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Taifas Literary Magazine No 13

Published by Johnny Em, 2022-03-11 17:02:24

Description: Taifas Literary Magazine No. 13, February, 2022
Biblioteca Cronopedia & World literary forum for Peace and Human Rights
year I, no. 12, June, 2021
ISSN 2458-0198
ISSN-L 2458-0198
Founded in Constanţa, June 2020
Revista de scrieri şi opinii literare Taifas Literar poate fi citită online pe site-urile Cronopedia (
or: Taifas Literay Magazine (
The magazine appears in Romania
editorial office
Founding President Lenuș Lungu & Santosh Kumar Biswa
Director: Lenuș Lungu, Santosh Kumar Bhutan, Ioan Muntean
Deputy Director: Paul Rotaru
Technical Editor Ioan Muntean
Covers Ioan Muntean
Editor-in-Chief: Ion Cuzuioc, Ioan Muntean
Deputy Editor: Amb Maid Čorbić, Olga Arandjelovic, Ion Cuzuioc
Editorial Secretary: Anna Maria Sprzęczka, Abel Violeta Birla, Imdadul Islam

Editors: Olga Arandjelovic, Punya Devi, Amb Maid Čorbić, Imdadul Islam, Husseina Ojochenemi Abubakar, Vasile Vulpaşu, Sahadev Behera

Keywords: biblioteca,cronopedia. taifas literary magazine,WLFPHR,revista


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Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 the teacher said. the rooril. 51 “Teacher, I do not understand the I have been preparing for the New Year meaning of this sentence at all. Please tell us for a long time. My parents knew and allowed about the theft of time.” me to call my friends. But we were at odds with my best friend - Anvar. And I was not “Usually, those who steal are punished, ” going to put up with him. On the contrary, I said the teacher. “Time thieves are no wanted to take revenge on him this year. exception. True, the thief of time is not Although, dad always told me: «Do not dig a punished. He is not even accountable before hole for another — you can fall into it the law. But wasting your time now is yourself)). tantamount to stealing your time, your future. If you spend all your time in science, you will And he warned that Santa does not save time and become a mature person in the present gifts to bad children. But I didn't care, future. I was very angry with Anvar and did not want to forgive him. In the afternoon we met with a Ohh, my friend Abdullah and I are the thieves of our future. former friend. He started Doniyor thought. These talking first: «Let's put up, words of the teacher because soon the New inspired Doniyorm andat Year. All quarrels must be that moment, he realized left in the past. Let's make what a \"time thief\" was. a snowman together and call it Friendship». I He even came to our decided not to continue house in a hurry: “Anvar, the war and make peace are you there? Starting with a friend: «Come to today, I can say that I me tomorrow for the New understand the value of Year party. It will be fun. time. Only we will not have a Christmas tree - we did not have time to buy “Yes, Abdullah, you understand, now we it)). When I was saying that to Anvar, I saw my are not stealing our time, we are just following mother walking home and carrying a big the path of knowledge. In the future, we will be beautiful fluffy tree in her hands! I was so among the mature people mentioned by my staring at her that I even fell. It was such a big teacher. I agree with you. Don't waste your cool suprise! time! I will always remember that it is a trophy! Probably, they say the truth that New Year should be celebrated with friends, in a New year magic good mood and without bad thoughts. Then all wishes will come true and the whole year will This New Year we did not have a be good. I had a great New Year party with my Christmas tree. Friends were supposed to best friends and nice family! I am sure that this come to my party. But we couldn't buy a real year will be happy and successful for everyone Christmas tree a thorny, scent, fluffy beauty. and for me! Happy New Year to everybody! When my mother left for work, I asked her to buy garlands and toys to somehow decorate year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Santosh Kumar Biswa not. So the question like, \"Who created them to be bad?\" ought to be our concern. It is us, Bhutan because we have not succeeded in giving them a better education and better life values. Peace- our responsibility - (a short note) Such people do not value humanity because having power in their hands, they The moment we think about peace, we have not realized the pain and experience it actually are thinking about bringing oneself brings. It is difficult to change these people into peace through the transmutation of our because their hearts had already become like own behavior, character, and the way we a rock that is hard. Thus, we should stop represent ourselves to the world. It is after we creating such people. change, we act to elevate it to the world at large. Hence, self-reflection and self- Those who are in rectification is necessary before we put in our this mission should actions for peace. The people around us will be therefore transform watching us at all times and we should give them, themselves first and then through our legislation, the objectives we have in their families by making our minds. life worth living so that what they see and hear does not alter them, but that they become the strong lover of peace. Why is there war on Every person in this the face of the earth? Why world has their role to do people want to play, the role of transforming people to peace obliterate each other just for their own good? and the role of educating people to peace that It is all because they are desirous, hungry for the coming generation may live peacefully, power and position, and they want to remain free from chaos and hatred because they are concentrated on the world. Is that what it's all our children and grandchildren. about? Do we learn from our religion to hate people and to kill? No, religion doesn't because Let us strive, work for good cause and we entirely know it well. Where are we never yield missing? What went amiss? And what is my 52 role in this world to restore it a peaceful place to live? should be our concern and of course to make meaning out of life. Education has not changed them as a TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE result of influences in their lives of others who are wicked. Are we born vicious? No, I guess ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 James Patterson Paul McCartney, The Last Days of John Lennon is a true-crime drama about two men who The Last Days of John Lennon changed history. One whose indelible songs Synopsis enliven our world to this day, and the other who ended the music with five pulls of a The greatest true-crime story in music trigger. history. Charlotte Walker A GLOBAL SUPERSTAR The Unicorn Synopsis In the summer of 1980, ten years after the break-up of the Beatles, John Lennon A fast moving political action thriller that signed with a new label, ready to record new music for the first time in keeps on giving. ‘The Unicorn’ by Tony Salter years. Everyone was awestruck when Lennon reintroduces readers to dashed off '(Just Like) Starting Over'. Lennon MI5 agent Nadia as she was back in peak form, with his best songwriting continues her hunt for an since 'Imagine'. elusive criminal A DANGEROUSLY OBSESSED FAN mastermind Ibrahim In the years after Abdel Hak, a.k.a The Lennon left the Beatles, becoming a solo artist and making a life with Yoko Ono in New York Unicorn, a dangerous man City, Mark David Chapman had become fixated on murdering his former hero. He was who seems to have all the convinced that Lennon had squandered his talent and betrayed his fans. In December substance of smoke and 1980, Chapman boarded a flight from Hawaii to New York with a handgun stowed in his leaves destruction in his luggage. He was never going home again. path whenever he A MURDER THAT STUNNED THE WORLD appears. The opening of ‘The Unicorn’ is written 53 so well that it can be read as a standalone, as the reader is quickly and seamlessly up to date on Nadia’s story and her past involvement with The Unicorn. However, after reading this story I’m sure you’ll be enticed to go back and read Salter’s earlier book ‘Sixty Minutes’ anyway. I was drawn in by the main character, Nadia, her strength and work as an MI5 agent as well as her earnest attempts to have some semblance of a normal life outside of the office. Enriched by exclusive interviews with I enjoyed the ‘will they, won’t they’ Lennon's friends and associates, including tension between Nadia and Ed and I’m eagerly year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 awaiting a next book for any further LaVan Robinson developments between these two characters. ‘The Unicorn’ kept me hooked and reading Existential sands much later than I should have. When you think that the action is over, there’s room from In the sands and annals of time, we leave something new to crop up or a new twist in the a recording of our existence and validity from tale. A gripping intelligence based thriller with the legacy we leave behind. Through every a strong and likable female character and a storm, trial and tribulation, we encounter and plot with plenty of twists and turns and action. prevail successfully through, the more your A great read and I look forward to the next one. nature is strengthened by the awakening of the souls true purpose. Ibrahim Abdel Hak is the Unicorn. Lost in The divine synchronization of the spiritual, mental and physical expression is a the mists and shadows of perfect collaboration of urban legend, he waits that beautiful essence rooted deep within the and builds his plans in the surface. cold darkness. Each time So while here on the earth’s fertile and blessed Ibrahim attacks, he leaves grounds and soil. You’re be very grateful that for a trail of very real death love and its wonderful principles, you have sown and destruction in his with much persistence, sweat and tears and wake. The world’s happily toiled. intelligence services As you tend to the gardens of your life with much anticipation of the vast know he is planning the expectations you have met, you will leave a positive blueprint for success by the footsteps worst atrocity yet. They so others too can follow that you have left. know it will be soon. But they have no idea where or when the Unicorn will strike. Nadia Laroche is an MI5 field agent. Still recovering from injuries sustained during The Unicorn's bombing of the National History Museum, she has her own reasons to want to stop him. She was too late before. Can she find him and stop him this time ... before it's too late. 54 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 coperta3 p47 3 authors You're the shutterbug! Imdadul Islam Always wait for the sun I seek a sarcophagus art. India Let’s realise what we need You're the mummy of art I long to etch out on a pot. Compassion begets compassion, Cordial greetings highly amuse, You're the serene shoot Malevolence begets destruction, I seek to plant in my life. Let's think what we should choose. Parimal Shekhar Our selflessness builds the society, India Brighter Sympathy breaks mind's bondage, Antipathy produces lack of solidarity, It is my simplicity. My affected mind Let's think what we I do not hate Like a mirror should choose. Accept all Can reflect clearly Without care Who comes nearer. Friendship produces amity, Down or fall. Well conduct makes The rays that fall on others pleasing, Straight or curve Hatred spreads antipathy, The few refract Let's think what we I can't serve . should choose. I like all of them Fraternity makes unity, Forgetting quality Assistance makes well bond, It is my habit Bigotry destroyes a society, Let's realise what we've the real need. Basudev Paul India The Pleasure Pain You're the oozing rain I believe in humanity 55 I want to get smeared. And in peace; Dislike war You're the pleasure pain That brings finish All over the sepulchre! Sometimes feel The fitchew tranced me My inner light, Like a boozed bloke out. Which is brighter In my sight. Wallow in the bubbles year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 The magazine appears in Romania yaer II, no. 13, February, 2022 editorial office ISSN 2458-0198 ISSN-L 2458-0198 Founding President Lenuș Lungu & Santosh Kumar Biswa Director: Lenuș Lungu, Santosh Kumar Bhutan, Ioan Muntean Founded in Constanţa, Deputy Director: Paul Rotaru June 2020 Technical Editor Ioan Muntean Covers Ioan Muntean Revista de scrieri şi opinii literare Editor-in-Chief: Ion Cuzuioc, Ioan Muntean Taifas Literar poate fi citită online pe Deputy Editor: Amb Maid Čorbić, Olga Arandjelovic, Ion Cuzuioc Editorial Secretary: Anna Maria Sprzęczka, Abel Violeta Birla, site-urile Cronopedia Imdadul Islam ( or: Taifas Literay Magazine Editors: Olga Arandjelovic, Punya Devi, Amb Maid Čorbić, Imdadul Islam, Husseina Ojochenemi Abubakar, Vasile Vulpaşu, Sahadev Email: Behera [email protected] Responsibility for the content of texts published in the journal Orders for the purchase of the magazine can be made on the Taifas Literary Magazine belongs directly to the authors who sign Cronopedia website and on the them, in the name of freedom of expression. email address above. Reproduction - in whole or in part - of the journal and its electronic distribution are authorized for the private use of the reader and for non-commercial purposes. 56 in summary: ABDUMOMINOV ABDULLOH 50, ANA SMILJANIC 3, ASHOKCHAKRAVARTHY THOLANA 27, BAGAWATH BHANDARI 23, BASUDEV PAUL 55, BOGDANA GĂGEANU 16, BUKURIE BINJAKU 17, CHARLOTTE WALKER 53, CLIVE NORMAN 26, DAMBURUDHARA BEHERA 2, 23, DASHARATH NAIK 16, EVA PETROPOULOU LIANOY 8, FOLAJIMI NOTCH SHOAGA 38, HARISH PRADHAN 19, IMDADUL ISLAM 29, 55, ION CUZUIOC 12, ISMAIL ALI ABU MOSALLAM 28, ITALIAN - PANORAMA INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE FESTIVAL 2022 6, JAMES PATTERSON 53, LAVAN ROBINSON 54, LENUŞ LUNGU 42, LIZ ROBINSON 41, MAHANAJ PARVIN 9, MAHESWAR DAS 11, 22, MAHESWAR DAS 22, MARIA D. REIS 15, MINTI GOGOI 45, MONIKA VENUSIA 32, MYRIAM GHEZAÏL BEN BRAHIM 31, NAGWA LASHIN 23, OBASI IKECHUKWU 21, OMAR NASSAR 18, PARIMAL SHEKHAR 55, PARTHITA DUTTA 30, PRASANNA BHATTA. 22, RONALD ERICK ZABALA LASTRA 40, ŠAHDO BOŠNJAK 33, SAIPRAKASH KUNTAMUKKALA 26, SANTOSH KUMAR BISWA 24, 52, SHABIR RATHER* 29, SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY 10, SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY 21, SUNIL KUMAR SAHU 2, 15, SUNITA GROVER RAINA 20, SURESH CHANDRA SARANGI 16, TANDRA MISHRA 31, TAPAN ROY 29, ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIĆ 39 ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

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