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Home Explore Q3 Week 2 The Particle Model of the Three States of Matter

Q3 Week 2 The Particle Model of the Three States of Matter

Published by B Veloria, Neilzon Jean O., 2022-04-06 11:43:10

Description: Q3 Week 2 The Particle Model of the Three States of Matter


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Matter and Its Properties ● Matter is anything that has mass and take up space. ● Matter is made up of atoms.  All matter can be identified by its properties – its characteristics and behavior.


SOLIDS In solids, the particles are very close together and arranged in an orderly manner because the particles are held together by very strong attractive forces. This explains why solids have definite shape and volume.

LIQUIDS In liquids, the particles are arranged in a disorderly manner, and the bonds between them are weaker than those in solids. This explains why liquids has no definite shape. The weak attraction between the particles of liquid allows the particles to roll over each other. This makes the particles of liquids to move freely. Liquids have a fixed volume, but the rolling motion of the particles allows them to take up the shape of their container.Liquids cannot be compressed into smaller spaces.

GASES In gases, the particles have much energy than those in solids or liquids. The attraction between the particles in a gas is so weak that they can move freely in all directions. They spread out and take up any space that is available, so gases have no definite shape or volume. Because of the large spaces between particles, gases can be compressed.

short distance little vibrating definite definite far apart a lot sliding indefinite indefinite


MATTER WEEK 2 The Particle Nature of Matter ● Particle Model of the Three States of Matter


2. The particles have spaces between them.

Particle Model of the Three States Matter · Matter is made up of tiny particles. · Particles of matter are moving all the time. · These particles have spaces between them. · These particles of matter attract each other.

1. Matter is made up of tiny particles. A particle can be an/a: Atom -from the Greek word \"atomos\" meaning indivisible. -smallest particle of an element that has all the properties of the element. -can be viewed using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM)

1. Matter is made up of tiny particles. Molecule -consists of two or more atoms combined together in a specific arrangement. -it can be a combination of atoms of the same element or of different elements.

2. The particles have spaces between them. Least Less Maximum space space space

3. The particles are moving all the time. Kinetic Theory of Matter states that matter is composed of a large number of small particles that are in constant motion. ● These particles are always moving. As temperature increases, particle movement increases. ● Solids, liquids, gases have different particle freedom and motion.

3. The particles are moving all the time. SOLID LIQUID GAS

3. The particles of matter are moving all the time. Solid- vibrate at fixed position Liquid- vibrate and move from one place to another Gas- vibrate and move from one place to another at faster speed than liquid.

4. The particles of matter attract each other.

4. The particles of matter attract each other.

4. The particles of matter attract each other. Solids The intermolecular forces between neighboring molecules are strong enough to keep them locked in position Liquids The intermolecular attractive forces are strong enough to hold molecules close together Liquids are more dense and less compressible than gasses Gas The intermolecular attractive forces are very weak between molecules and it allows a gas to expand to fill its container

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 1. This state of matter has a definite shape and volume with particles closely packed together with little movement. This is a: A. liquid C. gas B. solid D. plasma ANSWER: B . SOLID

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 2. When you bring two drops of water near each other and allow them to touch, why do they combine immediately and become one drop? A. water molecules are made of atoms B. water molecules are attracted to each other C. water molecules are magnetic D. water is a liquid ANSWER: B

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 3. What is the arrangement of particles in a liquid? A. the particles of a liquid are close to one another B. the particles of a liquid are spread out C. the particles of a liquid vibrate but do not move past one another D. a liquid has mass and takes up space ANSWER: B

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 4. What is the arrangement of particles in a solid? A. the particles of a solid are attracted to one another B. the particles of a solid are able to move past one another C. the particles of a solid vibrate but do not move past one another D. a solid has mass and takes up space ANSWER: A

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 5. Which of the following statements is true? A. Liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape. B. Gases have volume but they do not have mass. C. Liquids are made up of particles that are widely spaced. D. Solids are made up of particles that do not move. ANSWER: A

Asynchronous Task LEARNING TASK NO.1 Objective: At the end of this activity, learners will be able to: infer from given situations or observable events what matter is made of Materials: water glass(transparent) sugar tablespoon Procedure: 1.Half-filled the glass with water. Mark the level of water in the glass. 2.Add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the water inside the glass and stir well. 3.Observe what happens to the level of water inside the glass. 4.Think about sugar and water as made up of tiny particles, draw an illustration of these particles inside the box.

Particles of sugar Particles of water Particles of mixture of sugar and water Guide Questions Q1. Did the level of water inside the glass change after mixing it with 1 tablespoon of sugar? _______________________________________ Q2. Where did the particles of sugar go?

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