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Home Explore 19-20 AMCMS BOY Tech Magazine

19-20 AMCMS BOY Tech Magazine

Published by Elizabeth Sherry, 2019-08-07 11:44:40

Description: 19-20 AMCMS BOY Tech Magazine


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Technology Magazine 19-20 Back to School Edition

For instructional technology support, contact your CTF: Beth Sherry [email protected] ext. 4250 979.255.5446

Table of Contents In this issue, you’ll find…. ★ Account Reminders ○ Self-Service Portal ○ Student Password Information ○ Student Logins & How to Get Help ○ Student Google account Info ○ How to get help with student Google account ★ Page ★ CSISD GO+ Page ★ Digital Resource Requests ★ Who to Call at AMCMS for Tech Help ★ Schoology ○ Logging in and courses to join ○ Basic Expectations ○ Beginning of year reminders ○ Grading in Schoology ○ Schoology Parent Codes ○ Support with Schoology - Basics & Beyond ★ Nearpod ○ Nearpod Basic Info ○ Training Opportunities ★ eSchool/TAC reminders ★ Hoonuit ★ Frontline - Absence management ★ Eduphoria ★ Employee Access Center - EAC (eFinance) ★ Read and Write ★ Beginning of the Year Technology Checklist

Self-Service Portal ● Students and teachers can enroll in this service while they have an active username and password. ● Students or teachers who have not enrolled in the self-service password system MUST change their password on a CSISD networked computer. ● To reset a password on a CSISD computer, the user should login using current login and password. The user will be prompted to change their password. ● Students and teachers who have successfully enrolled can change their password from any device (personal or district) by using the self-service password system.

Student Password Information ● Student username: 1000##### ● Student Google account: ○ no Gmail ○ only Google Accounts (drive, login to third party sites) Secondary (5th-12th) Passwords: ● Will be reset August 13/14; all students will be forced to reset their password upon login ● All passwords reset to default: ○ campus initials + # + last 5 digits of student ID ○ Ex: amcms#56789 ● Can reset on CSISD device ● Can reset in Self-Serve portal on any device/network, if an account has been previously set-up

Student Account Reminders Students in CSISD have access to the following core services: ● Calendar ● Forms ● Classroom ● Sheets ● Contacts ● Slides ● Drive ● Talk/Hangouts ● Docs Other additional services students have access to: ● Maps ● Books ● YouTube ● Chrome ● Earth NOTE: Any CSISD parent can choose to NOT grant consent for their student to use Google Suite applications. For more learning, visit Schoology: CSISD Professional Learning, Instructional Technology, Google PD

Student Account Reminders Do you have a student who is still not able to get into Google, but can get into the computer and Schoology just fine? Do they see the error message shown below? Talk to your school registrar to see if students do or do not have access! Students who do not have Google access approved MUST get parents to fill out THIS FORM in order to access google drive, docs, forms, sheets, presentations, etc.!

Student Logins & How to Get Help Account Username Password Link Help Computer ID number Default password Password or Student Reset done by selected password Campus Librarian or calling the Help Desk at 5678 MS Office ID number Default password https://login.mic Call Help Desk or Student at 5678 selected password m/ HAC Firstname.Lastname HAC Student https://hac.csisd Email (Ex: Shannon.Long) selected password .org/HomeAcce studenthac@ (NOT connected to ss/Account/Log their login On HAC accounts password) are only created for those 5-12 grade students that request them using the form linked on campus websites. Google ID number Default password https://accounts CTF or School registrar or Student (for access) selected password nin Schoology ID number Default password http://csisd.scho or Student schoology@csi selected password

LONOEKW! The CSISD go page has a new look and is your hotspot for most CSISD technology needs! COSMOOINNG! Clever will take the place of the Staff Portal. Sign in once to access all of the apps you needs for CSISD! Clever_CSISD The icon is on your desktop!

CSISD GO+ page is where you’ll find details about all CSISD programs as well as details about logging in, basic navigation and tasks, where to go for help when you need it, and some additional resources. Each page within CSISD GO+ contains descriptions, information, help videos, and contact info for additional help. Here are some of the topics you can find on CSISD GO+: ● Campus Groups ● ● Chrome ● G Suite ● Clever ● Hoonuit ● CSISD Cloud ● Mizuni ● EAC ● Network Drives ● Eduphoria ● Office 365 ● eSchool ● Passwords ● Phones ○ TAC ● PowerSchool Registration ○ HAC ● Printing ○ Admin ● Schoology ● eSTAR ● Smartboards/Projectors ● Extended Desktop ● Talent Ed ● Frontline (formerly AESOP)

Digital Resource Requests CSISD now has a process for approving digital resources for use in the classroom. This process is intended to ensure transparency and consistency across CSISD digital resources. This site should be used to request technology that has not previously been approved for use by the district. This includes: ● Requesting aid or free resources/apps ● Requesting student access to sites that require a Google connection ● Requesting funding or access to digital resources When a request is submitted, the order for approval is as follows: Principal → C&I → Technology Dept In order to speed up this process, make sure to schedule a meeting with Mr. Espitia to discuss the resource you are requesting! Digital Resource Requests will be linked on Clever for easy access.

Who to Call at AMCMS (Technology Version) Beth Sherry Helpdesk Ticket/Work Order (Campus Technology Facilitator) ● Campus level digital resource ● Hardware issue support (desktop/laptop, smartboard, ○ Basic use and integration etc. not working properly) ○ New resource rollout ○ Includes other peripherals support (speakers, microphones, ● Campus level device support cameras, etc. (basic) ● iPad issue (not working, need ● Modeling appropriate and paid app loaded, lost/stolen) effective use of digital learning ● Classroom Phones resources ● Google Expedition Carts ● Support of curriculum infusion of ● Login issues (including students) digital resources for any resource or device ● EdTech professional learning ● Installing software (ex: AirServer, ● Schoology - basic support and Adobe Suite, etc). integration ● Account/access issues with: ● Nearpod - manage campus ○ Schoology, Google (mail, library, account access, how to calendar, drives, forms, use sites, etc), Eduphoria, ● Changes to website Mizuni, PowerSchool ● Access to campus calendars Registration (formerly ● How to use eSchool (TAC, HAC, Infosnap), MS Office Admin, Attendance, Progress Reports/Report Cards) Mr. Morchat Rose Norwood ● Hero ● SPED/Cloud issues

Logging in to Schoology: ● ALWAYS log in at (or, click on the Schoology icon in the CSISD Staff Portal/Clever) ● Log in using only your username (NOT your full email). EX: bhawkins ● Your password is the CSISD password that you use for logging into the computer, Gmail, Eduphoria, TAC, etc. Courses to join in Schoology ● AMCMS Staff Course ○ Course code: BSXMJ-4ZR8T ● CSISD Professional Learning Course ○ Course code: NMQWD-N8T2T Groups to join in Schoology: ● CSISD Curriculum and Instruction ○ Group code: TV62N-M7S47

Basic Expectations August 2019 ● Providing resources in your assigned courses for students (and parents) ● Adding Course Materials (documents, links, etc.) ● Utilizing the course updates and announcements to communicate with students and parents. ● Utilizing course calendars to add important events that are relevant to instruction in the course. ● Optional (encouraged): utilizing digital assignments and assessments in your courses, where/when appropriate. During the 2019-2020 School Year ● Continual updating and providing resources in courses for students (and parents) ● Maintaining a regular schedule to add updates and course materials to support students and parents. Click here for a slideshow of CLICK examples for different levels ME

Beginning of the Year Schoology Reminders ● Make sure that you have a picture of yourself on your profile - can be a photo or bitmoji. ● Make sure to add a picture for your courses including the course name & your name. For help changing your picture, watch THIS video. ○ Here are some templates you can use to make sure all information in your image is viewable from the various views in Schoology: ● Square version ● Simple rectangle version ● Teaching the same section more than once? LINK YOUR SECTIONS! Here’s how. ● Email Beth Sherry if you would like your courses merged. ○ Merging is not reversible and should only be used if you need classes combined that do not appear under the same class header & are unable to be linked. ● Make sure that you have the following information displayed within your Schoology courses: ○ Your name, course name, contact info, conference period, weekly planner, year at a glance/syllabus link. ○ Watch THIS video to see how to access Year-at-a-glance documents on the C&I Schoology course. ○ Here is a template that you can use to display your information. If you would like help embedding this,

Grading in Schoology & Parent Codes Grading in Schoology ● How to set up gradebook - Remember it is recommended to set up your gradebook in Schoology with the same categories you use in TAC ● Remind parents and students: Grades in Schoology ONLY reflect items completed in Schoology, All non-Schoology grades from class (including some Schoology items) will be posted in TAC for the most accurate view (and how it affects their GPA). ● How to set up and use grading groups ● How to unpublish materials Parent Codes ● Teachers have access to see parent codes for students in each of their classes. ● How to find Parent Codes ● How do you know if a parent is signed up? ● Would you like support with how to talk to parents about accessing Schoology? Here are some letters you can use to help you! ○ - Letter template (for you to copy/paste) that you can email in the beginning of the school year to parents about using Schoology in your classroom! ○ - Letter template (for you to copy/paste) that you can email in the beginning of the school year to individual parents that need their code to create their parent account. ○ - Template for you to print out to hand-write in individual parent codes and send home with each student.

Submitting Lesson Plans Writing Lesson Plans ● We are required to write and submit lesson plans. ● Each department has their own folder where each staff member will house their plans. ○ This folder ensures that department heads are able to view lesson plans to give feedback, as required by our Campus Improvement Plan. ○ Click here to view the lesson plan folder. Submitting Lesson Plans ● Lesson plan are due by 8am each Monday. ● The assignments appear in your Schoology calendar or in the AMCMS Staff Course under Lesson Plans. ● When you are submitting your lesson plans, be sure to attach your submission from you Google drive. ○ Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to do this!

Support with Schoology The Basics & Beyond Do you need help with the basics? 1. Self-paced modules in Schoology: ○ CSISD Professional Learning Course ■ Instructional Technology ● Schoology PD ○ Schoology Basics 2. Google for help! 3. Ask your CTF Do you need help beyond the basics? 1. Self-paced modules in Schoology: ● CSISD Professional Learning Course ○ Instructional Technology ■ Schoology PD ● Find the folder you want more help with! 2. Ask your CTF

Nearpod District is now available to you because you work in CSISD! What is Nearpod? In a nutshell - a really awesome interactive presentation platform! → Click HERE for a quick video. When logging in, make sure you click “log in with google”, and log in with your CSISD account! We will use Nearpod for Digital Citizenship lessons during advisory beginning week 3 of the school year! More info to come soon!

Are ymooureinatebroeustteNdeainrploeda?rning Self-paced learning modules for Nearpod Training available in Schoology! ● Go to the CSISD Professional Learning COURSE ● Click on Instructional Technology ● Click on the “Nearpod” folder ● Learn about Nearpod as you navigate through the modules! Ask your CTF if you are interested in learning more or attending a training! You can also check in Eduphoria for trainings throughout the year!

eSchool/TAC Reminders You have to set up your grading categories each semester! Click for grading category amounts. For other eSchool tips, click the link HERE to find the GO+ page about eSchool with helpful tips and videos! Need more help?! Click HERE for the CSISD TAC website where you can find: ○ Grading due dates ○ Setting up TAC to work for you ○ Comment Codes ○ How to get to Progress Report and Report Card grades, and how to make sure you enter them correctly ○ How to publish grades (IMPORTANT!) ○ Semester Grades ○ TAC How To’s ○ TAC Discipline (How to write a referral) ○ TAC Videos

● Hoonuit has replaced Eduhero for the 2019-2020 school year! ● There are THOUSANDS of individualized trainings you can do on your own time! ● District required PD is now located in Schoology (CSISD Professional Learning Course), but several modules are embedded from Hoonuit. ● Click the graphic to go to and check it out! Trainings Check out the “CSISD Professional Learning: All Staff” Course in Schoology for online required summer trainings. Don’t forget to sign the Electronic Signatures after you finish a module!

Frontline - Absence Management For assistance in creating or editing absences, view THIS video! You can also reference this page on the GO+ page for assistance. Remember, the earlier you can put in the absence, the more likely it is to be covered! Reason explanations: ● Campus Activity - something you are being asked to do on your campus, usually directed by an AP or Principal ● District Activity - when you are doing a training or activity for the district ● Special Fund - you will be told if you need to use this one! Usually used for NTU, ● Student Activity - something on campus for a club, or any other activity involving students If you’re not sure which absence reason to select, ask your event coordinator!

Eduphoria is a database system that we use for registering and recording credits for professional development, entering work orders, and housing data such as STAAR scores. Some campuses also use this system for turning in lesson plans. You can use this website for more info about how to log in, set up your profile, and what you can do. The website also walks you through how to enter a work order if you need assistance with something! Eduphoria Workshop is soon changing to Strive! Click here to learn more about the transition to Strive.

Employee Access Center Things you can do in EAC: ● Update your demographic information ● View paycheck stubs ● View salary and benefits information ● View leave balance and calendar ● View and print W2s ● Make changes to W4s ● View deductions and benefits ● Use the “What If” Paycheck Calculator Click here to access the Employee Access Center For EAC help, click HERE for the GO+ page on Employee Access Center!

➔ What is Read&Write? Read&Write is available for all students and teachers in CSISD! This is the resource to use for Text-to-Speech or Computer Assisted Reading. ➔ How do students log in to Read&Write? Students can now log into Chrome and the extension will be added automatically. The software is installed on student computers. Sign in using the same Google credentials that are used to log into the computer. ➔ Read&Write in Schoology? Teachers now have the option to activate Read&Write for assessments within Schoology, allowing students to receive oral administration easily. ➔ Where can I find more information on Read&Write? There is information in Schoology in Courses-CSISD Professional Learning All Staff in the Read&Write Basic Overview Course. The course includes information and videos about the features and use of the different formats of Read&Write (Chrome Extension, Windows and apps) available. If needed the access code is NMQWD-N8T2T ➔ Who do I contact with questions about Read&Write? If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. ➔ Want more? CSISD Professional learning course in Schoology, Instructional Technology, Read and Write overview.

Beginning of the Year Technology Checklist Here is a checklist to help ensure that your technology needs are set before school starts! As you are going through this checklist, If you need help with anything, please reach out to your CTF, Beth Sherry, for help!

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