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Home Explore Spotlight 2018

Spotlight 2018

Published by UToledoMed, 2018-10-24 17:05:27

Description: The University of ToledoCollege of Medicine and Life Sciences Annual Report.

Keywords: annual report,magazine,medical school,toledo,clinical care,research,education,university,ohio


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18 Students help at home Students volunteer their time to assist in local clinics even when they might have exams the next day.Table ofContents 1 Letter from the dean 3 By the numbers 6 The year in photos 9 Major curriculum change 22 Alumnus given highest honors by University 26 Leading Ohio’s new water-quality research 31 Faculty spotlight

Supporting our community, fulfilling our mission Welcome to Spotlight, an annual snapshot into the wonderful work going on here at The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences. Inside, you will find a glimpse of how we are supporting our community and fulfilling our three mission pillars of education, clinical care and research. In education, we recently launched Rocket Medicine, a major curriculum change with emphasis on a competency-based curriculum with early clinical experience and seamless integration of foundational and clinical sciences. This integrated curriculum includes system- based learning, a focus on clinically relevant material, collaboration between clinicians and foundational science faculty, more emphasis on clinical medicine preparation and skills, and early clinical experiences.These changes were implemented last fall and our second medical class will experience these changes this fall. Morethan 75 percent of these students are Ohio residents, and one-third are from northwest Ohio. Importantly, more of ourgraduating students are also choosing to stay in Toledo for residency, a reflection of their academic experience, the clinicalopportunities available through our Academic Affiliation with local health system ProMedica, and the quality of life the Toledoregion offers to young professionals and their families. Of all of our accomplishments, the fact that UT students are choosingto stay in Toledo for residency will likely have the greatest impact on our medical community in the years to come.In clinical care, our students are receiving clinical experience at home and abroad. Each week, students run a localclinical program, the CommunityCare Clinic, one of the largest free clinics in Ohio. They also travel around the worldto remote villages in such countries as Puerto Rico, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras and the Philippines, sharing theirknowledge and expertise.Water quality is a major research focus at The University of Toledo. With more than $14 million in active grants underway,experts from across the university are studying algal blooms, invasive species such as Asian carp, and pollutants.Within the College of Medicine and Life Sciences, our faculty are innovating to remove the algal toxins from the watersystem, develop diagnostic tests to assess those exposed, and determine whether people with pre-existing conditionsare at greater risk of algal exposure. These researchers are looking for pathways to restore our region’s greatest naturalresource, Lake Erie, for future generations to ensure our communities continue to have access to safe drinking water.As part of our Academic Affiliation with ProMedica, we are expanding research and learning opportunities for our facultyand students, as well as capital investments to improve equipment and facilities.Philanthropy plays a vital role to ensure the continued advancement of medical science and our mission to improve healthin the communities and region we serve. Our Medical Research Society, which awards a $50,000 grant annually, is helpingfaculty with promising research be competitive for national grant awards and creating opportunities for their trainees.Our donors also have helped to ensure the dream of a medical education is within reach for many of our new andcontinuing students by providing scholarship opportunities. Our students benefit significantly from this philanthropy withnearly $1.9 million in scholarships awarded this fall.In closing, I would like to thank the faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors, supporters and trustees who have contributedto our remarkable achievements and successes and I’m looking forward to continued success in the future.Christopher J. Cooper, MDExecutive Vice President for Clinical AffairsDean of the College of Medicine and Life Sciences THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 1

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By the numbersENTERING CLASS SIZE ETHNIC DISTRIBUTION List of Basic Science and Clinical DepartmentsOhio residents (72%): 126 OF CLASS AnesthesiologyStudents from northwest Hispanic: 7 Other/ Cancer BiologyOhio (30%): 38 unknown: 10 Emergency Medicine Family MedicineNon-Ohio residents (28%): 49 Black or African- Internal Medicine American: 10 Medical Microbiology and Immunology TOTAL Neurology 175 Neurosciences Obstetrics and Gynecology Asian: 52 White: 96 Orthopaedic Surgery Pathology Male Female Pediatrics(46%): 81 (54%): 94 Physiology and Pharmacology Psychiatry72% STUDENTS Radiation Oncology RadiologyStudents who are Ohio residents 715 Surgery Urology75 medical students RESEARCHColleges represented, including 277 SUPPORTDuke, Emory, Ohio State, UC-Berkeley, Notre Dame, Pittsburgh, graduate studentsVanderbilt and Yale 24 dual-degree:21 17 MD/PhD 2 MD/MBAOhio colleges represented 3 MD/JD 2 MD with certificate in pathologyFY18 research data for the College of Medicine and Life Sciences 76FY18 TOTAL EXPENSES $15,623,044 # of new awards for FY18 FEDERAL $10,792,965 201STATE $466,997 69 134 # of grant proposals OTHER $4,363,083 submitted and pending # of principal # of active investigators awards for FY18 THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 3

Medical student class profile22 STATES WA MEREPRESENTED 1 1Ohio (126) OR MT ND VT WY SDCalifornia (13) MN NY NH MA NE WI 3 2Michigan (8) ID KS 1 OK MI CT RIGeorgia (3) 8 TX IIAA PA NJNew York (3) 1 2 OH 3 21 126 MDPennsylvania (3) NV MO IL IN 13 DE 2 1 CA UT CO WV VA DC 13 1 1 1 KY NC 1 TN 1 AZ AR SC NM MS GA LA AL 3APPLICATIONS RECEIVEDOhio residents: 1,118 TOTAL: 3,652 FLNon-Ohio residents: 2,534 1 AKACADEMICS & HITEST RESULTS HIGHEST DEGREE AWARDED3.62 175 1Average total GPA Bachelor PhDMCAT results 45509 MasterAverage total MCAT (80th percentile)$1.9 DEPARTMENTSMillion 14 4This fall, 186 scholarships totaling $1.9 million were Clinical Basic scienceawarded to our students. FACULTY AND STAFF$3.3 billion 77 295The University of Toledo’s economic impact to the Basic science Clinicalregion, according to a 2017 comprehensive study byUT economists. That is equivalent to 9.7 percent of 1,041 240the region’s gross metropolitan area product. Community-based Staff4 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Our history 1967 three women and two black students. Early The Ohio Senate passes a bill changing the on, students were given clinical experience in1872 name of the Toledo State College of Medicine local doctors’ offices, with an ear, nose andThe University of Toledo is established. to the Medical College of Ohio at Toledo. The throat practice being particularly helpful. bill also authorized cooperation between1964 the school and The University of Toledo and 2006On Nov. 11, the Ohio House of Representatives Bowling Green State University. The Medical University of Ohio merges withpasses a bill creating Toledo State College of The University of Toledo.Medicine. The Senate would vote next (33-0) The University of Toledo becomes a memberon Dec. 17, with Gov. James Rhodes then of the state university system. 2015signing the bill into law. The college would The UT Board of Trustees approves abecome a legal entity with the governor’s 1969 proposed Academic Affiliation between thesignature on Dec. 18. The Medical College of Ohio at Toledo admits College of Medicine and Life Sciences and its first small class. The 1969 class of 32 was local health system ProMedica. chosen from 400 applicants and includes THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 5

photosthe year in Scholarship recipients personally thank sponsors of their awards at an annual dinner. Last fall, there was a 20 percent increase in the number of students receiving scholarships.Students from the MedStart program volunteer in the community, spending The 2018 Medicine Ball in January brought in more than $12,000the day gardening in the community vegetable garden. The two-week program for Students for Medical Missions and the CommunityCareprovides a medical school experience for rising college seniors who have Clinic. The annual event raises funds for scholarships and tobeen recruited and accepted to start medical school here in August 2019. expand local clinics where students care for patients.Biomedical Science Graduate Program students receive their lab coats at an Culinary MD is a new cooking Students from the men’s a capella group, Docapella, singannual ceremony. College of Medicine and Life Sciences alumni purchase class led by medical students during the annual talent show, which showcases the talentswhite coats given out to all students. geared toward other medical of UT’s physicians-in-training as well as faculty and staff. students and residents. The Proceeds were donated to support a scholarship fund. classes teach recipes that are not only healthy and delicious, but also easy and quick to prepare. At one class, students learned about low carb diets and practiced their knife skills while making chicken stir-fry.Students, including those in the MD and PA programs, join Dean Christopher J. Cooper and his dog, PA program students Maria Paulett and Katie Fontaine with new patchesKaikoa, for an evening stroll in downtown Perrysburg. they received for their white coats as they transition to clinical rotations for the last part of their 27-month program. The class will graduate in December.6 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Faculty members are honored annually for their Rising third-year medical students experience a one-week Bridge Course, Students join Dean Christopher J. Cooper for adedication and commitment to the University. designed to introduce them to clinical rotations. They practiced skills such monthly Run with the Dean, which promotes aIn June, Dr. Mehmood Rashid, center, received as IV, NG, Foley insertion, suturing and ultrasounds in the Lloyd A. Jacobs healthy school-life balance and access to Collegethe Junior Faculty Teaching Award. Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center. of Medicine and Life Sciences leadership.Students and faculty are active in national organizations Unveiled in May, The University of Toledo Women & Philanthropy Genetic Analysis Instrumentation Centerthroughout the year. In June, medical students attended the accelerates research in disease prevention, detection and treatment. The center was created with the help of2018 American Medical Association conference in Chicago with nearly $60,000 from Women & Philanthropy, the largest grant ever awarded by the volunteer organization thatadvisor Dr. Donna Woodson. supports UT initiatives.Graduating medical students, Drs. Samantha Kay and New graduate Dr. Joseph Collins was hooded by his grandfather, Dr. James Collins, Sr. and his father,Smit Shah, celebrate at commencement. Dr. James Collins, Jr., making him a third-generation doctor. The new graduate matched in Child Neurology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 7

Education The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences is teaching and training future physicians and world-class researchers who will lead the way to a new model of health care. Facing an aging population and an increased need for health-care providers, this work is even more relevant. By fostering new partnerships for academic excellence and expanded opportunities for clinical training and residency placement, UT is on a long-term mission to recruit top-performing students, educate them to be the best doctors, advanced practitioners and research scientists, and retain them in northwest Ohio as they build their careers.8 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Rocket Medicine takes offwith major curriculum changeThe University of Toledo Collegeof Medicine and Life Sciencesimplemented a redesignedcurriculum beginning with the classof 2021. This curriculum emphasizesclinically relevant material andapplication with collaborationbetween clinicians and foundationalscience faculty. Officially called “Rocket Medicine,” “The reform process is not based continued growth and development,” this major curriculum change puts on the ideas of one person, but said Dr. Jeremy J. Laukka, associate an emphasis on a competency- a summation of experiences and dean for Foundational Sciences. based curriculum with early clinical suggestions that started from the “The students have endured through experience and seamless integration dedicated teaching faculty,” he the new curriculum in a positive way, of foundational and clinical sciences. said. “This important collaboration collaborating with faculty to continueThis integrated curriculum includes has been instrumental in building a the process of building an impactful system-based learning, a focus curriculum that is integrated across educational experience.” on clinically relevant material, the basic and clinical sciences.” collaboration between clinicians ICE program and foundational science faculty, The basis of the integration is to more emphasis on clinical medicine foster and promote long-term There is a variety of new teaching preparation and skills, and early retention to build the competence methods being utilized and a greater clinical experiences. that is needed to groom future health emphasis on clinical medicine care providers. preparation and skills beginning inThe motivation behind this the first year. important initiative is multifaceted “This important collaboration with the end goal to develop has been instrumental in An important part of the new professional, compassionate and building a curriculum that is curriculum is the Integrated Clinical competent physicians with a lifelong integrated across the basic Experience (ICE), which provides commitment to improving health. and clinical sciences.” the opportunity for first-year medical students to begin getting experience“The leadership of the College “Since implementation, we have seen in the clinical setting. The goals of of Medicine and Life Sciences a combination of mini and large-scale the program include demonstrating recognized the transformational successes as well as opportunities for the relevance of material being change that is taking shape across learned in the classroom as well as the landscape of medical education providing an opportunity to begin throughout the country and the need developing and practicing skills. to evolve the educational and clinical experience of our learners,” said Dr. (continued on next page) Imran Ali, vice dean and chair of the Department of Medical Education, which oversees curriculum. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 9

Rocket Medicine (continued) Unique pathology clinical clerkship“This helps promote an early understanding of the patient experience Clinical undergraduate medical education in and includes early exposure to different specialties and career pathology is strong. The new curriculum for paths,” said Dr. Shirley M. Bodi, assistant dean for curriculum medical students includes, for the first time, a integration. “It’s also opportunity for students to get to know required core curriculum clinical clerkship in physicians in our community as well as College of Medicine alumni.” pathology. This new, required clerkship, one of the first in the nation, is built on many years of popularThe ICE program successfully launched in February of this and highly rated, elective clinical clerkships in year. Students are assigned to physician faculty preceptors in pathology. For fiscal year 2017, for example, 3rd- either a primary care specialty, non-surgical sub specialty, or a and 4th-year students completed 472 rotations surgical specialty. in our elective clinical clerkships, and gave these clerkships an overall rating of 3.94 on a scale of 1-4. At 10- to 12-week intervals, students rotate assignments so they have exposure to all three areas over the course of the year.Second-year medical students recall their experienceswith the new curriculum as incoming students.TRISHA KHAMBADKONE real-world setting before we even Opportunities like these remind meI wholeheartedly believe that the start in the wards. why I chose to pursue a career asintegration of clinical experiences a physician – and this makes meand a system-based learning is During my time with these physicians, grateful to be in a school that helpsnot only preparing my classmates I’m able to apply concepts I’ve learned me rediscover my passion for serviceand me for board exams, but it is from lectures and textbooks in a and working alongside people.also giving us the opportunity to real-life setting that I wouldn’t haveuse our classroom knowledge in a been able to do in the old curriculum before third year.JAKE LENNERT performance and competence as UTCOMLS is one of the few medicalI’ve been impressed overall with its focus. schools where we have such athe faculty’s ability to implement direct and open connection to ourthis change in way less time than I’ve had tremendous clinical faculty and administration. Ourother med schools who have experiences. The exposures have input and feedback are formativedone curriculum revamps. It’s a been priceless in helping me link our in shaping our curriculum and thegreat feeling to know that your lectures to the broader purpose and curriculum of future classes.administrative faculty has your utility that awaits us in the future.ALEX PETRAK with a greater emphasis on Right now, we are in the middleThe field of medicine is undergoing important cases that our faculty of a crisis with burnout and evengreat change, and I was looking to have experienced in the clinic. suicide. UTCOMLS recognizesattend a medical school that will this and opened up doors forbetter prepare me for the realities I was surprised upon matriculating conversation early in our time hereof navigating medicine in today’s here to discover how intently with resources and strategies toage. UTCOMLS values the well-being assist us. I am very thankful for of students. I now sit on the board this and feel that the school hasUTCOMLS has made it its mission of our Student Health & Wellness indirectly provided me with the bestto both prepare students for the Group, which has teamed up with perspective possible for succeedingboard exams and beyond. Test faculty to spearhead wellness in medical school. It truly is aprep is important, but our material initiatives and class discussions privilege to do what we do.expands beyond board knowledge surrounding physician wellness.1100 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Medical student receives prestigiousSarnoff Fellowship for cardiovascular research A third-year medical student was “I’m humbled by the alone,” Mital said. “If a greater selected as a 2018-19 Sarnoff Fellow. opportunity that lies understanding of the underlying ahead of me and pathophysiology is achieved, patient Rahul Mital, who is studying to work plan to make the care can move away from expensive in the field of pediatric cardiology, most of it,” Mital said. surgeries and lifelong follow-ups, is one of nine students across the “Being a member and instead be focused at the United States awarded the honor. of the Sarnoff molecular level.” Cardiovascular“This is a very competitive, prestigious Research Foundation The full-time Sarnoff Fellowship is a award,” said Dr. Christopher J. and partaking in one-year award of $32,000 for the Cooper, dean of the UT College of world-class research 2018-19 academic year. Fellows also Medicine and Life Sciences and while receiving receive financial support for travel executive vice president for clinical mentorship and and moving expenses. affairs. “We are proud of Rahul and guidance is truly an invaluable step in look forward to his achievements in achieving my goals.” The 2018-19 Fellows were cardiovascular research.” introduced in May at the Sarnoff Foundation’s 38th Annual Scientific“This is a very competitive, Mital plans to study cardiogenesis, Meeting in Boston. prestigious award.” which is the development of the heart in the embryo, and how to useThe Sarnoff Fellowship program gene therapy as a potential treatmentoffers medical students enrolled in for congenital heart disease, at theaccredited U.S. medical schools University of California San Franciscothe opportunity to spend a year — Gladstone Institutes.conducting intensive work in abiomedical research facility in the “No child deserves to be born withU.S. other than the medical school in a congenital heart disease, but thewhich they are enrolled. unfortunate truth is that congenital heart disease is the most common type of birth defect, affecting 40,000 births per year in the United StatesStudent selected for Global-Health Fellowship Third-year medical student Ayla Cash was capstone global-health project in Engeye. The Fellows selected selected for a prestigious Anne C. Carter for 2017-19 will be the fifth cohort of Fellows and will be expected Global Health Fellowship from the American to actively work with their predecessors, as well as assist the Medical Women’s Association (AMWA). subsequent class in their transition, to provide good continuity within the fellowship. The Anne C. Carter Global Health Fellowship awards four AMWA student Each Fellow will have $1,000 to fund her local project planning andmembers with a two-year fellowship focused on global health. to subsidize expenses for her international global-health project andThe Carter Fellowship is both dynamic and multidisciplinary. trip to Uganda. Fellows will not be required to travel abroad if medicalThe first year focuses on a global-health curriculum, local project school scheduling does not allow; however, all Fellows must plan adevelopment and mentorship. The second year focuses on in-depth capstone project, even if the project addresses a more local global-planning and preparation for a medical service-learning trip to health issue. Throughout the two-year tenure, Fellows also will serveEngeye Clinic in Uganda. The Carter Fellowship culminates in a as active members of the AMWA Global Health Committee. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 11

Match Day brings excitement,life changes to medical students Congratulatory cheers, hugs and tears were WA ME on full display at the annual Match Day 1 1 celebration, when the next generation of physicians opened envelopes that revealed MT ND VT their residency placements. MN 1 NH OR NY“Match Day is a pivotal moment in the lives ID WI MI 6 MA of medical students,” said Dr. Christopher J. WY SD 1 19 1 Cooper, dean of the UT College of Medicine RI and Life Sciences and executive vice CT president for clinical affairs. “Our students NE IA OH PA MD NJ 1 work tirelessly during their medical school KS 62 12 1 career to reach this point. It is humbling MO to witness this day and experience the NV 4 IL IN 23 DE excitement of our students when they open UT 4 6 WV VA their envelopes.” CA 1 CO 2 4 DC 7 AZ 1 KY 1 1 2 NM NC OK TN 2 1 AR 2 SC 5 MS GA AL TX LA 3 FL 3 AK MOST POPULAR STATES OUTSIDE OF OHIO HI (# of students): Michigan (19) Pennsylvania (12)Retaining top talent in the area continues to trend in Starbucks and bring my California (7) Indiana (6)a positive direction, with 10 percent of the graduating daughter coffee after New York (6)medical students staying in northwest Ohio to continue she’s had a long shift,”their training. he said. Christina Camick matched to The University of Toledo for In addition to getting matched to the University of her residency in general surgery, her top choice. Pittsburgh in obstetrics and gynecology, Latima Collins also personally “matched” to her significant other when“I woke up a little nervous, but excited,” Camick said. she became engaged at Match Day.“Toledo is a strong program, and I knew if it was meant to be it would work out. The faculty members are “I am excited because I matched and I got engaged to outstanding. They are approachable and knowledgeable. the love of my life,” Collins said. “I am in shock! I am I am very excited.” on cloud nine and thank God for everything that has happened today.” Grace Maltbie will go to Case Western/University Hospitals close to her parents, where she will be a UT medical students matched to institutions across resident in the radiology department. the country, including Yale New Haven Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital and Duke University“I really enjoyed radiology and would be able to spend Medical Center. more time with my daughter,” said Maltbie, who attended the event with her daughter in matching outfits. “I am a This year, students matched into 23 specialties, with single mom and have been dreaming of this day. Whenever 71, or 46 percent, in primary care fields, and 50, or 31 things would get hard, I would just think about Match Day percent, entering other specialties. The top specialties for and being here with my daughter. It means a lot.” this graduating class were internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine and anesthesiology. Mike Maltbie, Grace’s father, was particularly excited with his daughter’s placement. Ohio was the most popular state with 61 students matching here. The second most popular state was“I work at Case Western Reserve University doing Michigan with 19, followed by Pennsylvania with 12. information security, so I will be able to walk to a Overall, students matched with programs in 29 states.12 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

157 FOURTH-YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTSMATCHED INTO POSITIONS IN 23 MEDICALSPECIALTIES:71 61Students matched into Students matched in Ohioprimary care specialties15 29Students matched at Total number of statesUTCOMLS where students will trainChristina Camick was MOST POPULARmatched to her top choice, INSTITUTIONSUT, in general surgery. (# of students): The University of Toledo (15) Latima Collins celebrated her match to the University of Pittsburgh and her engagement to Andrew Anamanya, who waited to pop the Case Western/University question at the ceremony. Hospitals (12) Ohio State University (11) University of Michigan (8) University of Pittsburgh (7) Indiana University (5)Grace Anne Maltbie and her3-year-old daughter, AnnaMaria, celebrated her matchto Case Western/UniversityHospitals. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 13

Launching new, joint Neurosciences Centerwith local health system ProMedicaThe University of Toledo College The innovative partnership, which such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s andof Medicine and Life Sciences is an expansion of the Academic other dementias; multiple sclerosis;and Toledo-area health system Affiliation between the University and and vestibular disorders that causeProMedica are collaborating on a ProMedica, will bring together UT dizziness.joint Neurosciences Center that will faculty, physicians and researchersadvance education, research and with ProMedica physicians in a single The center is led by UT’s for patients with neurological location to improve the quality of life Gretchen Tietjen, Clair Martigdisorders. for people living with disorders of the Chair and Distinguished Professor brain, spine, nerves and muscles. of Neurology, and ProMedica’sOpen in April, the new facility is Darrin Arquette, senior vicea state-of-the-art, three-story, The direct interaction between president for Neurosciences, Heart122,000-square-foot building on scientific researchers and clinical and Orthopaedics Institutes atthe north campus of ProMedica staff will provide patients the latest ProMedica.Toledo Hospital. It features academic and most promising treatments forfacilities for students, residents and their conditions and provide students, The joint Neurosciences Center buildsfaculty, as well as centralized services residents and Fellows a wide variety on successful previous collaborationfor neurology and neurosurgery, of experiences to enhance their between UT and ProMedica to createincluding physician clinics, radiology, education in an interdisciplinary a comprehensive stroke program indiagnostics, rehabilitation therapy and setting. The joint Neurosciences Center the region that provides lifesavinga research clinic. will advance treatment for common interventional therapies for patients disorders, including stroke; epilepsy; with acute stroke and non-surgical headache; movement disorders treatment of brain aneurysms.14 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Internal medicine residents rank intop 5 percent for medical competencyThe UT College of Medicine and Life UT’s Internal Medicine Residency Sciences’ internal medicine residents Program is a three-year, fully outscored 95 percent of their peers accredited program designed on a national exam by the American to provide the best of academic College of Physicians. medicine with community-based clinical training for a high-qualityThe 2016 Internal Medical In-Training education for future physicians. Exam, which is modeled after the Residents receive hands-on American Board of Internal Medicine experience in a variety of medical Certification Exam, is an annual self- specialties. assessment available to residents to assess their progress. The 2016 internal medicine residency During the past four years, the graduating class matched to many internal medicine residents have“To achieve these high of marks is a different specialty fellowships at published more than 100 articles in real testament to the outstanding Johns Hopkins University, Mayo Clinic, medical journals and made numerous internal medicine residents we have the University of Michigan, Case presentations at local and national here at UT,” said Dr. Ragheb Assaly, Western Reserve, Baylor College, conferences such as the American UT professor of medicine and director Georgetown University, George College of Physicians, the American of the Internal Medicine Residency Washington University and the College of Gastroenterology, Program. “They have proven their University of California. Digestive Diseases Week, American academic capability through their Heart Association and American exam scores and are able to apply UT’s internal medicine residents also College of Cardiology. this knowledge and effectively treat have shown tremendous dedication the patients they see every day.” to teach and conduct research.New medical physicists residency program The Department of Radiation Oncology has established a new residency program for medical physicists. The program is a fully accredited residency program by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs, Inc. (CAMPEP). Medical physicists must become board certified by the American Board of Radiology (ABR). There is a severe shortage of accredited medical physics residency programs in the United States. As a result, the current national medical physics residency match rate for medical physics graduates is less than 40 percent. UT’s new two-year training program will contribute to post-graduate medical physicists training. This is in addition to the UT medical physics graduate program, which also is CAMPEP- accredited and currently has 10 master’s degree and five PhD students. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 15

Northwest Ohio students experience medicalschool at CampMedEach year, 39 students from northwest “CampMed is a wonderful program underserved communities,” CombsOhio experience what it’s like to study for underserved high school students said. “They are all high-achievingmedicine at The University of Toledo’s from northwest Ohio to be exposed to individuals who show an interest inCampMed program. careers in medicine and health care STEMM, and CampMed provides while learning about the educational the exposure and inspiration neededThe high school freshmen visit the opportunities available to them on The to pursue a career in medicine orHealth Science Campus for two days University of Toledo Health Science health care.”each June. Campus,” said Courtney K. Combs, director of the UT and Ohio Area CampMed, which began in 1998, is Health Education Center programs. coordinated through the UT Area Health Education Center program,From preparing to dress for the The students begin the first morning which works to improve the well-beingoperating room to learning how to after the welcoming ceremonies with a of individuals and communities bymake a cast and suture, the students tools-of-the-trade session, where they developing the health-care workforce.participate in several hands-on lessons will learn to use medical instruments,during the program. including blood pressure cuffs and The competitive scholarship program stethoscopes. Lessons continue for requires students to submit a letter two days with opportunities to tour of recommendation, a nomination a gross anatomy lab, the Lloyd A. from a science or math teacher or Jacobs Interprofessional Immersive counselor, and a personal essay to Simulation Center and a plastination be chosen to participate. museum. First- and second-year UT medical “Campers are often first-generation students serve as camp counselors, college, underrepresented minorities, and the campers also interact with and/or live in rural or urban physicians and faculty members.16 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Clinical CareSharing expert knowledge with students and fostering discovery and development of new treatments for chronic health conditions are key aspects of medical education. But why do we do it? For our patients. Our physicians, researchers and learners keep our patients at the heart of every lecture, every lab and every clinical experience to deliver on our mission of improving health in the communities and region we serve. Expert, patient-centered care is the product of their ongoing research and learning, and they aresharing this with patients from across the country and around the globe.THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 17

Students help at home By Laurie Davis University of Toledo medical patients. It’s one of the largest free A medical exam is provided to a young child students can receive clinical training clinics in Ohio. We take care of traveling with migrant family members who throughout their degree programs 4,000 patients now,” he said. work on area farms. as part of the Students for Medical Missions program led by Dr. Richard The team approach is used for all A physician and students gather around Paat, current Maumee internist and a of the medical care programs Paat a patient to hear what is ailing her and 1986 alumnus. has helped to establish, allowing for determine how they can help alleviate her interdisciplinary solutions. pain. The team approach is used for all Students working toward degrees in medical care programs Paat has helped all areas of the College of Medicine Students volunteer their time to to establish, allowing for interdisciplinary and Life Sciences, as well as the assist in the clinic even when they solutions. colleges of nursing and pharmacy, might have exams the next day, and can travel to remote villages in they help fundraise. A call goes out to And at the end of an evening, such countries as Puerto Rico, the different programs in the college, which can go until midnight or Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras and asking if anyone wants to volunteer. later, students can talk about their the Philippines. There, they assess Those who do attend a meeting at interactions with the patients. patients as a team and devise which Paat and other physicians “We sit down with the students care plans with the advice of an and nurses help train student each night and discuss cases attending physician. volunteers in basic skills. They learn and experiences. For a lot of the how to check blood pressure, take first and second years, it’s the Paat, who started the program temperature and about the clinic’s first time they’ve interacted with a at UT, knows that poverty and processes for seeing patients. homelessness are not exclusive to developing countries, but exist in “Almost the entire medical school the United States and here in Toledo. shows up,” Paat said.“After the Haiti earthquake, we decided to start a medical mission The CommunityCare Clinic uses here in our own backyard,” Paat said. the same interdisciplinary team“So, I started up a free clinic approach to care as global medical in Perrysburg, in a Latino area with missions do. The free clinic offers 80 percent poverty.” social services, nutrition education, phlebotomy draws, and HIV and“We want to provide health women’s health clinics. Medical andcare with dignity.” nursing students, as well as students from respiratory therapy, physical After the clinical program, called therapy, occupational therapy, social the CommunityCare Free Medical work and pharmacy, are part of the Clinic, was established, Paat moved local team. the location to Cedar Creek Church near campus. “Every Thursday “And, not just students,” Paat said, night, we see about 50 to 60 “but also practicing physicians.” Paat and his team also set up tables and chairs on the street in Toledo to reach out to the homeless and others living in poverty. (continued on next page)18 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Community care (continued) patient, so we teach them how to talk to them properly,” Paat said. “We want to provide health care with dignity. Nobody wants to come to a free clinic.”Dr. Richard Paat and his team of volunteer At the CommunityCare Clinic, At the CommunityCare Clinic, patientsmedical staff set up tables and chairs on additional services are listed can pick up medications at a temporarythe street in Toledo to reach out to the for patients who need these pharmacy.homeless and others living in poverty. resources. Patients also can pick up medications at a temporary pharmacy. The volunteers treat diabetes, hypertension and infections, and provide food for homeless patients who come by. Doing this work has helped first-year students understand the kind of immediate impact they can have in the community.Nutrition education is another part of the “You don’t have to be a full-fledged At the CommunityCare Free Medical Clinic,CommunityCare Clinic. MD now, you just have to care,” Paat additional services are listed for patients said. “This is our backyard. I’m going who need these resources. to a place in Puerto Rico where they haven’t had running water in seven weeks, but every single Monday, I’m at a house that hasn’t had running water in seven weeks.”Medical students get clinical experienceat home and abroad By Laurie Davis Dr. John Wells remembers the first when Wells was a first-year medical Paat places drops in a patient’s eye in time he heard the sound of a heart student — a clinical experience he Puerto Rico. murmur. had while in Honduras on a global medical mission with Dr. Richard“You listen to so many heart sounds Paat, a 1986 graduate. that when you hear that first murmur, you think, I don’t know why this is In February, the two physicians different,” said the 2008 graduate returned to Honduras with another and current family practitioner at group of medical students who are Uintah Basin Healthcare in Roosevelt, part of the College of Medicine and Utah, “but I know it’s not normal.” Life Sciences’ Students for Medical Missions program. Another dozen or His exam of the child with the more alumni joined them. abnormal heartbeat took place (continued on next page) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 19

Medical mission (continued)Paat started the global medicalmissions program at the University in1998. He had been going on missionsto the Philippines since 1994 asa way to give back to people whoshared his Philippine roots. Both ofPaat’s parents are from the Philippines,and his father also is a doctor. At theend of his first mission there, Paat Paat and his wife, Myra, stand in front of adecided to connect with his own bathroom facility in Honduras.contacts in the country and work witha group of expatriate Filipinos in Toledoto strengthen the missions. Dr. John Wells holds a Sawyer water filter, which is distributed to villagers in remoteHe continued to visit the Philippines areas. They can use the filters to produceevery other year. During one of those clean water for drinking. The filters can aid intrips, a Filipino medical student stopping the spread of intestinal parasites.who was at UT joined Paat on a interview patients and perform basic In Honduras, Emilee Wells, Paat, Wells andmission. “That’s when we said it physical exams. Olivia Wells pose for a selfie.would be great to have a missionprogram in existence for students Paat said someone on the team services, infrastructure, and evenin order for them to have a service also serves as a translator. Wells fell basic needs of food, clean waterlearning opportunity to gain mission into that role during his first student and sanitation, are on a list ofexperiences, serve the underserved, mission to Honduras. Today, 30 orgo to different countries under more students have the opportunityguidance,” Paat said. to travel as part of the team.That notion was furthered when two Disaster missions repeat missions. PhD/MD students, 1999 graduate Dr. Scott McLean and 2002 graduate Hurricanes Mitch, Katrina, Matthew, “I brought in six students to Honduras Dr. Todd Brickman, formed a student Harvey, Yolanda and Maria are in 1998. We were there in November organization and asked Paat to be just some of the storms that have after Hurricane Mitch on Oct. 22. the faculty advisor. devastated areas where Paat Besides our routine mission to the has traveled in the wake of their Philippines, we made a commitment to“They had their first meeting and destruction. Countries in which keep going there,” Paat said.100 students showed up,” medical care is among the lacking Paat said. “When Hurricane (continued on next page)Mitch hit Honduras, the city Mission trip to Guatemalaof Toledo asked me to take Dr. Coral Matus, assistant professor of family medicine,a medical team in to assist, traveled with students in May on a medical mission trip toand I said I would if I could Petén, Guatemala.bring the medical students.” “We worked at a clinic operated by SewHope (a not-for-First- and second-year profit group in Toledo), as well as a birthing center nearby.students work in teams We also traveled to some more isolated villages to providewith third- and fourth-year care for patients there,” Matus said. “The studentsstudents who have more gave talks about handwashing, clean water and healthyclinical experience. They teach relationships, and provided dental fluoride and antiparasiticyounger students how to medication to many children in the villages.”2 0 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Medical mission (continued) Students travel to the Philippines on medical/“The following year, we started bringing surgical mission trip teams into Guatemala through our St.John’s Jesuit organization; that’s where Medical students Kalee Royster, Allison I graduated from high school in Toledo. Gerren, Samantha Seibel and BrandonThen we started bringing teams into Rosolowski traveled to the Philippines inTanzania through the Toledo Sister City June on a medical/surgical mission trip organization. After the Haiti earthquake, through Students for Medical Missions. we started bringing teams into Haiti.” “We joined various surgeons, physiciansSince his first mission to Mindanao, Recently graduated medical students Jake and medical students from thePhilippines in 1994, Paat has traveled Holzemer, left, and Clinton Metzger, right, help University of Santo Tomas, along withacross the globe for 75 missions. Paat hold up the Toledo Rockets flag during a various other local volunteers. The clinicHe returned to Yabucoa, Puerto mission to Houston after Hurricane Harvey. was set up in a high school in Capoocan,Rico, during the 2017 Thanksgiving Leyte. More than 2,000 patients wereholiday to help students from the San that they’re really proud of, and with seen in clinic, 1,265 in ophthalmology,Juan Bautista School of Medicine wound care materials and their book.” 301 in dental, 186 minor surgeries andbuild their own in-country mission 53 major surgeries were performed overprogram. Yabucoa was one of the four days,” Royster said. “To be a partfirst towns hit by Hurricane Maria. of this team, which provided health care and surgical care to those who wouldA sustainable network It seems that with every new contact have never had access otherwise, was of care Paat makes, the network of medical inspiring beyond words.” missions expands, giving more When Paat and the medical team students clinical experiences and depart for home, they leave with the more patients access to medical care. knowledge that a number of villagers can fill some of the gaps in their “Though initially a way to give back to absence. They train local villagers who my parents’ home country, the medical can read and write basic health care. missions program has kind of morphed into a way of teaching students and“We leave them with a cache of providing a service learning opportunity, medicines that they know how to bringing in clean water, to a training to use; things like Tylenol, Motrin, program; we do it all.” some antibiotics, creams. We leave them with a blood pressure cuff, stethoscope and a training certificateDiane Cappelletty sorts through medicines Holzemer, a recent graduate, gives afor patients the team will see in Houston. patient an injection at the clinic the team set up in Houston after Hurricane Harvey swept through the city. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 21

Alumnus given highest honors by UniversityThe University of Toledo Alumni Associationrecognized College of Medicine and LifeSciences alumnus Dr. Julian Kim at itsannual Homecoming Alumni Gala lastOctober, presenting him with one of itsmost prestigious awards.The Gold T is presented to a UT graduatein recognition of outstanding achievementin his or her field of endeavor whileproviding leadership and noteworthyservice to the community.Winner of the 2017 Gold T is Kim of ShakerHeights, Ohio, a renowned expert in thetreatment of patients with melanoma,breast cancer, soft tissue sarcomas Dr. Julian Kim, ’86, was honored with the Alumni Association Gold T Award.and gastrointestinal malignancies. Hegraduated from the College of Medicineand Life Sciences in 1986. Chief of oncologic surgeryand chief medical officer at the Seidman Cancer Center His breakthrough process takes immuneof University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and cells from a cancer patient and activatesthe Charles Hubay Professor of Surgery at Case Western them in a laboratory to infuse them backReserve University, Kim holds the U.S. patent for novel into the patient to treat the cancer.research discovery in adoptive immunotherapy of cancer.His breakthrough process takes immune cells from a being used to assist pancreatic cancer patients. Priorcancer patient and activates them in a laboratory to to joining the Seidman Cancer Center in 2006, Kiminfuse them back into the patient to treat the cancer. was director of the melanoma program at ClevelandClinical trials in patients with advanced melanoma have Clinic. Seidman Cancer Center is one of only 42 cancerproven successful, with the treatment helping slow hospitals nationwide.the advance of the cancer. His treatment process is At the same ceremony, Dr. Samir Khleif, a 1990 graduate, received the College of Medicine and Life Sciences Distinguished Alumnus Award. He is an internationally famous pioneer in the field of immuno- oncology, the process of using the body’s immune system to fight cancer. He has held positions at the National Institutes of Health, where he was medical oncology Fellow, senior investigator and chief of the Cancer Vaccine Section. Honoree Dr. Samir Khleif, ’90, during the Homecoming parade2 2 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Urology alliance in NigeriaThe Department of Urology has made media and featured Dr. Obi Ekwenna, The department is planning toan alliance with the urology faculty at assistant professor in urology, who continue to grow this partnership.the teaching hospital Federal Medical went there to perform and teachCentre in Umuahia, Nigeria. This kidney transplantation last November. “I think this is a proud moment for usalliance was broadcast in Nigeria as an institution, that we are serving the underserved and making a name for UT,” said Dr. Puneet Sindhwani, chair and Kenneth A. Kropp Endowed Professor of Urology. “I think this is a proud moment for us as an institution, that we are serving the underserved and making a name for UT.”Making a difference in AngolaU.S. Air Force Col. Thomas Sodeman, Photo by Staff Sgt. Wendy Kuhn, Ohio National Guard Public Affairsprofessor of medicine and chiefof the Division of Hepatology, was Ohio National Guard’s 11-year SPP disease and a multi-day field hospitalfeatured in Ohio National Guard news partnership with Serbia. The mutually in the villages of Vale do Paraiso andfor work in the Republic of Angola beneficial, combined medical Ceramica, located in Angola’s Bengolast December. About 80 military engagement was organized into province.personnel from the Republic of two phases — educational coursesAngola, Serbia and the United States on infectious and hemorrhagic THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDOparticipated in PAMBALA 2017, ahistoric medical engagement aimedat sharing best medical practices,creating a greater dialogue betweenthe nations and learning from oneanother to enhance interoperability.Sodeman gave remarks during theclosing ceremony.PAMBALA 2017 is the first time theU.S. has been invited to participatein an engagement in Angola, andwas made possible through the 23

Students use human simulators to practicecaring for brain-dead, organ-donor patientsOne organ donor can save eight lives, Two of the students who participated, As part of program curriculum, theaccording to the American Transplant Riley Messer and Dylan Launder, students learn the principles ofFoundation. thought the experience was not only medical management in brain death. beneficial, but unique. The use of the sim center allows theseThe University of Toledo is using principles to be applied through thestate-of-the art simulation technology “Actually, coming into the sim center use of human simulators prior toto help future medical professionals allows us to have real-time experience clinical rotations in the spring.practice preserving and protecting … and understanding,” Messer said.the organs of patients who suffered Students are getting hands-ontraumatic brain injury and brain death. Launder added, “We’re there practice on how to medically advocating for the donor that manage brain-dead patientsUsing human simulators in the Lloyd everything possible is done [to save to recover organs and helpA. Jacobs Interprofessional Immersive her or him]. If we come on and we save lives of others throughSimulation Center, a half-dozen UT see that this test might have been donation.graduate students participated in a done wrong, we are not just goingtraining scenario on caring for brain- to ignore it, we’re going to say, ‘Youdead patients who are organ donors. might want to redo it’ because we want to make sure that everything isStudents are getting hands-on how it needs to be.”practice on how to medically managebrain-dead patients to recover The students, who graduated last year,organs and help save lives of others studied human donation science in thethrough donation. College of Medicine and Life Sciences.2 4 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Research For centuries, through the process of investigation and discovery, researchers have contributed to the advancement of society: better health, longer lives,greater prosperity. The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences continues to encouragescientific investigation among its faculty and learnersby supporting promising new research and identifying new sources of seed funding. It’s through this level of discovery that our researchers are helping to ease pain, build memories and safeguard the next generation of scientists.THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 25

UT researchers to lead 38 percent of Ohio’snew water-quality research projects, including‘impairment’ criteriaThe University of Toledois slated to lead eight outof the 21 new researchprojects to be funded with$3.5 million from the stateof Ohio to address waterquality and algal bloomtoxicity.UT, situated on the westernbasin of Lake Erie, is toreceive nearly $1 million ofthe $3.5 million dedicatedby the Ohio Department ofHigher Education for theseadditional projects in theongoing, statewide HarmfulAlgal Bloom ResearchInitiative, which began threeyears ago after the city ofToledo issued a Do Not Dr. Tom Bridgeman, UT algae researcher and professor of ecology, examines a waterDrink advisory for half a sample aboard the Lake Erie Center research vessel.million water customers due develop sampling protocols and UT College of Medicine and Lifeto the level of microcystin detected collect samples to assess listing Sciences researchers will receivein the water. criteria that the Ohio Environmental some of the nearly $1 million in state Protection Agency may use to funding for their projects, including:UT is one of the lead universities in monitor the water quality of the openthe Harmful Algal Bloom Research waters of the western basin of Lake Dr. Jason Huntley, associateInitiative, which consists of 10 Ohio Erie and to potentially assign official professor in the Departmentuniversities and five state agencies. designations such as “impaired” or of Medical Microbiology and “unimpaired.” Immunology, will develop and testThe selected projects focus on biofilters — water filters containingreducing nutrient loading to Lake “Although it is obvious to nearly specialized bacteria that degradeErie; investigating algal toxin everyone that harmful algal blooms microcystin toxins from lake waterformation and human health impacts; are impairing Lake Erie each summer, as it flows through the filter. Thesestudying bloom dynamics; better we need to develop objective biofilter studies are aimed to developinforming water treatment plants scientific criteria that can be used cost-effective, efficient and safehow to remove toxin; and aiding the to list the open waters of the lake as drinking water treatment alternativesefforts of state agencies.Dr. Tom Bridgeman, professor in officially ‘impaired,’ and to remove an for the city of Toledo and otherthe Department of Environmental ‘impairment’ designation in the future Lake Erie water municipalities.Sciences, will lead a project to if conditions improve sufficiently,” Bridgeman said. (continued on next page)2 6 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Water research (continued) students to solve pressing problems Dr. Jason Huntley makes perfect sense.”Dr. Steven Haller and Dr. David The UT Water Task Force, whichKennedy, assistant professors in The Harmful Algal Bloom Research is composed of faculty andthe Department of Medicine, will Initiative is funded by the Ohio researchers in diverse fieldsinvestigate how cyanotoxins such as Department of Higher Education spanning the University, serves asmicrocystin damage organs not only with $7.1 million made available for a resource for government officialsin healthy settings, but in settings four rounds of research funding and the public looking for expertisethat may increase susceptibility since 2015. Matching funding from on investigating the causes andsuch as diabetes, obesity and participating Ohio universities effects of algal blooms, the healthinflammatory bowel disease. Their increases the total investment to of Lake Erie, and the health ofresearch teams are working in almost $15.5 million for more than 50 the communities depending onconcert with experts in medicine, projects, demonstrating the state’s its water. The task force includespathology, physiology, pharmacology overall commitment to solving the experts in economics, engineering,and chemistry to not only learn how harmful algal bloom problem. environmental sciences, business,microcystin affects organ function in pharmacy, law, chemistry andthese settings, but also to create new Water quality is a major research biochemistry, geography andtherapies to prevent and treat organ focus at UT. With more than $14 planning, and medical microbiologydamage, especially in vulnerable million in active grants underway, UT and immunology.patient populations. experts are studying algal blooms,Drs. Steven Haller and David Kennedy with their lab members Researchers are looking for pathways to restore our“I am proud of the work that is being invasive species such as Asian greatest natural resource for done, and that researchers from our carp, and pollutants. Researchers future generations to ensure public and private higher education are looking for pathways to restore our communities continue to institutions continue to work together our greatest natural resource for have access to safe drinking to address this issue,” said Ohio future generations to ensure our water. Department of Higher Education communities continue to have access Chancellor John Carey. “Using the to safe drinking water. talent of Ohio’s researchers and THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 27

Academic Affiliation investment:Labs receive new equipment “The new technologies will equip our expert researchers with the tools they need to advance knowledge and develop better therapies to treat our loved ones,” UT President Sharon L. Gaber said. “These state-of-the- art research facilities also are critical in attracting and retaining the talent needed to elevate Toledo as a leading academic medical community.” Signed in 2015, two major goals of the Academic Affiliation are to recruit and retain top talent to the region and to grow biomedical research. The University additionally seeks toAllen Schroering, histology lab manager in the Advanced Microscopy and increase external research funding toImaging Center in the College of Medicine and Life Sciences, discussed lab support ongoing discovery. Leaders ofimprovements with ProMedica President and CEO Randy Oostra. both institutions believe that first-classBiomedical researchers at The University of Toledo are research capabilities will support both goals.working with substantially greater support, thanks to asignificant investment in new laboratory equipment fromlocal health system ProMedica, through the AcademicAffiliation with the College of Medicine and Life Sciences.University and ProMedica leaders joined faculty andstaff last October for tours of renovated laboratories onHealth Science Campus and to celebrate the investment.The new, state-of-the-art equipment encompasses 11instruments across three labs in the Health Education andthe Block Health Sciences buildings.Students use new equipment to further their research. “We should invest in the capabilities of the people who are here today, but also plan for the people we want to attract in the future,” said Randy Oostra, president and chief executive officer of ProMedica. “We’re very serious about changing the trajectory of our two organizations by working together.” Dr. William Maltese, then-professor and McMaster Endowed Chair of Biochemistry and Cancer Biology, expressed appreciation on behalf of University researchers for the investment, and assured University (continued on next page)2 8 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Equipment (continued) the University, providing technology and capabilities previously unavailable in the research enterprise.and ProMedica leaders that the new equipment wasselected after careful consideration of the resources “This investment from ProMedica in our research facilitiesneeded to support and grow biomedical research at UT. is matching words with deeds for progress in the Toledo community,” said Dr. Christopher J. Cooper, executiveMany of the new instruments replace antiquated vice president for clinical affairs and dean of the Collegeequipment with updated techniques and newer of Medicine and Life Sciences. “It’s a tangible example oftechnology, and high-throughput systems improve what we set out to do with the Academic Affiliation.”speed and efficiency by producing results and analysisin just days for tests that previously took months. Theinvestment additionally includes instruments new toMedical Research Society awards new grantto researcher for diabetes researchDr. Terry Hinds, right, with his research team members, from left, Maggie Wong, Vikram of Urology. He earned his PhD fromSundararaghavan, Darren Gordon, Charles Hawk, Justin Spear, Lucien McBeth, Abdul-Rizaq Ali The University of Toledo CollegeHamoud, Jonathan Demeter, Kari Neifer-Sadhwani and Jonnelle Edwards. of Medicine and Life Sciences and was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at TheIn June, The University of Toledo liver and fat tissues, resulting in the University of Toledo.Medical Research Society had its 4th enhanced production of reactiveannual award dinner and chose to oxygen species (ROS). The oxidative The University of Toledo Medicalfund Dr. Terry Hinds’ work on obesity stress magnifies the adverse effects Research Society was createdinduced diabetes with a $50,000 grant. of obesity by inducing inflammation through the leadership of some of of tissues, leading to the development northwest Ohio’s most philanthropicHinds is working on drug targeting of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease contributors. The purpose of theof the heme oxygenase system in (NAFLD), as well as vascular society is to create a permanent,the prevention of obesity and the dysfunction. endowed source of highly leveragedlink between fat tissues in obesity- seed funding for biomedicalinduced hypertension. Diet-induced Hinds is an assistant professor in research projects developed at theobesity results in elevated levels of the Department of Physiology and University’s College of Medicine andglucose and fatty acids in blood, Pharmacology and the Department Life Sciences. Projects that receive support hold the highest promise of obtaining funding from the National Institutes of Health and/or other national funding agencies. The society meets throughout the year to discuss ongoing University research and review the rising projects eligible for funding. To learn more about the Medical Research Society, contact Jodi Farschman, assistant director of development, at jodi.farschman@ or 419.530.2646. THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 29

UT psychologist wins Fulbright grant to studychild abuse prevention in NetherlandsAbout 540 children are identified asvictims of abuse or neglect each yearin Toledo’s Lucas County.“For every substantiated case of physical child abuse in the U.S., approximately 40 more exist that go undetected. It’s heartbreaking,” said Dr. Michele Knox, University ofToledo professor in the Department of Psychiatry, who has dedicated her life to protecting children and educating parents with alternative methods of discipline.She recently was awarded her according to the UNICEF Innocenti delinquency in kids,” Knox said. “Isecond Fulbright award to visit the Research Centre. teach alternative methods of disciplineNetherlands to find innovative and for positive parenting solutions, sucheffective ways to improve child abuse as the use of timeouts, removal ofprevention in the United States. privileges, and positive reinforcement to reward the child’s good behavior.”“I am honored to receive this award. It For 16 years, Knox has been a is an opportunity to bring home new master trainer for the American Her current research addresses ideas and approaches because the Psychological Association’s Adults factors related to harsh and abusive Netherlands is among the nations with and Children Together (ACT) Raising parenting, outcomes of child the lowest rates of child maltreatment Safe Kids Program, which trains maltreatment prevention programs, deaths,” Knox said. “I will be learning parents and caregivers in nonviolent and the efficacy of the Child Advocacy from the people there and benefiting discipline, child development, anger Studies training program for medical from their expertise, knowledge and management and social problem- students. success.” solving skills. Starting in spring 2019, Starting in spring 2019, Knox will While in the Netherlands, Knox Knox will spend nearly spend nearly three weeks at the plans to teach college students and three weeks at the University of Utrecht, the largest professionals about the ACT program University of Utrecht, the university in the Netherlands. and other topics related to child largest university in the abuse and well-being. Netherlands.“This is a big change from my last Fulbright specialist project, which was Knox teaches medical students and in northern Portugal,” Knox said. “I residents at UT. She also is a clinical was teaching the Portuguese how to psychologist who specializes in use evidence-based parenting group children, adolescents and trauma; programs to prevent child abuse.” child abuse prevention; and parenting.The United States, Mexico and “Spanking is often the first step inPortugal have “exceptionally” high the cycle of child abuse, and it canrates of child maltreatment deaths, result in aggressive behavior and3 0 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //

Faculty spotlightDr. Maurice Manning in Poland Cancer Biology totaling $60,000. This was one of only two awards made to scientists atAnesthesiology Professor Dr. universities in Ohio this year. Maurice ManningDr. Thomas J. Papadimos, professor was honored at a Raman’s research project focuses onof anesthesiology and associate dean ceremony organized triple-negative breast cancer, whichfor immersive and simulation-based by the University of harbors mutations in genes for thelearning, was installed as honorary Gdansk in Poland estrogen receptor, progesteronelifetime member of the Hellenic to commemorate receptor, and epidermal growthSociety of Anesthesia. He is only the his scientific factor receptor (HER2). This typesecond foreigner to be so honored. contributions in of breast cancer is most prone the field of peptide to metastatic spread, a serious chemistry on the complication that is very difficult to 30th anniversary of treat. The project funded by OCRA the honorary doctorate bestowed by will explore a novel role for a cytokine the university. receptor, CXCR4, and a scaffold protein, LASP1, in modulating the Dr. Dayanidhi Raman, assistant activity of the Argonaute2-TNRC6 professor in the Department of Cancer complex. The latter is part of the Biology, received a two-year research cellular machinery that controls grant from Ohio Cancer Research the production of key regulatory Associates (OCRA), with funding (continued on next page)Professor elected president of national organization Dr. Ishmael areas of radiation oncology and States and Canada. This will have a Parsai, chief diagnostic imaging. directly positive impact on our own medical graduate students and trainees. In physicist in the Parsai served as a founding our program, we will have the ability Department member of the organization in 2008 to gauge its progress compared to of Radiation and participated on the steering our colleagues nationally, which will, Oncology committee. Recently, Parsai was in turn, substantially improve ourand professor and director of the asked to run for the president- educational methodology for ourGraduate Medical Physics Program, elect position, which he won after students.”has been elected president- a national election. He will serveelect of the Society of Directors as president next year and as With nearly 30 years as a practicingof Academic Medical Physics chairman of the board of directors medical physicist, Parsai is aPrograms. the following year. member of numerous scientific organizations and has fellowshipsThe Society of Directors of Academic “It is truly an honor to be selected in the American College ofMedical Physics Programs is an for such a key position in our field,” Radiation Oncology, the Americanindependent organization that aims Parsai said. “This position will Association of Physicists into advance the collective mission allow me the license to survey the Medicine and the Internationalof enhancing medical physics progress of graduate students and Organization of Medical Physics.educational opportunities in the trainees throughout the United THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO 31

Faculty (continued) Professor of the Department of Radiation Oncology Neurology and inaugural director of molecules called micro-RNAs. the ProMedica/University of Toledo Dr. Changhu Chen, chair and Insights gained from this work Neurosciences Center, received professor in the Department of could help in the search for new the American Headache Society Radiation Oncology, has been therapeutic targets to treat triple- John R. Graham Lecture Award appointed to the American Board negative breast cancer and reduce 2017 in recognition of international of Radiology (ABR) head and neck the risk for metastasis. leadership in research and education. cancer committee for radiation oncology, certifying written and oralEmergency Medicine Physiology and examinations. Pharmacology Based on the Department of Dr. John Nemunaitis gave the Emergency Medicine’s impressive Dr. Guillermo Vazquez, associate plenary lecture about the history history of disaster response, Dr. Kris professor in the Department of and future of precision medicine in Brickman, chair in the Department Physiology and Pharmacology, December at the UT Cancer Research of Emergency Medicine, and Dr. Paul was appointed a member of the Symposium that brought more Rega, UTMC medical advisor for International Advisory Committee than 100 cancer researchers across disaster preparedness, were invited on Science, which advises the the University together to propel by the World Health Organization Argentinean Ministry of Science and interdisciplinary collaboration in cancer (WHO) to develop an Emergency Technology on strategic planning and research, patient care and education. Medical Disaster Response Team. funding guidelines for priority areas. After initial consultation with Dr. Kobi Vazquez also was appointed a member Nemunaitis joined the College of Peleg (WHO medical director), the of the Midwest Chapter of Network Medicine and Life Sciences as the UT team completed its application of Minority Research Investigators, chief of the Division of Hematology and agreed to represent WHO as an National Institute of Diabetes and and Oncology, director of clinical and Emergency Medical Response Team Digestive and Kidney Diseases. translational research and medical for national and international disaster director of the Eleanor N. Dana response. Brickman and Rega Dr. Matam Vijay-Kumar, associate Cancer Center at UTMC. Nemunaitis were invited to Washington, D.C., professor in the Department of is a leading researcher in exploring to meet with international officials Physiology and Pharmacology and novel targeted therapies for treating of the WHO on planning logistics director of The University of Toledo- cancer patients. and international disaster response. Microbiome Consortium (UT-MiCo), Dr. Krishna Reddy is system Further development will require an was selected to receive the 2018 E.L.R. director of the hematology/oncology accreditation visit. Currently they Stokstad Award. This award is given course and co-director for thread I are focused on specialized disaster for outstanding fundamental research (cellular disease) of the new medical teams that can provide key support in nutrition by the American Society for school Foundational Sciences services such as surgical teams and Nutrition (ASN) and its foundation. Curriculum. He has devoted infectious disease response. significant time and effort to the re- Vijay-Kumar began at the College of design and implementation of the Medical Microbiology and Medicine and Life Sciences this year new curriculum.Immunology as the founding director of UT-MiCo. He is an internationally recognized Assistant Professor Dr. Travis Taylor leader in microbiotal research related received a $25,000 award from the to various aspects of physiology. Lyme Disease Association to support His team consists of, among other research supplies for his grant titled graduate-level researchers, two post-“Restriction of Tick-Borne Flavivirus doctoral fellows, Dr. Vishal Singh and Infection in the Natural Host.” Dr. Piu Saha, both of whom have independent training grants. Neurology Dr. Gretchen E. Tietjen, the Clare Martig Chair and Distinguished3 2 C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E A N D L I F E S C I E N C E S S P O T L I G H T //


College of Medicine and Life Sciences Mail Stop 1018 3000 Arlington Ave. Toledo, OH 43614-2595Supportingstudents.Changinglives. A total of 186 scholarships totaling nearly $1.9 million have been awarded to UT College of Medicine and Life Sciences students this fall.“These scholarships help to reduce the indebtedness incurred by our students,” said Dr. Christopher J. Cooper, executive vice president for clinical affairs and dean of the College of Medicine and Life Sciences, “and we are extremely grateful for the support in easing this financial burden.”The impact these scholarships have on our students is life-changing.“Receiving this scholarship has helped me beyond words,” said recent graduate Megan Mooney, who stayed in Toledo for her residency. “Not only has it supported me financially and educationally, I feel like the sponsors of my scholarship have become part of my personal support system. It has inspired me to think about how I can pay it forward and serve others in the future.”To support student scholarships at The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences and change lives, contact Jennifer Schaefer at 419.383.5071 or [email protected].

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