is registered at the address: Kurgancha 5, 10 (see Annex B) in Tashkent city. We operate and run our training classes at the INNO Techno Park located at Kamarniso 13, Tashkent city. In this building, we have fully equipped rooms with screens, wi-fi connected internet PCs and furniture for conducting interactive learning classes (see Annex D). Maintaining adequate financial resources for the business to run smoothly is critical for us. Thus, beside the main cash generating services like providing custom-made learning courses, we make sure to have a steady stream of income from various sources, such as investments, grants, and other forms of financing. Additionally, we ensure to have a budget in place to track expenses, monitor cash flow, and ensure that the business is not spending more than 60 percent of its cash earnings at quarterly basis. Having a financial plan in place helps us to make sure that the business has the resources it needs to continue operations and remain profitable. To date, we have necessary funds (see Annex C) in our main account to cover all operational expenses across company business units. Normally, these expenses are made of overhead salaries, publishing services, rents and new program development related costs. 20 | Page

A work Plan 5. The offeror’s strategic plan for language training services to include but not limited to: (a) A work plan taking into account all work elements in Section 1, Performance Work Statement. ( b) Identify types and quantities of equipment, supplies and materials required for performance of services under this contract. Identify if the offeror already possesses the listed items and their condition for suitability and if not already possessed or inadequate for use how and when the items will be obtained; (c) Plan of ensuring quality of services including but not limited to contract 35 administration and oversight; and (d) (1) If insurance is required by the solicitation, a copy of the Certificate of Insurance(s), or (2) a statement that the contractor will get the required insurance, and the name of the insurance provider to be used. 21 | Page

Quality assurance The top management of The Fanur Group is in charge of establishing, reviewing, and upholding the company's quality policy and quality targets. The quality policy is appropriate for the project's purpose and setting and is based on business aims and values.With respect to our projects related to scientific trainings Our Quality Policy is defined and strongly driven by the following management principles and behaviors: Establish mutually beneficial relationships with training participants to ensure their long- term success by comprehending both their needs and the requirements of their learning objectives. By understanding the individual needs of each participant, trainers can tailor their approach to ensure that the participants are getting the most out of their training experience. Additionally, by understanding the learning objectives, trainers can ensure that the participants are meeting their goals and gaining the skills and knowledge necessary in their careers. Show strong management participation and commitment while fostering employee competence, creativity, empowerment, and accountability. For instance, to ensure that a wide range of topics are covered, FANUR invites a variety of certified speakers from diverse academic domains to the trainings. 22 | Page

The eligibility statements − We, the undersigned, certify to the best of our knowledge and belief: − The company obtained authorization to operate and do business in the country in which this contract will be performed. (YES) − The company will obtain necessary licenses and permits required to perform this contract; and, it complies fully with all laws, decrees, and labor standards. (YES) − The company portfolio references submitted as part of this Quotation Offer accurately reflect the experience of the firm. (YES) − Neither the company nor its team members has ever been convicted of an integrity-related offense or crime related to theft, corruption, fraud, collusion or coercion. (YES) Director Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 23 | Page


Annex A. Proposed team resumes FARRUKH AMINOV Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 30/09/1979 Nationality: Uzbekistan Analyst UNESCO Global Observatory of Science, Name of Firm: The FANUR Group Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments towards strengthening Profession: Deputy director inclusive Science, Technology, Innovation Systems for the Sustainable Development Years with Firm: 2 Goals | 2021–2022 Education: Researcher National Science Portal containing all the Master's degree information about the scientific potential of the country | 2014–2020 Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Banking and Finance Course leader Tashkent | Uzbekistan Retraining program of young teachers in Sep 2004 – Dec 2007 the UK | 2013 Banking Bachelor's degree Course leader Leadership capacity building program for Tashkent State Technical University, senior managers, Malaysia | 2012 Computer technology Tashkent | Uzbekistan Languages: Sep 1998 – Nov 2002 Uzbek: Native Russian: Excellent English: Good Employment Record: First Deputy Director | Apr 2020–Present Center for Scientific and Technical Information under the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan Head of Department | 2018–2019 Information and Communication Technologies Development Department | Khokimiyat of Tashkent city Director | 2018–2018 Uzbek-Korean Information Technology Training Center under Khokimiyat of Tashkent city Deputy Director for General Affairs | 2014–2018 Research Center for Scientific Basis and Problems of Economic Development of Uzbekistan Lecturer finance department | 2008–2014 Finance Department, Research Fellow at the Center for Research on the Development of Banking and Financial System Leading specialist | 2003–2008 Educational Information and Computer Center of the Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan 25 | Page

Proposed Position: Project Manager Detailed Tasks Assigned: − provides implementation of initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and closure management processes throughout the project lifecycle; − selects personnel to perform project tasks; − manages, motivates and protects the project team from distractions; − communicates with team members and key stakeholders − makes plans-schedules of work on the project; − delegates the tasks to create comprehensive learning program; − monitors the progress of a project − manages the project’s budget − dealing with amendments to the project as and when necessary; − monitors the quality of training and makes necessary adjustments; − reviews the work of third-party vendors or partners to close their contracts and pay their invoices. Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Farrukh Aminov Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 26 | Page

NURULLAKHON NAZRULLAEV Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 04/25/1982 2020–2021 Nationality: Uzbekistan Designed and organized the 9-month training course for researchers on Name of Firm: The FANUR Group Academic English. Profession: Consultant Taught English language classes on Business and Finance subjects. Years with Firm: 3 Education: Languages: Master's degree Uzbek: Native Russian: Excellent City University London, MSc International English: Excellent Business Economics. Grades: 71%. Modules: Financial Markets, Derivatives, Quantitative Methods, Corporate Finance, International Business Economics, Economics of Competition and Regulation. 2020–2021 | London Bachelor's degree BSc Information Technologies in Economy Grades: 82%. Modules: Econometrics, Strategic Management, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Accounting and Audit, Credit and Finance, Theory of Information systems in the Economy. 1999–2003 | Tashkent Employment Record: Feb 2020–Present FANUR Group, Tashkent Position: Director Working with education sector; Liaising with international publishing houses; Running research projects. Feb 2015-2020 Research Centre at Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent Position: Fellow researcher at the Banking and Finance Department Supervising the work of postgraduate students; Liaising with professors to devise the teaching programmes and curriculums; Elaborate on findings obtained from research projects and develop new insights, expanding, and testing hypotheses and ideas; Making presentations at national or international conferences and seminars. Feb 2010 - Nov 2014 The London College of IT and Commerce, London Position: Teacher Teaching business courses on Economics, Financial Markets and Financial Derivatives. 27 | Page

Feb 2009–Dec 2009 The Ability Group – Investments & Development, London Position: Asset Manager Ensuring that all the running costs are in line with the approved budget for the year; Daily correspondences with financing banks, monitoring financial covenants of the portfolio; Preparing a report for the Chairman on monthly basis on financial performance of foreign assets. Sep 2003–Jun 2007 Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Position: Dean assistant – Methodist Liaising with major financial institutions –banks, insurance companies, assigning new lecturers for upcoming subjects; Working closely with accountancy department ensuring that all professors are paid monthly accordingly; Preparing reports to the head of the faculty on ongoing issues and come up with appropriate suggestions to resolve them. Proposed Position: Senior Supervisor Detailed Tasks Assigned: − supports to develop educational and methodological documentation; − systematizes methodological and informational materials; − analyzes financial plans and work schedules for the project; − interacts with the main participants of the project in order to create a positive influence of the participants on the progress of the project. − takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations. − systematizes the educational process and delegates to the project manager; − helps the project manager to oversee scope, cost, timelines, risk, quality issues, and communications. − coordinates all issues related to the organization of scientific seminars/webinars, business meetings and other events with the project manager. − informs the management about the existing shortcomings in the service of listeners and lecturers, takes measures to eliminate them. Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 28 | Page

ISKANDAR ABDULLAEV Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 26/04/1976 Ph.D. in Cell Biology (Japan, 2002), h- Nationality: Uzbekistan index 14, and 15 publications in peer- reviewed, Q1 level scientific journals with Name of Firm: The FANUR Group over 1300 citations. Profession: Senior Researcher In 2021, he has worked as a Tutor for the (Biology) ‘English for Science’ Program at the Centre for scientific-technical and Years with Firm: 1 information under the Ministry of Innovative development. Education: He was responsible for giving lectures and Ph.D. in Cell Biology (2002). seminars about scientific method, scientific The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, paper writing and international grants Okazaki, Japan applications to 50+ medical professionals. M.S. in Biology (1997) Languages: Tashkent State University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Uzbek: Native Russian: Excellent English: Excellent Employment Record: 2021–Present Teacher, ‘English for Science’ program at the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan 2020–Present Associate Professor at the National University of Uzbekistan 2019–Present Senior Research Scientist at the Institute of biophysics and biochemistry 2016–2018 Independent Film Producer, Writer, Director (as Alex Guilderland) – three short films written, directed and produced (“This is Andromeda’, “Cocktail Muerte”, “What it Seems”). “Impossible Tales by an Insensitive Foreigner” (Amazon) 2014–2016 Business Manager (YS Catalytic Recycling) 2012–2018 E-Commerce business owner ( 2002–2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, Albany Medical Center and Ordway Research Institute, Albany, NY 29 | Page

Proposed Position: Tutor Detailed Tasks Assigned: − participate in the organization of selecting candidates for the program and developing the program curricular. − conduct the main classes in the form of lectures and seminars - at least 64 hours of classroom hours − provide consultations on the selection of peer-reviewed journals and international grant programs the preparation of a personal article/application in accordance with the requirements of the publication. − participate in discussions, webinars and seminars organized within the framework of the project. − deliver all necessary information to prepare interim and final reports about the progress on a monthly basis. Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Iskandar Abdullaev Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 30 | Page

MUKHIDDIN JULIEV Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 26/12/1984 Communication skills: Sociability, Nationality: Uzbekistan diplomacy and rapid integration in different social groups and spaces, good human Name of Firm: The FANUR Group relations, public speaking and communication skills Profession: Postdoc. Researcher, Associate Professor in Experience in Research Project Management, coordinating and training, Environmental sciences the experience of working on international projects, and organizing and coordinating Years with Firm: 2 international conferences. Education: Languages: Ph.D. in Cell Biology (2002). Uzbek: Native The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Russian: Excellent Okazaki, Japan English: Excellent German: Basic M.S. in Biology (1997) Korean: Basic Tashkent State University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Membership in Professional Societies: 1. Member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS). 2. Member of International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG). 3. National Committee of Geologists of Uzbekistan (NCGU). 4. Debris Flow Association. 5. Student member of European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) 6. Member of the European Geoscience Union. Employment Record: 2021–Present Postdoc. Researcher, “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University Feb 2020–Sep 2020 National Coordinator for Uzbekistan, Central Asia Youth for Water network (CAY4W) 2020–2021 National Consultant on development of course on “GIS in hydrological modeling”, The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia 2019–2020 Associate Professor, PhD, “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University Jan 2019–May 2019 Head of the International projects department and the Editorial of “UzBridge” Journal, “El- yurt Umidi” Foundation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan 31 | Page

Feb 2018–Dec 2018 Scientific Project Staff, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards, Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering (IAN), Vienna (Austria) 2013–2014 Leading Research Associate, Head of the Department, SE “Center of Remote Sensing and GIS-technologies” State Geology and Mineral Resources Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2009–2012 Junior Research Fellow, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Institute of Geology and Geophysics 2007–2009 Engineer-Geologist, Institute of Mineral Resources, State Geology and Mineral Resources Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan Proposed Position: Tutor Detailed Tasks Assigned: − participate in the organization of selecting candidates for the program and developing the program curricular. − conduct the main classes in the form of lectures and seminars - at least 64 hours of classroom hours − provide consultations on the selection of peer-reviewed journals and international grant programs the preparation of a personal article/application in accordance with the requirements of the publication. − participate in discussions, webinars and seminars organized within the framework of the project. − deliver all necessary information to prepare interim and final reports about the progress on a monthly basis. Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Mukhiddin Juliev Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 32 | Page

GULCHEKHRA GANIEVA Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 01/11/1994 Scientific researcher, Exclamation words, Nationality: Uzbekistan modal words, onomatopian words in pragmalinguistics Name of Firm: The FANUR Group Profession: English teacher Languages: Years with Firm: 1 Uzbek: Native Russian: Excellent English: Excellent Education: Scientific Researcher (Present) The Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after A.Navoi Master’s degree (2005) The Uzbek State World Languages University, Translation Theory and Practice Bachelor’s degree (2001) The Uzbek State World Languages University, Translation Theory and Practice Employment Record: 2019–Present English teacher & interpreter, The Department of Comparative Linguistics, Foreign Philology Faculty, the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek 2017–2019 English teacher & interpreter, The Department of Applied English, English-Uzbek translation Faculty, the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi 2017–2010 English teacher, The Department of Applied English, the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islom Karimov 2010–2005 Deputy head department, The 4th Special Medical Basa of Tashkent region, the Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2003–2001 English teacher, Yashnabod district Business school, the Ministry of Secondary and Specialized Education 2000–2001 English teacher, Yashnabod district School №30, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education 33 | Page

Proposed Position: Tutor Detailed Tasks Assigned: − participate in the organization of selecting candidates for the program and developing the program curricular. − conduct the main classes in the form of lectures and seminars - at least 64 hours of classroom hours − provide consultations on the selection of peer-reviewed journals and international grant programs the preparation of a personal article/application in accordance with the requirements of the publication. − participate in discussions, webinars and seminars organized within the framework of the project. − deliver all necessary information to prepare interim and final reports about the progress on a monthly basis. Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Gulchekhra Ganieva Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 34 | Page

MIRJALOL NOSIROV Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 25/12/1990 Teacher Training Courses, Berlin, Nationality: Uzbekistan Germany (2016) Name of Firm: The FANUR Group Languages: Profession: English teacher Uzbek: Native Russian: Excellent English: Excellent Years with Firm: 1 Education: Bachelor’s degree (2011) The Uzbek State World Languages University, Philology (English Language) Employment Record: 2020–Present General English and IELTS Teacher 2019–2022 General English and IELTS Teacher, “Inter Nation Language School” Education Centre 2018–2019 General English and IELTS Teacher, “Result School” Education Centre 2015–2018 General English and IELTS Teacher, “Nick Study” Education Centre 2012–2015 General English and IELTS Teacher, “Ever Green” Education Centre 2010–2012 General English and IELTS Teacher, “LangArt” Education Centre Proposed Position: Tutor Detailed Tasks Assigned: − participate in the organization of selecting candidates for the program and developing the program curricular. − conduct the main classes in the form of lectures and seminars - at least 64 hours of classroom hours − provide consultations on the selection of peer-reviewed journals and international grant programs the preparation of a personal article/application in accordance with the requirements of the publication. − participate in discussions, webinars and seminars organized within the framework of the project. − deliver all necessary information to prepare interim and final reports about the progress on a monthly basis. 35 | Page

Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Mirjalol Nosirov Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 36 | Page

NASRULLO MADAZIMOV Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 06/10/1992 A dedicated professional with a proven Nationality: Uzbekistan ability to teach, motivate and direct students to maximum performance by Name of Firm: The FANUR Group encouraging a positive and energetic environment. Profession: English teacher Having worked as an English teacher for Years with Firm: 1 over 6 years possessed a stable experience and great passion to uniquely Education: qualify for the role of teaching. Presently, looking for an English teaching position Bachelor’s degree (2015) with a progressive school that is very Andizhan State University, much on an upward curve. English Language and Literature Languages: Uzbek: Native Russian: Excellent English: Excellent Employment Record: 2018–Present English Teacher, “Inter-Nation” Language School 2017-2018 ESL Teacher, “Creative Teaching Program” Training School (Hangzhou, China) 2011–2017 English Teacher, “Edelweiss Progress Center” Training School Proposed Position: Tutor Detailed Tasks Assigned: − participate in the organization of selecting candidates for the program and developing the program curricular. − conduct the main classes in the form of lectures and seminars - at least 64 hours of classroom hours − provide consultations on the selection of peer-reviewed journals and international grant programs the preparation of a personal article/application in accordance with the requirements of the publication. − participate in discussions, webinars and seminars organized within the framework of the project. − deliver all necessary information to prepare interim and final reports about the progress on a monthly basis. 37 | Page

Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Nasrullo Madazimov Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 38 | Page

SERGEY MAKAROV Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 06/10/1992 Professional profile: Nationality: Russia corporate strategy development, R&D management, VC funds structuring, tech Name of Firm: The FANUR Group accelerators design and operations, business modelling, new ventures Profession: English teacher development, private-public partnerships for SMEs, technology scouting and Years with Firm: 1 assessment, IP portfolio structuring Education: Expertise exclusivity: \"ambidextrous\" for scientists and business; MBA (2007) practical experience in all elements of the Academy of National Economy under the innovation chain - research laboratory, Government of the Russian Federation state development institute, fund of funds, (Management of Innovations) consultancy, business accelerator, university, corporation, intergovernmental M.Sc. (1993) entity; practical experience in managing Moscow Engineering and physics institute; The R&D and sustainability projects in faculty of technical physics (Engineer-Physicist Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, / Materials Science) Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, and Belarus. Additional Education: Languages: 2012 | Disruptive technologies; Singularity University Russian: Native English: Excellent 2007 | General Course on Intellectual Property; World Intellectual Property Organization 1996 | Post-Graduate Course; Moscow Engineering and physics institute 1992 | R&D management; Moscow Engineering and physics institute Employment Record: 2021–Present International Consultant in MUNIS (Modernization of National Innovation System), World Bank project in Uzbekistan 2020–2021 Head of VC, URALCHEM (group of companies) 2019–2020 Head of tech acceleration program, Mendeleev.VC 2015–2019 Partner/RF branch, Innov8 Global Advisory/Ventures/Labs 39 | Page

2012–2015 Investment manager / Head of projects and programs / Head of infrastructure development, The Russian Venture Company (State Institute of Development) 2010–2015 Invited Expert and Mentor, National Agency on technology development of Kazakhstan 2012–2015 Board member, Infrafund (the Fund for Infrastructure Investments) 2012–2014 Business coach, Startup Academy, “Skolkovo” Moscow school of management 2010–2012 Partner / Co-founder, Commercialization Reactor (Latvia, 1st ex-USSR Business accelerator) 2004–2010 Commercialization support Program Manager / TechnologyPush PM / Commercialization PM, International Science and Technology Centre Proposed Position: Invited Expert and Mentor Detailed Tasks Assigned: consulting, coaching and mentoring support Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Nasrullo Madazimov Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 40 | Page

KHUSAN ZARIPOV Key Qualifications: Date of Birth: 01/11/1994 Nationality: Uzbekistan Junior Researcher in Digitization of scientific laboratories (2022–Present) Name of Firm: The FANUR Group Junior Analyst, UNESCO Global Profession: Analyst Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments towards Years with Firm: 1 strengthening inclusive Science, Technology, Innovation Systems for the Education: Sustainable Development Goals (2021– Present) Bachelor's Degree Coordinator, InnoTechnopark Exhibition of Tashkent State Technical University, projects (2021) Energetics Tashkent | 2016–2020 Languages: Uzbek: Native Russian: Excellent English: Good Employment Record: 2021–Pesent Head of the Department of Database of Scientific Experts, Center for Scientific and Technical Information under the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2016–2021 Manager, “MPMK-1” LLC 2016 Product Manager, “Abdusamad Grand Servis” LLC Proposed Position: Junior Supervisor Detailed Tasks Assigned: − exercises control over the safety and functionality of all technical equipment during the project − exercises control over the rational design of classrooms for each lesson, ensures cleanliness and order in the premises. − answers all phone calls from participants and their organizations; − liaise with all organizations of the participants on a regular basis to ensure high impact attendance − controls audiovisual and interactive learning tools; − archive project files for future reference and use − organizes timely document flow with accounting and service contracts within the project; − compiles reports on the results of the event and prepares materials for the media. 41 | Page

Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. Date: __/__/202_ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the firm] Full name of staff member: Khusan Zaripov Full name of authorized representative: Nurullakhon Nazrullaev 42 | Page

Annex B. Company certificate 43 | Page

Annex C. Financial resources 44 | Page

Annex D. Our classes 45 | Page

Annex E. References 46 | Page

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