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Home Explore Examiner-Spring2018


Published by VanNormanK, 2018-05-08 10:47:03

Description: Examiner-Spring2018


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PUBLISHED BY THE OREGON STATE BOARD OF EX AMINERS FOR ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING SPRING 2018National Engineeringand Surveying WeeksThis year’s National Engineers and Week High School Program took place Board members and OSBEELS staffSurveyors weeks celebrated our state’s in Portland, OR and welcomed over participated at the Engineers Week Highprofessionals and the difference they 400 students from local schools. The School Program and attended the 11thmake in our communities. Though program offered students the opportunity annual Future Engineers Day in Keizer,these national recognition weeks take to visit local businesses, participate in OR where they had the opportunityplace in different months, they provide mini-workshops with professionals, to join in discussions to help informindividuals from both professions teachers, parents, and an evening dinner students about careers in engineeringthe chance to give back and inspire with engineering professionals. and professional licensure.the next generation of engineers andsurveyors. Professionals from across The Willamette Valley Section of the National Surveyors week took place thisthe state volunteered and participated in Society of Women Engineers hosted year from March 18-24. An initiativenumerous activities aimed at increasing the 19th annual Willamette Valley promoted by the National Society ofawareness among students and Engineers Week Awards Banquet on Professional Surveyors, Surveyors weekcelebrating the work from this past year. February 26 at Oregon State University. was highlighted by Global SurveyorsEngineers week took place this year The event encourages young individuals Day on Wednesday, March 21. Theduring February 18-24. Activities to consider careers in engineering. day included career fairs and studentincluded career fairs, classroom visits These activities and more across the activities hosted by the United Way,and various team challenges across state helped engage students and South Western Oregon Communitythe state. The 54th annual Engineers celebrate our state’s engineers! College, Oregon Gear Up, and more! BOARD MEMBERS Mari Lopez, Administrator BOARD STAFF Jenn Gilbert, Dep. AdministratorThe mission of the Oregon State Board Shelly MC Duquette, PE, SE President Danee Vigof Examiners for Engineering and Land Christopher D. Aldridge, RPP Vice President Eric EngelsonSurveying (OSBEELS) is to regulate the William J. Boyd, Public Member Veronica Gloriapractice of engineering, land surveying, Daren Cone, PE, PLS Santiago Puentephotogrammetric mapping, and water Jason J. Kent, PE Rob Sobotkaright certification in the state as they Logan T. Miles, PLS Tina Sorensenrelate to the welfare of the public in Dr. Sean St.Clair, PE Shawn Thornhill Dave M. Van Dyke, PE Amelia Volker1safeguarding lifeT, hHeaElth OandRpEroGperOty.N Amin Wahab, Public Member Dennis Smith Oscar J. Zuniga, PE Grant Aman Nick Siegrist E X A MINER

2018’s National Girl DayThe annual day, which takes placeduring National Engineers Week,helps engage young girls andinspire them to make a differencein the engineering world. Each yearprofessionals from across the nationvolunteer to become role models andwork with younger girls to help themunderstand the path to engineeringas a profession and encourage them to believe in themselves! If you are interested inbecoming a Role Model, visit to learn more!Oregon Oregon State University Oregon TechUniversities inU.S. News Annual #145 (out of 311) National University Ranking #6 (out of 65) Regional Colleges – WestRankings #73 (out of 132) Top Public Schools #12 (out of 51) Best Value Schools #70 (out of 205) Best Undergraduate #3 (out of 7) Top Public SchoolsU.S. News recently published Engineering Programs – highest engineering #38 (out of 200) Best Undergraduateits annual college rankings of degree offered is doctorate Engineering Programs – no doctorate programour nation’s private and publicuniversities. To determine their Portland State University George Fox Universityrankings, U.S. News collecteddata from colleges and universities #231 (out of 311) National University Ranking #23 (out of 141) Regional Universities - Westfor various measures of academic #10 (out of 31) Most Innovative Schools #17 (out of 51) Best Value Schoolexcellence; from first-year student #137 (out of 205) Best Undergraduate #74 (out of 200) Best Undergraduateretention rates to faculty resources, Engineering Programs – highest engineering Engineering Programs – no doctorate programadmissions selectivity and degree offered is doctorategraduation rates. Universities are University of Portlandthen ranked in various categoriesthat include best colleges for #6 (out of 141) Regional Universities – Westveterans, best value schools, most #18 (out of 51) Best Value Schoolsinnovative, and best universities for #29 (out of 200) Best Undergraduatespecific academic programs, such as Engineering Programs – no doctorate programengineering or geomatics.All five Oregon universities whichoffer ABET-accredited programsearned rankings in variouscategories. Below is a snap shot ofhow these universities ranked intheir respective categories.2 THE OREGON EXAMINER

OregonUniversitiesUpdatesGeorge Fox Group Travels to Peru PSU’s Society of Women Engineers enjoyed the opportunity to showcaseto Tackle Water Issues Host Next Generation of Students and discuss their research with members The ambassadors from Portland of the public. Electrical and computerA group from George Fox’s Senior State University’s Society of Women engineering student Vishvas ChalishazarDesign Team spent their winter Engineers student chapter hosted explained why he was excited about thisbreak traveling to Nauta, Peru to a group of Portland Public School event stating, “It definitely helps to boostcollaborate with local missions students at the Maseeh College of my confidence a lot. The showcase helpsand create innovative solutions to Engineering in February as part of us understand that just doing researchthe major water system problems their Engineers Week activities. The is not enough.”the city faces. While in Peru, the visit included talking with students,team assisted with completing a site engineering-related hands-on UP Student STEM Program Impactssurvey, doing the conceptual design, activities, and a tour of the College Local Studentsand the basic site planning for a water of Engineering’s Labs. The student Earlier this year, the University ofsystems improvement project. This ambassadors also participated in the Portland’s UPMars STEM programspring the group will be working on Oregon Engineers Week High School hosted a daylong camp for gradecompleting the calculations, design Program by hosting tours and meeting school students that focused onoptions, and drawings for the project. with younger students. STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering, and math. The free eventOregon Tech Student Earns OSU Graduate Students Showcase focused on engaging students who comeNational Award Research Work from low-income families and aimed toOregon Tech civil engineering Oregon State University’s College provide them the opportunity to learngraduate student, Jordan Preston, of Engineering held its fifth annual more about these fields. UPMars, whichwas selected as the 2017 ‘Student of Graduate Research Showcase in stands for Multi-Device Autonomousthe Year’ by the National Institute early February. This year’s program Robotic System, club and otherfor Transportation and Communities. included over 150 engineering graduate University of Portland student clubsPreston institute’s annual meeting students who hosted exhibits and raise money throughout the year to bein Washington D.C. Dr. Roger discussion related to their research able to host events and camps like thisLindgren, professor and graduate efforts with attendees. In addition to the for area students and their families. Theprogram director in Oregon Tech’s showcase, Jorge Cham, roboticist and event offered participating students thecivil engineering department, stated, cartoonist, presented to attendees on opportunity to partake in a variety of“Jordan is a remarkable student and the disconnect between researchers and STEM workshops and activities withhas made a lasting impact on the civil the public in regards to perception and University of Portland department and the larger communication. Participating studentsOregon Tech community. It has beenan honor to work with her.” Criteriafor the award included technicalmerit and research accomplishments,academic performance,professionalism and leadership.3 THE OREGON EXAMINER

ACEC Honors Top Engineering surroundings. KPFF and GRI to push their skills and talents018 Projects in Oregon With an eye toward expanding the garden and new directions and turn to innovative solution adding to the experience of visitors, the Cultural When it came to managing stormwater run Crossing project aims to relate the story of a for example, engineers had to bypass tradition cultural village and surrounding gardens, gracefully building gutters, which would have marred the and respectfully cradled into adjacent forest. clean architectural lines of buildings featured i the project. Instead, KPFF turned to trench dra But that very location actually posed one of the and manholes covered with removable pavers first hurdles to the project. The Garden is located at aligning perfectly with the plaza’s stone pavers the crest of a large, ancient, slow-moving landslide, creating a seamless and harmonious picture. which meant the project team engineers had to The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Oregon recently announced its 2018 Engineering Excellence awards. This year’s top award went to a2018 wetland systems project that helped the City of Best in Category – Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Prineville adjusPFBriitvreasttsetotPliaancebCoatoemgoinryg: population. For over 50 years, the QBS Systems: Portland Japanese Garden Expansion Transportation Engineering Excellence awards have recognized engineering Firms: KPPF and Geotechnical US 20 BARCLAY ROUNDABOUT projects that demonstrate Resources Inc. innovation, complexity, Other consultants/Key Participants: Submitting Firms: Kittelson & Anderson Krygier, Architectural Associates and Parametrix Cost Consultants, Green Building Client/Owner: Oregon Department of Transportation Other Consultants/Key Participants: City of Sisters, Knife River achievement and value. Services, Hacker Architects (architect of record), Hoffman Construction, In addition to helping plants, Native American SantuddPenrintseKivnillwee onhoisgdtsoohryo,Kpanud ma & Associates, Luma the city find an affordable steelhead reproduction. solution to its wastewater classes at Prineville schools built aLndigpahinttiendg and Design, PAE, Sadafumis low asPporsosibjlee.ct of the Year: Crooked River capacity challenges, more than 200 wbierdtlhaonudssefsorthuastewbeUyrescwlohaclliaoytweads manda, and Walker Macy Anderson Perry helped throughout theBased on the benefits that the wetlands would include in the scope of the project the development other species, an effort expected to establish theWetlands Summary: The project team of KPFFrovide to the natural environment, AndertosHaodinsdtotPoryte’shredriyrynraanmkics d—ouotfhsemhcaovomerbaeinntaehtwioapnnaoirfifnigve miles of public trails and a Crooked River Complex as a prime spot for birdand Geotechical Resources Inc. (GRI)as able to help the city locate and obtainKitgterlsaonn&tsAssociatespaendrimPareamteertrilxo. op. The firm designed walking paths, watchers.Firm: Anderson Perry & Associates agencies and groups that included OanrdTeheegxptowernotisfiermtos hueselpdtpthheaeOivrirrleeigosopnnescDt,ievgepaatartzlmeenebtnstos, restrooms and a parking area From serving as an area offering educational and recreational opportunities for the community chtaongpedrotovaidminutgedsreigddnisihfibcraownnt. Sspalivtteinr gs for the city and idseliatsnsedrtsbtaaunnsdcitonhloeer,cswesnhetielesr sciaognnncpdreotsretesasapnrioddneliagnrhettsapo, ltehs e Crooked arRe bivroewrn.Wetlands project – and Anderson Perry’s tecaInmo2nw0to1rr4kibi,ntughetoinooutnthreseaSc–ihstfeeafrfsorrrotesuxnbdcyaetbheoeudptreporjdeocjettcht e city’s original dreumxmpeedcutpastuioppnosrt.from the freight industry trhoautnrdeaPsburolitunetdse.inviOllDeO, Taclifctinogridtsinmograttooriucmityonengineer Klann, “is theeInmc2sse0tl1vae5ts,icKwiotwtrekliisntohgntaothngdeetPhsearruaamcgeactinreixosnfsotuhonedf this project.” roundabout when ODOT selected Parametrix to complete the final design and provide construction services for the project. Kittelson provided support for that portion of the project, serving as a consultant on traffic, signage and illumination. With a target to open the roundabout just three months after the start of construction, theConsultants/Key Participants: Aquatic Best in Category – Transportation: hexelppaenddtthheeiProbretlaauntdifJualpcaanmespeusGwarhdielentoaaterdP, TahrkesP, tehletoOnrFeugnodnaWndattehreshCeodnEfendheac2orof0nanTcBsrtateaernurdscmcpltaoeyerdtRnaoottniuonandssatuabctoceurtehehts,isgtachfhurtewlelwfyaiarycsitotlslimironoppcnuelrneodttoehavepbtihdopeueotUrSaturenafiutilrle-esscsairldeeemlanotdteesldswbtuoiitlthathtetehdeunDceesawcthiuowtenes CtaloanundntdyContracting, George Chadwickribes of theUS 20 Barclay Roundabout maintaining the Garden’s architecturalnd the U.S. Warm Springs. ABgursicinueltsusreORresimutrgpWurlcoaeotmulnrkreetnhstaainttiwo2on0u1oldf1a.evmeanotrnuaatdEollyrviruleiempandaotnrobitatehhneefoUarSereiatso.peFihseasnliuprgeeersddo, uit,nhnctedhlusted,etaionmgwtertsheetesttolhclavreeenraoddtuieonssnidgoapnfbraoaonuudtjn.eTpiqcohuletiecryboydpeaosss Department ofConsulting, Rotschy Inc.evelopment also provided some fundingw20.heIBnnatrhtchelayeciRtyooufnSdiasbteorusptbprerogojavencidtlobeoekdginagnafinnor2wo0a1py0sptoo rtuolanvneietrysfiozterodthveteerhoiaculncedshawbliotohuctstpahealctsiacclapnhebromeoiutssl.ed byFirms: Kittelson & Associates and features. One of the biggest hurdlesnd, AndersonSummary: Due to a growing population the project faced was that the Gardenbtain enough Perry manodnethyetocitpyawy eforer aalbmroAelfsedoUsuosSctceoti2at0htheeaas,nnltdfhuemBcabiretcyrlaosytfuDcdwcrriaeihvsadehi.lsaedJlsttoereairnetnwetandhtaeivbaetyinsebKtetroiort.tseumeTlcsathotkitoneehn&estuustndokueeTepdhsntueiuctctasaaeltaelahmbaceooapulmlpstpomtehrcueodonsanitacdycfurephcetlatyeaytadeotnreodsuhwet1rafhefi3onacciwdehnelecirnefyfgoorfts grantin the Prineville area, the city found KPaeryaPmaerttricixipants: City of Sisters and is located on the crest of a large, slow-fthe $8.3 Imncil.l,iothneccoosnt toraf cthtoerwfoertltahnedpsrpotsOrjheaoDefecjOaertTrfe,cotahrtce.donrinvtesoirodske, prtehededetloesattibrndhieafonatohnsteatrhomgnedaftpafoeretwothjiareeoyrcintuntoasfnekSodrisisroa.tmesrskastiolorbenoudcusuaanicndbateaetsoibosdonuouatawtlsmnwr. oTeerhaeuset.tinnTeteghdrasasmttwhohhipteheeeldndlowsccinoa,eflmowrtremmleasuaidtnntlieioadcnnantsatsildoaannndldedRotschyits wastewater treatment facility moving landslide, which required theegan work in February 2016. Because romoputoinodnnaobefoycuhttocoiocnef.iguration was selected as the to community input that convinced the team to keep the roundabout to one lane to makeKnife Riveray from the project came from numerousIns2o0u1r7c, tehsou,gh, ODOT issued a moratorium navigation as simple and easy as possible. Emergency and school district personnel became involved as well, helping the projectfacing operating capacity issues. project engineers to design a systemnderson Perry had to develop complex orbensidpboudniliddniinnggg roundabouts on state highways, the freight industry concerns aboutPrineville officials turned to Anderson Summary: Kittelson and Parametrix that would keep water runoff fromocuments that clearly separated and oultalrigOneDe, OodvTeatrshnidzeeKditvteelhsiocnlews ittrhyisnugptpoonrtafvriogmate them.ork and portions of the project that eachParsaomuetrricx edecided to use the US 20/ team develop traffic management guidelines set in place during construction of the project team worked collaboratively to keep two- way daytime traffic on US 20 moving throughoutPerry & Associates to help with thef used their respective specialties to helproundabout. soaking into the vulnerable soils. Thefunding was paying for. Despite the intricateBarclay intersection project as a pilot project The project team, working with community two firms worked together to design and to help reach a consensus about roundabouts the city of Sisters develop a solutioninput, also took steps to ensure the roundabout the work window. Despite weather challengesproblem. Rather than suggesting atuation, construction progressed well anwdithtthheefreight industry. The project team meshed as much as possible with the area’s and changes in paving materials that requiredrnoeDjeyucertianwrgaanfcsfatoeemcnwrsaiittlirnbiumltyecytgcieo,aonncmA,.hpRlnaoettdnsecleiyhcrayaselilotxtclnewamvaPaotseeriw1entd0rocelrturkahdDwenyidanJdCgtn’iarhesOoltelrdseetisgnloegyrnwtaruitthcmrktheroedaferdeotigeemhvtesinneitdsguunsstnrinty,ged landscape. The bright yellow ADA ramps usually some quick adjustments, the roundabout opened install a combination of trench drains, to reduce the number of crashes at theused for transportation-related projects were manholes covered with removable for use on time in July 2017.awceetdlanadlmaaors1eta25. T00h0-e,a0p0cr0orjeeccutwbwiceaystaldradesnsiogdfnsseodsilsytoosctthreeaatmte project to intersection of Barclay Drive and USvery bit otfaskoiel exocnavatthedewtarseuastemd, reeqnutiriangnndo disposal ofWdidthititohneaglwmoaaaltosefrtiaaelllwotowabinetgebtrrho.euTgcihthyteitnoofcirormnmtorovleftdhoeouufltno. wd that the 20 and help decrease traffic congestion pacers, and biomass panels that helped f wastewwatertblaetnwdeesn alpl opf rthoeawcehtlanwdoceullsl,dthseave the city in the area. Due to the high amount of mitigate stormwater runoff while stillmoonrsetrtuhcatni$o7n5,6p70h0amsfeeiealtllsoioofignnrcalucvidtoyemdpitphpineagin,r6set,5adl0la0ttioofenetothf e cost of f pressurbizuedilirdrigiantigonapipninegwandm3e2cchonacnreitecal wastewater traffic from the freight industry on the sustaining the clean architecture of theontrol strturcetuaretsmanednmtafnahcolielsi.ty. Anderson Perry & highway, the design also acted as an Garden’s buildings. Associates also assisted with securing additional funding to help keep the city’s ODOT pilot project for roundabouts To learn more about these projects that are designed with the freight and other Engineering Excellence industry in mind. awards visit ACEC’s website at Oregon’s BuildingACConEnCeoctrioengs o9n.orgcosts for the project as low as possible.4 THE OREGON EXAMINER

OSBEELS 2018 SYMPOSIUM TECHNOLOGY + INNOVATION September 14 Salem Convention Center Technology is changing the world around us. New devices are allowing professionals to transcend the methods of yesterday. Innovations are reshaping our cities and how we build, survey, and examine our state. OSBEELS is excited to announce that it will be hosting the eighth annual Symposium this fall on Friday, September 14, 2018 at the Salem Convention Center. This year’s Symposium will feature educational sessions on groundbreaking technology, research, and the projects that are shaping the future of engineering, land surveying, and water right examination. This year’s Symposium theme covers a broad range of topics aimed to engage and educate registrants from across the state. OSBEELS looks forward to announcing the speaker schedule and more information in the next issue of the Oregon Examiner! The OSBEELS Symposium is an annual event held in September. Information regarding Symposium registration will become available in June 2018. Registration fees cover Symposium materials, lunch, and eight PDHs to full-day attendees. Anyone interested in attending future symposium events should keep an eye out for announcements in the Oregon Examiner newsletter, on the OSBEELS Facebook page,, and on the OSBEELS website, If you have any comments or questions, please contact the OSBEELS staff at [email protected] or 503-362-2666.5 THE OREGON EXAMINER

Investigation andEnforcement Cases2977 – Michael LowellThe Board entered into a Settlement 2926 – Shawn Kampmann Mr. Wright met with the Board at anAgreement with Michael Lowell informal conference, however, thefor applying his seal to plans and/or The Board issued a Default Final two sides failed to reach a settlementdocuments that were not prepared under Order against Shawn Kampmann agreement. The final order was issuedhis direction and control. The Board had for negligence in the practice of land against Mr. Wright assessing a $18,000proposed to assess Mr. Lowell a $500 surveying. Mr. Kampmann utilized civil penalty for eight (8) violations ofcivil penalty for each violation of Oregon Bureau of Land Management GCBD ORS 672.045(2), falsely representingRevised Statute (ORS) 672.020(2) and data coordinates to establish a property that he is authorized to practiceOregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 820- line in lieu of conducting the necessary engineering, and ten (10) violations020-0020(2), totaling $1,000. However, surveying research. Following a review of OAR 820-020-0025(1), makingthrough an informal conference the performed by an Expert Reviewer, it untruthful statements to the Board.Board and Mr. Lowell agreed to settle was determined the Bureau of Landon the following terms; Mr. Lowell Management GCBD data coordinates 3025 – Jacob Wrightwould pay a $250 civil penalty for each should not be used to complete a surveyviolation, totaling $500. and, as a result of this approach, lead The Board issued a Default Final to an incorrectly placed monument. Order against Jacob Wright for2888 – Mitchell Duryea The final order was issued against Mr. engaging in the unlicensed practice of Kampmann assessing a $1,000 civil engineering. Mr. Wright was contractedThe Board entered into a Settlement penalty for violation of OAR 820-020- to be the engineer of record for aAgreement with Mitchell Duryea for 0015(1), professional negligence. home project in 2014 and performedfailing to submit for review a permanent engineering and design work on themap of survey to the county within 45 2951 – Jacob Wright project through 2016. Additionally,days of establishing a monument on Mr. Wright represented himself to bethree separate occasions and failing The Board issued a Default Final a licensed engineer commercially andto include an expiration date or date Order against Jacob Wright for falsely in professional relationships. The finalof renewal on his seal. The Board had representing himself as a professional order was issued against Mr. Wrightproposed to assess Mr. Duryea a $1,500 engineer and providing untruthful assessing a $9,000 civil penalty for onecivil penalty for three (3) violations of statements to the Board. Mr. Wright (1) violation of OAR 820-010-0720(3),ORS 209.250, 45-day filing violation had been offering engineering services advertising to perform professionaland five (5) violations of OAR 820-025- on his company website and an internet engineering services without a license,0005(2), failing to include expiration blog without a license, and falsely eight (8) violations of ORS 672.045(2),date or date of renewal on seal. presenting himself a licensed engineer falsely representing to be authorized to to potential clients from 2014 to 2016. practice engineering.However, through an informalconference the Board and Mr. Lowellagreed to settle on the following terms;Mr. Duryea would pay $250 for five (5)violations of OAR 820-025-0005(2) andreceive a Letter of Concern (LOC) forthe three violations of ORS 209.250.6 THE OREGON EXAMINER

Consequencesof failure to paycivil penaltiesWhen involved in a Law Enforcement • Garnishment proceedings (ORS may suspend, revoke or refuse tocase with the Board, an individual 18.600 to 18.850) issue, restore or renew a certificate ormay face a number of potential permit, or may reprimand an individualoutcomes following the investigation. These proceedings allow for the enrolled as an intern or holding aThese outcomes include having the examination of the debtors holdings, certificate or permit:case dismissed, license suspension or seizure of property that can be appliedrevocation, required peer review of against the delinquent judgment, 1. For violating any provision of ORSprofessional work, and/or civil penalty. or garnishment of stocks, wages or 672.045; property in safety deposit boxes. TheShould the Board determine a violation Board can also utilize the services of 2. For gross negligence, negligenceis substantial enough, per Oregon the Oregon Department of Revenue to or incompetence in the practiceRevised Statute (ORS) 672.325; the collect debts. of engineering, land surveying orBoard has the ability to impose a civil photogrammetric mapping;penalty following an investigation. For registrants, the situation is moreThese proposed penalties may not exceed complicated. Registrants are subject to 3. Subject to ORS 670.280, for$1,000 per offense. All individuals in all of the above actions if they fail to conviction of a felony;receipt of civil penalties must submit pay their civil penalties within the 10-payment within 10 days after the order day period, but they’re also subject to 4. For conviction of a misdemeanorbecomes final by operation of law. additional civil penalties resulting from involving the practice ofFailure to pay civil penalties can result the violation of Oregon Administrative engineering, land surveying orin liens, forced collections or additional Rule (OAR) 820-020-0045(3). Each photogrammetric mapping;penalties. In the case of non-registrants, registrant is obligated to not engage inORS 183.745 allows the Board to file a unprofessional behavior under this rule 5. For failing to pay a civil penaltylien with the county clerk’s office upon and subsection 3, specifically addresses or fee in the manner prescribed bythe title to or interest in any property of payments to the Board: a final order of the board, or forthe person against whom the order was failing to meet any other term of aissued. As per ORS 205.126, collection (3) An applicant or registrant must final order of the board; oron judgments from orders filed in the make timely and full payment to theCounty Clerk Lien Record may be Board of all Board assessed fees, fines 6. For violating a rule of professionalenforced by: and penalties. conduct prescribed by the board • Writ of execution proceedings (ORS Additionally, ORS 672.200 grants Payment plans may be available for 18.252 to 18.993) the Board the authority to suspend individuals who demonstrate a need for registration. The statute reads: repayment flexibility; however, such • Proceedings in support of execution plans must be approved by the Board. (ORS 18.265, 18.268 and 18.270) The State Board of Examiners for For questions regarding civil penalties Engineering and Land Surveying or payments, please contact the Board office at 503-362-2666 or by email at [email protected] THE OREGON EXAMINER



10 T H E O R E G O N E X A M I N E R

Planning for RetirementStaff would like to remind registrants that a signed form is required to officially retire your state of Oregonlicense. The Request for Retirement Status form is available at under the “Maintaininga License” option. Until this form is received by OSBEELS staff, a registrant is not considered to be retiredand, therefore, must continue to abide by all Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Administrative Rules;including those pertaining to completion of Professional Development Hours.Oregon ExaminerAvailable OnlineAre you interested in receiving the send us a note at [email protected] Examiner electronically? with the email address you would likeOSBEELS’s quarterly newsletter is now us to use when sending the newsletter.available both in print and online. Weare encouraging those who receive the This notification will not changeprint copy of the newsletter to consider your email address for Boardswitching to a digital version instead. correspondence. To update your email address for Board correspondence,Less printing can help reduce our please submit your request to the Boardcarbon footprint and eliminate costs via the OSBEELS website atassociated with the printing process. If would like to begin receiving the Pages/Address-Change.aspxOregon Examiner electronically, simply11 T H E O R E G O N E X A M I N E R

BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING670 Hawthorne Avenue, SE 503-362-2666Suite 220 [email protected], Oregon 97301 OSBEELS is on Facebook! The most up-to-date information on exams, applications, audits, renewals, and more! receive the newsletter electronically, please provide an email address below. If you would prefer to receive thenewsletter in print rather than electronically or at a different mailing address, please provide the preferred mailingaddress below. If you are already receiving the newsletter in the preferred format and at the correct location,submission of this form is not necessary.You may return this form by email to [email protected], by fax to 503-362-5454 or by mail to the addresslisted above. Please note, the contact information in which Board correspondence is sent will not be changed bysubmitting this form. Please utilize the Name/Address Change form to comply with Oregon Administrative RuleOAR 820-020-0050.Registrant Information Middle name or initial Last name (family name)First name (personal name)Email Address Registration or certificate number, if applicableTo receive the print edition of The Oregon Examiner, please complete the information below.Home BusinessMailing address (include any apartment/suite number)City State or Province Zip/Postal code Country

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