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Published by, 2020-05-20 06:29:16

Description: Amar Workplace - issues of concern at workplace and some guidelines to address those, performance review

Keywords: workplace,office issues,man management,performance review


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CONTENT Page Section name 03 Introduction 05 Proper workplace 07 How to be a better employee 08 What are work ethics? 09 Good work ethics at workplace 11 About team and teamwork 15 Managing difficult employee 17 Managing difficult boss 20 Performance management and performance improvement 21 Performance review 24 Some tips for better performance management 25 Performance review comments 28 Privacy in the Workplace

Introduction Behaviour of people at workplace is very important because at workplace people interact and work with colleagues, clients, customers, subordinates, seniors, bosses and many others. Any unpleasant behaviour of an employee will create unpleasantness at workplace and people at the workplace will fail to deliver their best. If such situation continues for long, it may affect the reputation of the organisation. Employers expect the employees to behave according to the company policy, and they are generally ready to tell the employee about his / her inappropriate behaviour. There are many proven ways to address such problems. In the following pages we have talked about how one can address such problems and have put up some simple suggestions on how to monitor, how to control and how to overcome those situations. We have talked about About work ethics About good employee About good team member and good team leader How to manage difficult employees How to handle difficult boss Effective and efficient performance management and performance improvement How performance appraisal can add value to employee as well as to the manager Expectation of privacy at workplace, etc.

This eBook’s content writer is an individual with 35 years of working experience in India. While at work he came across several people who were either his colleague or his client or his customer. He has seen people often face problem at workplace because of the people they are working with. Sometimes this experience can be distracting and draining. For the leaders to motivate the team and to retain the team members are the challenges. The writer talks about some of the very commonly seen workplace related problems and suggests how one can monitor, control and overcome those.

Proper workplace A proper workplace will provide a highly productive work environment where there will be minimum work-disruptions due to poor workplace behaviour of the employee. As organisation with good work environment earns reputation because it makes the business associates of the organisation and the business community, in general, very happy. Organisations with good and productive workplace environment will provide: Adequate training to the employees for performing his / her duties efficiently. All the relevant information available to the employees for performing his / her duties efficiently. Presence of a cell where grievance can be reported, and once a grievance is reported prompt action on the reported grievance is taken. Existence of an appraisal system through which performance assessment and guidance to performance development are made available to meet the requirements of the employees as well as the needs of the organisation. In many cases the appraisal system is linked with rewards and compensation, which create a positive mindset amongst the employees.

How to be a better employee For those who are employed and are working, it will be important to learn how to become a better employee. We can confidently tell you, it is not difficult. You will be able to see the results just be taking care of the following simple things: Keep a smile on your face, which is the easiest thing to do. Try to reach office on time and try not to become always first to leave office. Don’t bring your personal problems at workplace. Try to compliment your colleagues who are a step below you or who are your equals or who are a step above you. Initially one may find it difficult but with practice the compliments will flow automatically. Keep some time to discuss about your colleagues family issues or holiday plans or hobbies, etc. before bringing up serious matters. Some time it may become important to criticise your colleague. Preferably do that is private and out it in a way that does not hurt your colleague. Remember to learn every day. Don’t be satisfied with your present knowledge. If we stop learning, we will go backward. Take extra care to read / review your email before hitting the [send] button. Don’t send email when you are angry. If you are angry, if possible, speak to the recipient of the email over phone and the send the email.

What are work ethics? Work ethics demonstrates how one performs his / her job or responsibilities at workplace, and how one gets along with others. Work ethics can be described as a set of values, which involves the person’s attitude, his behaviour, his communication skills, his interaction skills, his honesty, his accountability, his respect for others, etc. So, essentially work ethics demonstrates how a person is and what he would do in different situations. A company with correct work ethics always creates positive impact on the people associated with the company. On other the hand companies with poor work ethics create negative impact on the people. People with companies with poor work ethics may think “it does not matter”, even after doing something wrong or questionable. A person with good work ethics: Will try to do a job well. Value what other doing. Will have positive feeling to be a part of a plan. Will try to do the right thing in a given situation, etc. The habit of following good work ethics comes from within. What is most important is the fact that people exhibiting good work ethics are considered eligible for better position and more responsibilities.

Good work ethics at workplace We all know good work ethics at workplace, and people with good work ethics are always rewarded. Let’s now look at some of the key work ethics, which the employers expect from their employees. Honesty: Any job assigned should be done with utmost honesty, without cheating, lying or stealing. Dependability: Persons who are dependable are considered to be reliable as well. Such people bring out good results and sets good example for people around. Positive work habits: People with positive work habits impress the people working with and the superiors as well. For example coming to work late, leaving workplace early, dressing inappropriately, etc. are considered as signs of not following good work ethics. Initiative: One should not wait to be told what to do, but should take initiative to do a right thing in an acceptable manner. Humility: People with good work ethics show humbleness and modesty, which are the two basic elements of good work ethics. Teamwork: We all will agree that at workplace each and every person is a part of the team, no matter what role the person plays in it. A person with good work ethics will try to do what is beneficial for the team as a whole, and will not do what is only good for him.

Efficiency: Efficiency is vital for own growth as well as for the betterment of the company one working with. Efficiency is the hallmark of good workers. Inefficient employees will normally waste time and resources.

About team and teamwork A team is a group of individuals, all working together for a common purpose. Success of a team can be evaluated from quality of the teamwork not from the quality of the members of the team, and success of a team depends on the team members and the team leader. A good team The characteristics of a good team are: There is plenty of communication between the team members, and everyone in the team understands the team goals. Everyone participates actively. Everyone is supportive of others. Everyone takes initiative to get things done. Everyone is focused on the ultimate goal of the work. Team decisions are taken after discussion. Difference of opinion are recorded and are referred to during future decision-making activities. Each team member trusts the decision of the team, and the team members show acceptance of the decisions taken by the team. Team member’s feedback is welcomed and is look into seriously. A good team member A good team will have good team members. The following are some of the characteristics of a good team member:

Will keep a positive attitude. Will involve others in decision-making process. Will work for consensus on decisions. Will trust other team members and will support them and will express genuine concern for other team members. Will own mistakes rather than blaming them on others. Will encourage development of other team members and will extend all support for those. Will be willing to collaborate and help. Will share information and resources with the team members. Since the team members are all working towards a single goal, one contributes to that goal by keeping everyone informed. Will offer past experience and knowledge to other team members. Will consider and, if possible, will use new ideas and suggestions from other team members. Will encourage feedback from other team members on own behaviour. Will understand the team activities and will be committed to team objective. Will not be very selective about projects and will express willingness to take on challenge. A good team leader We have said “success of a team depends on the team members and the team leader”. We now know what all area expected from a good

team member. In the following paragraphs we will now talk about the characteristics of a good team leader. The team leader will be a kind as well as tough. He will motivate the team members with constructive feedback and also with kindness. The team leader will maintain good relationship with the team members, and will earn trust and admiration from the team members. The team leader will monitor the team moral, and will be supportive and caring. The team leader will be open to new ideas. The team leader will share responsibility and will empower the team members to take decisions. He will view mistakes as learning opportunities. The team leader will share his dream, vision and passion, and will focus to guide the team-efforts on achieving that vision. The team leader will have good listen skills. This is important because the team members will feel good if they are heard. The team leader will be interested in team members and people of other teams, and will easily build relationships with the people at all levels and in all situations. This will give the team members a clear idea about the team leader and they will know that the team leader feels about them. Then team leader will take time to set clear objectives and goals for the team members, and will give clear road map to achieve the goals. The team leader will review and evaluate the work being done. The leader will be very clear about how the success will be measured and will clearly indicate the baseline information and will keep reviewing the process towards reaching the milestones.

The team leader will never make promises that he cannot keep. The team leader never gets threatened is anyone in the team demonstrates leadership quality. He will take care of those initiatives for creating the next leader.

Managing difficult employee Sometimes we come across difficult people at workplace. Most of us dislike them for the negative behaviour but we meet them and work with them almost daily. One can easily identify them at the workplace because they are found as some who: Is generally irregular at work. Will have excuses for every failure. Will harass people. Will challenge people unnecessarily. Will neglect details and will be poor in documentation. Will ask too many questions. Will be impolite while talking to colleagues and clients. Will say misappropriate or misleading words. Etc. No one likes to work with such people. Presence of such people at workplace affects others resulting in drop of productivity, drop of moral, increase of frustration, etc. The longer a difficult employee continues to make problems, the worse the workplace will become. Before becoming too worried with the thought of dealing with difficult employees, we suggest the following actions to begin the process: Confront the issue or behaviour immediately. Don’t wait until the issue or the behaviour becomes too big and unmanageable. Maintain professional courtesy and confidentiality. When you discuss with the employee, have the discussion in private area.

Be specific about concerns, and let the employee know you are well informed. Since you are conducting a discussion, allow the employee a chance to respond. Be transparent. Cleary articulate why the behaviour or the action is inappropriate. If possible provide examples to show how such behaviour is impacting the organisation, the colleagues and the clients. Very clearly talk about expectations. It is important to communicate clearly to the employee that the behaviour has to end immediately. Since this is a process, which may take some time to become fully effective, it is important to let the employee know that his behaviour will be monitored. It is also important to tell the employee that there will be consequences if there is reoccurrence. Document the entire conversation in writing, mentioning what you said and what the employee said. The document should get filed in HR department, and a copy of the document to be handed over to the employee. If all fails, then the some serious action may become necessary. If the employee continues to deny his inappropriate behaviour and refuses to try to improve the situation, the manager needs to place this person on fast track towards termination. Often this involves a series of well-documented verbal and then written feedback about the behaviour. The employee may be given a time period to improve his / her behaviour. But if there is no improvement of behaviour, then the employee needs to be terminated. Do keep the Human Resource department people informed. It will be better if at some stage of this negotiation the HR people are involved in direct talking with the employee.

Managing difficult boss It is always nice to work under a good, caring boss. But in the real life it may not always happen like that – one may find his / her boss A person who is too interfering, too controlling. A person who gives less freedom to work A person who takes credit of the work done and never provides positive feedback A person who never extends support when the team is under pressure. Etc. Under such situation, the employee feels insecure and uncertain about his own abilities, and becomes frustrated and unhappy. Such behaviour of a manager may make a competent and self-directed employee feel insulted and demotivated. There are several cases where a good manager may suddenly become a difficult boss. For example: When a manager is promoted too quickly or a manager is entrusted with lot of responsibilities for which he is not prepared or doesn’t have the training. When a manager’s responsibilities get expended beyond his / her reach. Etc. Dealing with a “difficult-boss” is a challenge faced by many people. In the following paragraphs we are providing you some suggestions, which you may find useful to deal with your manager, whom you consider to be a “difficult-boss”. Note down your accomplishments, with date. Keep as much information as possible on the accomplishments.

Keep record of compliments you get from co-workers and managers of other departments. Always be polite while talking to your manager and tell him you need his support and guidance. Talk to others, who have full knowledge about the manager, to know more about the manager and seek their guidance. If there is no improvement and you are sure done what you can do regarding this matter, you may consider taking the matter up in the line. Here the important thing is that the manager will be very upset if he comes to know that you are talking to next level people about the relationship between you and him. The next level meeting can be with current manager’s boss or with the HR team to get their advice. We will recommend you to meet the HR team first. If they suggest you to talk to your current manager’s boss, go ahead and meet him. Normally one won’t hear from the HR team or from the manager’s boss how the problem is getting resolved. If no change is noticed, you may believe either the management don’t believe you or your manager cannot be changed. Once you realise the problem won’t get resolved you may ask for transfer to other department. Normally this is not easily possible and is not allowed. In that case you may have to look for another job and quit the present job. Some tips for meeting with the next level people: Never use malicious, false and defamatory words about your manager to the next people.

Remember if your manager comes to know that you are talking to others because you feel your current manager is a “difficult-boss”, it is counterproductive and it will not help you to meet your goals. So, keep the entire thing confidential. Be careful when talking to the HR team or Manager’s boss. While talking, be aware, it is possible that criticism of your manager could be taken as criticism of the HR team or your manager’s boss. This could bring in more problems for you. While talking about your manager limit the comments on the behaviour rather than the person. For example instead of saying ‘he is never sure about what he expects from me, my targets keep changing’ say ‘I will be able to deliver better if I am allowed to work on a well thought target, where I get enough time to plan the work and involve right kind of people for completion of the task without any time and cost overrun’.

Performance management and performance improvement An effective performance management process enables managers to evaluate and measure individual’s performance and enhance productivity. Use of effective performance management system is crucial for any organisation. Proper performance management system can influence organisational success. It may or may not be directly tied to the employee’s compensation, but if the performance management system is not implemented properly it may cause harm to the organisation. A proper performance management system will have a well defined performance appraisal system, which will be the summary of through-out-the-year dialogue between the individual and his manager. A proper performance appraisal system should be first developed and then should get implemented correctly. Focusing only on an annual appraisal form will fail to bring out the benefits of performance management. There are organisations where multiple types of performance appraisal systems are necessary for the entire range of employees. For such an organisation if a single type of performance appraisal system is introduced it will be a failure. A good performance appraisal system will establish a process for job relevant evaluation and will provide tool for measurable outcomes to support target-based or goal-based appraisal. It will also provide options for integrating performance appraisal with pay decisions, if wished. Performance appraisal methods and approaches will differ from organisation to organisation. However, there are certain rules applicable to all organisations for doing a proper performance appraisal. There are many organisations where performance appraisal process is linked with performance improvement plan (PIP), which is made effective immediately after the performance appraisal session.

Performance review The performance review is expected to cover all the discussions that took place between an individual and the manager throughout the year. It will be based on the previously discussed goals and evaluation methods. The manager should conduct performance discussions with the employee regularly, which may happen every month or even every week. The employee should not hear positives or negatives about his performance for the first time at the time of final performance appraisal session. A regular feedback on the performance will help the employee to put up positive effort on performance. Proper target or goal setting is most important for proper performance review. Once the targets or goals are set, the employee would know what is expected from his or her end. During target or goal setting, there must be clear plan on how the targets or goals will be evaluated. It may be useful to discuss with the employee about the evaluation process. Sharing performance review format with the employee at the time of target or goal setting is necessary to avoid surprises at the end of performance review time period. It is also important to let the employee know how the organisation will assess performance and the employee should understand what are expected from a performing employee. If a system to rate all employees in five or six point scale is followed, then the employee must have clear knowledge about the rating scale – so that he or she is able to perform to become an outstanding employee. Generally, a performance appraisal discussion begins with the discussion on the positives and negatives of recent events. But, it is very important to look at all event occurrences e.g. project completions, successful launchings, missed deadlines, cost over-runs, etc. during the entire period of review. To make this happen the

manager and the employee should maintain a record of all such occurrences. Obtaining feedback about the employee from colleagues, his co- workers and any reporting staff will broaden the performance information about the employee. This is slightly tricky and should be started in formal way much before the final meeting with the employee. Always plan the performance appraisal meeting in advance and keep the employee informed about the meeting. For a good performance appraisal meeting, preparation for the meeting is very important. One should never go into a performance review meeting session without preparation. If done, the main purpose on performance review cannot be achieved. It will have negative effect because the manager will miss key opportunities for feedback on improvement and the employee will not feel encouraged about his success. During the meeting, the manager should spend time on the positive aspects of the employee first, and followed by the negatives aspects. In most cases, the discussion of the positive components of the employee’s performance should take more time than that of the negative components. Normally there will not be any employee whose performance is completely negative. If this is found, then there is some serious matter to address. It is important to talk directly with underperforming employees so that they understand that there is seriousness of the performance situation. Finally, the key driver of a performance appraisal meeting is conversation. The conversation should happen in a friendly way and the employee should never feel as if he was treated badly. The manager should allow the employee to talk, and should listen to his or her views.

Some tips for better performance management Make the employee motivated and excited about his ability to continue to grow, develop and contribute. Allow the employee to talk during the performance management discussion session – better if the employee is allowed to talk more than half of the time. Ask some questions which will encourage the employee to talk. Some typical questions, which may be asked, are: What do you expect to be most challenging about your goals for this period? What support the department and I can provide for you so that you can achieve the goals? What are your hopes for your achievements this year? How often would you like to receive feedback? What kind to meeting schedule can we set up so that you don’t feel you are being micro-managed – at the same time I receive from you feedback on your progress? What would be a useful agenda of one-to-one meetings?

Performance review comments In most of the performance review forms, the assessor is expected to write overall comments after a performance review session. Since it is difficult to express the overall experience in few words, writing comments after a performance review session is not easy. Generally the session between the assessor and the assessee will bring out positives as well as negatives. It is important to take into account of the both and then to word those in a manner to highlight the positives as well as the negatives. It is also expected that the assessor will write a few words on the potential of the assessee and will highlight the areas where improvement will be necessary. We have listed below some possible comments to express the findings under the above mentioned three heads. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and should be used only for reference. Positive attributes Is bright and talented Has a pleasant personality Works well under pressure Maintains a positive attitude specially when under stress Is an active listener Dependable - is someone that can be depended on Accepts responsibility and follows through Pays attention to details Constantly seeks professional development opportunities Demonstrates a high level of time management skills

Demonstrates a high level of self confidence Demonstrates a high level of self esteem Demonstrates effective communication skills Demonstrates a strong team playing ability Takes an active part in discussions and follows instructions well Goes beyond the call of duty and exceeds expectations Is highly professional and serious about the quality of work Gets along well with colleagues Contributes in team meetings, and shares information clearly and concisely Takes criticism well and is ready to learn from mistakes Potential Has leadership qualities - has potential for a leadership role in the future Is strong in communication skill Could be transferred to [ ] His experience in previous functions is his strength Is considered to be star performer in this department Deals with customers well – can do well in sales Performance Improvement Needs to improve the customer handling skills

Needs to improve communication skills Needs to demonstrate team player attitude Needs to pay attention on time management Needs to pay attention to details Needs to pay attention of accuracy Needs to improve on follow-up matters Needs more training on [ ] Should demonstrate interest in the work Should listen to instructions and directions before staring the work Should learn to take decisions independently Should go along well with the colleagues Should be regular at work Shouldn’t show lack of energy while taking up fresh assignment

Privacy in the Workplace It is a known fact that employees expect certain privacy at workplace. The question is - how much privacy can employees expect? To be honest there is no complete answer to that. We all know, if needed, the employer can monitor every aspect of what employees do in the office, from email to surfing the Internet to phone conversations, and many more. But in the process the employer should not cross the line which will hurt the employees. There are specific laws and rules on employee privacy rights, but those laws and rules do not cover the entire range of activities that an employee or the employer performs at workplace. So there are situations when a disagreement may result in. Some employees believe the employer cannot search the employee's private areas e.g. the desk or cubicle, or the working files, or the locker, etc. without his / her permission. But, the employer may think differently. To avoid such situations many employer add a paragraph in employee's contract where they write - \"The Company reserves the right to access and search all offices and work areas on company property, including but not limited to locked and unlocked desks, file cabinets, files and lockers, without prior notice, for business-related reasons as determined in its sole discretion. Employees have no expectation of privacy in this regard.\" In many cases the employee is told \"reasonable expectation of privacy\" will be maintained. Even with that kind of understanding, there can be a few uncomfortable situations between the employee and the employer. For example - can the employer check the employee’s history of Internet use or can the employer access the voice-mail left by the employee. The acceptable privacy right will depend on the employer's business type and business interest, and employee's privacy expectation. Existence of a well documented privacy policy is important. One need to work with the HR team, with the IT team and the legal experts to prepare the privacy policy document that will give the employer the maximum flexibility needed to run the business.

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