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china flipbook

Published by 23cmongan, 2017-03-19 19:27:51

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Ancient China Flipbook By: Chris Mongan

Chinese Symbols

Ancient Chinese InventionsGunpowder: Gunpowder is a blackish substance that you put in guns to help the bullet shoot. When it is ignited it burns rapidly and outof control. Gunpowder is made with a mix of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. It was originally designed by these people who wantedto create a potion of immortality,but ended up making an explosive. The first object that used gunpowder was the proto-gunthat was invented by China.Compass: It is used to determine the direction you are facing by using magnets. The magnets in the magnetic compassalign with the magnetic field of the Earth. The parts of a basic compass are the needle, the dial, and the housing. Theneedle is a magnetic piece of metal which tells you what direction you are facing. The dial is the part with the directions onit. And the housing is the piece that holds all the parts together. Some more expensive compasses have different toolsbuilt on like cases to protect the compass.

Shang DynastyBronze: The Shang Dynasty bronze was symbolism for respect and power. To make bronze you have tomold the figure and then leave space so you can actually pour the bronze in.Shang Religion: The Shang were polytheistic which meant that the Shang believed in many gods. Theyalso believed in ancestor worship which is when you worship your dead ancestors. If you didn’t worshipthem they were believed to bring bad events to you and your family.Oracle Bones: Oracle bones were usually oxen bones that had pictures carved in them, and the pictureswas another way of communication. The Shang would apply such immense heat the the bones wouldcrack. The people of the Shang would paint their pictures onto the line that they thought the crack wouldbe to predict the future.Writing: The writing of the Shang comes back to the oracle bones. You would crack the shell of the boneand then write on it to communicate. The writing of the Ancient Chinese was developed in East Asia.

Zhou DynastyMandate of Heaven: It was the belief that only one ruler could rule, and that ruler had to be chosen by thegods. They used this mandate to overrule the Shang dynasty, and became the rulers of China.Confucius: He presented many strict laws to keep China in hand. There was a religion named afterconfucius, and it was confucianism. Confucianism was the law that only well built men could be picked forjobs and the hard labor. It was also the enforcement that you HAD to respect your parents.Zhou Classes: The classes in greatest to least were: King families, noble families, and peasant families.The king would give land to the nobles, and the nobles would repay him tribute. The nobles would loneland to the peasants, and the peasants would repay them by working in their armies.The Decline Of the Zhou: The Zhou dynasty ended when the warring states occurred. The Qin Dynastycaptured the last emperor of the Zhou,Kin Nan, and killed him

Qin DynastyLegalism: It was extremely hard to develop because it was being developed through a time of lots of war.It was the study that people were motivated to do bad things because of their self interests. It wasdeveloped by the Han dynasty, but it never spread around China until the Qin dynasty started to rule.Standardization: Qin was ruled by Shi Huang, and he was the first emperor of China. He unified China in221 BC. The Qin was cut short after 15 years of ruling do to the warring states.Great Wall: It was built while Shi Huang was ruling the Qin dynasty. It is the longest border ever built. Itwas designed to keep away the Huns.Qin Shi Huangdi: He had the idea to make the Great Wall. He unified China in 221 BC. He was born inYing Zheng in 259 BC.End Of Qin: The Qin dynasty ending because of the warring states in 207 BC. The Han Dynasty took overthe Qin dynasty.

Han DynastyWu Di: He the first emperor of the Han Dynasty. He was born in 159 BC and died in 87 BC. He took overthe Qin dynasty after four years of war. He spread China influence abroad.Han Contributions: They ruled from 202 BC to 220 AD. The Han made the Silk Road. They were the firstdynasty to actually use iron. They invented the seismograph.Silk Road: It was invented to protect traders, and to get to the destination faster. The Han would send partof an army to protect the traders from bandits. Traders would stop and give the cart or goods to anotherpart of the Han to take it all the way.Liu Bang: He was born in 257 BC and died in 195 BC. He was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty. Hechanged the way China operated because he had so much respect, and all the Chinese liked him.

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