Fortnightly NewsletterInternational School for Jain Studies(A Division of Amar Prerana Trust)Vol#05 | Issue#01 | No.02 | January 2022SELF STUDY IS THE SUPREME AUSTERITYO O LHFCOSRLJAANINOISTTAUNDRIEETSNIAn opportunity awaiting to be realisedDo you want to delve into an ancient Indian religious tradition, known as Jainism and experience how age old values like self-effort (shram), Self-restraint (sanyam), Nonviolence (Ahimsa), Pluralism (Anekant) and Non-possession or sharing (Aprigraha) can help you address most of the glaring problems of our life and environment today. Academic studies of Jainism is now offered in over forty different universities of North America and Europe, besides a growing number in India after ISJS started its experiential learning residential summer programs on Jainism in 2005. Please do browse through this newsletter and choose the one program that suits your inquisitiveness best.For the inquisitiveness (new or experienced), please do join us in our summer 2022 offerings. All these programs do carry facility of transfer of credits to your home university anywhere in the world.President, ISJSAkkana Basadi, Sharvanabelagola, Karnataka
Among the world's major religions founded on the core spiritual principles of non-violence (ahimsa), truth (sat), strenuous effort (shram) and righteous conduct, Jainism has a very long history of being the splendid living tradition, well-defined worldview, philosophy and code of conduct. Jainism stands for brotherhood and unity among all beings without distinction of colour, creed and an equal stance for existence (parasparopagraho jivanam). Tolerance and reconciliation (samanvaya) in all forms of behaviour starting with mental propositions (anekant) is the most characteristic feature of Jainism. It is not only a static philosophical system, but an evolutionary way of life that is always relevant for the welfare of mankind. International School for Jain Studies (ISJS) was founded in 2005 with an earnest objective of propagating and promoting these aspects of Jainism globally through imparting knowledge to the scholars and researchers coming from the institutions of repute from all over the world. Summer schools organized by ISJS for the three different levels of scholars for the last 17 years have earned name and fame in the arena of scholars in India and abroad. In addition to this, several workshops, seminars, research publications, research projects, an online quarterly research journal and a PG Diploma Prakrit study program have been undertaken. Since 2018, a 10-day winter program has also become its annual feature. Through this page, I intend to keep you informed about the ISJS activities in promoting Jain studies and the way you can participate in enhancing your own wellness and the world at large. Shrinetra Pandey, PhD1FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK
International School for Jain Studies (ISJS) offers an excellent proposal for overseas university students, staff and researchers as well as high school teachers to visit India in Summer 2022 and learn the doctrine of ahimsa (nonviolence) and Jainism and their relevance in today's lifestyle. These are the most popular annual programs of ISJS since its inception:: This three-week program is designed to cater to the needs of undergraduate, graduate, degree holders, PhD candidates, professors, and faculty in Religion, Philosophy, South Asian Studies, Anthropology and other related subjects who desire to learn about Jainism as a part of their higher education.: This five-week advanced program is designed for serious and motivated graduate and PhD students, post-doctoral scholars and full-time teaching-cum-research faculty members involved in the study of Religion, South Asian Religions, languages, Anthropology, Theology and allied subjects.: This program is designed for high school teachers & educators who wish to integrate practical nonviolence into their lives, classrooms and schools.for details of 3W & 5W programfor details of TFP programPlease note that this year the program will be conducted physically.Visit for the application process.Kindly promote these programs and enhance interest in academic studies of Jainism globally.]]]Apply before February 28, 2022 to get 5% concession for all the courses. Special financial assistance is also available only for the 5W program. Please visit to apply online.ISSJS.2022-3W (June 16 – July 06, 2022 at Delhi & Pune)ISSJS.2022-5W (June 16 – July 20, 2022 at Delhi & Pune)ISSJS.2022-Teaching for Peace (July 11 – July 31, 2022 at Delhi, Jaipur, Jalgaon and Pune)Click hereClick herewww.isjs.inwww.isjs.inExcellent Opportunities to Acquire Experiential Knowledge of Jainism in Summer 2022NEW EDUCATION PROGRAMS OPEN FOR REGISTRATION2
ISJS invites applications from interested rdscholars for the 3 Bhagwan Mahavira Fellowship to study Prakrit (a language of Jain canonical literature) in India for 2022-23.The fellowship provides the boarding, lodging, study material and local travel expenses in India.Bhagwan Mahavira Prakrit Fellowship Program in India3rd3 Bhagwan Mahavira Prakrit FellowshipStudy Program In India2022-23This is an excellent opportunity to Post-doctoral research fellows/Doctoral Candidates/ Post-graduate students in Philosophy/History/Indology/Languages/Linguistics/ Religious Studies. Professors on research leave will also be considered. to see the announcement.Click hereIWSJS.2021-Online Winter ProgramRECENT PROGRAM COMPLETEDISJS completed its fourth 10-day international winter school on Jainism on January 6, 2022. This program was conducted online. Twenty-six (26) participants from different parts of the world attended this program. A certificate of completion was presented to the participants in the valedictory session of the program.During these 10 days, the participants studied the basics of Jainism, philosophy, culture, history, Jain community, Yoga, values, dietary practices, etc. ISJS received tremendously positive feedback from the participants.Some feedbacks by participants:“The course was far above my expectations. I had the opportunity to learn different aspects of a fascinating religion that I had only studied in passing. The lectures also gave me a lot to think about my attitude to life and reminded me of principles that had guided me in different phases of my existence but were dormant during the last professionally very demanding years. Thank you, the organizers and your team for this wonderful opportunity. I also appreciated very much being brought together with many intelligent minds from different parts of the world.”~Prof. Frank Usarski, Brazil
“Sincere thanks to the organisers and IWSJS team which kindly offered and set up this precious opportunity to teach me every individual aspect of Jain tradition in past and now. I do wish to meet with you and attend more advanced lectures of Jainism in future.”~Mr. Xiaoqiang Meng, Netherlands“The ISJS Winter program is truly a unique experience. The staff leading the program were personable, which makes the whole thing less intimidating. Questions could be asked freely without the feeling of any judgment. The speakers always seemed interested in answering questions. The overall environment of the ISJS sessions I have been to has always been welcoming in terms of ideas for discussion and of new or old students for learning. The classes provided by ISJS have continuously felt like the known microcosm of the much larger picture of the universe of Jainism…”~Mr. Scott Krause, USA4For the last two months, the participants were studying under the able guidance of Prof. Jagat Ram Bhattacharyya at Shantiniketan, West Bengal. Prof. Bhattacharya taught the third chapter and portions of the fourth chapter from the text and auto-commentary of Siddha-hema-shabdanushasan by Acharya Hemachandra. Other than the text, he used passages from Acharanga and Abhigyan Shakuntalam to explain the practical usage of various Prakrits.Bhagwan Mahavira Prakrit FellowshipCURRENT PROGRAMSndThe 2 Bhagwan Mahavira Prakrit Study Program for nine months (September 01, 2021 - May 31, 2022) has completed five months successfully. The three selected fellows – Anthony Ruda from the USA, Trisha from Delhi and Pragya Jain from ISJS continue their study at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad under the guidance of Prof. Dinanath Sharma from February 01, 2022.
International Symposium on Dating Mahaviraswamy's NirvanUPCOMING SEMINAR OR PROJECTSAn excellent opportunity for reputed scholars of history of Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Indian history (particularly Eastern India and Bihar) to submit their scholarly papers for an international symposium on “Dating Mahaviraswamy's Nirvana” to be held in June 2022 at Navalveerayatan, Pune.Please select a topic for your research paper and submit your abstracts and papers in English or any Indian language.Last date for submission of abstracts is January 31, 2022. For details Click here5RESEARCH & PUBLICATIONCall for Papers ISJS invites research papers for its upcoming issues of ISJS-Transactions. The journal is open for scholars/researchers/faculty members for their research papers on various aspects of Jainology, viz. philosophy, philology, culture, religion, history, archaeology, art & architecture, science, and many more. Research papers can be sent to or .before sending the abstract and research paper acrossFor previous issues [email protected] guidelinesClick here
Book Review in ISJS-Transactions (Online Research Journal)ISJS invites newly published books on Jainism for review. The book should not have been published before 2020. Authors/Editors/Publishers are requested to send two copies of the book (one for the reviewer and another for ISJS library). Only one book along with the review article on that can also be sent:The books can be sent to:The Editor,ISJS-TransactionsC/o International School for Jain StudiesFirodia Hostel, 844, BMCC RoadShivaji Nagar, Pune-411004 (MH)NEWS FROM INDIAPadma Shri Award to Acharya Shri ChandanajiOn the eve of Republic Day, the Government of India has announced to give the Padma Shri to Acharya Chandanaji for the year 2022. Acharya Chandanaji has been selected for the award in the category of social work.Acharya Chandanaji was born in Maharashtra in a Kataria Bhil family, but she has spent a major part of her life in Bihar. Based on the principles of Jainism, she founded Veerayatan at Rajgir in 1973. She became the first Jain women to receive the title of 'Acharya'. to know more about her.Click here6Certificate Course in Jain Art and ArchaeologyParle Tilak Vidyalaya Association's Sathaye College (autonomous), Mumbai offers a certificate course “Introduction to Jain Art and Archaeology”. The course will start from February 05, 2022 and will be conducted every Saturday from 05:00 PM to 08:00 PM. to see the brochure.Click here
NEWS FROM ABROADOnline MA in South Asian Languages and CulturesGhent University offers a two-year master's degree program in South Asian Languages and Cultures: “Oriental Languages and Cultures – India”. The program draws on the expertise of faculty and researchers from the “South Asia Network Ghent Research Group.” to see the brochureA Zoom information session about this program will be held on Friday, February 04th, 2022 at 07:30 PM (IST), 09:00 AM (EST) & 03:00 PM (CET). to register yourself for this session.Click hereClick hereBhagwan Padma Prabhu Endowed Professorship in Jain StudiesThe Department of Religious Studies at the University of South Florida seeks to fill a nine-month, full-time open rank position with expertise in Jain studies at the main campus starting as early as August 08, 2022.For the Bhagwan Padma Prabhu Endowed Professorship in Jain Studies, the area of specialization, theoretical and methodological approach, historical period, cultural framework, and geographical locus is open, with a preference for specialization in contemporary global issues. Click here for details.Foundation Course on Science and Jain PhilosophyFlorida International University, Miami (USA) in collaboration with Bhagawan Mahavira International Research Center, Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, Ladnun (India) has started a foundational course on science and Jain philosophy from January 30 to April 30, 2022.This course is aimed specially to prepare the college students and professionals for the scientific study of Jainism. The course is designed for all who are interested in spirituality, religion, philosophy, science, medicine, meditation, and international studies. This course is focused on all the fundamental principles and practices of Jainism in the light of science. for detailsClick here7
8ISJS PUBLICATIONSØJainism Before 650 BCE (2022)ØSallekhanā: The Jain Approach to Dignified Death (2020)ØJain Community of Bundelkhand (2020)ØGandhi & Jainism (2019)ØPopulation of Jains in India (2017)ØJainism (For Young Inquisitive) (2017)ØSocial Consciousness in Jainism (2014)ØJains in India and Abroad (2011)ØJainism, Key to Reality (2011)Upcoming PublicationsØDeterminism in Śramanic TraditionsØJain Business Engagement and Ethics
International School for Jain Studies(A Division of Amar Prerana Trust)C/o Firodia Hostel, 844, BMCC RoadShivaji Nagar, Pune-411 004 (MH)E-mail: | Web: [email protected] STUDY IS THE SUPREME AUSTERITYO O LHFCOSRLJAANINOISTTAUNDRIEETSNIClick hereto subscribe NewsletterClick herefor Previous Issues2022 Summer Programs on JainismFor undergraduates, graduates, PhD candidates and faculty members3-week & 5-week residential program in IndiaFor more detailsVisit www.isjs.inTEACHING FOR PEACEAn Experiential Learning for NonviolenceA 3-week residential program in Indiafor K-12 teachers, consultants and educatorsFor more detailsvisit www.isjs.inOPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY THE SUMMER OF 2022 AT THE PICTURESQUE, SEREN MEDITATION CUM TRAINING RETREAT NEAR PUNE AND LEARN NON VIOLENCE & JAINISM AS WELL
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