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Home Explore English & Turkish

English & Turkish

Published by Fatima Alkhateeb, 2021-04-26 12:43:12

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Lara Ahmad... Alshaimaa Primary School /2..7th grade Drawing from Arabic language curriculum MOVIES ECRİN KABAOĞLU

Mais Haitham/ Arwa school My student try to write her name in Hieroglyphic (old Egyption written way) Sandy ayyash/arwa school The solar system ������������������☄️ 8th. grade \"C\"������

Lara Ahmad... Alshaimaa Primary School /2..7th grade An expressive drawing of cooperation and volunteer work from the English language curriculum Lara Ahmad.. Alshaimaa Primary School /2...8th grade. A drawing that expresses the names tree of family members from the English language curriculum

Asma'a Al-Soud Sadeen Awaad Irhab mixed secondary school 8th grade English language/ The Olympics Supervisor Asma'a Al-Soud ‫مدرسة ميمونة بنت الحارث الثانوية المختلطة‬ Climate and Earth . ‫من مادة اللغة الانجليزية‬ ‫الطالبة اليمامة الجازي الصف العاشر‬

Seventh grade. English book. THE LOST BAG Yazan althalabi Mashar`eh military school Eighth grade. English book. choose your own lifestyle ahmad alrayahneh Mashar`eh military school

Majid Awwad 9th grade Irhab mixed secondary school Supervisor Asma'a Al-Soud English/Asking questions Bara'ah Awwad Irhab mixed secondary school 8th grade English language week/Solar system Supervisor Asma'a Al-Soud

Ece - English: MY DAILY ROUTINE I'm Ece. I study at Yenigün Secondary School and the 5th grade. Lara Ahmad... Alshaimaa Primary School /2..7th grade A graphic that expresses stopping global warming in the English language Curriculum

Seedra Amjad... 8th grade.. Alshaimaa Primary School /2 Drawing titled We Will Travel to the Stars from the English Language Curriculum \" Designing a logo \"9th grade English language.

metehan :Health illnesses and advices Hala Jwarneh... 6th grade.. Alshaimaa Primary School /2 He studied prepositions from the English language curriculum

Heba Zaid Irhab mixed secondary school 10th grade English language week Supervisor Asma'a Al-Soud ‫مدرسة ميمونة‬ ‫حلا احمد الصف العاشر مادة اللغة الانجليزية درس‬ ‫الطبيعة‬


Hüseyin Berkay ÇUBUKÇU Türkiye/Ankara Orhan Cemal Fersoy Farah Awad Irhab mixed secondary school 10th grade English language week/vowels lette

ECRİN İKRA YÜCEKAYA ANKARA ORHAN CEMAL FERSOY ORTAOKULU Majed Awwad 8th grad Irhab mixed secordary English languagel/asking questiens Supervisor Asma Al-soud

Azra U. Maiden tower,in İstanbul orhan cemal fersoy ortaokulu hayvanlar bizim dostumuzdur

AYŞE OKUR Türkiye/Ankara Orhan Cemal Fersoy Otaokulu Linda Ahmad... 5th grade... Alshaimaa Primary School /2 Drawing from the English language curriculum

Metehan TOPRAK Metehan TOPRAK Orhan Cemal Fersoy Ortaokulu Yenimahalle Ankara TÜRKİYE Hüseyin Berkay ÇUBUKÇU Türkiye/Ankara Orhan Cemal Fersoy

Remas Elian/ Al-Shaimaa Primary School /2...8th grade ‫الوحدة الرابعة بالانجليزي‬ We will travel to the stars.From the English language curriculum

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