Grade School Unit’s Program Guide AY 2020 - 2021
CONTENTS PAGE # Background 3 Why SHiFT? 4 Program Goals 8 Flexible Learning 9 Roles and Responsibilities 11 Learning Modalities 15 Curriculum Content, Pedagogy & Assessment 19 Instructional Design 21 Academic Calendar 23 Sample Class Schedules 24 Sample Weekly Asynchronous Learning Guide 29 Assessments 30 Grading System 32 Submission of Learning Output 40 Online Viewing of Report Cards 42 Learning Platform & Tech Tools 44 Instructional Support 50 General Protocols & Line of Support 52 Student Formation & Discipline 59
Embracing the SSC MLA - GS SHiFT Background According to the DepEd’s Basic Education Continuity Plan (2020), given the anticipated disruptions in face-to-face holding of classes, and the need for social distancing, distance learning will be a major component of learning delivery for the incoming school year. As such, all schools are tasked to adopt various learning delivery options such as but not limited to face-to-face, blended learning, distance learning, homeschooling and other modes of delivery which shall be implemented depending on the local COVID Risk Severity Classification and compliance with minimum health standards of the community.
The CoVid – 19 pandemic has forced all schools not only in the Philippines but around the world to take the sudden shift to full online learning delivery so that education continues no matter what is happening around us. We, in SSC MLA, stand with the rest who believes that education should be delivered at all cost took a brave shift in making our students embrace the new normal. This new normal which altered the role of students, parents and teachers, as in all new changes, was not accomplished without any problems but one that has taught all of us a new learning experience which we will all grow through. Even if we believe that there is no substitute for teaching and learning in the classroom and outside its four walls, taking the paradigm shift in all aspects of education will be the new norm during these times. If we are to truly aim for continuity of learning during these times, giving priorities in the prescribed core/essential learning competencies, strengthening their 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity while also looking more intently into the building of relationships, flexibility, authenticity and self- regulation in our graders will be the new SHIFT in learning outcomes that we all have to take accountability for.
With the recent pronouncements by the government and the Department of Education regarding the conduct of online learning for the academic year 2020- 2021, we would like to openly express that we know that we cannot do this alone. Much as we understand that most of you our dear parents will already be going back to work, the new home based learning set-up will also require both of us to take unprecedented shifts in the way we supervise your children’s learning. But this does not mean that we are asking you to do our job as teachers. All we are asking for is to assist us in your child’s learning journey. Strengthening our Home- School collaboration in working towards our common goal, i.e., your child’s academic success, physical, social and emotional well- being, and spiritual growth will depend on the dedication of our teachers in designing engaging and meaningful activities, strong parents’ support, and students’ motivation and self-regulation which may pose as a big challenge to us especially that they are new in this online learning delivery. At their young age, love of learning and self-regulation still have to be instilled in them by the caring and knowledgeable adults around them. St. Scholastica’s College – Manila Grade School prides itself in accepting the challenges in providing quality Benedictine Catholic Education for young Scholasticans. We commit ourselves in providing holistic formation that will remain the same no matter what the circumstances are. As a socially – oriented school, we continue to ensure that no student is left behind. This is our concrete response in God’s call to witness, to serve, and to share. That in all things God may be glorified!
Sustained Catholic Benedictine Education As a Catholic Benedictine School, Benedictine core values are concretized in the curriculum through strong integration in the various interdisciplinary modules and lessons. Holistic Formation SSC-Manila firmly believes not only in the education of the mind but also of the heart, body and spirit . As such, all areas of development are considered in designing the curriculum. Connectivity Inclusive Education All kinds of learners in terms of capacity and accessibility to a reliable internet connection is considered in the instructional design.
Structured Home-Based Learning Program Class schedules for both synchronous and asynchronous activities are provided to guide all students in accomplishing their learning tasks. Age-appropriate Activities Appropriate screen time per level will be allotted per subject and reasonable amount of learning tasks for asynchronous activities Integrative Assessment Summative assessment/Performance Task is designed based on Interdisciplinary modules which will ensure that Performance Task output will cover the requirement in the different subject areas Seamless Integration of Technology All apps and technology requirements are kept to the essentials in order to ensure that most, if not all students, will be able to access and utilize them in enriching their learning experience. Strong Instructional Support Teachers will be available online for consultations which is part of the class schedule. Support will be given to the students and their learning coaches in the SHiFt to online learning. Self-regulated Learning Intentional inclusion of activities that will promote independent and reflective learning are part of the instructional design Strengthened Home-School Collaboration The school acknowledges that the teachers and students can only make the SHiFt Program work with the full support of the parents. Since our students need all the support they can get form the loving adults around them , a strengthened home-school partnership is the only key in achieving our goals amidst CoVid times.
PROGRAM GOALS As we aim for continuity of learning during these times, SSC-GS would like to focus on the following goals: Give priorities in the prescribed core learning competencies. Strengthen 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. Build relationships, flexibility, authenticity and self-regulation in our graders. Further strengthen Home - School collaboration Continue providing holistic formation as a Catholic Benedictine school
FLEXIBLE LEARNING To ensure continuity of learning amid the CoVid-19 pandemic, SSC Manila – Grade School shall implement FLEXIBLE LEARNING for AY 2020 - 2021. This aims to address the needs of all learners, specifically, the problem of connectivity and learning modalities. It is not a one-size fits all solution, but one that is dependent on the learning preferences and capability of students. Since flexible learning include both online and offline learning, it will guarantee that no student will be left behind despite the glaring gap of Digital Divide.
in Type of Learners Flexible Learning responds to the needs of all types of learners in terms of CONNECTIVITY, LEARNING PREFERENCES and PACING. Connectivity With reliable With limited No internet internet internet connection connection connection Preferences Synchronous Asynchronous Modular Instruction Online Offline Activities Activities Pacing Self – Paced/ Working Live / Flexible within a time Real- time Schedule frame Source: Fermin (2020) in CEAP’s Proposed Continuity Plan
Roles and Responsibilities Students • Dedicate appropriate time to learning, comparable to a school day and/or as guided by your teacher/s • Check appropriate online platforms for information on assignments, resources daily • Attend, as much as possible, the regular synchronous engagements offered by each of their teacher/s • Identify a comfortable and quiet space to study/learn • Engage in all learning posted with academic honesty • Submit all assignments in accordance with provided timeline and/or due dates • Ensure own social and emotional balance by keeping healthy habits
Roles and Responsibilities Parents Support their child/ren in their learning by: • Providing an environment conducive to learning (access to technology, safe and quiet space during daytime) and preparing a designated Learning Area • Assigning a Learning Coach who will assist and oversee the students attendance in synchronous activities and accomplishment of asynchronous tasks • Setting routines of their children to get ready for school by doing the morning rituals, get ready for class by logging in or signing up, joining videoconference and working on tasks independently • Engaging in conversations on posted materials, assignments, and communications in the Google classroom • Monitoring time spent engaging in online and offline learning, including variables like that of preferred learning times (morning, afternoon, evening) • Encouraging attendance, as much as possible, to the regular synchronous engagements offered by each of their child’s teacher/s • Support emotional balance by providing ample room and time for reflection, physical activity, conversation, and play
Roles and Responsibilities Teachers Design engaging learning activities and plan purposeful assignments Plan and post weekly asynchronous learning guide in the Google Classroom Prepare interesting instructional materials Conduct synchronous classes Facilitate class discussion and other learning activities Assess the learning outcomes of students Provide intervention to students who need them Be available for consultations Provide feedback to students and parents Support students as they adjust to online learning Develop students to become self-regulated learners Inspire students to continue their love for learning
in LEARNING MODALITIES Key Terminologies : Modes of Delivery Modified Hybrid It is a combination of synchronous and asynchronous models, minus the in-class face-to-face meetings. In lieu of this, face-to- face class meetings will be done with the help of digital tools. Time in between class meetings will be devoted to accomplishing tasks as scheduled in the learning management platform. Synchronous This is a type of remote learning wherein class is conducted in real time. In a synchronous class, the teacher and students log in to a single online platform and carry out tasks throughout the allotted time. This may be done through video conference, chat or messaging apps, or audio chat using an online tool. Asynchronous In this set up, students are provided with content and tasks that they needed to accomplish within a given time frame, using an online platform such as a Learning Management System (LMS). Interaction between the teacher and students (and among students) does not take place in real time. Source: CEAP Proposed Continuity Plan (Austria and Almario, 2020)
Key Features of Each Phase Phase 1: Learners may choose their learning preference based on Modified their connectivity. Hybrid It includes online and offline activities. Synchronous activities like online lessons on Zoom / Google Meet Recorded synchronous activities pre-recorded lecture or online videos will be made available by request There is provision for instructional support / regular consultation. Phase 2: Twice a week face-to-face classes with asynchronous Blended online activities during the rest of the week. Learning Small group size since learners will report to school on a staggered basis with 15-20 students per face-to-face session F2F Individualized instruction for students with difficulty Phase 3: Learners will attend school on a regular classroom set-up Face-to- Face-to-face instruction Online lessons when necessary Face
CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTEXTUALIZED ALIGNED MIGRATION ONLINE For AY 2020-2021, our goal is to focus on developing the mastery of core learning competencies by putting them in a contextualized setting so that the students will see how they can demonstrate the learned skills and concepts in real life application. This contextualization and alignment in the different subject areas are evident in the grade school’s Interdisciplinary Module Activities which concretize the school’s advocacies.
SHiFT Program’s Instructional Design For the grade school’s SHiFT Program, we have adopted Jim Tuscano’s Instructional Flow Using the 5Ds Approach. The 5Ds Instructional Approach is a simple learning flow used in designing the lessons for integrating technology in the classroom. Dip DIP: Learning activities that check prior knowledge or activate learning such as brainstorming, reviewing, connecting previous lessons, observation of a real-world scenario, etc. DEEPEN: Learning activities that ask learners to gather information or knowledge about the topic, firm up their understanding on concepts and skills through activities that involve scaffolding, modelling, and simulation among others. Formative activities or assessments to check for understanding are also included to deepen learning. 11 12pen DO: Learning activities that ask students to connect essential ideas/ key learnings, apply in real-world learning, and articulate processes in solving problems, etc. DISCERN Learning activities that check for essential understanding and promote reflection on what has been learned and how they learned (meta-cognitive and self- reflection activities). DISTRIBUTE: This is where students showcase their work and present them to their class or to a wider audience by presenting, uploading and posting them online. SOURCES:
Instruction • The goal is not to replicate a usual regular school day where students meet face-to- face from 7:30 am -4:00pm. • Students will be given a reasonable amount of synchronous sessions varying in the number of minutes and subjects depending on the grade level. Synchronous Instruction • Synchronous Instruction will focus on building up concepts and skills through lectures, games, and other engaging activities. • Attendance in synchronous activities are optional yet highly encouraged. • The live sessions with teacher will be recorded so that it can be shared to those who might have missed the synchronous sessions. Asynchronous Instruction Asynchronous activities will focus more on independent activities that require skills practice with minimum assistance, such as working on online enrichment links and tutorial videos, and book-based activities.
in Academic Calendar For AY 2020-2021, the Grade School Unit will shift from quarterly to a TRITERM academic calendar. This will facilitate mastery of competencies given an adequate number of weeks and time for students to work on the required Performance task per term. Duration TERM 1 TERM2 TERM 3 Aug. 26 Nov.21 Nov. 23 – Feb . 26 March 1- May 28 Assessment Nov. 21 Feb .26 April 30 (Gr.6) cut-off May 21 (Undergrads) Saturday Class/Activity Day In order to comply with the DepEd’s required number of schooldays (D.O. 007, s.2020), the grade school shall hold Saturday classes or activity days since AY 2020- 2021 is a compressed academic year. Suspension of Classes The school shall abide by the directives set by the Local Government Units (LGUs) and the Department of Education in the suspension of classes during typhoons, flooding and other weather disturbances. • Typhoon SIgnal No. 1 means automatic cancellation of classes in PRESCHOOL. • Typhoon Signal No. 2 means automatic cancellation of classes in the grade school. There is no need to call up the school to verify. • Whenever necessary announcements regarding suspension or resumption of classes shall be disseminated thru Parentline and the Google Classroom. National holidays and days of obligation will also be observed. Please check the academic calendar posted in the grade school’s Google Site at
Specific Guidelines for Grade Levels In the SHiFT program, each section will have two groupings in order to have a small class size and maximize inter-action during synchronous classes. As such, each group will have a specific class schedule to follow for the synchronous and asynchronous learning activities. The consultation period is also indicated wherein students may ask their teachers for clarifications regarding the given asynchronous tasks or lessons. The student may send a message to her teacher using the GOOGLE HANGOUTS or thru the GOOGLE CLASSROOM at the given consultation time. Students and parents are requested to follow the prescribed consultation schedule. Queries may still be posted after the consultation time, however, please understand that they might only be answered the next day.
Specific Guidelines for Grade Levels
Specific Guidelines for Grade Levels
Specific Guidelines for Grade Levels
Specific Guidelines for Grade Levels
Specific Guidelines for Grade Levels In order to guide the students and their learning coaches in accomplishing tasks for their asynchronous session, the Weekly Asynchronous Learning Guide will be posted in the Classwork of the Google Classroom. Students should follow the schedule of subjects and time allotted for them to finish the given learning tasks. If the student or the learning coach has questions regarding the activity, she/he can send a message to the subject teacher in the Google Classroom or send her/him a message in Google Hangouts during the consultation period indicated in the class schedule. Recording of the synchronous classes will be done for students who missed the session. The link will only be provided by submitting a letter of request / excuse letter for the student’s absence to the class adviser. The recorded video will only be available for a week to maximize Google classroom’s storage capacity.
Specific Guidelines for Grade Levels
Assessments Formative / Summative Formative assessments may be oral, activity based, or written that are non-graded. Only the summative tests in the form of authentic assessments will be graded. Students will be asked to turn in their work in the Google Classroom. Performance Tasks These summative assessments are integrative in nature as we align with the modules designed for the term. Performance tasks involve the application of the things which the students have learned from their different subjects. The student easily sees the relevance of these lessons when it is put in real life context. Performance tasks are woven in such a way that skills learned in the different subjects are evident in the product or output. This will lessen the student’s task to work on a performance task per subject area. A rubric is provided to guide students in completing a given task. Students are given choices to decide on how to execute their plans. Flexibility and creativity are highly encouraged.
Grading System The learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values will be assessed. Learners shall submit their written works, and performances (and products), whether in hardcopy, softcopy, or a combination of both. They will be assessed using rubrics, i.e., standards for evaluation, that capture the evidence of learning. Observations of parents/learning coaches aside from teachers may also be considered in the assessment. - Based on D.O. no.12,s.2020 (BEdLCP, May 2020, p.35)
SELF EVALUATION In SSC Manila, we believe that giving our students the chance to take part in the evaluation of their performance empowers and motivates them to aim for excellence in all that they do. As such, the student accomplishes a self- evaluation form at the end of each quarter so that she/he can reflect on her/his performance. Since the student is on Online Learning, we would like her/him to accomplish the Self Evaluation Form with a parent/learning coach to make her/him reflect on her/his work habits and social behavior during the term. We hope that thru this practice the parent/learning coach can help her/his child realize how she/he can further improve not only her/his study skills, but also instill the values of courtesy, respect, honesty and self-discipline/self-regulation. This academic year, the Self/ Parent and Teacher Evaluation will serve as the students’ Growth in Habits and Attitude report.
Report Cards Online viewing of the report cards will already be done in the SSC Website. Announcements on its release will be done thru Parentline and the Google Classroom. Please note that the report card may only be viewed for two weeks after its announcement.
Essential Technology Tools and Platforms The following are the core and essential technology tools for students, parents and teachers use in the online learning: Learning Management System: Google Suite for Education / Google Classroom Online Learning Hub: SSC Grade School Google Site webpage Communications : Parentline, pre-assigned SSC-Gmail account, Google Classroom, Google Site and Help Desk via Video Conferencing : Google Meet / Zoom Collaboration: Zoom, Google Hangouts Group Chat, Google Docs, Google Meet E-Book reader for the following subjects (for those who chose to buy e-books) Filipino, Language, Math and Araling Panlipunan Open Source Educational Links / Educational Videos
Basic Technology Requirements internet bandwidth of 5 to 8 Mbps Intel Core i3 or i9 processor *has pdf reader; specs for an e-book In order to join the synchronous/ asynchronous classes, a student should be able to have a device that can do the following: • Access online materials and educational websites from the internet • Join a video call and online discussion thru Zoom, Google Meet or Google Hangouts Group Chat • Take photos or scan documents (Adobe Scan) • Read PDFs • Take videos. • Take screenshots (for e-books) • Send e-mail • Create documents and presentations • Access GSite, Google Classroom and other Google Apps • Submit photos and videos in the Google Classroom • Connect to third party applications
Basic Technology Requirements Laptop or Desktop Minimum Requirements Intel Core i5or i9 processor or equivalent processor speed for non-Intel based computer Internet Bandwith For home or individual use, an internet bandwidth of 5 to 8 Mbps would suffice to efficiently view a video or read an e-book in Scholastic Learning Zone
Each student with an SSC email account can avail of one Microsoft 365 license: To download and install Office 365, steps are as follows: 1. Go to and click sign in to your account 2. Sign in using your SSC email account. 3. Click on Microsoft 365 Tab. 4. Click Sign in 5. Click Install Office 6. Choose Office 365 Apps to download Office 365 Office.Exe will be downloaded, click to install. For MAC users: 1. log-in to using SSC email address and a default password. 2. Once logged in, open a new tab and go to 3. Just click \"install office