Benefits or threats of the social media portals? – What young people think… The virtual reality has become an inseparable element of our life. Using the social media portals is now common. On January 31st, 2020 in all partner schools, a survey on the benefits and threats of the social media portals was conducted. 245 students of ages 11-15, from Poland, Greece, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria participated. All data were concentrated in a single document during the Erasmus meeting in Romania, 01-04/03/2020. Firstly, we checked which social media the young people are interested in. This is the popularity rank of the social media and instant messaging services: Diagram 1 – Underline the portals and social media services which you use most frequently. Messenger and YouTube – 87% are the social media portals which are most frequently visited, followed by Instagram – 64%, Facebook was indicated by our respondents only in the fourth position; it is used by 55% of our students.
Diagram 2 – In your opinion, do the social media bring more benefits or threats? Benefits definitely prevailed in the students’ responses. 82% of them indicated this answer, and 18% of the respondent see more threats than benefits. In the two following questions the students were asked to indicate what are, in their opinion, the three greatest benefits and the three greatest threats of the social media portals. Diagram 3 – What, in your opinion, is the greatest benefit of the social media portals? List the three most important ones in your opinion.
80% of the students indicated keeping in touch with family and friends as the greatest benefit, this was followed by the use for educational purposes – 44%, getting in touch with old friends was third – 40%. The subsequent, equally high positions, were occupied by the opportunity to meet new people and sharing your interests and talents. Diagram 4 – What, in your opinion, is the greatest threat of the social media portals? List the three most important ones in your opinion. The students indicated publishing humiliating contents and photographs, hatred as the greatest threat – 73%, this was followed by hacking the profile and data theft – 64%, third - besmirching in the social media – 38%. In conclusion, it must be said that the majority of the students recognize the benefits of social media portals and see more benefits than threats. The huge opportunities brought by the social media should not overshadow their negative aspects, which the young people also recognize. It should be borne in mind that you should protect your privacy online and use the social media in a reasonable manner, recognize their benefits but remember to be cautious.
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