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Home Explore Prospectus 2018

Prospectus 2018

Published by bernard.l, 2018-07-25 11:04:19

Description: Prospectus 2018


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Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Church of England Primary SchoolWith open minds and loving hearts, we will achieve School Prospectus

Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Primary School is a small village schoolsituated on the edge of the famous town of Rugby. This Churchof England controlled school was opened on the site in StationRoad in 1850. Expansions and modernisation in 1996, 2010 and2015 which incorporated the original building, have resulted in anattractive and characterful school which provides excitinglearning spaces.We are a school that is committed to ensuring that every childlearns in a challenging and stimulating environment where childrenare encouraged to achieve their very best, both within andoutside of the classroom. We are continually striving to improveoutcomes for all pupils and make our school the very best it canbe. We have a strong set of core values that underpin ourbehaviour policy and prepare our pupils to be good citizens of thecommunity in the future.This school brochure is designed to give a very brief overview ofhow our school operates, what our vision and aims are and toillustrate some of the opportunities available to your children.We are delighted that you are considering Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Primary School for your child and would welcome you tovisit to have a look at what we can offer. Lisa Bernard Headteacher“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. They are polite andhelpful around school and have highly positive attitudesto learning. They readily support each other in lessonsand on the playground.”Ofsted March 2015

About our school:Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Church of England Primary School isfriendly and caring with 226 pupils on roll. It is a place whereyour children feel safe, confident and valued.The School Day:8:55 School starts (playground supervised from 8:40)9:10 Worship9:30 Session 1Years 1,2 and 3 Years 4,5 and 610:20 Break 10:40 Break10:40 Session 2 11:00 Session 2Rec, Years 1 and 2 Years 3,4,5 and 612:00 Lunch 12:15 Lunch13:15 Afternoon Sessions 13:15 Afternoon Sessions15:15 School Ends 15:25 School EndsOur Vision and Aims:As a church school, with strong links with St. Mary’s Church, ourethos is based around the distinctive Christian Values which are afocus of whole school worship and permeate through all of ourlessons on a daily basis. Our emphasis is on respect for oneanother, especially for our similarities and differences and this isthe foundation of our School Vision Statement.

The CurriculumAt the heart of our planned curriculum lies the engagement and enjoymentof all of our pupils. We teach all of the core subjects in a way that inspireslearning in an active and stimulating environment, utilising where possible,the latest technologies. At Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Primary School weregularly review our curriculum, in line with the interests of our pupils,helping to keep it fresh and relevant to all.We have adopted a collaborative approach to teaching and learning basedaround the careful use of regular assessment. This enables us to gain adeeper understanding of how each child is progressing in literacy andnumeracy and across other areas of the curriculum. These assessmentsenable us to set personalised targets for each child helping them knowwhere they need to improve in their learning.Class topic based open days are held throughout the year in order tocelebrate with parents and friends of the school the learning that has takenplace. It is important to us that parents support the learning process.

At Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Primary School, we feel it is important forchildren to take ownership of their learning in order to become life-long learners. We hold termly Pupil Progress meetings, to ensurestaff, pupils and parents understand the progress pupils are making.We have high expectations of behaviour as well as academicexcellence. We reward pupils with mini-merits for achievement,having respect and showing responsibility around school. Children canalso collect house points, contributing to their sense of citizenshipand supporting one another. All of our positive rewards systemsemphasise the importance of making right choices.At Clifton-upon-Dunsmore Primary School, we pride ourselves onbeing inclusive and as a staff, really get to know the children in ourcare. We provide not only for their academic needs, but also theirsocial and emotional development and share Christian like behaviourin all that we do.

Religious EducationReligious Education has its own place in the curriculum and is taught as aseparate subject every week, following the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus.Both Religious Education and Collective Worship are based on Christianbeliefs, but children are given the opportunity to find out about othermajor religions and are encouraged to ask questions and respond to theirown feelings.We have close links with St. Mary’s Church and the Vicar makes regularvisits to school in his role as chaplain. It should be remembered that youas parents have chosen a Church school for your child. However, parentswho wish to withdraw their children from Religious Education or thecollective act of worship should contact the school.A termly community worship is held where members of the parish andparents are invited to share worship with us to keep our community linksalive.

School Uniform:The Governing Body uphold a strictuniform policy and expect all children towear the correct school uniform.Children can wear: red school sweatshirt or cardigan black skirt/pinafore dress/trousers/ shorts white polo shirt/shirt or blouse black tights/white knee or dark length socks red/white check dress (in summer) sensible black shoesReception children also need:All-in-one coveralls and Wellington boots for outdoor learningAll children need a PE kit. This consists of:Indoor—black shorts, red t-shirt, white socks and black pumpsOutdoor—black shorts, pleated games skirt or tracksuit bottoms,red, t-shirt, red or black plain hoodie, white socks, trainersAll kit should be placed in a PE kit bag and should be inschool everyday.Note: Children also require a ‘house’ colour t-shirt for team events.JewelleryA watch is allowed for children who can tell the time. Stud earringsfor pierced ears are allowed, providing the children can removethem themselves for PE. No other jewellery is allowed for Healthand Safety reasons. Nail varnish and make-up are not allowed.Please remember to name all belongings so we may reunite lost items with their owners.

Clifton-upon-DunsmoreC of E Primary SchoolStation Road, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 0BTTel: 01788 542027Email: [email protected]:

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