Monthly Promotions, now with our new 2020 diary and key dates Tel: 01746 716510 Fax: 01746 651070 Email: [email protected] Website: © 2020 Worfield Plants is a trading division of Boningale Limited. Worfield Plants, Worfield, Nr Brignorth, Shropshire, WV15 5LH
Introduction Worfield Plants Catalogue Promotions and Diary 2020 Welcome to our user-friendly, week-to-view catalogue and diary, which highlights all of our promotions and ranges for 2020. Inside this catalogue, you will find: key horticultural industry dates, extra plant insights, diary reminders, new promotions, a number of price-led promotions where you benefit from a cheaper wholesale price for reserving, and any available point of sale and coloured pots. Catalogue stock is available to reserve. You can find how-to details on the back pages of the catalogue. You can also view this catalogue on our website: ABOUT US We are a production nursery based in Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Founded over 50 years ago, we specialise in the supply of high-quality hardy nursery stock to independent garden centres and retailers. WHAT WE DO We pride ourselves on producing an extensive British-grown range of Alpines, Ferns, Grasses, Heathers and Herbaceous plants. We also supply Barbara Austin, Bare Root and Root Balled plants, Climbers, Ericaceous, Hedging, Herbs, Shrubs, Topiary, Trees and Wildflowers, sourced through our network of UK growers. We aim to introduce a minimum of 100 new British-grown plants to our listings each year. Our extensive plant ranges enable us to provide impulse lines for hot spots and bed-end promotions. 2
THE PROCESS Our sales team offer expert plant knowledge and advice to help maximise your sales and satisfy your customer’s needs. As part of our service we offer customers the opportunity to reserve plant stock in advance of the coming season. This enables retailers to plan for the year ahead, with first choice on new lines and in-demand stock. This can also include non-promotional plants. We use British-grown plugs and liners wherever possible. We predominantly deliver orders using our fleet of vehicles. WEBSITE AND AVAILABILITIES Our website is updated regularly with weekly, monthly and yearly availability. We also select our Top 10 Plants on a weekly basis. These lists are also sent on a weekly mailshot. We have a twelve-month full plant listing, which can be found on our website, or emailed upon request. This is an excellent reference tool for an overview of year-round availability, with highlighted new lines for the following year. We regularly update our social media with our availability and plant listings. You can also find a trade credit application form and a copy of our Plant Health Policy on our website. CONTACT If you consent to receive marketing and availability emails from us, you’ll receive weekly and monthly mailshots featuring our Top 10, availability and promotions. Our team’s contact details can be found at the back of this catalogue, and on our website. 3
Contents 6. January 9. February 17. March 23. April 35. May 49. June 60. July 72. August 4
75. September 79. October 81. November 83. December 84. Specialist Collections 88. Index 90. Contact Details KPrEodYuc:t NEW = New Promotion for 2019 POS = Point of Sale Mix = Many Varieties, see full A-Z listing A3/A1= Board size 31. = Plant Promotion Number D = Deep L = Litre BHC = Bed Head Card Price = Reduction off full W/S price for pre-booking the promotion AGM = Award of Garden Merit 5
January Diary and key dates Calendar - January 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 New Year’s Day 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Only 1 month to Valentine’s Day 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 2020 - Featured products Arabis Rose Delight Cyclamen coum Erysimum Collection Helleborus niger
1. Cyclamen coum AGM January Ready in: January 9cm Description: These large and full plants are delivered in bud / flower, Price: £1.68 available in three different colours: deep pink, pink and QTY: 180 mixed white. (10 trays) Ready in: POS: BHC January 2. Helleborus niger AGM Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 A prolific flowering variety which is smothered in bud by late POS: 45 January. This price-led winner is available earlier if required. - 7
January Ready in: 3. Helleborus Specialist Collection January Price: 2L Description: QTY: £5.00 Varieties from: Blue Lady, Blue Metallic Lady, Double POS: 60 mixed Ellen Red, Double Pink Spotted, Double Purple, Pretty - Ellen Pink and Pretty Ellen Red. 8
February Diary and key dates Calendar - February 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 234567 8 GLEE Spring Fair GLEE Spring Fair GLEE Spring Fair GLEE Spring Fair GLEE Spring Fair 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Valentines Day 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Only 1 month until Mothering Sunday 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 February 2020 - Featured products Alpine Collection Euphorbia Collection Saxifraga kabashiana
February Ready in: 4. Alpine Collection February a. b. Description: An ideal opportunity to re-stock those tired alpine beds with an early 1L 9cm £0.82 delivery. A wide range of true British grown alpines from cuttings Price: £1.58 540 mix produced at Worfield. Approximately 240 varieties grown throughout QTY: 280 mix (30 trays) the year in our 1L range. (35 trays) Ready in: POS: A1 February 5. Arabis Rose Delight Price: 3L Description: QTY: £2.90 These early flowering large alpines provide superb colour when POS: 42 - there is little else available! Stunning colour. 10
6. Aubrieta Collection February Ready in: February Price: 1L Description: QTY: £1.58 A cutting raised crop which has been grown hard and 120 mixed overwintered. Varieties from: Blue and White, Blush Bicolor, Dr POS: (15 trays) Mules Variegated, Kitte Blue and Red. A quick turnover line which BHC will be delivered in bud and flower. 7. Aubrieta Collection Ready in: February Price: 3L Description: QTY: £2.90 These large pots provide a mass of flower. Varieties from: Blue and POS: 42 mixed - White, Blush Bicolor, Dr Mules Variegated, Kitte Blue and Red. 11
February Ready in: 8. Barbara Austin Perennials February Price: 9cm Description: QTY: £0.95 An excellent range of choice perennials with quality point of sale 576 mixed and labelling. Minimum order for delivery is one trolley (32 trays). POS: (32 trays) Yes Approximately 400 varieties available throughout the year. 9. Calluna Spring Tips Ready in: February Price: 1L Description: QTY: £1.68 These provide bright foliage colours over a long period and are 120 mixed perfect for early spring impulse sales. Varieties from: Kirby White, POS: (15 trays) BHC Rubrifolia, Spring Cream, Spring Torch and Fred J Chapple. 12
10. Camellia Collection February Ready in: February a. b. c. Price: 2L 5L 10L Description: QTY: £4.95 £10.45 £19.50 A superb range of English grown Camellias. The 5L, 7.5L and 10L (£5.50) (£11.50) (£22.00) options make ideal living labels. A full list of varieties are available 60 mixed 17 mixed 10 mixed in our full A-Z listing and a price reduction is offered for pre-booking POS: A3 + Price this promotion. 11. Euphorbia Collection Ready in: February Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 An excellent generic promotion with varieties from: Ascot Rainbow, POS: 63 mixed Colibri, cornigera, Glacier Blue, mellifera, polychroma, Purpurea, A3 robbiae, Silver Edge, Silver Swan and wulfenii. 13
February Ready in: 12. Herb Collection February a. b. 9cm 1L Description: £1.50 An extensive range of British grown herbs are available with a number Price: £0.80 (£1.75) of varieties not widely grown by our competitors. We have the flexibility 320 mixed QTY: 400 mixed (40 trays) to adjust the quantities of the two pot sizes to suit your requirements. Approximately 300 varieties available throughout the year. (20 trays) POS: A3 + Price 13. Primula capitata NEW Ready in: February Price: 1L Description: QTY: £1.58 The round headed Himalayan Primrose produces tubular dark POS: 80 - purple flowers on powdery-white stems. 14
14. Saxifraga kabashiana February Ready in: February 1L Description: A slow and low growing range of true alpines that flower early in the year. Price: £2.05 QTY: 80 mixed An exclusive promotion with varieties from: apiculata, apiculata Alba (white), Bohemia (orange), (10 trays) Dawn Frost (bright pink), Grace Farwell, Love Me (pink), Mother of Pearl, Peach Melba, Satchmo (red), Splendens (purple) and Tenerife (White). POS: BHC 15. Shrub Collection Ready in: February Price: 5L Description: £6.80 A range of shrubs providing good value for money. A full list is QTY: (various) available in our full A-Z listing. It is worth pre-booking to gain the POS: 34 mixed A3 + Price discounted price of £6.80. 15
February Ready in: 16. Thymus Worfield Gardens February 1L Description: An improved form of Silver Posie with exquisite silver-cream Price: £1.68 variegated foliage and red new growth. Ideal for containers or QTY: 80 planted at the front of a border. (10 trays) POS: BHC 16
March Diary and key dates Calendar - March 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Only 1 Month to Easter Sunday 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 Mothering Sunday March 2020 - Featured products 29 30 British Summer Time begins Calluna Spring Tips Brunnera Collection Geranium Collection Scented Pink Collection
March Ready in: 17. Anthriscus sylvestris Ravenswing March Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 A charming spring plant offering deep purple foliage contrasting with POS: 42 BHC beautiful lacy umbels of small white flowers from May onwards. 18. Armeria Armada Series Ready in: March Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.33 Excellent free-flowering plants grown in a larger pot to showcase this clump- POS: 63 mixed BHC forming thrift. Available in three different colour strains. 18
19. Brunnera Collection March Ready in: March Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 A collection of varieties chosen for their stunning foliage colours POS: 63 mixed and attractive flowers. Varieties from: Hadspen Cream, Jack Frost, A3 Looking Glass and macrophylla. 20. Convallaria majalis AGM Ready in: March Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.75 We grow this British perennial favourite in a larger pot, known for its POS: 45 BHC sweetly scented bell-shaped white flowers. 19
March Ready in: 21. Geranium Collection March Price: 2L Description: £2.90 An invaluable herbaceous collection with an extensive range of varieties from: Baby QTY: (£3.33) POS: 90 mixed Blue, Bevan’s Variety, Bill Wallis, Biokovo, Black Beauty, Buxtons Variety, Dusky A3+ Price Crug, endressii, Espresso, himalayense plenum, Ingwersen’s Variety, Johnson’s Blue, Karmina, Kashmir White, Mavis Simpson, Orion, Purple Ghost, renardii, Rose Clair, Sabani Blue, Spessart, Splish-Splash, sylvaticum Sylvia’s Surprise, Tanya Rendall, Tiny Monster and wlassovianum. A price reduction is offered for pre-booking this winner. 22. Iberis Masterpiece Ready in: March Price: 1.5L Description: QTY: £2.90 A prolific flowering variety which flowers over a long period. Great for an POS: 50 BHC alpine bed, container or at the front of a border. 20
23. Pimpinella major Rosea NEW March Ready in: March Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 Just like Queen Anne’s Lace with deep pink airy flower heads held POS: 45 BHC over fern like foliage. 24. Rhubarb Collection Ready in: March 2L Description: These two excellent varieties produce bright red stems, juicy with Price: £2.75 excellent flavour. No VAT a) Rhubarb Glaskins Perpetual QTY: a.30 b.30 b) Rhubarb Victoria POS: - 21
March Ready in: 25. Scented Pink Collection March Price: 1.5L Description: QTY: £2.50 Eight scented varieties with various flower colours. These old fashioned POS: 35 of each cottage garden favourites are despatched in bud / flower. They produce a A3 succession of sweetly scented blooms all summer long. A Worfield winner. a) Dianthus Candy Floss AGM b) Dianthus Coconut Sundae c) Dianthus Coral Reef d) Dianthus Iced Gem e) Dianthus Memories f) Dianthus Raspberry Sundae g) Dianthus Romance h) Dianthus Tickled Pink 26. Strawberry Collection Ready in: March Price: 9cm Description: QTY: £0.75 Prolific sales are helped by the red pot. Available from March through to July POS: No VAT with varieties from: Cambridge Favourite, Elsanta, Hapil, Honeoye, Korona, 180 mixed (10 trays) Marshmallow NEW, Red Gauntlet and Royal Sovereign. BHC 22
April Diary and key dates Calendar - April 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Good Friday 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Easter Easter RHS Cardiff RHS Cardiff Sunday Monday Flower Show Flower Show 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RHS Cardiff Horrogate Spring Horrogate Spring Horrogate Spring Flower Show Flower Show Flower Show Flower Show 26 27 28 29 30 Horrogate Spring National National National National Flower Show Gardening Week Gardening Week Gardening Week Gardening Week April 2020 - Featured products Dicentra Collection Heuchera Collection Paeonia Collection Sempervivum Collection
April Ready in: 27. Allium Collection April Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 Three distinct Alliums that contrast in colour and size. Three bulbs POS: a.21 b.10 c.32 - per pot which are sold in the green. a) Allium christophii AGM b) Allium nigrum c) Allium Purple Sensation AGM 28. Allium Summer Beauty NEW Ready in: April Price: 1.5L Description: QTY: £2.50 Globe-shaped, lavender-purple blooms that flower over a long season. POS: 70 BHC A recent introduction which is perfect for an impulse bench. 24
29. Alpine Pink Collection April Ready in: April 1L Description: A range of colourful alpine pinks with varieties from: Arctic Star, Fire Star, Price: £1.68 QTY: 120 mixed Frilly (New), Fusilier, Morning Star, Neon Star and Red Dwarf (New). (15 trays) POS: BHC 30. Aquilegia Collection Ready in: April Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 A classic promotion back in vogue with an improved range of colours. Varieties from: POS: 60 mixed Christa Barlow, chrysantha, Crimson Star, Green Apples, Kristall, Rose Barlow, Ruby A3 Port, William Guiness and Woodside Variegated. 25
April Ready in: 31. Cirsium Collection April Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.33 A handsome long flowering impulse line with varieties from: Atropurpureum (deep red), POS: a.21 b.21 c.42 d.21 Frosted Magic (white), Pink Blush (Pink), Trevor’s Blue Wonder (deep heather purple). A3 These thistle like flowers arise above dark green eyecatching architectural foliage. a) Cirsium Frosted Magic b) Cirsium Pink Blush c) Cirsium rivulare Atropurpureum d) Cirsium Trevor’s Blue Wonder 32. Dicentra Collection Ready in: April Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.33 These reliable varieties are grown without protection and have long POS: a.63 b.21 c.21 flowering periods. A promotion that has great appeal and a true garden A3 favourite. a) Dicentra spectabilis b) Dicentra spectabilis Alba c) Dicentra Valentine 26
33. Erigeron karvinskianus AGM April Ready in: April 1L Description: A popular, reliable alpine with pink/white flowers over a long period, Price: £1.58 QTY: 80 mixed delivered in the green or bud. (10 trays) Ready in: POS: - April 34. Festuca Blue Fox Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 A very colourful grass, ideal for early season sales with vibrant bright blue foliage POS: 60 - which produces plumes later in the year. Makes an ideal bed end promotion. 27
April Ready in: 35. Geranium Katherine Adele April Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 A splendid plant that has many virtues, including beautifully POS: 42 BHC marked foliage and exquisite pink lined flowers. 36. Geranium Purple Ghost NEW Ready in: April Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.75 Soft white flowers with dark veins, these flowers are beautifully set off by the POS: 45 BHC bronze/purple foliage. 28
37. Geranium Rozanne AGM April Ready in: April Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.95 Extremely popular, flowers are violet blue with white centres. POS: 45 BHC Flowers over an extremely long season. 38. Grass Collection Ready in: April Price: 2L / 3L Description: QTY: Various A collection of popular grasses highlighting colour, texture and structure POS: 90 mixed with an impressive correx board. Buy either in blocks or as a wide range to A1 integrate into your sales area. See full listing for varieties, 60 varieties grown for 2020. 29
April Ready in: 39. Heuchera Collection April Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 A stunning and diverse colour range of which we are always reviewing. Varieties POS: 90 mixed from: Berry Marmalade, Binoche, Caramel, Cherry Cola, Chocolate Ruffles, Crimson A3 Curls, Dark Storm, Delta Dawn, Fire Chief, Forever Purple, Georgia Plum, Ginger Ale, Green Spice, Lime Marmalade, Little Cutie Blondie, Little Cutie Coco, Little Cutie Frost, Marmalade, Midnight Rose, Obsidian, Peach Crisp, Peach Flambe, Plum Pudding, September Morn, Sugar Plum, Sunrise and Zipper. Great varieties to make dramatic bed end promotions. 40. Lathyrus Sweet Pea Collection Ready in: April Price: 3Ld Description: QTY: £4.17 Three very popular varieties: Pink Pearl, Red Pearl and White Pearl. POS: 25 mixed These are delivered on a tri-cane system. Ready to capture those early - climber sales during April. 30
41. Lavandula Collection April Ready in: April Price: 2L Description: QTY: These popular scented varieties are grown at Worfield and provide a long £3.33 POS: a.30 b.30 c.60 flowering period. These are over-wintered from a liner potted in August. d.30 e.30 f.30 a) Lavandula Arctic Snow NEW b) Lavandula Edelweiss NEW c) Lavandula Hidcote A3 AGM d) Lavandula Kew Red e) Lavandula Munstead f) Lavandula Rosea 42. Lewisia Collection Ready in: April Price: 1.5L Description: QTY: These compact Lewisia varieties provide an abundance of colour in the £2.10 spring over a long period. This year we have added a new variety, Little POS: a.35 b.35 c.35 d.35 e.35 Snowberry. a) Lewisia Little Mango b) Lewisia Little Peach c) Lewisia Little Plum BHC d) Lewisia Little Raspberry e) Lewisia Little Snowberry NEW 31
April Ready in: 43. Osteospermum In The Pink April Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 This excellent compact hardy variety is extremely free flowering and produces POS: 45 BHC bright pink flowers over a long period. 44. Paeonia Collection Ready in: April Price: 3L Description: QTY: £4.17 We are growing this very popular promotion at Worfield with the POS: 63 mixed following varieties for you to choose from: Bowl of Beauty, Dr Alexander A3 Fleming, Duchesse de Nemours, Madame Calot, Monsieur Jules Elie NEW, Moon River, Paul M Wild NEW, Primavere, Red Charm NEW, Renato, Rubra Plena, Sarah Bernhardt, Scarlet O’Hara and Sorbet. 32
45. Persicaria Collection NEW April Ready in: April Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 Flowering over a long season with decorative flowerspikes and also POS: 63 mixed some foliage colour. Varieties from: affinis Superba, bistorta Superba, A3 Darjeeling Red, Firetail, Golden Arrow, Pink Elephant, Purple Fantasy and Red Dragon. 46. Saxifraga Kinki Purple Ready in: April Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 A hardy evergreen perennial, having invaluable rounded, beautifully POS: 45 BHC veined, purple-green leaves. Spikes of irregular white flowers are produced during the summer months. 33
April Ready in: 47. Sempervivum Collection April Price: 1L Description: QTY: £1.68 Always popular, with up to 16 different colours to the range. Varieties from: 120 mixed Allionii, Arachnoideum, Arachnoideum Red Papaver, Braunii, Funcii, Hey- POS: (15 trays) BHC Hey, Mahogany, Montanium, Pathon, Reinhard, Rubrum, Silver Jubilee, Spring Mist, Spurium and tectorum Atropurpureum. This will make a very 48. Viola Collection eye-catching promotion. Ready in: April 1L Description: A wide range of varieties in this popular promotion of adaptable, colourful, Price: £1.68 QTY: 120 mixed robust and hardy plants. 10 varieties available. (15 trays) 34 POS: BHC
May Diary and key dates Calendar - May 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 National National Gardening Week Gardening Week 3 4 5 6 7 8 RHS Malvern 9 National RHS Malvern Spring Show National National Spring Show RHS Malvern Gardening Week Gardening Week Gardening Week Early May Spring Show 14 Bank Holiday 10 11 12 13 15 16 RHS Malvern Spring Show 17 18 19 20 21 Only 1 22 23 Month to RHS Chelsea RHS Chelsea Father’s Day RHS Chelsea RHS Chelsea Flower Show Flower Show RHS Chelsea Flower Show Flower Show Flower Show 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Spring Bank Holiday 31 May 2020 - Featured products Anemone Wild Swan Astrantia Collection Echinacea Collection Lupinus West Country Range
May Ready in: 49. Alpine Collection May 1L 9cm Description: £0.82 This second collection is full of seasonal varieties to increase those alpine Price: £1.58 sales! Exciting plants with masses of impulse value. Approximately 240 QTY: 280 mix 540 mix (30 trays) varieties grown throughout the year in our 1L range. (35 trays) POS: - 50. Anchusa Loddon Royalist AGM NEW Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 Produces the deepest of blue flowers from May onwards, few plants POS: 42 BHC offer such a vivid blue at this time of year. 36
51. Anemone Wild Swan May Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 Stunning white flowers are backed with blue and produced over a long POS: 63 period during late spring. Previous winner of Chelsea Flower Show Plant A3 of the Year. 52. Arenaria montana Blizzard Ready in: May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £2.90 A showy perennial alpine with a profusion of white flowers in late spring. POS: 60 BHC Grown cold to keep them compact. 37
May Ready in: 53. Astrantia Collection May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £4.17 An impressive promotion with superb varieties from: Buckland (pink), POS: 60 mixed Florence (light pink), major(white/green), major Lars NEW, Moulin Rouge BHC NEW, Roma (pale pink), Snow Star NEW, Star of Beauty NEW, Star of Billion (white) and Star of Love NEW. 54. Delphinium Collection Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: £3.33 Cottage garden plants at their best with varieties from: Astolat, Black Knight, QTY: (£3.75) Blue Jay, Camelliard, Galahad, King Arthur, Morning Light, Percival, Purple POS: 84 mixed A3 + Price Passion, Sunny Skies and Summer Skies. 38
55. Digitalis Collection May Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.33 A fantastic collection of Foxgloves with brilliant flower colours. Varieties from: POS: 42 mixed A3 + Price Dalmation Cream, Dalmation Peach, Illumination Raspberry, Lutea, Milk Chocolate, Polkadot Pippa, Polkadot Princess, purpurea, Snow Thimble and Spanish Peaks. 56. Echinacea Collection Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: £4.17 Enjoying a resurgence in popularity, these coneflowers deserve all the attention they get. QTY: (£4.58) They flower over a very long period and need little attention. Varieties from: Chiquita, POS: 84 mixed A3+ price Fatal Attraction NEW, Green Envy NEW, Green Jewel NEW, Harvest Moon, Hot Lava, Irresistible NEW, Magnus, Primadonna Deep Rose, Primadonna Deep White, Sensation Pink, Summer Cocktail, Sundown, SunSeekers Magenta, SunSeekers Orange, SunSeekers Red, SunSeekers White, SunSeekers Yellow, Tomato Soup NEW, White Meditation NEW and White Swan. 39
May Ready in: 57. Eryngium Collection May Price: 2/3L Description: QTY: £3.75 You can’t go wrong with this popular plant. Varieties from: Big Blue, POS: 60 mixed A3 Blue Hobbit, bourgatii, giganteum, Graham Stuart Thomas, Jade Frost, Neptune Gold, Picos Amethyst, Picos Blue and Silver Ghost. 58. Fern Collection Ready in: May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.50 A range of evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous ferns available throughout POS: 90 mixed the year. Varieties from: Asplenium Cristatum, scolopendrium and trichomanes, A3 Athyrium Lady In Red, nipponicum Okanum and Red Beauty, Blechnum spicant, Cheilanthese lanosa, Dryopteris affinis, erythrosora, filix-mas, filix-mas Cristata and wallichiana, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Osmunda regalis and regalis Purpurescens, Phyllitis scolopendrium, Polypodium vulgare, Polystichum aculeatum NEW, munitum, setiferum, setiferum Herrenhausen and Proliferum. 40
59. Fuchsia Chilli Red May Ready in: May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 A stunning dwarf hardy variety with dark green leaves and flower buds that POS: 45 resemble bright red chillies. The buds burst into starry red flowers which continue BHC over a long period. Ideal for planting in containers. 60. Geum Collection Ready in: May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 A vibrant, popular collection with varieties from: Cooky, Eos, Flames of POS: 60 mixed Passion, Lady Stratheden, Lemon Drops, Mai Tai, Mrs Bradshaw, Primrose BHC Cottage, Prinses Juliana, Scarlet Tempest NEW and Totally Tangerine. A lovely addition to our herbaceous promotional range. 41
May Ready in: 61. Hakonechloa macra Aureola NEW May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £4.17 Green and yellow striped, strap-like leaves, very graceful, known as POS: 45 BHC The Japanese Forest Grass. Ideal to brighten up a shady spot. 62. Hardy Fuchsia Collection Ready in: May 2L Description: A wide range of hardy Fuchsias which flower over a long period. Varieties Price: £2.90 from: Alice Hoffman, Delta’s Sarah, Delicate Purple, Genii, Hawkshead, Lady Boothby, Lady Thumb, Mrs Popple, Mrs W P Wood, Riccartonii, Son (£3.33) of Thumb, Star Wars, Tom Thumb and Versicolor. QTY: 90 mixed POS: A3+ price 42
63. Lupinus Noble Series May Ready in: May 3L Description: A traditional well known cottage garden favourite. Towers of tightly packed Price: £2.90 spikes of different coloured varieties are within this collection. See our full A-Z (£3.33) listing for the list of varieties available. Up to 5 varieties grown. QTY: 42 mixed POS: Price 64. Lupinus West Country Range Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: QTY: £4.17 Carefully selected West Country varieties with a vibrant colour range. They POS: 63 mixed are known for their improved disease resistance and sturdiness. Varieties from: A3 Beefeater, Blossom, Desert Sun, Gladiator, Manhattan Lights, Masterpiece, Persian Slipper, Polar Princess and Rachel de Thame. 43
May Ready in: 65. Lysimachia Beaujolais May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.75 A stunning popular variety with rich burgundy-purple flowers from POS: 60 mid-summer with contrasting grey-green leaves. A real winner as a A3 bed end promotion. 66. Osteospermum Hardy Collection Ready in: May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 One of our most popular collections. Varieties from: barbarae, juncundum POS: 60 mixed compactum, Pale Face, Tresco Purple and Weetwood. They are supplied in eye A3 catching lavender blue pots. 44
67. Polygonatum multiflorum NEW May Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 It produces graceful arching stems with large dark green leaves. Green tipped POS: 30 - white flowers hang from the underside of the arching stem like little bells. 68. Primula Candelabra Collection Ready in: May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 Tiers of rosette-like flowers burst into bloom and create a mass of POS: 45 mixed BHC vibrant colour. Mixed colours create a real splash! 45
May Ready in: 69. Saxifraga Southside Seedling AGM May Price: 1.5L Description: QTY: £2.50 This choice variety of Saxifraga bears panicles of white flowers spotted with red POS: 50 BHC near the base of each petal on long stems. 70. Strawberry Florence Ready in: May 1.5L Description: This late fruiting variety is highly rewarding, renowned for quality and taste. Price: £2.50 It thrives in a patio pot and the leaves protect the fruits from rain and (No VAT) ‘pecking’ birds. QTY: 50 46 POS: -
71. Symphytum Hidcote Blue NEW May Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 An excellent groundcover plant with rough-textured green leaves. POS: 42 It produces arching stems of red buds which change to blue and white BHC tubular flowers in late spring to early summer. 72. Verbena bonariensis AGM Ready in: May Price: 2L Description: QTY: £3.33 A stylish popular perennial that flowers from June until the frosts, POS: 42 - providing an extremely long flowering season. 47
May Ready in: 73. Verbena Lollipop May Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.33 A compact form of the ever-popular bonariensis. This makes it ideal for patio POS: 42 - pots and was launched at Chelsea. 74. Veronica First Love Collection Ready in: May Price: 3L Description: QTY: £3.75 An extremely floriferous collection with a long flowering season. Three different POS: a.14 b.14 c.14 coloured varieties are available: First Glory (blue), First Kiss (pink) and First Lady A3 (white). a) Veronica First Glory b) Veronica First Kiss c) Veronica First Lady 48
June Diary and key dates Calendar - June 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 RHS Chatsworth RHS Chatsworth RHS Chatsworth RHS Chatsworth Show Show Show Show 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 RHS Chatsworth HTA National HTA National BBC Gardeners’ BBC Gardeners’ BBC Gardeners’ Show Plant Show Plant Show World Live World Live World Live 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Father’s Day BBC Gardeners’ World Live 28 29 30 June 2020 - Featured products Agapanthus Collection Calluna Summer Crocosmia Harlequin Penstemon Collection Collection
June Ready in: 75. Achillea Collection June 2L Description: A perfect cottage garden plant for the border, with a wide colour range Price: £2.90 available. Varieties include: Hella Glashoff, Lilac Beauty, Red Velvet, Salmon Beauty, Terracotta and Walther Funcke. A competitive price, supplied in bud/ (£3.33) flower. QTY: 60 mixed POS: Price 76. Agapanthus Charlotte Ready in: June 2L Description: A free flowering dwarf variety ideal for pots and containers with star Price: £4.17 shaped blue flowers. Makes a fantastic bed end. A prolific flowerer, (£4.58) so plenty of shelf life! QTY: 45 50 POS: BHC+ price