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Home Explore The Christian Developer magazine 9 -16

The Christian Developer magazine 9 -16

Published by kfm596, 2016-09-03 22:08:49

Description: The Christian Developer magazine 9 -16

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ChTristhiaen Developer Blooming From past Seeds God Is Exposing The Strategies Of Satan Motivated To Worship The Grace Of God Produced By Harvest Rain Church

Blooming From Past Seeds You have a fragrance that is like no other before God! You are unique and originalbefore God. There is no other that can take your place in Gods pleasure and joy. When theplanting of Gods word in our heart brings forth a maturity and blooming of truth God isfilled with pleasure. It may seem that the messages of God have not produced anything oflasting value or life altering evidence but they are of great value and hold your futurewithin them. God in his wisdom has taken great effort to place you where seeds of future purposeand joy have been planted. Many times the planting of God lays dormant until the time ofour hearts activation. The heart must grow to the place of maturity that will value the seedand embrace the faith that the seed holds. There are some who need to pick upassignments that they once failed in or walked away from. There are some who need toaccept what they know God desired of them to do or be a part of. Stop and think about what those past desires or seeds were. If you are new to theLord then think about what you would desire to be a part of. Some people think that onlybig dreams or missions are true visions. It could be God is asking you to be a part ofsomeone else's dream or vision. It is just as pleasing to God for someone to help fulfill adream as it is to have the dream. In fact many dreams of God go unfulfilled because thosewhom God has given them to have no help to achieve them. The first years of myChristianity were in the helps department of God and churches. I grew the churches grewand plans were being given opportunity to succeed. I was part of salvations, teachings,prayer groups and fellowship. There are those who feel like they are never a part of anything significant in Godskingdom. It may be that they are looking for a part that does not need to be filled. Whynot start with can I pray with you for this area. Perhaps you may be able to financiallyassist or actively just help where needed. Have you ever noticed that a rose has manypedals that make up the flower but all of them carry the same fragrance individually. Allow Gods Spirit to begin raining upon seeds within you through your desire andwillingness to be used. Allow your eyes to see where to help and become active in thekingdoms development. There are no small positions only vacant ones that you can fill. Dr. Cliff Carr

Harvest Rain Church

The Grace Of God How often have you desired to look deeper into the mysteries of God and see the hiddentruths of Gods word? Grace may very well be the deepest secret of the Gospel. We many timessee things in a blanket form or one dimensional when it comes to the word of God. I believethat God will add dimension to his image and relationship through this study of grace as wereveal what God has desired for us to know all along. There are only three things that I wouldask of you before studying this outline.#1 Pray and ask God to grant you the revelation of His grace.#2 Expect an increased knowledge of God.#3 Walk in the fullness of what you receive.DIMENSIONS OF GRACE How many times have you opened the word of God and thought to yourself , •I haveread this passage its not that interesting• or, •I need something new that will give me answers.•Well most of us have at one time or another. What I would like you to see is that God•s word isspiritually dimensioned and holds a greater dimension of grace for you to receive. Lets look atjust a couple of passages to bring light to this subject. 2Pe 3:18 But grow in grace, and [in] the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist. To him [be] glory both now and for ever. Amen. I would like you to notice that it says first of all to GROW in this grace, and secondlythat it says to GROW in the knowledge of our Lord. The word knowledge here means asfollows :KNOWLEDGE 2 PET. 3:18 1) Knowledge signifies in general intelligence, understanding. 1a) the general knowledge of Christian religion

You see this is saying that there is a knowledge that will advance you. This is usually what weare looking for in the scriptures, but many times we think that it comes from something newinstead of a greater dimension in the truth that we already know. Notice that the meaning is notonly general knowledge that every Christian receives from the word but a deeper more perfectknowledge that is enlarged. If you will look again at the passage you will see it first saysto grow in grace. Lets look at another passage in scripture: 2Pe 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and ofJesus our Lord, The word knowledge here means something different and is as follows: KNOWLEDGE, 2 PET. 1:2 1) precise and correct knowledge. 1a) used in the NT of the knowledge of things ethical and divine. Here it means correct knowledge. So we must first make sure we understand the correct knowledge of the scripture and then look for the advanced knowledge of it. The deeper meaning of the word of God to us will be the dimension of its use to us. Ourconfidence, trust, or belief will rest in the dimension of the meaning or depth of its security ofunderstanding.Gal 5:6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; butfaith which worketh by love. The reason your actions within the word now work are because of the love of Godthrough Jesus finished work. You see if grace is something that you view within your heart as ifGod is just nice and overlooking your faults you are failing to see the correct picture. Gracewas brought through the death of Jesus. Although it is free to you and I it cost heaven the deathand punishment of Gods Son to produce it. To understand the great price of grace is whatallows the respect and honor to God that enable us to increase in the benefits of grace. I wouldlike you to realize that when you talk about love you are talking about grace and when youspeak of grace you are speaking about love. This is an area that we as Christians must berooted and grounded in if we are to see and comprehend the dimensions of Gods love andgrace. Do you actually know how far the love of Gods grace will reach for you? Or how deepin the grace and love of God you are and how much more is available? Do you understand howhigh in relationship it has raised you or how strong the stability of that grace for you is? Graceis working within you now. These are the dimensional areas I am speaking of. The greater therevealed truth of Gods love or grace is toward us the greater our action or faith in that truth willbe. Grace or love (I am using these as equals) is dimensioned or proportioned according torelationship with God. Love is a relational character. Love Is what motivates and faith is whatactivates. As we grow in our relationship with God our understanding of his love or gracetoward us grows within us . So take time to know God and all he has given to us throughexploring his love and grace.

Exposing TGheoSdtratIegsies Of Satan Before you and I were ever born, Satan had placed a skillfully managed attackagainst our lives. You must realize that Satan is not taking pop shots at you. He has aplanned and managed skillful attack that he has placed against our lives. From the timeyou were born he has been subtly planting the seeds of your destruction in your mind. Ithas been placed through the things our Grandparents, mother and father have said. Theschool systems, media and television, even commercials have placed them in your life.These cleverly managed attacks have been subtly planted in the effort of Satan to bringdestruction to your life . Comments like “we must learn to do without” “You were notborn with a silver spoon,” “heart attacks run in our family” “the men of our families alldie young” “the rich are all snobs and think they are better than us” - implying thatriches will make you unlikable. These deep seeded thoughts have kept many fromsucceeding in life and have caused the death of thousands. These thoughts, or others likethem, have been placed by your enemy as strongholds to prevent you from becoming allthat God has planned for you to become and to prevent the joy of life that you are entitledto through the relationship of God. These carefully managed strongholds have beenstrategically placed through your life so that when you attempt to receive what God haspromised, you would come up against a stronghold of prevention . Let me show you astronghold that Satan has placed in many peoples lives that to this day has goneunrecognized under the illusion of it appearing as an angel of light to many. ( We havenever had much in life but we have always been happy and their has always been love inour family.) This sounds so well and good in the shining light of the words love andhappiness and we have heard this in so many of our TV programs being planted with theintensity of the dramatic moment of acceptance in order for us to receive it deeply withinour hearts! This implies that if you were to move out of the realm of the poor that youwould most likely miss out on this kind of affection , as if it could only occur in the lives ofthe poor. I do not deny that many poor people have shared love and happiness throughtheir lives in spite of there surroundings or standing in life. The deception is planted thatif you only achieve the love and happiness of family that it is okay and results as astronghold that tears away the ambition of many to press on towards success andachievements in life. How many wonderful things may have been experienced in the livesof others if people were to press on and achieve higher goals, greater inventions and newideas for others to act upon and follow.

When Satan has placed the stronghold of disease and health problems in the mind ofindividuals, all he has to do at certain stages of their lives, is then bring the feeling of thesymptom and the thought of its existence and many individuals readily accept it as thoughit were intended for them their whole lives and they put no resistance toward itsmanifestation. Although many will seek the aid of doctors and even experience success inits defeat, it will cost them considerable amounts of money and time that cannot bereplaced resulting in sorrow and loss for their families. We often times do not realize that their is a curse upon this earth brought throughthe fall of Adam. When we become Christians that curse has been broken through thepower of the blood of Jesus. The lingering effects that have been planted in the mind arestill at work preventing us from going on until they are washed out through the word andthe mind renewed through the word unto the truth. It is a stronghold of the mind that is refusing to change the way it thinks aboutcertain areas of life until it decides that what is being said is the truth. In other words, themind always thought this way about certain areas and it is almost offended at someonetelling them that this certain type of reasoning is not okay in Gods eyes. This is sometimesreferred to as a religious stronghold! It effects the way we think of prosperity or thepreachers and it comes from hearing relatives speak their minds on this subject instead ofthe mind of God through the word. It sounds right to the carnal man and his way ofthinking because the mind has not been renewed through the word and brought to ahigher level of reasoning. Eph.4:23, (ampl.) And be constantly renewed in the spirit of yourmind [ having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude ]24 And put on the new nature (the regenerate self ) created in God’s image, [ God like] intrue righteousness and holiness. A stronghold is designed to cause a reaction of the mind. A worldly carnal reactionthat will hold you to this lower level because scripture says that Satan is the god of thisworld and he can keep you defeated if you are held to it!2cor. 4:4 (ampl.) For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers minds [that theyshould not discern the truth] , preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of thegospel of the glory of Christ (the messiah) , Who is the Image and Likeness of God. Until we come up to a higher level of response we will not defeat our enemy. You cannot defeat your enemy acting like him! You will only defeat your enemy by acting likesomeone who is higher not equal to. We must act like Jesus.2cor.10:5 (ampl.) [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasoning’s and everyproud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we leadevery thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the messiah, theanointed one) You must realize that their is lots of knowledge but it is the true knowledgethat we are looking for, and Satan is setting himself up against this knowledge. Not allknowledge is true knowledge and Gods people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.There is a knowledge that we must have to keep from being destroyed and this knowledgeis revelation knowledge . Not just information , but a revelation imparted through theHoly Spirit. Eph. 3:3 (ampl.) [And] that the mystery (secret) was made known to me and Iwas allowed to comprehend it by direct revelation, as I already briefly wrote you.

Motivated To worship! What motivates you to worship? Sometimes during worship we find ourselves beingmotivated by a certain song, a certain mood, the actions of the people around us, or anythingthat might seem to stimulate our feelings in that direction. Why is it that when it comes time toworship the Lord we tend to wait on a feeling to be our motivation? We live in a society today that is easily persuaded and moved by the way things look,sound, or feel. Don’t get me wrong, our feelings have there place in our lives but let’s makesure that they are springing forth from our spirit instead of our flesh. We have grown up in thenatural realm believing that if it feels good, do it. Right or wrong who cares, it just feels right.This way of thinking has seemed to create a feel good groove. Somewhere along the line we’veallowed our actions or reactions to be preceded by some sort of learned natural feeling insteadof basing our actions on the truth. I believe this gets into a territory of the heart that God looksat very closely on why we do the things we do. Without realizing it, we find ourselves hanging out over in the natural realm waiting on afeeling to decide which way we are going to be motivated. Sure, it’s easy sometimes seeinghow we were trained that way. But it tends to be way out of place as far as worship isconcerned. The Bible says that those that worship the Lord must worship Him in Spirit and intruth. (John 4:23) Notice it didn’t say to worship according to our feelings. Some people justseem to worship when things are good and life couldn’t be better. Sure, it’s easy then, but whyshould our expressions toward God change if things seem to get a little rough. On the otherhand, some people just seem to worship when things aren’t looking so good, or when they

really feel like they need Him. We are clearly showing how much we are being moved by ourfleshly feelings by not being consistent in our worship. By waiting on a feeling we areplacing our response to worship on someone or something else. What if things neverchanged? Does that mean we just shut down an never worship? Of course not!PRAISE YE THE LORD! Is the decree. It doesn’t have anything to do with how you feel. Feelings are overratedwhen it comes to worship, because worship is a heart thing, not a head thing. It’s somethingthat we do because of who he is to us. It’s a spirit thing. It’s a you and him thing. He is moreawesome to us than us just waiting on a feeling to worship. God cares how we feel and whatwe feel, but when it comes time to worship He wants our motivations to be Him, not thethings around us. Let’s be moved by what He’s done for us. Let’s be moved by His thoughtstoward us. Let’s be moved by who He is, His love, His compassion, and His faithfulness.Let’s walk in the spirit and let Him be our motivation.

Harvest Rain ChurchService Time 10:30 AM Sunday 2110 North Hwy 51 Weatherford TX.

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