THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDOAcademic Enrichment Center Peer Leader Training ManualAcademic Enrichment Center • Mulford Library 506/507 • Mail Stop 1046 • 3025 Library Circle • University of Toledo HealthScience Campus • Toledo, Ohio 43614 • 419.383.4274 Phone • 419.383.3150 Fax • •
Table of Contents Table of Contents....................................................................................................2 The University of Toledo Mission & Vision..........................................................4 Mission Statement ..................................................................................................4 Vision Statement.....................................................................................................5 Academic Enrichment Center Mission...................................................................5 Mission Statement ..................................................................................................5 Contact Information................................................................................................5 Services Provided ...................................................................................................6 Overview of services ..............................................................................................6 Who are Peer Leaders? ...........................................................................................6 What courses offer review sessions?......................................................................6 Group Review.........................................................................................................6 In-Person.................................................................................................................6 Online .....................................................................................................................7 Individual Tutoring.................................................................................................7 Academic Coaching................................................................................................7 Effective Peer Leaders............................................................................................8 Characteristics of an Effective Peer Leader ...........................................................8 Expectations............................................................................................................9 Procedures.............................................................................................................10 Conducting a Review Session ..............................................................................10 Conducting a Review Session- In-Person ........................................................... 11 Conducting a Review Session - Online................................................................15 2
Policies..................................................................................................................20 Academic Standing...............................................................................................20 Room Reservations...............................................................................................20 Communication ....................................................................................................20 Attendance ............................................................................................................20 Peer Leader Ethics/FERPA ..................................................................................20 Accurate Record-Keeping ....................................................................................21 Face to Face Classroom Sessions Utilizing Tutor Trac .......................................21 Web-based Sessions .............................................................................................21 Payroll...................................................................................................................21 Dress Code............................................................................................................22 Professionalism.....................................................................................................22 Evaluation .............................................................................................................22Appendix....................................................................................................................................... 23 Confidentiality Agreement for FERPA................................................................23 Strategies for Learning Styles/ Addressing Different Learning Styles ................24 Evaluation Rubric .................................................................................................25 Online Evaluation Rubric .....................................................................................26 Tutor Trac Directions ...........................................................................................27 Electronic Time-Cards..........................................................................................30Acknowledgement of Academic Enrichment Center Training Manual ....................................... 35 3
The University of Toledo Mission & VisionMission StatementThe mission of The University of Toledo is to improve the human condition; to advanceknowledge through excellence in learning, discovery and engagement; and to serve as a diverse,student-centered public metropolitan research university.The core values are: I. Compassion, Professionalism and Respect: Treat every individual with kindness, dignity and care; consider the thoughts and ideas of others inside and outside of the University with a strong commitment to exemplary personal and institutional altruism, accountability, integrity and honor; II. Discovery, Learning and Communication: Vigorously pursue and widely share new knowledge; expand the understanding of existing knowledge; develop the knowledge, skills and competencies of students, faculty, staff and the community while promoting a culture of lifelong learning;III. Diversity, Integrity and Teamwork: Create an environment that values and fosters diversity; earn the trust and commitment of colleagues and the communities served; provide a collaborative and supportive work environment, based upon stewardship and advocacy, that adheres to the highest ethical standard;IV. Engagement, Outreach and Service: Provide services that meet students' and regional needs and where possible exceed expectations; be a global resource and the partner of choice for education, individual development and health care, as well as a center of excellence for cultural, athletic and other events; V. Excellence, Focus and Innovation: Strive, individually and collectively, to achieve the highest level of focus, quality and pride in all endeavors; continuously improve operations; engage in reflective planning and innovative risk-taking in an environment of academic freedom and responsibility; andVI. Wellness, Healing and Safety: Promote the physical and mental well-being and safety of others, including students, faculty and staff; provide the highest levels of health promotion, disease prevention, treatment and healing possible for those in need within the community and around the world. 4
Vision StatementThe University of Toledo is a transformative force for the world. As such, the University willbecome a thriving student-centered, community-engaged, comprehensive research universityknown for its strong liberal arts core and multiple nationally ranked professional colleges, anddistinguished by exceptional strength in science and technology. Academic Enrichment Center MissionMission StatementThe mission of the Academic Enrichment Center (AEC) is to provide academic support servicesfor students in the Health Science professional programs by facilitating student engagement andcollaboration, fostering self-directed learning, and providing resources which contribute tostudent academic success.Contact InformationJessica Faber, M.Ed.MLB 506, 418-383-4274Jessica.Faber@Utoledo.Edu 5
Services ProvidedOverview of servicesThe Academic Enrichment Center (AEC) provides planned, large and small group reviewsessions, targeted toward courses or subjects that are either traditionally difficult for students orthat may be enriched with further review. In addition to group review, the AEC also providesacademic coaching to improve study strategies, time management, and general adjustment to theuniversity as well as individual content tutoring upon request.The goal of the Academic Enrichment Center is to meet the needs of as many students aspossible through group review sessions, online recordings and academic coaching, by creating apositive learning environment and experience for students, increasing participation acrossdisciplines.Who are Peer Leaders?An ideal Peer Leader is an academically accomplished student who has recently taken a courseand earned a high final grade. A Peer Leader has demonstrated an elevated understanding of thecourse material, is organized and excellent in communicating with staff at the AcademicEnrichment Center, students and faculty. The student maintains professional and appropriateconduct during work hours, respects and adheres to the policies and procedures set by theAcademic Enrichment Center and serves as a role model to students.What courses offer review sessions?The Academic Enrichment Center programs target classes that are traditionally difficult forstudents or courses that may be enriched by further review. There may be weekly reviewsessions or exam review sessions for specific courses, which will be determined at the beginningof a semester, based upon student need.Group ReviewGroup review sessions are in place from the beginning of an academic semester/block. Thenumber of sessions/subjects can vary depending on specific issues related to the subject. Groupreview sessions are open to all students in the course, are attended on a voluntary basis, and arefree to all University of Toledo Students.In-PersonThe Academic Enrichment Center provides group review sessions in various locations acrosscampuses. Times and locations are chosen at the beginning of the term and will be determined 6
based on student and Peer Leader availability. Students may be asked to sign up for a sessiontime conducive to their schedule through Tutor Trac.OnlinePeer Leaders can offer review sessions remotely, dependent upon subject matter. Session timesare set by Peer Leaders in partnership with the Coordinator and Director through Black BoardCollaborate, a synchronous web conferencing system. There will be weekly review sessions aswell as exam review sessions. Students are not expected to sign up for the review sessions, butare asked to be punctual. All sessions will be recorded for future review.Individual TutoringIndividual tutoring occurs when a student and tutor are scheduled to meet at a predetermineddate and time to cover specific topics from one or more of the student's courses. The studentshould come prepared with questions and is expected to have examined the material on their ownin advance. This service is offered with permission from the AEC professional staff and isavailable for select courses, dependent upon tutor availability. Tutoring does not take the place ofclassroom instruction.Academic CoachingAcademic coaching prepares students with the tools necessary to accomplish their academicgoals based on their learning style. Some of the services provided are: assistance with theadjustment to graduate and professional level coursework, memory techniques, test takingstrategies, study organizers, note taking techniques, time management skills, and test anxietycoping tips.Review Sessions in the IISCAEC Peer leaders conduct 3-D Anatomy review sessions and Heart Sounds review for studentsduring their first and second year of medical school.USMLE Step 1 Prep SeriesSecond year students can attend workshops sponsored by the AEC conducted by peer leaders,faculty, and guest lecturers.Free Books, and Study AidesStudents can stop by the AEC and pick up books that have been donated by students. The AECalso provides highlighters to students. 7
Effective Peer LeadersTo be an effective Peer Leader, a person must possess certain qualities and characteristics thatexemplify what a model student should look like.Characteristics of an Effective Peer LeaderKnowledgeableA strong foundational knowledge of the course content is essential as well as the ability to drawconnections between new and existing information.OrganizedPreparation and organization are keys to a productive session. Students will vote with their feetand not return to a session that is disorganized and a tutor is unprepared.FlexiblePeer Leaders possess a willingness to provide ways to demonstrate difficult concepts in a varietyof ways, while considering all learning styles. Many times, this has to be done spontaneouslyupon questioning by the student.PatientIf the material comes too easily, it can be very frustrating to slow one's pace with a student whodoes not fully understand the concept. Likewise, there may be a tendency to give out answersand do the work to move things along, rather than facilitate the students own learning processand work.Friendly“A” for attitude. Excellent interpersonal communication skills and a pleasant demeanorcontribute to a positive learning environment. It is essential to maintain this attitude at all times.Peer Leaders are visibly comfortable in a review session, while working closely with studentsthey do not know.ReliablePeer Leaders are expected to hold review sessions as scheduled. They are asked to arrive early,use the allotted time given and follow the procedures as outlined in this manual. 8
ExpectationsA Peer Leader is a student, chosen to represent the Academic Enrichment Center and its beliefs.The chart below briefly touches on expectations for student employees.Do’s Don’tsBuild a rapport/relationship with students Use the AEC as a dating serviceEncourage Participation Give the students the answersProvide feedback Become impatient, frustratedSeek to understand participants’ needs/styles Begin a session without being preparedConnect small details to an overall picture LectureRefer to students by name Criticize the instructorTalk about your experience in the class Focus on one individual during group reviewUse the language of the course/instructor Ask Yes/No questionsAllow flexibility in your review session InterruptConnect with instructors/ use them as an ally Give in to irrelevant topicsEncourage higher levels of learning/thinking Play favoritesReinforce participation Be afraid to ask for help 9
ProceduresConducting a Review SessionA review session is a combination of what the Peer Leader knows and understands; theirexpertise in a subject area and how the leader will help someone else understand it. Thefollowing pages outline the specific steps to follow to have an effective review session. 10
Conducting a Review Session- In-Person 1. Materials 9. Enter 2. Climate &Attendance and Greetingnotes into Tutor Trac8. Closing 3. Record & Attendance7. Summarize 4. Getting Started 6. Student 5. Set Agenda & Participation & Review Understanding 11
Step 1: MaterialsStudents attending a group review session have an expectation that their leader is prepared andorganized. Peer Leaders are given an hour of planning time each week to review course workand create materials (handouts, power points, etc.) to be used for their assigned review sessions.Peer Leaders are expected to create challenging and thoughtful materials to engage students andencourage participation, by using a variety of learning strategies (See Appendix Pg. 24)Materials made by previous Peer Leaders are available on the Peer Leader Black Board site as anadditional resource. Peer Leaders may use these as a reference at any time; however, there areinstances where course material has changed due to new faculty assignments.Step 2: Climate & GreetingPeer Leaders are expected to arrive 5-10 minutes before the start of a group review. Prior to thesession officially beginning, display the subject and your name for students to clearly see. Byhaving something written on the white board, students can feel reassured they are in the “rightplace.As students enter the room, greet them by saying hello and try to use their name.Step 3: AttendancePeer Leaders are expected to keep accurate information on each review session. We ask that yourecord the UTAD of every attendee that participates in the review sessions and provide notesdetailing the review topic. An AEC staff member will monitor attendance and detailed notes, andmay make suggestions if necessary.Step 4: Getting StartedSet the rules and tone of your session immediately. Some Peer Leaders prefer students to waituntil a natural break to ask questions, but others may want to address questions immediately. If astudent enters late, greet them, ask for their UTAD, record it, and continue on.*Tip* Be aware of your voice and body language... You should never use a tone of voice thatcould be interpreted as condescending. 12
Step 5: Set the Agenda & ReviewStudents like to know what material will be reviewed. A Peer Leader should already have a planin place for their review session, and should communicate the plan with the students. Anexample of this would be, “Today we will first review last week’s topic ______ and answer anyquestions you may still have. This week we will be going over the following: ___, ____, and____. Once we have made it through today’s agenda I can review any other material you havequestions on.” Just like a student in a regular classroom atmosphere, students attending groupreview sessions also like to know a timeline/agenda. Remember, there is flexibility with anagenda; the primary goal is to have a review session that caters to the students’ needs, which maybe different than what was originally planned.Step 6: Student Participation & UnderstandingIt is important that a Peer Leader not lecture, but rather produce review material, engaging thestudents to participate in their education. Peer Leader’s should be asking critical-thinkingquestions and challenging students to think independently. When asking a question, allow plentyof wait time for students to respond.Acknowledge the responses students are making with words of affirmation and encouragement.If a student asks a question, make sure to repeat the question aloud, not just answer it.If students are not participating, continue to wait and someone will. If the Peer Leader feels theyhave waited a long time, they can break the question down to a simpler one and build on it, callon a student and ask for someone to help them out, or provide the answer and remind studentsthey need to participate. In addition to calling on a student, try to rephrase a question or giveencouraging commentsStep 7: SummarizeOnce a Peer Leader has checked for understanding and has finished their planned material, it isimportant to summarize the session, checking for understanding. Summarizing key points allowsstudents to prioritize and categorize what was reviewed and recognize what may requireadditional attention.Step 8: ClosingAfter a Peer Leader summarizes the material presented, they should ask if there are any questionsor anything that needs to be reviewed again. Once the Peer Leader has answered questions, 13
double check with any late-comers and records their UTAD. Thank the students for coming andlet them know when the next review session will take place.Step 9: Document Attendance in Tutor Trac or EmailOnce the review session is complete, a Peer Leader will log into Tutor Trac and enter studentattendance, or email the AEC staff the attendance, date and time, planning date and time, and adetailed paragraph describing what was covered during the review session. (See Appendix Pg.27). 14
Conducting a Review Session - Online 1. Materials 10. Email AEC 2. Climate & Staff Member/ Greeting Upload Recording9. Closing 3. Technology Check8. Summarize 4. Record & Attendance 7. Student 5. Getting Participation & Started Understanding 6. Set Agenda & Review 15
Step 1: MaterialsStudents attending a group review session have an expectation that their leader is prepared andorganized. Peer Leaders are given an hour of planning time each week to review course workand create materials (handouts, power points, etc.) to be used for their assigned review sessions.Peer Leaders are expected to create challenging and thoughtful materials to engage students andencourage participation, by using a variety of learning strategies (See Appendix Pg. 24)Materials made by previous Peer Leaders are available on the Peer Leader Black Board site as anadditional resource. Peer Leaders may use these as a reference at any time; however, there areinstances where course material has changed due to new faculty assignments.Step 2: Climate & GreetingWhen a review session is conducted remotely through the internet, students initially feel slightlydetached from the learning. Online sessions can be intimidating, especially when a student is notfamiliar with the software or the program. It is important to help ease these fears by creating anenvironment that is welcoming.Peer Leaders are expected to be logged in 5-10 minutes before the start of a group review. Priorto the session officially beginning, display the subject, your name, the date/time the session willbegin and directions to write their UTAD in the chat box. By having something written on thewhite board, students can feel reassured they are in the “right place”. Make sure you are in aquiet, distraction-free space before you begin.As students enter the room, greet them by saying hello and try to use their name.Step 3: Technology CheckA technology check must be done each time a Peer Leader conducts a review session. Studentswill be entering Black Board Collaborate a few minutes early. While you are turning on yourmicrophone and webcam (optional), students can read the whiteboard and know they are in thecorrect place. It is important that each and every student can hear you. Check with them, eitherindividually or as a group, if they are able to hear, and ask them to type yes or no in the chat boxor use an emoticon. While conducting a sound check make sure to type “Can you hear me?” inthe chat box, so if someone can’t hear your question they can respond. In some cases, studentscan hear, but very faintly, so they may request that you turn up your microphone. 16
Step 4: Record and AttendanceIt is crucial for the Academic Enrichment Center to keep accurate attendance for long-term datatracking. As students are typing their UTAD information into the chat box, it is critical for thePeer Leader to write it down accurately. If a student comes in late, the Peer Leader is expected todocument them as well.In addition to attendance, every online review session should be recorded for students toreference at a later date, especially if they had a prior commitment during the scheduled time.Before conducting the review session, make sure you are recording. If you find one student whoattends regularly, ask them to remind you to recordIf a Peer Leader forgets to record a review session, they are asked to record one on their owntime for submission so all students are provided with the same opportunity to review the materialpresented.Step 5: Getting StartedOnce the Peer Leader has hit record, documented attendance, and has done a technology check, itis finally time to start the review session. To begin, introduce yourself, the course/subject and thetopic. Remind students that you are working from home and have freed yourself from alldistractions, but sometimes unintentional interruptions may happen. Thank the students inadvance for their understanding and patience for any mishap that may occur.Remind students that you are recording the session so they can review it for their convenience ata later time and date. Set the rules and tone of your session immediately. Some Peer Leadersprefer students to wait until a natural break to ask questions, but others may want to addressquestions immediately.If a student enters late, greet them, ask for their UTAD, record it, and continue on. If a latestudent asks you to “go back and review previous material” or to “start over”, refer them to therecording and the session starting time. It is not in the other students’ best interest to start over. APeer Leader may volunteer to stay once the session is complete and answer any questions thetardy student may have, but it is not required.*Tip* be aware of your voice. Without a student seeing your body language, they rely on thefriendly tone of your voice. At no time should you use a tone of voice that could be interpreted as 17
condescending. Without facial expressions they may have difficulty recognizing harmlesscomments.Step 6: Set the Agenda & ReviewStudents like to know what material will be reviewed. A Peer Leader should already have a planin place for their review session, and should communicate the plan with the students. Anexample of this would be, “Today we will first review last week’s topic ______ and answer anyquestions you may still have. This week we will be going over the following: ___, ____, and____. Once we have made it through today’s agenda I can review any other material you havequestions on.” Just like a student in a regular classroom atmosphere, online students also like toknow a timeline/agenda. Remember, there is flexibility with an agenda; the primary goal is tohave a review session that caters to the students’ needs, which may be different than what youoriginally had planned.Step 7: Student Participation & UnderstandingIt is important that a Peer Leader not lecture, but rather produce review material, engaging thestudents to participate in their education. Peer Leader’s should be asking critical-thinkingquestions and challenging students to think independently. When asking a question, allow plentyof wait time for students to respond.Acknowledge the responses students are making with words of affirmation and encouragement.If a student asks a question, make sure to repeat the question aloud, not just answer it. If severalstudents have questions and a Peer Leader answers them as they read them, the students may notbe able to follow along and know what the leader is answering.If students are not participating, continue to wait and someone will. If the Peer Leader feels theyhave waited a long time, they can call on a student, ask for someone to help them out, or providethe answer and remind students they need to participate. In addition to calling on a student, try torephrase a question or give encouraging comments.Step 8: SummarizeOnce a Peer Leader has checked for understanding and has finished their planned material, it isimportant to summarize the session, checking for understanding. Summarizing key points allows 18
students to prioritize and categorize what was reviewed and recognize what may requireadditional attention.Step 9: ClosingAfter a Peer Leader summarizes the material presented, they should ask if there are any questionsor anything that needs to be reviewed again. Once the Peer Leader has answered questions,double check attendance, especially for students who were tardy, and remind students therecording will be posted on Black Board immediately following the session. Thank the studentsfor coming and let them know when the next review session will take place. It is important thatstudents recognize when a session is over, so they know when they can “leave” without worryingthey missed something.Step 10: Email AEC Staff Member/Upload RecordingOnce the review session is complete, a Peer Leader will email the AEC staff member thefollowing: a list of UTAD’s for attendance, date and time, planning date and time, and a detailedparagraph describing what was covered during the review session. This email is to be sentimmediately following the review session, not the following day. In addition to emailing theattendance list, the Peer Leader will upload the recording to the designated recording area inBlack Board for immediate review. 19
PoliciesAcademic StandingPeer Leaders need to remain in good academic standing throughout their employment. TheAcademic Enrichment Center employs students who have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better, withno individual grade less than a C. A failing grade in any subject will results in termination.Room ReservationsWhen facilitating a group review session, Peer Leaders are required to reserve a room inadvance. Room requests must be made via email to the Academic Enrichment Staff member 48hours in advance of the session. Study rooms in Mulford are available for small groups and donot require advanced reservation.CommunicationCommunication with the Academic Enrichment Center is critical throughout the time you areemployed by the Academic Enrichment Center. Peer Leaders are expected to check their emailregularly (at least daily), and if communicating with a student, copy an AEC staff member toeach email.AttendancePeer Leaders are expected to arrive at least 5-10 minutes prior to their working hours. Arrivingon time models expected behavior for the students who are attending the review session. In theevent that a Peer Leader cannot facilitate a group session, they must call their designated AECstaff member at least 24 hours in advance to inform them of absence. The need to prepare for anexam is not a valid excuse to be absent or unwilling to work. Missing two group sessions in asemester may result in termination.Peer Leader Ethics/FERPAAs an employee of the Academic Enrichment Center at UTHSC, you may have access toconfidential information such as grades, student records, test results, student progress in class,and similar data. You may also have verbal or written communication with the Coordinator ofStudent Tutoring Programs, Director of AEC, and/or class instructors concerning a student. PeerLeaders are required to sign a confidentiality agreement during orientation, acknowledging thatall communications must remain confidential, according to FERPA regulations. (See appendixPg. 23) 20
Accurate Record-KeepingPeer Leaders are expected to keep accurate information on each review session. Following trendsand tracking data for participation, courses, affective time, and subject matter are extremelyimportant to the growth of the Academic Enrichment Center. Therefore, we ask that you recordthe UTAD of every attendee that participates in the review sessions and provide notes detailingthe review topic. An AEC staff member will monitor attendance and detailed notes, and maymake suggestions if necessary.In addition to accurately recording attendees, the AEC is expanding the resources available tostudents. Any materials created for review should be emailed to your designated AEC staffmember for future use and reference.Face to Face Classroom Sessions utilizing Tutor TracPeer Leaders should document each student by requesting their UTAD username, not theirRocket Number. In some cases, an AEC staff member will check in students during your session.If students are tardy and the AEC staff member was unable to record their information, the leaderis expected to document the UTAD and email their designated staff member.Peer Leaders must also include their planning notes for each session. If you are assigned to acourse where Tutor Trac is used, leaders are expected to document their work-planning time aswell as notes on what they will cover (see appendix pg. 21). In addition, if the leader is recordingattendance through Tutor Trac, it must be done so immediately after a group review session.Web-based SessionsPeer Leaders who are conducting online sessions will send an email to their designated AECstaff member following the review, including attendees with UTAD usernames, the date andtime of the session, planning date and time, as well as notes detailing what was reviewed.PayrollAEC Peer Leaders are responsible for submitting their electronic timesheets on time andaccurately. (See Appendix Pg. 31) Time Sheets are expected by Thursday at 5pm of the payperiod week. A payroll schedule will be provided during training.Students who do not submit their timecards within the pay period forfeit their hours withinthat pay period. Late payroll submissions will not be accepted. 21
Dress CodePeer Leaders are expected to dress in business casual clothing. Peer Leaders representthemselves, the Academic Enrichment Center and the University when conducting a reviewsession, which means dressing appropriately. Clothing that works well for the beach, yard work,dance clubs, exercise sessions, and sports contests may not be appropriate for a professionalappearance at work. Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, your back, your chest, your feet,your stomach or your underwear is also not appropriate. If you have to ask yourself, “Is thisappropriate?” then don’t wear it.ProfessionalismPeer Leaders are to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Group review sessions are notthe place to meet your future significant other.EvaluationPeer Leaders will be evaluated in each course they are assigned to lead. An AEC staff memberwill observe 1-2 times per course throughout the year, using an evaluation rubric as a guide.Following the evaluation, Peer Leaders will meet with the staff member to review theirperformance. (See Appendix Pg. 25 & 26)Other EmploymentThe Academic Enrichment Center supports students desire to be involved in campus activities,including employment, within the student’s degree program (for example Graduate Assistants).Personal TutoringPeer Leaders are often approached about by students regarding individual tutoring. If you areapproached by a student all communication must be copied to a staff member for furtherdiscussion. Students interested in individualized tutoring must go through the AcademicEnrichment Center before receiving personal help. If a Peer Leader chooses to tutor an individualfor pay, not associated Academic Enrichment Center, the Peer Leader must resign as an AECemployee. 22
AppendixConfidentiality Agreement for FERPA TUTOR CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTAs an employee of the Academic Enrichment Center at UTHSC, you may have access toconfidential information such as grades, student records, test results, student progress in class,and similar data. You may also have verbal or written communication with the Coordinator ofStudent Tutoring Programs, Director of AEC, and/or class instructors. All of the communicationsmust remain confidential, according to FERPA regulations.To accept employment with the Academic Enrichment Center is to accept the responsibility topreserve the confidentiality of this privileged information. Failure to adhere to these guidelinesmay result in termination of employment.If, however, a student confides to you that he/she plans to commit harm to him/herself or anotherperson, it is your responsibility to notify authorities.I have read the above confidentiality agreement and the FERPA brochure provided to me. Iunderstand and accept the responsibility to preserve the confidentiality of privilegedinformation._____________________________________________________Tutor Name (printed) Date______________________________________________________Tutor Signature 23
Strategies for Learning Styles/ Addressing Different Learning StylesWhat is a learning style? A simple answer is how a student learns. Every individual has a way toprocess, understand and retain information. Each person is unique, but understanding differentlearning styles can help a Peer Leader become more effective in their delivery.Visual LearnersA visual learner processes information, concepts and ideas by associating it with images. Visuallearners generally like to see written word, diagrams, charts and pictures. • Some strategies for leading visual learners are: • Ecouraging students to take notes during a session, • Draw pictures or label various images, • Have written material displayed, or • Make flash cardsKinesthetic LearnersKinesthetic learners prefer to touch or to move their bodies, actively participating throughmovement in any way possible. Kinesthetic learners like to participate by physically writingwords or manipulating an object.Some strategies to use for leading kinesthetic learners are: • Provide students the opportunity to write on a whiteboard o (online or face to face), students can manipulate a mouse to point at a diagram or if you are face to face, • Manipulate the object • Allow for breaksAuditory LearnersStudents who are auditory learners process information by listening and speaking. A Peer Leadershould speak clear and concise during a review session for these individuals. • Strategies that one can use for auditory learners are: • Read aloud questions rather than having students read silently • Encourage audiotapes, • Students can share information with one another in small segments of time 24
Evaluation RubricAcademic Enrichment CenterTutor Observation FeedbackTutorProgramSubject# Students presentInteraction with students:Teaching/Learning StrategiesPreparation/OrganizationOverall Comments:Name Signature Title Date 25
Online Evaluation Rubric Academic Enrichment Center Tutor Observation FeedbackTutorProgramSubject# Students presentDateE = Exemplary S= Satisfactory N= Needs ImprovementPlease see Peer Leader Manual for a detailed description of each category. Evaluation Comments 1. Materials 2. Climate & Greeting 3. Technology Check 4. Record & Attendance 5. Getting Started 6. Set Agenda & Review 7. Student Participation & Understanding 8. Summarize 9. Closing 10. Email AEC StaffMember & PostRecordingName Signature Title Date 26
Tutor Trac Directions Pre-registered Sessions MARKING STUDENT ATTENDED Go to your schedule in Tutor Trac, click on the blue triangle to open up the student listing.1. Click on blue triangle 2. Click in the box next to to open up student the student name. names 27
PREPARING WORK-PLANNING NOTES1. After logging into Tutor Trac, Click Quick Visit2. Enter your name or ID3. Click on the date and enter the correct date you planned for the session4. Select a 1 hour block (Time IN- Time OUT)5. Subject= Other AEC office Use6. Consultant= Select your name from the list of consultants7. Center= AEC8. Reason = Work Planning9. Write a descriptive explanation of what you planned for the session and how the session went10. Click SAVE. 28
Scheduling Sessions in TutorTrac 1. Click on the “schedule” link. 2. The following screen appears: Scroll to the day and Drag the Cursor to select the time.Use the Image below to enter the correct settings: 29
Electronic Time-Cards Web Time Entry for Students through MyUT PortalTime Sheets must be submitted for approval by the Thursday before the end of thePay period.*Holidays could cause this deadline to be moved up.*1) Employee Tab >Pay Detail & Balances2) Select Time Sheet3) Student will see Title and Department for each position they have.Select the position under My Choice and Click Time Sheet. 31
4) Click Enter Hours under the day worked. 32
5) Put Time In and Out -> Click Save. Time must be entered in hours and minutesseparated by a colon. Time must be in 15 minute increments. For example, 10:00,10:15, 10:30, 10:45. Click Next Day to enter more time or return to Timesheet.Click Time Sheet to return to Time Sheet. Click Copy to enter the same hours formore than one day. 33
6) Time Sheet populates with total hours for day entered. Click Next to displaynext week. Click Comments if needed. Click Preview to see the entire pay periodat one time. The Restart button will erase everything entered so far to give youblank Time Sheet.Once your times are accurate, Click Submit for Approval.*Note: Time Sheets can only be submitted once. Once the Time Sheet has beensubmitted, changes can no longer be made. If changes are needed after submission,please contact your supervisor. * 34
Acknowledgement of Academic Enrichment Center Training ManualThe Peer Leader Training Manual contains important information about the AcademicEnrichment Center, and I understand that I should consult the Director or Coordinator regardingany questions not answered in the handbook. I have entered into my employment relationshipwith the Academic Enrichment Center voluntarily, and either the AEC or I can terminate therelationship at will, at any time, with or without cause, and with or without advance notice.Since the information, policies, and benefits described herein are subject to change at any time, Iacknowledge that revisions to the handbook may occur, except to the AEC’s policy ofemployment-at-will. All such changes will generally be communicated through official notices,and I understand that revised information may supersede, modify, or eliminate existing policies.Furthermore, I understand that this handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legally-binding agreement. I have had an opportunity to read the handbook, and I understand that I mayask my supervisor any questions I might have concerning the handbook. I accept the terms of thehandbook. I also understand that it is my responsibility to comply with the policies contained inthis handbook, and any revisions made to it.I have received a copy of the Academic Enrichment Center Peer Leader Training Manual on thedate listed below. I understand that I am expected to read the entire handbook. Additionally, Iwill sign the two copies of this Acknowledgment of Receipt, retain one copy for myself, andreturn one copy to the AEC’s representative listed below on the date specified. I understand thatthis form will be retained in my personnel file.__________________________________ __________________Signature of Employee Date__________________________________Employee's Name - Printed__________________________________ __________________Company Representative Date 35
Revised June 2016 36
Read the Text Version
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