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Action Research

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LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 1 Pradeepika Samaranayake

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 2 Pradeepika Samaranayake Action Research Instructional Systems Design Document TAP Topic: Action Research: A disciplined process of inquiry (Carroll & Klipfel, 2019) Audience: All graduate students opting for research degrees at Texas universities. College elective - School of Education. This can also be opted as a professional development for educators joining the universities. Purpose: To prepare students to be competent in engaging and experimenting different options. Continued reflection on the improvement of personal level focus (inward reflection), organizational level factors (control change), and scholarly level generalizations that provide a setting to improve teaching and learning. Format The course will be offered 100% online in 8-week format using Canvas Learning Management System through a standard web browser. Online materials will include, quizzes, readings, discussion forums, interactive lessons, video clips, and PDF documents. Students will complete online quizzes in Google forms or within the Canvas setting. The students will submit their assignments in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. All students will participate, collaborate and progress simultaneously within each scheduled module. Summary of Analysis Teachers are well versed in the theoretical perspectives of research and bring their own expertise to the classroom to engage the students to build in knowledge and guides to promote personal and professional growth (Ahrens, C. L., Brant, M. E., Lee, E. S., 2007). They consider themselves teaching and learning coaches rather than standing and delivering information however educators need to assume responsibility for their own growth, teacher research is to put “Best Practices” that positively impact classroom practices and student/teacher relationships (Carroll, Klipfel, 2019). Technology innovation creates changes and increases competitiveness which is a key factor now that is affecting the pedagogical contents in classroom settings, online setting, and blended learning environments. With the increase of technology in class, teacher’s ability to incorporate technology, pedagogy and content knowledge has become complex. And teachers have to be mindful of how these sources of knowledge is interconnected (Kuo, 2015).

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 3 Pradeepika Samaranayake Teachers are required to work towards educational improvement, which means going beyond curricular concerns that foster learning which also involves taking account of a wide range of student needs. Some instances you only can see one thing; although with action research you see the whole picture. Simply exposing the student to curriculum does not necessarily result in learning, a teacher needs to get to know the emotional part of the children, what interest them, and what upsets those (Kosnik & Beck, 2000). As there are external factors that are beyond the teacher’s control (Ahrens, Brant, Lee, 2007). Theoretical Basis of Design The action research course is designed based on Constructivism; a theory of learning based on observation. The classroom is no longer the primary learning place, the knowledge is obtained now anywhere and everywhere through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. Being aware of the existing knowledge and new knowledge they become “expert learners”. This challenges them to keep learning which forms cognitive and constructive learning that best fits the current digital era, the process of teaching, learning and changing minds (Schrader, 2015). Action Research is designed with the perspective need to provide students to be creative, engaged, and inventive and room for discovering their own learning and improvement. The instructional model is constructed based on the above and the instructional principles derived from Savery & Duffy formation (p. 3-6). 1. Anchor all learning activities to a larger task or problem The course model will be on action research which is a systematic inquiry. Students learn in a problem-based curriculum to tackle real-life problems or a passion, something that the learner interested in, a thing that one wants to accomplish better, something the learner is curious about, and something one want to understand better which is done through a research process. This allows a student to develop appropriate knowledge and the metacognitive skills which will support them to be good learners and problem solvers (Harland, 2003). 2. Support the learner in developing ownership for the overall problem or task For effective learning on action research, the student will continuously evaluate how the activity is helping them grow, how it turns and how it functions and being aware of the existing knowledge, new knowledge and become “expert learners” that challenges them to keep learning which forms cognitive and constructive learning that best fits the current digital era, the process of teaching, learning and changing minds (Schrader, 2015). 3. Design an authentic task “Teachers are researchers” (Chung, Yeh, & Chen, 2016). The learner will be tasked with their own reflection question based on their own interest, with the evidence that learning is co-conducted through problem-solving which will continue to demonstrate their knowledge that engages in critical thinking, and will promote higher order thinking (Harland, 2003).

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 4 Pradeepika Samaranayake 4. Design the task and the learning environment to reflect the complexity of the environment they should be able to function at the end of learning The learner focuses on action research as a challenged based model with a project that involves a task. The outcome needs to be measured through the concepts of teaching and interdisciplinary, problem-based approach. 5. Give the learner ownership of the process used to develop a solution. The program incorporates the insight gained from continued reflection, self-evaluating, and analysis of the learners to get trained in experimenting with the opportunity for continuous re-assessment on the improvement with teaching and educating others. 6. Design the learning environment to support and challenge the learner’s thinking. The students will be challenged to reflect on their own classroom problems, curiosity, or questions. This can challenge them to balance instructions with research planning and analysis. Will improve their confidence, affirm and engage them to be reflective professionals regaining their strength to solve the specific classroom goals and outcomes. 7. Encourage testing ideas against alternative views and alternative contexts Students will group up with peers to test their ideas and gain alternate views and context. By trying to ascertain what works best by investigating, reflecting, and adjustment student will try to refine one’s approach. What makes the cycle practical and effective? Students will gain experience by reaching out to peer reviewers’ reflection. 8. Provide an opportunity for and support reflection on both the content learned and the learning process. Successful completion of the action research course is able to provide the practice of sharing knowledge and comparing best practices between classes, schools, and districts. The student would be to gain knowledge of, and the ability to use action research with consistent and systematic reflection. Lesson Goals and Objectives Goal 1: To demonstrate an understanding of facts and ideas, by organizing, observing, reflecting, planning, and various theories of action research O.1.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.1.2. TLW be proficient to define action research. O.1.3. TLW be able to identify and explain the characteristics of action research. O.1.4. TLW describe how action research begins, by whom this is carried out and components of action research. O.1.5. TLW be able to identify the purpose of action research, in the areas of teaching, curriculum development, and student behavior and explain why we need them.

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 5 Pradeepika Samaranayake Goal 2: Ability to recall, reflect and identify key areas that need improvement, solutions to problems by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way through the present, past and reflective practices. O.2.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.2.2. TLW relate action research to other teaching practices and investigate the role action research plays in education. O.2.3. TLW will identify and explain the purpose of action research and the approaches. O.2.4. TLW reflect and justify why action research is needed, the role played in teaching practices. Goal 3: Recognize the action research cycles, compare and contrast information O.3.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.3.2. TLW define the phases of the action research cycle. O.3.3. TLW master the elements of practice, theories of perspectives, beliefs, and values. O.3.4. The TLW will determine what starts an excellent action research question. O.3.5. TLW reflect and reach into identifying a reflective action research challenge. Goal 4: Reflect, identify and generate the learners own action research inquiry, narrow down the research topic to a measurable research question and research design. O.4.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.4.2. TLW illustrate on an area of reflective practice. O.4.3. TLW to generate meaningful research questions to guide the inquiry. O.4.4. TLW be able to identify the importance of the inquiry and present the benefit. Goal 5: Evaluate by existing information and defend opinions making judgments about the information, validity of ideas, or quality of work. O.5.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.5.2. TLW research, identify and form various data collection methods O.5.3. TLW will be able to evaluate qualitative methods depending on the inquiry and the collection method. O.5.4. TLW will be able to appraise quantitative methods depending on the inquiry and the collected methods. Goal 6: To compile and create information collected by combining elements in the original pattern or proposing alternatives. O.6.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.6.2. TLW methodically sort, separate, rank and examine data collected O.6.3. TLW analyze different types of data collected during the action research project O.6.4. TLW specify various methods used to interpret action research data

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 6 Pradeepika Samaranayake O.6.5. TLW discuss and share the collective knowledge data with peers for O.6.6. additional ideas and reflection. TLW present and share draft report and conclusion based on peer feedback. Goal 7: Document and share findings by writing a project report O.7.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.7.2. TLW formulate ideas contributed through peer support. O.7.3. TLW will finalize the action research report for submission Technologies Required Active internet connection UNT student login and access to canvas UNT Library for research documents Web Browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) Microsoft Office suite Adobe Acrobat Reader Textbook/Readings/Extra Resources - Textbook reference “Guiding School Improvement with Action Research” by Richard Sagor, ISBN-13: 978-0871203755, Copyright 2000 - Helpful link for creating the Infographic minutes/ - Other Research base articles  Action Research and its History as an Adult Education Movement for Social Change  Using Action Research to improve Teaching and Learning,  Modeling Action Research: Reflections From a Self-Study  Teacher Research Could Change Your Practice,  Reflection-in-Action: In Defense of Thoughtful Teaching,  Action Research Innovation Cycle: Lean Thinking as a Transformational System, Learning Activities Module 1: Reading and Discussions: • Introduction to the class

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 7 Pradeepika Samaranayake Write a paragraph introducing yourself to your peers in the class. Please include your full name, current profession, educational background, any teaching experience you have and what you hope to learn in this class. Please start a new thread about yourself. Also, please respond to introductions of the others. • Watch the video for better understanding (G1:O.1.2, O.1.3, O.1.4, O.3.2) • “What is Action Research” By John Spencer for better understanding • Creative ways to get kids to thrive in school s_to_thrive_in_school?language=en • Formative Quiz to ascertain initial knowledge Reading: Textbook, Chapter 1 & 2 (G1:O.1.1) • Chapter 1. What is Action Research • Chapter 2. How is Action Research Accomplished Discussion 1: How does action research relates to other types of research. Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement (G1:O.1.1, O.1.2, O.1.3, O.1.4) • Assignment Discussion 1: Write a reflection document (1-page), from your weeks reading on how Action Research could help improve teaching and learning. Give constructive feedback to at least two of your peers. References in APA style (G1:O.1.1, O.1.2, O.1.3, O.1.4, O.1.5) Module 2: Reading and Discussions: • Reading: Textbook, Chapter 3 & 4 (G2:O.2.1) • Chapter 3. Professionalism, Teacher Efficacy, and Standard-Based education • Chapter 4. Teaching: A Complex Process • Video: (G2:O.2.1, O.2.2) • Action Research for Teachers • Early kid needs a Champion 452703 • Discussion 2- Describe the approaches of teaching practices and the areas that need improvement. Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement (G2:O.1.4, O.2.1, O.2.2) • Assignment Discussion 2: Please write a 2-page reflection document, recall, reflect and identify key areas that need improvement or solutions to complications through your teaching practices. Please add a link to your document. Give constructive feedback to at least two of your peers. References in APA style. (G2: O.2.1, O.2.2, O.2.3)

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 8 Pradeepika Samaranayake Module 3: Reading and Discussion Reading: Textbook, Chapter 5 and 12 (G3.O.3.1) • Chapter 5. Choosing the Right Research Questions and Assessment Criteria • Chapter 12. Methodological and Ethical issues • Video: (G3.O.3.1, O.3.2, O.1.2) • Teach teachers how to create magic _create_magic/discussion • How to ask better questions • The Action Research Guidebook • Discussion 3- Specify how beliefs and values change teaching practices and can those concerns be voiced. Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement (G3:O.3.1, O.3.2, O.3.3) • Assignment Discussion 3: Please write a 1-page reflection on “What can you do to become a more effective teacher” Give constructive feedback to at least two of your peers. References in APA style (G3:O.3.1, O.3.2, O.3.5, G2:O.2.3) Module 4: Reading and Discussion • Reading: Textbook (G4:O.4.1) • Chapter 6 – Using Theory to Drive Action • Additional reading: technology-phones-introspection.html?_r=0 (G4:O.4.1, O.4.2 ) • Video: (G4: O.4.1, G4: O.4.2) • Reflective Teaching: an Element of Life-long learning • What makes a good teacher great • Discussion 4- Reflect and share about your pedagogical practice in order to promote self and peer-directed learning. Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement. (G4:O.4.1, O.4.2, O.4.3) • Assignment: (G4:O.4.1, O.4.2, O.4.3, O.4.4, G3:O.3.1) 1. Submit a project proposal for the final action research paper, by reflecting the systematic approach for your Research paper 2. Share your proposal with peers for peer reviews. The name of the reviewer will be notified Module 5: Reading and Discussion • Reading: Textbook, Chapter 7, 8 & 9 (G5:O.5.1)

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 9 Pradeepika Samaranayake • Chapter 7. Data Collection: Using Teacher Records and Observation Data • Chapter 8. Data Collection: Creating Instruments to Answer Research Questions • Chapter 9. Data Collection: Building a Valid and Reliable Data Collection Plan • Video: (G5:O.5.1, O.5.2) • Data Collection Methods • Teaching methods for Inspiring the students of the future • Discussion 5- The techniques you could use to interpret your data to determine the extent where the objectives were accomplished. Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement (G5:O.5.1, O.5.2, O.5.3, G3.O.3.2) • Assignment 5: Continue with the Action Research paper, exploring, reflecting, and observing through data collection or data analysis methods to validate results. References in APA style. No submission is required, Watch “ How to Give Hard feedback, without coming off like a mean boss” (G5:O.5.1, O.5.2, O.5.3, O.5.4) Module 6: Reading and Discussion • Reading: Textbook, Chapter 10 & 11 (G6:O.5.1, O.6.1) • Chapter 10. Making Sense of the Data • Chapter 11. Putting the Data Collection: Building a Valid and Reliable Data Collection Plan Discussion 6 - How do you accept to report, shared, and implement the information gained by Action Research. Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement (G6:O.6.1, O.6.2, O.6.3, O.6.4, G3: O.3.2) • Assignment 6: 1. Create an infographic-Visual content (G6:O.1.4, O.2.1, O.3.1, O.5.1, O.6.2) Infographics: A primer for Researchers: link for-researchers-b17e5520704a This will help you in planning your final paper. (You could create this on Piktochart or any other application. Note:- For your own benefit, please post your infographic here to gain more ideas and comments from your peers. 2. Submit the DRAFT proposal of your Action Research paper based on peer feedback. While continuing with the Action

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 10 Pradeepika Samaranayake Research paper, placing the action into Action Research. References in APA style (G6: O.6.2, O.6.3, O.6.4, O.6.5, O.6.6, G3: O.3.1) Module 7: Reading & Review • Reading: Textbook, Chapter 14 & 15 (G7:O.7.1) • Chapter Inducting Teachers into a Culture of Inquiry • Chapter 15. The Demands of Accountability: Integrating Action Research into District Practice • Discussion 7: Reflect your experience with the overall stages of the action research process, the outcome and how you propose to implement. Please add a link to your document. References in APA style. Give constructive feedback to at least two of your peers. (G7:O.7.1, O.7.2, O.4.2) • Assignment 7: 1. Submit your final paper to the two listed peer reviewers. Please use university e-mail. The Action Research paper should contain 15-pages (2500-3000 words). Please follow the final paper rubric, use APA style format and cite your paper. Note:- Both files should be on Word document (G7:O.7.1, O.7.2, O.7.3) 2. Please review the final Action Research paper of the peer reviewer and return paper after making constructive thoughts and comments of reflection for improvement. Submit the peer-reviewed paper. (G7:O.7.1, O.7.2, O.7.3). Module 8: Submission of the final 15-page (2500-3000 Words), Action Research paper. Please follow the final paper rubric, use APA style format and cite your sources. (G7:O.7.2. O.7.3) End of the Class: - Complete the final evaluation survey to reflect the effectiveness of this course Assessment The faculty are encouraged to provide the feedback via course evaluations online which is convenient for both the instructor and faculty staff as written evaluation could decrease the response rate. The e-response will have a wide range of questions in order to obtain reliable feedback from the faculty which will help the instructor to incorporate changes in the flowing-up modules. The instructor would encourage the participants to provide e-response with each module in order to discuss possible solutions to the problems in the following sessions this will be explained with reasons at the end of each module emphasizing the responses are very important for the following modules to be planned successfully.

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 11 Pradeepika Samaranayake Formative assessment of learning outcomes will be carried out at the beginning of the class after a quick video about action research. The course involves interactions between instructors and students, students and students, all of which create artifacts that can be studied and analyzed. As a summative assessment completion, the student will produce the final action report activity. This will determine the level of critical thinking with what the student knew and how this applied to the course concepts. With dialogue or written work, the instructor is allowed to evaluate the effectiveness of student learning. Grading will be determined as follows: Percent Assignments Details 2 Introduction Introduction post (4%) 0 Knowledge check list 12 Discussion Six (6) Discussion (10%) 26 Assignments Four (4) Reflective assignments (16%) 10 Presentation Two (2) Assignments (10%) 5 Project Infographic (10%) 5 Project proposal (5%) 40% Final Paper Peer Review (5%) Total=100% Final Research paper (40%) Grading Scale 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D Below 60% F Evaluation The students will complete an end-of-course feedback evaluation survey at the end of the course. This will be reviewed by an unbiased observer from the department. Once evaluated due changes will be effective for the course to follow. Timeline The learning module will be 100% asynchronous experience. The course is structured as 1 module per week for a total of 8 weeks. Approximately every module will take up 5 hours for reading, writing for discussion and assignments through reflection and collaboration.

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 12 Pradeepika Samaranayake References Ahrens, C. L., Brant, M. E., Lee, E. S., (2007), Using Action Research to improve Teaching and Learning, Burbank, M. D., (2003) Modeling Action Research: Reflections From a Self-Study Clare Kosnik & Clive Beck (2000) The action research process as a means of helping student teachers understand and fulfil the complex role of the teacher, Educational Action Research, 8:1, 115-136, DOI: 10.1080/09650790000200107, Carroll, A. J., & Klipfel, K. M. (2019). Talent, Schmalent: An Instructional Design/Action Research Framework for the Professionalization of Teaching in Academic Libraries. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(2), 110–118. Chung, P., Yeh, R. C., Chen, Y., (2015) Influence of problem-based learning strategy on enhancing student’s industrial oriented competencies, learned: an action research on learning weblog analysis, 9306-3.pdf DeMott, D., (n.d.) Teacher Research Could Change Your Practice, Glassman, M., Erdem, G., & Bartholomew, M. (2013). Action Research and Its History as an Adult Education Movement for Social Change. Adult Education Quarterly, 63(3), 272– 288. Harland, T. (2003). Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development and Problem-based Learning: linking a theoretical concept with practice through action research. Teaching in Higher Education, 8(2), 263. Kuo, N., 2015, Action Research for Improving the Effectiveness of Technology Integration in Preservice Teacher Education, Sagor, R (2018), Guiding School Improvement with Action Research dq=guiding+school+improvement+with+action+research&ots=kZD7C- xVwR&sig=c9YggFGhMPlhpvWz0yqF1yYZZ7s#v=onepage&q=guiding%20school%2 0improvement%20with%20action%20research&f=false

LTEC 5510 Design Document Summer 2019 13 Pradeepika Samaranayake Salehi, F., & Yaghtin, A. (2015) Action Research Innovation Cycle: Lean Thinking as a Transformational System, Savery, J. R., & Duffy, T. M. (1995). Problem based learning: An instructional model and its constructivist framework. Educational Technology, 35, 31–38 Schrader, D. E. (2015). Constructivism and learning in the age of social media: changing minds and learning communities. New directions for teaching & learning, 2015(144), 23–35. Spencer J, (2017) Short description of action research, Thompson, K. (n.d.) What is online course quality? Retrieved from © Pradeepika Samaranayake


Week 1 Directions Reading and Discussions: • Introduction to the class: Write a paragraph introducing yourself to your peers in the class. Please include your full name, current profession, educational background, any teaching experience you have and what you hope to learn in this class. Please start a new thread about yourself. Also, please respond to introductions of the others. • Watch the video (G1: O.1.2, O.1.3, O.1.4, O.3.2) for a better understanding of Action Research “What is Action Research” By John Spencer for better understanding Note: Take the quiz after watching the video • Formative Quiz to ascertain initial knowledge • Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & 2 (G1:O.1.1)  Chapter 1. What is Action Research  Chapter 2. How is Action Research Accomplished? • Discussion 1: (G1: O.1.1, O.1.2, O.1.3, O,1,4) How does action research relates to other types of research? Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement • Assignment Discussion 1: (G1: O.1.1, O.1.2, O.1.3, O.1.4, O.1.5) Please write a reflection document 1-page, from your weeks reading on how Action Research could help improve teaching and learning. References in APA style. Give constructive feedback to at least two of your peers

Week 2 Directions • Reading: Textbook: Chapter 3 & 4 (G2:O2.1) o  Chapter 3. Professionalism, Teacher Efficacy, and Standard-Based education  Chapter 4. Teaching: A Complex Process • Video: (G2: O.2.1, O.2.2) • Discussion 2: (G2: O.1.4, O.2.1, O.2.2) o  Describe the approaches of teaching practices and the areas that need improvement.  Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement • Assignment Discussion 2: (G2: O.2.1, O.2.2, O.2.3) o  Please write a 2-page reflective document, recall, reflect and identify key areas that need improvement or solutions to complications through your teaching practices. Please add a link to the document.  Give constructive feedback to at least two of your peers. References in APA style

Week 3 Directions Reading and Discussion • Reading: Textbook: Chapter 5 and 12 (G3.O.3.1) o  Chapter 5. Choosing the Right Research Questions and Assessment Criteria  Chapter 12. Methodological and Ethical Issues • Video: (G3.O.3.1, O.3.2, O.1.2.)  Discussion 3: (G3: O.3.1, O.3.2, O.3.3)   Specify how beliefs and values change teaching practices and can those concerns be voiced.  Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement.  Assignment Discussion 3: (G3: O.3.1, O.3.2, O.3.5, G2: O.2.3)  Please write a reflection on 1-page “What can you do to become a more effective teacher”. References in APA style  Give constructive feedback to at least two of your peers

Week 4 Directions • Reading: Textbook: Chapter 6(G4: O.4.1)  Chapter 6. Using Theory to Drive Action  Additional reading: (G4: O.4.1) The end of Reflection (Links to an external site.) • Video (G4: O.4.1, G4: O.4.2) • Discussion 4: (G4: O.4.1, O.4.2, G3: O.3.1)  Reflect and share about your pedagogical practice in order to promote self and peer-directed learning.  Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement. • Assignment: (G4: O.4.1, O.4.2, O.4.3, O.4.4, G3: O.3.1)  Submit a project proposal for the final action research paper, by through reflecting the systematic approach for your Research paper  Share your proposal with peers for peer reviews. The name of the reviewer will be notified

Week 5 Directions • Reading: Textbook:, Chapter 7, 8 & 9 (G5:O.5.1)  Chapter 7. Data Collection: Using Teacher Records and Observation Data  Chapter 8. Data Collection: Creating Instruments to Answer Research Questions  Chapter 9. Data Collection: Building a Valid and Reliable Data Collection Plan • Video: (G5: O.5.1, O.5.2) • Discussion 5: (G5: O.5.1, O.5.2, O.5.3, G3.O.3.2)  The techniques you could use to interpret your data to determine the extent where the objectives were accomplished.  Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement • Assignment: (G5: O.5.1, O.5.2, O.5.3, O.5.4)  Continue with the Action Research paper, exploring, reflecting, and observing through data collection or data analysis methods to validate results. References in APA style. No submission is required, Watch \"How to Give Hard feedback, without coming off like a mean boss\"

Week 6 Directions • Reading: Textbook: Chapter 10 & 11 (G6:O.5.1,O.6.1)  Chapter 10. Making Sense of the Data  Chapter 11. Putting the Action into Action Research • Discussion 6: - (G6: O.6.1, O.6.2, O.6.3, O.6.4. G3: O.3.2)  How do you accept to report, shared, and implement the information gained by Action Research?  Reply to two other participants, highlight the strengths and provide ideas of improvement • Assignment 6:  Create an infographic-Visual content, Infographics: A primer for Researchers (Links to an external site.)(G6: O.1.4, O.2.1, O.3.1, O.5.1, O.6.2)  Submit the DRAFT proposal of your Action Research paper based on peer feedback. References in APA style. (G6: O.6.2, O.6.3, O.6.4, O.6.5, O.6.6, G3: O.3.1)

Week 7 Directions Reading & Review • Reading: Textbook, Chapter 14 & 15 (G7:0.7.1)  Chapter 14. Inducting Teachers into a Culture of Inquiry  Chapter 15. The Demands of Accountability: Integrating Action Research into District Practice • Discussion 7: (G7: O.7.1, O.7.2, O.4.2)  Reflect your experience with the overall stages of the action research process, the outcome and how you propose to implement. • Assignment 7:  Submit your final paper to two listed peer reviewers. Please use University e- mail. The Action Research paper should contain 15-pages (2500-3000 words). Please follow the final paper rubric, use APA style format and cite your paper. (G7:O.7.1, O.7.2, O.7.3)  Please review the final Action Research paper of your peers and return paper after making constructive thoughts and comments of reflection for improvement. Submit the peer-reviewed papers. (G7:O.7.1, O.7.2, O.7.3).

Week 8 Directions Submission of the Final Action Research Paper (G7: O.7.2)  The final paper should be 15-page (2500-3000 Words) Action Research paper.  Please follow the final paper rubric, use APA style format with citation.  Also, complete the final evaluation survey before 10/13/2019 to reflect the effectiveness of this course.

© Pradeepika Samaranayake

2 Action Research Table of content Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Reference material for training …………………………………………………………… 3 Format ……………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Learning Theory …………………………………………………………………………. 3 Goals and Objectives …………………………………………………………………….. 5 Scheduling ……………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Learning Activities ………………………………………………………………………. 7 Assessments ……………………………………………………………………………… 11 Tips and Tricks …………………………………………………………………………... 12 Textbook/Reading/Extra Resources …………………………………………………. 12 Participation and assignment ………………………………………………………… 12 Academic Integrity …………………………………………………………………… 13 Course communication ………………………………………………………………. 13 Late Work ……………………………………………………………………………. 13 Grading Scale ………………………………………………………………………… 13 Rubric ………………………………………………………………………………… 13 Student Support …………………………………………………………………......... 13 Environment ……………………………………………………………………………… 14 Appendix 1 – Reference documents …………………………………………………. 14 Appendix 2 – Rubric for the Infographics ………………………………………….... 16 Appendix 3 – Rubric for Action Research final paper ………………………………. 18 Appendix 4 – Guidelines for the action research paper ……………………………... 21 Appendix 5 – Initial quiz …………………………………………………………….. 23 Appendix 6 – Action Research – Evaluation form …………………………………... 26 Appendix 7 – Canvas LMS Development Modules ………………………………….. 28 References ……………………………………………………………………………….. 31

3 Introduction Action Research is a disciplined process of inquiry (Carroll & Klipfel, 2019). It is a graduate learning program that can also be opted as professional development for educators. The course prepares the students to be competent in engaging and experimenting with different options of continued reflection which includes evaluating outcomes, enhance student achievement and improving educational practices that provides a setting to improve teaching and learning. The course is structured through the seven stages of action research which is selecting a focus, clarifying theories, identify research questions, reporting results, collecting data, analyzing data and taking informed action. Reference material for the training Title: Guiding School Improvement with Action Research by Richard Sagor Edition: Sixth Edition ISBN: 978-1416624325 Copyright 2000 Format The course will be offered 100% online in an 8-week format using the Canvas Learning Management System through a standard web browser. Approximately every module will take up 5 hours for reading, writing for discussion and assignments through reflection and collaboration. Online materials will include, quizzes, readings, discussion forums, interactive lessons, video clips, and PDF documents. Students will complete online quizzes in Google forms. The students will submit their assignments in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. All students will participate, collaborate and progress simultaneously within each scheduled module. Learning Theory The action research course is designed based on Constructivism; a theory of learning based on observation. The classroom is no longer the primary learning place, the knowledge is obtained now anywhere and everywhere through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. Being aware of the existing knowledge and new knowledge they become “expert learners”. This challenges them to keep learning which forms cognitive and constructive learning that best fits the current digital era, the process of teaching, learning and changing minds (Schrader, 2015). Action Research is designed with the perspective need to provide students to be creative, engaged, and inventive and room for discovering their own learning and improvement. The instructional model is constructed based on the above and the instructional principles derived from Savery & Duffy formation (p. 3-6). 1. Anchor all learning activities to a larger task or problem The course model will be on action research which is a systematic inquiry. Students learn in a problem-based curriculum to tackle real-life problems or a passion, something that the learner interested in, a thing that one wants to accomplish better, something the learner is curious about, and something one want to understand better which is done through a research process. This allows a student to develop appropriate knowledge and the

4 metacognitive skills which will support them to be good learners and problem-solvers (Harland, 2003). 2. Support the learner in developing ownership for the overall problem or task For effective learning on action research, the student will continuously evaluate how the activity is helping them grow, how it turns and how it functions and being aware of the existing knowledge, new knowledge and become “expert learners” that challenges them to keep learning which forms cognitive and constructive learning that best fits the current digital era, the process of teaching, learning and changing minds (Schrader, 2015). 3. Design an authentic task “Teachers are researchers” (Chung, Yeh, & Chen, 2016). The learner will be tasked with their own reflection question based on their own interest, with the evidence that learning is co-conducted through problem-solving which will continue to demonstrate their knowledge that engages in critical thinking, and will promote higher-order thinking (Harland, 2003). 4. Design the task and the learning environment to reflect the complexity of the environment they should be able to function at the end of learning The learner focuses on action research as a challenged based model with a project that involves a task. The outcome needs to be measured through the concepts of teaching and interdisciplinary, problem-based approach. 5. Give the learner ownership of the process used to develop a solution. The program incorporates the insight gained from continued reflection, self-evaluating, and analysis of the learners to get trained in experimenting with the opportunity for continuous re-assessment on the improvement with teaching and educating others. 6. Design the learning environment to support and challenge the learner’s thinking. The students will be challenged to reflect on their own classroom problems, curiosity, or questions. This can challenge them to balance instructions with research planning and analysis. Will improve their confidence, affirm and engage them to be reflective professionals regaining their strength to solve the specific classroom goals and outcomes. 7. Encourage testing ideas against alternative views and alternative contexts Students will group up with peers to test their ideas and gain alternate views and context. By trying to ascertain what works best by investigating, reflecting, and adjustment student will try to refine one’s approach. What makes the cycle practical and effective? Students will gain experience by reaching out to peer reviewers’ reflection. 8. Provide an opportunity for and support reflection on both the content learned and the learning process. Successful completion of the action research course is able to provide the practice of sharing knowledge and comparing best practices between classes, schools, and districts. The student would be to gain knowledge of, and the ability to use action research with consistent and systematic reflection.

5 Goals and Objectives Goal 1: To demonstrate an understanding of facts and ideas, by organizing, observing, reflecting, planning, and various theories of action research O.1.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.1.2. TLW be proficient to define action research. O.1.3. TLW be able to identify and explain the characteristics of action research. O.1.4. TLW describe how action research begins, by whom this is carried out and components of action research. O.1.5. TLW be able to identify the purpose of action research, in the areas of teaching, curriculum development, and student behavior and explain why we need them. Goal 2: Ability to recall, reflect and identify key areas that need improvement, solutions to problems by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way through the present, past and reflective practices. O.2.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.2.2. TLW relate action research to other teaching practices and investigate the role action research plays in education. O.2.3. TLW will identify and explain the purpose of action research and the approaches. O.2.4. TLW reflect and justify why action research is needed, the role played in teaching practices. Goal 3: Recognize the action research cycles, compare and contrast information O.3.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.3.2. TLW define the phases of the action research cycle. O.3.3. TLW master the elements of practice, theories of perspectives, beliefs, and values. O.3.4. The TLW will determine what starts an excellent action research question. O.3.5. TLW reflect and reach into identifying a reflective action research challenge. Goal 4: Reflect, identify and generate the learners own action research inquiry, narrow down the research topic to a measurable research question and research design. O.4.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.4.2. TLW illustrate on an area of reflective practice. O.4.3. TLW to generate meaningful research questions to guide the inquiry. O.4.4. TLW be able to identify the importance of the inquiry and present the benefit. Goal 5: Evaluate by existing information and defend opinions making judgments about the information, validity of ideas, or quality of work. O.5.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.5.2. TLW research, identify and form various data collection methods O.5.3. TLW will be able to evaluate qualitative methods depending on the inquiry and the collection method.

6 O.5.4. TLW will be able to appraise quantitative methods depending on the inquiry and the collected methods. Goal 6: To compile and create information collected by combining elements in the original pattern or proposing alternatives. O.6.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.6.2. TLW methodically sort, separate, rank and examine data collected O.6.3. TLW analyze different types of data collected during the action research project O.6.4. TLW specify various methods used to interpret action research data O.6.5. TLW discuss and share the collective knowledge data with peers for additional ideas and reflection. O.6.6. TLW present and share draft report and conclusion based on peer feedback. Goal 7: Document and share findings by writing a project report O.7.1. The learner will (TLW) use the textbook reading to generate knowledge O.7.2. TLW formulate ideas contributed through peer support. O.7.3. TLW will finalize the action research report for submission Scheduling Learning Activities Module 1: Reading and Discussions:

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