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Home Explore AAAAAAA Leslie Hernandez

AAAAAAA Leslie Hernandez

Published by lesliegalareta, 2018-03-08 02:14:18

Description: AAAAAAA Leslie Hernandez


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LESLIE HERNANDEZ7520 Hornwood Dr. Apt 1403 Houston, TX 77036 [email protected] OF QUALIFICATIONS - 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE WORKING - GOOD COMMUNICATION - ABILITY TO WORK UNDER PRESSURE - GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE - GREAT AT CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND DECISION MAKING - GREAT AT LEADERSHIP / TEAMWORK/ ADAPTING - SELF-MOTIVATED / GREAT ENERGY - FLUENT IN SPANISHEXPERIENCE DECEMBER 2014 TO DECEMBER 2017 SALES CONSULTANT (DIAMOND LEVEL), TRICOLOR AUTO - Maintained high ranking in monthly sales. - Awarded Top Sales Consultant 4 to 5 months every year. - Successfully sold pre-owned cars while providing excellent customer service. - Established long term relationships with customers. - Developed a pattern of repeat sales, client loyalty and referrals. FEBRUARY 2010 TO NOVEMBER 2014 MANAGER, KIMBERLY’S CLEANING SERVICES - Supervised a team of 20+ employees. - Looked for new clients. - Managed hiring process and scheduling. FEBRUARY 1986 TO MARCH 2000 CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER, FEDEX - Supervised a team of 15+ employees. - Making sure all packages were delivered on-time. - Making sure everyone offered great customer service.EDUCATION DECEMBER 1990 PSYCHOLOGY, GARCILAZO DE LA VEGA / LIMA, PERU

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