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Home Explore Class of 2021 College, Career and Military Resource Guide

Class of 2021 College, Career and Military Resource Guide

Published by pam.frey, 2020-05-13 16:48:43

Description: Class of 2021
College, Career and Military Resource Guide


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Colleges & Universities: Out-of-State College/University Enrollment Percent SAT ACT Tuition Only Accepted (RW+M) Average Average FLORIDA STATE UNIV. 33,093 49 28 21,683 out-of-state 35,246 42 1260 6,516 in-state Tallahassee, FL 11,999 41 1305 7,459 15 1360 30 28,658 out-of-state UNIV. OF FLORIDA 16,048 23 1450 6,381 in-state 6,755 5 1425 Gainesville, FL 33,915 62 1515 31 55,230 33,301 77 1420 private GEORGE WASHINGTON 29,621 91 1255 23,482 83 1210 33 56,058 Washington, DC 5,374 11 1235 private 17,869 94 1515 GEORGETOWN UNIV. 19,074 93 33 34,804 out-of-state 25,361 74 1180 13,060 in-state Washington, DC 34 51,925 GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECH private Atlanta, GA 29 32,264 out-of-state 15,122 in-state HARVARD 28 36,512 out-of-state Cambridge, MA 10,987 in-state UNIV OF ILLINOIS at Urbana- 25 24,508 out-of-state Champaign Champaign, IL 9,320 in-state INDIANA UNIV. 26 31,508 out-of-state Bloomington, IN 9,606 in-state IOWA STATE 35 55,840 Ames, IA private UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Iowa City, IA 25 26,308 out-of-state JOHNS HOPKINS 10,432 in-state Baltimore, MD KANSAS STATE 26 28,034 out-of-state Manhattan, KS 11,166 in-state UNIV. OF KANSAS Lawrence, KS 26 28,639 out-of-state LSU 11,962 in-state Baton Rouge, LA 49

Colleges & Universities: Out-of-State Percent SAT ACT Tuition Only (RW+M) Average College/University Enrollment Accepted Average MICHIGAN STATE 39,176 71 1210 27 39,766 out-of-state East Lansing, MI 22,503 78 1190 14,460 in-state UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI 17,150 83 1135 Columbia, MO 31,266 23 1445 26 31,748 out-of-state UNIVERSITY of MISS 4,602 7 1535 12,094 in-state Oxford, MS 2,206 58 1110 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 26,733 20 1410 25 25,100 out-of-state Ann Arbor, MI 19,117 22 1370 8,,828 in-state MIT 18,448 19 1450 Cambridge, MA 8,231 8 1490 33 51,200 out-of-sate MOREHOUSE COLLEGE 8,617 18 1490 15,558 in-state Atlanta, GA 2,785 36 1385 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 20,024 70 1155 35 53,790 New York, NY 22,914 78 1250 private UNIV. OF N. CAROLINA Chapel Hill, NC 23 28,846 private NORTHEASTERN Boston, MA 32 53,308 NORTHWESTERN private Evanston, IL NOTRE DAME 30 36,225 out-of-state Notre Dame, IN 9,046 in-state OBERLIN Oberlin, OH 33 53,506 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIV. Stillwater, OK 34 56,691 UNIV. OF OKLAHOMA private Norman, OK 35 55,553 private 32 56,868 private 25 24,539 out-of-state 9,019 in-state 26 27,144 out-of-state 11,763 in-state 50 50

Colleges & Universities: Out-of-State Percent SAT ACT Tuition Only (RW+M) Average College/University Enrollment Accepted Average 25,420 – 40,620 32 Based on Degree UNIVERSITY of OXFORD 11,930 17 1470 34 Oxford, UK 10,183 8 Minimum 29 57,770 UNIV. OF PENNSYLVANIA 3,627 36 28 private Philadelphia, PA 3,433 39 1500 34 55,892 PEPPERDINE UNIV. 5,428 5 1320 31 private Malibu, CA 6,628 43 1220 29 53,814 PRATT INSTITUTE 1,994 24 1505 private Brooklyn, NY 1,658 64 1415 29 51,870 PRINCETON UNIV. 13,513 66 1310 32 private Princeton, NJ 19,907 13 24 55,378 RENSSELAER 12,876 73 1300 24 private Troy, NJ 2,171 39 1440 34 52,860 RHODE ISLAND DESIGN 7,087 4 1145 33 private Providence, RI 1,669 9 1150 47,970 RINGLING Art & Design 1500 private Sarasota, FL 1460 45,895 ROCHESTER INSTITUTE private Rochester, NY 58,195 UNIV. SOUTHERN CALIF. private Los Angeles, CA 38,520 SAVANNAH COLLEGE private of ART & Design Savannah, GA 29,972 SPELMAN COLLEGE private Atlanta, GA 53,529 STANFORD UNIVERSITY private Stanford, CA 54,656 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE private Swarthmore, PA 51

Colleges & Universities: Out-of-State College/University Enrollment Percent SAT ACT Tuition Only 5,907 Accepted (RW+M) Average TUFTS UNIVERSITY 6,773 Average 58,578 Medford, MA 6,861 15 33 private TULANE UNIVERSITY 17,011 17 1465 32 56,800 New Orleans, LA 5,225 10 1420 35 private VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY 7,751 24 1510 32 52,070 Nashville, TN 2,534 29 1415 31 private UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 5,964 15 1370 34 52,945 out-of-state Charlottesville, VA 20 1520 31 18,968 in-state WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY 6 1410 34 54,430 Winston-Salem, NC 1505 private WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY 55,292 St. Louis, MO private WELLESLEY COLLEGE 56,052 Wellesley, MA private YALE UNIVERSITY 55,500 New Haven, CT private Source: ACT, Collegeboard, Naviance 04/2020 EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE ACCURACY OF THIS FORM. HOWEVER, IT IS UP TO YOU TO CONTACT YOUR COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY TO MAKE SURE THERE HAVE BEEN NO CHANGES IN ADMISSIONS STANDARDS. 04/2020 52

College Visits Prepare for your visit 1. Call and set up an official visit/tour at the college 2. Request “permission form” from sub school prior to the visit 3. Parent and sub school principal must sign permission form 4. Have college admissions advisor sign form 5. Return college visit form to sub school following visit to excuse the absence When you visit a campus • Take the campus tour, check facilities, including dormitories • Visit the fitness center, bookstore, library & dining hall • Visit a class; talk with a faculty member, if possible • Talk to students about what they think of their classes & professors • Eat a meal on campus • Read the campus newspaper; scan bulletin boards, listen to the college radio station • Walk or ride around the community surrounding the campus Ask college students • Do many students go home on the weekends? • Is it possible to study in your dorm room? • Do you like to study in the library? Do you often do research there? • Are faculty members accessible outside of class? • Is it relatively easy to get the classes you want at registration time? • Why did you choose this college? • Are campus jobs readily available? As you tour the campus, ask yourself • How does the college promote student involvement in campus groups or extracurricular activities? • In what ways does the college help students graduate in four years? • What is it like to live here? • Where do students get together on campus? • Are the rooms in the residence halls comfortable, and are kitchen and laundry facilities available? • How accessible are computer labs and internet access? • Are there study groups, math/writing labs? • What’s the surrounding town or city like? • What are the best reasons to go to this college? 53

Choosing your College Admission requirements Cost and financial aid o What minimum ACT/SAT scores are required? o What is the cost of the college? o Is an essay, and/or an interview, and/or o Is financial aid available? What percentage of recommendations required? students receives financial aid? o What are the application deadlines? o Are there scholarships available for which you o Does the school offer early decision? might automatically qualify? Academics Campus housing and facilities o Does the academic program meet your o What are the dorms like? How are roommates needs/interests? Is career counseling available? chosen? Is off-campus housing available? o What is the student-to-faculty ratio? Do o Are students required to live on campus? For graduate students teach classes? how long? o Do most students graduate in four years? o What facilities are offered: athletic center, computer lab, library? Location WHAT A SCHOOL WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT YOU o How far do you want to be from home? o Do you prefer a large city or small town? o What is your academic history and GPA? o Do you want to live on campus or commute? o Did you take challenging classes in high school o Do you want to attend a large or small campus? o What type of transportation is available to get and have a strong senior year schedule? you to the campus? Cost? o What facilities are offered: athletic center, o How do your ACT/SAT scores compare with computer lab, library? other students’ scores? School activities o What honors and awards have you received? o Does the school offer intercollegiate and/or o What extracurricular activities/volunteer intramural sports? o What types of student organizations exist? activities are you involved in? o How does your writing compare to other Student body o Do you want to attend a public or private applicants (the essay)? institution? (costs vary greatly) o What do your counselor and/or teachers say o What size school interests you? Do you want to attend a co-ed school? about you?

College Search College Search 55

College Search COLLEGESIMPLY 56

Career Paths Explore Careers Find Training sponsored by Job Search the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Find Local Help Administration 57

Military Careers Recruiters for Plano West 58

Military Careers Recruiters for Plano West The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a heavily researched and well-respected aptitude test developed by the Department of Defense. It measures a young adult’s strength and potential for success in military training. 59

Application Check List Due to COVID-19 check College Admissions for updates & changes You can connect with your College Admission Representative that serves Texas high schools by either checking the college admissions website or calling the admissions office. Applying • College Application • Extra-Curricular Activities • Essay(s) • Application Fee • Deadline • Date submitted Letters of Recommendation Counselor Recommendation Letter, if required by college • Counselor Recommendation Packet completed & given to your counselor Teacher Recommendation Letter, if required by college • Ask teacher • Request in Naviance Transcript • Request in Naviance Collin College Transcript • Dual Credit Students who earned Collin Credit in 10th or 11th grade • Request Collin College Transcript ACT/SAT • Request score from testing agency website Interview Audition or Portfolio • Art, Music, & Theater students Honors College Application Scholarship Applications Mid-Year Report & Transcript are required by private & selective colleges • Request transcript containing 7 semesters with updated rank & GPA • Request in Naviance - Spring 2021 Housing Application Which college are you attending? • Notify colleges of your final decisions Request Final Transcript in May 2021 - before graduation • Final Transcript will be sent to the college you will be attending Collin College Transcript -Dual Credit students – May 2021 • Request Collin College to send your Collin Transcript to the college you will be attending 60

Stay in the Loop eNEWS Subscribe to the daily Plano West eNews (the Wolf Howl) receive the news & announcements Register at: Resources Glasser, William, M.D. For Parents and Teenagers-Dissolving the Barrier Between You and your Teen. Bruni, Frank. (2015). Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be. Pope, Loren. Looking Beyond the Ivy Leagues: Finding the College That’s Right for You. Pope, Loren. (2013-2014). Colleges That Change Lives. Ruggs, Frederick E. Ruggs’ Recommendations on the Colleges, 35th edition. 61


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