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2017 Spring Celebration Weekend CELEBRATIONCommittee & ChairsFirst name Last name First name Last nameFirst name Last name First name Last nameFirst name Last name First name Last nameFirst name Last name First name Last nameFirst name Last name First name Last name2 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Title First name Last name Title First name Last name Title First name Last name Title First name Last name Title First name Last name1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 3
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend Senior Staff Letters..... text here Staff Member Name4 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Senior Staff Letters..... text hereStaff Member Name 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 5
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend Senior Staff Letters..... text here Staff Member Name6 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Senior Staff Letters..... text hereStaff Member Name 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 7
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend Senior Staff Letters..... text here Staff Member Name8 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 20171 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 9
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend Congratulations!Congratulatory Letters..... scanned letter10 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Congratulations!Congratulatory Letters..... scanned letter 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 1 1
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend12 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
170 YEARS OF HISTORYKeneseth Israel
2017 Spring Celebration WeekendHistory Text here......14 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017History Text here......1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 1 5
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend16 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 HONORING KI’S \"Century Club\"1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 1 7
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend \"Century Club\" HONOREES CAROL MONHEIT SCHWARTZCarol Monheit Schwartz and her family (brothers David and Alan Monheit,sister Nancy Monheit Morris and daughter Julie Schwartz Ginsberg) have thelongest possible family affiliation with KI, dating back to Carol’s great-great-greatgrandparents Julius and Henrietta Adler Stern. Julius Stern was the first to signthe KI mem-bership petition in 1847, and is considered the founder of KI. Juliusserved as KI’s first President and then served two additional terms. All subsequentgenerations were married at KI as follows: Carol’s great-great-grandparents Henryand Rosa Stern Bamberger (1866), great-grandparents Arthur Julian and FlorenceMyers Bamberger (1898), grandparents Albert and Lillian Monheit (1916) and herparents Richard and Jane Goodman Monheit (1943). Carol and Alan Jay Schwartzwere married in ??? at ??? MORE To COME - It has been an im-pressive history ofdevotion to KI over its 170 years. EDITH WOLFSONEdith Wolfson and her family’s connection to KI dates back to our congregation’svery beginning. Gustov Lazarus Waldauer, the great grandfather of Edith’s latehusband Harold, was one of the original 52 founders of KI in 1847. Edith and HaroldWolfson were among the first KI couples after the war to be married in 1946 at KIwhen it was on Broad Street and Columbia Avenue. Rabbi Fineshriber officiated atthat ceremony. The Wolfsons’ two sons Randy and Brian became a B’nai Mitzvah atKI and were also confirmed there also. Edith remembers attending KI High Holyservices at a church on 22nd and Chestnut Street after the congregation moved toElkins Park.18 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 RACHEL TAYLOR BROWNRachel Taylor Brown has enjoyed decades of family connections to KI. Rachel’sgreat-great-great-grandfather on her mother’s side, Moses Simon, marriedFanny Straus in 1850. The couple moved to Tennessee where Ra-chel’s great-great grandfather Marcus Simon and a sister were born. The family returned toPhiladelphia in the mid-1850s and had four more children. Moses was an active KImember in the late 1800s; his daughter Olga was married at KI in 1894. Rachel’sparents, Richard and Joanne Taylor Brown, were married at KI, and Rachel(confirmed in 1997) was raised there also. She remembers her baby naming at agethree. She is excited to raise her daughter in the same warm place where that hasbeen so meaningful to her. ADAM AND ELENA MARGOLIS GUTHAdam and Elena Margolis Guth have had a long connection to KI. Adam’s great-great-great grandfather Aa-ron Mayer joined KI in 1852 and registered his childrenEva (Adam’s great-great grandmother) and Joseph in the KI religious school in1881 and 1877, respectively. Eva married Solomon Kraus and had two children Ednaand Gilbert. Edna married Albert M. Greenfield (Adam’s great grandparents), andEdna, her brother Gilbert and his wife Eleanor led a successful rescue of 50 Jewishchildren from Vienna. Albert and Edna’s daughter Elizabeth married LeonardZeidman (Adam’s grandparents) in 1943, and in 1959 their daughter Janet andBer-nard Guth (Adam’s parents) were married at KI. The legacy of this long-standing family continues. 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 1 9
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend JACK AND LAURIE MYERSJack Myers and Laurie (nee Farber) Myers have found their family’s earliestancestral records relating to KI date back to 1861, with the marriage of HenriettaMyers to Samuel E. Massman by KI’s Rabbi David Einhorn. This was the firstrecorded marriage in Philadelphia for Rabbi Einhorn. (Henrietta was the sister ofSolomon Myers, Jack’s great grandfather.) In all, Solomon and five siblings were KImembers. Each generation that followed is included in KI marriage, Confirmationand activity records. Through his father’s descendancy from the Fleisher and Kohnfamilies and his mother’s Simon and Armon lineage, Jack is related to several otherCentury Club members. DOLPH SIMONSIN MEMORIUM: Dolph Simons, a lifelong member and generous supporter of KI,was the great grandson of Abraham Kaufman, KI’s president (1861-1863). His parents,Julius Simons and Hortense Nadel, were married at KI in 1920. Hortense’s sister,Blanche, married Samuel Axelroth at KI in 1907. Jacob Nadel and SarahKauf-man, Dolph’s grandparents, were married at KI in 1884. JEANNE VOGEL SEMLESSIN MEMORIUM: Jeanne Vogel Semless was one of several KI members who tracetheir ancestry to Samuel Meyers, who, after his first wife Rose Klein, died in 1869,married Fanny Lowenstein at KI in 1871. Jeanne was confirmed at KI in 1939 andmarried Frank Semless at KI in 1951. There were two Vogel brothers who were marriedat KI in 1863 and 1867.20 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 DAVID HAYS SOLIS, IVDavid Hays Solis, IV is a descendant of the well-known early American Jewish familywhich dates back to the Revolutionary War. David is the grandson of Albert Solisand Blanche Meyers. Blanche’s parents, Samuel Meyers and Fanny Lowenstein, weremarried at KI in 1871. Albert was the youngest child of David Hays Solis and ElviraNathan. His older sister Emily Grace Solis married Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohen, theirfirst cousin. JEFFREY G. SNELLENBURG & JANET SNELLENBURG KLINEJeffrey G Snellenburg and his sister, Janet Snellenburg Kline, are the great-greatgrandchildren of Nathan Joseph Snellenburg, who, along with his brothers, owneda clothing manufacturing company and established in 1869 N. Snellenburg andCompany, the well-known regional department store. Brother Samuel Snellenburgmarried Hannah Eichholtz in 1877 at KI; and the remaining Snellenburg childrensubsequently married at KI as well. Recent KI B’nai Mitzvah and KI Confirmationstudents include Jacob Snellenberg, Rebekka Kline, and Samuel Kline. LanaSnellenburg will become a Bat Mitzvah at KI this spring. PETER MEYERSPeter Meyers has family roots at KI via both sides of his family. His greatgrandparents Daniel Meyers and Clara Wiler were married at KI in 1871. Hisgrandparents Joseph Davis Meyers and Floretta Krauss were married at KI in 1904.His other grandfather Clarence L. Meyers, who married Estelle Maas Seidenbach atKI in 1911, donated the funds for the Meyers Library of KI, a legacy that remains today.His parents Edward N. Myers and Nancy Meyers were married by Rabbi Fineshriberin 1940. Peter remembers KI as a place where people come to make and keep friends. 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 2 1
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend DR. FRANK AND ELLEN MEYERS ABRAHAMSDr. Frank and Ellen Meyers Abrahams have a long history at KI via both families.Ellen’s family’s history dates back to 1871 when her great grandparents Daniel andClara Weiler were married at KI. Her other great grandparents Beno Goodman andRose Hope were also married at KI in 1887. Ellen’s grandmother Elsie Goodman wasconfirmed at KI and married Isadore Meyers at KI in 1915; Rabbi Krauskopf officiated.Ellen’s parents David (confirmed at KI in 1942) and Betty Lamb Meyers were marriedby Rabbi Fineshriber at KI in 1942. Frank’s parents Arthur and Elaine Stein Abrahamswere married at KI in 1943. In his later years, Arthur single-handedly began theweekly Shabbat service at Rydal Park led by Rabbi Sussman, and that service con-tinues to today. Ellen and Frank met while in KI’s 4th grade. Frank became a BarMitzvah in 1960 and both he and Ellen were confirmed at KI in 1963. Rabbi Kornofficiated at their wedding in 1969. They were both in-volved in the KI Youth Group.Frank played the organ and other music for the youth choir, and as Professor of MusicEducation at Westminster Choir College, he has brought his choir and their beautifulmusic under his able direction to KI for many Shabbat programs. Frank also served aschair of the Search Committee that rec-ommended Cantor Amy Levy join the KI staff.Frank says, “KI is part of who we are.” LYNN GEISENBERGER BARBELLLynn Geisenberger Barbell has a long family history at KI. Lynn’s great-greatgrandparents were Samuel and Fannie Lowenstein Meyers. Their son, William Meyersand his wife Regina Kahn were Lynn’s great grandpar-ents. Their daughter, Lynn’sgrandmother, was Eleanor Meyers who married Jerome Printz in 1931. Their daughterRosalind Printz and Jacques Geisenberger (Lynn’s parents) were married at KI in1956. Lynn and Alan Barbell were married in 1992. They both are active at KI withAlan serving on the KI Board and having served as an Officer of the congregation.Alan and Lynn are proud of the KI B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmations of their childrenRobyn and Elliot.22 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 MICKEY AND JUDY LANGSFELDMickey and Judy Langsfeld are proud of their family’s multi-generational connectionto Ki. The Langsfeld branch dates back to 1878 when Jacob Langsfeld married IdaSilberman at KI. Mickey’s maternal grandmoth-er’s family, the Harrisons, joined KIin 1862. There is a Jacob and Leah Harrison Bible in the KI archives with their nameengraved. Jacob’s mother, Mickey’s grandmother, Fannie Harrison Grossman, andhis great-aunt, Matilde Harrison, have their Confirmation papers from 1907 in the KIArchives as well. Mickey, a longtime KI Board member, and Judy raised their familyat KI. Mickey and Judy’s children, Mark, Elizabeth and Benjamin all attended KIReligious School and celebrated their B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmations at KI as well.Mark and Karen Langsfeld’s children Jordan and Max are the 8th generation at KI.Karen currently is a KI officer, serving as Associate Secretary. Photo description here Photo description here Photo description here Photo description here Photo description here Photo description here 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 2 3
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend JOHN BINSWANGERJohn Binswanger and brother Frank Goldstein Binswanger, Jr. are the sons ofFrank G. Binswanger, Sr. and Elizabeth Bacharach who were married at KI in 1902.Their grandparents, Barnett Binswanger and Martha Goldstein, were also marriedat KI in 1887. Barnett’s mother, Elizabeth Sophia Polack, niece of Aaron Levy, isdescended from a Revolutionary War era Dutch family. Frank Binswanger, Jr. and hiswife Suzanne Hirch were married at KI in 1950. The Binswanger family generouslydonated the Family Statue that sits at the circu-lar entrance of KI.Photo description here Photo description here24 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 KAY KRAUSKOPF BRYLAWSKIKay Krauskopf Brylawski has been associated with KI since 1887 when hergrandfather Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf was installed as KI’s Senior Rabbi. Kay’sfamily history is filled with stories about her grandfather, including the founding ofthe National Farm School, now Delaware Valley University, and meeting PresidentTheodore Roosevelt. Kay and Michael Brylawski were married at KI in 1947. Michael’smother, the former Hortense Mendelsohn, was a member of a longtime KI family. Kayand Michael raised their children at KI and two of their granddaughters celebratedtheir B’not Mitzvah and were confirmed at KI. Photo description here 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 2 5
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend EDWIN SCHWERINEREdwin Schweriner and his family began their membership and deep connection toKI in 1888 when his grandparents Herman and Bertha Lachman Schweriner weremarried. Ed and his wife Claire’s children Randi and Jeffrey celebrated B’nai Mitzvahand confirmations at KI, and Claire had an adult Bat Mitzvah at KI in 2006. SUE SCHWERIN FRIEDSue Schwerin Fried traces her family’s roots at KI to the 1880s. Her great-grandfather Louis Schwerin, great uncle Leon Schwerin and great aunt PaulineSchwerin were all active KI members. Pauline was a KI Religious School teacher.Louis Schwerin was KI President (1968-71). Sue’s father Norman Schwerin has fondmemories of the dynamic Rabbis Fineshriber and Korn, and remembers how patrioticKI was then. Sue married Gary Fried and are both proud of KI and of their family whohave been active for so many decades. CAROL STERN McMICHAELCarol Stern McMichael traces her KI family history to her great grandparents SidneyMorris and Rose Gold-smith Stern who were married at KI in 1892. Carol parentsHorace and Joan Stern were married in 1949 by Rabbi Fineshriber. Horace was deeplywoven into KI and the Reform Movement, teaching religious school at KI for decadesand serving on the KI Board and the Union of American Hebrew CongregationsBoard (now URJ). Horace was the KI Board’s resident parliamentarian and servedproudly as KI President (1976-78). Carol was confirmed at KI in 1971 and married therein 1976.26 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 CHARLES KAHN, JR.Charles Kahn, Jr. and his family’s connections to KI began in 1898 when Charles’grandparents Jacob and Julia Kahn (born in the 1870s in Philadelphia), were marriedat KI. Their son Charles Kahn, Sr. married Ruth Gold-berger and their sons Charles,Jr. and Richard continued the deep KI connection with Charles being confirmed atKI in 1940. Charles and his brother Richard honored their mother by establishingthe Ruth G. Kahn Fund that continues to this day to support KI music programming.Charles and his wife Barbara appreciate the open doors at KI, its willingness, even inthe early days, to embrace other non-Jewish religious institutions and to representimportant American values. The Kahn family continues to embrace KI and all itswonderful pro-grams. THE NEW AND SALTZBURG FAMILIESThe New & Saltzburg Families are a five-generation KI family, with their longassociation beginning with its first member Albert New, who emigrated fromGermany to Philadelphia and married Sippora Raff at KI in 1898. As German Jews,the New family was attracted to a German speaking synagogue. Ralph and MabelNew followed and raised their two children Jerry & Ronald New at KI. Jerry Newwas in the last class to be con-firmed by Rabbi Fineshriber; his brother Ronald wasconfirmed by Rabbi Korn. Jerry and his wife Charlotte raised their three children,Linda, Pamela & David, at KI. All three were confirmed at KI. Pam and David be-cameB’nai Mitzvah as well. In 1996, Rabbi Maslin & Cantor Allen officiated at the weddingof Pam and Robert Saltzburg who have raised their three children William, Jacob andShayna at KI. Pam is Rabbi Sussman’s very able assistant, and Robert is currently aKI officer, serving as Treasurer. Charlotte and Jerry continue to cele-brate ongoingsimchas including the recent B’nai Mitzvah and completed/upcoming Confirmationsof their grandchildren. 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 2 7
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend HOWARD AND MYRNA ASHERHoward and Myrna Asher trace their KI membership back to Howard’s greatgrandparents Moses and Julia Hess who were married by Rabbi Krauskopf at KIon Broad Street. His grandparents Antoinette Hess and Harry Asher were marriedat KI in 1899. His parents Abe and Lillian Asher were married in 1928; Lillian was ateacher at KI. Myrna and Howard were married in 1958; Rabbi Korn officiated. Howardserved as President of both Temple Council and Brotherhood and as KI Treasurerand Vice President. He was also instrumental in KI’s move to Elkins Park. Myrna wasSisterhood President (1978-1980) and served on the KI Board for many years. BARBARA ASHER BRONSTEINBarbara Asher Bronstein traces her family’s KI membership to great grandparentsMoses and Julia Hess who were married by Rabbi Krauskopf at KI on Broad Street.Her grandparents Harry Asher and Antoinette Hess were married in 1899 by RabbiWilliam H. Fineshriber. Barbara’s parents Abe and Liliian Asher were married in 1928.Lillian was a teacher at KI. Barbara and Bob Bronstein were married by Rabbi Kornin 1950, soon after he assumed the pulpit at KI. The Bronsteins raised their threechildren at KI and their KI involvement included both serving on Temple Council,and Barbara serving on the Confirmation Committee, the Nursery School FoundingCommittee and the yearly KI Antiques Fair Committee and as Sisterhood President(1972-74). JAMES GOFF AND RACHEL GOFFJames Goff and Rachel Goff traced their KI roots to the late 1800s. Jim sayshe literally lived “next door” to KI when the synagogue moved to Elkins Park inthe 1950s, and he remembers attending Sunday School there. Jim’s great-greatgrandfather Adam Gimbel enrolled his sons Ellis, Louis and Benny in KI’s religiousschool in 1877. His great grandfather Ellis A. Gimbel was a noted philanthropist, civicleader, businessman and active KI member. His mother Anne Gimbel continued thefamily’s connection to KI as has Jim and his wife Dr. Rachel Goff. Jim says he haslearned much more recently about the Gimbel family from Rabbi Sussman and theme-ticulously detailed KI archives.28 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 DEAN SILVERMAN SPIEGELDean Silverman Spiegel traces her KI roots back to the late 1800s when hergrandfather Isaac Silverman helped Rabbi Krauskopf open the National Farm School,now Delaware Valley University. Isaac and wife Ida had three sons, Carl, Meyer andEdwin. Both Myer and Edwin were married at KI in 1909 and 1923, respec-tively.Edwin’s wife Alice, was the daughter of Joseph H. Hagedorn, KI President (1922-1938).Carl married Beatrice Schoeneman, sister of Michael Simon’s grandmother Bertha.Dean was confirmed at KI in 1947, and she and Robert Spiegel were married in 1955 byRabbi Korn at KI. PHYLLIS DRUCKER SICHEL AND ROBERT DRUCKERPhyllis Drucker Sichel and Robert Drucker have deep ties to KI, tracing their KIroots back to German immi-grants in the late 1800s. Phyllis was confirmed at KI in1941; her brother Robert was confirmed in 1943. Their father Sylvan Drucker servedas KI President (1959-61). Phyllis and her husband Howard’s three sons, all wereconfirmed at KI. With a deep appreciation of KI’s history, Phyllis was instrumental ininitiating the KI Ar-chives. FLORENCE ROTHMAN DREIFUS DEUTSCHERFlorence Rothman Dreifus Deutscher has been a KI member her whole life. Hergreat-grandfather Morris Mendelson was the first family member to join KI in the late1800s. Morris’ brother Emanuel was married at KI in 1872. Another brother Louis wasthe grandfather of Dr. Michael Brylawski, who married Kathryn Krauskopf, daughterof Rabbi Krauskopf. Florence’s grandmother Florence Mendelsohn was confirmedat KI in 1894. Florence was married at KI in 1906 to Roy Guthman and again in 1915to David Wyman. Florence taught kindergarten when KI and RS were combined onHigh School Road. 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 2 9
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend BARBARA GANSMAN PAYNEBarbara Gansman Payne, wife of Michael Payne, is the daughter of Harry M.Gansman, Jr. and Bernice (Bea) Stein who were married at KI in 1939. Harry hadbeen confirmed at KI in 1928 as had his brother David in 1926. Bernice’s brother Dr.Arthur Stein was married at KI in 1945. Harry Gansman, Sr. was listed as a KI memberin 1920. Bernice’s parents, Solomon I. Stein (listed as a member as early as 1907) andMinnie Rosener both had KI roots. Minnie, confirmed at KI in 1905, was the daughterof Julius and Jeanie Rosener who were listed as members at the turn of the century. FREDRIC AND KIM ISAACSON PLOTNIKFredric and Kim Isaacson Plotnik trace their multi-generational KI family roots tothe Stern, Kohn and Gold-smith families of the 19th century. Kim’s great-grandparentsSidney M. and Rose Goldsmith Stern were married in 1892 and had been long-time KImembers. Kim’s grandparents Howard E. and Madeline Kohn Stern were married atKI in 1926, and her parents, Julius and Babette Stern Isaacson were married at KI in1952. The Plot-nik children, Harry, Leigh, and Julian, were confirmed at KI. RUTH SCHOENBERGRuth Schoenberg traces her KI roots back to the early 1900s when her Germangrandparents Herman Kauf-mann and Rose Wyman Kaufmann joined KI. Four ofthe Kaufmann children were confirmed at KI, the earli-est being Ruth’s father Joelin 1907. Three of the Kaufmann children were married at KI in 1923, 1927 and 1932.In 1964, Ruth and Leonard Schoenberg were married at KI by Rabbi Korn, and theirdaughters Laurie and Heidi Schoenberg had their B’not Mitzvah and Confirmationsat KI. More recently, Rabbi Sussman officiated at the namings of Ruth and Leonard’sgrandchildren Jordan and Brandon Hirsch.30 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 JANET ROWLANDJanet Rowland traces her KI family roots back to the early 1900s when hergrandparents Sol and Dora Stein Levy were listed as KI members. In 1921, RabbiKrauskopf performed the marriage ceremony of Janet’s par-ents Nat Levy and LouiseGarber. Janet was married by Rabbi Korn, and great niece Faith Parkinson became aBat Mitzvah at KI. EMIL COHN, III AND LOIS STARREmil Cohn, III and Lois Starr were married at KI in 1958. Emil’s parents, Emil Cohn,Jr. and Ruth Kun (daughter of Judge Joseph Kun) were married at KI in 1934. EmilCohn, Sr. married Hannah Asch at KI in 1901. Lois, confirmed at KI in 1953 (as washer brother, Rabbi Earl Starr, in 1947), was the daughter of Jerome and Rose TollStarr. Jerome, confirmed at KI in 1912, was the brother of Morris Starr (confirmed atKI in 1903) and Beatrice Starr who married Horace Rains at KI in 1915. Jerome andBeatrice’s parents, Abraham and Caro-line Schlosstein Starr were KI members asearly as 1902. CARLYN RAINS ABRAMS AND GINGER ABRAMS LANECarlyn Rains Abrams and Ginger Abrams Lane and their family proudly say that“our whole family has al-ways loved KI; We are KI people!”. Their grandmother,Caroline Slosstein Starr was a member of one of the first KI Confirmation classes.Two of her children, Morris and Jerome, were confirmed at KI in 1903 and 1912,respectively. A third child, Beatrice, married Horace Rains at KI in 1915. Carlyn is thefirst cousin of Lois Starr Cohen, wife of Emil Cohen,III, another Century Club family.The Abrams family have been witness to many changes at KI and believe that theservices and sermons are much more interesting and educational now. 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 3 1
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend DAVID STEELDavid Steel’s grandfather, Philip Nathans Steel, confirmed at KI in 1922, was marriedto Janet Kahn at KI in 1933. Philip’s parents, Herman D. Steel and Freda Neufeld weremarried at KI in 1904. RICHARD AND JILL POMERANTZRichard and Jill Pomerantz were married at KI in 1959. They trace their family’s KIbeginnings to their grand-parents who were German and Russian Jews. Richard’sgrandparents, Amen and Clova Goldberg Pomerantz, were married at KI in 1906, andhis parents, Richard and Adele Bobrow Pomerantz, were married at KI in 1933. BothRichard and his father were also confirmed at KI. MARGARET LICHTENSTEINMargaret Lichtenstein (nee Bennett) is an active volunteer in the Meyers Library,and dates her family history back to 1907. She was confirmed at KI in 1946, and stillmaintains connections with friends from that time. Her mother’s parents were IdaMarshall and Max Leopold and her father’s parents were Sarah Samuels and Samu-elBennett. Her mother Dorothy Leopold Bennett was confirmed at KI in 1915 (as wereher siblings). Her father Bertram B. Bennett was confirmed at KI in 1916, and he andDorothy were married at KI in 1926. DOROTHY ELFMAN FREADDorothy Elfman Fread, confirmed at KI in 1958, married Barry Lee Berger. Thoughno longer living in the ar-ea, Dorothy still identifies with KI. Her parents BernardLehman Elfman and Ethel Smith were married at KI in 1938. Bernard remarried at KIin 1947. Bernard’s parents Joseph Elfman and Delia Lehman were married at KI in1904. Delia’s mother, Esther Cohen (Mrs. Samuel) Lehman was listed as a widow inKI’s membership list of 1907.32 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 SUSAN LOWENSTEIN CHACE AND JANE LOWENSTEINSusan Lowenstein Chace and Jane Lowenstein trace their KI roots back to the early1900s. Grandparents Isaac Lowenstein (who joined KI in 1907) and Dora Lowensteinwere married at KI. Dora and her younger brother Julius died in the 1913 flu epidemic.In 1914, Isaac married Dora’s sister Minnie at KI. Susan and Jane’s father EmanuelDavid Lowenstein was confirmed at KI in 1924, served as KI Vice President and wason the Search Committee that recommended Rabbi Maslin to become the KI’s SeniorRabbi in the 1980’s after Rabbi Korn’s death. The Lowenstein family was instrumentalin KI’s move to Elkins Park in the 1950’s. In 1974, Su-san dedicated the sanctuary’sSecond Isaiah stained glass window in memory of her father Emanuel. LANCE, WASTHE WINDOW DEDICATED BY SUSAN ALONE? JANICE SMITH BERSJanice Smith Bers was married to Julian Bers in 1939. Their children Wendy, Nanand Andrew were all con-firmed at KI. Janice’s parents Nathan and Dorothy Steinwere both confirmed at KI in 1912 and were married by Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf in1916. Nathan’s sister Carrie Smith Cohen was the mother of Jane Cohen Schwartz andgrandmother of Carey Schwartz Roseman. Janice was confirmed in the same class asRabbi Korn. Janice and Julian raised their family at KI and Janice still lives near thesynagogue. MICHAEL AND MICHELLE SIMONMichael and Michelle Simon trace their KI roots back to Michael’s grandparentsMeyer Simon and Bertha Shoeneman Simon who were married at KI in 1912. Michaelwas confirmed at KI in 1962, and he and Michelle were married by Rabbi Korn andthen renewed their vows years later in a ceremony performed by Rabbi Sussman.Michael and Michelle’s children Marc and Lisa celebrated both their B’nai Mitzvah,led by Rabbi Maslin, and Confirmations at KI. 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 3 3
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend RUTH HARBERG DUBOISRuth Harberg DuBois has a century of family history at KI. Her grandparentsJoseph and Thekla Block Har-berg were married in Philadelphia in 1890 and becameKI members 100 years ago. Her parents Dr. Sidney Harberg and Lenore (Lena)Abramson were married at KI in 1931. Ruth said when she was growing up, KI, TempleJudea and Rodeph Shalom gathered for many joint programs, and she knew all 3congregations’ rab-bis. Rabbi Fineshriber was “like family”. Ruth and her husbandJan (Bud) Dubois have been active members of the congregation. Bud is the UnitedStates Federal Judge on the United States District Court for the Eastern District ofPennsylvania, and served with distinction as KI President (1985-1987). During histenure, Bud helped rewrite the KI bylaws , specifically about the process to select anew rabbi, and was also instrumental in bringing Rabbi Maslin to KI. LOUISE BERS ROSELouise Bers Rose and her late husband, Leon M. Rose, were married at KI in a doubleceremony, sharing the day with Julian and Janice Bers in 1939. Louise was confirmedat KI in 1931, as were here older brothers Julian (1925) and Solomon (1929.) Theirparents Abraham M. and Hilda Newmeyer Bers were listed as KI members as early as1916/17. NEYSA CRISTOL ADAMSNeysa Cristol Adams and her family have a longstanding connection to KI. Neysawas seven when she started KI’s Sunday School, a mere 88 years ago! Her parentsMorris (who had emigrated from Latvia) and Fannye (born in England) were marriedin Philadelphia in 1907. In 1942 Neysa married Arlin Adams at KI, officiated byRabbi Fineshriber. Arlin, one of the most highly respected and notable judges of theThird Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, also served as KI President (1955-1957) and wasinstrumental in KI’s historic move to Elkins Park. Neysa and Arlin raised their threedaughters at KI and all were confirmed and married by KI Rabbis.34 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 DR. CHARLES GREENBAUMDr. Charles Greenbaum was one of very few people to have a Bar Mitzvah in Hebrewat KI in the 1930s. So when he was confirmed in 1941, he read the Ten Commandmentsin Hebrew. This is just one of the memories from his longtime membership at KI.Charles’ parents Dr. Sigmund S. and Rae Refowich Greenbaum were married at KI in1922, and were listed as members in 1923. Charles and Julia Greenbaum were marriedat KI in 1955, and went on to support the many programs at KI and raise their familyin the warmth of its community. CONNIE POLLACK AND SUSAN POLLACKConnie Pollack and Susan Pollack speak of KI as their “second home” a reference tothe important place it holds in the lives as mother and daughter. Connie’s husbandCharles Pollack was a well-respected KI leader, serving in numerous capacities, andas KI President (1964-68). Charles continued to mentor other leaders be-yond histenure, and was held in high esteem. Susan, who was confirmed at KI in 1961, spoke ofher father’s close friendship with Rabbi Korn and former KI Executive Director DavidMitchell, both of whom were ever-present when Susan’s sister died at a young age.Susan says the family has always been close with the clergy, and that has continuedtoday. JANE COHEN SCHWARTZ AND CAREY SCHWARTZ ROSEMANJane Cohen Schwartz and Carey Schwartz Roseman have been blessed with a longand memorable connec-tion to KI. Jane fondly remembers her close relationship withRabbi Korn, attending Sunday School, her con-firmation, chairing the committeethat opened a Tot Lot for KI children and traveling to Israel with Rabbi Maslin.Jane’s daughter Carey, who has ably carried on that devotion to KI, credits KI forher commitment at an early age to social action, from tutoring kids in high school tonow at Lowell Elementary. She remembers Rabbi Korn opening the bima to all whowanted to speak during the Vietnam War. Carey and Robert Roseman were married atKI in 1983; Rabbi Maslin officiated. Carey went on to become KI President which sheproudly undertook from 2004-2006. 1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 3 5
2017 Spring Celebration Weekend LYNN GEISENBERGER BARBELLLynn Geisenberger Barbell has a long family history at KI. Lynn’s great-greatgrandparents were Samuel and Fannie Lowenstein Meyers. Their son, William Meyersand his wife Regina Kahn were Lynn’s great grandpar-ents(late 19th century). Theirdaughter, Lynn’s grandmother, was Eleanor Meyers who married Jerome Printz in1931. Their daughter Rosalind Printz and Jacques Geisenberger (Lynn’s parents) weremarried at KI in 1956. Lynn was confirmed at KI, and she and husband Alan Barbellwere married in 1992. They both are active at KI with Alan serving on the KI Boardand having served as an Officer of the congregation. Alan and Lynn are proud of theKI B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmations of their children Robyn and Elliot. JOHN SOLIS-COHENJohn Solis-Cohen is the son of Solomon Solis-Cohen II and Barbara Samuels.Upon Solomon’s death in 1975, Barbara remarried Harry Blatt. Barbara Blatt is a KImember as well. Solomon was named for his grandfather, Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohenwho married Emily Grace Solis. Their common grandfather was Jacob daSilva Soliswho immigrated during the Colonial period. Separately, the Nathan family also is ofColonial vintage. Two other KI families married Solis-Cohens. Miriam Binswangermarried Dr. Jacob DaSilva Solis-Cohen in 1875 and their son, Jacob Jr. marriedMarion Gimbel Labe at KI in 1916. WE NEED MORE INFO HERE36 • REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Where does this photo belong?1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 3 7
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Header SUB HEADER BODY COPY BODY COPY BODY COPY BODY COPY Name1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 3 9
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Header SUB HEADER BODY COPY BODY COPY BODY COPY BODY COPY Name1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 4 1
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Header SUB HEADER BODY COPY BODY COPY BODY COPY BODY COPY Name1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 4 3
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Header SUB HEADER BODY COPY BODY COPY BODY COPY BODY COPY Name1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 4 5
May 4th - 7th, 2017 Half Page Ad SUB HEADER BODY COPY Name Half Page Ad SUB HEADER BODY COPY Name1 70 TH B I RT H DAY h o n o r i n g T H E K I “C E N TU RY C LU B ” • 47