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Home Explore springspecials


Published by ddobson, 2019-01-14 10:34:45

Description: springspecials


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WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813SPRING SPECIALS DATING TERMS*$1,500 ORDER $3,500 ORDER 30 / 60 Terms 30 / 60 / 90 Terms $7,500 ORDER $20,000 Order30 / 60 / 90 / 120 Terms 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 Terms *Terms are subject to credit approval EARLY ORDER / EARLY SHIP INCENTIVE Any orders OVER $1,500 placed by FEBRUARY 9, 2019 that can be shipped immediately will get an ADDITIONAL 2% OFF* the bottom of the order.* The additional discount cannot be added to any brands where doing so would go beyond the maximum allowed discount as mandated by the product vendor.SPECIALS WILL ONLY APPLY BY USING PROMO CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. SPRING2019ORDERS WITHOUT ANY TERMS, LOCKS, FREE ITEMS, OR DISPLAYS MAY BE PROCESSED BY THE CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPT. ** TERMS, LOCK-INS, DISPLAYS, AND/OR ANY FREE ITEMS WILL NOT APPLY WITH HE PROMO CODEAND MUST BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED THROUGH THE SALES DEPARTMENTPROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 1Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 TERMS & CONDITIONS ORDERS MAY BE PLACED ON WWW.WPSORDERS.COM, BUT THE PROMO CODE MUST BE ENTERED IN THE PROMOTION BOX ON THE SECOND SCREEN DURING THE CHECKOUT PROCESS. When ordering online, terms, lock-ins, free items and/or displays must be specifically requested by checking the HOLD ORDER box & putting a note in the COMMENTS box on the first screen to “ADD FREE (specify items)” and/or “(specify what) TERMS” during the checkout process. Any free items will always be the lowest priced items ordered under that particular special. For backorders on specials with free product, the qualifying items must ship before the free items will be shipped. CLOSEOUT / DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS PROGRAM UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.All required totals on the program must be reached AFTER the special discount is applied. Add-on orders are subject to a $1,000 minimum & can only be placed while the program is active. Maximum of 3 add-on orders per dealer. ALL TERMS ARE SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS PROCESSING TIME.PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 2Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 MX GEAR & HARD PARTSORDER TOTAL* ORDER DISCOUNT 3% (after discount is applied) 5% + 1 Mannequin $3,500 7% + 2 Mannequins $5,000 10% + 3 Mannequins $7,500 $10,000 BONUSIf at least $1,500 of the qualifying order in FLY HARD PARTS,you will also get a $150 FLY CASUAL WEAR PRODUCT CREDIT* FLY Strider bikes, FLY Ogio bags & any FLY closeout products are EXCLUDED from this program MX PROTECTION GEARProtective Gear applies to Roost Guards, Barricade Products, and Knee, Shin, & Elbow GuardsORDER TOTAL* ORDER DISCOUNT 12% (after discount is applied) 15% 18% $250 - $499 $500 - $749 $750 - $1,500 PROTECTION SPECIAL IS LIMITED $1,500.Any protective gear ordered past $1,500 would go under the MX Gear discounts aboveTHE SPECIALS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED.PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 3Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 SEGMENT #1 STREET ORDER LOCK-INFLY STREET HELMETS & ACCESSORIES DISCOUNT ORDER TOTAL* (valid for 12 months.) SEGMENT #2 3% FLY STREET JACKETS & PANTS PER SEGMENT 6% - (after discount is applied) 12% 4% SEGMENT #3 20% 7%FLY STREET GLOVES, BOOTS, LUGGAGE $1,500 12% $3,000 & CASUAL WEAR $5,000 $7,500 BONUS Purchase $1,500+ in 2 OR MORE FLY RACING STREET segments and the order will qualify for the discount based on the combined total AND 2 FREE FLY RACING STREET Hats FLY Racing Street Hats: WPS# 477-0030 EXAMPLE: Purchase $1,500 in FLY Street Helmets and $1,500 in FLY Street Jackets/Pants and the order will qualify for discounts on the $3,000 order tier.NON-QUALIFYING EXAMPLE: Purchase $2,500 in FLY Street helmets and $500 in FLY Street Jacket/Pants and the order does NOT qualify for for the discounts on the $3,000 tier because the FLY Street Jacket/Pant minimum wasn’t satisfied. Purchase $1,500+ in ALL 3 FLY RACING STREET segments and get an ADDITIONAL 2% OFF the order & lock-in discounts listed AND 2 FREE FLY RACING STREET Hats & T-shirts FLY Racing Street Hats: WPS# 477-003 FLY Racing Street T-shirts: WPS# 352-0360_ (Available in Sizes S - 3X) FLY STREET CLEARANCE PRODUCTS ON PAGE 6 DO NOT COUNT TOWARD ORDER TOTALS ON THIS PROGRAM FLY Racing Street segments may not be mix with the Highway 21 segmentsTHE SPECIALS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED.PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 4Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 STREET CLEARANCE Limited to stock on handLUXX HELMETS WPS# Color Available Sizes 73-8300_ Matte Black XS, S & M NOW 1 - 5 for $59.99 ea 73-8310_ Shock Blk/Sil XS, S, M 6 - 19 for $54.99 ea 20+ for $49.99 ea 73-8311_ Shock Blk/Wht/Red S, 2X, 3X Retail $179.95 - $189.95 73-8312_ Shock Red/Ylw XS - 3X Org Dealer $104.99 - $114.99 73-8313_ Shock Blue/Hi-Vis XS - M & X-3X 73-8315 Shock Blk/Green XS - L 73-8321_ Camo Green XS - M 73-8322_ Camo Red XS - MFIFTY 5 JACKETS APEX LEATHER JACKETS FL1 GLOVES Retail $259.95 Retail $349.95 - $379.95 Retail $69.95 Org Dealer $159.99 Org Dealer $210.99 - $227.99 Org Dealer $43.49 NOW $69.99 NOW $19.99 NOW $99.99WPS# Color Available Sizes WPS# Color Available Sizes WPS# Color Available Sizes477-2010_ Black S, 2X, 3X 478-700__ Black 38 - 54 476-2020_ Black S & 3X 478-701__ White 38-54 476-2021_ Red S & 3X LADIES 476-2022_ Blue S, 2X, 3X 476-2023 Gun S, 2X, 3XGEORGIA II JACKETS 476-2027_ White 2X & 3X Retail $149.95 Org Dealer $92.991 - 5 for $59.99 ea LADIES 6+ for $54.99 ea COOLPRO II JACKETSWPS# Color Available Sizes Retail $139.95 477-7020_ Black XS, L, X Org Dealer $86.99477-7020_ P Red Plus 1, 2, 3 477-7021_ White Buy 1 - 5 for $44.99 ea477-7021_ P Pink XS - X Buy 6+ for $39.99 ea 477-7027_ Plus 1, 2, 3477-7027_ P XS, M, L, X WPS# Color Available Sizes 477-7029_ Plus 1, 2,477-7029_ P 477-8020__ Black X & 1P (P=Plus) XS & X 477-8027_ Silver XS, S, L 1P Plus 1, 2, 477-8028_ Pink XS, S, X, 1P, 2P PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 5Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 SEGMENT #1 ORDER TOTAL* ORDER LOCK-IN JACKETS DISCOUNT PER SEGMENT (valid for 12 months.) SEGMENT #2 (after discount is applied) 3% VESTS & PANTS 5% - SEGMENT #3 $1,500 12% 4%GLOVES, BOOTS, & CASUAL WEAR $3,000 20% 7% $5,000 12% $7,500 BONUS Purchase $1,500+ in a 2 OR MORE HIGHWAY 21 segment and the order will qualify for the discount based on the combined total AND 2 FREE HIGHWAY 21 Hats Hats: WPS# 477-0030 EXAMPLE: Purchase $1,500 in Highway 21 Jackets and $1,500 in Highway 21 Boots and the order will qualify for discounts on the $3,000 order tier.NON-QUALIFYING EXAMPLE: Purchase $2,500 in Highway 21 Jackets and $500 in Highway 21 Boots and the order does NOT qualify for for the discounts on the $3,000 tier because the Highway 21 Boot minimum wasn’t satisfied. Purchase $1,500+ in ALL 3 HIGHWAY 21 segments and get an ADDITIONAL 2% OFF the order & lock-in discounts listed AND 2 FREE HIGHWAY 21 Hats & T-shirts Highway 21 Hats: WPS# 477-003 HIghway 21 T-shirts: WPS# 352-0360_ (Available in Sizes S - 3X) Highway 21 segments may not be mix with the FLY Racing Street segmentsTHE SPECIALS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED.PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 6Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 PURCHASE* ORDER DISCOUNT HELMET LOCK-IN* FREE FLOOR DISPLAY on one order applies to helmets valid thru July 31, 2019 WPS# 74-DISPLAY + 72-0008 & accessories6 - 23 HELMETS 5% on helmets -24 - 59 HELMETS 7% 12% 8% on helmets 1 60+ HELMETS 16% 12% on helmets 2 BONUS Purchase 100+ Gmax Helmets on one order & get anADDITIONAL 30 DAYS added to any dating terms (must be requested)If the order has: ORDER ACCESSORIES LOCK-IN* DISCOUNT valid thru July 31, 2019 $500 SAME AS ABOVE 5%in acccessories 8% $1,000in acccessories *GM35 and GM45 helmets are excluded from this programTHE LOCK-IN DISCOUNTS, DISPLAYS, BONUS TERMS & ACCESSORY DISCOUNTSWILL NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE MUST BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED. PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 7Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 ORDER TOTAL* ORDER LOCK-IN DISCOUNT (after discount is applied) (valid for 12 months.) 5% $1,500 8% 3% $3,000 10% 8% $5,000 12% 9% $7,500 10% KICKER If the order segments reach the following totals (after the discounts are applied) Get the additional discounts (combined, if applicable) listed below on the Scorpion product on the order. GLOVES BONUS ORDER DISCOUNT $1,000 1% $1,500+ 2% APPAREL BONUS ORDER DISCOUNT 1%(which does not include helmets) 2% $1,000 $3,000+ Example #1: Place a $1,500 order and if $1,000 of the $1,500 is just gloves.The order would qualify for a 5% order discount + 1% kicker discount, which equals a 6% order discount on all Scorpion on the order and the dealer gets a 3% lock on all Scorpion for 12 months. Example #2: Place a $8,000 order. $2,000 of the order is just gloves and another $3,200 is just apparel. The order qualifies for a 12% order discount + 2% kicker for the gloves + another 2% kicker for the apparel, which equals a 16% order discount on all Scorpion on the order and the dealer gets a 10% lock on all Scorpion for 12 months. THE SPECIALS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED.PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 8Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 LEAD ACID LITHIUM CHAIN BATTERIES BATTERIES Bulk chain & master links are NOT included.Level PURCHASE ORDER Level PURCHASE ORDER Level PURCHASE ORDER DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT on one order on one order on one order1 6 - 11 10% 1 3-5 3% 1 3-5 3%2 12 - 25 13% 2 6 - 11 5% 2 6 - 12 5%3 26 - 47 16% 3 12 - 23 7% 3 13 - 20 8%4 48+ 20% 4 24+ 10% 4 21+ 10% STANDARD SOFT TYE STARTERS TIE-DOWNS TIE-DOWNSLevel PURCHASE ORDER Leve PURCHASE ORDER Level PURCHASE ORDER DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT on one order on one order on one order1 6 - 11 20% 1 6 - 11 15% 1 2-3 2%2 12 - 49 27% 2 12 - 49 20% 2 4-9 7%3 50+ 35% 3 50+ 28% 3 10+ 10% Fire Power products cannot be mixed & matched for quantities KICKER #1 KICKER #2 Reach Level 1 Reach Level 2 or above on ANY 3 categories above on ANY 3 categories above and get an ADDITIONAL 1% off and get an ADDITIONAL 3% off Reach Level 1 Reach Level 2 or above on ANY 4 categories above on ANY 4 categories above and get an ADDITIONAL 2% off and get an ADDITIONAL 4% off Reach Level 1 Reach Level 2 or aboveon ANY 5 or more categories above on ANY 5 or more categories above and get an ADDITIONAL 3% off and get an ADDITIONAL 5% off THE KICKERS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED. PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 9Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 LIQUID CONTAINERSWPS# Color PURCHASE SPECIAL Mixing & Matching jugs30-1190 White is permitted for quantity.30-1192 Green on one order $21.99 ea30-1195 Orange $19.99 ea30-1199 Black 4 - 48 49+ BONUS: WITH YOUR ORDER OF 4+ JUGS ON ONE ORDER, GET YOUR CHOICE OF HOSE OPTIONS FOR EVERY JUG PURCHASEDRetail $35.95 12” FILLER HOSE - WPS# 28-1263 FREEDealer $23.99 12” HOSE W/SCREW CAP - WPS# 28-1279 $1.00 ea THE HOSES DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED.WHEEL KIT BUILDER HOTLINE TIRES See your WHEELS Sales Rep 1-866-977-5487 Sedona & Raceline wheels only. 10% WHEEL KITS* 15% 25% *Sedona tire and Sedona/Raceline wheels only. Mixed kits with any other brand tire and/or wheels are not included. when you buy 25+ on one order TUBES DAY MOTORCYCLE COVERS Size Fits WPS# List Dealer 25% off L Up to 1100cc sport bikes 27-6030 $37.95 $22.99 $17.24 XL Larger touring models 27-6031 $46.95 $28.49 $21.3652D%e-a5le4r% DELUXE MOTORCYCLE COVERS Margin Size Fits Black/Silver Blue/Silver List Dealer 25% off L Up to 1100cc sport bikes 27-6028 27-6025 $49.95 $31.99 $23.99 XL Larger touring models 27-6026 $56.95 $36.39 $28.38 27-6029 PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 10Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 BRANDS DISCOUNTSAcerbis 10% Flo Motorsports 15% FMF $$ *** 10%Adaptiv Technologies 10% VALID JANUARY 14TH - 25TH ONLY 10% Fuel Star *** 10%All Balls *** 10% 10% Gaerne 20%Antigravity Lithium Batteries 10% Garmin - Zumo 595LM & 396LMT ONLY 10% (Display Available) (WPS# 989-1385 & 989-1386) MUST PURCHASE 10+ BATTERIES & GiviLIMITED TO FIRST 50 BATTERIES PER DEALER Heli Bars $$(THIS SPECIAL WILL NOT APPLY WITH PROMO CODE)Aquatic AV - Select AMP & Speakers 10%(WPS# 94-1316 & 94-1501 ONLY)Athena 15%ATV Tek $$ 15% Helix Racing Products 10%Battery Tender (Deltran)VALID JANUARY 14TH - 31ST ONLY 14% HiFlo Filtro 10%Bel Ray $$ see pg 13 Hog Wash 20%(THIS SPECIAL WILL NOT APPLY WITH PROMO CODE) 10% Hot Cams *** 10%Bobster 10%Bolt Motorcycle Hardware 10% Hot Rods *** 10%Braking $$ 18%Cardo 20% Hotbodies Racing 20%Classic Accessories 10%Cometic Gasket 15% JT Sprocket 10%Counteract 15%Cruz Tools 10% J.W. Speaker see pg 14Cycle Works *** 10%D’Cor Visuals 15% K&N 10%Dennis Stubblefield 20%Echo - Preloaded Displays Only $$ 15% Koso North America 10%Energy OneEVS *** $1,000 MIN ORDER 20% Kryptonite 10% LIMIT 1 ORDER PER DEALER Lindby Customs 10%(THIS SPECIAL WILL NOT APPLY WITH PROMO CODE) Liquid Performance 20% VALID JAN 14TH - FEB 15TH ONLY Lucas Oil - $300 MIN ORDER 10% 15% (THIS SPECIAL WILL NOT APPLY WITH PROMO CODE) Magura ModQuad 10% $$ = Look for additional specials on the following pages. *** = Brand is excluded from getting the Early Order Incentive Discount. PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 11Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 BRANDS DISCOUNTS, ContinuedMotorex $500 = 5% SSV Works 10% 20%VALID JANUARY 14TH - 31ST ONLY $1,000+ = 10% StarTron $0 - $499 =15% $500+ = 20%(THIS SPECIAL WILL NOT APPLY WITH PROMO CODE) 10% 10%Motul 15% Stompgrip (THIS SPECIAL WILL NOT APPLY 10%Nelson Rigg 15% 10%New Ray Toys 10% WITH PROMO CODE)NGK 20% see pg 15NoToil - Wash & Super Flo Filters 15% SunstarODI $$ 15% Supersprox 15%Outside Distributing $500+ = 10% Tru-Tension 10% 10% Twin Air - 10%(THIS SPECIAL WILL NOT APPLY WITH PROMO CODE) 20% AIR FILTERS & ICE FLOW COOLANT ONLY 15% 20% UCLEAR 10%Pivot Works *** Unabiker Dirt Bike Armor 20%PJ1 Vertex *** 10%Polisport Warn - WINCHES 10%Powerstands Racing 10% Warn - PLOWS see pg 15Pro X 20% Winderosa *** 10%Rigid Industries 10% WiscoRisk Racing $$ 10% Wrench Rabbit ***Scott 20% YoshimuraSeizmik 5% VALID JANUARY 14TH - 24ST ONLYSena - CALVARY HELMETS 20% YuasaSena - 10S KITS (SINGLE & DUAL) 15% Zanheadgear $$ = Look for additional specials on the following pages. *** = Brand is excluded from getting the Early Order Incentive Discount. PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 12 Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 M8 HELMETS TECH 5 BOOTS Purchase 3 pair ofPURCHASE ORDER DISCOUNT LOCK-IN Alpinestars TECH 5 BOOTS on one order & get 10% OFFon one order 8% valid for 6 months 3-5 10% AND 6+ - 1 set of Vapor Knee & Elbow Guards FREE 7% Vapor Elbow Guards Vapor Knee Guards KIDNEY BELTS WPS# 482-62400 (Y) WPS# 482-62810 (Y) WPS# 482-62401(S/M) WPS# 482-62811(S/M) WPS# 482-62402 (L/X) WPS# 482-62812 (L/X)WPS# Description List Dealer BUY 3+ 1 Knee & 1 Elbow guard for every pair of boots purchased, after the first 2 pair482-6060 Air Kidney Belt $49.95 $34.99 $19.99 LIMIT 18 FREE SETS OF VAPOR ARMOR PER DEALER482-6064 Saturn Belt Bk/Wht $49.95 $34.99 $19.99THE LOCK-IN ON THE HELMETS & THE FREE KNEE/ELBLOW GUARD WILL NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED. 10% off PURCHASE ORDER DISCOUNT* ALL ATV Tech $250 15% $500 18% PLUS PLUS $750+ 20%Purchase 12 GUN RACKS Purchase 12 UTV MIRRORS SELECT DRUMS *Excludes drums on one order on one order 10w40 WPS# 840-0020 & get 1 MORE FREE* & get 1 MORE FREE* 20w50 WPS# 840-0021 1 DRUM $649 DELIVERED PLUS Retail $1,120.95 For every ATV CARGO BAG Dealer $747.99 2+ DRUMSordered, get a 24 PACK COOLER BAG FREE $599 DELIVERED 20w50 V-Twin Free Cooler WPS# 45-PROMO WPS# 840-0022 1 DRUM $659 DELIVERED Retail $1,098.95 Dealer $739.99 2+ DRUMS $609 DELIVERED Mix & Matching product groups for quantities is NOT permitted.*The free items will always be the lowest priced one ordered in each group. BEL RAY WILL NOT APPLY BY USING THE PROMO CODE & MUST BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED PLUS Purchase 10 SEMI METALLIC Purchase 50 BRAKE PADS Purchase 75 BRAKE PADS 10% off and/or SINTERED OR 3 BRAKE ROTORS OR 4 BRAKE ROTORSALL Braking Brake Pads on one order OR 3 JET KITS OR 4 JET KITS & get 1 MORE FREE**The free brake pads will be the lowest priced ones on the order. on one order & get an on one order & get an EBC FLOOR MAT FREE EBC BAR STOOL FREE THE FREE ITEMS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED. PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 13Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 20% off Purchase 5 EZ GREASERS Preloaded Displayers on one order QUICK RELEASES - Preloaded with 96 Quick Releases & get 1 MORE FREEWPS# Z2016102505 Retail $859.95 ~ Dealer $501.99 Purchase 4 CLUTCH COMPRESSION TOOLS FLIP SHIELDS - Preloaded with 36 Flip Shields WPS#27-10920F Retail $799.64 ~ Dealer $579.63 on one order & get 1 MORE FREE SHORTY SHIELDS - Preloaded with 48 Shorty Shields WPS# 27-10920S Retail $679.52 ~ Dealer $481.59 Purchase 3 SEVERE DUTY BELTS on one order & get 1 BELT BAG FREE Preloaded displayers drop ship directly from Echo WPS# 52-61000 Retail $24.95 ~ Dealer $17.49 10% off ALL FMF 10% off Purchase 5 FSC ALL HELIBARS CLUTCH PLATES/SPRING KITS PLUSGet 1 FREE EXHAUST PLUG PLUS on one order & get 1 MORE FREE*with each exhaust purchased. Purchase 4 BARS *** THE EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT MAX 25 PER DEALER CANNOT BE APPLIED on one order TO ANY HINSON PRODUCTS ** ONLY VALID & get 1 MORE FREE* JANUARY 14 - 25TH *The free item will be the lowest priced one ordered.SEE PAGE 3 FOR Purchase 7 MUDLITE II Purchase 5 OILS on one orderDISCOUNTS ON and/or BLACKWATER EVOLUTION TIRES & get 1 MORE FREE* ALL ITP TIRES on one order & get 1 MORE FREE* * All 6 pieces must be the same part number *Mixing & Match is permitted but the free tires will be Purchase 10 AEROSOLS on one order the lowest priced ones on the order. & get 1 MORE FREE*MAMMOTH MAYHEM TIRE WPS# 59-60610 * All 12 pieces must be the same part number 32X10-14 Retail $271.95 ~ Dealer $189.99 SPECIAL $142.50Purchase any 5 LAMPS Purchase 1 LAMP Purchase $250+ on one order & get a BRANDED POP DISPLAY FREE on one order at Standard Dealer Price & get 10% off & get an WPS# 70-2310 OR INTERACTIVE DISPLAY FREE WPS# JW-DISPLAY THE FREE ITEMS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED. PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 14Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 BUNDLE SPECIALS Description Application WPS# Standard Standard SPECIAL SPECIAL C7”ommand Center Retail Dealer RETAIL* DEALER C7”ommand Center $899.00 $629.30 20% off ‘14-17 Polaris RZR 1000 63-1509 $1,099.00 $770.00 ‘15-17 Polaris RZR 900 ALL NAVATLAS Description Application WPS# Standard Standard SPECIAL SPECIALExcluding the Bundle Specials listed Retail Dealer RETAIL* DEALER $979.99 $1,150.00 $805.00 Command Center 6.2” Universal 63-1502 $1,399.00 Navigation Kit 63-1510 $399.00 $278.99 $250.00 $175.00 BUNDLE SPECIAL $1,400.00 $980.00 *Retail pricing must return to STANDARD RETAIL pricing on March 1, 2019 THE NAVATLAS BUNDLE SPECIAL WILL NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED. 15% off ALL ODI PLUSPurchase any FLIGHT or 7/8 HANDLEBAR Purchase any 6 HANDLEBARS on one order & get a pair of & get a 1 MORE HANDLEBAR and a HANDLEBAR TOWER DISPLAY FREE*ODI Single or Dual Ply SLIP-ON GRIPS FREE *The free handlebars will be the lowest priced ones ordered. LIMIT 4 FREE HANDLEBARS PER DEALER Purchase any CFT HANDLEBAR Purchase any 24+ GRIPS& get a pair of ODI LOCK-ON GRIPS FREE on one order & get a GRIP DISPLAY FREEDisplays ship directly from ODI and require a completed ODI Display Order formPurchase 5 PREMIUM AIR FILTERS Purchase 10 READY-TO-USE AIR FILTERS on one order & get on one order & get 1 MORE FREE* 2 MORE FREE* *The free filters will be the lowest priced ones ordered in each style.THE FREE ITEMS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED.PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 15Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

WESTERN POWER SPORTS 2019 Boise, ID • Fresno, CA • Midlothian, TX SPRING SPECIALS Memphis, TN • Ashley, IN • Elizabethtown, PA SOME OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ORDER LINE 800-999-3388 • FAX 800-326-3813 10% off ALL RISK Purchase any For every FULL WINDSHIELD purchased on one order, get a PLUS 5 SCOSCHE PRODUCTSPurchase 5 HOSE BENDERS WINDSHIELD WIPER FREE on one order & get on one order & get 1 MORE ITEM FREE* WPS# S63-1199 1 MORE FREE *The free item will be the lowest priced Retail $49.95 ~ Dealer $33.99 one ordered.*** THE EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT PURCHASE ORDER LOCK-IN BONUS CANNOT BE APPLIED DISCOUNT on one order valid for - TO ANY UCLEAR PRODUCTS ** 5% 12 months $1,200 6% 1 Free Amp Go $2,000 7% 3% $3,000 8% 5% WPS#161237 $5,000 5% 5% 1 Free Motion 6 (Single) WPS#180508 1 Free Motion Infinity (Dual) WPS#180511UCLEAR SPECIALS DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED.ORDER ORDER DISCOUNT PLUS 1-5 Purchase 25 BATTERIES6 - 11 10%12 - 47 15% on one order & get 48+ 18% 3 YTX14-BS 20% BATTERIES FREE* WPS# 49-1964 Retail $106.95 ~ Dealer $65.68 * LIMIT 4 FREE BATTERY PROGRAMS PER DEALERTHE FREE ITEMS ON THIS PAGE DO NOT APPLY WITH THE PROMO CODE & MUST EACH BE SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED. PROGRAM EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2019 Page 16Orders may be placed through Specials may not be used in conjunction Specials are valid for dealers in the with any other program or discounts. continental United States only. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Fax 800-326-3816.

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