PAGE 1 ADVENT NEXT GENERATION Tidings of Comfort and Joy SMALL GROUPS New Stories of Advent and Christmas from Master Storyteller Charles Maynard Complete Kits for Virtual Groups Just imagine, a book of twelve new Christmas stories written by Everything you need author, master storyteller and United Methodist pastor, Charles Maynard. You will read these stories with your family, use them as Exfocrepatsmthaellpgeroopuple! devotionals and with small groups and classes. Each month, we create a small-group study using a Included are the following stories: book from Market Square as the guide. These studies are created for small groups meeting online, but will • The Perfect Gift • Christmas Far From Home – A work just as well when/if groups meet together. • Santa’s Tears Story from American History • A Mary Christmas Each study includes: • Another Wise Man • The Golden Fish – A Folk Tale • Jesus and the Giants • The Sign by Roger Rusk as • Digital copies of each book, for distribution to members • Christmas Bells of the small group. • Pockets of Peace Told by Charles Maynard • I Would Like to See Jesus • A detailed Leader’s Guide, between 30 and 50 pages, in • Creche Scenes PDF format, which can be used by group facilitators to walk the group through the session. “Charles Maynard is a masterful story teller as this collection beautifully illustrates. Using personal, historic, and classical tales he amuses, informs and inspires. In addition, there • A PowerPoint slideshow which can be used with each is an abundance of material that illumines the essential truths of Advent and Christmas. weekly session to assist the leader/facilitator in moving It is so delightful that a quick read through will be easy and so compelling that numerous the group through the session. re-reads will be warranted.“ • Participant handouts in PDF format, which can be sent Bishop Richard Looney to each group member before each weekly meeting. Tidings of Comfort and Joy For as little as $89, your small group gets everything it needs, including PDF digital copies of the book, for $16.95 a six to eight week study. Charles W. Maynard has lived several lives. Pastor, district superintendent, professional storyteller and best-selling author, among others. He is a big believer in using stories to preach or teach, pointing out that Jesus told stories much more than he gave sermons. “Narrative stories are such a much more effective way of communicating,” he said. “Another thing I like about stories is that they are multigenerational. Everybody gets something out of them.”
From Heaven to Earth Hope Christmas for New Believers, Old Believers, and Nonbelievers An Advent Journey “This is excellent stuff! From Heaven To Earth is not your typical As the year began, there were high hopes of 2020 being a year Christmas study. It connects with the real questions people ask and offers when visions and plans would be fulfilled, but as the year pro- gressed many of these hopes were dashed as so many found fresh insights into scripture that open new ways of understanding themselves simply trying to survive each day. Perhaps, the most what God did in coming among us in Jesus. This resource will disappointing part of 2020 was watching as people began losing surprise, enlighten and challenge us to go deeper, too.” hope and turning to despair as they came to grips with the fact Rev. Jim Harnish that, as humans, we can’t control or manage everything in life. “This book is a rare gem. Cantrell and Seay carefully traverse It would be easy to put Advent on the back burner, forgetting that Scripture to unearth the beauty of God’s gift of Jesus Christ for it is a time when we rejoice and give God praise for the fulfillment all of creation. Through stories and examples, they gently cut away of scripture. In the new work, Hope: An Advent Journey, author Olu extraneous layers to reveal the beautiful truth of Christmas in Brown encourages readers to reclaim Advent as something already the narrative of Jesus’ birth. An edifying read, From Heaven To Earth here, not a season waiting to arrive. Matthew’s gospel speaks of Jesus as Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” This name does is a wonderful resource for individuals and groups. ” not speak of the future, but of the present. Rev. Laceye C. Warner In spite of our present difficulties, we have Emmanuel. Our hope is “Cantrell and Seay have provided the Christmas gift we didn’t not based on external situations, but eternal promises. This Advent know we were hoping for: an accessible, folksy (in the best sense season can be the best ever if you dare to embrace the hope of Jesus right now, knowing that God’s grace and love are present to of the word), thoughtful and vivid explication of why the Word carry you through the most challenging times in your life. became flesh, and its lively, transformative implications for us.” Hope: An Advent Journey Dr. James Howell $16.95 Class CD Book Study Guide Olu Brown was writing Hope during the heights $29.95 $16.95 $14.95 of the COVID-19 pandemic and while people Paul Seay serves as the pastor of Wil Cantrell serves on the throughout America were participating in pro- tests in their cities. Seymour United pastoral team at Methodist Church in Concord United At age 17, Olu heard an audible call to ministry. Seymour, Tenn. He is Methodist Church Decades later, Brown is living out that call and a graduate of Duke in Knoxville, Tenn. bearing fruit. He started Impact Church in 2007, Divinity School and and is the author and by 2016, the Atlanta-area congregation wor- Princeton Theological of Unafraid and shiped more than 2,000 each week and is one of Seminary. Unashamed. the fastest growing church in America. All books available at,, and other booksellers
PAGE 3 Dream Like Jesus From Franchise to Local Dive Deepen Your Faith and Bring the Impossible to Life Multiplying Your Church by Discovering Your Contextual Flavor God didn’t create us to sit around waiting to die so we can leave Many local churches are stuck in a rut, have reached a plateau, planet Earth and go to Heaven. God created in each of us a unique or — worst of all — are declining. The temptation is to serve up God-dream for getting more heaven into planet Earth. We need to, the same exact ministry models that worked in another time and in Rebekah Simon-Peter’s words, “Dream like Jesus.” space, but ultimately feel safe to existing churches. Like ordering This book invites you to take the next step. Come know Jesus, and from a menu at the franchise chain restaurant and expecting the yourself, in a whole new way. It’s time to meet your own power. To meal to be palatable in the local context, many churches try and discover your own birthright. To claim your own blessing. It’s time start something new by serving up the same old thing, failing to to dream like Jesus. And time to share that dream with the people discover what their local community is actually hungry for. you love, teach, and lead. From Franchise to Local Dive explores what it means to multiply Just as God spoke the creation into being, so, too, do we declare new ministry by cooking with local flavor. Whether you want to start realities. To be made in the image of God means we speak our world a new service or a brand-new campus, this workshop will help into being. At the very least, we determine our experience of it. you discover how to make a ministry recipe that will keep people coming back for more. Drawing on her family roots of both Jewish and Christian faith, she challenges the Church to dream again, to recapture the vision of The local church is not called to settle for the fast food chain men- making the Kingdom of God a reality. tality that cranks out disciples with slick slogans, flashy trends, and regurgitated practices. Rather the call is to be a local, homegrown, “Rebekah Simon-Peter offers insights borne of her own journey as she invites readers to farm-fresh, organic ministry that uses authentic ingredients to win reflect on the forgotten dream Jesus calls us to remember. Too many congregations are people for Jesus. In From Franchise to Local Dive, Jason Moore in a state of dreamless slumber. Simon-Peter helps congregations reclaim the big dream and Rosario Picardo offer an important resource designed to help of faithful living and dare to make it a reality, transforming lives and communities.” congregations multiply their ministries by learning how to perfect their winning recipes. Bishop Karen P. Oliveto From Franchise to Local Dive Dream Like Jesus $16.95 $16.95 Jason Moore is author of ten Rosario Picardo Roz is one of the Rebekah Simon-Peter is passionate about books, Jason has founding pastors at reconnecting spiritual leaders with their led hundreds of Mosaic, in Dayton, God-given powers to co-create miracles with the seminars and given Ohio, and leads a divine. Her award-winning program, keynote addresses consulting group Creating a Culture of R enewal®, has energized across North Ameri- for c hurch planters/ church leaders across the country to reclaim ca, teaching in all 5 0 pastors called their calling and to grow their ministries. states in the USA. Picardo Coaching. Rebekah is also the author of The Jew Named Jesus, Green Church, and 7 Simple Steps to Green Your Church. All books available at,, and other booksellers
PAGE 5 Understanding Your Call Understanding How 11 Biblical Figures Understood Their Calls Understanding Your Call takes an in-depth look at God’s calling in the lives of key Biblical characters and helps readers discern how God might be calling them today. Written by some of the leading thinkers in United Methodism , Understanding Your Call is sure to help those wrestling with a vocational calling and those discerning their next steps within their current vocations and relationships. A great resource for individuals or small groups. Understanding Your Call Mission Possible $16.95 A Simple Structure for Missional Effectiveness A Christian Teenager’s Guide In this latest version of Mission Possible, Kay and Blake focus on ministry while making meetings fewer in number but larger To Surviving High School in meaning. In this book aimed at congregational leaders, particularly United Methodists, the authors provide practical, I remember the first day of high tested steps to simplify your church structure and unleash more school like it was yesterday. It was people into ministry. nearly impossible to fall asleep the night before. I desperately Too often churches try to simplify their structures by just wanted to fit in with the hundreds having fewer people at the meeting table. But real simplication of new faces I would encounter as and accountable leadership means that meetings, and leaders, I walked into my High School for are transformed. Kay and Blake walk you through both the the first time. technical and adaptive changes to simplify your structure for missional effectiveness. Christian Teenager As I stepped out of my dad’s car, I watched the tan, confident senior Mission Possible $10.95 girls stroll into the building. In my blue t-shirt and jeans, I began to $16.95 feel like I was dressed for a Blue Man Group audition instead of Kay Kotan is a professionally Day One of high school. credentialed coach who has Where Do We Go From Here? coached hundreds of pastors and churches across the nation, Honest Responses From 21 United Methodist Leaders helping them become more vital in reaching new people. She has $16.95 Bishops, pastors, lay-persons, authored more than a dozen campus ministers, students, gen- books on church and leadership eral board directors and others transformation. share their honest responses to the question, “Where do we go Blake Bradford is a UMC from here?” minister appointed as a district Voices from the traditional, centrist superintendent in the Arkansas and progressive viewpoints share Conference. He has pastored their thoughts on where their churches of different sizes and church is and where it should go contexts, and has served the from here. Where Do We Go From Arkansas Conference Center for Here? is thought-provoking, inspir- Vitality as a coach, consultant, and ing and sometimes troubling. director of the ordination program. All books available at,, and other booksellers
PAGE 7 Launching Leaders Strategy Matters Taking Leadership Development to New Heights Your Roadmap to an Effective Ministry Planning Retreat Launching Leaders pushes the envelope of the expectations of a Many churches do a good job at planning activities, but this is often traditional church leader. It is time to equip, release, and encourage not producing the effective and fruitful ministries churches had gutsy spiritual leaders! hoped for or expected. Instead, churches must go beyond planning activities to intentional and strategic planning for the church to be God’s Word calls for leaders and calls leaders. In this resource, we faithful to its mission. will offer two sections. Section One offers an in-depth look at each of the gutsy leadership traits. Section Two offers the process of how to This detailed and practical resource provides the step by step pro- develop leaders. cess for preparing, conducting, and following up for strategic min- istry planning retreats that will lead your church into more effective, Section One offers the what. focused, and fruitful ministry. Section two offers the how. As Lisa Greenwood writes, “Kay and Ken are challenging leaders to Since we have sufficiently covered the why, let’s develop some gutsy take time to pay attention to what God is doing and saying in their spiritual leaders for Christ! community and in their own lives, so the church can focus on the Launching Leaders difference God is calling them to make.” Strategy Matters $16.95 $16.95 Phil Schroeder is Kay Kotan i s a senior pastor at Dunwoody United Methodist Church professionally credentialed in Atlanta, Georgia. Prior to coach who has coached Launching Leaders, his most hundreds of pastors and recent book, Small Church churches across the nation, Check-Up (DIscipleship helping them become more Resources) with co-author vital in reaching new people. Kay Kotan, was published in She has authored more than January 2018. a dozen books on church and leadership transformation. Kay Kotan i s a Ken Willard i s the professionally credentialed Director of Discipleship, coach who has coached Leadership, and Congregational hundreds of pastors and Vitality for the West Virginia churches across the nation, Annual Conference of the helping them become more United Methodist Church. A few vital in reaching new people. of his previous books include She has authored more than Time Management for the a dozen books on church and Christian Leader, Church leadership transformation. Ecology and Stride. All books available at,, and other booksellers
Building Worship Bridges Building Worship Bridges Workbook Accelerating Neighborhood Connections Through Worship $16.95 $26.95 Building Worship Bridges is a way of being the church. Kay Kotan is a Bishop Robert Farr Worship and the worship service have to potential to professionally credentialed d eveloped the Healthy bridge the gap between the church and the neighborhood. coach who has coached Church Initiative (HCI) for Worship is a gathering of varying levels of disciples of hundreds of pastors and church transformation. This Jesus Christ. All who follow Christ are called to reach out churches across the nation, ministry is used nationally to the new people through worship. We accelerate neigh- helping them become more in the United Methodist borhood connections when we plan and lead worship with vital in reaching new people. church. He currently serves the guest in mind. She has authored more than as Bishop of the Missouri a dozen books on church and Annual Conference of The Building Worship Bridges provides ideas, strategies, and leadership transformation. United Methodist Church. processes for making worship in your church a competent, compelling experience that new people want to attend. Cathy Townley i s director of R2L and continues to serve as a church planting coach and worship consultant across the country. Cathy teaches worship and church planting workshops. She is a member of the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
PAGE 9 LENT & EASTER ATONE Hebrews 11: Hear It, See It, Risk It The Difference the Cross Makes How Faith Grows Christians have always agreed that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross Readers praise this book as one of the best studies for use by made it possible for humanity to once again be at one with God. individuals, small groups and Sunday School classes in years! The church has never agreed on exactly how Jesus’ sacrifice Steve Cordle takes readers on a journey through the eyes of Old made this possible. Instead, many theories of atonement were Testament heroes to understand how they not only heard God’s offered as explanations - each of which offers a compelling, yet call, but saw and acted on God’s call to do great things. incomplete glimpse into the saving work of Jesus on the cross. Written with Lent in mind, Hear It, See It, Risk It, makes the perfect In this book, Wil Cantrell explores the great mystery behind all Lenten study, but works well any time of the year. the theories of how Jesus’ sacrifice enables us to be at one with God, ourselves, and others. Divided into three sections, classes and groups can cover each section over two weeks to fit perfectly into the Lenten season. Written especially for the 2021 Lenten season, ATONE is sure to become another classic by the author who brought us bestseller Chapter titles include: Unafraid and Unashamed: The Future of United Methodism and From Heaven to Earth: Christmas for New Believers, Old Believers • Hear it, See it, Risk it and Nonbelievers. • Troubleshooting • Doubt – Spiritual Hearing Loss ATONE • Fear – A Failure of Imagination • Sin – A Step in the Wrong Direction $16.95 • Pain – Faith’s Defining Moment • Takes a Community Wil Cantrell serves on the • Know it • With Heart and Mind pastoral team at Concord United Methodist Church in Knoxville, Tenn. Hebrews 11: Hear It, See it, Risk it He is the author of Unafraid and U n- ashamed: Facing the Future of United $16.95 Methodism and From Heaven to Earth: Christmas for New Believers, Old Steve Cordle is the founding and lead Believers and Nonbelievers. pastor of Crossroads Church, a cell-based congregation with multiple locations in the Pittsburgh area. He is a recipient of the Denman Award for Evangelism, and the author of The Church in Many Houses: Reaching Your Community through Cell-Based Ministry. All books available at,, and other booksellers
Journey to Transformation A Storyteller Looks at the Parables 2021 Lenten Study Updated for Lent 2021 The First in Our Storyteller Series Bishop Lewis’ 2020 best seller, Journey to Transformation, is Jesus said, “Let anyone with ears to hear listen!” In a modern updated for individuals and groups to use in their 2021 Lenten translation we might translate this passage from Mark 4:9 to read, studies. Hundreds of churches found Journey to Transformation “If you have to explain a joke, it isn’t funny.” the perfect addition to their congregations’ 2020 Lenten season. We often struggle with the meaning of the parables. Master Sharing her individual journey, Bishop Sharma Lewis (Virginia) Storyteller, Charles Maynard, helps us to see that the parables are invites readers to observe Lent by introspection, repentance, wonderfully crafted stories that need to be heard anew. “We rush forgiveness, renewal, payer, fasting, and Biblical Study. past Jesus’ parables to seek their meaning and we rarely listen to the story itself.” Journey to Transformation is divided into four sections: Lenten Devotional, Prayer, Reflection, and My Action. Since Lent is a time Many amazing commentaries and sermon collections on the par- for self-examination and renewal, Bishop Lewis offers a “My Action” ables exist. Maynard attempts to help the reader to hear the story. section each day to allow readers to continue to put into practice When you are caught up in a truly great story that is being well told, what they have read and reflected upon, and as an opportunity to you don’t analyze it. You listen to it. This book is designed to help transform someone’s life. you see the art of Jesus’ storytelling and learn to appreciate it. “This book addresses a great need within our world and the Christian Community to Chapters include: practice a Holy Lent. Bishop Lewis calls us to a time of reflecting on our humanity, with our limitations and inconsistencies. Be blessed as you read.” 1. Deepest in Our Heart A Storyteller Looks 2. How to Read a… at the Parables Bishop James E. Swanson 3. Truth and Fiction 4. Sticky Stories – Part I $16.95 “Bishop Sharma Lewis invites the reader to take ‘a journey to transformation’ during 5. Sticky Stories – Part II the Lenten season. Designed to be used by individuals and/or groups, Lewis’ book 6. Stick Stories – Part III offers daily devotional reading, prayer, reflection and action steps. I look forward to 7. Building Block immersing myself in her engaging book this Lenten season.” 8. Don’t Explain Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett Charles W. Maynard has been a Journey to Transformation 2021 pastor, professional storyteller and best-selling author. He is a big believer $16.95 in using stories to preach or teach, pointing out that Jesus told stories Bishop Sharma D. Lewis became the first much more than he gave sermons. African- American woman to be elected bishop Author of Tidings of Comfort and Joy, in the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Charles has written a number of Methodist Church in 2016. She serves the historical, Christian and outdoor books. Virginia Annual Conference. Prior to 2016, Bishop Lewis served in the North Georgie Conference as district superintendent of the Atlanta-Decatur-Oxford District. All books available at,, and other booksellers
PAGE 11 Coming Early 2021 Discipleship Path Get Out of That Box Michael Dent tackles 18 topics sure to elicit plenty of discussion in Understanding Jesus in the 21st Century. Guiding Congregations to Connect With Jesus Realizing Personal Potential & Enhancing Team Collaboration to Move Ministry Forward Some of his topics include: Jesus and Politics The church’s mission is to make disciples and Are you looking for new ways to realize the Jesus and Racism teach them to obey everything Jesus taught. collaborative potential of your team? Then The Bible commands us to make disciples but it’s time to climb out of that box you’re in Jesus and Human Sexuality does not give us a “cookie cutter” approach on and move into new spaces of creativity and how to do it. Discipleship Path is designed the innovation! You already have the ability to Don’t Miss These Other help churches to discern, dream, and dream express yourself creatively – you just need Titles From Market Square next step practices for discipleship. to unbind that which is hindering you from realizing your full potential! The narratives of You will laugh until you Dr. Brown has worked with many churches to these clergy leaders cry, reading about the folks help them address the challenges of disciple- Within these pages, you’ll unpack common in the most religiously who make up the Churches ship, church decline, and attendance plateau. myths about creativity, learn how to over- challenging region of In Discipleship Path, he addresses five com- come roadblocks that keep you trapped, and the United States, the in Lennox Valley. mon questions from local congregations: explore practical suggestions that will help Pacific Northwest, Based on the you create an environment for creativity to often referred to as 1. Isn’t discipleship and membership the thrive. In addition to informative tips and syndicated column by same thing? theories, you’ll find dozens of “Practice This” the “None Zone.” Kevin Slimp carried exercises that will help you lead and inspire in hundreds of newspapers. 2. What is a disciple culture, and how do your team to work more collaboratively. we create one? “Get Out of that Box” will enable you to realize 3. Are there classes involved, and how personal potential and enhance team collab- long does it take? oration to move ministry forward. It’s time to create and get out of that box! 4. What do we have to change? 5. Will the process fit our church’s context and culture? Discipleship Path Get Out of That Box $16.95 $15.95 Dr. Quincy Brown is Anne Bosarge uses her Churches all over the Bishop Bob Farr pro- country are using the vides succinct, practical a district superintendent background in education five shifts to frame a advice designed to help and missional specialist and curriculum writing to conversation about in the North Georgia create engaging experienc- pastors utilize their Conference of the United es that encourage church the health of their resources and energy Methodist Church. He is leaders. She serves as the ministries in the context wisely while growing passionate about equip- Multi-Campus Director for more passionate about ping churches to imagine The Chapel Ministries, a of their local cultural their faith and ministry. new ways to connect growing multi-site church shifts. This is exciting! people with Jesus. in coastal Georgia.
Ken Willard Church Ecology Church Ecology is the Director of Discipleship, Creating a Leadership Pathway for Your Church $16.95 Leadership, and Congregational Vitality for the West Virginia Church Ecology reminds readers that God has in fact created us A nnual Conference of the United to be more than we have become. We are called to share the gifts Methodist Church. that God has given to each of us on behalf of the whole com- munity so that we can more effectively be the body of Christ in Kelly Brown and for the world today. In Church Ecology, the authors lay out a practical step-by-step approach to creating a leadership pathway is the Director of Congregational that is grounded in scripture and prayer. Vitality for the East Ohio Conference of the United They invite us to be curious about current leadership develop- Methodist Church ment processes, curious about what those processes could be, curious about the journey - past, present, and future - and curi- ous about past, present, and future capacity for fruitfulness. They invite us to ask questions and they ask us questions, coaching us to determine the next appropriate action step for our unique church situation. They also remind us that a leadership pathway for a community should not be built or created by one person, but a diverse small group of persons who are passionate about growing a healthy and generative church ministry, outreach, and witness. Developing a leadership pathway serves to open up endless possibilities for us to be one with Christ, one with each other, and one in God’s transforming ministry to all the world - not just for the moment, but for the future. All books available at,, and other booksellers
PAGE 13 NEXT GENERATION Shift 2.0 SMALL GROUPS Helping Congregations Back Into the Game of Effective Ministry Complete Kits for Virtual Groups An exploration of 5 key shifts congregations must make to be- Everything you need come vital, effective, and fruitful: Exfocrepatsmthaellpgeroopuple! 1. From Fellowship to Hospitality 2. From Worship as an Event to Worship Each month, we create a small-group study using a as a Lifestyle book from Market Square as your guide. These studies 3. From Membership to Discipleship are created for small groups meeting online, but will 4. From ‘Serve Us’ to Service work just as well when/if groups meet together. 5. From ‘Survival Mentality’ to Generosity Each study includes: Most of our churches are stuck, declining, aging and struggling in various ways. Shift 2.0 is written most explicitly for the church • Digital copies of each book, for distribution to members that thought they had ministry figured out 30 years ago, but where of the small group. nothing today is working as well as it used to work. • A detailed Leader’s Guide, between 30 and 50 pages, in If this is the case in the place that you call church this book may PDF format, which can be used by group facilitators to get your church’s leaders thinking through the key movements for walk the group through the session. effective ministry. • A PowerPoint slideshow which can be used with each With new content, surveys, and lots of examples of effective min- weekly session to assist the leader/facilitator in moving istry, Shift 2.0 will encourage and resource read- ers to move into the group through the session. God’s preferred future. • Participant handouts in PDF format, which can be sent Shift 2.0 to each group member before each weekly meeting. $16.95 For as little as $89, your small group gets everything it needs, including PDF digital copies of the book, for Phil Maynard is a nationally a six to eight week study. recognized coach, consultant, author, and trainer working primarily in the area of congregational development. He is the author of several books and a wide variety of training materials focused on effective ministry and discipleship.
PAGE 15 Discipler An Interactive Guide to Intentional, Relational, Accountable Discipleship All churches want to grow disciples with a real growing faith in Jesus Christ, not just members committed to a religious institution. But only a few churches seem to know how to make disciples. Finally... there is a resource that invites individuals and small groups into a process of discovering a maturing relationship as disciples of Jesus Christ. This interactive guide provides six months of engaging activities (devotional, relational, educational, developmental, and practical) around six e y dimensions of discipleship: A Life of Worship A Life Obeying Jesus A Life of Hospitality A Life of Service A Life Opening to Jesus A Life of Generosity Discipler Discipler works great as a small group study or in one on one settings with a spiritual friend or $18.95 discipleship coach. It uses provocative, experiential exercises to challenge what we think we know about discipleship and invite deeper reflection for those just starting their journey as followers of Jesus, as well as those who think they’ve got it all figured out. Phil Maynard Eddie Pipkin is a oach, consultant, has 30 years in author, and trainer ministry experience working in the area in Georgia and of congregational Florida. development.
Books by Wesleyan Scholar Donald W. Haynes The Methodist Story Impact! Volume 1: 1703 – 1760s Reclaiming the Call of the Lay Ministry Volume 2: 1760s – 2019 The ancient church spread rapidly throughout the Mediterranean Volume 1 by Dr. Donald Haynes $14.95 world and, centuries later, the Methodist Church spread like wild- fire on the American frontier thanks largely to lay Christians who In this first of two volumes, we review John Wesley and his family, shared the Christian faith in their homes and communities. and Methodism as a movement in England within the context of the eighteenth century. Volume I includes Mr. Wesley’s eventual ordina- Over time, our primary church leadership models have empha- tion of clergy to form a new American Church. sized the leadership of the clergy and have devalued the ministry of the laity. Volume 2 by Dr. Donald Haynes $14.95 IMPACT! offers practical and proven plans to help clergy and laity partner together again to spread the Gospel in a new day and age! Under Asbury, Growth was the phenomenon of Christian evangelism without equal in all of history – in sixty years Methodism became the “The perfect book for your.. largest organization in Americ – secular or religious – outside the congregational study!” government. Slavery was its Albatross. Abolition was ignored until after the 1840 General Conference. F. Douglas Powe, Jr. – Wesley Theological Seminary The book’s final chapter documents the 2019 General Conference Kay Kotan is a professionally and the “resistance” movement that has followed. credentialed coach who has Digest of Wesleyan Grace Theology coached hundreds of pastors One of the best books ever written on what it and churches across the nation, helping them become more vital means to be a United Methodist $18.95 in reaching new people. She has authored more than a dozen Undoubtedly one of the best books ever books on church and leadership written on what it means to be a Methodist, by Wesleyan scholar Donald Haynes. transformation. Impact! $16.95 The perfect resource for Sunday School, Blake Bradford is a UMC small groups, new member classes and everyone who calls themselves “Methodist.” minister appointed as a district superintendent in the Arkansas Sunday School and small group leaders are Conference. He has pastored raving about the information accessible in churches of different sizes and Digest of Wesleyan Grace. contexts, and has served the Arkansas Conference Center for Vitality as a coach, consultant, and director of the ordination program. All books available at,, and other booksellers
Disciple Like Jesus $16.95 Foundations Making Disciples Like Jesus Who Make Disciples Like Jesus Revised and Updated for the 2020s For many congregations, there is a lack of clarity about what a Growth as a disciple begins with a good foundation. We need to disciple is and what a disciple does. Your congregation might find it learn how to pray, how to begin reading the Bible, how to live in helpful to have a larger conversation in worship or as a small group authentic relationships, how to have a devotional time, how to use series around this theme. Disciple Like Jesus could provide the the resources God has provided, how to discern our call to serve, framework for this conversation. and how to share our faith. Small Group Study In this new updated edition of Foundations, these basic founda- Even with small groups in the church forming bonds and embracing tional spiritual disciplines are presented in an easy to understand each other, many people in many congregations sense there is some- and very practical workbook-style format. Use this resource with thing missing. Disciple Like Jesus could launch them on a new way of a small group of new believers, with a engaging life both within and outside of the Church. virtual small group, or with a new member class or as a guide in a mentoring relationship. Accountability Group Disciple Like Jesus offers specific suggestions for behaviors that Sections include: help develop ways of living like Jesus. Accountability is vital to this process. Whether through mentoring, apprenticing, coaching, small • Building Christian Relationships as Disciples groups, or triads, partners should process this resource together. • Building My Relationship with God Through Prayer • Building My Relationshiop with Christ Through the Word of God Leadership Training • Building a Life of Devotion Through Worship The greatest form of leadership in the Church is the leading of • Building a Life of Serive Through the Use of My Gifts disciples toward maturity in becoming more like Jesus. There are • Guilding a Life of Generosity Through Stewardship skills, presented in Disciple Like Jesus, that can help develop more • Where Do I Gro From Here effective leadership toward this goal. • Growing by Sharing My Faith Personal Study Even seasoned believers will find this to be a valuable resource to Disciple Like Jesus provides many tools for exploration for individ- strengthen their spiritual lives. uals into the ways in which they can become more like Jesus and disciple like Jesus did. \\We do believe, however, that while this is a Foundations great resource for individual study, it is even better to study with a friend or two. $16.95 Phil Maynard Eddie Pipkin Phil Maynard is a nationally is a oach, consultant, has 30 years in recognized coach, consultant, author, and trainer ministry experience author, and trainer working working in the area in Georgia and primarily in the area of of congregational Florida. congregational development. development. He is the author of several books and a wide variety of training materials focused on effective ministry and discipleship. All books available at,, and other booksellers
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